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.30-06 Springfield-5

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headstamp of .30 G1z.

Cartridge S.A, tracer .30 inch G Mark 2z: This was made under contract by Fabrique
Nationale in the 1970s and is paired with .30 ball MK 5z. It is the same as the G Mark 1z,
except it has a non-corrosive Berdan primer. It is marked with a red bullet tip and has a
headstamp of .30 G2z.
Cartridge S.A., incendiary .30 inch B Mark Iz: US-made incendiary M1 cartridges.
Cartridge S.A., incendiary .30 inch B Mark IIz: UK-made incendiary M1 cartridges.
Cartridge S.A., drill .30 inch Mark I: This was the War Ministry's designation for the US
dummy M40 round. It had green paint on its flutes.
Cartridge S.A., drill .30 inch Mark II: US dummy M40 round made by the UK from used US
.30-06 cases. It had a recapped headstamp, ball or AP bullet over a wooden dowel, and red
paint on its flutes.
Cartridge S.A., drill .30 inch Mark III: Training cartridge made by the Indian Army. Although
described and specified in a 1945 ammunition manual, no copies have been discovered.
Cartridge S.A., drill .30 inch Mark IV:
Cartridge S.A., drill .30 inch Mark 5:

French Union
The .30-06 round was adopted in 1949 for use in American war surplus military aid weapons like
the M1 Garand and M1919 medium machinegun. Military production was from the 1950s to the
mid-1960s, while export production to French Union nations lasted until the late 1980s. Cartridge
cases were softer than US specifications to prohibit their being recovered and reloaded by

7.62mm Modele 1949 Cartouche à Balle Ordinaire: This cartridge was based on the USGI
.30-06 ball M2 (alternate) round. It had a cupro-nickel- or gilding-metal-clad steel jacket with
either a brass or lacquered Parkerized steel case with a Berdan primer.
7.62mm Modele 1951 Cartouche à blanc pour Fusil: This blank cartridge has a papier-
mâché bullet for training use in rifles. The bullet is painted green to tell it apart from regular
7.62mm Modele 1951 Cartouche à blanc pour Fusil-Mitrailleur: This blank cartridge has a
wooden bullet for training use in machineguns. The bullet is painted or tinted blue to tell it apart
from regular ammo.
7.62mm Modele 1952 Cartouche à blanc: This blank cartridge has a lacquered Parkerized
steel case and is sealed by a blue cardboard disc at the case mouth.

Military firearms using the .30-06 cartridge

M1903/M1903A3 bolt-action rifle using Mauser-licensed 5-round stripper clips
M1917 Enfield rifle: loading from 5-round Mauser-style stripper clips
Itajuba Model 954 Mosquetao
M1 Garand: loads by inserting an 8-round Mannlicher-type en bloc clip. The clip is ejected
upon either firing the last round or pressing a release button on the magazine.
M1941 Johnson rifle: feeding from a 10-round internal rotary magazine, loading from 5-round
stripper clips
M1947 Johnson auto carbine
Model 45A: prototype bullpup using 20-round M1918 BAR magazines
Sheppard autorifle: prototype
Sieg automatic rifle: prototype
Springfield 1903 primer-actuated rifle
Thompson autorifle: prototype
Thompson .30-06 submachine gun: prototype
FN Model 1949

Machine guns
Gatling gun: Some U.S. Gatling guns were re-chambered
for .30-06
Model 1909 machine rifle: The Benét–Mercié light machine
View from the turret of an M67
gun was chambered for .30-06
"Zippo". On the right is a mounted
M1918 Chauchat: The US used a mix of Chauchats in .30- M1919 Browning machine gun with
06 and 8 mm Lebel
an attached box of linked .30-06
Vickers machine gun ammunition.
Breda Bren
Lewis gun: The US used a limited amount of Lewis guns
chambered in .30-06 in both World War I and World War II
FN Mle 1930: Used by Belgium in .30-06
M1917 machine gun water-cooled
M1919 machine gun, M37 machine gun, and AN/M2 aircraft machine gun. All air-cooled
machine guns feeding from belts.
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle: loading from detachable 20-round magazines
Marlin machine gun: Similar to the Colt–Browning machine gun ('Potato Digger'), but without
the swinging 'digger' piston (linear gas-action piston replacing the swinging action), and used
mainly on aircraft.
M1941 Johnson LMG: feeding from 20-round side-loading magazine.

See also
.303 British
7.65x53mm Mauser
7 mm caliber
Caliber conversion sleeve
Delta L problem
.30-06 Springfield wildcat cartridges
List of rifle cartridges
Sectional density
Table of handgun and rifle cartridges



1. SAAMI Reference (https://saami.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ANSI-SAAMI-Z299.4-CFR-A

pproved-2015-12-14-Posting-Copy.pdf), p. 95
2. "SAAMI pressure specs" (https://web.archive.org/web/20070928121135/http://www.handloads.
com/misc/saami.htm). September 28, 2007. Archived from the original (http://www.handloads.c
om/misc/saami.htm) on September 28, 2007. Retrieved February 11, 2023.
3. "Federal Cartridge Co. ballistics page" (https://web.archive.org/web/20070922160252/http://ww
w.federalcartridge.com/ballistics/). Archived from the original (http://www.federalcartridge.com/b
allistics/) on September 22, 2007. Retrieved September 21, 2007.
4. "Accurate Powder reload data table" (https://web.archive.org/web/20090320043840/http://ww
w.accuratepowder.com/data/AccurateGuideV3-2.pdf) (PDF). Archived from the original (http://w
ww.accuratepowder.com/data/AccurateGuideV3-2.pdf) (PDF) on March 20, 2009. Retrieved
February 9, 2009.
5. Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Rifles Wayne van Zwoll, p 186
6. Sharpe, Philip B. (1938). The Rifle in America. William Morrow. p. 591. "The rimless cartridge
case first used a standard 220-grain Krag bullet, but in 1906 the government decided that high
velocity was necessary and accordingly adopted the German form of pointed or spitzer bullet,
reducing the weight to 150 grains closely approximating the 154-grain 8 mm Mauser."
7. "Cartridge Specifications and Chronology" (http://www.303british.com/id19.html). Retrieved
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8. "The .30-06 Springfield Cartridge" (https://www.m1-garand-rifle.com/30-06/). The M1 Garand
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9. Hatcher, Julian S. (1962). Hatcher's Notebook (3rd ed.). Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Company.
p. 19. LCCN 62-12654 (https://lccn.loc.gov/62-12654). "The maximum range was given in the
handbooks as 4700 yards."
10. Hatcher 1962, p. 20
11. George, John (1981). Shots Fired in Anger. NRA Press. pp. 402–403.
12. Hatcher 1962, pp. 21–23
13. Hatcher 1962, pp. 19–20
14. "FN Mauser Model 98 rifle and carbine operator's manual" (http://pdf.textfiles.com/manuals/FIR
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15. "M118 History - Sniper Central" (https://www.snipercentral.com/m118.phtml). Retrieved
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16. Firestone, Adam C. "Firearm Technical Trivia, July 1999" (http://www.cruffler.com/trivia-July99.h
tml). www.cruffler.com.
17. Hatcher 1962, p. 29
18. FM 23-10 Basic Field Manual: U.S. Rifle Caliber .30, M1903, 20 September 1943 page 212 (htt
p://www.cgsc.edu/carl/docrepository/FM23_10.pdf) Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/2013
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19. "Technical Manual Small-Arms Ammunition, TM9-1990, U.S. War Department" (https://books.g
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21. Paul Wahl and Don Toppel, The Gatling Gun, Arco Publishing, 1971, p. 155.
22. Dunlap, Roy, Ordnance Went Up Front, Samworth Press (1948), p. 303 ISBN 978-1-884849-
23. U.S. Army (April 1994), Army Ammunition Data Sheets: Small Caliber Ammunition (https://web.
archive.org/web/20071202134237/http://www.dtic.mil/dticasd/sbir/sbir032/a044a.pdf) (PDF),
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bir032/a044a.pdf) (PDF) on December 2, 2007, page 5-9
24. George 1981, p. 409
25. George 1981, pp. 81, 428, 434–435
26. Cooke, Gary W. ".30 Caliber (.30-06 Springfield) Ammunition" (https://www.inetres.com/gp/milit
ary/infantry/rifle/30_ammo.html). inetres.com.
27. Armor Plate Shootout - 0.5" thick MIL-A-12560 armor plate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v
=IkVMSj6scxE). January 31, 2013 – via YouTube.
28. Nelson, Terry (August 2018). "The .30-06 Can Do It All" (https://www.outdoorhub.com/stories/2
018/08/07/the-30-06-can-do-it-all/). Outdoor Hub.
29. "Federal Premium Ammunition - Rifle" (http://www.federalpremium.com/products/rifle.aspx).
www.federalpremium.com. Retrieved December 18, 2017.
30. Hodgdon Powder Company, Cartridge Load Recipe Report, 3/27/2010, data.hodgdon.com
31. Speer Reloading Manual Number 12, 1994, Blount, Inc., Lewiston, ID. pp. 286-294.
32. Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading, Fourth Edition, 1991, Hornady Manufacturing
Company, Grand Island, NE. pp. 343-350.
33. Nosler Reloading Guide Number Four, 1996, Nosler, Inc., Bend OR. pp. 322-329.
34. Barnes Reloading Manual Number 2-Rifle Data, 1997, Barnes Bullets, Inc., American Fork, UT.
pp. 381-386.
35. Barnes, Frank C., Cartridges of the World (Kindle Edition), 2009, Frank C. Barnes and Krause
Publications, Chapter 2, Location 375
36. Kim Lockhart. "30-06 Springfield" (https://web.archive.org/web/20130424071013/http://gunners
den.com/index.htm.30-06springfield.html). Archived from the original (http://www.gunnersden.c
om/index.htm.30-06springfield.html) on April 24, 2013. Retrieved October 26, 2014.
37. "Rifle Recoil Table" (http://www.chuckhawks.com/recoil_table.htm). Retrieved October 26,
38. "C.I.P. TDCC datasheet .30-06 Spring" (http://www.cip-bobp.org/homologation/uploads/tdcc/tab
-i/tabical-en-page111.pdf) (PDF).
39. Petzal, David (June 21, 2021). "Why You Can't Go Wrong with the .30/06" (https://www.fieldan
40. Von Benedikt, Aram (January 11, 2021). ".30-06 Springfield: Is it Still the Best All-Around Big-
Game Hunting Cartridge?" (https://www.americanhunter.org/content/30-06-springfield-is-it-still-t
41. Boddington, Craig. "THE .270 VS. THE .30-06" (https://sportsafield.com/2017/the-270-vs-the-3
42. Boddington, Craig (August 13, 2021). ".30-06 Springfield -- Still America's Best?" (https://www.
43. Boddington, Craig. "DON'T OVERLOOK THE .30-06" (https://sportsafield.com/2019/dont-overl
44. "Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor NIJ Standard-0101.06" (https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/
223054.pdf) (PDF). NIJ Standards. United States Department of Justice. July 2008. Retrieved
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45. "Instructional Guidance on the Operation and Maintenance of M1 Garand Rifle Firing the
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publications/M1_Garand_Manual.pdf) (PDF). Archived from the original (http://www.ialegion.or
g/publications/M1_Garand_Manual.pdf) (PDF) on November 7, 2012. Retrieved February 8,
46. Punnett, Chris. "An Introduction to Collecting .30-06 Cartridges" (http://cartridgecollectors.org/?
page=introduction-to-30-06-cartridges). International Ammunition Association, Inc. Retrieved
March 3, 2018.
47. "US T24 machine gun (MG42)" (https://www.forgottenweapons.com/light-machine-guns/us-t24-
machine-gun-mg42/). www.forgottenweapons.com. December 11, 2010. Retrieved
February 11, 2023.
48. "An Introduction To Collecting .30-06 Cartridges - International Ammunition Association" (http://
cartridgecollectors.org/?page=introduction-to-30-06-cartridges). cartridgecollectors.org.
Retrieved February 11, 2023.
49. "Gary's U.S. Infantry Weapons Reference Guide - .30 Caliber (.30-06 Springfield) Ammunition"
0_ammo.html). Archived from the original (http://www.inetres.com/gp/military/infantry/rifle/30_a
mmo.html) on September 27, 2007. Retrieved September 21, 2007.
50. "An Introduction to Collecting .30-06" (https://web.archive.org/web/20070919235222/http://cartr
idgecollectors.org/30-06intro/). Archived from the original (http://cartridgecollectors.org/30-06int
ro/) on September 19, 2007. Retrieved September 21, 2007.


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External links
Media related to .30-06 at Wikimedia Commons

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