Predictive Homoeopathy - Verbatim (T)

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Predictive Homoeopathy

WORK SHOP – 2002



First Edition - 2003

Reprint Edition - Jan. 2005

© Copyright 2003 Predictive Homoeopathy

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

retrieval systems, transmitted or translated into any language in INDIA or
abroad in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of
the Predictive Homoeopathy, Mumbai.

Publisher :
Predictive Homoeopathy
Near Balaji Society, Opp. Canara Bank,
Kalina - Kurla Road, Kalina,
Mumbai - 400 098, INDIA
Tel. : (022) 26660 0080 / 2666 2449

Printed by :
Ramprasad Taduri
J.R Xerox, Rajbhavan,
L.T. Road, Borivali (W),
Mumbai - 400 092.
Tel: (022) 2801 0851 / 3095 3391

Editor : Dr. Vijay Shah

Transcriptor : Dr. Hemlata Joel.
Proof reader : Dr. Trupti Shah, Dr. Priya Salian, Dr. Shweta Kantharia

The Giver of Homoeopathy

Preface to Verbatim

The Predictive Homoeopathy regularly conducts 7 days workshop at

Mahabaleshwar, a hill station near Mumbai. In month of September, the
national workshop only for Indians, and in month of January, the
international workshop only for foreigners.

'Verbatim' is word-to-word transcription of the 7 days, nearly 50 hrs of

scientific proceedings of Predictive Homoeopathy's national workshop
2002. The reader will find that the language of expression and explanation
of all the speakers have been maintained. The 7 days are separated in 7
parts. Each day has a relevant chapter, listed at the beginning of the book
and at the bottom of each page. You will be able to find that the working at
workshop proceeds in 'smooth flow' like manner.

Each session begins with background of the case, main history of the case
along with video clippings to make the whole atmosphere live. This is
followed by explanation of case by the speaker and interaction with
attending delegates. The speaker then gives the thought process of the case
in the Predictive way. More often the different aspect of 'Organon' to explain
the true science and art of healing. Along with relevant documents and
Pathological investigation reports of the case and diagnosis. Date wise long
follow-ups again supported with documents of investigation and video
clippings of follow-ups along with understanding and explanation of cure
process. Thought process of arriving at similimum and differentiations of
look alike or similar remedies.

Ailment from if any, the progress of disease, the case taking, analysis of the
case, the cure process, follow-ups and selection of the remedy is to be seen
from :
♦ Suppression chart of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
♦ Modern Science
♦ Hering's law of cure
♦ Miasms.

All the more, stress is always given to follow-ups. This is general norm at
Predictive Homoeopathy workshop. In world of health science so far, I have
not come across any organization or body, which has so many criteria for
presenting cases at workshop.

Apart from this, the reader will also find that very often Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
explains his unique scientific theories in detail and how he has applied it in
practice to solve most mysterious cases.

The finest theme of the whole book is basic teaching of miasm by Dr. Prafull
Vijayakar and the faculties adopting the same.

Miasm, the fundamental cause of all the chronic and incurable disease has
been explained to understand the diseases at level of body and mind
separately, to understand the cure and the selection of remedy on the basis
of miasm. 'Miasms are nothing but defense of the body', the correlation of
Homoeopathy and modern human science, as well as 'miasms are only
three', these contributions of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar will go down in the history
of Homoeopathy. In world of Homoeopathy he is the first and only one who
has correlated Homoeopathy and modem human science. It was never
before to this workshop he had talked about and explained miasms and
defenses at the level of body and mind, and how to make practical use of this
new scientific understanding to solve 'chronic and incurable' diseases.

Prior to this miasms were not clearly understood. They were eluding the
mind of Homoeopath. It had remained dearest subject of speculation for
pseudo Homoeopaths, and subject of 'no importance' to ignorant

In this workshop Dr. Prafull Vijayakar had, with his clear understanding and
teachings removed the misconceptions and doubts of attending delegates.

I am of opinion that his teachings will help us to remove all adhocism and
looseness prevailing in Homoeopathy.

There were some good reasons for this workshop material to be delivered in
the print format. The attending delegates were making repeated request to
have one set of Audiocassettes. But looking at practical difficulties like; how
to refer again and again to specific chapters, theories, different pathological
cases, materia media elaboration and correlation of different aphorism of
Organon etc.

Knowledge should have no boundaries. These original and genius thoughts

and practical teachings of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar must reach all the corners of
our country and of the world as well. In this regard print media is more
effective than electronic media.
This stimulated our thought process. In this process I approached Dr. Mrs.
Hemlata Joel, having good experience in transcription, and one of the
delegate of the Predictive's national workshop 2002. She took up this
laborious task to make our dream come true. Another was Dr. Trupti Shah,
practicing 'Predictive' homoeopath for proof reading the whole matter. The
whole team of faculty of Predictive Homoeopathy had worked untiringly. Our
(Predictive Homoeopathy) Thursday meetings were crucial to shape up the
whole book. Also our office staff and others hereto unnamed delegates and
young Homoeopaths that had helped generously to shape up this book. It is
only because of contribution by all of them 'VERBATIM' has seen the light of
this day. Predictive Homoeopathy is highly obliged to all the contributors.

Dr. Vijay S. Shah

Faculty, Predictive Homoeopathy

Day 1
Page No.

Chapter 1: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

1.1 Aim of workshop ............. 1-2
1.2 What is predictive ............. 3
1.3 Importance of physical generals ............. 4
1.4 Physical make-up of man ............. 5
1.5 Disposition of patient and remedy ............. 6
1.6 Case taking and analysis ............. 7
1.7 Assessment of thermals and thirst ............. 8-9
1.8 Assessment of cure ............. 10
1.9 Hering's law of cure and beyond ............. 11
1.10 The remedy ............. 12
1.11 Case taking and aphorism 5 ............. 13
1.12 Genetics and Hahnemann ............. 14
1.13 Patient is curing himself ............. 15
1.14 Follow-up of Colocynth ............. 16-17
1.15 Cure is not disappearance of symptoms ............. 18-19
1.16 Why to study modem human sciences ............. 20
1.17 Interior of man-embryology ............. 21
1.18 Embryology and suppression chart ............. 22-23
1.19 Embryology and Hering's law ............. 24-25
1.20 Embryology and miasms ............. 26
1.21 One pillule is more than sufficient to cure ............. 27
1.22 Physiology and Homoeopathy ............. 28
1.23 Auxillary mode of cure ............. 29
1.24 Hering's law, the law of cure ............. 30-32

Chapter 2: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

2.1 Can we handle genetic disease ? ............. 33
2.2 Case of Down's syndrome ............. 34-35
2.3 The normal child failed! ............. 36
2.4 Nullifying the effect of destructive miasm ............. 37-38
Day 2

Chapter 3: Dr. Narendra Mehta

3.1 Case of macular degeneration-diminished vision ................ 39-41
3.2 Brief anatomy of the eye ............. 42-43
3.3 Follow-up AMD ............. 44-45
3.4 Rubric positive of Ars Alb, Camphora, ............. 46-54
Causticum, Ferrum, Hepar Sulph,
Lachesis, Merc Sol, Sepia, Nux-Vom
Chapter 4: Dr. Prafull Borkar
4.1 Miasm - History and Hahnemann's dilemma ............. 55
4.2 Development of disease - Hahnemann ............. 56
4.3 Miasm - Boger, Kent and modern science ............. 57

Chapter 5: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

5.1 Why Homoeopaths fail ? ............. 58
5.2 Cell - the basic unit of life ............. 59
5.3 The cell and god ............. 60
5.4 There are only three miasms .................................................. 61
5.5 Defense is miasm ............. 62-64
5.6 Hahnemann - post modem medical scientist ............. 65
5.7 Inroads of miasm ............. 66-67

Chapter 6: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

6.1 Defense of organism - Hahnemannian way ............. 68
6.2 Psora ............. 69-70

Chapter 7: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

7.1 Sycosis ............. 71
7.2 Syphilis ............. 72-74
7.3 Evolution from GOD to IGD ............. 75

Chapter 8: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

8.1 Miasm and its expression ............. 76-78

Day 3

Chapter 9: Dr. Prafull Borkar

9.1 Skin - modern science and Homoeopathy ............. 79-80
9.2 Case of psoriasis ............. 81-82
9.3 Case analysis ............. 83
9.4 Follow-ups ............. 84-86
9.5 Skin lesions and Hering's law ............. 87-88

Chapter 10: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

10.1 Journey into interior of man ............. 89
10.2 Dreams, miasms and follow-up ............. 90
10.3 Brain dominance ............. 91
10.4 Brain dominance and materia medica ............. 92-93
10.5 Proteonomics and Homoeopathy ............. 94-95
10.6 Significance of brain dominance knowledge ............. 96

Chapter 11: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

11.1 History taking and aphorism 5,11,210 ............. 97
11.2 Acute diseases ............. 98
11.3 Panchatatva-five elements ............. 99
11.4 History taking-chronic diseases ............. 100-102
11.5 Immunity - modem science and Hahnemann ............. 103
11.6 What can cause a disease ............. 104
11.7 Case of huge kidney ............. 105-107

Chapter 12: Dr. Sucheta Desai

12.1 Aphorism 5 and exciting cause ............. 108
12.2 Case with exciting cause ............. 109-112
12.3 Brain dominance and analysis of the case ............. 113-116
12.4 APIS - a trimiasmatic remedy ............. 117
12.5 Cases of 'mildness' ............. 118-119
12.6 Remedy differentiation ............. 120-121

Day 4
Chapter 13: Dr. Anita Salunkhe
13.1 Miasm to understand the patient ............. 122
13.2 Case of schizophrenia ............. 123-128
13.3 Case of an imbecile child ............. 129-135

Chapter 14: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

14.1 One sided diseases ............. 136
14.2 Understanding the one sided diseases ............. 137
14.3 Approach in one sided diseases ............. 138
14.4 Case of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy ............. 139 -144
14.5 Case of DMD and exteriorization ............. 145
14.6 Homoeopathy is mathematics ............. 146

Chapter 15: Dr. Bandish Ambani

15.1 Case of IHD ............. 147-152
15.2 Diligence is genetic expression and its explanation ........... 153-154
15.3 Analysis of case of IHD ............. 155
15.4 Follow-up of case of IHD ............. 156
15.5 A case of amenorrhoea ............. 157-158
15.6 Differentiation of diligent remedies ............. 159-160

Chapter 16: Dr. Anita Salunkhe

16.1 Case of autism ............. 161-165

Day 5
Chapter 17: Dr. Vijay Shah
17.1 Acute case of fever in infant ............. 166-167
17.2 Acute case follow-up in 24 hours ............. 168
17.3 Case of global ulcerative colitis ............. 169
17.4 Acute exacerbation of chronic disease ............. 170-171
17.5 Result with partial similimum ............. 172-174
17.6 Definition of health;
modem science and Hahnemann ............. 175
17.7 Begging - different remedies ............. 176-177

Chapter 18: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

18.1 I go from repertory to" make a drug picture ……………. 178
18.2 Case of pituitary adenoma ……………. 179-185
18.3 Case of child with Sturge-Weber syndrome ……………. 186-190

Day 6
Chapter 19: Dr. Pravin Jain
19.1 Pediatrics ............. 191
19.2 Case of gross rickets ............. 192-195
19.3 Case taking in pediatrics ............. 196-204
19.4 Different examples of cases ............. 205 -206

Chapter 20: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

20.1 Observation ............. 207
20.2 Positive - Negative rubrics and remedies ............. 208-210
20.3 Materia medica derived from repertory ............. 211
20.4 Homoeopathy is not difficult ............. 211-212
20.5 Observation cases of remedies like Agaricus,
Mephites, Calc Carb and Platina ............. 213-216
20.6 Speech cases ............. 217-227

Chapter 21: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

21.1 Pathological cases shown at workshop ............. 228
21.2 Anxiety-cases ............. 229-231

Day 7
Chapter 22: Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
22.1 The cell and group remedies ............. 232
22.2 Materia medica of anxiety health of ............. 233 -235
22.3 Materia medica of anxiety of conscience ............. 236- 240
22.4 Case of panic - Staphysagria ............. 241
22.5 Case of panic attacks - Viola odorata ............. 242-247
22.6 Question and answer ............. 248
DAY- 1

Chapter 1:

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

The basis of our practice is aphorism 83, which says that, "I demand of
the physician nothing but freedom from prejudice." I do not want only to
impress you with results, but I also want you all to have sound senses to
understand what is the right result and the wrong result and then you
decide. So I am here only to give my experiences; I am not teaching you, you
take it or leave it. Those who have taken it have prospered. This is based on
27 years of my practical experience and the invaluable experiences and
contributions from all my faculty members. Believe me, I have been learning
from them also. You never stop learning and that is the golden rule.
Hahnemann was learning till the age of 90+. One can never stop being a
student and everybody must know that this will never be complete.
Homoeopathy is so vast, the deeper you go into the ocean, the more
treasures you will find. These people (faculty of Predictive Homoeopathy)
have been propagating right Homoeopathy and now I am very happy and
glad to announce that these are the people who are showing me fantastic
results in their own practice in incurable diseases, but only one sad thing for
me is that giving results in incurable, serious, and grave diseases is no more
my monopoly. They have broken my monopoly. It is a healthy competition. I
want each and every one of you to come up and say I have cured AIDS, I
have cured cancer, etc. That is the impact that this particular thought
process should have.

What do you mean by thought process? I know that in most of the seminars
they show cases and results are just projected. They just show results or
rather just cases. I do not want to show you cases because it is something
like a Chinese proverb, which I always insist and say in all my seminars that
if I give a fish to my son to eat, he will eat it for one day. But if I teach him
fishing, he will eat throughout his life. So teaching the thought process of
Homoeopathy is my aim and not just showing you cases and results. It is
just to boost your confidence, because the same case is not going to come to
you, but of course, it will definitely push your thought process.

So, we do not want to show you just cases after cases. This is the most
important thing in our workshop that we teach you the thought process that
can help you mature and get more and better results which is more
important than just showing cases.

The basis is that, "All that glitters is not gold and all symptoms that disappear
are not cured". I do not want to elaborate on this. It speaks for itself and I
have talked about this many times before. We know that when a child is born,
his disease travel begins. The child has been vaccinated, develops a nappy
rash, which is treated with CALENDULA, GRAPHITES, or the usual things and
it appears on the face and the parents again take the child to the same doctor
and it disappears only to develop into tonsillitis, rhinitis, or pharyngitis.

This is what we call suppression and it is given in all the books. But there
are certain practical points, which I would like to bring to your notice. When
this skin lesion disappears, it will leave behind a different type of patch, a
patch whose colour is different than the normal skin colour. A particular
eruption disappearing is not a cure. It might disappear, but normalization of
skin does not take place, either the texture or the colour will be different. It
will be either too black or too white depending on the miasm prevailing
within. But this is an indication that "I am not gone, I am still there". There
are so many doctors who show results in psoriasis, but you can clearly see
the spots there. There has to be a clear skin. No one should be able to find
out that there was a skin lesion here. With the wrong type of Homoeopathy,
like SULPHUR, GRAPHITES, IODUM, we are able to remove the lesions, but
normalization of the skin does not take place. This is what we must
remember. The disease moves from one system to another. Therefore, a
lesion on the leg can go to the hand, neck, or still deeper into the tendons
and the muscles. Hence I say, "All that glitters is not gold and all symptoms that
disappear are not cured".

In the world of Homoeopathy, everyone seems to claim results, everyone is

showing result, but what happened after removal of symptoms is what
distinguishes a good Homoeopath form a bad one. So, in Predictive
Homoeopathy, we are the only organization, which draws your attention to
the follow-up.

This has been appreciated very well. What to do after the patient has been
given a remedy, whether you are on the right or on the wrong track; if
wrong, what to do, if right, then too what to do. So, this is the strength of our
type of concept, we have to know what we are doing, where are we going, we
have to be aware of it and also tell the patient that this is going to happen,
this is known as 'predictive'.

So, whether you follow any individual method, you should be able to reach
the similimum from any method. It is like a huge elephant and 4 or 5 blind
men feel it and one says it is a tree, the other says it is a snake. We are all
seeing it from different sides, but be a master in that particular method so
that you are able to diagnose properly that this is the remedy for him. You
should know what is going to happen next, whether it is right or wrong, this
only time will tell. Take any method provided they are complete and
wholistic, then only you will get results of complete cure and not just
removal of symptoms. Prescribe for the man in disease, not disease in man.
Then and only then, a cure will come. What is a cure? This only a follow-up
will tell. So, I know whether the patient will develop any complications or

Video case:
This man came to me with cervical spondylosis.

Patient: It has been there for almost 10 to l2 years. I am 32 now. For the
past 3 to 4 years, I have travelled a lot in train and was also driving a jeep.
This neck pain started from the jerks while driving. I used to get it once in 2
to 3 months, but this time it is almost constant. I get pain in the neck and
the lower back. Also, I never used to get proper stools; stools were dry and
hard. I used to get lot of pain also. Few times, I even had bleeding in stools. I
can tolerate the heat more, but I like cool weather.

Dr. Vijayakar: For assessing thermals, take tolerances to heat and cold and
not <heat or <cold as hot or chilly. We treat the man in disease, so along
with the mental make-up, the physical generals should also be given
importance to. When I was in Netherlands, I had an argument with the
author of the complete repertory. He said that there is no rubric in any
repertory regarding hot and chilly. This is the most unfortunate thing.
Though Gibson Miller has devised a chart of hot and chilly remedies, it is
not there in any of the repertories, I do not know why it has not been
incorporated; it has been sidetracked. Thermal state is a general. If "I can"
tolerate heat more, obviously I am a chilly patient and vice versa.

Why is chilly and hot so important? When you are treating a man as a
whole, are you not justified to know about how and where this man is going
to find rest and in what circumstance? If you go to Simla or Kashmir, you
will find roses all the way. If you bring those roses and plant them here, they
will not grow. They require a lot of manure and lot of effort to bring them up
here in Bombay. Similarly, cactus grows in a desert, if you make a cactus
grow in Simla, it will not grow. Life is one—whether human, animal, or plant.
For e.g., a polar bear; why is it found in Alaska and why not here? Even if
you bring it and keep it here, it will die. This is because they are genetically
made in such a manner that their life will be thriving in an optimum
temperature of Alaska and not of the equatorial tropics.

Similarly in Germany, I see a lot of fern trees, Christmas trees, which do not
grow here in warmer climate. That means there is something in their genes
that tells them that you cannot thrive there. So these are hot plants and vice
versa cactus is a chilly plant. It will grow without water in the heat; it cannot
tolerate the cold. So, if this is true of plants and animals, then why not of
man? All species are the same. A man can thrive only in an optimum
temperature. So, if I wear a coat and sit in my OPD without fan with 30 to
40 people around me and yet I do not tell them to switch on the fan, then I
am definitely a chilly patient, that is my heat tolerance is more.

So, this patient is chilly, he likes, but cannot tolerate cool weather. Heat
tolerance is there.

Patient: If it is cold, I need at least a thin sweater. If conditions are more

chilly, then I would like to have something warm. Even at home, when
others want fan or AC, I can sit without it.
Dr. Vijayakar: What are your other likings/dislikings?

Patient: Listening to light instrumental music. I also like sports and

chocolates. I like light instrumental music like saxophone, the trumpet type
in low volume. I do not like high volume.

Dr. Vijayakar: Funny man, there is contradiction, he likes to play low

volume music, but likes a big trumpet. Whenever there is any contradiction,
be very careful about it, this will lead you to the remedy.

Patient: I get irritated when someone blows a horn from behind. I say either
go ahead or keep quiet. I get angry, but give way to them, allow them to go
ahead. I like music beats, but not loud ones. I eat limited things. My habits
are very bad. I like potatoes, ladyfinger, sweets, chocolates, and milk. I do
not like much sour. My sleep is not very good. I have to roll a lot in bed
before going to sleep.

Dr. Vijayakar: His physical make-up is lean, thin, and tall with a long neck.
What about your dreams?

Patient: In college, I used to get dreams of very deep waters, huge amount
of water. I am traveling on a bridge, the height of the bridge is very high, I am
riding a bike over it and the water is very deep.

Dr. Vijayakar: Every person behaves according to his genetic traits/

character. Where he gives importance, to what he gives importance is very
important for us to know. Which word does he use? Why is he calling it
huge? What is your feeling?

Patient: I feel slightly scared. Whenever I see a huge quantity of water, I get
little scared.

Dr. Vijayakar: Tell me about your nature?

Patient: Generally, I am very reserved. I do not like many people around. I

speak to only those who can understand my type of frequency or those who
I can get along with. I like to have many friends in sports. I like sports
personalities. I like to be among sports personalities.

Dr. Vijayakar: This is again a contradiction, a PQRS, as generally reserved

people are inactive. They do not like sports or physical exertion. Disposition
of a patient will lead you to a remedy. You cannot give ACONITE or NUX VOM
to a PULS patient and vice versa, as the disposition is completely different.
One is angry, irritable, and violent while the other is mild, meek, gentle, and
soft. Hence, generalization of the disposition is very important. What is his
disposition? He says he wants to be aloof and then suddenly he says that he
likes sports.

Patient: I like outdoor sports like cricket and badminton. Cricket is the
best. I was very good at badminton, as I was very attacking. My shots used
to have a huge amount of power. My batting was very good. My smashes and
shots had a lot of power.
Dr. Vijayakar: He is very attacking; this is again contradictory to his
reserved nature. Where does the power come from while you are batting?
Wrist, shoulder, or hand? Artistic cricket players like Sachin, Gavaskar use
power from the wrist. People like Kapildev, Jayasurya use power from their

Patient: Power would come overall, mostly from the brain. I used to hit so
hard that the shuttle would break. I could produce that much power.

Dr. Vijayakar: Now this is the freezing point. Freezing point is the word
which producers and directors of serials use. They cut at such a point that
people keep wondering what will happen further now? For us, this was the
freezing point. We froze him at a point where we were wondering why this
man has contradictory nature. He was reserved and at the same time
wanted company of people from sports. Wanted soft music, wanted to play a
huge saxophone, but was aggravated by loud noise. Contradictory, is it
IGNATIA? Do not jump to conclusions! At least now mind is set to think.
This is the freezing point. Is this the tendency everywhere?

Patient: No. This has come in anger. Whenever I am angry, I generally do

not express my anger, but once if it comes out, it comes out very wildly. My
language becomes very bad. If I do not express, I start hitting out. I feel that
I should break whatever comes in front.

Dr. Vijayakar: But on observation, action of the hand is closed fist and
then releases his fist. Expression and reaction to situation is very important
to know. Just anger suppressed is not enough, but reaction to the situation
is important.

Patient: I just start pushing everything that comes in the mind; just throw
it off.

Dr. Vijayakar: Again see the action of the fist. I would take reaction to
anger rather than ailments from anger or suppressed anger; how the
constitution reacts is more important. How did this start?

Patient: After I have completed my studies and have started my career, I

have not achieved what I wanted to. I am a mechanical engineer, but I have
joined my family business of poultry farming. In family also I have not got
the preference that I should have got; instead my elder brother has more
preference. He has done his B. Com. My elder brother demands everything
in the house, he commands. I do not like to demand. I do not like to do
things that are pushed on me, but I have to do because he is my elder
brother and my parents ask me to do. I have to do things, which are against
my will. I get angry, but I cannot express because they are elders, so 1 target
my anger on my wife and my son.

Generally I am very reserved, I do not like to express my view to anyone. I

keep it in my mind; I very rarely express it to my wife also until and unless
she asks me. I like to be aloof. I hate populated places where there is lot of
loud noise. I prefer to stay absolutely away from crowd, absolutely away. I
would like that no one should ask me what I am doing, what I am thinking
or feeling.

Dr. Vijayakar: What physical symptoms do you develop in anger?

Patient: Not exactly. Mostly none, except my wife would understand that I
am angry.

Dr. Vijayakar: So, no emotions on the face. No one comes to know.

Patient : I do get headaches sometimes in anger. No neck pain after anger.

Dr. Vijayakar: With all this anger, what do you feel, should you still
continue living with your parents and the family?

Patient: Yes of course, I would never like to leave my family. I feel that
whatever the conditions are, I should be very loyal to my family. I do not like
to break a family anytime, whatever happens.

Dr. Vijayakar: What about your sleep?

Patient: I sleep mostly on the right (showing left in video and saying right),
but I do keep on changing. I start sleeping on the left and then turn to the
right. I do not get sleep if I lie down flat.

Dr. Vijayakar: LYCOPODIUM gets confused; he shows left hand while

complaining of right side. Do you express anger on family?

Patient: Yes, I do. I had got angry on my parents also. Previously, my

brother and myself used to have a lot of fights, but only regarding work. We
are working together and when we are having any differences, I tell him
outright, my language becomes very bad. I tell them outright on the face. I
use a lot of bad words, not very obscene, but my tone of speaking, my
language changes, I raise my voice. At that time, I do not understand that I
am hurting them. Whatever is there, is thrown back.

Dr. Vijayakar: He closes his fist and then opens it. I am trying to find out
whether this anger is psoric, sycotic or syphilitic, whether reaction is
according to the miasm or not. We know the physical make-up, the
general make-up, now we have to find out the miasm. Syphilitic anger is
very destructive, sycotic anger is malicious and concealed, psoric anger
will say, speak up, but will not use bad words, not to extent of cutting off
of relationship. There is no cut off; there is no destruction of relationship.
He still wants to stay in the family. So, this is psoric anger.

Are you a hurried type of person?

Patient: No, I am very patient. I would do it slow and steady. Whatever I

decide, I will follow it till the end. Whenever I decide for myself, I feel that I
am responsible for that and I should do it whatever comes. I will not take
any decision that hampers a relationship. I will not do anything against
Dr. Vijayakar: How is your thirst?

Patient: Okay, but I have to travel a lot and I do not like outside water.
So, I do not drink throughout the day because of fear of infection. So, my
water intake during the day is very low. But when I come home, I
consume lot of water. I do feel thirsty. But at that time, that is, at the
farm or when I am travelling, I take little water to satisfy my thirst.

Dr. Vijayakar: Some plants require monsoon, they grow on excessive

water; these are thirsty plants. At the same time, we have plants in the
desert area, which store water and do not require water everyday; these are
thirstless plants. So, also human beings who require more water for their
metabolism, they use up more water, so the hypothalamus sends out
message to the tongue, 'come on dry up' and we get the desire for thirst. So,
thirsty or thirstless is a very important physical general if it is very marked.
Now, if someone does not drink water or say drinks only 1/2 or 1 litre of
water, this does not mean he is thirstless, may be he does not drink outside
for fear of infection; he does not drink though he is thirsty. Exactly opposite
is when a patient says, I drink a lot of water 3 to 4 litres a day and when
asked why, he says because my father had kidney stones and he was
advised to drink lot of water and so I take. So, this is like a habit. Then ask
him do you feel like drinking. No. So, habit is different from actual thirst
or thirstlessness.

Also, another dicey situation is when we assess thermals by asking

patients' what water (temperature) bath he takes. Some say because he is
taking bath in warm water, he is chilly and vice versa. The poor people in
India do not have geysers, so they take bath with cold water despite being
chilly, but then their body is habituated right from birth. First, it could be
that he was not tolerating, but now he can tolerate. So, be very clear about
thermals and thirst whether it is a matter of habit or not. Most of the times,
habit is cultivated and does not come out of the genetic character, the innate
characteristic and we may slip and the whole set of remedies is lost.

Patient: I do not drink much water because the quality of water that I am
taking may not be proper. I like to have very good things only whatever it is.
If I get the best thing, I do not mind, but it has to be of best quality, very
reliable. Reliability is the thing, which I really search for.

Dr. Vijayakar: Reliability in what?

Patient: Anything, whatever I do, whatever I eat, whatever I see. I always

feel that rather than doing 10 unreliable things, I should do one reliable
thing. I feel that for myself also. If I am working with someone, the person
whom I am working with should always feel that this person is very reliable,
very solid; anyone should trust me.

Dr. Vijayakar: So he must be very reliable and trustworthy. People must

trust him.
Patient: I have changed a lot from before. I was very happy-go-lucky in
college. I hardly cared for anything in college. Till the time I was here in
Bombay, I never used to bother, never think what I was planning. Till 12th
Std., I was never bothered of what I wanted to do, never bothered about
studies. I never used to think of life, what is happening or what will happen.
But after leaving my house, when I went outside, I met people and from that
time my whole thinking changed and I became more serious. Once I left my
house for studies, I became more responsible. I stayed in a hostel. My
company/friends in engineering tenure were very good.

Dr. Vijayakar: Now again as a matter of habit, his company, his friends
were good and the whole picture changed. Has the genetic code changed or
not? We do not know, but it has become a matter of habit. Again two
contradictory pictures are coming up.

Patient: They helped me a lot. When I left my house, we were not in a very
good position that they could afford to make me an engineer keeping me in a
hostel, but still they managed.

Dr. Vijayakar: So, what is the remedy? How do we proceed? Let us see some
of the follow-ups:

1st Follow-up: 10-11 years back, I was having a problem of lot of cold. At
that time, I was taking antibiotics and was having a lot of problem in my
stomach after taking antibiotics. So, I came to you and my cold problem was
vanished and 1 was very much relieved from cold. Then after 4 or 5 years, I
came to you for this problem of acidity and griping pain. By that time, I
started going in my poultry business, so I was travelling a lot. So, eating
habits were very irregular. I had come at that time for acidity, gas and
constipation. Even previously, I had the complaint of constipation. All the
time slight constipation always remained. And now, for the first time, I am
coming for neck pain, back pain and constipation, but this time the neck
pain and back pain have reduced a lot and constipation has almost gone.

Dr. Vijayakar: So, he came to me for his cold, I 'cured' it. He came for
acidity, I 'cured' it, but constipation was never gone. This time he has come
for back and neck pain and now both have gone and for the first time, his
constipation has gone. So, we only have created it and if you know, you can
treat it. If he had been on the same medicine, which I had given him 5 and
10 years back, tomorrow he would have got hypertension and myocardial
infarct. Now, let us see how I solved this case.

He came with cold and cough—I 'cured' him.

He came with gastric problem, acidity, and constipation—I 'cured' him.

He came with neck pain, back pain, and constipation.

Was this the right result? No. At that time, I did not know. He was happy
that he was improving. One particular has improved and another particular
has started. Generals have not improved, his constipation is still there and
now syphilitic traits are developing—the anger and breaking of things. Is this
cure? Of course not! Cure has to follow a particular path; either we have to
see the patient coming down the Hering's law or we have to see a
compensatory cure or disappearance of life-threatening disease and the
fourth one, which I may be permitted to add, is neutralization of the
destructive miasm. So, symptoms have to disappear according to the
Hering's law or there should be a compensatory cure, that is one disease
going and the other coming, e.g. in many cancer cases, which I have cured, I
have found that they become diabetic. This is compensation—with the help
of control of sugar, the patient can still live a longer life. Mind you, this
diabetes does not go haywire; it always remains in control. The next is
disappearance of life-threatening disease—do not expect the patient to come
down all the 7 layers of suppression and to become completely psoric or
become completely cured, then we are challenging God.

Every man is born to die. We are doctors, we are supposed to only give them
good health and a healthy life. We Homoeopaths have to understand a very
important thing that Homoeopathy is a universal science; we have to obey all
the universal laws of nature. Man is a bundle of energy; he has to obey every
law of nature or law of energy. One of the laws of energy is that energy can
neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to
another. Disease energy is also energy, it is destructive energy; we can
convert it from one form to another. If there is a huge gun pointing out at
these 200 people here and it is going haywire, it is my duty to change the
face of the gun to something less important like a door or a window. So, this
we have to bear in mind as a Homoeopath that every time not to expect
something to come up on the skin.

The second law of thermodynamics and biochemics states that every system
progresses in a unidirectional manner towards degradation to add to the
entropy of the universe, that is everything in this world has to die and then it
has to add as a fuel for the other generation to come in, like oxygen cycle,
carbon dioxide cycle, nitrogen cycle. If we do not die, other set of human
beings will not be produced. There will be stagnation.

Homoeopathy cannot make a man immortal. We cannot promise anybody a

return to complete normalcy. Man has to degrade, but we have to prolong
his life in such a manner that whatever life he has got, he remains healthy.

The fourth one is neutralization of a destructive miasmatic force, that is if

there is syphilitic or sycotic destructive process going on, do not expect every
syphilitic or sycotic patient to die. The worst of criminals, distorted faces and
distorted minds, leading a wrong life; it is not necessary that they are syphilitic
and destructive and so they will die early. We do not expect everyone in
syphilitic miasm to die early.

So this was a man with the complaint of neck pain and constipation. He
likes cold but tolerates heat, so he is chilly. He likes chocolates and milk. He
likes saxophone, is irritable from noise, but loves music. He is sleepless with
dreams of deep water, huge amount of water, and the bridge is very high. He
is reserved, loves sports, badminton.

He is an attacking player with a huge force, huge power in the shot mainly
from the brain to the extent that the shuttle breaks. In his anger, he throws
or breaks things. He uses bad language, but never obscene, never cuts off

He has to do things against his will; even then he does not go into fits of
frenzy. He is lamenting, complaining that I have not achieved what I should
have. He has become an engineer and is looking after hen (poultry business).
He never demands nor does he like to do things pushed onto him.

This man was given STAPHYSAGRIA right from 1990—he had suppressed
anger, indignation, insults, and he takes out his anger on others, a very
obvious case of STAPHYSAGRIA. Then where did STAPHYSAGRIA get ruled
out; why did it not work? I pushed him form cold to acidity and from acidity
to neck pain. So, one more dose of STAPHYSAGRIA and I would have
manufactured a heart patient. Where did I go wrong? Can anyone of you find
out from the history? He can express his anger on the people who are
making him angry. He was expressing it, though not to an obscene extent.
STAPHYSAGRIA cannot express anger. He did not feel humiliation or
mortification that STAPHYSAGRIA feels, though he was going and removing
that anger on his child and wife, which STAPHYSAGRIA does, but there was
not so much deep humiliation that made him leave the house. Gestures were
also different. Moreover, he was thirsty and not thirstless.

♦ Mental make-up: Ailments from anger, indignation.
Obstinate, headstrong.
Throws things away.
♦ General make-up: Chilly.
We are repertorizing not any random symptom, but the patient's reaction to
anger and his innate characteristic, which is obstinacy.

In aphorism 5, Hahnemann says "useful to the physician in assisting

him to find out a proper similimum, is the exciting cause, which is a
part of the fundamental cause, the most significant point in the history
along with his physical make-up, mental make-up, the circumstantial
make-up, and the general make-up".

So, in one particular aphorism, Dr. Hahnemann has told us how to solve the
whole case, which we often forget. Any disease that occurs, anything that
happens in the world, can it be without a cause? Never. ‗Ailment from' is the
most important if you can find it out. Many times, the remedy is found there
only. The cause has to be tackled.

Aphorism 5: Useful to the physician in assisting him to cure are the

particulars of the most probable exciting cause of the acute disease, as
also the most significant points in the whole history of the chronic
disease, to enable him to discover its fundamental cause, which is
generally due to a chronic miasm. In these investigations, the
ascertainable physical constitution of the patient (especially when his
disease is chronic), his moral and intellectual character, his occupation,
mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age,
sexual function, etc. are to be taken into consideration.

Dr. Vijayakar: When I was in one of the teacher's meeting at Netherlands,

one person there called me materialistic and pragmatic because I am taking
even the physicals into consideration.

In his speech, he said, "Dr. Vijayakar, like you even I was pragmatic and
materialistic up to a few years back and now I have evolved and understood
that the mind is everything and not the body.

When my turn came, I said, "Few years back even I used to think that the
mind was everything and now I revolt to understand that God was a fool. We
should understand this that God is a fool, idiotic.

He said: "Mind your words. Why are you speaking like that?"

Dr. Vijayakar: I said he has created this useless thing body. If he has
created a body to harbor the mind inside, there must be some meaning.
Have you gone to a zoo? Have you been to a zoo where you have seen a lion
in a monkey's den and vice versa? No. Why? The cage of the animal is
directly related to his strength. It represents everything about the animal it
is going to harbor. You cannot have a rabbit's cage for a lion and tiger; they
would break and come out. So, always remember there is a relationship
between the cage and the animal.

This is true of the human body also because both are emanating from the
genetic code. So, this is very important that Dr. Hahnemann at that time
has understood this even without the knowledge of genetics that you have
to investigate the physical constitution of the patient, especially when the
disease is chronic, his moral and intellectual character, his occupation,
mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, sexual
function, etc. are to be taken into consideration.

See how Hahnemann has laid down the rules and we are violating them. So,
we take the morals, intellectual, mental make-up, physical make-up, general
makeup and the miasm.

So, now we are getting only two remedies—COLOCYNTH, ARS-ALB.

Why not ARS-ALB? He is not fastidious, not at all restless, no anxiety about
disease, he does not tell his wife also. Eve': his wife does not know what he is
suffering from.

The expression—COLOCYNTH has constriction of all the muscles,, anger

causes constriction and that is why anger causes severe colic and severe
spasm which gives rise to headaches. It is purely psoric; the anger is psoric.
Now we will see the follow-up. We could have had NUX-VOM,
STAPHYSAGRIA, but these are not going through and through to represent
the mental make-up, physical make-up, and general make-up.

2nd Follow-up:

Dr. Vijayakar: So how are you doing?

Patient: Very well. I was very impressed. I had consulted an orthopedic

doctor and he told me that I have to be very particular, I cannot write, I
cannot do this and that, etc. My wife told me to come to you. She was sure
that this problem would be solved by Homoeopathy. She was suspecting that
this is not cervical spondylosis and she told me to come to you. I have been
given only one powder. No other medicine has been given to me. The neck
pain has almost disappeared, there is little bit back pain whenever I am
riding the motorcycle, but it goes off. I do not have to apply anything.

Dr. Vijayakar: Any pain in the knees?

Patient: No. I had been operated in the knee earlier.

Dr. Vijayakar: He did not tell us this history when he came to me.

Patient: While playing I fell down and I was operated.

Dr. Vijayakar: You have to expect pain in the knee! So, I am forecasting that
after the pain in the joints, he should get acidity or loose motions. Before he
goes onto the skin, he has to go to the 2nd layer of the suppression chart,
the endoderm. So, let us see what happened. If you tell the patient like that
and they see it happening, they will not run to another doctor to take
treatment for diarrhoea or acidity and it increases the confidence of the
patient. So, you predict, you forecast what will happen.

3rd Follow-up:

Patient : I am having cold presently and griping pain in the stomach is also
there. One to two days back, I was having one very old complaint of pain in
the muscle. One day it had come very badly and my wife told me not to take
anything for it; it will go off on its own. I also get pain in the left calf muscle. I
used to get this before. These pains were so bad that I had to take a
painkiller previously and at that time also, my wife said not to take anything.
It went away in two days. After that griping pain in the stomach started, the
cold has come back.

Dr. Vijayakar : Next, you have to expect some itching on the skin.

Patient : It has already started over the neck and the abdomen!

Dr. Vijayakar: Mentally, how are you feeling?

Patient: Very much better because all my problems are going. My neck pain,
back pain, and constipation, a problem since 20 years, this is the first time I
am feeling that my constipation cannot trouble me anymore.

Dr. Vijayakar: Just the patient saying I am feeling better is not enough. The
improvement should be seen physically also. In such cases, with disease
specific remedies like KALMIA, CIMICIFUGA, etc., the disease will only be
suppressed, not cured. We do not give the remedy to relax the muscles, but
to stimulate the muscles (action of the remedy) and reaction is amelioration.
In asthma, action of KALI-ARS is relaxation, but the reaction is constriction
(equal and opposite). It will never be a cure; on the contrary there will be
worsening of the disease. Cure follows as a reaction. Patient is curing
himself. Medicines are only stimulating the cure.

Patient: I am relaxed mentally. I always used to think something of my

business, something of my house, but nowadays, I feel whatever problems
are there are there, but I should not be more concerned about those.
Because even I need some relaxation!

Dr. Vijayakar: There is the same family situation, but he is now immune to
that, now he is strong enough to face family situation. Same situation does
not anger him so much! How many times in this last month have you had
confrontation or fights with your brother or family?

Patient: Only once. I did not raise my voice. This time my behaviour was let
it happen. I thought I do not want to fight now. Whatever is there, it is there;
it is going to remain. This time my method of dealing with them was
different. It happened very well this time. No huge force was required. I am
feeling more relaxed now. Desire to work is there and working condition also
is fine now because my mental make-up is changing.

Dr. Vijayakar: So it came down from neck, hip, knee, calf, then acidity and
cold and then itching. Constipation was much better. Behaviour was more
rational now, no rage. So, we came from the 3rd layer (cartilage) to the 2nd
layer (GIT and RS) and down to the skin with a general sensation of well-

What does this case teach us? What should the follow-up criteria be? Can
we change the nature of the patient with the genetic constitutional
similimum? No. The genetic nature will always be the same, but you can
tamper and lessen it down. In people who have marked craving for sugar,
with the genetic constitutional similimum, he will not develop an aversion to
sugar, as that is again disease. With the similimum, immunomodulation
occurs and normalcy sets in. So often we find that in a patient of mild
disposition, after giving the remedy, he becomes angry and irritable—this is
a wrong result. We are sending him to the other side of the disease. This is a
wrong follow-up.
Delegate: What importance was given to contradictory nature while

Dr. Vijayakar: Now, what is spasm or colic? It comes and goes, that is a
person is contracting and releasing. There are two graphs, BELLADONNA
goes up in spike and comes down in spike. There is suddenness. The patient
is "normal" in between the two spikes. In COLOCYNTH, the patient never
comes down to normal—there is gradual waxing and waning going on. There
are the two contradictory attitudes. Contradictory remedies can give you a
spasmodic effect— it is a wave, colicky pain. The nature comprises of actual
genetic trait of the patient and a reaction. A person can be timid, but sudden
spurt of anger in that timidity means that there is a sudden release of
adrenalin. After the tolerance has gone beyond a limit, he goes into sudden
spurts of adrenalin and then comes back to normal. It does not mean that
this man is different in attitude or reaction at different time to the same

I have found in my practice that instead of going very deeply into one aspect
of a human being, if you take ten different aspects which belong to the
constitution as a whole, then the constitutional or the right similimum is
more likely to be reached; otherwise, you end up going into smaller and
smaller remedies, which give only temporary mental amelioration and never
physical amelioration by going into only the depth of the mind or the
physicals only. As a good Homoeopath, Hahnemann has said to go into a
broader spectrum, take a broad concept of the moral and intellectual
character, not to go into illusion and delusion, and we are just following it
blindly taking some parts as representative of the whole character. So many
times, we go into unnecessary details. Those Homoeopaths, my friends who
were practicing in this manner, going into the depth of only the mental
concept have finally today landed up saying that physicals are also
important. It is the disposition of the patient, which Hahnemann gives
importance to and not only the nature. It is the general wholistic view that
we are taking, which will lead us to the right similimum. Mind is a part, not
the whole; it is a dicey area. Not all are lucky enough to understand the
human mind completely. So whatever innate characteristics arise out of the
reaction to situation, his anger and obstinacy have to be taken into
consideration. Let us see was this a temporary relief?

Delegate: In this case we saw suppression of the anger, bottling it up, but
MAGNESIUM represses anger. Could you explain? Is there a difference
between these?

Dr. Vijayakar: In MAGNESIUM, it is not suppression; it is repression. It is

inert, that is he does not react. The anger is there, but reaction is not there.
Here, the reaction is there, but it is not able to come out. Here, it is not
expressed, but wherever he wants he is expressing. This is the difference. So,
MAGNESIUM appears in the rubric 'contented' or also 'patient'.
MAGNESIUM does not have that burst. MAGNESIUM is not able to react. So,
it is repression. Here there is lava burning inside. Here there is reaction.
MAGNESIUM will say I have been tortured; I have no parents, but well so be

Let us see the Follow-up still further two years after:

This is in May 2002:

Patient: After taking this medicine (COLOCYNTH), back pain, neck pain is
all gone, and constipation is virtually solved. I suffered from constipation for
last 17 years. The previous medicines used to rectify it a little, but after the
3rd time, I was much better.

Dr. Vijayakar: I want to know how were you feeling in these two years?

Patient: Wonderful; nothing at all. Constipation has virtually solved. I have

had no other problems. I have not taken anything after that dose. Neck pain
and back pain have almost totally gone. Minor depression, but that goes off.

Dr. Vijayakar: How is your other life, business life, family life?

Patient: Okay. Tension comes and goes, but now it does not bother me that
much. Family life is also fine.

Dr. Vijayakar: So, after 2 years also, he stands cured. Small problems come
and go by itself, he does not have to take anything for it, which means his
immunity has come up, he is curing himself. When a remedy is right, not
only the disease disappears in a certain order, but also the patient stays
good. Hering's law is seen not only mentally, but also he improves and is
able to do his business. He has come back to the pure psoric state; he was
threatening to go into the syphilitic state.

This is what we call cure. Cure is not only disappearance of symptoms,

but also disappearance in a particular order, sensation of well-being,
amelioration of the generals—stool, sleep, etc, and the patient's
immunity to disease increases. He is able to protect himself from small
viral diseases until and unless there is a very big dynamic affection like
somebody is exposed to typhoid directly. But even then, if the patient is
strong enough, he will be able to carry on with his immunity. Whatever the
disease, the patient is able to get over it. Above all, what I have seen is that
the business or whatever you are doing works out very well, I have seen
people even flourishing in their business after the right similimum, because
of better adaptability. So, he is not reacting wrongly to wrong situations and
attitude towards life changes. That is why I even say that Homoeopathy can
change stars. When a patient says ringworm, do not take it as ringworm as
it is, because people use that term very loosely. If it were ringworm, it would
have not gone till date. He would have said, everything is good, but this
ringworm is still there. He says small problems come and go; he is not
sycotic now. The quality of his hair has also changed. He is now smiling
more; he was more serious last time.

Delegate: Differentiate between STAPHYSAGRIA and COLOCYNTH.

Dr. Vijayakar: STAPHYSAGRIA is a highly sensitive person, sensitive to

rudeness, to sad stories, and also to slightest insult or indignation, the
patient feels humiliated, COLOCYNTH does not. Also, STAPHYSAGRIA is
thirstless and COLOCYNTH is thirsty.

In aphorism 2, Dr. Hahnemann has said "The highest ideal of cure is

rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health or removal and
annihilation of disease in its whole extent." So do you agree that in the
previous case, this aphorism has come true? You saw rapid, gentle and
permanent restoration of health and annihilation of disease in its whole
extent so that he became healthy enough to fight all small diseases.

Now the last one, disappearance of life-threatening disease and neutralization

of the destructive miasm, this he mentions in aphorism 8. He says, "It is
not conceivable, nor it can be proved by any experience in the world,
that, after the removal of all the symptoms of the disease and of the
entire collection of the perceptible phenomenon, there should or could
remain anything else besides health, or that the morbid alteration in
the interior could remain uneradicated."

The morbid (one which take you to death) or destructive phenomenon is

eliminated or nullified. In the Homoeopathic world most of us are very happy
treating minor ailments of cold, cough, diarrhoea, migraine, etc. All the
leading Homoeopaths today are surviving and thriving on acute results. But
if Homoeopathy is really good than any other science, you have to cure
where other sciences fail in diseases like hypertension, diabetes,
arteriosclerosis, infarcts, thyroid, ischemias, rheumatoid arthritis, motor
neuron diseases, cancers, AIDS, coma, mental retardation, phobias,
psychiatric cases, schizophrenias, or for that matter Down's syndrome, etc.
Sky is the limit if you practice right Homoeopathy.

This is the list of incurable in Allopathy, not in Homoeopathy.

The scope and limitations of Homoeopathy is the Homoeopath himself.

We are not curing these diseases; we are just stimulating the cure. If I do not
understand the constitution as a whole inclusive of the miasm, I, will not get
a cure.
Our application of principles is defective and that is why we still stand
secondary in the ladder of importance of therapeutic science.

Only symptoms are not more than sufficient for us to treat. As doctors, we
have some other responsibility. Doctor means one who repairs, who mends,
so we have to be more cautious because we are tampering with the most
valuable thing and that is a man's life.

Homoeopathic aggravations are the worst aggravation because they are

caused dynamically. So let us see what we mean by cure? Hahnemann says
cure the sick, but how? The first principle he says is cure of sick individual,
not disease, but have you understood the individual? What is health?

The Allopaths will say, what is the Homoeopath talking, this is idiocy, and he
will not accept you. They feel how can the disease go from one joint to
another, to the respiratory system, etc. So in Rome, do as the Romans do. If
I go to Germany and give a lecture in Marathi or Hindi, it is useless; I may be
having the best of the knowledge, but they will not understand at all. So also,
if we say vital force has cured me and now the disease will come from inside
out, from above downwards, from center to periphery, they want a reason

For that reason, I want each and every Homoeopath to understand what is
going on in the human body. Once you see it crystal clear, the human being
becomes transparent. Believe me, it becomes transparent for me that now
the disease is coming down, now where is it going to go, this I can explain to
the Allopath. So let us again revise few things, which we had learnt in
college. We have to strike a balance between the two and this can be done
only with knowledge. Time has come now when patients refer to Allopaths as
an 'ordinary' doctor and refer to you as 'consultants'.

Why should we treat cold and cough with ARS-ALB, diarrhoea with NUX-
VOM, etc. Hahnemann says, beware of empty speculations. There is no
science; there are a lot of hypotheses concerning the internal nature of the
man. Many physicians have hitherto ambitiously wasted their talents and time
(this is in footnote 1). All these speculations sound very learned in order to
astonish the ignorant, they sound very impressive—whilst the sick humanity
sighs in vain for aid. It is now high time that the physician should at length
cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk and begin now, instead for
once to act, that is, really to help and cure.

At that particular time, Hahnemann did not have any means to reach the
interior of man. There was no electronic microscope to find out what is
happening inside. In the book of Chronic Diseases, in the introduction he
says, we have no means of reaching with our senses or of gaining essential
knowledge as to the process of life in the interior of man.
Therefore, we have to draw speculative conclusions, but we are unable to
furnish conclusive explanations. He did not have science to help him. So, he
says, "I furnish indeed a conjecture for all this". Now science is advanced.
Today we have means of reaching, why should we not make use of it?
Somebody with more brain tries to impress upon you people by fascinating
Homoeopathy and people think this is real Homoeopathy. This is because we
are not interested in advances made in Homoeopathy.

Ours is a wholistic science, so we will be making use of other sciences as well.

So, Hahnemann says in aphorism 3. "To have knowledge of disease, of
medicinal power, of adaptation of the principle, knowledge of
adaptation with respect to suitable medicine, choice of the remedy, the
proper dose, period of repeating the dose, and obstacles to recovery,"
and we are going to follow this.

Why do we fail to treat diseases like cancer? We can cure diseases like cold
and cough. So, what is wrong? So, somewhere there is a difference between
the two. The application is going wrong somewhere. And when the application
accidentally comes right, we get accidental cure. So, if there can be 1 or 2 or
10 or 20 cases of cancer cured by different Homoeopaths very sporadically,
that means there is a possibility of evolving a method by which Homoeopaths
will definitely be able to cure cancer.

For reaching the internal of man and understanding the process of life, we
will see how a human being grows inside the body that is embryology. We
have to know the normal functioning of the human body, the physiology, the
governing and formation of structure and function, genetics, processes of
defense and immunity, human biochemistry, attitudes, nature, emotions,
significance of endocrinology, application of physiognomy, graphology,
phrenology, etc. We have to know this perfectly well. This knowledge will
help us to find a right remedy, which will show us Hering's law. How is
human being cured? It is not magic; it is science. There was a time when
operating a TV with a remote was magic. That time the electromagnetic field
and magnetism was not so much discovered. Cellular phones were
unbelievable before, but today they are believable and easily understandable
because of science.

We know that man as a whole is made up of three germinal layers -

ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.

The ectoderm is divided into neuroectoderm and ordinary ectoderm. The

ectoderm is the outermost and the endoderm is the innermost. The
mesoderm is in between the two. The ectoderm forms the outside tube. The
endoderm forms the inner tube. The mesoderm becomes invaginated.
The outer surface of the human being is in contact with the world. The
ectoderm gives rise to epidermis, conjunctiva, cornea, epithelium, hair, lips,
cheeks, gum— the external parts and not the whole skin. Any problems
arising from the dermis are not ectodermal, but are mesodermal in origin.
This is very important. I remember a patient who was referred to me by an
expert Homoeopath. His asthma disappeared and he started getting vitiligo
and the doctor told him it is a good sign that it is coming onto the skin. Is
it really good? No, because the melanocytes are getting destroyed and that
Homoeopath did not know that what is appearing on the skin is not an
epidermal disease. It is destroying the internal melanocytes, which belong to
the APUD system origin at the neuro-endocrine level. This is a very high up
organ—specialized cell. So, what was only respiratory distress,
hypersensitivity, is now going on for destruction. Not only the disease had
gone higher up, but also the miasm, which was psoric, was now destroying
something; syphilitic. We are not aware of it.

In psoriasis also, the exfoliation and desquamation, which is seen on the

skin, the epidermis is being irritated by the dermis. The changes are in the
dermal cells, which stimulate the cells to grow faster and faster causing
psoriasis. So, whenever asthma or cough and cold disappears and appears
on the skin, be on the lookout whether it is a psoric eruption or psoriasis?
Whether is it a psoric boil or a rash or whether it is leucoderma or lichen
planus or vitiligo or psoriasis? Even hairfall is a dermal problem. The hair
follicle is not being held by the dermis and it starts falling. Mostly after
typhoid, one starts losing hair. This is not a good sign; the disease has gone
deeper to the dermis now.

The 2nd layer, the endoderm, gives rise to the respiratory, the
gastrointestinal, and lower 1/3rd of the urinary tract, the epithelium and
not the parenchyma. So, tuberculosis or ulcer of the stomach or cirrhosis of
the liver or ulcerative colitis are not in the 2nd layer.

The 3rd deeper layer is the mesoderm. It is divided into two parts.

The 4th layer, this gives rise to all the important organs; heart,
cardiovascular system, kidneys, etc.

In between the 2nd and the 3rd layer, there is a connection, which is known as
connective tissue. So all those things, which arise from the somites like
bones, cartilages, dermis, or sometimes blood (blood is a connective tissue
which connects all organs everywhere) are in the 3rd layer. The connective
tissue connects the mesothelial parenchyma with the endothelium.

Then we go higher, to the 5th layer.

This comprises of the neuro-endocrine system. The cells of the neuro-

endocrine system are of mixed origin, some part is from the ectoderm, some
from the endoderm, and some from the mesoderm. All three are mixed here
and are from different origins. The endocrine APUD system cells, thyroid,
islets of Langerhans, adrenals, ovaries, testis, and even the melanocytes—
these all are in the 5th layer. Why is this so important? Suppose you get a
case of diabetes and after treatment, his blood sugar comes down and he
develops thyroid; now is this good or bad? It is bad. If a thyroid patient is
treated and he develops insanity, depression, or pituitary adenoma, this is
again a bad result.

So, this will also tell you where we started off and now where we stand. Now
in a case of thyroid, if the patient's thyroid level decreases and blood sugar
level increases, I know I am in the right direction, so I can just wait and
watch. This is what we do not know, do not understand, and so we do not
wait for and hasten to change the remedy.

But this symptom of high blood sugar may be transient and may have gone
unnoticed during the time the disease was in progress.

The 6th layer is the nervous system. So what started from the ectoderm went
to the endoderm, to the mesoderm, and then to the neuro-ectoderm, and
then again back to the ectoderm. The world, the earth is round, we are also
going in the same manner. So, there has to be connection between the
neuro-ectoderm and the ectoderm—this connection is through the
prochordal plate.

The 7th layer, which I have added is of the cell itself ; the genetic code of
the cell. So if the disease goes from the ectoderm to endoderm, mesoderm,
and finally it ends up in changing of the genetic code this is the 7th layer
disease. It may cause death, destruction, all autoimmune diseases, cancers,
etc. are here -1 all destructive diseases. So, wherever we are treating a case
of say, connective' tissue disease, it comes out to the endoderm, and then
finally to the skin, this is a good result. If someone with heart problem gets
joint pains, this is very good, I am very happy about it, but someone with
heart problem starts getting diabetes, this is very bad. If patient of diabetes
starts getting tremors or neuralgias, this is again bad. If he starts getting
epilepsy, this is still worse. But now, there are certain cases where epilepsy
instead of going down this order, it goes directly to the ectoderm, because
skin is nearest from here. So many times in epilepsy you will get enanthema
then exanthema. So, what happens in cases of chicken pox and measles? It
is a viral infection inside the neural cells; it is thrown out first as enanthema
and then as exanthema.

The prochordal plate is the first to develop - it is the head part. So, head is
developed first. God (nature) gives maximum importance to the head. Then
central axis develops. This is very important from Homoeopathic point of
view because it is going to divide left-sided remedies and right-sided

So, whether patient is LACHESIS or LYCOPODUM and if it is LACHESIS, why

does it go from left to right and if it is LYCOPODIUM, why does it go from right
to left? So, this shows presence of growth axis, that the growth is starting
from the head and then to the other parts.

The prochordal plate is also important for the Homoeopathic understanding

of a few things. One is that all the growth is going to start from the brain and
the head. Secondly, this is going to be the point of connection between the
ectoderm and the neuro-ectoderm. Next starts the mesodermal development,
which grows in between the two. So there is something, which grows from
head to tail, so there is already some nutrition. If something has grown from
one part to another, then there is bound to be some nutrition. If anything
grows at the periphery, the material to build it up comes from the center.

It has to be carried there, from higher level of concentration to a lower level.

So, there is continuous flow in that manner. Same thing happens in the
whole body. The head is now the center of supply and food travels from here
to the primitive streak in the cephalo-caudal gradient—from higher to lower
level. Now starts the development of mesoderm in between the two. In
between the ectoderm and the endoderm, there is always a mesodermal
layer—bones, organs, cartilage, etc. But in the prochordal plate, there is
nothing. So the main point, the soft palate does not have any mesoderm in
between. So, what started as ectoderm ends as neuroectoderm again joins
with the ectoderm in the mouth. So, when the brain has to throw out toxins,
they will first appear on the palate and we call those as Koplik spots and
then it comes out on the body. Now contrary to all diseases, which start from
outside, disease like measles or chicken pox or viral disease start from inside
out. Why? Because virus is basically in the neural cell and they are being
thrown out. It is elimination, the body is trying to cure itself. So, you do not
have to treat it. If you touch it and reverse the whole thing, it goes directly to
the brain and causes encephalitis - SSPE.

Again another nutritional gradient is observed, that something going from

dorsal to ventral. All structure building material is supplied from more
important organs to lesser important organs. Development also follows in a
certain order.

First the head develops and then the tail, from the prochordal plate the head
forms, then the spinal cord, from above downwards, from center to
periphery, and lastly the skin. First the head, then the nervous system, then
APUD, then mesodermal organs, then the bones and muscles, and finally the
skin. So, if growth is going in this particular direction, there has to be some
supply. Three scientists have been working on this separately and they
discovered something like morphogenetic gradients in the human body.
Morpho=structure and gradients = growth. Therefore, there has to be some
gradient of food for the structural growth. They call it as animal growth axis.
It has been proved that there are gradients of apical dominance, that
is head develops first and then the whole body, the cranio-caudal
(head to foot), proximo-distal (center to periphery), and dorso-ventral.

These supply the body with food and growth. This is an important feature of
embryogenesis as well as the process of regeneration. If something is cut, it
can be regenerated in that direction because food is being supplied in that
manner. Every gradient has a form, frequency, metabolic activity,
susceptibility to toxic material, and a particular direction.

How do you explain different organs being formed in different systems at the
same time? This is because of the form, frequency, and metabolic activity
covered by that particular gradient, it covers a particular area.

So, there is a field. Metabolic activity means supply of sodium, potassium,

proteins, etc. which gives rise to growth. If growth and life is in one
direction, then disease has to be in the exactly opposite direction. So, toxic
materials flow in the opposite direction. Form and frequency gives rise to
miasm, this is my hypothesis, my view.

Gradients are like weaving a fabric. It is like a fabric in which a thread is

being woven and a particular thread is moving in a particular direction.
Weaving of the fabric will decide how it is going to tear. If you tear all the cloth,
it will not tear in one direction. It will tear depending on the thread. So,
human beings have these morphogenetic gradients according to which the
whole thing is going to tear or heal.

These are responsible for carrying food material and hence they help in
formation of tissues also. Impaired immunity in these tissues is the cause of
disease and the supply of food in that direction is the process of cure.

There are supposed to be two types of morphogenetic gradients according to

their form and frequency. One is regulative and the other is mosaic. It has
been found that in regulative, there is only a single directional pattern. So,
whenever anything is cut in between, the same tissue is regenerated without
any hitch. So, the growth process is very smooth, that is these are the
gradients of psoric constitution. In psoric constitution, the features are
normal; if any cut occurs, it heals normally; any disease also will be very
straightforward, not as complicated as in the other miasms. So, here the
growth and repair is straight, linear, and predictable. This is very consistent
with psoric miasm. Psoric people may be having very straightforward (this is
a subject for investigation) simple gradients.

In the embryo, if a part of the tissue is removed, it is easily regenerated.

In a psoric constitution, if there is a wound, it is clean cut, heals

conscientiously without scar formation. You cannot see the cut at all.
Wounds of psoric, sycotic, and syphilitic constitutions are different. The ulcers
of psoric, sycotic, and syphilitic constitutions are different. The clean wound
in psoric is not in the sense of dirt and cleanliness; it means something that
is benign.

Because last time, this question arose that psora is dirty person, does not
take bath, and is offensive smelling. This clean is something that is well
defined. In psora, the body is throwing out lot of toxins through stools,
urine, and skin. If stools and urine are not very clear, the internal dirt has to
be excreted by the body, so it starts excreting through the skin. This dirty
thing, which is excreting out is giving him the bad smell because it is the
excretion. Skin is throwing out the dirt. He is also dirty because he has
become lazy because of lot of bad metabolism, bad nutrition, and bad repair
within. Therefore, healing has nothing to do with cleanliness.

Mosaic type of morphogenetic gradients go in all different directions, not in

one direction and they form the basis of morphological or structural changes
in human body. In sycosis, this may give rise to rounded growth or in
syphilis they may give rise to distorted faces or distorted healing.
Whenever there is a cut and there is excessive accumulation of fibrin or
elastin, it leads to keloid or tumor formation.

This could be due to mosaic type of gradient because of excessive growth.

Therefore, we get rounded features in sycosis, there is no sharpness as in
psora. In syphilitic, there will be distortion. This is the importance of different
gradients in different constitutions.

Morphogenetic gradients flow from above downward, from more important to

lesser important organs, from center to periphery, and inside out. This
sounds like Hering's Law of Cure.

Naturally, what Hering meant by this law was nothing but stimulation of
these gradients, which gives you growth; they supply nutrition, eliminate
toxins, and hence promote growth and health. They go towards the skin.
They are passive gradients and do not utilize energy. So, they promote life.

Life and disease are exactly opposite to each other.

Disease is trying to end life. Therefore, all toxins will go opposite to the
direction of the morphogenetic gradients. Homoeopathic medicines
promote the morphogenetic gradients, the nutritional gradients
thereby promoting cure. Therefore, they remove toxins in particular
direction and enhance nutrition. Different gradients are stimulated by
the right similimum.

That is why only one pillule is more than sufficient to cure.

If you understand this logic that you are just stimulating the morphogenetic
gradients in the human body, one pillule is more than sufficient to cure as
Hahnemann had said. Then why do you want two/three/or four different
types of remedies and multiple combinations when you are using
Homoeopathic principles? We are stimulating the gradients leading to cure.
So, when they start going downwards either skin eruptions come or loose
motions come out. They do not require energy.

When you are climbing uphill, you are exerting yourself and you need
energy, this is what disease does. It is an active gradient. Therefore, energy
is required to transfer the toxic material from a lower to higher level. This
energy comes from ATP and body gets depleted of ATP and the patient starts
feeling weak. This is why whenever there is weakness in the body, your
remedy is wrong. If the patient has stamina to work, the desire to work, now
feels strong enough, this means his ATP is now being used for physiological
purpose. Previously, the ATP was being used for transfer of the disease
upwards. So, the first and foremost symptom of your remedy being right is the
general sensation of well-being. So, promoting and enhancing the gradients
to establish a cure coincides with Hering's Law of Cure, cranio-caudal, inside
out, dorso-ventral, and from more important to lesser important organs. This
will also help us to understand one thing whether the disease is
disappearing from front to back or from back to front. Suppose a patient has
ringworm or tinea and you give medicine and he applies some ointment or
GRAPHITES or something like that and it disappears and something appears
behind—is this a good or a bad sign? Bad. Why? The dorso-ventral axis has
to be stimulated. It should not go from front behind, but from back to front.
This you will understand only if you know embryology well.

Do not think that only Homoeopathy has the power of curing or healing.
There are so many things, which can stimulate these nutritional gradients
leading to cure. They are any wholistic treatment like –

1) Yoga
2) Blessing
3) Magnetism
4) Vibrations
5) Mental catharsis
6) Spirituality
7) Cosmic forces
..and any energy that can stimulate.

This is very important for us Indians because of a very rich cultural heritage.
He has an excessive amount of energy, so his energy is always flowing from
up downwards and from center to periphery and he just touches somebody
with his hands, then the other person's morphogenetic gradients are
stimulated and they get cured. But this is not only the understanding of the
Indians. If you see Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Ganesh, Shri Krishna,
Buddha, or any God, his hands are blessing. Why? Because the excess
amount of power and energy, which they have, can get transferred and your
morphogenetic gradients are stimulated.

It is not only Homoeopathy that cures.

Mental catharsis: If a Homoeopath takes a four-day history, the patient is
cured! Only "vomiting out" of anything acts as a stimulating agent. Any
energy can stimulate morphogenetic gradients. I have cured a case of
rheumatoid arthritis only on SAC-LAC. I do not know what has stimulated
the cure. Hering's law was also seen in that case. The patient was getting
cured on SAC-LAC (Placebo) only. If she was already getting cured, then why
should I tamper?

So, if you know morphogenetic gradients, you know when to prescribe and
when not to. This is a million dollar question. I prefer first not to prescribe.
First find out whether the patient is curing himself by any other means. If
the patient is recovering, I just prescribe SAC-LAC. The patient gets cured
and I get the credit. Is this the right credit or wrong? Right. Why? Because if I
would have interfered; I would have suppressed it. If I had not given him
anything, he would have gone to some other doctor for some medicine.
Judgement is very important when to treat and when not to treat.

When you are curing and the morphogenetic gradients are flowing in a
particular manner, do not allow the patient to apply anything on the skin,
not even Dettol or Soframycin for injury, strictly nothing. Make them
understand that everyone has three excretory organs—stools, urine, and
skin via sweat. All patients know this. Stools and urine go down with gravity.
How are toxins eliminated from the skin? Via gradients.

There are three types of gradients.

First is concentration gradient. This is passive transport, cell-to-cell,

tissue-to-tissue transfer.

The second is osmotic gradient.

The third is electrical potential gradient. Our medicines are adjusting the
electrical potential in such a manner that the potential inside (brain) is
higher and that on the skin is lower. So, toxic material starts going in the
outside direction to be eliminated. You must ask you patients, "What will
happen if I close your urinary tract or anus?" Then they start realizing.

When you are applying an organic material like scent, powder, or ointment,
you are increasing the electrical potential and all toxins start going to the
kidneys, lungs, bone, or from wherever they have come. You are pushing all
the dirt back within the body again. Why do you want to hamper this
secretion? Why do you want an anti-sweat? Because of dirty smell. This is
because dirt from our body is coming out. Toxins are being eliminated. With
anti-smell, your voltage gates close and no excretion is possible and it goes
back again. So, other people are happy, but you are unhappy. It is better to
make others unhappy and you be happy. If you are feeling dirty about it,
clean it off by taking a bath frequently.
If any case of yours is doing well with one dose and the patient comes back
again with renewed symptoms, be sure they have applied something on the
skin. He has tampered with the skin. Ask directly what did you apply? If
they keep on refusing, ask them whether anyone in the family is using Vicks.

It is given in Guyton that electrical potential adjustment is an all or none

phenomenon. The voltage gates open and close not singularly or in parts,
but all at one time. Therefore, we have to restrict local applications to the
skin, ears, nose, or the eyes or even tattoos (these are organic material and
are dangerous).

The morphogenetic gradients flow from above downwards. They push toxins
from the 7th layer to the 1st layer. Therefore, toxins are pushed out. Hence,
the patient develops diarrhoea as exteriorization from the endoderm or by
elimination from the ectoderm. That is what our books say, whenever
symptoms come, they should be transient and old symptoms have to
reappear. In cases where loose motions come because of Hering's law, the
pathological investigations will be negative for infection; there will be no
bacteria. This surprises the allopaths because this is exteriorization and this
diarrhoea will last for 3½ or 7 or 15 days (multiples of 7). This is how the
Hering's law comes true. So, we know how a cure should start and proceed.
This is a treasure. We recognize the correctness or wrongness of the remedy
within a few days, in a short time.

There are Homoeopaths who wait for six months to two years for action of
the remedy. This is ridiculous! It is like a SILICEA patient who saw an
accident on the road, saw blood and fainted after one year! The dynamic
effect has to be instant, fast. You must have that perception with
understanding. It gives us more confidence, where in the body the disease is
and where should it be. If a heart problem is being cured and neck problems
appear, it is less important, and hence, I do not mind the patient having
neck pains. If rheumatoid arthritis is being treated and the patient develops
loose motions, I know that the body is curing itself, so I will not give ALOE or
NUX-VOM. We now know why Hering's law should be seen. Because
morphogenetic gradients start going in a particular direction.

This is application of one science to another; we are just bridging them.

Hering's law now makes much more sense to me after I know

embryology well. I know whether to wait for remedy action or change the
remedy. We know that symptoms will come, but they should be transient.
Sometimes you give the medicine and the patient develops severe loose
motions. In such cases, evaluate the whole thing as a general. There has to
be general improvement in the patient.

Only through embryology, we can also understand what is "hysterical". We

saw that all diseases go step-by-step from ectoderm to endoderm and then to
the mesoderm. Most of the times, children come with respiratory tract
infection and eczema, not with diabetes or hypertension. There is a distinct
age group for every disease. The immune impairment goes on in a
chronological order. This is because impaired immunity is still in the
outskirts of the human fortress. As it remains inside, it goes into the
endoderm and if the child grows to 10 years, bronchitis now develops into
back pain, and at the age of 25-30 years, he develops hypertension and
ischaemic heart disease.

Still further, he gets diabetes and thyroid. There are certain diseases, which
go directly from the ectoderm to the brain, that is the disease has not taken
a normal course, as in the case of MOSCHUS. It is refractory, that is rebellious,
a constitution that is not behaving as it should. So, if anything has gone from
mouth straight to the brain, first consider this as a hysterical remedy. There
was no other disease and the child straightaway-developed epilepsy. So, I
take hysteria as one rubric. The disease traveled inside from the prochordal
plate where there is no mesoderm to stop it. So, it went straight from the
ectoderm to the neuro-ectoderm.

There are only two places where there is no mesoderm in between ectoderm
(First Layer) and neuro - ectoderm (Seventh Layer). One is the soft palate and
the other is the cloaca.

The significance of cloaca comes in when the patient gets old. In old age after
loose motions, the toxins enter into the nervous system from the cloacal site
in the neuro-ectoderm and encephalitis ensures. So, very often you find a
postoperative cardiac patient going into senile dementia, encephalitis,
confused behavior, or drowsy stupor OPIUM-like state. After the age of 75-80
years, it is very dangerous to treat patient with antibiotics for small ailments
like diarrhoea, dysentery, or URTl because toxins go straightaway from the
ectoderm into the neuro-ectoderm and ultimate deterioration of the patient
starts. Embryology tells us this significance. Therefore, old patients go into
coma, dementia very easily.
Chapter 2 :

Can we handle genetic disease ?

There are certain diseases where you do not expect return of symptoms
because either there is a gross pathology involved or there is a destructive
miasm at the genetic level, which is not corrected. Then what do you do?
Can we handle genetic disease like Down's syndrome, Duchenne muscular
dystrophy, etc.? We certainly cannot cure genetic disorder or mutation, but
we can make them livable. Now we will see a case where the destructive
miasm was not allowed to progress.

This child was brought to me 12 years back when she was 6 months old
with a diagnosis of Down's syndrome (chromosome #20 trisomy XXX). How
do these children look? Chinese, Mongolian features, rounded faces (since
sycotic, excess chromosome). Her mother and her grandmother brought her
to me. Her grandmother was a nurse in one of the leading hospitals. She got
the child to me because she thought Allopathy had nothing to offer. What is
the scope? Can we cure trisomy? No, but we can at the most make them
perform their normal day-to-day activities. They can never compete with
other children, can never go to school for normal children, or can be
intelligent, though they can learn songs. When they go to the syphilitic state,
they develop leukemia, Alzheimer's and certain cardiac conditions.

Video case:

The child is very calm and Quiet. The mother was very happy, as she never
had any problems with the child. While she was working in the kitchen, the
child would lie down peacefully and calmly, but does not like people
crowding. When too many people come into the house, she becomes very
frightened and starts crying. She likes to be alone, aloof. Also, the child cries
and vomits when she drinks milk. This had been a continuous factor. First,
the mother thought may be I am not lactating properly and the child would
be hungry, so she started top feed, other artificial milk, and yet the vomiting
continued. She noticed that the outside milk was giving more problems,
especially because it was heated and given warm. The child became very
restless after milk feed, especially more with outside milk. Then, she stopped
the milk and started some warm soups. The same things happened—the
child would be restless and vomit it out. When anything warm; warm soup or
warm milk went inside, the child could not tolerate this warmness.

Dr. Vijayakar: Does she tolerate covering?

Mother: She is worse from fan, her hair stands up on edges and yet she
throws off coverings. She has profuse perspiration especially over the head.

Dr. Vijayakar: This means she is chilly, but cannot tolerate warmth of bed
or coverings. What can you prescribe for this 6-month old child?

♦ Physical generals : Round, obese child (sycotic).

Profuse perspiration.
Aggravated milk,
especially warm milk.

♦ Mental generals Calm.

Reserved, aggravated presence of many
people, did not like people around.

What is the remedy? CALCAREA, SANICULA, NAT-CARB, SILICEA, and


Sanicula: Very angry, irritable, cranky, with sudden mood swings. A playing
child will suddenly start crying without reason. It is a mixture of CHAM,
PULS, and SULPH. Excessive perspiration around the head. The discharges
are also offensive. Usually, lean and thin, not fat and chubby.

Calcarea: Timid, but does love magnetism, touch, coziness. This child hates
people, does not want people to come around.

Silicea: SILICEA is not such a misanthropist; the patient does not want

Nat-carb: Chilly, aggravated milk, but not that restlessness, and no anxiety
after milk.

Rubrics taken:

♦ Mood repulsive food milk.

♦ Anxiety aggravated eating warm food.
♦ Aggravated milk.
♦ Contended.
Physically, she was rounded and chubby.

She was given MAG-CARB. The child was kept on MAG-CARB 10 M—1 dose
and later on 50 M, one to two doses per year for almost 6 to 7 years.

The improvement was good, the intelligence increased, and the child was
admitted to a normal school. She passed the entrance exam, finished her
1st, 2nd, 3rd, till the 5th std. like an absolutely normal child. This is the
follow-up when she is grown up. Now we will see her (Video).

Suddenly, one fine day she comes to me. She is now in 5th standard in a
normal school in Parle (Mumbai) and competing with the other intelligent
children there.

21.08.2002 (patient is now 12 years): She came and stood in front of me

and asked, "Do you recognize me? Who am I?"

Dr. Vijayakar: Yes, I recognize you. Do you know me?

Patient: Yes, you are the doctor.

Dr. Vijayakar: Do you understand English?

Patient: Yes.

Dr. Vijayakar: What is your name? What is your teacher's name? What is it?

Patient: (She tells her name fast.) My teacher's name is Meena. She looks at
her mother and says why is he asking again and again?

Dr. Vijayakar: (This irritation is angry when obliged to answer.) Sorry, I did
not hear. Is her nature irritable like that? Which subjects do you like more?

Patient: Science and Maths (frown on the head).

Dr. Vijayakar: (A Down's syndrome child is interested in science!) What

else are you learning?

Patient's mother: Carrom and bharatnatyam. She defeats me in carrom.

She plays table tennis and badminton also. She also does swimming. She is
curious and likes to learn new things. She is also a good folk dancer. She
picks up things very easily. She knows how to cook food. She helps me in the
kitchen. She is 12 years old and has got her menses when she was in the 2 nd
Std. She knows how to handle her menstrual period and not to tell anyone.

Dr. Vijayakar (to delegates): These people are not supposed to have good co-
ordination. This child has such beautiful co-ordination; she is so good at it
that she defeats her mother. This girl has been offered a role in a Hindi movie
because they have never seen a Mongol child, who can be so normal, but her
parents are very reserved. See the intelligence, the precocity; she is not a
typical mentally retarded child.

Dr. Vijayakar: What is the name of your school?

Patient: Nanavati.

Dr. Vijayakar: How many friends do you have?

Patient: Ankush and Hiral. Ankush failed in 4th Std., but she went ahead!
He is her very fast friend. She speaks to him after school. They used to sit on
the same bench in 4th Std.
Dr. Vijayakar: (The normal child failed!) Good you came to meet me
today. I am very happy.

How many Mongol children would come to meet the doctor? It was her
suggestion to come to see me.

Patient: Thank you.

Dr. Vijayakar: Why did you want to come and meet me?

Patient: Like that only.

Patient's mother: All teachers love her very much. A new principal had
come to school and she asked me, why have you put your Down's
syndrome child in a normal school? Because in my 35 years of
experience, I have never seen any Down's syndrome child studying with
normal children. If other children are scoring well, then this child
might develop inferiority complex. I said okay, we shall see in the first
unit test. It was a 40-minute paper. The girl completed the whole paper
in 30 minutes.

Dr. Vijayakar: It makes me emotional. This is the victory of Homoeopathy.

It is Homoeopathy at work. I literally feel like reporting this case to the
Guiness Book of World records or somewhere that Homoeopathy can do
something like this.

How much percentage does she get?

Patient: 55-60%. All class teachers are saying, "Don't worry; if the principal
tells her anything, we are there to support her". I told the principal, suppose
tomorrow she is not able to pick up, then I will remove her and keep her at
home. But until now she has been doing well and I am sure she will do well.
At least if she studies well, she can stand on her own feet and do her normal
job what normal people are doing. I had gone to another school and asked
the principal there, is there any problem if I put my child in a normal school?
That principal was surprised how is she doing so well!

Dr. Vijayakar: Mother had anxiety of conscience—am I doing right or wrong?

Her (patient's) aversion to strangers and introvertedness is still there. She
still gets nervous in the presence of strangers.

Dr. Vijayakar: Thank you.

Patient: Welcome.

So, now can you define the scope of Homoeopathy? So, what has happened?
What is this child who was not supposed to have normal intelligence is now
competing with normal people, doing all normal extra-curricular activities,
even to the extent of having precocity of her menses? If we can modify such a
21 trisomy, it means Homoeopathy must be having a fantastic power to
modify the mutated genes or change (not cure) despite the disease, the syco-
syphilitic miasm. These children are born with sycotic miasm and go into
syphilitic miasm. So, despite the syco-syphilitic influence on the genetics,
the child is growing as a normal child.

This is what I call as nullifying the effect of a destructive miasm.

The child is supposed to be destroyed, but yet we have been able to fully
compensate her, can we call this cure? Yes. Pathologically, she still remains
uncured, but for all practical purposes, she is leading a normal life. This is
what Hahnemann says in aphorism 1 and 8.

Now the question of potency, why 10M and 50M? The most dynamic thing is
affected here and the highest dynamic dilution will only have an effect on the
genetics. The more the physical, the more the superficial, the lower the
potency. The more the dynamic, higher is the potency.

Delegate: Similarly, in cancer and AIDS where genetic mutation has taken
place, can we use the same principle?

Dr. Vijayakar: This depends upon the vitality of the patient. If the genetic
code is very much disturbed and the physicals have become bad that the
patient has gone down in health, the vital force is weakened, if we give a
dynamic potency, the patient will go into severe aggravation. In cancer and
AIDS, the genetic mutation is secondary; in Down's syndrome, it is primary.
Chapter 3:
Dr. Narendra Mehta:
A case of A.M.D (Age-related macular degeneration)
Name: Mr. P
Age: 72 years.
Date of First Visit: 06.12.2000

Patient's Monologue:
I cannot see near objects. So I consulted local doctors in Valsad (Town Near
Mumbai) They could not diagnose my ailment. They asked me to consult
some doctors in Navsari. I have consulted Dr. S and he said that there are
three holes in the retina. I asked him whether I have to go to Bombay
(Mumbai). He said that he would be able to do the treatment in Navsari
itself. He operated me, but the operation failed. He gave me injections inside
my left eye, but there was no improvement. My friends advised me to consult
a good doctor and hence I consulted Dr. Natrajan. He promised me that he
could give 50% of my vision in the affected eye, due to which I would be able
to see, but not read. After examining the right eye, he said that it might also
have trouble in future. He found the fault and performed a small operation
on the right eye and the right eye was okay. But there was no improvement
in the left eye and I lost it completely. So I can see only with the right eye.

It was my bad luck that I developed cataract in my right eye. My left eye was
lost during the last cataract operation and so it is not functioning for a long
time. I developed cataract 2 years ago and after the operation there was no
problem. But now I cannot see with my right eye since the past seven

My health is very good though I have renal stones since the past 40 years. I
get pain and it passes away. I do not believe in Allopathic medicines, but in
Ayurvedic, so I take Chandraprabha for this ailment. I had stones on both
sides, but more on my right side

I also had a problem in my ears. I could not hear and had this problem since
childhood. I used to get pus in my ears. Since the last two years, my right
ear is giving me trouble. I consulted an ENT specialist. If I blow my ears by
closing my nose, my eardrums open and I hear properly. I can manage with
hearing aids.
I was well without any problems or tensions. I go to my farm and this is my
routine. I am happy and have only one son. I do not have any sickness. I am
used to taking Chandraprabha since a long time and the stone passes away
in my urine. I take this medicine every morning and the bottle is always
present on my dining table.

My major setback was in my recent eye problem. I started getting dimness of

vision. My friends said that this could be because of cataract operation. I
have visited Bombay Hospital to see the same doctors who operated my
cataract. He advised me three tablets after examining me on 18.07.2001. I
was advised to take Chymoral Forte and other tablets for one month. Within
15 days, I got reaction. I got palpitations. I realized that it could be because
of the tablets and when I telephoned my doctor, he asked me to stop all
medication. After that, though I felt better, I occasionally get palpitations. I
have had 10 to 15 ECGs, but all doctors said that they are normal. They said
it is due to tension of my eyes, but dimness of vision has no improvement.

I consulted Dr. Natrajan. He did an angiography of my eye. He said it was

due to age wherein the blood cannot reach inside of my eye and because of
that there is dimness of vision. He advised me eye drops 4 times a day. The
further deterioration in the dimness has stopped, but there is no

I have never got a major ailment except for fever sometimes during
childhood. I have had renal stones since 40 years. My health is very

I had a very hard upbringing, coming from a poor family. I have worked hard
and made my own house and farm. My only worry now is my son's marriage.
I am a very fun loving person and like to laugh and talk with everyone. I do
not like serious faces and I always make an effort to laugh and joke all the

I used to do regular exercises and weight lifting in my earlier days. Since the
last 10 years because of my old age, I have stopped. I still continue to do free
hand exercises. I get up at 5 a.m. in the morning and go to sleep early in
night. Before my ailment, I used to walk at least 8 to 10 kms every day.

I am a very soft-hearted person and I have only one sister. I cannot bear to
see anybody sad.

I plan my work. I plan the previous night. I take regularly one lota (jug) of
water from copper vessel. I then start my exercise. I have roti with my tea—
hot. I eat anything hot or cold. I take my tiffin box with me for lunch. We
have dinner together at night. Nowadays, my family is always together
because I cannot go out or ride my scooter.
I am very particular in my work. I like to do everything by myself. If it is not
possible by me, I make my workers do it in front of me. Then I am satisfied. I
do not believe in rest. I am healthy, but have lost courage due to my eyes.

I do not have a choice in clothes. During my childhood, I got shirts from my

cousins and relatives. This is the first time that I have bought a readymade
shirt for myself.

I was affected very badly when my mother expired. I was very attached to her.
I could not make her happy. She dreamt of seeing her son's house but she
had a paralytic attack during its construction, when my wife and I took care of
her. My father and my son were present when the house was built, but
because my mother did not live to see it, my heart is sad. Even today, when I
think of her my eyes are full of tears. (Eyes moist in the video.)

I am contented with what I have and even if there is a loss in my business, it

does not matter to me.

Desires : Spicy food, warm tea.

Thirst : Very good.
Stool & urine : Normal.
Sleep : Disturbed.
Thermals : I like the cold season, but not too cold. In the past years
I would wear a sweater and go about in my scooter no
matter how cold it was, but nowadays, I cannot bear very
cold weather and hence do not go out during these

I know we need the monsoon and without it crops do not grow, but I do not
like' the monsoon though I am a farmer because during rainy days, I cannot
go to work. I am anxious that may be things in this season will not go right.

I was a counselor for 20 years. I would do service to the society without ever
taking any money or taking advantage of my position, but if anyone
misunderstands me and if they malign my name, then I would cut off the
relations with them.

Since ours is a small town the bad influences of politics were not present
like today. If a person came to me and if there was a way in which I could
help him by speaking to the municipality or the government office in my town
thus reducing his burden, then I would certainly use my influence and do
what was needed. But I have never taken money directly or indirectly from
anyone in life.

Now let us see the anatomy of the eye:


Retina contains 6 million cones and 100 million rods. From them,
information passes to nerve fibers and from them to the optic nerves. There
are no photoreceptors at the optic disc, and therefore, there is no light
perception, and therefore, optic disc is a blind spot in the visual field.

Retina can be divided to peripheral retina, macula, and fovea centralis.

Peripheral Retina:

Contains mainly rods and few scattered cones. Visual acuity from this area
is fairly coarse.

Macula Lutea:

This is so called because histologically it looks like a yellow spot. It occupies

an area 4.5 mm in diameter lateral to the optic disc. This area of specialized
retina can produce a high level of visual acuity. Cones are abundant here,
but there are very few rods.

Fovea Centralis:

A small central depression at the center of the macula. Here the cones are
tightly packed, rods are absent. It is responsible for the highest level of
visual acuity.


This is an oval area at the posterior pole measuring about 5 mm in diameter

in the retina. It is the region of the retina containing Xanthophyll pigment
and more than one layer of ganglion cells.


This is a depression in the inner retinal surface at the center of the macula.
Its diameter is 1.5 mm. Ophthalmoscopically, the fovea can be recognized by
an oval light reflex arising from the increased thickness of the retina and
internal limiting membrane in the parafoveal region. The parafoveal region is
the thickest part of the retina containing 6 to 8 layers of ganglion cells, in
contrast to the retina outside the macula, which contains only one layer. The
internal limiting membrane rapidly decreases in thickness as it progresses
from the parafoveal region towards the center of the fovea.


This forms the central floor of the fovea and has a diameter of 0.35 mm. It is
the thinnest part of the retina and is devoid of ganglion cells. Its entire
thickness consists only of cones and their nuclei and it subserves the most
acute vision. The UMBO is a tiny depression in the very center of the fovea.
Ophthalmoscopically visible is the foveolar reflex seen in the most normal
eye. Loss of the foveolar reflex is the early sign of damage.
Dr. Narendra Mehta: A person working throughout his life and fit till the
age of 72, now became handicap. Only symptoms pertaining to disease are
not important. The innate character, the personality gives us more clues in
such cases to give results. Observe the way he sits, the way he talks.

Dr. Natrajan's report: Fundus examination with indirect ophthalmoscope

revealed evidence of horse shoe tear sealed with good photocoagulation mark
and age-related macular degeneration with sub-retinal neovascularisation in
the right eye and attached retina with pale disc in the left eye.

He was advised to undergo FFA (fluorescent- fundoscopy angiography) for

macula in the RT eye which he underwent on 14.09.2000, No treatment is
possible for LT eye

on 19.09.2002 the FFA film was reviewed by me, there was edema in the
right eye. There was no evidence of SRNV(sub retinal neovascularisation).

Dr. Narendra Mehta: So, what have you all observed? What is going through
and through in the case?

Delegates: Industrious, fastidious, sensitive, conscientious, benevolent,

positive, etc.

Dr. Narendra Mehta: Now we have to find a way to sort out the rubrics. Our
remedy must be from the rubric 'positive'. Before that, we will see the follow-

1st Follow-up (after 15 days):

Dr. Narendra Mehta: Before this, the patient called me up and said that he
had got some loose motions, so what to do? Should you treat loose motions?
When to treat and when not to? What are the criteria to change or repeat the
medicine? If the patient says that besides these loose motions, he has no
other problem, he is doing fine, there is no weakness, there is no
development of any other new symptoms. If person is healthy even with 20
loose motions and he does his routine work, then we do not have any right
to interfere. This is what even Dr. Hahnemann has said.

Follow-up on 03.01.2001:

Patient: I can see a little more brighter within 15 days. The dimness is
comparatively less. Would feel the dark more previously.

Dr. Narendra Mehta: Any other changes?

Patient: Like that I am happy only. Because of my vision, I was

handicapped, but now I am going out of my house. Now I go alone to the
farm. Previously, I would not even step out of my house because of my
vision! Now, I go for daily walks all alone, as the path is small, two people
cannot go together, but I have my servants with me to assist. Appetite is
better now. Sleep is also much better. I go to bed around 9.30 p.m. and get
up at 5.00 a.m. and now started my routine, started exercising, feeling
"fresh". Now, I have some stamina.

Dr. Narendra Mehta: His generals have now improved, his sleep is much
better, he has started going to farm, exercising, and his energy level has also

Follow-up on 24.01.2001: (Video)

Patient: I can see you now! Shirt, tie, camera!

Dr. Narendra Mehta: Can you make out the colour of my tie?

Patient: Blue and yellow.

Follow-up on 20.02.2001:

Patient: Now I read newspapers! This I had stopped since seven months;
this has now started. Without reading, I do not get sleep.

Dr. Narendra Mehta: He had a habit of reading something daily before going
to bed. I gave him a vision chart to read, which he read well.

Patient: I am 50% better. I now started driving a car and a scooter, which I
had completely stopped before.

Dr. Narendra Mehta: Are you comfortable with driving?

Patient: No, I have become a little slow (that may be due to age).

Follow-up on 18.04.2001:

Dr. Narendra Mehta: The patient now drives a scooter on his own.

Patient: For nine months, I was at home like a prisoner. Now, I am very free,
I can drive cars, scooters. Previously, I used to come with my son; today I
have come alone. I am very, very happy. Nowadays, when I go on a scooter or
car, my friends say, "See Phiroz is going. Phiroz has become fine now." I used
to come regularly to you all the way from Valsad.

Dr. Narendra Mehta: Today he tells people that this doctor is a person who
does not give medicine for the eye, but for everything.

Follow-up on 16.05.2001: (Video)

Dr. Narendra Mehta: If your medicine is correct, it can change the patient's
development, his family life, and everything. His son has now got engaged!
He is very happy. His son said, "I am coming with you" and the patient said,
"No, no need, I can go alone. I feel as if I am 50 years old," though he is
72 years old!

Ours is a very great science. Dr. Vijayakar makes it as easy as possible.

What is the miasm in this case? Syco-syphilitic, because there was macular
edema also. Also, we are not getting any syphilitic symptoms from the case.
You will get symptoms as per the miasm present. Sycotic miasm is more
prominent here. What is the key symptom here?


The positive remedies are; ARS, CAUST, CAMPH, FERR, HEP,w LACH,
MERC, NV, SEP, ANDROC, CHOC, HYDROG, OZONE, etc. Now let us see
them one by one:



ARS pathology is deep-seated insecurity:

They always depend on someone, require someone's support, fear of being

alone. If I am sick, who will help me? So, he is dependent and desires
company. Always wants someone to be nearby, so he has fear of being


ARS is very possessive: about objects, about money, especially of people.

ARS does not share his relationship with a give and take. He is selfish. He is
a taker. In a relation, he gives support to others and in return, he expects
support. He is miser, avaricious of saving money and things. Always
calculating what return he will get.


ARS is FASTIDIOUS (rigid, hard to please). Wants everything neat, clean,

and perfect. He also becomes obsessive. Also, fastidiousness arises out of
insecurity, 'if I go to a bad place, what if I fall sick?' Obsessed by the need for
order and cleanliness to the point of expending inordinate energy, constantly
cleaning and straightening. This is the ARS fastidiousness—it arises out of
anxiety and insecurity.

Anxiety of health:

On further stage, anxiety of health is increased and he is afraid to die. Here

also there is insecurity and he needs company. Anxiety leads to internal
anguish and he becomes restless; mentally restless, he moves from chair to
chair, place to place seeking security.

Paranoid (obsessed, suspicious):

If the ARS patient is in the paranoid state, the fastidiousness will disappear
(syphilitic) and anxiety and fear will diminish. There comes a stage of deep
depression, despair of recovery, loss of interest in life, suicidal thoughts,
suspicious of others and a stage of insanity. He avoids talking to others,
becomes obstinate, introvert. There is no anxiety, no desire for company, no
fear of death, no restlessness, and no fastidiousness.

As the paranoid and the delusion stage is lifted and the fear and later on the
anxiety comes, it is a good sign. The patient has come from the syphilitic to
the sycotic miasm and from the sycotic miasm to the psoric miasm.

A Homoeopath with true knowledge of health and disease and miasm will
recognize the progress in direction towards health.


Crisis : Always positive in crisis:

When unexpected situation comes, he takes the decision positively and

comes out of crisis. This is the positivity of CAMPHOR.


Pain tolerance is quite high. But again, think of this remedy in crisis. When
pain increases a lot, he starts getting cold perspiration and there is collapse.
The patient is better while thinking of the pain and during semi-conscious
condition the pain is felt.


There is great coldness of surface with a desire to uncover. Great heat or

sweat with desire to cover.


The patient has an aversion to cover when cold though he feels cold. Desires
covers when he is hot and sweating. When there is sudden collapse with
overpowering influence of the nervous system during crisis, he becomes


That is why it is universal antidote to the vegetable kingdom. In all

poisons, you get symptoms of excessive sweat, collapse, etc.


CAUSTICUM is initially excessively hypersensitive and over-reactive

and later on has gradual paralysis. GRADUAL is the key word.


Injustice cannot support, anarchist, revolutionary, like Mahatma Gandhi.

Hypersensitivity and over-reactivity:

Why do they fight against injustice? CAUSTICUM is easily excitable and
quick to react. They absorb all the impressions from the environment,
responding with hyperactivity and over-reaction, particularly in those
functions governed by the nervous system.


A person, who was a revolutionary once upon a time, fighting for the world,
now gradually becomes introvert and the whole energy, which was diverted
outside is now being diverted inside and he now develops pathology. Here
you get diseases like myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, or nerve
weakness of gradual onset and progress and the person can become
imbecile. There will be diminished nervous system reflexes, hard and short
tendons, and a general state of inflexibility.

GRADUAL is the key word for CAUSTICUM. There is no sudden

development. It takes a long time for the initial over-reactivity to invert itself
into the state of paralysis of function.


Whereas he was once a very intellectual person, philosophizing, analyzing

things deeply with great capacity, he now starts feeling as if he is losing his
mental power and slowly sliding into a state of imbecility.

Summary: In CAUSTICUM changes begin gradually with an initial

hyperactivity, sensitiveness to injustice and authority, and anarchism.
The patient is aggravated by dry cold, with desire for salt and smoked
meat and aversion to sweet.



"I am always right." He is an iron man, like a commander, he orders. Key

word of FERRUM is CONTRADICTION—contradiction to all influences and
all conditions.


Sensitive and excitable, worse from least contradiction.

Slight noise like crackling of paper is unbearable.

Excited by slightest opposition

Diarrhoea comes on when the patient begins to eat.

This anemia is due to defective assimilation with false plethora
(contradiction). Even though the patient is anemic, the face is red; there is
false plethora.


Even in cardiac cases, the patient is aggravated by rest and ameliorated by

slow and gentle motion. Palpitations and asthma is better by walking slowly,
aggravated by rapid and sudden motion. The patient is chilly, but open air
relieves him (contradiction).


During sleep, all the muscles relax and our eyes should close, here there is
again a contradiction; the eyes are half open during sleep.



Slightest Pressure:

HEPAR SULPH positivity is oversensitivity. Because of his oversensitivity, his

positivity comes out in his impulsive nature and during that impulsiveness,
he becomes positive. He comes out of crisis. If there is a fire or a riot, he will
come out of it because of his impulsive nature. The patient appears as if his
nerve endings are exposed and raw. They cannot take slightest pressure,
either physical or mental. They become angry, nasty, vicious, and abusive of
other people.


HEPAR abuses other people because of their own intolerance to pressure

and stress or sufferings. They seem to hold other people responsible for their
own problems. They become angry, nasty, and abusive. This is in the
syphilitic state.


Sweats day and night without relief (MERCURY).

Sweats easily on mental and physical exertion (PSORINUM, SEPIA)


Offensive odor. There is a peculiar old, rotten, cheese odour. Even sour
smelling stools and perspiration.

Next stage, there is nervous excitement. Everything is done in a hurry. He
speaks fast, eats fast, drinks fast, etc. Nervous system becomes super-
excited (SULPH-ACID).



Primary target is circulation. Snake remedies affect mostly the heart and the
circulation. There is over-stimulation, which constantly seeks an outlet for


This is intelligent and the flow of ideas is very fast. POSITIVE AN

LOQUACIOUS. Very intelligent, ideas flow fast, talks and talks. Changes ideas
jumps from one topic to the other. Emotions are very strong; they get easily
attached to people and objects. Attachment is very strong, so, LACHESIS is
jealous, self-centered, and suspicious. Loquacious, talkative, when there is
suppression of sex. It is one of the main remedies for religious affections.

Suppression of discharges:

There is amelioration by discharges.

Uterine pain ameliorated after menstrual flow starts.

Over-stimulation of the sexual sphere, lascivious, obscene, and lewd. One of

the main remedies for masturbation (STAPHYSAGRIA, PLATINA,
ORIGANUM) again because the patient is better after discharges.


People with idiopathic high blood pressure. Flushes of heat in different ages.
Haemorrhages with dark-colored or black-clotted blood from nose, stomach,
lungs, uterus, and bowels. Headache, varicose veins, heamorrhoids, and all
kinds of heart ailments.


Sleep is difficult. The patient is aggravated by sleep and in the morning.

Wakes up in panic as if breath has stopped. LACHESIS leads all remedies in
'wakes up in panic.'

Sensitiveness to tightness:

Sensitive to touch or contact, slight touch of collar, neckband, or clothes

around neck and waist is unbearable.

MERC SOL is an anarchist and revolutionary and this is the base of his


MERCURY has lack of reactive power coupled with an instability and

inefficiency of function, which enables it to create a stable, efficient equilibrium
upon exposure to the many physical and emotional stimuli in the
environment. The lack of defensive power results in sensitiveness to
everything. Therefore, MERCURY gets aggravated by heat, cold, wet weather,
warmth of bed, perspiration, exertion, various foods, etc. In repertory, in
italics and bold, aggravated and ameliorated only 7 ameliorated (out of which
5 with lying down) and 55 rubrics in favor of aggravation. MERCURY has a
very narrow range of tolerance to everything.


MERCURY patient becomes more susceptible to every kind of impulse. There

is an impulse to strike, to smash things, to kill someone over a merely slight
offence, or even kill loved ones.


Tremor runs through the remedy. There is great weakness and trembling of
limbs. This is also due to instability.


As we know MERCURY is not solid, a little touch and it starts shaking,

though liquid and heavy than other liquids, it is unstable.

Perspiration and salivation:

Easy perspiration, which does not relieve. Perspiration is a normal

function to cool the body when it is overheated. Perspiration excretes toxic
products. MERCURY perspires more even with little stimulus. Also, there is
excessive salivation.


Stasis, Hormone:

There is an aversion to sex. The urge for sex is the urge to bring about
balance, to release excess of one or the other hormones. In SEPIA, there is
no need for such release. Hormonal balance is equal, so there is indifference
to sex. The body of SEPIA does not have the natural curves of women. She
is thin, flat-chest, without curves.


Autonomic system has two opposing forces that clash and become
neutralized and result in stasis. There is a sensation of fullness in the
rectum, constipation without urge. Stasis of the uterus, prolapse. Drooping
of eyelids.


Emotional state also has stasis. The patient is averse to sex and to her own
husband. She hits her children, as she has no affection for them. She feels
her husband is nice as long as he stays away from her in bed. Later on, she
hates him. This is her indifference to loved ones, no emotions.


ANXIETY+ + +. She cries day and night, not knowing why. There is great
sadness with tears because of stasis. She cannot narrate her symptoms
without weeping, aggravated from consolation.


There is coldness of the body because of stasis in circulation, coldness of

legs and feet. The hands are cold and the feet are warm or vice versa.
Coldness on top of the head, coldness in spots, of extremities during fever.


Hardworking, strong sense of duty:

He is positive because he is ambitious and works day and night. He gives a

lot of importance to achievement and competition. NUX-VOM is competitive
to the point of damaging his own health even at the expense of his
colleagues. He is workaholic, dominated by work. He gets promoted easily.
He is fastidious and efficient. Fastidiousness is more appropriate to reality.


It is difficult for a NUX-VOM patient to accept limitations of anything; he

cannot resign. To keep up with the pressure, he uses various stimulants like
cigarette, coffee, drugs, alcohol, tea, and even sex.


Despite such abuse of stimulants, he is SENSITIVE to many of these

substances. Hypersexual individual. Strong desire and may indulge in their
sexual impulses - moral feeling want of. Over-indulgence of stimulants may
meet his needs, but later on toxicity develops, the entire nervous system
becomes overwhelmed and he becomes oversensitive to light, noise, etc. His
mind is constantly hurried from one thing to another until he is tortured.


He goes home and thinks about his work. He lies awake at night with
constant thoughts of business and the affairs of the day crowded upon him,
and he finally suffers from brain fag. When details come to him, he gets
angry and wants to get rid of it. He tears things up, scolds, goes home and
takes it out on his family and children. Feels better after vomiting.

IRRITABLE inside. You ask, "Are you irritable?" The patient says, "No, not at
all. I never even raise my voice." "How about inside? Do you feel irritable
inside yourself?" The patient says, "Oh yes very much." This is all due to
abuse of stimulants. His irritability starts when he cannot cope up with the
work; there is increased workload and responsibility. He cannot manage to
do it. He loses his temper on small matters. If he cannot find his thing, he
becomes irritable; he walks out of the room loudly slamming the door. He is
intolerant to contradiction.


Wakens at 3 a.m. and with his business affairs crowded on him, he cannot
sleep and sleeps again in the morning.

Now we find the constitutional medicine. For that, we have to see

♦ Physical make-up : Strong built.

♦ Mental make-up : Positive.
♦ General make-up : Chilly.
Desires stimulants.
Desires hot tea.
Abuse of medicament.

After repertorisation, the remedy that comes up is NUX-VOM. So, the patient
was given NUX-VOM 200—1 dose.

We have to match the fundamental nature of the patient with the

fundamental nature of the remedy. The fundamental nature of NUX-VOM is:

♦ Self-reliant.
♦ Independent.
♦ Compulsive hardworking.
♦ Overly efficient.
Chapter 4:

Dr. Prafull Borkar:

Today is going to be an exhaustive session on miasm, but before we go to

that, I will try and tell you the history behind miasms, how Hahnemann
arrived at miasm. Hahnemann came across the idea of similia in 1791, but
he only discovered or propagated it as a system of medicine in 1796 (after
five years of research). After 1796, in 1815, Hahnemann was practicing
Homoeopathy on the basis of similia, he was experimenting drug proving,
dynamism, remedies, potencies, and he was getting better results, but
something was not going right.

He being very fastidious (hard to please), was not happy with the results that
he was getting.He did not get the solution to this problem till 1815. He was
going round and round, but he knew that he had not got the right
similimum. There was something missing. Till 1815, these are his

All medicines known to Homoeopathy fail to bring about a real cure.

He decided to find out the real nature of chronic diseases, which still remain
uncured despite the truth of similia. He was lost, wondering what is the

He studied his cases over and over again and studied what was happening in
each and every case. He saw that the beginning was promising, next less
favorable, and finally hopeless. This is what even we see in our practice
daily. He found that chronic diseases always return in a more or less varied
form with new symptoms or re-appear with an increase of complaints.

This is exactly what happens with us also in our practice.

He found that the disease that presents before the eyes is only the fragment
of the more deep-seated internal disease. There is something underneath. He
concluded that the so-called separate symptoms that the patient was
presenting with are separate manifestations of the same original disease. All
this is from Theory of Chronic Diseases, where he has given his line of
thinking, how he developed this. So, he decided to take the totality of

Everything that the patient is saying is important. So, case taking developed.
He took the history not only from the patient, but also started observing the
patient, what is that he has not told about his disease, his nature.
See aphorism 5, we have to take into consideration everything; his
domestic relation, his moral and intellectual character, the ailments
from, the exciting cause, etc. He then decided to interview the relatives.

The picture started coming up in more detail. He found that diseases first
presents, as an internal malady before it shows local symptoms, that is there
is a sensation of un-well being.

The patient is sick even before the body throws out a skin eruption.

The whole body has already become sick; it is not a part that is sick before
the first manifestation is seen. He also found out that all diseases go
through three stages.

(1) The time of infection (this word is first mentioned by Dr. Hahnemann,
there is something that disturbs the internal mechanism).

(2) Then is the period during which the whole organism is being penetrated
by it, it completely pervades the full organism first (the incubation

(3) Then there is breaking out of the external ailment.

He got the answer to his problems. Miasm and Theory of Chronic

Diseases came up. At that time.

Miasma meant something in the air, which disturbs. If you read life and
letters of Samuel Hahnemann by Richard Hale, he writes a person suffering
from small pox wrote a letter to one of his relatives somewhere far off and
posted the letter, that person there got some kind of infection similar to
small pox—this is what he called as miasma—something dynamic, unknown,
something invisible can disturb a person at distance if the immunity is
down. This is what he writes in Theory of Chronic Diseases. This new theory
was very important for him.

Many people did not believe in this theory as they felt that their practice
would become difficult. Hering (whom we respect the most) said that he did
not believe in this theory. Hering sat in the clinic of Hahnemann; he had
seen Hahnemann practicing, and he said this! He said that Dr. Hahnemann
has told me, "dare to be wise, Aude Sapare" do not follow anyone blindly,
then how can I follow him I blindly? Till I see it in my practice, I do not believe
in the theories of Hahnemann". He said this when Hahnemann was alive.
Law of similars is above all and if the remedy is right, it has to act. All other
is theory; these were his statements. If you read Hering's Guiding
Symptoms, you will see he gives a lot of value to how the tissues, the nerves
are affected, what is the kind of pathology, general in toto, which is nothing
but miasm.
Boger says the constitutional remedy if chosen rightly, must cover the
miasm as well. A separate anti-miasmatic remedy need not be searched for.
Many people give THUJA, MEDORRHINUM for sycotic miasm; PSORINUM,
SULPHUR for psoric miasm; TUBERCULINUM for tubercular miasm, etc. so
that the picture becomes more clear. But Boger says the right remedy must
cover the symptoms and the miasm also.

Now we talk about Kent. Kent once in his classroom during his lectures
mentioned, "When the indicated remedy fails", (We have heard this many
times), "give OPIUM, ANT-TART, etc." One of his students, Dr. Gladwin
approached him and said, "If the law of similars is right, then how can the
indicated medicine fail?" Dr. Kent realized his mistake and said, "As we have
grown old, we have started using this sentence very loosely. Thank you for
bringing this to my notice, what I actually wanted to say is when the
apparently indicated medicine fails". The indicated remedy never fails.
Usually, it fails, when the miasm is not taken into consideration.

So, what are miasms, the significance, types, and application in practice?
Miasm is a prevailing predisposition, which predetermines the nature, pace,
depth, and the kind of damage at the functional or the structural level. The
remedy has to cover even this, not only the totality of symptoms. Genetics
determines the miasm. Harrison says, the genetic variation in normal people
accounts for much of the normal variation in traits such as height,
intelligence, and blood pressure. These genetic differences also determine
the ability of each individual to meet environmental challenges including
those that produce diseases. So, miasm and genetics are the same. All
human diseases can be considered to be an interaction between an
individual's unique genetic make-up and the environment.

Psora, sycosis, and syphilis—these correspond to the three main cell

functions. Homeostasis or organization and physiology is psora. Sycosis has
to do with growth, multiplication, and reproduction; any dysfunction at this
level produces sycotic miasm. Any dysfunction at the level of defense gives rise
to the syphilitic miasm.
Chapter 5: Why Homoeopaths Fail ?

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

In his book of Chronic Diseases, Dr. Hahnemann was investigating why

there were failures? Why was he not getting results?

Cases came back with temporary amelioration with a big bang. So, after
years of experimenting he came to a conclusion that there was something
deep down within, which resulted in the disease becoming chronic.

When this happens, the same Materia Medica becomes useless.Once this
miasmatic approach is clear in your mind, then all the Materia Medica
becomes a child's play.

Why are homoeopaths failing in pathological or terminal cases?

Because they do not understand the miasm.

If you know miasms, you know which symptoms to give importance to. If
you put all the symptoms in your computer, you get a nonsense remedy out;
it is GIGO, garbage in is garbage out.

Every homoeopath comes to different remedy. This is not what

Hahnemann meant about Individualization.

I have heard professors saying in class. Just read miasm for exams and then
forget it. I started studying my cases because of failures. We do not want
mushrooming of miasms, it will be like mushrooming of antibiotics, like
vaccines, and become obsolete after some time.

To remind you, Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic principles, and our remedies

are as effective today as they were 250 years back!

Have you ever heard that NUX-VOM, BELLADONNA will not work, they are
obsolete and the body has developed resistance?

The wonder drug of yester years, penicillin—is obsolete today!

Homoeopathic remedies still work in a single dose. So, who is more
scientific, the Homoeopaths or the Allopaths? Whether you go to moon or
mars, a NUX-VOM will remain a NUX- VOM only. Then why are we not getting

There is some flaw in our application of principle and the major flaw is
that we neglect the Theory of Chronic Diseases.

In its introduction, Hahnemann says, "I am afraid that my followers will not
understand me properly. This great discovery will go in vain." He was
already apprehensive about it. He was the one who also has claimed, "My
discovery of the Law is Similars is not so important as this discovery, the
chronic diseases." Hahnemann has only propagated this law; it existed even
before that.

This was already known to Indians much before Hahnemann, but he made it
into science and propagated it.

Reaction of every delegate to my lecture is different, but I have no complaints

as they are a slave of their miasm and their genes and their reaction is
according to that. Psora was equated to scabies or itch. Sycosis was equated
to anything that happened after gonorrhoea and syphilis to chancre. This
was after careful investigations.

On page 34 of Chronic Diseases, he mentions, "After years of experience and

research in Europe and all other continents, I have come to the conclusion
that all the chronic diseases have only three origins—psora, sycosis, and

The Allopaths try to find out the pathology and name the disease, and
according to the pathology or symptoms the patient is treated. When they do
not find the pathology, they do not know what to do and then they tell them
now go to a Homoeopathic doctor. We too have to know the pathology to
know the miasm. If he has some itching, redness, he belongs to psora. If he
has some warts, he belongs to sycosis, and if he has some ulcers or
destruction, he belongs to the syphilitic miasm. So, for us there are only
three diseases and not vast number of diseases.

To understand miasms, we have to understand the universe.

Universe is a bundle of energy. There are constant energetic forces acting on

us and keeping us on this earth. We are also made up of energy and are a
part of it. We have an energy cycle. Einstein equated - Energy = mass x
velocity, E=mc2. So, everything is energy and we all are related to each other
via energy. Man also has to follow the law of energy. The first is, 'Energy can
neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to
another'. The second law is, 'All systems in this universe proceed in one
direction for degradation to add to the entropy of the universe in given
conditions of temperature and pressure'.

Unless we die, we can never give energy to the world for production. Nothing
is permanent in this world, it has to die and act as a fuel for future

The basic unit of life is cell and that is equated to amoeba, a single cellular

It had three definite functions to perform - respiration, eat, and with the help
of oxygen and carbon dioxide give rise to energy to live and perform duties.
This is the basic function, to produce energy. The second function is of
reproduction or multiplication only by mitosis, 1:2. Meiosis is only in the
sexual cells. The first was organization of all the resources to give energy.
The cell now is ready to fight, it knows how to survive and make its species
survive, it is constantly attacked by forces and only the fittest survive. So,
the third function, the defense came up, to protect the organism from
hostile I forces.

This is just a hypothesis that it coincides with Generation, Organization, and

Defense, making it GOD. So, it is something like GOD is there in every cell.
Every cell has these three basic functions. Organization problems, that is
problems in functions and systems involved in generating energy; the RS,
CVS, excretory, and the skin.

This correspond to the disorder of psora. Whenever there are functional

disturbances, these are psoric. If you are not going to supply nutrition, the
body is going to convert and prepare energy. It takes proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats from the cells, so people become marasmic.

The toxins have to be thrown out; if they are not thrown out, we become ill
and suffer from toxic effects. This means that these three functions of taking
in food and air, metabolism, generating energy, and throwing out toxins are

In our Indian mythology, God is trinity—Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, again an

analogy, but see the resemblance. Vishnu always has a wheel in hand.
Brahma (sycosis) gives rise to human being production, so he is the Lord of
sycosis. Whenever there is any mythological war, everyone goes to Shiva to
defend himself, even Ravana, Laxman, Ram all had to take his help. So,
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh are also symbolic of generator, organizer, and

So psora is something, which is going on and on, it is a constant process.

Whenever there is a breech or groove in this continuity, then we call it as
psora. A groove in continuity, something continuous has been broken.

The disorder in function of reproduction is sycosis. Cells multiply 1:2, but

when this mitotic factor changes, then too many cells are formed, excessive
tumor, growth, accumulation, which corresponds to sycosis. Whenever there
is disorder in the defensive mechanism, there is destruction, this
corresponds to the syphilitic miasm.

Hahnemann has written in 1813 or later to one of his friends saying that I
have been criticized by people when I say that psora is not the itch. I never
said psora is the itch or the mite. This is misunderstanding of my
concept. One of his followers made a ridiculous remark. He said that in very
dangerous diseases caused by a mite, I can pick up the mite with forceps,
throw it out, and wash the whole thing with soap. Tell Dr. Hahnemann I can
cure all the major diseases with forceps and soap. This was a very bad
remark made by one of his followers who did not understand him well.
Hahnemann has specifically quoted that it is not the itch, which is the
disease or the cause of the disease, on the contrary, itch, scabies, or mite is
the resultant of certain changes, which have taken place in the tissues itself
giving rise to some toxic product and becoming an invitation to disease.

Itch is secondary to what changes have occurred in the tissue. This is given
in Life and Letters of Hahnemann. He says very nicely, that psora or itch or
mite can occur in people who have nutritional deficiency or respiratory
deficiency in the tissues.

So, what he meant by psora was that whenever in one cell or tissue there is
an invitation to mite or itch, it is because the function of respiration or
nutrition is affected, metabolism is not proper, and toxic products are formed
in the tissue. He did not have means to prove this at that time.

Disease is any departure from health, particular destructive process in the

organism, and any harmful or destructive condition. This is the Allopathic

Hahnemann says that diseases are of two types; acute and chronic.

Acute diseases are those, which come suddenly, last for a short time, and
either end in death or recovery.

Chronic diseases are those, which go on and on and finally end in the
destruction of the person. In the book of Chronic Diseases, he says all
chronic diseases of mankind must have their foundation, origin in chronic
miasms. In Europe and in other continents, only three chronic miasms are
found; the diseases caused by which manifest through local symptoms. The
true natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a chronic miasm.
This is also in aphorism 78.

Why are there only three miasms? He traced the origin of chancre to
syphilis, of figwarts to sycosis, of itch to psora.

Let us see what modern science and Robin's pathology gives us and what
Hahnemann had said 200 years ago. Now with the advent of genetic and
molecular biology, they say that the disease or disorder arises in an organ
when the cells or tissues of that organ are in disorder. The cells and tissues are
responsible for order or disorder. Any disorder of the cell is due to its fight for
survival. An inflammation is also a defense mechanism.

So, every cell when attacked, wants to live and defend itself against the
hostile process, so when they start defending for survival, disease or disorder
arises. Now the whole concept changes! Now we still go further and broaden
our view, every thing in this world wants to live and to defend. During this
defense, it sacrifices something.

If you are attacked, you start using your weapons. Some people defend
themselves physically, some have money, and so they employ someone to
defend them. Some use weapons and destroy others to defend themselves.
So, every living being wants to survive as far as possible. Defense
mechanism in each cell is represented out into the world in the form of
disease. The disease is nothing, but an expression of the defensive
mechanism. Inflammation is nothing but defense mechanism, which is

Now we will understand how every cell will defend itself. Some cells defend
themselves by sacrificing their respiratory or nutritional function. Some cells
defend by sacrificing or making changes and adapting their reproductive
system. Some cells defend by bringing about destruction.

So defense is the key word of miasm.

There are three different types of defenses, which a living being has. If I
attack someone, he will try to take only small steps, which are not basically
structural, but only physiological or physical, he will just try to avoid any
irritation or nagging. This will bring out slight biochemical changes. So, the
cell is trying to bring about some biochemical changes by sacrificing the
nutritional or the oxygenation function thereby giving rise to inflammation.
This also could cause irritability and hyper or hyposensitivity; rubor, dolor,
calor, tumor, and loss of function. All these changes are observed in
physiological defense of any cell. So, every cell defends itself by an
inflammatory process or hypersensitivity or irritability and finally loss of
function. So, all diseases, which fall in inflammatory stages due to chemical,
biochemical or physiological changes, are psoric diseases. When these
bacteria or viruses go on attacking and nothing is going to change, then the
organism puts on a pad or a thick shield so that he is protected.

The primary physiological defense is brought about by sacrificing the

nutrition and respiration. This is psoric defense.

The psoric diseases will be dermatitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, eczema, pharyngitis.

All 'itis' acute inflammations with hypersensitivity, functional disorders of the
nervous system and endocrine system, anxiety neurosis, and epilepsy.
Epilepsy can come under psoric disease. When first function is impaired to
defend itself, it is a psoric disease. It is more in the respiratory tract, the GIT,
the urinary tract, and includes all functional derangements and hyper or

Tumor means not growth, but edema. Whenever the bacteria are trying to
injure a tonsil, we take antibiotics or treat with MERC-SOL, BARYTA-CARB,
CALC-CARB, CALC-FLOUR etc, then induration (chronic inflammation) takes
place. This is not psora because there is lymphocytosis. Now cells start
feeling danger to life despite the physiological changes. So, the cell shifts its
gear at the genetic level and secondary effects now evolve. These are
essentially structural or morphological. This morphological defense is of
two types—either the cells say I will thicken myself so that I do not get hurt
or it is better that I destroy this part so that I do not get hurt, like a shoe
bite. First time in shoe bite it leads to inflammation, this is psora. Once this
continues, you get hard skin there; like a corn and if you still continue to
wear those shoes, you get an ulcer.

Change of gear of defense from psora to sycotic to syphilitic.

These three defenses you can apply to every living being.

There are still few bifurcations within. Morphological defense can be

constructive or destructive.

This construction can be of two types. (1) Over-construction or (2) Under-

construction. If the hostile stimulus still continues, the cell defends itself by
strengthening itself by either accumulation or multiplication; so there is
excess. There can be two phases to sycosis, either excess or shallow because
mitosis can be disturbed in two manners either from 1:2 to 1:10 or 1:1.
Excess multiplication of cells takes place, which generally is always by
mitosis- except in the sexual cells. One cell divides into many giving rise to
tumors, growths, thickening, accumulation, which grows at the cost of
neighbouring cells or tissues and this corresponds to sycosis 'excess'. The
other is sycosis 'shallow'.

Some examples of diseases in sycosis 'excess' are obesity (excess

accumulation of fat), warts or skin tags (excess accumulation of skin), edema
(excess accumulation of water), fibroids, atherosclerosis, induration (excess
accumulation of fibrin), hyperlipidemia (excess accumulation of fat),
darkening of skin (excess accumulation of melanocytes), keloids, excessive
proliferations. Now what about renal stones? It is also an excessive
accumulation. Diabetes - excess accumulation of sugar. Mind you it could
be a result of islets of Langerhans having impaired blood flow due to
constriction of vessels—this is psoric, it is tension diabetes. If it is due to
atherosclerosis, it is sycotic diabetes. If it is because of destruction of cells, it
is syphilitic diabetes, (which is difficult to reverse).

What is shallow? Hypo-pigmentation (not vitiligo, not destruction of

melanocytes) as in tinea, dwarfism, (excess height and small height both are
sycotic), hypo-functioning of all organs, even kidneys, atrophic kidneys also
come under sycosis shallow. This is just the key word; you go on applying to
all diseases. When elastin is less, there is relaxation, therefore, diseases like
varicose veins, prolapsed uterus, piles, ptosis of the viscera, even in the
heart, prolapse of mitral valve. So, constriction or prolapse, both are sycotic.
Here we need to know the differentiation. It is essential for us to know the
pathology that the patient is suffering from so that we get an idea what is
the type of defense of that individual. If I can correct this defense
mechanism, correct the loss of the particular function, which he has
suffered, I will be able to help the patient better. Also, due to decreased
fibrin, one might even get dilatation. Excessive leucocytosis or leukemia is
sycotic. Shallow sycosis will give you shortness of height, tenia versicolor,
relaxed muscles and tendons, easy spraining tendency, Duchene's muscular
dystrophy (first sycotic then syphilitic, first false enlargement, then
destruction of the muscles), hypothyroid, hypotension, etc—all hypo and
slow. Now the third defense - this is in the form of destruction. When this
happens, there are two types of changes that will take place—apoptosis and

Apoptosis: The cell goes on killing itself. Some genetic change takes place in
the cell where the genetic code changes for self-destruction of the cell.

Necrosis: The body tries to cut off the particular part and throw it away as
in gangrene.

We have two distinct types of syphilitic remedies. There are some like AUR-
MET who would like to kill themselves; they have anxiety of conscience, they
never want to kill someone else.

While there are others who are killing and destroying others, they will not
hurt themselves—like MERC, ANAC, and FLUOR-ACID.

So, an intelligent Homoeopath knows when there is necrosis going on

somewhere, I should avoid giving apoptotic remedy and vice versa. These are
two distinctive tendencies. So, understand the type of disease the patient is
suffering from. Therefore, susceptibility to disease is also to be included in the
wholistic approach. Hahnemann has already written (the idea of cellular
defense being associated with miasmatic changes) it in aphorism 74,
extract of this is—"in order to maintain life against these inimical and
destructive attacks, it must produce a revolution in the organism and
either deprive some part of its irritability and sensitivity (psora) or
exalt these to an excessive degree, cause dilatation or contraction
(sycosis shallow or excess), relaxation or induration or even total
destruction of certain parts and develop faulty organic alterations
(syphilitic) here and there in die interior or the exterior (cripple the
body internally or externally) in order to preserve the organism from
complete destruction of life by the ever-renewed, hostile assaults of
such destructive forces." This aphorism is telling us 200 years in advance
what Robin gives us as a new discovery that every cell tries to defend itself.
The whole world has understood Hahnemann's theory today only 200 years
after he has discovered it and we in spite of belonging to this rich heritage of
scientific science, we are still following the Allopathic understanding of
treating the disease in man, not man in disease.

Genes also give rise to the mind. Miasm is a taint or pollution.

Those constitutions, which have a genetic tendency to defend by disorder in
physiology or metabolic activity - by sacrificing the metabolism or physiology,
are psoric constitutions.
Constitutions having a tendency to defend by disorder in mitosis or meiosis
are sycotic constitutions.
Constitutions having a tendency to defend by disorder in defensive
mechanism are syphilitic constitutions.
We know that our genes are tainted to the disorder inherited from father and
mother. So, we inherit these tendencies. Therefore, whichever miasm is more
prominent, we call it as the birth miasm or miasm of that constitution. How
do we correlate it to the diseases? This means that whenever a psoric
constitution falls ill, maximum time they will fight out with only the
physiological defenses, that is remedies like SULPHUR, NUX-VOM,
BELLADONNA in the psoric state will defend themselves for a long time by
physiological defense. The sycotic constitution will immediately switch gears
and go to accumulative defense, that is remedies like THUJA, as soon as
they develop some respiratory problem or some inflammation tend to go into
thickening and tumors very easily. THUJA has a frail sensation (this is
personification of sycosis itself), the danger to life is too much for it, and it
immediately starts covering and thickening up. Therefore, THUJA,
constitutions pass immediately from psora to sycotic state. Remedies like
gears from psora straight to destruction, so, even an ordinary inflammation
can lead straight to ulceration and destruction.

So, it is very common to see young people or young children who are sycotic
in constitution go into tumors and thickening at age of 14-15 years. They are
easily suppressed to sycosis. In psoric constitution, you go on giving them
any amount of antibiotics or even wrong Homoeopathic remedies, they will
stay good getting the same tonsillitis, etc. because their genes are giving
them the physiological defense. In childhood, the first defense is always
psoric. So, a child always develops skin rash, itching, etc. after vaccination
or anything. This when suppressed gives respiratory infection. In infants
and children, you have psora. Then the psora goes deeper and deeper and as
the child becomes a boy, he starts getting pain in the joints and muscles; he
is still in psora. So, psoric diseases are found more in the lower age group.
Body has to go through these two or three defenses throughout life. When
the constitution changes gear from psora to sycotic and then from sycotic to
syphilitic, there is an age barrier in normal circumstances, eg. SULPHUR is a
polycrest, triasmatic. So usually or more commonly, SULPHUR in childhood
is psoric, when they become older around 18-20 years, they become sycotic,
and then they become syphilitic. When we suppress, we enhance the miasm
within and complete this cycle in shorter time and the child goes faster from
psora to sycosis, eg. if we treat a frank psoric child with a wrong medicine
for say, tonsillitis, and it gets 'cured'; he is happy that he is now able to
drink cold water. Very soon, he starts getting tired while playing and at the
age of 14-15 years, you find he has high blood pressure and he complains of
chest pain. You have pushed him from tonsillitis to hypertension. If you still
repeat the same partial similimum, you will now push him from sycosis to
syphilis. His hypertension now causes less blood supply to the kidneys and
they start getting damaged. The atherosclerosis causing hypertension is now
increasing because of our suppression, increasing the accumulation and the
sycosis within. By the age of 35 to 40 years, the whole picture of psora,
sycosis, and syphilis is over. So, we need to understand what we are doing to
our patients, where this man is going. So, you should have an idea of the
defense mechanism. If you want to help patient to defend himself from
disease, it is very important for us to know at which stage of defense this
man is, how he is representing his disease, how his body is throwing out
symptoms? We will now see how this same thing is seen in the mind.
Chapter 6: Defense of organism - Hahnemannian way

When we were in college, a particular sentence would always disturb me

'When best selected remedy fails to improve or relieve, an anti-miasmatic is
indicated'. This particular sentence itself is a ridiculous sentence because
'how can the best-selected remedy fail ?' If the remedy is failing, how can we
call it best selected. In short, you have not included the miasm in that
wholistic approach. Somewhere the physician has not understood the miasm
and yet gives that remedy, eg. destruction anywhere in the tissue will
indicate syphilitic miasm. If a patient is suffering from paralysis, what is the
reason for paralysis? Cerebrovascular accident, embolism, infarct,
thrombosis, space occupying lesion, degenerative diseases like motor
neurone disease, necrosis of nervous tissue, demyelination, one has to
assess the cause if we have to treat the patient properly. It could be even due
to ischaemia. If patient has gone in paralysis due to thrombosis or embolus,
causing ischemia to the part, whether he can get the same remedy as the
patient who has gone into paralysis due to cerebrovascular accident—one is
distinctly sycotic and the other is distinctly syphilitic. If patient has MND
(motor neurone disease) or senile dementia, can the remedy be same? No.
Now eg. NUX-VOM is essentially psoric, but then does it have any syphilitic
condition? Yes. Paralysis in NUX-VOM is due to cerebrovascular accident.
NUX-VOM can go from psora to syphilis; it never has tumors or growths. So,
we will find it difficult for a patient of motor neurone disease to respond to
NUX-VOM unless NUX-VOM has a sycotic phase. So, we have to consider the
pathology of the patient as well as the mental state, which has to be similar
to the miasm. The mind, the body, the disease, and the patient as a whole
have to show the same miasm everywhere. Then only you can cure with
single dose. Otherwise, you go in a zigzag direction. Therefore, the remedy
has to cover the miasm, the generals, physicals, the attitude, and only then
it is a right similimum.

Defense is an attempt by the organism to achieve a steady state to preserve

the viability as per aphorism 74. The primary defense of every cell is the
physiological defense; it is the mother of every disease. Every cell has
to have a primary defense when it is fighting its fight for survival. So it is the
most primitive defense, which every cell has. All other defenses (the
secondary morphological defenses) are based on this primary defense. Hence
Hahnemann has said that every disease primarily starts with psora and no
one in this world can be free of psora. If he is free of psora, he will not
survive, he will have no defense. Therefore, all diseases in humans start with
inflammation whether it is a figwart or a chancre. Irritation will give rise to
inflammation which gives rise to either growth or destruction. So, no disease
can be free of psora.

How will we put it in mentals? In psora, there is a discontinuity in the skin;

intactness is gone. So, what will be the mental attitude? Suppose there is an
injury on hand and in a crowd of 200 people you are going to take food. How
will you behave? You will have a constant fear either that someone will touch
it or it will pain or could bleed or get infected, form pus and go to gangrene or
will heal late. Many fears in mind, you are ready to fear, that is anxiety,
which is the base in psora. It arises out of inhibition or shortage of nutrition,
out of discontinuity.

The basic feeling in psoric people is that of anxiety, ready to fear.

Now, if yet someone goes on touching, you get more and more timid and
inhibited and get afraid to go in crowd, again many fears in mind. This is
basic psoric thinking. He will be timid, anxious, with many thoughts in mind,
irritability, and desire to escape from that place, I should come out of it.
Because of this, there is lack of confidence, there is no performance and
despite having the quality, this man suffers from lack of confidence, there is
lot of apprehension.

CALC-CARB is a typical picture of psoric anxiety. Normally any stimulus is

carried to the brain, processed there, and then the resultant action is
involved. In CALC-CARB, suppose they are touched with burning candle, it
will go slowly to the brain and in the brain it will go on contemplating. It
tries to process the particular thought, what should I do? If I fight, what will
happen? I will get hurt, etc. so many things are going on in their mind that it
is difficult for them to take a decision. The decision is not conveyed down at
all. There is utter confusion. If he is asked to drive a car, he will first think,
what if I get stuck in middle of traffic, what if someone comes in the middle of
the road and I am not able to press the brakes in time, what if the engine
conks off, or battery goes down, etc.? Therefore, before driving he is thinking
so many things and resultant is no action at all. This continuous process
going on in the computer causes that man to feel, 'Oh my God! This is
utterly confusing and I think I am going to go mad.' No result is coming out.
At the same time, he feels I am not able to take decision, I am getting
confused, and now people will laugh at me. So, these delusions, illusions of
CALC-CARB. Fear of going insane, people think I will go insane, etc. are
hallmark of CALC-CARB. Just because of anxiety and apprehension.
Whereas exactly opposite is the BARYTA- CARB whose message does not
reach the brain at all, everything is shut, stunted. Message does not get
processed and a fixed reaction is always ready. I am sure that I will not be
able to do it. This gives the delusion of legs being cut off and if someone is
talking there, he feels I am sure they are talking about me only. He will never
think of any other possibility at all. This is the difference between psora and
sycosis. Psoric anxiety, apprehension, anticipation is so marked that it does
not allow that man to perform or come to the end of that particular thing,
which he has to accomplish. So, psoric SULPHUR also has so many thoughts
going on in his mind, gets hung up, and there is no result. This is not so
much with a sycotic SULPHUR. So, anywhere when there is much
anxiety, apprehension, irritability, lack of confidence, inhibition, it is
The second defense or the morphological defense of accumulation starts
because the genes undergo such a change that excessive production and
excessive accumulation takes place. This arises from the basic feeling that cell
is now feeling frail, fragile, it is fearful. I am sure that I am going to get hurt.
There is fear of death and he is a coward and because of all this, he will not
be able to face this, so he wants to strengthen and cover up. He is covering
up his weakness and becoming thick, he is putting up a show, a facade,
hiding his weakness to deceive the world. He is a brainy fellow and so
shrewdly maneuvers his defenses. He accumulates, multiplies, holds not
only proteins, water, carbohydrates, but also money. In India, in Bombay,
taint of sycosis is coming up; small land with 20 million people. What is
going to happen? The food, the amenities are going to be the same, supply is
the same and demand is more. So, what happens? Everyone wants to live, so
he tries to take something, to accumulate and if he cannot get it
straightaway, he will try to rob or flick it because he wants to survive and
wants food. Many people in Bombay cannot get houses to live, so they make
their houses smaller and smaller until they become slums. This is a pitiful
situation, but this is due to excess population, lack of nutrition, and the
need to survive, so they have to earn and accumulate money, but there are
no enough opportunities for job. So, they try to deceive or bribe and take the

Chapter 7:

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

But whenever these (sycotic) people are speaking, they are fearful that they
will be caught. So, they have to get themselves trained in such a manner
that you do not come to know that they flick. This is an art. From an intact
purse, the money disappears! You never know. This is sycotic, but there is a
constant fear. So sycosis is based on fear, fright, insecurity, with love
for life and fear of death and they do it in order to survive. Once they
go higher and higher, make more money, then they employ other people
because they are not going to risk their lives any further. So, they collect
money to become safe and now employ others to earn money for them. So,
most of the mafia dons in the world of the mafia gang, they themselves will
not go to fight, they use money and hire people so that they are safe. They
love their lives. Who do these people employ? They employ the syphilitics. In
psora, there are many fears and anxieties. In sycosis, there is one fear
at a time. Fear of dog, cat, unknown, or of being alone in the dark. When
psoric and a sycotic person go into a dark room, the psoric will think—what
if I go there and there is something inside? What if I get burnt or there is a
snake inside which will bite me? So many thoughts—anxiety—may be
something will creep out of the corner. A sycotic will say I am not going, I am
sure there is a dog inside or there is a man inside. If you tell him please go
into that cemetery and come, he is afraid because of ghosts, of unknown, so
he will say, actually I would have gone, but I have got an important
appointment right now! I am not afraid of ghosts. This is rationalization,
trying to justify by giving wrong excuses.

The same sycotic with passage of time and less food and starvation, then
starts losing his faith in life—do hell with the consequences, I am going to
rob or steal even if I lose my life. I will see whatever happens. He is now going
into syphilitic state. So, these slum people because of lack of money and
nutrition, they try to steal, deceive (move to the sycotic aspect) and then may
even kill someone for just Rs. 5000 (syphilitic). I lost one of my cousins, a
very eminent cardiologist at Lilavati Hospital. He was killed by an urchin for
just Rs. 2000. Such people are available in Bombay, where they do not have
anything and even Rs. 2000 is much for them. These are frank syphilitic.
They do not have anything, there is no fear of any consequences, emotions
do not play an important part in their life, emotions take hold of them. In
psora and sycosis, person has emotions and has control over them. In
syphilis, he is in no control of his emotions. It is like a car, where the steering
wheel is not connected to the front wheel, so the car is controlling him and taking
him to destruction. This is syphilitic miasm. The syphilitic miasm takes man
to destruction irrespective of what he is doing; it is not under his control; and
just goes and bangs and ends in destruction. At that time, when the brakes
fail and the car is not responding, he goes into anguish, panic and tries to
open the door and jump. Not bothered about the speed of the car, not
bothered about other cars coming behind him and over-running him.

Psora is anxiety, sycosis is fear, and syphilis is anguish/panic. So, fear

in dark, anxiety in dark and anguish in dark are all completely different.

In Bombay there was a fire in a train in ladies compartment. There were

ladies who started running here and there, crying, and thinking what to do?
Should 1 jump from the door or the window, how will I reach there and
started crying. This is anxiety, which caused them to run here and there.
Ones who really panicked were those who jumped out of the running train
only to be over-run by the other running train and were killed. They were
completely syphilitic. Not bothered about the consequences. Sycotic females
were waiting—let them jump, so we will jump over them and be safe.
Excessive thoughts and ideas in their brain. Most gurus, saints, scientists
belong to sycotic class. They say no noble prize is won until you become old
and gray. It is true. You cannot get a noble prize when you are psoric; you
need to have that intelligent mind. Most of us present here are in the sycotic

Sycosis deals with fertility, mitosis, and meiosis—either excess or less. So,
increased sexual desire, womanizing is also sycotic to the extent that they
become perverted, and once perversion sets in, it is syphilitic. I must go and
get myself sexually gratified—this is syphilitic as in CANTHARIS. See the
rage, violence, the personification of CANTHARIS. The expression of
inflammation is also acute, violent, stinging, burning. Burning of
CANTHARIS is known as riotous. Urging, not satisfied. He is also not in
control of his urinary urge, excessive urge, desire. There was a lady who said
whenever I get fever, I get so violent, I am ashamed of myself; I go and catch
hold of a man if he does not listen to me. This is not just anger or irritability,
this is riotous. This is syphilitic anger, rage, and violence. When you are
going on a syphilitic car, motorcycle out of control is the only word, so the
car is going anywhere without any direction. It does not take a straight
route, but a distorted one. We saw it in morphogenetic gradients—the
mosaic type, it is hay way. More the distortion, more the perversion, more
out of control—more is the syphilis. So anxiety, lack of confidence, and
irritability is psoric. Fearful, cunning, deceitful, hiding, and showy is sycotic.
One who does not bother what will happen to his life or someone else's life,
just out of control, getting hold of emotions is syphilitic. Drinking alcohol
starts as a psoric habit (as a social drink, drinking at parties, socializing,
higher living), goes to sycotic (drinking hidingly), and then you become a
slave of it and it becomes the master, and then he is not drinking alcohol,
but the alcohol is drinking him (syphilitic). Most actors, politicians are all
sycotic—they have to project a facade. Films of yester years with songs of
Mukesh, Saigal were purely psoric. The hero would weep with
disappointment in love, there was safe distance between the hero and the
heroine, they would just express their love, purely psoric love! After 1965-
1970, sycotic age, showing kissing, the girl and the boy coming more close to
each other. Then shamelessness started, the love was first hidden. Now, they
show all obscene scenes. See the miasm even in terms of human social
values. Survival of the species is the second natural function of a human
being. If every man marries a man and every woman marries a woman, it is
the end of mankind— going towards destruction. Homosexuality is abnormal,
syphilitic; it is dangerous.


A child was having leucoderma. She was treated Homoeopathically with ARS
SULPH FLAV 6x three times per day and she had come to my college OPD at
age 12. In the meantime, this child had so many changes in her nature. I
asked her what is your name? The name was feminine. I said you are a girl!!
She was wearing pant and shirt, with boy cut hair, looking just like a boy. I
asked the mother, since when is she like this? Since the last 3-4 years. She
does not want to wear any feminine clothes, jewellery, lipstick, etc. She does
not like to play with girls; she plays only with boys and says I am a boy—
mannish habits. This shows that the destructive disease in the skin has
deep rooted destructive thinking process (mind). She is now thinking I am a
boy and not a girl and I should marry a girl. She is having female organs,
but is not making use of it. She is growing up as a male to marry a female. Is
she ever going to menstruate? No. Is she ever going to conceive? No. I then
asked about her menses. Mother said, she is 13 years old, but yet no signs
of it (that is the child is going towards destruction of the species.) This is
syphilitic miasm. I asked her to stop ARS SULPH FLAV and we will give you a
medicine after which the first thing that you should expect that she should
start thinking that she is a female. She will start liking girl ornaments,
lipstick, etc. and it did happen! The next time she came to me after 2
months, her mother said that surprisingly she had asked for ladies skirt and
she was ready to wear it! Few months later, she came with ornaments and
lipstick. So, she is now coming to sycotic; painting herself, looking good,
facade. Now she has come from syphilitic to sycotic then only multiplication
and proliferation of melanocytes will take place. Destruction will stop. If we
are not aware of it, we will go on treating the disease, which is wrong. So,
think to that extent. Understand the process of miasm. I am still surprised
how people say forget the miasms! Her remedy was PETROLEUM.

Now, you have seen the mental aspect of the miasms, the clue, the basic
words have been given to you, just have to apply now. First thing in psora is
inflammation, inhibition, and hypo-nutrition, giving rise to anxiety. Second
we saw disturbances in reproductive process giving rise to poverty, facade,
hiding, and then the destructive phenomenon of the syphilitic miasm giving
rise to destruction in the tissue also destruction, perversion, distortion, and
out of control mentally.

The same rubric can have psoric, sycotic, and syphilitic miasms. Do not
expect only one miasm in one particular rubric. For every disease, psora is
the base. Not all diseases go to syphilitic. Some people talk of tuberculosis
and cancer.

Most of the diseases with deep-seated pathology are tri-miasmatic.

Whenever there is a cut or groove or discontinuity, automatically the body

starts healing and the tissues meet each other. As soon as they touch each
other, there is a feedback system, which asks them to stop and break. So,
every time there is a cut-heal-break cycle. Then the body gets tired and then
there is no feedback mechanism and excessive growth starts. As the growth
increases, the nutrition goes on decreasing, and the cell becomes smaller and
smaller in size, and finally there is destruction. Apply this to tuberculosis.
The tubercular bacilli enter the respiratory system and cause irritation
there; and then the tubercles are formed (pathology is now growth—so
sycotic). So, pleuritis (inflammation) and primary complex is psoric. Once
glands start appearing, it is sycotic and later it goes to syphilitic (cavity).
Therefore, it is a combination of all the miasms. Similarly in cancer, there is
irritation and inflammation first (psora), then growth (sycotic), and then
ulceration (syphilitic). Some cancers do not go to ulceration at all they may
be psoro-sycotic. In psoriasis, there is excessive proliferation of the
ectoderm, but the problem lies not in the ectoderm, but in the dermis. There
is excessive scaling. Here it is psoric and sycotic, but when it goes to the
extent of cracks and bleeding, it becomes syphilitic. So, most diseases follow
the same pattern of IGD—inflammation, growth, and destruction. If there is
a sycotic disease, can the mind be psoric, sycotic, or syphilitic, can there be
a discrepancy? There will be two types—a patient with sycotic miasm comes
with disease in the psoric or sycotic or syphilitic state. At the same time, we
are facing psoric diseases and with our medicines we push them to sycotic or
syphilitic. In leucoderma, she was pushed to syphilitic miasm. She was not
destructive first.

There are three phases of polycrest remedies e.g. SULPHUR; we have a

psoric SULPHUR who is a ragged philosopher, goes on thinking, very
anxious about his health, apprehensive, not bothered about his appearance.
The sycotic SULPHUR is very well dressed from outside, but his inner shirt is
not washed or clean, so he puts an overcoat to hide the inner shirt. The
syphilitic SULPHUR has a strange, weird face. All remedies in Materia
Medica have so many rubrics. A particular remedy like SULPHUR is found in
timidity and in courageous also, obstinacy and yielding also. You must
understand the miasmatic concept. Miasm is the mother of Homoeopathy, of
everything in this world. I hope you will practice it and give me your
Chapter 8:
Now what about features, how do they look?
FACE/FEATURE Normal head. Large or small head,
Head: overgrown, lot of bony

Face: Mental/tapering Rounded or squarish Distorted, ugly,

chin. There is contours - motive face, perverted, away
no ugliness, no prominent, chubby from normal,
repulsion, e.g. cheeks. If with psora, repulsive,
CALC -PHOS: they have a sharp something which
Tall and lean nose, e.g.: OPIUM: disturbs you.
with sharp Rounded and
features. contented. CALC-
Fat, flabby with
pointed chin.

Appearance: Bright, active Sober, coward, Dull stupid,

and quick. rationalizer, façade obstinate, distorted

Psora leads a Sycosis leads a man

man astray. for satisfaction of Syphilis leads a
urges and Man to destruction.
gratification. Increased
needs, demands, with

ANXIETY Anxiety of going Fear of a fixed thing Panic, anguish,

mad, that Leading to suicide
people will Self-destruction.
observe my

Restless, moves Restless, compelled to

about fast. move slowly. Restlessness worse
at night in frenzy
(fast – destruction).

LIFE AND Loves life. Loves life too much. No love for life.
DEATH Fear of death, There is fear of death, No fears, they just
anxiety that of suffering, but the act, e.g. soldiers can
something will patient will not show it be syphilitic, but
happen and he and put up a façade. they die for a cause.
will die. He Terrorist.
fears death and
is sure that he
will die.
CREATIVITY Drawing and Steals, copies and Very weird, modern
painting is of then creates, pseudo- art, artists
benign nature, creativity, themselves do not
from the brain. old wine in a new bottle. know
Will hear 10 what the painting
people and print out is, e.g. a man
a book saying it is without a head or
my idea. with one arm.
JOY Excited, will Will give a big party in Will go to a
invite people a big hotel and not call discotheque and
for party, friends but will call freak out, with
distribute leaders, politicians, lights, music,
sweets, ministers with the changing
cheerful best food and best beats, exuberance
orchestra, mirth. and ecstasy.
Arranges everything that
is the best.
MENTAL Hyperactive. Malactive Underactive.
ACTIVITY (that is badly active). He is dull, stupid
and stupidly
obstinate also.
IN DANGER Apprehensive, Tendency to hide or Impulse to escape or
timid, nervous, escape or make excuses foolish action
with because of schematic without thinking
anticipatory mind. about the
anxiety. consequences.
Fearless, no love for
MEMORY Sharp but Overloaded, preoccupied Not developed or
forgetful, goes
with too many things, underdeveloped,
blank because therefore dull, will remember
of nervousnessForgets and becomes other things e.g.
under stress. absent minded. E.g. actors, songs, etc.,
Some businessmen who but not studies
at times forget who their
wife is, etc.
MISCHIEF Does not harm Does harm others. Sly, Harms others
anybody. Very deceitful mischief, but badly. Idiotic
benign not to harm life. mischief.
LIBERTINISM Libertinism is mainly
sycotic shallow.
Ladies are trying to
find liberty by giving
excuses or
―We are equal to men.
There is no difference
between two sexes. We
should have equal rights
and same life as men.‖
DAY – 3

Chapter 9:

Dr. Prafull Borkar:

When I sat with Dr. Vijayakar during my internship, I saw a case of psoriasis
wherein the eruptions disappeared from below upwards and he changed the
medicine. I thought that this was a big risk to take. What if you do not get
the result again? But he changed it, and he got the result the other way. This
was something I could not gather at that time. But over the years, I realized
that this is very important in practice. So I will take today, what I do in skin
cases. When we treat deeper diseases like thyroid, diabetes, cancer, joint
pains, we are very happy when skin eruptions come, we have brought the
patient down to the level of the skin. But now when he comes to the level of
the skin, where are we going to send him? There is nothing below the skin;
we have reached the ground floor. Now what? Till that time, we are very

I neglected skin and never sat in skin OPD, because I thought that skin is
not what I want to treat, never sat with a skin specialist. Then I realized that
if we are in Homoeopathy, whether other fields come into play or not, the
skin comes in every patient. When I started treating these conditions, I
found that it is much more interesting. I earlier thought that skin is a dry
topic, but then I found it more interesting.

What do we do and how do we proceed in skin cases? If our patient is there

with us for months together and nothing happens in the skin condition, we
have to find our own solutions. So, let us see the difficulties that we face
while treating skin conditions—

♦ Obstinacy and chronicity of the complaints being the most irritating

♦ Patchy and inconsistent results (e.g. itching stopped at one place only to
begin at some other place).

♦ When to repeat and how long to wait, when will the reaction start?
♦ If two skin conditions exist simultaneously, then which one should go
first and which one later on?
♦ How much is diagnosis important in Homoeopathy?

Most of the times we do not know what condition we are treating as the
patient has gone from one skin specialist to the other and each one gives a
different diagnosis—something which we have never heard of. We do not
know what layer is it in and how to proceed?
It is very important to know the anatomy and physiology of the skin. The
skin has an epidermis and the dermis. In the epidermis, there is prickle cell
layer, granular layer, and the horny layer. The horny layer comprises of dead
cells. The cells are generated at this level and they go up. In 5 to 6 days time,
they reach the top where they are desquamated unknowingly and unseen.
Everyone has this desquamation. Very few of us can see it. The hair and the
hair follicle originate from the epidermis, but are rooted in the dermis. The
sweat glands also originate from the epidermis, but invaginate in the dermis.
The dermis consists mainly of fibroblasts and blood vessels. There are three
layers of plexus - a deep vascular plexus, an intermediate one, and a
superficial vascular plexus. Epidermis does not have blood vessels.

Now we can proceed to the functions of the skin. In introduction to skin,

Gray's anatomy writes. It is the largest organ of the body. It forms the entire
external surface of the body and it is continuous with the mucosal surface of
the respiratory, gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital tract. Gray's
anatomy gives a list of functions of the skin, which we are not even aware of:

♦ It minimizes the potential injuries of the mechanical, osmotic, thermal,

and photic environmental stresses. This is the most important function of
the skin.
♦ It is a barrier to microorganisms.
♦ It limits and regulates the exchange of heat and it is the major sensory
♦ There are many more functions that the skin performs—absorption and
excretion are other important functions.
♦ Conversion of precursor compounds into vitamin D.
♦ Good factional properties enhancing locomotion, manipulation by its
texture and physical structure. The back of our hands, elbows, fingers
have different designs, which stretch on flexion. Therefore, it is not only
the joints and the muscles that help in movement, but even the skin
♦ It is also important for social communication, facial gestures.
♦ Function of instinctive behavior, e.g. sudden fright and you start
perspiring; goose flesh or horripilation is also the function of the skin.

Case of psoriasis:

Mr. SA came on 11th February 2002, age 25 years, young unmarried male
from a rich business family, joint family of two elder brothers, both are
married and well settled in the same business. He came with the complaint of
psoriasis; hardly any part of the body was spared. It was a frightful sight.
Scales and powder was just falling. The skin was absolutely red in color. This
is known as erythrodermic psoriasis. He was shivering very badly and had
covered himself totally. He said he was originally chilly, but not like this.
This is too much. Did not want even fan or AC, refused to even remove his
shirt. Since the last 15 to 20 days, the chilliness had increased
tremendously. He just could not tolerate cold at all. He said, "I am feeling so
bad and low that I actually thought of committing suicide. This is just too

Dr. Borkar: What about your cravings and aversions?

Patient: I do not want to talk about it. You ask me what is important for this
case. I do not even remember my craving and aversions now. You just give
me the medicine.

Life history: He left studies at age 17, as he was more interested in

business. He is very ambitious. He is into his family business of transport
since the last 8 to 9 years. He is very industrious, works the whole day,
works much more as compared to his brothers, works from morning to
night. Likes to play, but has concentrated very much on his work and does
not have time for hobbies or play.

Dr. Borkar: Why do you work so much?

Patient: I am very ambitious and do not like losses in business. Now the
situation in the market is so horrible. Earlier we had a monopoly, but now
since the last couple of years, many other players have entered our field and
so there is a lot of competition. If things continue the same way, then we will
lose the grade and this is my biggest worry. I have seen many of my friends
losing a lot in business and I do not want to be like them. So I work very
hard. I want a lot of money; I am very ambitious. His mother said, "Doctor he
takes this very seriously and gets depressed easily. Ups and downs in
business are expected, but he works like hell, so that he does not lose
anything. His brothers also are working, but no one works like him. He has
not parried or gone with friends for months together."

Dr. Borkar: How did the complaint start? What happened first?

Patient: The eruptions have been there since the last 1½ years, but they
were never so intense and generalized as they are in the last so many
months. There were patches here and there, but since December last year,
the eruptions have suddenly started to increase and now since the last 15 to
20 days, the severity is very bad.

Dr. Borkar: Why did it start suddenly in December? Any reason? What was
the stress 1½ to 2 years back?

Patient: I used to like a girl, a far off cousin of mine. She also used to like
me. But due to some reason, which I still do not know, she got married to
someone else. Since that time, I have been feeling more depressed. I find it
very difficult to get over it. I feel everything is lost. That is the only stress
that I feel has affected me. It is only after this that this skin problem seems
to have cropped up.

Dr. Borkar: Anything else that has happened in December that gave rise to
this sudden psoriasis?

Patient: I am not very sure, but my brother got married in December and we
had a small party wherein 1 had a small glass of wine. Next day onwards,
my whole body started itching and since that time, maybe this has
increased, but I am not very sure.

Dr. Borkar: Did anything else happen 15 to 20 days back to increase the

Patient: No, I do not think so. Now can you please give me the medicine?

Dr. Borkar: So, this is the case, we know the condition, his history. How do
we start now?

First understand the case, the disease layer, the miasm in the mental and
the physical plane. We cannot proceed before this. Do not jump into
symptoms and rubrics; understand what is to be treated first. Analyze the
case as is given in aphorism 3, 'knowledge of the disease, of what is to be
cured in the patient' and then understand the case from remedy point of
view. What is to be cured in this patient now—depression, psoriasis,
chilliness, and the insecurity?? What is the cause of this chilliness? This is
due to excess heat loss. The number of cells generated is very fast. There is a
lot of ATP loss and so to cover that up, the body goes into shivering to
generate heat. This is seen in such severe psoriasis, as the cell life, which
normally is 5 to 6 days, now comes down to 2 to 3 days or even 1 day.

Now we have to take definite symptoms that no one can argue about. When
there is a reason for a symptom, its value decreases. So, industrious and
ambitious is not very important here. What is more higher up is his sense of
insecurity. There is no reason for it to come up. Is this insecurity psoric,
sycotic, or syphilitic?

What are the stresses that he went through?

Disappointment in love and insecurity in business. What was his reaction to

both these stresses? Reaction of the patient to any exciting factor is
very important. Reaction here is passive. He feels everything is lost; there is
hopelessness. This is known as despair. The next thing that we consider is
his chilliness. If a pathological symptom is very intense and severe, then you
can always take it.
So, we now consider

♦ Ailments from disappointment in love + ailments from disappointment,

♦ Despair (the general rubric, as, if we take small rubrics in the beginning,
there are chances that we may miss out small remedies.) The patient
has a tendency to go into despair. Despair is not a diseased state here.

He felt deceived; he did not know why that girl got married to someone
else. For his skin condition, he thought of committing suicide. He cannot
recover from his disappointment, from his business loss, from his skin
condition. Despair is syphilitic.

♦ Chilly.

There are around 15 to 20 remedies that come up.

The remedy given to him was PSORINUM 10 M—1 dose.

The other remedies that come up are—ARS-ALB, KALI, NUX-VOM, and SEPIA.

He is not indifferent like SEPIA.

He is not fastidious or positive like NUX-VOM and ARS-ALB. Also, ARS-ALB

likes company.

KALIs are very lazy and indolent and are averse to work. They do not like
any kind of work, except for KALI-CARB, which likes only routine type of work.
It is given under industrious, and desire for routine work.

Now we come to the miasm. We know that at the mental level he is in the
syphilitic state. In the physical plane, the defense has broken down, but
there are no cracks visible. Psoriasis comes in the dermal layer. Why? Cells
are formed in the last layer of the epidermis. Dermis has nothing to do with
cell production, but the stimulation for cell production come from the
dermis. So, it comes under syco-syphititic miasm—sycotic as there is lot of
flaking and powder coming out, and syphilitic as the rate of production is
very fast, cells are coming up (dying) very fast. The disease has taken over
him. So, he is going from sycotic to syphilitic miasm.

Now we have the remedy, so what do we expect now? What should go away


He did not come for a month.

He just called up and said that he is better. One day, he said, "Why are you
doctors not treating me completely? Do you want to lengthen the treatment,
for commercial purpose?"

Dr. Borkar's comment: Just imagine he has contacted us after one month
and he is speaking like that!

Patient: I think you do not want me to get all right completely so that you
can continue treating me for years together.

Dr. Borkar: What is this? Is it good or bad? This is a good sign. He has
started doubting the doctors, he has now come from syphilitic to the sycotic
miasm. His hopelessness has now been replaced by doubt on doctors. This
now also tells us that the desire to live, the love for life has returned.

Still further, we gave him a prediction, we told him what is going to happen,
what should go first- his shivering. No need to tell him that his despair will
also go, this the patient has to come and tell us that his depression is better,
as depression is not a disease for him. Next, erythema should reduce first
and then the exfoliation, why? Scaling is at the epidermal level. In psoriasis,
irritation is at the dermal level and exfoliation at the epidermal level. Unless
these dilated loops of blood vessels do not decrease, the exfoliation will not
go. Therefore, scaling will go later on. First, the colour of skin should change
from above downward. So, we have to tell him that his legs will be the last to
improve. His face, neck, shoulders, etc. will improve first. So, when this
actually happens, he is amazed and he will not complain if his legs are bad.

2nd Follow-up (on video):

Flakes are still there. The color of the skin is better. Scales are now dry and
bigger and are not falling off easily. This is the sycotic phase now. The most
important areas to look for are behind the ears and over the elbows, if the
lesion remains here, then there are chances of recurrence. His legs are still
red in color.

3rd Follow-up:

Flakes are now much smaller in size. Now sycosis is reducing. His hairfall is
better. The legs are still bad. The toenails have just started to get worse.
Earlier, his toenails were not bad, but his fingernails were bad; these are
now better. Nails will be the last to improve, as these are appendages of the
skin and they originate from the epidermis and they too will improve from
above downwards, that is fingernails will improve first and then the toenails.

4th Follow-up on 06.07.2002 :

Now, slowly normal skin is seen, which was not seen before at all. He is now
going to psora. He now has developed a macular rash. If hypopigmentation
remains, it is bad because it is at the deeper level, so it is suppression. If at
all present, it should be transient. His dog had expired. He was very
attached to him. The dog was the only friend he had. Also, that girl had
come to Nasik.

Moreover, he had also applied some deodorant, so the 2nd dose of PSOR 10
M was repeated.

After this 2nd dose, he is now in the psoro-sycotic phase. Legs are still bad.
His fingernails have improved and his toenails are bad. Initially only his great
toenails were bad, now all his toenails are affected. Normal skin colour is
coming up along with normal skin everywhere. Legs have now started
showing improvement.

5th Follow-up on 21.09.2002: Now only simple desquamation is present—

this is purely psoric. Legs are now becoming normal. The toenails have
started to improve. He has come down from syphilitic to psoric phase in just
seven months.

Coconut oil or Vaseline can hamper treatment by obstructing the excretory

mechanism of the skin, it is not a must that it will hamper, but it can

Potency: 10 M was given because PSORINUM is a nosode and nosodes are

known to be dangerous in lower potencies. They are very deep acting.

Now, with a few short cases 1 will try to highlight the importance of skin
from analysts or prescribing point of view.

Case 2:

The patient had thick keratosis with deep cracks since the last five years. He
thus has psora + sycosis + syphilis. Cracks used to bleed a lot so he would
wear shoes even at home and walk about. After giving SULPUR 200—1 dose,
his constitutional remedy, within 6 to 7 months, his toes were better by
almost 90%. Improvement started within three weeks itself. Cracks totally
healed from the beginning and now were getting leveled. From June 1996 to
April 1997, the patient was absolutely status quo; his toes were not showing
any further improvement. He was given SULPHUR in 200,1M, 10M, 50M,
CM, and some other remedies also, but no there was change at all. Then in
relationship of remedies, remedies related to SULPHUR, I came across
SARSAPARILLA. The patient was given one dose of SARSAPARILLA and he
was much better in 15 days only, that is patient has gone into the
complementary of SULPHUR. Very rarely a chronic disease is cured with a
single dose only.
Case 3:

Case of a male with 40-50 small warts on the face. Skin also gives us signs
and clues. All his warts were only right-sided. This is a physical general. He
was just engaged and was going to get married in another 1 to 2 months. He
developed these warts after his engagement. The girl was in the village, so
she could not see the boy after their engagement. He was going through
some anxiety as he had no job. He desired warm food. (I do not remember
the whole case.) With right sidedness and desire for warm food LYCOPODIUM
200—1 dose was given and all the warts were gone within 15 days, before his
marriage! His warts went off and a macule remained, which also went off
little later.

Just like psora is the mother of all diseases, macule is the mother of all skin
diseases. Now, let us go through some basic skin terminologies. If we know
these only and not the diagnosis of the condition that we are treating, it is
enough in treating most skin conditions. It is very important to know the
diagnosis also. We are sure of 70-80% of skin conditions if we know these

Macule : A black-colored lesion less than 2 cm in diameter, not raised

above the surface of the surrounding skin. Usually all skin
conditions start with a macule.
Patch : Macule greater than 2 cm in diameter.
Petechiae : If the macule is because of blood, pin-sized.
Papule : Small solid lesion less than 1 cm in diameter, and raised above
from the surrounding skin.
Nodule : Small solid lesion more than 1 cm in diameter, and raised
above from the surrounding skin
Vesicle : If a papule contains fluid, it is known as vesicle or blister. A
fluid-filled small lesion less than 0.5 cm to 1 cm raised above
the surface, fluid is visible and translucent.
Bullae : A papule containing fluid measuring more than 0.5 cm to 1 cm
raised above the surface.
Pustule : The presence of a pustule does not necessarily indicate
It can be just lymphocytes. Vesicle Med with lymphocyte is a
Abscess : A pustule greater than 1 cm is an abscess.
Plaque : It is a 1 cm to 2 cm flat-topped raised lesion, not very deep.
Cyst : A soft, encapsulated, raised lesion filled with semi-solid or
liquid contents (sycotic).

A macule starts and forms a patch. If it is raised above the surface and is
solid, it is a papule. If papule enlarges, it becomes a nodule. If the nodule
enlarges,, it becomes a tumor. If papule is flat-topped, it is a plaque. The
disease will usually disappear in the reverse order only. If raised above the
surface, but not solid, with fluid content, it is a vesicle. If with pus, it is a
pustule. If enlarged in size, it becomes bullae. If it has a capsule, it becomes a

Erosion : An area of skin denuded by complete or partial loss of


Ulcer : An area of skin from which whole of the epidermis and at least
the upper part of the dermis has been lost. This can bleed
because dermis has blood vessels.

If we wish to understand how skin conditions develop from Homoeopathic

point of view, that is from psora to sycosis to syphilis, then development of
eczema is the best example.

Acute eczema : It starts with redness and swelling usually with ill-
defined margins, then it develops papules and vesicles
and rarely large blisters. Then there is exudation,
cracking, and scaling (sycotic). This cracking is initially at
the epidermal layer (psoric).

Chronic eczema : It may show all the above features, but now it is less
vesicular and less exudative. There is now thickening,
lichenification, dry leathery thickening with increased
skin markings secondary to rubbing and scratching, then
fissures, scratch marks and pigmentation starts
appearing (syphilitic). So, when eczema goes, it has to go in
a similar fashion.

Thus if we study skin from this point of view, then I feel it can be of immense
practical utility in our day-to-day practice!
Chapter 10:

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

So, we continue our journey into the interior of man. Miasms can be seen
in each and every sphere of the body. Nature talks and shows miasms;
therefore, Harrison and Davidson talk the same. We have to understand,
assess and learn from the way the body is expressing the defenses.

We must understand we are helping the body to cure; we are not curing.

This is written very nicely in the first few introductory pages of Kent's
repertory. He says remember our medicines do not cure. It is the man who
cures himself; we just stimulate man's defenses. We do not need to stimulate
again and again.

Suppose there is a child and he is not listening to you and he has come with
dirty shoes in the drawing room and climbs on your new beautiful sofa, what
will you do? You will either scold him or tell him please go away and do not
do this again. If he does it again you will go and slap him once. So, I am
pushing him and giving him a stimulus not to do anything like this again.
Now this child with one slap understands that he should not do this again.
Is it required on your part to go on slapping him again and again? This child
says I am not being given a chance to react. He says, "Yes Papa, I have
understood, give me a chance to keep my shoes, you are just going on
slapping me". If there is a recurrent stimulus, the child gets annoyed and
takes his own hand and gives back. This is exactly what happens when we
give repeated stimulus. I do not say that you don't have to, but there are
ways and means. At least wait for the result of the stimulus. At least try to
understand what is happening in the human body; see whether the generals
have started improving, see other signs and symptoms.

I had a case of my close friend, Homoeopath, who had carotid artery

block and before that he had some block in the artery of the lower limb. At
that time, one year back, I told him that you will land up with a block in
your heart within a year and he laughed at me as he was not practicing
Homoeopathy in the right manner. When this thing occurred within a year,
the doctor told him that he had a double block, 98 and 99% block in his
arteries and that he will have to undergo a double surgery. The doctor told
him you are in crisis and we cannot assure you. Then he started thinking
and this man finally was ready to take single dose Homoeopathy from me.
He was on l4 allopathic tablets. After I gave him the medicine, he said he
would wait only for a week, after which he said, "Come whatever may; I will
go for a surgery. I will do colour doppler after one week. If it does not open,
then I will go for surgery". But after the first dose itself, his son came
running to me and told me, "Uncle I think my dad is already improving."
I asked how? In this short span of 4 hours, how?

His son said, "For the first time in 18 days, he picked up the phone and
spoke to someone".

He also had paralysis of the right side. This man's concentration was entirely
upon his death and disease and this had decentralized within a short span
of four hours. This itself is an improvement. This man who was completely
inside, concentrating on his destruction, the syphilis, his mind is now
opening to the world and wants to live, is getting interested in things
around. This is what only the Homoeopath can understand, not the
Allopath. Believe it or not, the next day, he called me up and said "I do not
know whether dreams interest you, I saw a circus, a man juggling with so
many balls. I saw a doll. I was punching it; it would go down and come up.
What is the significance of this dream?"

I said: "Good you are not getting any destructive dreams". He was on so
many medicines; there was no balance in his biochemistry.

I said, "I feel it is a good dream so let us wait and watch".

After 3 to 4 days, he rang me up saying, he saw another dream—"I see a

man, an eminent politician, I am helping him to construct a bungalow".

I said "Excellent, this is a very good dream".

But he said that "He has never met any eminent politician and he is not an

I said "Anyway this dream is of construction".

He was in the syphilitic state of despair, destruction, everything lost,

decreased blood supply. His mind was now returning to sycosis. The whole
miasm was changing from syphilitic to sycotic.

The third dream he said (after another three days) - "I am with my son in a
huge truck in a small lane. I get down there and stand at the side. My son
takes the truck for parking. It is a huge truck and is very difficult to park.
He has gone to park the truck and has not yet come and I am waiting for

In atherosclerosis, there is narrowing of lumen, motion is obstructed.

Dreams of son always imply the future.

Now he is anxious about his son, anxiety is coming up. He is returning to

psora. There is no anguish. I told him the whole miasm is coming back and
this is excellent. I think though there is no actual indication, but I feel you are
improving. He said, "No doubt, because my hand has started moving"!
The last dream he got was; he goes to his clinic and he suddenly finds that
there is no lock at the door and he is anxious what must have happened
inside. They must have taken away everything. He was literally telling me
his anxiety. This man does not believe or practice miasm and he is telling me
the return of miasm from syphilitic to psoric. His body is compelled to tell

Similarly, Harrison and Davidson are compelled to tell. But if we do not have
this thought process, we cannot find it. It is the mother of Homoeopathy.
There are students who collect knowledge from me and don't give to anyone.
They are sycotic. There are also students who collect knowledge from me and
don't understand; they are also sycotic. There are some who do not
understand at all, there are some who say he is talking rubbish, nonsense,
they do not practice Homoeopathy because it is difficult, Idiotic; frank
syphilitic. It is destructive. If he is not practicing Homoeopathy, he is
preventing hundreds of people from taking advantage of Homoeopathy.

Brain is divided into the left and right side. It is already known that this left
and right side perform different functions. The co-ordination of these two
sides gives intelligence. Some have right dominance more and some have left
dominance more. We have also studied in anatomy that right brain controls
the left and vice versa.

Left-brain dominant (that is right-handed person) characteristics are:

What do you do with your right hand? Day-to-day activities, feeding, right
hand helps you to earn money and to go ahead in life. Such people are:

♦ Analytical, logical, positive, and take firm decisions.

♦ Metal qualities.
♦ Industrious, the right hand helps us to work.
♦ The right hand helps us to do something with language, e.g. mathematics,
calculations. In language everything is logical and certain. Language is
expressing your thoughts, what you are thinking at present. This is a
boon for human beings. Also, mathematics is again certain; 7 + 3 has to
be 10. It cannot be 11 or 15 in any part of the world; it is universal. It is
not 15 in Brazil and 11 in UK. All this is positivity. There is a force
behind it. So, these are right-hand and left-brain dominant.
♦ Money, business minded. (CALCAREA, PULSATILLA, APIS, BRYONIA,
♦ Thrust.
♦ Thinks and acts accordingly and he expresses it by speaking.
Most left-brain dominant remedies are metals and are right sided; most metals
are right sided, e.g., ALUMINA, ARG-MET, AURUM, MANGANUM, MERCURY,
Also, positive remedies are right-sided like: ARS-ALB, NUX-VOM,
FERRUM and LACHESIS. In left-brain dominant people, I have also seen
that right side is more susceptible to disease than the other side.
Destruction will also be on the right side.

So, right-brain dominant will be exactly opposite:

♦ Emotional, sensitive, imaginative.

♦ Creative.
♦ Uncertain.
♦ Artistic, drawing, musicians, poets, spiritualistic, hypothesis, and
♦ Hysterical (no particular side effects, sides changeable).

The only place where right and left-brain dominant meet in the world is in the
womb of a female because it has got a definite certainty. Homoeopathy can
regulate both sides and make a beautiful balance. There has to be co-
ordination of both sides. If corpus callosum is not working, there is no co-
ordination between the two brains. There is no sense of right or wrong, and a
remedy like ANACARDIUM comes up.

FERRUM and LACHESIS are left sided because of increased sensitivity.

FERRUM is so sensitive that it is aggravated by even scratching of paper.
LACHESIS has increased sensitivity of the throat.

Most left-sides remedies are sensitive and hysterical, eg. ARG-NIT,





This is not a discovery. I am just stimulating your thought process. So much

mathematics is there in the human body. The same remedy can be left and
right sided. Right-sided remedy is nothing, but sycosis. Left-sided are
more sensitive and hysterical and are mostly psoric or syphilitic.

Why LYCOPODIUM moves from right to left and why LACHESIS moves from
left to right? How does LYCOPODIUM appear initially? Strong, stiff,
pretentious, and dictatorial. He is right sided. But once he is affected, once
someone goes near him, he has a very poor defense, he becomes very
emotional, he is very sensitive within and he weeps when thanked. So, when
he is attacked by disease, he thinks he can fight it. At that time, he is right
sided, but as he comes to know that he is not responding to any medicines,
he becomes very sensitive and emotional and moves from right to left.

Recognize a LACHESIS as soon as it enters your clinic. A LACHESIS child will

always be behind his mother trying to find out the environment in the room.
Is the doctor or are the assistants dangerous? It is like a snake coming out
of its hole. First it will survey and when there is no danger, he will come out
and as the case progresses, they start their sly mischief. Next time when he
comes, he will directly sit on the table. He knows you are not dangerous to
him. So, the sensitive, fearful LACHESIS later on becomes the boss—hard on
inferiors and soft on superiors. Superior for him is someone whose mind he
does not understand enough. Inferior is the person on whom he can
dominate because they will not do him any harm. So, grandmother, mother
is inferior to him and father is superior to him. You can also have a right-
sided LACHESIS. Psoric and syphilitic LACHESIS is left sided. When a
LACHESIS constitution comes to you with a sycotic tumor, it will be on the
right side. Obviously, the nature then will also be different. This LACHESIS is
somewhat like LYCOPODIUM—quiet, non-talkative, fat, flabby, rounded
features, keeping quiet in a huge gathering or party where everyone is
laughing about, he will give a very reserved smile. When you ask him what is
the time, he will say, exactly 24 hours since yesterday's time. He will give
such small petty answers to joke and make people laugh, but they themselves
are quiet, shy, and do not laugh, not very extrovert as LACHESIS is supposed
to be. They are very conscientious and regular unlike the left-sided
LACHESIS. This is true of all the drugs. You have to bear this in mind. The
same remedy can be sensitive and insensitive, timid and courageous. Keep
your mind open and apply miasms, don't take it as a hard and fast rule.
These are guidelines from my experience. This science is an art and you have
to apply your intelligence and have to create some beautiful cures.

If LACHESIS is going from left to right in terms of disease, cure has to follow
from right to left. So, if you remember the prochordal plate and the central
axis, LACHESIS will develop from right to left. First, the right side of
LACHESIS will develop in the womb and then the left. LYCOPODIUM will be
exactly the opposite. If disease is going from left to right, the embryological
growth should be from right to left. Morphogenic gradients will flow from
right to left. This is determined by genes. If father is sycotic dominant and
mother is psoric recessive, then it will be right sided.

One very useful fact, which I would like to demonstrate, is that—there was
news in Times Of India dated 12.02.2001, front-page news that proteins are
responsible for everything. "The gene map leads experts to unexpected
treasure." This was the headline. Scientists working on Genomics have said
that their findings made it clear from being a blue print, the human genetic
code is only a guide post. The true direction for what makes a human being
lies not in the letters of the code, but what the body does with that code.
That means everyone has a genetic code. We have about 32,000 genes, but
all are not active. They have found few interesting titbits. The future -
researchers say, lies in the proteins, which these genes synthesize that make
up the bulk and not so much in the genes. Every genetic code is expressing
itself in the form of proteins. It is not only genes that are responsible, but
also its proteins that make up people. This scientific field is knows as
Proteonomics. They are now trying to go to the conclusion that protein in the
body gives rise to whatever you are and what disease you are going to
understand what the human being is going to suffer from. Is this a new
discovery? This is what Hahnemann has said 200 years back—assess the
mental make-up, the general make-up, the structure, and the miasm-all of
which is due to proteins. After 10 or 20 years further down the line, they
say the whole therapeutic line will change and doctors will be assessing the
protein which gives rise to the structure and nature of the person to repair
the disease. But we have already been given this tool and are using it. None
of the Homoeopaths came forward to say, "This is not protein; this is

There are three types of faces: vital, mental, and motive.

Motive : Squarish, prominent cheeks indicate a strong, positive,

courageous, leader-like personality.

Mental : Oval or pear shaped with tapering chin indicates conscientious,

scientific, or artistic personality.

Vital : Rounded, chubby face indicating cheerful, frivolous person

with good oratory power.

This is a case said by one of the delegates from Cochin, Kerala - Southern

Delegate: Dr. Vijayakar and the faculty members had been to Cochin for a
seminar. Just before the seminar, my brother met with an accident. He was
rushed to the hospital and a CT scan was taken. There was no major injury
to the brain, but he had a left hemosinus for which he was under
observation for 48 hours in the Neurology ICU. After 48 hours, when he was
brought out, he complained that he could not see anything with his right
eye. His vision was totally lost. This was one of the biggest hospitals in
Cochin. Three eminent ophthalmologists had examined his eye and they
failed to see anything. They gave us some medicine and asked us to report
after 48 hours. I was not convinced with their approach and I took my
brother to another ophthalmologist who diagnosed it as a case of traumatic
optic nerve injury. He suggested that my brother be put on tapering doses of
steroids and chances of recovery are very less, as it was already six days
since he had sustained the injury. He might recover a bit of his vision, but he
will have to live with scotomas.

At that time, Dr. Vijayakar was to come there. So, I thought why not take
advantage of him? It was actually a boon in disguise. After receiving him at
the airport, I was just waiting to narrate my brother's case because that was
at the top of my mind. So, the conversation went on to my brother's injury as
well as his present state of condition. They were not in a relaxed state of
mind as something had happened at the airport. Their projector had been
left back at Sahara Airport and they were anxious about it. In midst of that, I
discussed my brother's case with Dr. Vijayakar. I said that it looks like he is
PHOSPHORUS—can I give him PHOSPHORUS? Will it help him? The most
important point wherein he ruled out PHOSPHORUS was the side of injury.
He had sustained an injury in the right eye. He at once ruled out
PHOSPHORUS. I was amazed, wonderstruck, why cannot it be
PHOSPHORUS? From the airport to the hotel, once I described him my
brother's nature, he confirmed that he could not be PHOSPHORUS, but can
be FERR-PHOS though he had not seen or met my brother. It was only later
that night when he visited me at my house and met my brother—he
confirmed with just few points and asked me to give him FERR-PHOS. I gave
my brother FERR-PHOS at 11 p.m. that night. Next day morning, I just
called up my brother from the seminar hall to find out how he is—he told me
that he had recovered his vision by 50%! We were quite skeptical that with
this 50% vision, will he be in a position to ride his bike. Now he is roaming
around in the whole town in the middle of the night under the full glare of
oncoming vehicles without any difficulty and his vision has improved by

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar : This sort of knowledge what we learnt in the morning
helps you become more and more confident. I do not say just look at the
sides; you need to have a lot of weapons in your hand. He had already given
him PHOSPHORUS, but there was no improvement. Then I asked him which
side is the injury, he said right side. I said PHOSPHORUS is wrong; he must

I asked him, "Is your brother bold/strong?"

He replied, "Yes sir. Recently, there were riots in Cochin between Hindu and
Muslim and we are staying in a Muslim-dominating area, our temple is in
the Muslim-dominating area. He went there all alone, without any fear, in
spite of the whole family telling him, not to go".

Dr. Vijayakar: You have seen an element of PHOSPHORUS in him, but the
courage means that there is a metallic element in him; otherwise, he would
not have got hurt on the right side. As the disease would come from within
or without also, the side prone to that disease will be the side, which is weak
in him. In LYCOPODIUM patients you will observe, if he meets with an
accident, though he falls on the left side, the major fracture sustained will be
on the right and vice versa. The body is trying to defend by sacrificing that
particular part. If a right-sided man is always going to use the right side for
defending himself, then the right side goes on expressing disease and vice
versa. When they are in the sensitive, psoric state, they are more right-sided,
when they go to the sycotic state, they are more left-sided.
Chapter 11:

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

Now let us come to history taking—it is the same as taught in college. Do

not think my history taking is different. Take down history according to what
you have been taught in college. I would like to make some additions. First of
all, we get two types of cases, 1) Acute and 2) chronic. Essentially the history
taking is same, but importance shifts with the type of disease. Hahnemann
also has mentioned almost 2 to 3 types of history taking in Organon. Why?

In the beginning in aphorism 5, he mentions, "Useful to the physician in

assisting him to cure are the exciting cause, the fundamental cause,
which is miasm, the most significant point in the history of that
person, physical make-up of that person, the moral and intellectual
character, the age, sex, and social status of that person."

In another aphorism, aphorism 11, he says, "Take into consideration the

external reflection of the morbid forces within the body and whatever
changes have taken place are to be considered."

Again he writes that one has to pay heed to what the patient says and the
observation made by the doctor himself.

In aphorism 210 he says, there comes a time when the same type of history
taking is not useful at all and take what is coming up the most. What is not
seen is not to be treated. Give some medicine and the symptoms will change
and then again take up the history and again give medicine and the patient
proceeds towards cure. This is in one-sided disease. Why has Hahnemann
talked about different types of history taking? We are using only one. It is
essentially the importance, which you have to give with the shift in disease
the person is suffering from. In that disease how this particular constitution
is reacting and what symptoms is it throwing up. So, I have basically four
types of approaches absolutely based on Organon.

Psora is expressing itself in the skin or the endoderm, RS, GIT, urinary tract,
or even hypersensitivity in the nervous system. There is something like acute
exacerbation of the chronic, like malaria, ulcerative colitis, tuberculosis, or
epilepsy, and those symptoms suddenly come up because of underlying
disease already being there, like an acute asthmatic attack. In the pure psoric
inflammatory type, I use the acute chart devised by me. In the above two, it
is the constitutional similimum. With the acute remedy, the ailment is going
to come back again and again; it will subside only for some time.

Therefore, I have never used remedies like BLATTA, KALI-ARS for asthma or
MERCURY, LEPTANDRA for ulcerative colitis, or CHINA, CHINA-SULPH, or
IPECAC for malaria without it being generally indicated. You are not treating
the disease in man, but the man as a whole. When the man is attacked by
an acute dynamic infection, which is so severe that it brings about a change
in the whole constitution, may be short lasting, and it will end in death or
recovery. If it ends in recovery, well and good. Most of the time when infection
is not so severe, e.g. diarrhoea, suppose someone has had food in the market
and develops diarrhoea the next day, you need not take ARS-ALB,
PODOPHYLLUM, PULSATILLA, NUX-VOM or ALOE to control the diarrhoea. It is
a reflex defensive mechanism of the body to throw out toxins by promoting
motility; this is psoric. So, via psora the body is trying to throw toxins unless
if the infection is so severe that you are dehydrating. There was a very good
advertisement on Doordarshan TV; do not treat your child for diarrhoea.
Before taking him to the doctor, supply him with electrolytes. If this
diarrhoea does not come under control within 24 to 48 hours, then take him
to the doctor. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cold, cough, fever, are all self-limiting
diseases because the doctor within you is trying to eliminate the toxic
material and trying to balance your body. But our friends of the other
contemporary sciences treat diarrhoea to stop motility. You are collecting
toxins within and not allowing them to be excreted. So also, do not give ARS-
ALB, etc. Have you waited for it to stop?

Tell the patient, okay by tomorrow you will be fine and give SAC-LAC
(Placebo). I know vital force is at work. Why should I interfere? Human being
is sanctum sanctorum. When defenses fail, then you are justified to help the
body's defense mechanism. The cure is faster with SAC-LAC than with ARS-
ALB or PODOPHYLLUM, etc. So, practice becomes easy and we have to use
less brains!! So 90% of the times it works. These are very useful tips.

In acute diseases, first law is "Do not prescribe." He who is a minimum

prescriber is the best Homoeopath.

What is a man's constitution? Human being is made up of 'panchtatva' or

the five basic elements. Since, we are dealing with man, we need to know
what is a man made up of.

These basic elements are; energy, earth, water, fire, and air.

Energy stands for activity.

Air is represented as mind because books of reflexology say that air and
mind are the same.

Fire represents the thermals. Heat developed due to metabolic activity is

regulated by the hypothalamus. Increased heat causes increased sweating
as the result of which the body cools down and vice versa. Excessive
metabolic activity gives rise to increased heat within the body. If this is not
radiated outside, all the organs will get destroyed. Therefore, IODUM will
have to adjust his metabolic activity in such a manner that he does not
accumulate fat. Therefore, he is lean, thin, and emaciated though he eats
well. While in CALC-CARB, the heat production is less. Therefore, their
metabolic activity is so adjusted that they have excess fat deposition. In
repertory, most obese people are chilly. See how mathematical it is!

Same thing happens with the thirst, Water is represented by thirst When
water utilization in the human body is in excess, then everything dries up
and you feel thirsty. On the other hand, if less water is utilized for metabolic
activity, the water level is maintained optimum and the patient does not feel

Earth is a symbol of physical material human body and physical

symptoms. Air is something, which we need for communication, something,
which can go to any nook and corner, where we cannot reach. Similarly, the
mind is necessary for communication. It can go anywhere where we cannot
reach. If you can get representation of all this, your prescribing becomes
fast. When some disease attacks you, the body has to fight it out. How much
energy this constitution is going to utilize depends upon his constitution and
whatever is left out will be his activity. If too much energy is required to fight
out the ordinary cold and coryza virus, the patient will become dull, drowsy,
and sleepy. At the same time, if not much energy is required and the body
says 'I can fight it out without more energy,' then the activity will be good.
Based on the activity, thermals, thirst, and if there are any physical or
mental changes, we prescribe.

Therefore, Hahnemann has given in aphorism 7, "Take into account the

changes in the body in acute diseases, these are the representatives of
what is wrong within the body".

The genes are the same; the expression is changing because it has to fight.
Every time the person throws one particular acute, mostly it is in relation to
the chronic, e.g. if a SULPHUR develops diarrhoea', it will be of ACONITE,
PULSATILLA, or ARSENIC, or it can be SULPHUR itself; not necessary that every
time it will change. Therefore, first is activity, second is thirst, add to it the
finer points. This will be amply demonstrated by Dr. Vijay Shah. I am not
going into details of it.

Now, to find out the genetic constitutional similimum—here the mind is

important. Mind is divided into two parts—the basic traits from the genes that
we are born with and our emotional reactions. This natural genetic trait may
be conscientious, timid, cheerful, etc. Someone had asked me why are you
taking these, these are not disease characters. Do not take only emotions
like anger, anxiety, or hallucinations, delusions, or rare things. We have to
see whether the patient is in psoric, sycotic, or the syphilitic state. In
chronic, if the patient is more in the psoric sphere, we are bound to take more
of psoric rubrics. When the disease changes to sycotic and syphilitic, then
take sycotic and syphilitic rubrics accordingly. Natural traits are very
important for us as they come from the genes. Genes make the man. The
proteins, which are expressed, are the cause. If the genes are not on, they
are not expressing and vice versa. I give most importance to the
expressiveness and the non-expressiveness of the patient. The way he
comes and talks to me. Aversion to company and introvert is different.

Also, will is an innate character—whether positive or not, metallic or non-

metallic, sensitive, right or left-brain dominant. As we saw in Dr. Mehta's case,
the patient's approach was positive everywhere. In spite of his disease, his
blindness, he was not scared. This is very useful in final differentiation of the
remedies. Suppose you have CALC-CARB and NUX-VOM—both are chilly and
thirsty, but CALC-CARB wants support and NUX-VOM is positive. This is
the disposition.

This is what Hahnemann talks of in aphorism 211. Do not give PULSATILLA

to a NUX-VOM disposition or ACONITE to a PULSATILLA disposition.
ACONITE and NUX-VOM are angry, strong, violent, and positive, and
PULSATILLA, SILICEA are not aggressive remedies. How can you confuse a
slow, sluggish, fat, flabby CALC-CARB whose voltage gates open slowly, you
pinch and after some time, he says "Ah", with a KALI-CARB who startles so
easily at the slightest reaction, though the mentals are the same.

Now we come to the intellect. Howsoever, the disease or the symptoms of

body, mind, generals, physicals match to that of say NUX-VOM or MERCURY,
but if I find the intellect is very low, he cannot understand what I am trying to
say or has never been able to pass nicely or he cannot use his brain at all, I
cannot give him NUX-VOM, IGNATIA, or any other intelligent remedy
because his intellect is dull. I have to search for some BARYTA or BUFO. So,
this helps us to differentiate the remedies. My Materia Medica is the other
way round, not from the book, but from the repertory, so you see different
pictures of the same remedy. You have a combination of different rubrics,
which give you the same remedy.

Next is morals: Father, mother, teacher who is bringing you up is always on

the lookout whether you are going to get good morals or not. No father wants
his son to become bad unless he is frank syphilitic.

Then, there are the defenses; these are very important. Every cell wants to
survive. So, right from day one, it utilizes all its characters to form a
defensive attitude. What will be psoric defenses? Anxiety, irritability,
apprehension,anticipation, etc. What will be sycotic defenses—fear,
rationalization, cowardice, deceitful, haughty; people build up a strong shell
around them so that no one can see their real self. The syphilitic defenses
are—escapism, impulsiveness, and eccentricity, defenses that are out of his
control. These defenses can be understood from the miasm and that can be
understood from the disease that he has come with. Say, the patient has
come for cancer or parkinson's, do not take psoric rubrics like anxiety of
health, apprehension, anticipation, or irritability. Take syphilitic rubrics like
frivolous, eccentric, shameless, etc. only then you will get the right picture.

The defenses are the most important things.

Find out how the organism is defending himself mentally and physically—
inflammation, thickening, or destruction. Also, find out what is so peculiar in
the defense, e.g. beginning of all diseases is inflammation. In this stage, pick
up anxieties—of health, future, money, etc. then the thermals, thirst,
disposition, will, intellect, morals, and lo and behold your remedy comes up.
Results will come if your approach is right. Try to find out the defenses of
the patient. Next is speed. Speed also comes out of miasm, energy from the
resting and action membrane potentials. If there is lot of calcium outside in
the extracellular fluid, the impulses are not carried fast; the person becomes
slow and dull. On the other hand, if more of potassium is there in the
extracellular fluid, sodium goes inside and potassium goes outside, you get a
fast impulsive person, so, KALI, NUX-VOM, TUBERCULINUM, AGARICUS,
MERCURY are fast and BARYTA and CALC-CARB are slow. But KALI is also
given in slowness, laxity, spraining of the ankle, why? When potassium goes
outside and sodium goes inside, this potassium has to return back in the
cell. This will return via active force, the sodium-potassium pump starts
acting and throws potassium inside. So, if every time he is throwing
potassium outside his nerve cell, it has to be thrown inside via the sodium-
potassium pump and this requires energy. This energy is utilized from the
mitochondria, the stored energy ATP is being utilized, so after some time,
weakness and laxity of muscle fibers ensues. See how everything is
explainable. Why KALIs later on become weak and why ARSENIC becomes
weak and restless with tossing about in the early stages only. Speed can
differentiate remedies. MERCURY in sycotic phase is slow. In the psoric state,
MERCURY is lean, thin, and volatile. The natural urges, desires, and
attachments also come from within—like love for father, mother, animals,
etc. Excessive urge for sex, excessively gourmand, desire for amusement,
etc. are also to be taken into consideration.

Now, sensitivity. I have seen most of the history is incomplete. All food
requires some salt. Sensitivity, attachment, natural love, tolerances are
very important. Tolerance to cosmic affection, change of weather, wind,
moon, sun, noise, etc. First mental sensitivity—sensitive to rudeness,
reproaches, criticism, admonition, humiliation, indignation, sad stories, etc.
Find out what this constitution is sensitive to? Now the physical sensitivity,
say eyes, sensitivity to bright color. Some remedies like black, some like red,
etc. Nature—some can faint at the sight of blood, some like moonlight and
some like darkness. You never know where a strong sensitivity can come up.
Then hearing—sensitivity to noises, to sad stories, to music, music
ameliorates, noise causes pain in the whole body, noise causes startling, etc.
Then sensitivity to touch—people who get startled at slightest touch or
people who get acute excruciating pain because of slightest touch. Then, the
desires and aversions, the taste. Next emotions— anger, irritability, love,
hate, and the physical signs. All of them depend upon the miasm. Miasm
rules the mental and physical characteristics, the structure, physical
reaction, expression of disease, physical generals, everything. So, in short
nature, attitudes, tolerance, sensitivity, instincts, drive, intellect, likes, dislikes,
everything is governed by miasms. You have to pick up the most important
thing representative of the five elements. This is how we have to collect the
data. When the case comes to me, I would always like to know the chief
complaint, eg. if the patient has backache, I know what questions to ask him
to see the journey of disease because it has to come back again. I have to
trace the disease from where it started and where in went into sycosis. We
do not get this every time. All reactions in a cell are in a perfect balance.
They are all inter-dependent and inter-connected. Everywhere there is a
protein involved, whether oxidation, reduction, etc. and equilibrium is
reached. As I told you in the case of cardiac block, this equilibrium of his
was disturbed. He was having anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-gout, etc.
When this equilibrium is disturbed, Guyton says, immunity is disturbed and
the man falls sick. This equilibrium is because of proteins. Proteins are
involved in one way or the other in maintaining equilibrium. Then only
disturbance in the proteins will give rise to problems in immunity. All
reactions have protein as a base, agent, catalyst, secretion, transmitter, etc.
So, protein balance is health and imbalance is disease. This dynamic
equilibrium is homeostasis. Guyton says every cell contributes to this and
benefits from this. Mental and physical health depends on this. Hahnemann
said, it is the spiritual vital force, the dynamis that retains all the parts of
the organism in admirable, harmonious operation and keeps the instrument
healthy. What is the spiritual vital force? Physiology says it is the dynamic
kinetic equilibrium harmonious in the biochemistry that gives rise to
immunity from diseases. Can this be related? Is there an equation between
the biochemistry equilibrium and vital force? So, try to find out what has
disturbed this equilibrium. People say I drank cold water so, fell sick or lifted
a bucket and got backache. But in the first place, why did the back become
so weak? Why did the cartilage have some toxic proteins there to make it
weak? All these years, he was lifting it. One fine day, you come and tell me
that this pillow has caused me neck pain. There is some toxic protein which
has automatically gone there and that is why your cartilage has impaired
immunity and is showing signs of inflammation. But prior to that what had
happened? Any fight or quarrel at home? So, based on this, I ask my

What can disturb the protein balance and cause disease?

♦ Emotions (because of neurotransmitters—adrenaline, nor-adrenaline.

When you get angry, adrenaline is secreted more and protein balance is
disturbed and your most sensitive part will have toxic proteins there),
grief, mortification, vexation, etc.
♦ In small children, it is mostly vaccination (introduction of protein).
♦ Any bacterial or viral infection—they die their own death inside and toxic
proteins are produced. My question is what was the mental disturbance
before this?
♦ Antibiotics—especially before dental procedure. They kill the normal
♦ Immunoglobulins.
♦ Insect or animal bite or bee sting. I know of a patient who went into
renal failure after a bee sting.
♦ Trauma (muscle is destroyed and proteins are released).
♦ Ptomaine poisoning.
So, the exciting cause is important to know what can cause the problem
in the man.

Depending upon the disease or the organ involved, you can find out the
cause. Sometimes the patient may forget to tell you or is ashamed to tell
you. If a patient comes with diabetes or tumor, it is not something, which
you develop after anger or fright (See Aphorism 206 and footnote no. 120 ).
Diabetes comes up slowly and gradually increasing. Ailments from anger and
fright are syphilitic, severe rage, something which has affected the
constitution—all destructive diseases with sudden onset start after anger
and fright. Now, when mother-in-law troubles her daughter-in-law, and she
develops rheumatoid arthritis or hypertension or diabetes mellitus—this is
sycotic, continuous slow cause. Anxiety, sadness, weeping, or suppressed
anger can cause psoric diseases—bronchitis, pneumonia.

Now we will see a case based on this.

Video case:

This is a man who came to me with enlargement of the kidney and

hypertension. He is a Muslim, a motor mechanic and would also do some
welding work, a poor man. His blood pressure, when he came, was 210/110.
Though, he was informed about his blood pressure and medicines were given
to him, he was not taking the medicines. He was absolutely not bothered
about his hypertension. He came with an enlarged kidney since three years
and hypertension. He complained of pain in left side of the abdomen, better
by hot fomentation. He was treated for gases in the abdomen. When
investigated, he was found to have hydronephrosis of the left kidney and
medical renal disease.
Ailments from: Five years back, he fell from 2nd floor of a building when he
was welding a window frame. He fell down on sand, which was stored for
construction purpose. He just got up and walked up the staircase.

That day, it did not pain him, but he started getting aches and pains all over
the body on the next day. He went to the doctor, took some medicine, and it
became all right. But the pain in abdomen was never better. Gradually, he
lost interest in work; he had no desire to go to work or do anything. Now he
becomes dull even with the slightest pain. This was exactly opposite to his
nature. He was a workaholic and a very good motor mechanic. "All
challenging problems used to be brought to me from other mechanics."
When no one could repair or find the fault with the engine, they would
consult him and he would always be glad to solve the challenging problems.
Loves to be in cool weather. (So, someone who was so industrious, so
workaholic suddenly started becoming dull, lost interest in doing his daily
work.) He is averse to hot weather and is not comfortable in the heat. Thirst
is okay. He eats anything that is given to him; no likes or dislikes. Very
contented. He has been constipated ever since he got this pain. "My work
has suffered. I cannot give my best in the workshop. Anyway, I have to die
one day, so what? Rest all is fine, no problems." No anxiety about his kidney
problem at all.

So, what symptoms do you get here? These people from this socioeconomic
class, are already in a sycotic environment, he is concealed, not ready to give
any mental picture, not positive, ready to die also (syco-syphilitic miasm).

Now let us see his reports.

USG abdomen in 1998:

The liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas are normal. The gallbladder distends
well. The right kidney shows normal corticomedullary echoes and central
collecting system. There is no evidence of focal solid or cystic mass,
hydronephrosis, or calculi. (?) Renal spaces are clear. The right kidney
measures 13.6 cm x 4.6 cm—there is compensatory hypertrophy of the right
kidney. The left kidney is enlarged with huge hydronephrosis occupying
almost the right flank and pushing the abdominal structures contralaterally.
The left renal parenchyma is thinned out. The density at the pelvi-ureteric
junction could be a calculus. The left kidney measures approximately 32 cm x
15 cm. (Dr. Vijayakar: I have never seen such a huge kidney in my life!)

KUB dated 29.12.1998:

There is ground glass appearance of the left flank area, which could be due
to a fluid-filled structure (?) hydronephrosis. There is no evidence of any
radiopaque density in the visualized area. Active renal function of the kidney
is 96% and of the left kidney is 4%. (Dr. Vijayakar: So, we cannot even
visualize the left kidney, that is purely sycotic.) KUB in 1999: The left kidney
is not visualized at all, but a big cystic mass is seen extending from the left
hypochondrium to the left iliac crest and the epigastrium. No renal tissue
visualized at all. Left ureter also not visualized.

Blood pressure was 200/110.

So, now what do we do? How do we proceed in this case? The ailment from is
most important. How did it start?

♦ It started after a fall, that is he is a constitution who can have or suffer

from constitutional effects of fall or injury.
♦ Left-sided.
♦ Hot.
♦ Indifferent to disease (sycotic).
♦ Want of sensitivity. In most chronic diseases, patients going towards
death are indifferent towards their health.
♦ The more difficult the case, he would solve it—so I want a remedy which
acts best in case of difficulties and crisis.
♦ Contented.
♦ Better in thunderstorm.
The remedy given was BELLIS PER 30—1 dose.

Clarke mentions about BELLIS PER:

♦ Fag—this is the most important thing for BELLIS, tiredness (does not
work, dull, lethargy).
♦ Stasis (all carbons).
♦ Patient had a mild, soft, not aggressive fighting ability. He was positive in
his ability to work.
♦ Stasis, fag, growth after injury, and he loves thunderstorm—BELLIS.

I gave him BELLIS PER 30 somewhere in January. This man was so

indifferent that he would just come and take SAC-LAC and go. He resumed
normal work in February. His blood pressure was still high.

In May it was 180/100.

In July, it was 160/100.

In September, it was 130/90 (with just one dose). But I am not interested
only in his blood pressure coming down. Let us see what happened to his

USG dated 26.07.2001: The left kidney measures 16.3 cm x 7.9 cm. (half the
size straightaway!) Multiple anechoic areas are seen. There is marked
thinning of the renal cortex (previously, the cortex was not even seen).
Tubular anechoic shadow is seen and this suggests either dilated lower left
renal pelvis or dilated ureter. There is no evidence of left renal calculus.
Next USG: The left kidney measures 19 cm. The pelvis is dilated. The upper
part of the cortex is visible. There is (?) calculus, (?) narrowing.
(Unfortunately this patient had suffered an injury at the pelvi-ureteric
junction. Therefore, there was narrowing and hydronephrosis.)

USG dated 27.10.2001: The left kidney is very much present. It reduced to
13 cm and then mere was compensatory hypertrophy and it increased to 19
cm. Left renal parenchyma is not visualized at the left renal fossa. Grossly
dilated anechoic lesion with septa would suggest gross hydronephrosis. Left
renal pelvis is dilated and there is a density at the pelvi-ureteric junction - it
could be a calculus or narrowing. Left kidney measures 19 cm x 6.4 cm.

Dr. Vijayakar's comments: Why? We saw that the fluid disappeared and
the cortex was also visible. Last time also, they said there is something in
the ureter, which is seen, and now they say there is no calculus, it could be
narrowing. So, then it went into sycotic (fluid filled), no inflammation. Why
did the patient go into this tumor formation? The injury was exactly at the
ureter, which got inflamed and it blocked the kidney and then there was
accumulation (sycosis), which was absorbed after BELLIS PER. Therefore,
sycosis disappeared and inflammation/ narrowing of the ureter still remains.
Now it is going to natural hydronephrosis and the next it will open up and
everything will be normal, but I do not know whether functioning will start
or not. But this huge kidney of 32 cm x 15 cm pressing everything apart has
come done to almost the normal size.

Follow-up on 20.08.2002: Pain in abdomen and weakness is much better.

Stamina is also good and the desire to work is there. Stools are much better.
Bodyache reduced. His weight is better now.

Dr. Vijayakar: This patient had weight loss previously. When sycosis
increases, weight decreases. We should know how this sycosis should go and
what should come. I never imagined one dose of BELLIS PER could bring
such a huge kidney to half the size!

Second dose of BELLIS was given in May 2002.

Chapter 12:

Dr. Sucheta Desai:

In the understanding of any case it is necessary to go into an indepth

understanding of the diseased condition in our patient. Materia Medica,
Repertory & Organon form our base. The thorough understanding comes
only from the knowledge of the basic human sciences. This study is the
requirement and right of every physician - practicing any therapeutics (pathy)!
It solidifies the strong base that we stand on.

Aphorism 5:

Useful to the physician in assisting him to cure are the particulars of the
most probable exciting cause of the acute disease, as also the most
significant points in the whole history of the chronic disease, to enable him
to discover its fundamental cause, which is generally due to a chronic

In these investigations, the ascertainable physical constitution of the

patient (especially when his disease is chronic), his moral and intellectual
character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and
domestic relations, his age, sexual function, etc. are to be taken into
consideration. Mrs NP: 52 yrs.

Case of chronic urinary tract infection, hypertension & depression

Chief complaint : Severe stomatitis.

Since two days she has a red and swollen mouth,
hence unable to eat. Can hardly talk.
Nausea and vomiting < morning-4-5 days
Vertigo < waking < turning sides – 4-5 days
Loss of sleep causes vomiting in the morning.

Past history : Urinary tract infection on and off.

Leucorrhoea - uses candid since 10 yrs for severe
h/o frequent episodes of diarrhoea. At one time it was 3
attacks in 3 months. Once there were 60 stools. This
created in her a phobia for eating!
Oedema of the full body- 5 yrs

Went to a gulf country, to be with her husband. There

she developed high BP and high LIPID levels- 17 yrs
ago Twitching below eyes- < Lt. More the anger, more
the twitching (noted by her granddaughter).
Family history : High BR IHD in sisters.

Personal history : Appetite: No desire to eat

Thirst: + + but drinks out
of habit
Desires/ All food
Aggravations: Nil
Urine: Burning (cc)
Stool: Regular formerly. Diarrhoea since 3
months with acidity. Burning < eating,
< night.
M.C.: Menopausal. Leucorrhoea+ +
Perspiration: ++few yrs. ago there was foul
perspiration in the axillae which
discoloured the clothes black.
Thermals: Chilly during UTI episodes, otherwise
intolerance to heat. Sun causes

Mentals : Lives in a joint family of three brothers. MIL expired a few

years after her marriage, leaving behind a lot of
responsibilities. FIL was a Schizophrenic, had psoriasis,
got a fracture neck femur and expired a few years ago. The
middle brother separated. The elder brother expired after a
long spell of dialysis. Her husband was scheduled to
donate his kidney. Elder SIL stayed with her along with her
2 kids. The patient was a very strong woman; she did not
know what laziness was. Would get very angry if the kids did
not listen to her, or if she was contradicted and especially
after all that she has done for her family. She always
thinks of others, that is what will they say? So, goes on
slogging. She loves to eat, especially to eat good food, hence
cooks very well also and loves feeding others, no guest
leaves without eating. As she can cook all types of dishes,
her family and friends call her 'international cook' or
'Annapurna' .

Husband is very fastidious, would throw things in anger.

She tolerated formerly but now her anger is uncontrolled, it
does not cool off fast also. She was alone for 12 yrs. Her
husband was away to earn money, removed her
frustration, anger on her son. Then would sit and think
over the events of the day. Her level of self-confidence is
very low now. Mentally feels very weak.

She joined her husband 17 yrs ago. There her BP shot up

suddenly. She was admitted to the hospital.

She was admitted a second time 10 yrs back.

There was a cyclone in Jeddah. She and her son were alone
at home. She was extremely frightened, BP shot up again,
and she suffered from intense vertigo. They waited thus for
3 days, BP was 180/100.

So it must have been 220/110 before. Takes some

Ayurvedic medicine to reduce lipids and BP.

Wants a high standard of living, and she works hard for it.
So is upset if things go wrong. Wanted her son to go to
Dubai, he refused. She has adjusted with life in a small
house. Now has shifted to a bungalow. Very enthusiastic for
family gatherings, lives in style.

Manages all types of situations, takes quick, firm decisions.

Loves to talk, always very chirpy, smiling, and friendly. Will

talk things out, clear matters, not leave issues dangling in
the air.

Hobbies: Cooking, stitching, handicraft, embroidery.(does it for earning too,

hires girls and teaches them too)

This was the case presented to me by this woman whom you saw on the
video. The picture we get of her is as follows.

Analysis: Let us observe the patient; the overall trait that stands out most,
something more about the patient; and the points that we deduce by our

Basically we should look out for-

Exciting cause; mental makeup; physical make up; general make up; that is
ailments from; observed traits; deduced traits.

Some other significant facts, & last but not the least, the miasm.

Exciting causes:

♦ Early death of mother in law, sick father in law, no financial help from
♦ Husband has a very angry and fastidious nature. < < contradiction.
♦ Deaths and illnesses in the family.
♦ Away from husband for 12 yrs. Feels low, weak, depressed. This
constitution could be affected by—anger, grief and celibacy.

Observed traits:

♦ Always smiling, an obese puffy face, sudden tears, twitching of face

We also note that.-
♦ She took up the mantle, the responsibility of running the house when
MIL expired, when BIL expired, and husband was abroad. She kept the
house for 10 members.
♦ Worked in her spare time to earn for the family—duty conscious,
industrious, increased sense of responsibility.
♦ Never sits idle.
♦ Went to her ailing niece.

Deduced traits:

These have to be deduced from the history.

♦ Industrious.
♦ Conscientious.
♦ A mild but cheerful, affectionate lady.
♦ Smiling but angry, short tempered.
♦ Helpful, caring for the family
♦ Creative.
She gives us an impression of mild, cheerful, hardworking, industrious lady
who earns money for the family.

General make up:

♦ Hot
♦ Thirstless

Physical make up:

♦ Chronic UTI
♦ Apthae, acidity
♦ Leucorrhoea
♦ Oedema

The rubrics taken were:

♦ A/F grief, anger, vexation, celibacy.

♦ Industrious, mania for work.
♦ Censorious.
♦ Dictatorial
♦ Thirstless.

Faces :

♦ Rounded face (Apis, Opium).

♦ Affable (family oriented, familial feeling).(Apis, Hypoth.)
♦ Cheerful - simulates hilarity while internally wretched- Apis
♦ Rest in no position and no company – Apis

The remedy given to her was APIS 200—1 dose.

Differentiation of remedies after repertorisation:

Lyco : Cowardice (here patient is very strong).

Lach : Deceitful, (straightforward)
Plat : Haughty, casts off people whom she does not like or those
who are inferior to her (here patient does not cast off); PLAT
is not industrious.
Sulph : Pseudoism, cover up.
Cham : Uncivil, not industrious.
Puls : Changeability (patient very quick in taking decisions).
Bry : Reserved, business minded, attitude towards business and
to earn for the family is very marked, but BRY is very dry,
Not communicative (patient was).

Everything can change, the thermals, the nature of the person can change,
and altogether a new remedy can come up. The main thing here in this case
is industriousness; this can be explained in whatever miasm she passes
through, whether she is in psoric, sycotic, or syphilitic state. In
industriousness, she is very hurried, anxious, cheerful, and impatient. This
is the psoric picture. In her anger, she is simulating hilarity, she is smiling,
does not show her anger. She shows she is happy though she is wretched
inside or she becomes quiet and thinks of the things that have gone wrong in
the whole day-this is cover up again—sycotic state. Inflammation and
edema—cover up, this is again sycotic.

Rage, fury, anguish, and ulceration, which is coming up in the mucous

membrane is the syphilitic state. So, the picture is tri-miasmatic.

This is a right-sided remedy, again a very positive remedy, but the

neuralgia and twitching on the face is on the left side. I confirmed this again
and again. Emotions, the anger stimulate nerves causing twitching on her
cheeks. This is the hysterical element of APIS coning up. In the sycotic or
syphilitic phase, the remedy can be opposite sided. So, APIS though is a
right-sided remedy has facial neuralgia on the left side.

What are the right-sided and the left-sided people? What are the traits and
what are the rubrics covered up? Supposing metals—ARG, PLAT, ALUM, AUR,
CUPR, MERC, PALLAD, ZINC, STANNUM—all metals are right-handed and left
brain dominant. All positive remedies like ARS, CAUST, NUX VOM,
FERRUM, HEPAR, MERC, and all business-minded remedies like PULS, BRY,
CALC CARB, LYCO, and APIS are right-sided and left-brain dominant. The
left sided remedies are the sensitive and hysterical remedies like ASAR,
CROCUS, GRAPH, PHOS, MOSCH, CINA, etc. One cannot be very sure of the
sides of hysterical remedies.

Rubrics covered by:

Left-brain dominant are:

♦ Obstinate
♦ Positive
♦ Will strong
♦ Dominating, dictatorial
♦ Perseverance
♦ Dogmatic
♦ Ambitious
♦ Optimistic
♦ Pertinacity
♦ Power love of
Right-brain dominant are:

♦ Sensitive
♦ Sentimental
♦ Creative
♦ Artistic
♦ Hysterical
Let us analyze what has happened.

Vertigo, twitching - Psora CNS VI layer

Lipids increased – Sycosis V / IV layer
Attacks of diarrhoea (anxiety or tension-oriented Mesoderm
diarrhoea, with stress and emotions. The APUD system Connect tissue
is involved here. The force of diarrhoea is too much.) Organs
- Syphilitic
A/F: Long standing tension, sexual deprivation—leads
to stimulation of pituitary gland—release of ACTH and
ADH—decreased urine output—water logging.
(Therefore, in stress people can put on weight, not
necessary lose weight. See the reason behind obesity.)

Joint pains, cystitis - Psora III layer

Connect, tissue

Nausea, vomiting - Psora II layer

Diarrhoea - Psoric and Syphilitic Endoderm
Urethritis- Psora
Vaginitis- Psora; Leucorhoea- Sycotic;
Ulcers- Syphilitic
Stomatitis- Psora; Ulcers- Syphilitic

Let us analyze what to expect during cure. Lets see the defense that is
developed by the body to cope up with the onslaught on its reduced

These are the diseases that she had suffered from throughout her life. Below
upwards is the journey of disease and when cure takes place, it has to follow
the opposite direction.

In UTI, the frequency and the painful urging should go first and then the
burning urination. This is because the trigone in the bladder is the nerve
center and stimulation of nerves causes painful urging, so, this should be
relieved first.
14.03.2002 APIS 200 -1 dose.
16.03.2002 Pus cells in urine had reduced, now only SL
3-4 / hpf. Lethargy >. Edema >.
Burning still there.
30.03.2002 Vertigo, anger, stomatitis > > >. Eating still SL
difficult, but possible. Generally >>

16.04.2002 Vertigo >> SL

02.05.2002 Her niece was suffering badly. She was in her SL

last stages, was going into respiratory failure.
Patient had been to US to be with her niece
and her niece expired within a few days.
Because of the stress that she went through,
all her problems had come up

20.08.2002 SQ APIS 200 -1 dose.

05.09.2002 >>, Generally>>. Apthae >>, she can eat SL

well now. She was happy, weakness > >,
twitching of cheeks is now absent, burning

08.10.2002 Energy increased. Goes for walks SL

23.11.2002 No burning but itching present SL

31.12.2002 Generally >> SL

Now let us see something about the honeybee, the doctrine of signature, this
is the way by which the study of remedies becomes very interesting: it also
helps in understanding the basic rubrics.

There is a phrase, 'As busy as a bee'. So, industriousness is the first rubric
that comes to our mind. They are social insects and very duty conscious.
Each one is busy with their allotted work. The queen, the workers, and the
drones are present in the nest, each one doing their duty. It is one big
colony, very possessive. If the queen is not there, the whole swarm moves
away and will not be ruled by another queen. They have a very strong family
feeling. They fight and die to protect their house. No other swarm of bees can
come and make their house. The queen does not rule, but she is the force
that holds them together.
For the preparation of the remedy, it is not only the queen bee, but the whole
lot of bees are crushed. So, we get the characters of the queen, worker, and
drone. Workers get excited and disorganized if the queen in not there in the
nest. Because she has this affability, her will is done, not because of her
dictatorial or dominating nature.

APIS - a trimiasmatic remedy:


Industrious Excess Misplaced

Irritable Anger Anguish

Hurried Simulates hilarity Rage

Anxious Fury
Lipids increased
Impatient Ulcers
BP increased
Cheerful Apathy
Inflammation Mania
Nephritis Nephrotic Syndrome

A case of Nephrotic Syndrome - Female 50 yrs.

c/o excessive tiredness, puffy face
h/o scanty urine and burning micturation, dysentery, bodyache.
Increased BP oedema after-analgesics
Husband has tuberculosis; 4sons, but not earning; small house. Works in
Discontented, indifference, joyless, headstrong, dictatorial, violent. Urine -
albumin + pus cells
Hot; Thirstless
Never smiled before, the remedy was a syphilitic Apis.
An apparent appearance of mildness . ….. in angry remedies.

Video clipping :

Case Female 2½ years :

This is an apparently mild presentation of a child. She knows she is being

shot. There are people out there and are watching her. She is very happy.
She started crying suddenly as her mother was insisting on her singing a

H/O Pneumonia 3weeks ago

Loves dolls, puzzles. Wants new trendy clothes. Does schoolwork by herself.
Starts cleaning, dusting- says, "The servants don't clean well!" Cries if
scolded by grandmother, mother or father. Retaliates to others.

Wants to have her way, not many friends at school. Now she is averse to
going to school. Moves about alone. Vomits at home and in school many a
times. She is Ok on holidays.

Looks after her younger sister, very possessive about her. Formerly, also
looked after her little cousin, but fought with cousins of her own age.

She is a very shy child, communicates very little. Initially will talk to her
mother only, and hit her, if I insist on an answer. Craves chocolates. Loves
the AC.

Combining Timidity with haughty, pompous hard on inferiors and soft on

superiors Thermals- hot; Loves chocolates.

She was given LYCO.

Special rubrics
Timidity appearing in public,-but capable of
Discouraged - children, in
Discouraged - quiet, and

Case - Female 11 years:

This second girl also delivers a picture of mildness.

C.C. Pain in chest with suffocation-she suddenly sighs, takes deep breaths.
<closed places. <smoke.
Averse to any menial housework, likes to cook

She always wants to be by herself. Always compares & complains that

mother does things for other children and not for her, precocity (early
menses, would talk like a big girl). She loves to be with her mother, always
wants her mother's support. If sick will say, press my hands, my legs—
desires pampering, she is her father's favorite, he buys her the best of
things. She would not go with her classmates, as they do not understand
things, she says. She does not like to go with them, she leaves early.

Loves sweets, ice-cream, outside food, cold drinks. Prone to loose stools.
Thirst absent.

Timid + Jealous + Precocity + Pampering desires + Suspicious of friends.

Thirstless and craves ice-cream.

She got the remedy PULS.

Case - Female 28 years:

A case of retinitis pigmentosa and depression.

C.C - loss of appetite; headaches over the eyes; exhaustion; indifference to
work. Lack of confidence after this problem. Has become very religious. Very
rigid in following the rituals. Says, I cannot do much, no ability for any art,
so, this way I want to see God!

Timid, but she is not mild, she is expressive. She is very sure of what she
wants. If she does not like anything at home in food; she will say I will go
and make what I want to make. Sudden burst of exuberance, sudden
hilarity, laughing, followed by sadness, or a masklike face.

She also had a history of skin eruptions in childhood. Has an aversion to


So we have - timidity + aversion to sex/coition

Exuberance alternating with sadness/discouragement/
Confidence lack of. Helplessness feeling of. Humiliation.
Sewing<< , causes dullness and headache.

Her remedy was PETR.

She has a degenerative condition, generals are >, mentally >. We have to try
to arrest the disease here.

Mildness and Timidity

—these traits come up from the person, by the way they react when they talk
to us, a look at them will tell us. When you see someone is quiet, non
communicative, shy, other rubrics we could think of are - impressionable,
sympathy desires, quiet disposition, affable, tranquility, yielding, cautious,
fear, embarrassed, lack of confidence, reserved etc.

Timidity is shyness, fear, which does not allow you to come out, express,
share easily etc.

Remedies under Mild + Timid:

They are not very expressive, not very angry, not outspoken, but are shy,
scared, and bashful. The remedies are ALUM, AUR, CALC, CARBON, KALI, NAT

AMM MUR—Timid, but not mild. Ammoniums have a lot of rancor, can be
very sour to you.

APIS -Mild, but not timid.

Why are these remedies mild and timid?

Alum : Overpowering parents, lot of confusion about things, loss of


Calc : It is in a shell, lot of insecurity and brittleness, takes the whole

house with him.

Aur : Very conscientious, goes on doing whatever has to be done or

whatever they are asked to do without complaining.

Carbons : Angry, but tendency to suppress anger. There is slow anger,

like a coal burning. They are angry, but timid.

Kali : Show their fear by startling. Small things frighten them. There
is laxity, anxiety; this leads to timidity and mildness.

Sulph : Basically a coward, pseudoism—a cover up, falseness in

whatever he does.

This is my attempt to share with you the principle, which Dr. Vijayakar has
taught us. Put together the rubric and the understanding of the patient.

But a wrong set of rubrics leads to the wrong remedy. They have to belong to
the prevalent miasm.

There are other remedies, which give you an apparent impression of

mildness, though they are angry remedies, APIS, ARS, AUR, CUPR, CROC,

Ars : They appear mild, as they are fastidious and conscientious. So

they appear mild.

Aur : Duty conscious and always smiling, therefore, they give an

impression of mildness.

Cupr : Have an air of command, will walk like a general, dictatorial,

commanding, will sit stiff and not talk to you, therefore, we get
an impression of mildness. They are not very extrovert or

Cocc : Marked confusion, recognizes, but does not move. Does not

Lyco : Stiff pretentious, duty conscience, dominating.

Phos : Very demanding to get their things done. Though, they Look
mild can be very dictatorial and demanding if they do not get
what they want.

Rhus Tox : Show a lot of reverence and respect you much (obsequious).
Effect of the mind on the corporeal state (organon)

In a case of sudden derangement of the stomach, (a lot of examples have

been given), is usually of dynamic origin caused by mental disturbance—
grief, pride, vexation. (This is exactly what our patient went through.) A chill,
overexertion of the mind or body immediately after eating, even moderately,
one can become sick. Nearly all symptoms are generals because mental
states can only be expressed in general terms by saying, 'I feel' or 'I am'. Man
is a self-conscious mental individual, his mind works in and through his
body. Therefore, each cell in the physical frame of this highly specific
individual potrays the individual characteristic.

This tells us the whole concept of how we should chose our similimum and
what we should cover.

Each and every thing is connected. If one thing is not functioning well, it
affects the other. Emotions in course of time can affect and even destroy the
corporeal state. Take an aerial view of the patient and not a shortsighted
view. Let us find out a strong A/F and how the patient reacted to it. Then get
the will, intellect, and morals. Then the desires, aversion, physical and
mental reaction to the acute ailment, the thirst, thermals, and then only we
come to the right remedy. Never to forget to cover the underlying miasm.


Chapter 13:

Dr. Anita Salunkhe:

The topic for today will be knowledge about miasms. We have already seen
how miasm can be taken from the nature of a person, his behavior, the
pathology, the disease he is suffering, and also from his looks. Today, we will
see how miasm can help us in understanding the case, evolving the right
similimum and also in management of the case. I have learnt something
different from this case. I will share with you the peculiar defense
mechanism of miasm today, from a video case of schizophrenia.

Case 1:

A case of schizophrenia. It is a mental illness marked by extreme

disturbance in thinking and personality. There is a total disorientation in

The patient is an unmarried man, aged 44years. He was brought forcefully

in October 2000 for Homoeopathic treatment. His first visit was when he was
admitted in the hospital for chronic schizophrenia. My first observation was:
he was not wearing any clothes, he was restless, rocking constantly, violent,
agitated, and angry towards his family for getting him admitted. He was
constantly murmuring, "Why waste money? Why spend so much money?"

Ailments from: He was a person with no relationship with anyone in the

society. Just before the attack, he was charged with heavy fine for not paying
society maintenance charges. This provoked him. He directly went to the
secretary, abused and bashed him (rage—syphilitic). After this, he had
sleepless nights for four days and started behaving abnormally. He was
restless, abusive to the watchman and to people on the road. When his
parents (in their 70s) tried to pacify him, he pushed his father down on the
floor and twisted his mother's hand. This compelled the parents to get him

Past history:

As a child, he always suffered from cold. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension

since past two years. He has been on psychiatric treatment off and on since
ten years.

Personal history:

Appearance : He was dirty and shabby in dressing.

Thirst : Very much + + +.
Thermals : Hot, always needs the fan, also wanted AC in the hospital.

He was a clerk in a bank, but owned a flat of 40 lakhs. He said he had no

vices, but he always had an ambition to earn more money. So, he would lend
money on interest and earn money from that. His sister said that he was
very particular in spending. He is very money minded. He has no friends or
relations; always a loner. He said "everyone knows that I have a lot of money,
so everyone can take undue advantage of me." He would quarrel even with
his near family members when they asked him for some money. But when
given some work, he would do it without fail. At work also, he had quarrels
with everyone as he felt all are against him and want to take advantage of
him. He was very particular in his work; would not rest until he finished his
work. He always said if man is born, he has to work to live. He is religious
and plays musical instrument. All his family members are playback singers.

We will start with his video: Just see and understand his looks, his features,
reactions, and his attitude.

Dr. Anita: So, what do you think this man is?

Delegates: Mistrustful, avarice, suspicious, industrious, responsible, and

ailments from anger.

Nature (continued): He is a clerk and one of the officers is trying to harass

him in the bank. He is telling us how she is keeping a watch on him and
everyone is giving him all the work. So he said he would take the matter to
the parliament. "I am so particular in work and you ignore me, then it affects
me. I feel angry, to people like me they do that!"

Dr. Anita: His looks are syphilitic, very thin, cheeks have gone in. He is
expressive. He is just telling how he is troubled at office. He has hasty
speech. This has slowed down much after the remedy.

Patient: I am very much interested in music.

Dr. Anita: What do people trouble you about?

Patient: They will rob me. When I was young, in sports also they used to
trouble me, not allow me to do fielding and in college and in music also, 'I
was always side-tracked.' I get angry. People are just against me. They come
and harass me. At office, I do not keep anything pending. I finish my work
the same day. They come and give me more work at 4:00 p.m. or 4:30 p.m.
and I still do it. Goal and motive in my life is to make money. Since 5 to 6
years, I do not have much money, so I have become more stingy now, I collect
money and invest it so that I can make extra money. Everyone is selfish and
mean, my parents, sister, friends, etc.

Dr. Anita: So, this is the case. We will start with the analysis. All the cases,
which I will be showing you, are one-sided. Examples of one-sided diseases
are schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and maniac depression as
there are very few symptoms.

Hahnemann has said in aphorism 173, "the only diseases that seem to
have but few symptoms, and on that account to be less amenable to
cure, are those, which may be termed one-sided, because they display
only one or two Principal symptoms, which obscure almost all the
others. They belong chiefly to the class of chronic diseases (both at
mental and physical level.)"

How to go about in such cases? Aphorism 210 says, "the one-sided

disease appear to be more difficult to cure in consequence of this one-
sidedness. all their other morbid symptoms disappearing, as it were,
before the single, great, prominent symptom. Of this character are what
are termed as mental diseases. In all cases of disease, the state of
patient's disposition is to be particularly noted, along with the totality
of symptoms, if we would trace an accurate picture of the disease, in
order to be able there from to treat it Homoeopathically with success."
Aphorism 211 says, "The state of disposition of the patient often
chiefly determines the selection of the Homoeopathic remedy, as being
a decidedly characteristic symptom, which can least of all remain
concealed from the accurately observing physician."

Disposition is the dominant quality, which distinguishes a person's attitude

towards life around. It is a basic reaction, a tendency to act in certain
manner under given circumstances, e.g. if a same situation comes, every
person will react differently and this reaction itself will distinguish each
person from one another. Some can be defiant, some mild—this is the
undiseased nature. Hahnemann has already said that we have to take the
basic genetic nature, the undiseased nature.

Next, is his temperamental make-up—mentally, physically, and emotionally

and his body built-up. Failure starts coming when you go for emotions - do
not ask how you feel, ask how you reacted in that situation - I was quiet,
angry, etc. Feeling can be happy, sad, anger, etc. Reactions are controlled by
genes. Emotions are from neurotransmitters, proteins, which are controlled by
genes. So, if we consider neurotransmitters, we are like allopathic physicians.
Allopaths know just how to control neurotransmitters by tranquilizers,
anxiolytics, etc. If we give IGNATIA for grief, STAPHYSAGRIA for anger, these
will be only neurotransmitters. We have to consider the genetic make-up.
Now how to proceed in each and every case?

♦ Understand the make-up—physical, mental, and general.

♦ Ailments from.
♦ Journey of disease, how it has progressed, which layer is it in, how we
have to revert him back now.
♦ Miasm.

♦ Physical make-up : Height and : Lean and thin

Face and : Dirty, sallow complexion,
feature Ugly-syphilitic.
Hair : Thick and rough, indicating strength

♦ Mental make-up : Expression : Rage, fury, anger, violent,

Will : Strong, Obstinate
Headstrong, If he decides
He has to do it.
Morals : Conscientious about trifles,
Work is worship (he said
this twice in the video). We
are born here to work.
Emotions : All emotions are there-
Anger, rage, suspicious, etc.
Sensitivity : (towards light/noise/music/
injustice?) Sensitive towards money
Matters ++
Attachment : Nil.
Ailments from : Anger

♦ General Make-up : Speed : Fast

Speech : Fast.
Craving : In mental diseases, it is very
Difficult to get these, later on
I got that he loves hot
Thirst : ++
Thermals : Hot.

We need a remedy, which has to have all this. What is the miasm after
ailments from rage and anger? It is syphilitic. If it is grief, it is sycotic. If it is
fright, it is psora or syphilitic. So, even the ailment from decides the miasm.

What layer is the disease in? 6th layer. He travelled from cold and cough to
diabetes and hypertension and to schizophrenia.

Journey of disease: Bronchitis (2nd layer, psora) to hypertension (4th layer,

psora) to diabetes (5th layer, sycotic), schizophrenia (6th layer, syphilitic).

So, now we have:

♦ Rage/anger/quarrelsome/fury.
♦ Suspicious, mistrustful.
♦ Insanity, madness.
♦ Fast speed, restless.
♦ Abusive, insulting.
♦ Avarice.
♦ Conscientious about trifles.
♦ Dirty, shabby.
♦ Money minded.
♦ Hot patient.
♦ Thirsty.

The remedies that come up are: SULPHUR, ARS-IOD, LYCOPODIUM,


Take 7 to 8 days to understand the case, but do not prescribe a wrong

remedy in schizophrenia. In this case, it was my first remedy. Take the
defense mechanism at the cellular level in account.

Now we have to see how these remedies will act in the syphilitic state.

Ars-alb : Insanity from grief, shock, fright (but not rage), chilly
(patient hot).
Lycopodium : Insanity from jealousy, haughtiness, envy.
Sulphur : Insanity from loss of position, religious insanity, dirty,
filthy, position more important, not very money- minded.
Hyoscyamus : Ruled out, as the patient is not erotic or foolish.
Nux-vom : Insanity from excessive mental exertion or mental labor,
Stramonium : There is no fright here.

Homoeopathy is an art. There is no hard and fast rule. Now what is to be

done? So, now here we fail.

Aphorism 153 says, take the more striking, singular, uncommon and
peculiar characteristic signs and symptoms. So, where has the patient
lost his defense in the syphilitic state? What is his peculiar symptom in the
present miasm??

Tormented feeling. What is uncommon in the syphilitic state?? His

conscientiousness. In the syphilitic state, we lose our morals. So, I need a
remedy, which has insanity and conscientiousness. This was out of control.
This conscientiousness was overpowering him, making him mad. So, I took
these two rubrics and studied each remedy. Lot of remedies came up—ARS-
ALB, AURUM, APIS, LYCOPODIUM, etc. Homoeopathy is very vast.
Everything has to come in that remedy.
The remedy I gave was, which we use for leucoderma—ARS SULPH FLAVUM
200—1 dose.

Let us see the beautiful picture of this remedy. The generals are the ruling
symptoms. ARSENIC was very much indicated, but he was hot.

♦ Ailments from anger, vexation.

♦ Censorious, critical dearest friends with.
♦ Desires more than needs.
(If he was in sycosis, this would have been his rubric.)
♦ Insanity, madness rage from.
♦ Suspicious family towards.
♦ Conscientious about trifles.
♦ Restlessness heat during.
♦ Fear torturing of. (Now this is gone. "I do not care about torture. I will
directly go and bash him. He has now gone insane. He slapped his
society member when he was charged for fine. His reaction was rage. In
the sycotic stage, he would have had fear; they want my money,

Kent's lectures say; thinking, willing, and doing are three things in life,
which finally precede the chronic miasm. A person thinking syphilitic will
look also syphilitic, it is seen on the face. A person, who loves crime, lives in
it. It becomes a part of his nature, which shows itself in the external man.
The man, who loves truth and humanity, lives in that idea and it becomes a
part of his nature and can be seen in his looks and life. We will just see how
he looks and how he has changed now.

Follow-up in October 2001:

Dr. Anita: What happened when you were admitted in the hospital?

Patient: Nothing. I was just taking rest there.

Dr. Anita: The patient forgets what was wrong with him. His speech is now not
that hasty. His cheeks look better now. He again is talking about money. His
basic nature will not change. Now he says, "It is okay, we will see. It happens
sometimes." Today he is praising and appreciating his family members!!

Patient: I got a very good sister. They never disturb me. I was troubled
because of my own 'karma'. My parents are gems. My delayed marriage is
also due to my 'karma'. I completely stopped that business of money. I am
happy being religious.

Dr. Anita: I started the case in October and in January he came and said
that he had completely stopped all the allopathic drugs. His diabetes had
increased after the medicine, his diabetes is still there, it is not completely
gone, but it is under control and he is not taking any allopathic drugs for it.
He is still under my treatment. There is a total change in him now, in his
behaviour. He was a chronic schizophrenic.

Let us go to the second case. I learnt a lot from this case. Here I learnt that
not to try to fit the remedy in any case. If patient is not improving, it is
failure of the Homoeopath and not Homoeopathy. It is we fail to get the right
remedy because we are not observant and do not apply the Materia Medica.
Homoeopathy never fails. In schizophrenia, you have to see the changes,
how the miasm changes, what are the parameters, when to stop the
allopathic drugs. No counseling is required in such cases, as it can cause
suppression. Secondly, do not stop the allopathic drugs immediately. You
have to taper them down gradually. The last follow-up was when he had
completely stopped all the allopathic drugs. The dose was repeated 2 to 3
times; we do not have to repeat if frequently.

Case of an imbecile child:

This is again a one-sided disease. Here also we have to take the prominent
symptoms and the genetic nature. It is very easy to prescribe a remedy in
such cases, but a right understanding of the follow-up is required.

Imbecility is again a one-sided disease. It applies to those mentally

handicapped who are incapable of managing their own affairs. It, therefore,
represents a lesser severe degree of mental impairment than idiocy.

Chief complaint:

Male child, aged 4years, was brought to me in February 2001 for dullness
slowness in understanding and eating, and he was weak in studies. He was
diagnosed with imbecility. He was a premature baby, he suffered from
neonatal jaundice, and his milestones were delayed. He did not mix up with


He was keeping his mouth open with saliva dribbling down. Whenever I
would ask him some question, he would not understand it. He was always
clinging to his mother.

Personal history:

Thermals: Chilly.
Thirst: +++


He is very slow and always kept his mouth open. He takes one hour to
finish one glass of milk.

There is no ailment from here; the child is born like that. So, the miasm
becomes sycotic shallow.
Layer of the disease: 7th layer disease.

So, now what is the remedy? What picture do you get?

Symptoms: Slow, dull, thirsty, clinging to mother, retarded, and salivation

dripping out form the open mouth. In such cases, we do not get much
history, as the child is very small. He cannot talk and the mother also
cannot say much about the child. The child is motionless; he will just sit.
So, we now have:

♦ Imbecility.
♦ Salivation.
♦ Slowness.
♦ Play aversion to, sits in one corner.
♦ Thirst increased.
♦ Chilly.
The remedy given to him was BARYTA-CARB 200-1 dose. (BAR-MUR has to
do more with love, care, nurturing, sharing; here there is more of
dependency. The child was not requiring nurturing; he was more of a
dependent child, more of stasis, and more slower.)

After BARYTA-CARB, the change was what we saw in the video. He started
behaving normally. He improved. He understood what someone is doing. The
teacher said he has been doing very well. Let us see what happened one year
later. In this one year, BARYTA-CARB was repeated only once. He improved
in his studies, became active, started playing with other children, but
became more angry and demanding.

In March 2002, he got convulsions during sleep for a few seconds and he got
up screaming, clinging to mother with the left hand heavy and shaking. He
got this all of a sudden without any reason. What is this? He was improving
slowly. Now, this has to be understood very well. Why did he get this
convulsion?? Is it good or bad? What should happen next? Being a predictive
homoeopath, we have to know why did he get this convulsion and what
should happen next? It is a good sign, since the brain has started working.
Convulsion is an electrical discharge, whatever metabolic toxins are
accumulated in the brain have now started being thrown out from the brain.
It was seen that after this, his memory started improving.

Journey of disease:

Imbecility is a disease of the 7th layer and convulsions—the 6th layer. This
child has come one step down - convulsion is in the 6th layer. We will see
what happened next in April 2002, he got severe diarrhea for 15 days and
the family got panicky and they took allopathic treatment for this. The body
was throwing out toxins. The parents were more worried about the diarrhea
rather than the convulsions. Soon after that, he started getting severe
convulsions every other day. Investigations were done. They were panicky,
and so, they got a CT scan done. The CT scan was normal because epilepsy
is psoric; it is just an electrical discharge. I then gave him BARYTA-CARB
1M—1 dose; he is psoric now.


His convulsions increased, he became violent, bold, started throwing things,

and back answering his mother. He became restless, thirsty, and chilly. His
convulsions were aggravated full moon. He was still intelligent. This is real
management of the case. What has happened now? What could be the cause
of these increased convulsions? What was the mistake we did? May be the
action of BARYTA-CARB was over in this child—he was not dull or slow or
clinging or behaving abnormally. He was active and behaving like a normal
child. So, BARYTA-CARB was a wrong repetition! Thus, the follow-up has to
be seen and understood. BARYTA-CARB had caused suppression; he became
all the more worse. Where did we go wrong? So, I took all other possible
rubrics. Thus, follow-up has to be seen, think whether this remedy is right
or not.

Rubrics selected were:

♦ Convulsions during sleep.

♦ Restlessness children in.
♦ Defiant.
♦ Aggravated full moon and new moon.
♦ Thirsty.
♦ Chilly.
So, what is the remedy now?

We will see the follow-up now: Every time he would come, he would bring a
toy with him. See the change; see his movements now. He is talking more
now. Mother said, he is very fast; he has progressed very well at school. His
appetite has improved. He now is not very shy or quiet. He would just sit at
one place before. There was now a total transformation in his nature. He
used to get up at night with screaming, shaking his left hand and left leg in
convulsion. He would always get convulsions at night. He would not get
scared of anyone and would go and tell anything to anyone; would call
people by their names. He would throw things in anger. (Always see the
motive of throwing; he would not harm anyone, so he is psoric, not
syphilitic.) If he is asked not to do anything, he has to do it and will do it. He
is aggravated every full and new moon. He is telling, "Doctor, click my snap."

So, now what is he doing? What is this? He is psoric, but now going slightly
to sycosis. Whenever he would go to someone's house, he would steal things.
He was very slow, now he is hyperactive. What remedy comes up now? A
remedy, which is fast, defiant, courageous, bold, restless, with convulsions
at night and at full moon—MERC-SOL. He was given MERC-SOL 1M—one
Now let us see the Follow-up:

He was ameliorated for a few days, then he started to behave abnormally. If

anyone visited them, he would make faces, make some funny noises, and try
to seek attention from them. If he visited neighbours, he would steal
something from their house. He became slow again; he became slow in his
studies (he was very active before). Convulsions were aggravated; he would
scream, cling to his mother. They would always come during sleep.

What is this follow-up now? Let us wait and watch before changing the
remedy or the potency.

Once he was scolded in school and he got convulsions there. The school
authorities then told the parents to get a letter from an M.D. pediatrician
and not a homoeopath. She went to a doctor for an opinion who told her that
if this continues, your child will become mad, but the mother had lot of faith
in Homoeopathy. She said, she believed in Homoeopathy, as this slow child
had become fast and brilliant. I believe in Homoeopathy, not in Allopathy, he
will again slow down. The M.D. said, 'so what? Isn't it okay if the child just
passes, why do you want him to come first?' Epileptic drugs usually slow
down the person. Now our fight with Allopathy starts.

A psoric child has now gone into the sycotic phase. He was hiding (seeing
from behind the book), wanted his snaps to be clicked. He asked, "Why is
the doctor not checking me?"— that is he wanted to seek attention. Deceit
has started. He would go to neighbours house and steal things without their
knowledge. Therefore, we have to now change the remedy as the image of the
case has changed. We have not tampered him down, but changed the image.
So, this is suppression! His face has also changed. He now says that I do not
want to go to school, how much do they give to study. Slowness has come
up. He is just sitting; dullness (sycosis) has come up. Mother is saying,
"doctor please make my child intelligent again." He does not want to write
now. He would write when he was an infant.

Observation: He is hiding behind the chair and playing mischief. He laughs

unnecessarily. Why? To attract attention, he makes faces such that we start
laughing, makes weird noises also—he has become very funny. Mother is
calling him monkey. He does this whenever anybody comes home. See what
we have done to him! The psoric child is being pushed to sycotic miasm!

Now, we have to have a right remedy. Only the right remedy can transform
him. What stage is he in?

Sycosis—imbecile, slow, show, hiding faces, excess attention catching, and

deceitful. We have to see where the defense mechanism has gone down. So
what rubrics do we take? What is his peculiar symptom in this state, the
prominent thing? It is the way he makes faces, sound, noise to gain
attention—Gestures, antics plays. We have to have the remedy in this only.
Now what is it in his physical state that is very peculiar? It is convulsions
during sleep. He was having problem on left side, yet we gave MERC-SOL,
which is right sided. See how we commit mistakes, how eyes do not see!

Therefore, antics plays + convulsions during sleep + gestures + shrieking, I

convulsions with, we get HYOSCYAMUS, STRAMONIUM.

Is he erotic, shameless, sexual minded, inciting? No. So, HYOSCYAMUS is

ruled out.

Is he OPIUM? Is he hot? No.

He has history of falls in childhood. So, is he CICUTA?

Is he STRAMONIUM? There is no fright here.

Is he CUPRUM? Is he strong?

So, what is the remedy? Let us read about the remedy. Materia Medica has
to be seen.

What is CICUTA?

♦ Abusive, insulting (doesn't he look like MERC?).

♦ Activity.
♦ Admiration excessive (we will see in the follow-up that the mother says I
every time, we have to tell him, yes very good! very good! He has to be
said very good then he will do his work well).
♦ Imbecility.
♦ Ailments from injuries, accidents.
♦ Abruptly insults (MERC).
♦ Anxiety, fear convulsion with (he would get up from convulsion and scream
♦ Antics plays.
♦ Clinging convulsion during.
♦ Play desire to toys with childish (did you see in the first video, he had
come with a toy. Every time, he would come with a different toy. Every
time mother has to buy a new toy for him).
♦ Paralysis one sided convulsion after.
♦ Jerking talking while (I could notice this only after CICUTA).

The remedy given was CICUTA 30—1 dose, miasm sycotic. What do we
conclude from this case? Unless the inner nature of the remedy corresponds
with the inner nature of the disease, pathology, the medicine will not cure, it
will only suppress.

The pathology has to be seen in that remedy. A follow-up will tell us the
direction of cure, but also the miasmatic changes in that person. The first
thing that changes is miasm and then there will be physical changes.
Observe the change in the mental and the physical sphere—is the miasm
changing, are the looks changing?


After CICUTA, he know has a little bit of chubbiness of his cheeks. He was
thin, just sitting dull, yawning, and slow in studies. After CICUTA he got loose
motions and cold and he came first in the class; he now became intelligent
again (see how the miasm changes).' He is smiling; the loose motions came
and went. He stopped stealing. It is not there at all now. His appetite is now
good. His mother said, "You told me loose motions will come; they came and
they went away. He is now competing with other intelligent children. There
is competition between him and other 3 children in the class." Every day,
parents still have to tell him very good, excellent (admiration desire for is still
there; that is his basic trait). In between, he suddenly started getting fear - if
1 jump down from here, what will happen? But now that fear is not there.
(Fear is sycotic and now the fear has gone. We have to see whether he has
improved at mental level also.)

Dr. Narendra Mehta’s comment-.

This is a beautiful follow-up. In Predictive Homoeopathy, we believe that only

pathological change is not important; if our medicine is right, even the face
should change. In all the cases, there is improvement in their face, body,
functioning, judgment and working. Therefore, the patient's relationship
with the environment, with relatives also improves and this is what we practice
in Predictive Homoeopathy.
Chapter 14:

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

We saw today through Dr. Anita's cases how our Predictive group members
are getting fantastic results, not only in pathological cases, but also mental
pathological cases. These are one of the most difficult cases for a
Homoeopath. A Homoeopath is supposed to treat at the level of mind, but
when mind becomes worse, the Homoeopath also becomes worse and he
cannot treat.

The differential approach, which we are propagating, is consistent with the

teachings of Hahnemann in Organon.

Hahnemann has mentioned ways of prescribing, not only once, but 2 to 4

times in the whole of Organon. We have not been reading it carefully and not
assimilating it, leave aside applying it. He mentions adaptation of knowledge
of disease; adaptation of knowledge of remedies what they can cure to that of
the disease. This is exactly what we are showing you one by one. We have
shown you ordinary psoric cases, Dr. Sucheta's case going from psora to
sycotic, frank syphilitic cases (retinal detachment) and I have shown you
some genetic abnormality or irreversible pathology being controlled. Today
we saw the 6th and 7th layer diseases, the highest level, which Dr. Anita
demonstrated very well. As the disease goes from one layer to another and as
it shifts its gear from psora to sycosis, it becomes more and more

Homoeopaths of yester years, barring a few, show results in psoric diseases,

in the lowermost layer. They are showing results in rhinitis, eczema, asthma,
or constipation. These are not diseases to be shown in seminars. When the
disease shifts gears and goes to sycosis - hypertension, cysts, tumors,
atherosclerosis, many Homoeopaths fail in serious and grave diseases. They
get results in cough, cold, and fever, because, though the law is universal,
the application of this law is not universal. They have never understood what
Homoeopathy is. This is what we are trying to demonstrate.

Here Dr. Anita took exactly the syphilitic rubrics and that is what has made
the difference: She first went wrong because of the wrong application of the
law, but when she understood that here I am going wrong and I have to pick
up the syphilitic rubric, she went right.

It has to be very clear in our mind, what is a psoric disease, what is a sycotic
disease, and what is a syphilitic disease and what are psoric, sycotic, and
syphilitic rubrics. As the disease goes on getting suppressed, side-by-side
even the mind is affected. Mind is diseased later on. You just get the
emotional disturbances, the anger, irritability, despair, this defensive
mechanism is always there. This is not disease; it is a reaction depending
upon the miasm.

In higher level, as in cancers, the disease switches gears and changes sides
and the disease instead of being physical, goes to the mental sphere, as Dr.
Hahnemann has called it, one-sided disease. The corporeal manifestation of
the disease is gone or transferred into the mind, destruction of the mind, as
we saw today in Dr. Anita's case. This is destruction, so we have to take
destructive rubrics, not conscientious or timidity unless and until the
conscientiousness, which is exhibited, has gone out of control—work, work,
and only work, excessive work. A workaholic trying to work and earn money
is sycotic. When he is diligent, he is psoric. When he becomes mad after
work, he is destroying himself by working and working; he has gone into the
syphilitic sphere. Similarly, the mind also after some shock, anger, or grief
can change gears and go to the 7th layer, the destructive layer of the body.

This is my addition; may be if Hahnemann had lived, he would have added

to it.

This transition from mental to physical then gives rise to one-sided physical
diseases like cancer, motor neurone disease and diseases which do not
throw symptoms at all, etc. So it is not only transfer from physical to mental,
but also can be the other way round, e.g. sudden loss of a child and the
patient is shocked, she goes into this one sided disease. Provided the patient
is of syco-syphilitic constitution and not psoric. I am talking of Aphorism
211 where Hahnemann has talked about one-sided diseases. I want to
quote that corporeal disease now no more exists, as in insanity, etc. It is the
opposite of Aphorism 225. If this is true, the exactly opposite is also true. It
is like an electron and a negative particle. The scientists were so sure that
nothing similar could exist. There has to be two things—one negative and
one positive for anything to exist. So only electron cannot be possible and
there has to be something like a positron also, which we do not know. Very
lately only one month back, scientists have said that the positron does exist
and they feel it is the building block of the abstract world. There has to be a
mirror-image reflection also. In cancer and malignancies, there are certain
people who are so anxious, "Oh my God, cancer!" but when cancer actually
develops, they are without emotions, "It is okay"—you can call it resignation
or anything. There are certain cancers, which are not at all detected. So,
there are mental diseases, which can go to physical and vice versa and
destroy the other state. Anxiety can destroy the physical state. We always
follow the 'panchtatva', the mind, body, thermals, thirst, and the physicals,
which are all governed by the miasm.

AIR represents mental make-up.

FIRE is expressed as thermals.
WATER is expressed as thirsty or thirstless.
ENERGY is expressed as activity.
EARTH is expressed as physicals (include the structure, disease
tolerances etc.)
If even one is left out, then suppression or failures occur. Take a strong
mental and combine it with a strong general and differentiate
remedies with your knowledge of Materia Medica, eliminate with
thermals and thirst. All you have to do is to find out the will, intellect,
morals, conscience, and the speed of the patient. It is not necessary that
everything has to be represented. Then find out the thermals and thirst and
one or two very strong mentals, you will come to only 4 or 5 remedies. They
have to be picked up according to the disease, which the patient has come
with. You have to develop that tact. First of all you have to know the psoric,
sycotic, and syphilitic rubrics.

If you have understood that syphilitic is out of control something disgusting,

weird, and if you have understood sycotic excess and sycotic shallow, and
the psoric irritability, anxiety, inhibition, then you can pick up the rubrics
easily. If you have a huge, long case, (the longer the case, the more the
confusion) the first requirement is how this person behaved in
circumstances throughout his life. If you know he has behaved in a timid
manner everywhere, you take timidity as a rubric. If he has been very regular
in his work, etc., then you get conscientiousness; You are deducing them.
Selection of your rubrics should be on the basis of miasm, understand
miasm from the disease that has come in either mental or, physical, e.g.
take syphilitic characteristics in a syphilitic case.

Let us read this aphorism, which mentions exactly what I want to say—
aphorism 216 "the cases are not rare in which a so-called corporeal
disease that threatens to be fatal—a suppuration of the lungs, or the
deterioration of some other important viscus, or some other disease I of
acute character, e.g. in childbed, etc. becomes transformed into
insanity, into a kind of melancholia, or into mania by rapid increase of
the psychical symptoms that were previously present, whereupon the
corporeal symptoms lose all their danger; these latter improve almost
to perfect health, or rather they decrease to such a degree that their
obscured presence can only be detected by the observation of a
physician gifted with perseverance and penetration. In this manner,
they become transformed into a one-sided and, as it were, a local
disease, in which the symptom of the mental disturbance which was at
first but slight, increases so as to be the chief symptom, and in a great
measure occupies the place of the other (corporeal) symptoms, whose
intensity it subdues in a palliative manner, so that, in short, the
affections of the grosser corporeal organs become, as it were,
transferred and conducted to the almost spiritual mental and emotional
organs, which the anatomist has never yet and never will reach with his
Dr. Prafull Vijayakar : What is the advantage of this approach? How has
this helped me? The advantage of taking miasmatic representative from
mind and body combined with thermals is that I do not become a prejudiced
observer and understander of the Materia Medica, which has been hitherto
supplied to us. Not all the Materia Medica books show the same mental
picture of the remedy. There are so many different types of pictures of the
remedies, which are not given in any Materia Medica. So many times, the
trimiasmatic remedies are represented as one or two types of miasms, never
all three. How to differentiate it? This type helps us to come at the correct
remedy, at the right drug picture so that the corresponding physical or
mental disease can be cured. So, if OPIUM is sluggish in sycotic, it may be
very active in syphilitic. Last year, I showed you a case of AURUM. It never
looked like AURUM because it was hysterical; it was the syphilitic AURUM.
There was nothing like industriousness or duty consciousness, which a
psoric AURUM would be having. In course of these days, we will try to give
you a different set up. You should be able to form your own Materia Medica.


Mr. A.S. aged 5 years comes in with a chief complaint of weakness in the leg
and calf muscles while walking since 3 to 4 months; pain in the legs since 6
to 8 months. He has taken allopathic treatment. This has started one year
back. He wants his mother to lift him while walking (with this history,
always think of Duchenne muscular dystrophy). His other complaint was
that of constipation.

Has to strain a lot, stools once in 2 to 3 days, has to be removed

mechanically. He also had recurrent running nose, irritation, cough and
vomiting while coughing - aggravated change of weather and strong odors.

Personal history:

Appetite : Poor.
Craving : Hot food, chocolate, and ice- cream.
Thirst : Normal.
Perspiration : ++, around the head dripping even in AC.
Thermals : Hot patient.
Sun : Aversion.


♦ Very sensitive, gets hurt very easily. If there is only one piece of bread and
mother gives it to him and not the elder sister, he feels bad and gives his
own piece to his sister. If mother gives a piece of bread to someone and
that person throws it, he feels bad. He scolds and beats the opposite
person (anger).
You have to deduce from the incidences what are the natural traits that
the child is showing up. He is feeling hurt that mother has been insulted
and reaction is going into anger.

If he has two pieces of bread and nothing is given to his pet dog, he will
give his share to the pet dog.

♦ Sensitive to noise and crackers, but loves music.

♦ Fear of giant wheel not because of motion, but he gets frightened. He is
very frightened when it reaches the top, when it is climbing (height).
♦ When angry, will beat and bite his sister. Back answers his grandfather,
grandmother, and father. Does not like his father says 'he is a splinter'.
♦ Plays alone.
♦ Shy and timid outside and obstinate at home, otherwise obedient.
♦ He is interested and is very particular about his studies. Intelligent and
conscientious. In school, he is a good obedient, and conscientious child.
Inquisitive in nature.
♦ Is very careful while crossing roads.
♦ He is always well-dressed. Full shirt and full pant. Always keeps his books
and clothes in proper place and is tidy. Tries to behave like a matured
man. Does not like anyone touching his books. Does not misplace his
♦ Though religious, he does not like to pray to God or put Tikka.
♦ Destructiveness of his toys.
♦ He is very much possessive about his things.
♦ Crazy about cars. Speed is fast. Very restless and very attached to
♦ Very sensitive about animals. Cannot see cruelties and blood. Cannot see
animals or humans in pain. Loves animals and playing on computers.
♦ Is creative, artistic and has won many prizes in drawing and painting.

Birth history:

Full term vacuum delivery with episiotomy (even during birth, the child is
giving his miasm; this is syco-syphilitic). Fever on the 3rd day of birth, was
given three injections of Biotox 125 mg three times a day for 5 days.

Mother's history:

History of asthma during pregnancy, was treated by allopathic treatment.


Now, the child has come with pain in the legs. Investigations from Hinduja
hospital—CPK was done. Why was this done? When a child starts
complaining of pain in the legs, the first thing that is done is CPK. There is a
strong doubt towards Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It is a genetic
abnormality that is found usually in males. The child starts complaining of
cramps while walking or ascending. The first sign is pain and cramps. The
disease goes from outside in and below upwards (opposite to Hering's law).
The short arm of gene 19 is affected. This gene has a code, which gets
depressed (on) at the age 3 to 4 years. It starts synthesizing a protein, which
destroys dystrophin, which is there to protect the muscles. So, protection of
the muscles is gone. They do not have the inflammatory psoric tendency and
they start becoming sycotic, thick. So there is no first defense or psora and
finally the muscles start degenerating giving rise to excessive CPK level. This
is known as pseudohypertrophy - complete degeneration and the muscle
grown unnaturally. Weight of this protein is 427kd. So, this particular gene
gets depressed. If this is not depressed from 4 to 12 years, my experience is
that we cannot cure, but avoid this abnormality. I have seen 4 cases where
this definite trait was there, but the disease did not develop.

How did the disease reach this layer?

Journey of the disease:

Respiratory System : Recurrent cough, coryza (3 years) - ectoderm –

Psora (still much inflammatory)
Gastro Int. Tract : Vomiting while coughing – still in Endoderm -
Mesoderm : Psora. Pain in legs (6 to 8 months) - Psora.
(Connective Tissue) Swelling of calf muscles - Mesoderm - Syco-
syphilitic. Weakness of legs - Psoro-syco-

When such a patient comes, the disease is neither purely psoric, or purely
sycotic, nor purely syphilitic. All three miasm are there. The miasm gets
affected one by one. Gradually the process of inflammation (psora), swelling
(sycotic), and destruction (syphilitic) is going on in the body.

Now let us go to the mentals -let us see the different traits that the mother
has told us about him.

Gets hurt very fast Sensitive to rudeness,
offended easily.

Mother gives a piece of bread to someone and Injustice cannot support.

that person throws it, he feels bad.

Scolds and beats the opposite person, beats, Anger, violent. Sensitive,
bites sister. (He is not a mild child)

Cannot see cruelties and blood. Cannot see Sensitive, oversensitive.

animals or humans in pain. Loves animals. He Sympathetic towards,
feels bad for other, for his mom if someone especially
throws that food. animals.
Sensitive to noise and crackers, but loves Sensitive to music and
music. sensitive to noise.
Fear of heights.
Fear of giant wheel not because of motion; he
is very frightened when it reaches the top,
when it is climbing.
Rudeness, insolent.
Back answers his grandfather, grandmother,
and father. Does not like his father. Says his
father is a splinter.
Plays alone
Is very careful while crossing roads.
Very intelligent and particular about studies

Always well dressed—full pant and full shirt. Tries to Precocity.
behave like a matured man.

Wants clothes and books in proper place, does not Fastidious.

misplace things, does not like others touching his books,
does not like anyone disturbing it. (He is not selfish, if he
would have been selfish, he would not have been
sharing his bread.)

Loves drawing, has won a lot of prizes. Artistic aptitude.

Crazy about cars. Which children are crazy about cars? Restless.
Those who like to wander or travel, that is there is some
tubercular diathesis. Also, speed is fast. Such children
are restless, so it is better that we take this bigger rubric
than the limited rubric travel desire for.

Attached to mother But if he was very much

motherly child, then he
would not be shouting at
his mother. So, I would not
give much importance to
this..Also,at this age
everybody is attached.

We are just trying to understand what we have got from his history in the
language of the repertory. These are not rubrics for repertorisation. This is
just an exercise to set our brain functioning because translating theatwords
Also,at this of
this age
everybody is attached.
the patient into the reportorial language is the biggest hurdle. I always take
it at face value, instead of building up hypothesis. When provings were done
and written down, it was clearly what they got, so, why should we do
hypothesis? We are getting results without this hypothesis.

Birth history:

Full term vacuum delivery with episiotomy. (Even during birth, the child is
giving out his miasmatic influence; this is a syco-syphilitic trend). Do not
take this as torpor, obstinacy, timidity appearing in public, or desire to be at
home!! See, this one small incident can give you so many dangerous rubrics!
A question was asked to me, does a pregnant lady have one vital force or
two? The answer is one.

Physical generals:

♦ Craving for chocolates, ice-cream.

♦ Profuse perspiration over the head.
♦ Tendency to constipation.

Miasm: Psoro-syco-syphilitic. Which are the rubrics that you will take? We
have to take all the rubrics. Psora in Duchenne muscular dystrophy never
ends. It is not only syco-syphilitic. All three miasms are going on. The
inflammatory tendency is bound to go up from below. In Duchenne
muscular dystrophy inflammation is never over; if is always going on.
Inflammation, pseudohypertrophy, and destruction—all three are always

Sound is harmony in music. He also keeps his books, clothes in harmony;

he is fastidious. Love for music is a small rubric, which is dangerous to take.
So, we take sensitive to music.

On repertorisation, we get only one remedy going through and through—that

is CARCINOSIN. It is covering even the physicals.

This is surprising; we never knew CARCINOSIN was so violent. It also covers

rudeness in children. We always think of CARCINOSIN as such a sweet
child. This child has psoric, sycotic, and syphilitic symptoms in him.
Cruelty, inhumanity—the way he goes and bites his sister. It is not only
biting—he beats and bites. As his disease will go more towards syphilitic and
he becomes more and more disabled, his rudeness and cruelty will increase.
His syphilitic miasm is in progress.

CARCINOSIN 200—1 dose was given on 08.12.2001

Follow-up on 19.12.2001:
Within 11 days, appetite was much better, weakness and pain in legs was
also better.

Follow-up on 16.04.2002:

After four months, the child suffered from chicken pox and throat pain.

Dr. Vijayakar: Now what is this? Why did the chicken pox come up? Is it a
good or bad sign? It was diagnosed by a physician in his native place.
Chicken pox is a tumor virus like HSV, EBV and CMV. HSV in children gives
rise to chickenpox in adults. Why are they known as tumor virus in the
allopathic world? Because when they infect and go in to the cell, they cause
a change in the mitotic cycle in such a manner that extra growth occurs in
the cell. The cell starts growing excessively giving rise to tumors. For us it is
a sycotic virus. Therefore, sycotic virus being thrown out of the body is a
good sign in this case, which is now predominantly sycotic. These tumor
viruses when thrown onto the skin to clear the internal malady or
dysfunction—this is exteriorization.

I was treating a case of malignancy where metastasis disappeared and the

patient developed herpes on the body and the idiotic oncologist asked her to
treat the herpes first by an anti-viral drug, despite my advising him and his
wife not to do so. I told her, if you do so, this man appearing very healthy,
will die within two months. He died within 1 ½ months of suppression of
herpes. Once this damage is done again, you cannot repair it. At least, I
could not repair it. I have lost a couple of cases like this. So, just rejoice and
lay you hands off if tumor virus appears. The virus is in the neuroectoderm
and is thrown off on the ectoderm. This is an excellent sign. These viruses,
especially tumor virus harboring in the nerves or muscles are thrown off on
the ectoderm through the prochordal plate— so the patient will first get
some throat problem and then on the body.

Tumor viruses' being exteriorized is one of the best results for a homoeopath.

Follow-up on 11.06.2002:

The child developed vomiting, he was given SAC-LAC. Do not repeat the
remedy, as he has a past history of vomiting. After chicken pox, he never
complained of pain at all. He is active+ + , running, jumping. They went to a
place in Kerala where the child climbed up! Last one month, he has been
running around upstairs and downstairs. Within one month of treatment,
the pain completely disappeared.

Dr. Vijayakar: What do we learn from this case? There is a time frame for
these diseases to develop. These children never suffer at the age of 1-2 years.
This is because to develop sycosis it takes some time. Recurrent suppression
of psoric complaints like cold, cough, vomiting, changes the defense to
sycotic. Then the process of repression and depression of genes starts. Such
children with this trait if taken to a Homoeopath before any suppression of
psoric disease, then this child will not go from psora to sycosis and if we can
carry him safely from 4 to 8 years, then we can very well avoid this genetic
disease. I have a child who came to me when he was three years and today
he is 13. There are 7 in his family with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This
child was destined to die of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, but today he is
absolutely fine. So, we must prevent the suppression or changing of gear from
1st to 2nd, we can still prevent the miasmatic or rather genetic disease. We
also learnt that during the cure of any sycotic disease, throwing out of tumor
virus is essential or welcome. When we understand the pathology, which we
are treating in terms of defenses of psora, sycosis, or syphilis and take
rubrics accordingly, that remedy has to be right followed by cure. Dr. Kent
has said that having arrived at the remedy, the name of the disease is
immaterial, but if you look back you will find that the remedy will cover the
disease as well. If your remedy is right, it covers the patient as the whole.
This is mathematics.

If it is a frank sycotic case, safely avoid psoric rubrics. If it is a frank syphilitic

case, safely avoid psoric and sycotic rubrics.
Chapter 15:

Dr. Bandish Ambani:

Now, let us see one common disease, which we see day-in and day-out; the
most common disease, the 2nd largest killer here and number 1 in USA,
ischemic heart disease. I will discuss a case of ischemic heart disease today. I
would like to confess here that this case I have been able to solve only because
of Dr. Vijayakar's teachings. If this case would have come to me five years ago,
I would have really been scared and told the patient to not even go home, but
to go directly to a hospital and get admitted and start treatment there. This
patient had severe angina; he was in the hospital.

Case of Ischemic heart disease:

The patient was admitted in the hospital, was investigated, and was advised
to get an angioplasty done immediately. This patient had severe angina, he
was admitted and investigated in the hospital. Investigations showed a 4-
vessels block. He was very, very scared. He did not want to get it done. They
said they would have to put stents in his arteries. In the hospital, he would
ask every other patient in the ward about this disease. Of all the patients
who came, there were some who had undergone angioplasty five years ago,
some two years ago and some one year ago, so much so that there was one
patient who had just undergone angioplasty three months ago, three stents
were put, and now he was back again in the hospital for a bypass surgery.
This is what modern medicine has to offer in ischemic heart disease. So,
looking at all this, he said if this is the case with everybody, it is going to
happen with me also. What is the point in undergoing this procedure? So, he
left the hospital against medical advice and looked for an alternative and
landed at my clinic.

Let us start with the case:

This was a 71-year-old male who came with a chief complaint of right-sided
chest pain especially aggravated after eating, after bathing, even the effort of
eating, even walking a few steps in the house. The pain radiated from the
right side of his chest to the right arm and the right breast. The pain is
relieved after rest for few minutes. He has to take many sorbitrates in a day.

Ailments from: His problem started in 1996 after the death of his young
son (aged 28 years) due to leukemia within six months. It was a great shock
for him. The problem had become worse since the last three months. He was
on allopathic medicines without any relief and was constantly taking
sorbitrates. When he was in the hospital, he had seen many patients had
undergone angioplasty in the past and there was a recurrence of their
complaints and they had to undergo bypass surgery. This scared him and
hence he was not ready to undergo any interventional procedures. When he
came for treatment, he was on following allopathic drugs; Tab. Betaloc 50
mg bd, Tab. Ismol 20 mg bd, Tab. Ecosprin 150 mg bd.

Physical generals:

Constitution : Lean, thin, emaciated, weighing 50 kg. Before this

problem, he weighed 62 kg.

Appetite : Normal.

Cravings : Warm food, lemon juice, lemons, fruits, milk, sweets+ +,

ghee, and tea.

Aversion : Pickles, chillies.

Thirst : 7-8 glasses/day.

Urine : Increased frequency at night, every hourly. This also

bothered him a lot.

Stools : 2/day, normal.

Sweat : Not much, slight in the axillae.

Sleep : Disturbed when he was tensed, otherwise normal.

Dreams : Rarely, occasionally of fighting with animals like tigers

And jumping from height.

Thermals : Chilly—can tolerate the heat more, can do without the

fan, feels chilly in AC. (If a patient in Mumbai city does
not want fan or wants to wear a sweater in the mildest
winter in Mumbai, then he is definitely chilly. If in the
hot weather, the person has to bathe with hot water, not
only warm water, he is chilly, and same way vice versa).
Here our patient is chilly—he could do without a fan.

Past history:

Appendectomy in 1962, pneumonia in childhood, renal stones when 20

years old.

Family history:

Father: Prostatectomy 30 years ago. Mother died of stroke 20 years back.


He is a well-educated man. Worked for a reputed company for more than 30

years. He retired from that company as a manager. He retired from a very
high post. Now, many a times, patients do not tell us everything, but we can
always deduce certain things from their life situation though they do not tell
us and then confirm from incidents that happen. When I saw his reports, I
saw that he got admitted in a municipal hospital, though financially very
well off! A manger of a reputed company gets admitted in a municipal
hospital. Let us keep this at the back of our minds. We have to confirm this
later. Just do not jump to conclusions. Confirm your deductions, in history
as well as your observation of the patient.

♦ He did his B. Com, LLB, and later he did DTM (a post-graduation related
to his business) simultaneously with his job. He was a very systematic
worker and progressed well in his career. He started at Rs. 137.50 salary
as a clerk in that company and then progressed. Even at this age, after
his retirement, he was running a public phone booth and was working
11-12 hours a day. This he was doing even now though he could not
walk even a few steps at home. In spite of his severe, serious, debilitating
disease, he was still working and wanted to continue working. He cannot
sit idle without work. He continued to work because he likes to work.
♦ He is apprehensive and plans everything in advance. He is impatient,
strict - disciplinarian, obstinate, particular and fastidious about his
work. He is very punctual and expects this from others also.
♦ He has anxiety about his health and for health of other family members.
He cannot eat or sleep when some member of his family is sick.
♦ All his problems started after the death of his younger son. It was a
shock for him. He became silent, would not talk to anyone, felt as if his
own right hand was cut off and was very depressed.
♦ He is a very serious person, does not like spending money unless and
until it was very necessary. If he would buy anything, he would make
sure that he is not paying more than the worth of the object.


♦ Stress test on 21.11.2001 was positive for ischemic heart disease.

♦ ECG shows marked ST-T depression in inferior and septal walls. All leads
showed ST-T depression. This is suggestive of global ischemia. (Just a
point to note that if the ST-T depression is more than 1 mm, then it is 1
considered as positive for ischemic heart disease.) Here in his case, the
depression was greater than 3.8 mm—indicating severe ischemia.
♦ Coronary angiography showed LAD proximal—100% block, LAD distal—
90% block, circumflex distal—80% block. There was a distal plaque in
the RCA and his ventricle showed apical aneurysm.

For allopaths and cardiologists, this is a typical case of triple-vessel disease

and the only answer they have is angioplasty, put in stents and then bypass
surgery after six months. They are not doing anything to the disease process,
which still continues. They are just bypassing the diseased vessel. Let us see
the video now and observe the patient.

I took this video on the first day that he came.

Patient: I am worse walking even five steps in the house, aggravated even
with I the effort of eating, and feel better after rest. After walking for
sometimes, I have to sit down, take some rest, and take a sorbitrate and
then continue walking. Must I take it even before sleep or else I get chest
pain even during sleep.

Dr. Ambani: He is always carrying sorbitrate in his pocket. Why does one
get angina at night? Most cardiac problems occur at night or early morning.
This is because there is deposition of elastin etc. on the walls of the blood
vessels. At night, there is decreased circulation and stagnation, which blocks
the vessel and causes angina. The blood also is more viscid. He moves a little
away from the camera while talking about his son's death. His son had an
electric shock, and then he developed hepatitis, then jaundice, then malaria
and then leukemia. See everywhere the disease travels, there was a cause
and see how the disease traveled. From endoderm to the mesoderm and then
to the highest 7th layer. Even in 1996, he was advised to go for angiography,
but he refused it at that time also. I asked him, 'it started in 1996, then why
has it got worsened recently??'

He had lot of stress and tension. After his son's death, he put himself into
work. At this age of 68 years also, he took up another small job in an office,
but that office was air-conditioned and he could not tolerate the AC there.
Then, he put up a public phone. The reason that he gave was that he used
to come home late in the night at around 11.00 or 12.00 and late food used
to give him flatulance.

Patient: I used to eat dinner at 12.00 at night and go away in the morning
at around 9.00 or 10.00. The STD rates are lower after 9.00 in the night and
obviously the business is more between 9.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. and I had to
sit there.

Dr. Ambani : He was alone running this booth. He was staying in one
suburb of Mumbai city and even with this condition, he had to travel all the
way to the booth, work, and then come back at night. Because of this, he
even stopped his morning walk. He used to go for his morning walk
regularly. He is doing this since the last four years.

Patient: I am doing this work just to pass the time.

Dr. Ambani : He is well off financially.

Patient: If I do not go to work and stay at home, all the time my family
members will keep offering me tea and food and everything. How long are
they going to do it? A time will come and they will get bored and fed up of
this and stop this.

Dr. Ambani: This is what he thinks; he is rationalizing.

Patient: I cannot sit at home.

Dr. Ambani: What will happen if you sit at home?

Patient: I do not know, but I just cannot sit at home.

Dr. Ambani: Why don't you stay at home and read?

Patient: I cannot do that. I need some kind of work. If there is no work, I can
even cut sticks.

Dr. Ambani: Strong sense of duty.

Dr. Ambani: Now we have this patient in front of us, what do we do? To
solve this case, we need his mental make-up, his physical make-up, general
make-up and miasm. What do we do? You have the history in front of you.

So, let us see the miasm—it is not syphilitic; there is no infarct, there is
ischemia. With such severe angina over such period of time, with four
vessels already blocked, there is still no infarct. Why? What is the cause of
this? Grief, which is not silent or undemonstrative, he has expressed it to
us, not trying to hide, saying it very easily. He is telling as if my right hand
was cut off. He agrees to it that his problem was because of grief. The
pathology is both psoric and sycotic; even with this angina he is able to
work, that is he is going into spasm. He also wants to accumulate more and
more money—sycotic. So, the pathology is sycotic, predominant miasm is
sycotic, but along with that there is also spasm, so it psoro sycotic pathology,
base is sycotic with psora. He has gone into spasm from grief. This is a 4th
layer disease (of suppression chart).

What do we do next after the miasm? Now how do we solve this case?

Mental make-up: Industrious, better by occupation, wants to be busy,

avarice, mania for work, but what is all this—diligence. Is he just working
like a laborer? In what circumstances is he working? Is there a need for him
to work? This I patient is an absolutely conscientious person. There is no
need for him to work. He is financially well off. He worked in a big company
for 35 years. When something like this comes very strongly and we know it is
in his miasm, we pick it up. This comes in psoric and sycotic miasm, so we
must pick this up. The remedy that we prescribe here has to be diligent. This
is the basic innate character of the person. This basic character usually does
not change, it can change, but most of the time it does not and so we call it
the basic innate character and we must prescribe on the basis of this innate
character. Then we will never go wrong. The patient's emotions may change,
but the basic character does not. The basic character here is that of a
human cell. Every human cell is supposed to work and in turn every human
being is supposed to work. Here it is still working though it is sick. We can
take this as an eliminating rubric, as it is so strong. Automatically, we will
come down to a small group of remedies.

A word of caution. People have been using this rubric very loosely. One of my
colleagues, Dr. Borkar, received one e-mail that I have a patient and I cannot
decide whether he is diligent or non-diligent, so how do I proceed? What
should I do? It should not stop you. The quality that you want to take as an
eliminating rubric has to be so strong that it should be going through and
through the patient; it should be seen throughout. If it is not very clear, do
not take it. In every case, we do not take will, intellect, morals, everything. If
you do not get the intellect, fine, take the will, the morals, the other factors,
the sensitivity, the attachments, the tolerances, and the other physicals, and
then go from there.

One of the most basic qualities is diligence or conscientious. What is

diligence? Hardworking under unfavorable conditions at his will. The
quality on which the remedy has to be based should be very prominent; it
should be the innate character. If you chose this character, you can take
this as an eliminating rubric.

Analysis :

Will : Positive, strong. In spite of suffering from such severe disease,

he has not given up.

Morals : Diligent.

Intellect : High, (B. Com, LLB, and DTM, well educated)

Diligence: The biggest confusion is to find out whether the patient is diligent
or not. In this case it is very clear. Not all remedies are truly diligent. All
remedies need not be either diligent or non-diligent. There is a big huge area
of gray in between of white and black. If you see most of the remedies fall
here. We extrovert or introvert. There are people in between who are normal
and most of them fall into that. Diligence of every remedy is different; we
need to know this also.

The dictionary meaning of diligence is steady, earnest, energetic effort, not

just hard work. Constantly regularly working day in and day out every day.
Earnest = very sincerely putting in his utmost efforts, painstaking. Dr.
Vijayakar has added to gain knowledge and achieve higher purpose of life, to
grow as mentioned in Organon. This is also very important. There are lot of
people who just work, work like a slave without understanding anything, but
that does not make them diligent, e.g. BARYTA; they will work the same way
you tell them for 30,40, or 50 years. But if you tell them something little
different they cannot do it. I have been taught this way and will do it this
way, the same routine. So, no new work gets done. They just keep on doing
the same job for 30 years. One should grow emotionally, mentally, and
spiritually also. Is diligence and conscientious same? The rubric
conscientious in repertory has two types of remedies—those which are
diligent and those which are scrupulous. Scrupulous means conscience—
guided by one‘s own sense of right and wrong.

Why so much importance to diligence? Diligence is expressed by the genes. It

is the basic function of the cell. The basic function of the cell, the gene is to
express. The genes, the cell, the organism has to work. The expression of
every person differs, as there is a difference in the genetic code; so even
diligence of every cell is different from one and another. Every person works
in a different way, his work and his reactions to situation helps us to know
this. A diligent person works because it is his duty to work not because he
has to. This can be judged by desire to work without expecting anything in
return. Does that mean those people who go to work for salary are non-
diligent? He has this feeling that I am getting paid for it, so I should do my
work to the best of my ability and capacity. What I do and what I give should
be more than what I get. Some feel if I do not go to work, what will happen to
my children or family - this person is not diligent. A diligent person does not
work out of some compulsion or fear. e.g. children do homework out of fear
of being reprimanded, or employee would work out of fear of boss, therefore
KALIs have been misunderstood most of the times as being
diligent/conscientious. They work out of fear and out of anxiety—if I do not
work, what will happen to my family and fear that if I do not work today and
then if my family suffers, what will people say? Most of the times, KALIs do
the task that they are supposed to do.

I had one patient of asthma; he was a bank manager. He was very sincere
and serious; I thought he was conscientious. I asked him, you must be
working late in the office also?

Patient: Yes, I work.

Dr. Ambani: Why?

Patient: I see to it that I finish my job.

Dr. Ambani: So, that means you must be taking more responsibilities?

Patient: No, absolutely not. I do not take any other responsibilities other
than what has been designated to me, but what has been given to me, I see
to it that 1 finish it and I do not stay even one minute more than that is
necessary. I will sit till 10.00 p.m. and finish my job, but after that if
someone tells me to do something that is not my responsibility or my job
profile, I will not do it.

Dr. Ambani: So he is non-diligent. He turned out to be KALI CARB. So KALIs

are task conscious, they work out of their anxiety and fear what others will
think about them. Diligent person will work or want to work in spite of his

♦ The work he does is not done out of some attachment to family members—
anxiety for others though not for themselves, out of love for others
(COCCULUS, SEPIA). SEPIA is diligent, but at times it is because of
family attachment.
♦ It is not done for sole financial gain/personal gain/fame/name.
♦ It has to be done systematically, earnestly, steadily, and scrupulously.
♦ The work should be done with full honesty and should not be detrimental
to others or at the expense of the society as a whole, e.g. There are lot of
people who are positive and they do lot of good work, they sacrifice
themselves for work to that extent that day in and day out, they just have
one thing in mind, but they are still not diligent. Can anyone tell me who
are they? What kind of people you can think about? Terrorists, they do
for some reason, but it is at the expense of the individual, of the society. It
can be harmful to the society. Therefore, we find MERCURY in positive,
not in conscientious. A freedom fighter may or may not be diligent. Now,
let us understand what is normal work—for an adult it is expected of him
to work for his family and earn a living to the best of his capacity. For
children, it is to go to school. For a housewife, it is to do her house job to
the best of her ability.


♦ The basic character of him is diligence.

♦ The causative factor here is grief—death of his son. But only grief is not
sufficient, see the reaction here. His reaction was—shock, grief, sadness,
went into depression. Normally, we see females going into depression for
certain period of time because they are quite emotional. It is prolonged
♦ So, here we also have ailments from shock.
♦ Next, avarice.
♦ Timidity—he did not go for surgery because he was afraid of dying. He is
more afraid of dying during the surgery rather than dying because of his
♦ Anxiety for health—he went on asking all the patients in hospital. He
came forward while history taking (body language is showing anxiety).
There is lot of frowning on his forehead. He gets panicky when he gets
pain in the night. He carries sorbitrate always in his pocket.

Physical make-up:

♦ Emaciation in people who were robust initially. He was weighing 62 kg

now 50 kg.
♦ Weakness, debility.
♦ Chilly.
♦ Craving for warm food, refreshing (lemon juice) and sweets.

General make-up:

♦ Speed is slow.
♦ Disease is of slow, insidious onset, gradual onset and progress.
♦ Pathology is blood vessels going into spasms along with atherosclerosis.

Miasm: Psoro-sycotic.

The remedy given was PHOS-ACID 200—1 dose on 31.12.02 Few very strong
diligent remedies are—ARS-ALB, AUR-MET, AUR-ARS, AUR-IOD,

Follow-ups : Case of I.H.D.

On 20.02.2002 :

Intensity, frequency, and severity of pain was much better. He was able to
think more better. Weakness of leg was still there (it is only in the lower part).
(Weakness after exertion is there in all ACIDS. So, it is his constitution. It is
going to go away after some time). He took only three tablets sorbitrates in
last 15 days! From six tablets a day, gradually he came down to three tablets
a day. The allopath doctor had given him some medicines for weakness. He
was pestering that can I take these? But in further Follow-up, he himself
came and said that I did not require any of those medicines for weakness.

An interesting thing happened. After 4 to 5 months, he stopped coming. So,

1 called him up. He told me that his sister and niece are in the hospital. Two
people had died in between. He sits whole day in the hospital with them.

On 27.09.2002 :

He can walk to 2 km without any chest pain. He had been to Mount Abu and
would walk regularly. He stopped all his allopathic medicines. His weight has
increased. His pressure is remaining normal. The increased frequency of
urination is also better. Now, he has to get up 2 hourly and sleeps peacefully.
I think for all practical purposes, this is normal for a man aged 71 years. He
could walk for about 7.5 minutes on the stress test and the ST-T depression
that was 3.8 mm has now come down to 1.5 mm. I have not asked him to get
an angiography done, as the angiography will not change. We do not expect
these blocks to go away, but collateral circulation improves. We cannot
reverse the whole sycotic process. Pathology is still there; it is a
compensatory cure. But the function of the tissue has improved.
Potency: Since this is psoro-sycotic, I have gone in for a potency higher
than 30, so I gave 200.

We will see another short case and then we will compare the diligence of
other remedies also.


Video clipping:

Female, aged 20 years came in with a chief complaint of amenorrhoea since

two years; diagnosed as polycystic ovarian disease. She has done her
graduation and is doing her MBA. This girl had a very selfish and hysterical
mother. Her mother would throw lot of temper tantrums. When father sent
the patient some money for her MBA, her mother just told her why are you
doing your MBA? Let us go to some hill station and enjoy with that money.

Patient: I am very ambitious, want to become big in life. I want to be

independent. I have studied and worked hard. I take care of my own
responsibilities. My mother is childish. I have to take care of her." Earlier, I
used to feel bad, I used to feel resentment and anger towards her, now I pity
her and understand her, she is just a kid.

Dr. Ambani: Parents are supposed to understand their children! Here a

child is trying to understand her mother. She is not even blaming her.

Patient: I handle her and myself. She needs to be taken care of. I have no
problems with that. The thing that actually helped me out of the whole thing
was—spirituality, meditation, and books (Swami Vivekanand's), all this has
helped me to come out of this. My mother is hysterical and throws very
severe temper tantrums; she breaks things.

Dr. Ambani: How do you handle her?

Patient: I say yes, yes, you are right. I know things are so bad; you want to
break this, here take this and break it. I know what you are suffering
through, cool down, calm down, and take it out of your system. Then my
mother calms down and says sorry.

Dr. Ambani: Look at the maturity of this girl!

Patient: I have read the Geeta, Upanishads, etc. I like a lot of music, any
type of music, like nature, animals, and birds. She cries when she sees
cruelties to animals. I am one with nature. I love colours, watching paintings,
meeting intelligent people.

Dr. Ambani: So, what is this case? I have just shown you a glimpse, but
practically she has told you all the symptoms.

Physical generals:
Thermals : Hot patient.
Cravings : Chocolates, ice-creams, and spicy food.

Now let us learn something about ACIDS:


♦ All ACIDS are non-conscientious, except PHOS-ACID.

♦ Absentmindedness.
♦ Ailments from anger, vexation, indignation, shock.
♦ Amativeness.
♦ All kinds of anxiety with fear, anticipation.
♦ Poor concentration.


♦ Weakness, prostration, enervation, overexertion (ARS—weakness with

restlessness. Weakness at level of mind and body, out of proportion to
disease). PHOS-ACID people are very strong, robust, and then after
ailments from they become weak.
ACID, and PIC-ACID are hot remedies.
♦ Aggravated open air (except FLUOR-ACID), aggravated in the evening.


Her basic quality is diligence—she takes responsibility of everything, even

of her mother, does not blame anyone, into spirituality, she knows how to
calm herself down, how to relieve her stress, reads Geeta, and does yoga, so
even precocity is there—responsibility doing more than her age, doing more
than what she is supposed to do. No one has forced her to take up this

So, diligent + precocity + responsibility -I- love for music and animals +
dancing + intellectual -I- artistic aptitude + fastidious + hot patient.

Remedy is CARCINOSIN (CARCINOSIN can be chilly also).


USG dated 04.08.2000: Both ovaries are enlarged in size showing multiple
tiny follicles. The right ovary measures 3.6 cm x 2.4 cm. The left ovary
measures 4.9 cm x 2.4 cm. Both ovaries are enlarged with multiple tiny
follicles, suggestive of polycystic ovaries.

USG dated 04.08.2001: Both ovaries are normal in size and echo-texture.
No evidence of focal swelling or mass seen. The right ovary measures 3.4 cm
x 1.7 cm.
Let us see the diligence of other remedies:

Silicea: SILICEA children or adults are very well behaved, "good boy/girl"
remedy. They do their work very sincerely at school. At the same time, they
are very obstinate, they will never fall back, will do what they have decided
to do. They are very obedient children, even nervous with lack of grit. They
are mild, with cold sweating palms, and chilly.

Ars-alb: The diligence of ARS is more of scrupulous diligence, that is even in

their work they are so particular that it has to be that way only. It is with
tremendous fastidiousness, gold-headed cane patient. There is lot of fear
also. The diligence also comes out of insecurity. There is avarice also.
Weakness out of proportion to the illness.

Aurum-met: This is the most conscientious remedy. There is a strong sense

of duty, morality, a strong sense of right and wrong, tremendous anxiety of
conscience. The diligence of AURUM is with honesty, sacrificing (they go out
of their way to do for others), serious people, and dictatorial, not very
emotional (they hide their emotions—laughs while narrating symptoms).

Nat-carb: All NATRUMS are diligent except NAT-MUR. They have problems
with one member of the family, but still they will go out of their way to help
that member. This is the diligence of NAT-CARB; though they do not get
along with that person, but still when it comes to doing things for them, they
are so diligent that they will do it. They are introvert, emotional, have
problems with relationship or attachment with one person, so either they are
attached to one person very strongly or they have problems with one person
of the family. Very strong people, chilly, thirstless with sun aggravation.

Ignatia: Silent griever, very diligent people who sit very erect. Very emotional
people, when you touch their sensitive part, then they break down. When
the grief becomes overwhelming, they can totally break down and go into
hysteria. They are very courageous, ailments from long-standing grief, chilly,
and thirstless.

What does aphorism 83 say? "This individualizing examination of a

case of disease, for which I shall only give in this place general
directions, of which the practitioner will bear in mind only what is
applicable for each individual case, demands of physician nothing but
freedom from prejudice and sound senses, attention in observing and
fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease". We have to be unprejudiced
so that we do not start every case with diligence or non-diligence. If you find
he is diligent, take it; if not, then leave it.
Chapter 16:

Dr. Anita Salunkhe:

This is a case of autism. We have to understand the man in disease.

Autism: Is a rare variety of developmental disorder seen in early childhood.

There is an inability to respond and gaze avoidance (they may not look at
you because they do not understand what you are talking), disorder of
speech and language, odd behavior, the child can never learn manners. It is
also associated with an emotional disorder like showing anger or fear
suddenly without any apparent cause. These children can be hyperactive or

Let us see the case how the child came to me:


A male child, aged 4 years diagnosed with autism came to me on11.10.2001.

The child would not speak any words (he was 4 years old). He would just cry
loudly for hours if he was hungry or thirsty. He would scream and cry, throw
temper tantrums. He was very obstinate; if his demands were not met, he
would just cry and roll down on the floor. He was so violent that the whole
family was scared of his tantrums. Once he started crying, he would not stop
for hours together, then they would have to meet his demands. His behaviour
was very abnormal. At times, he was destructive, he would throw things,
strike anyone (he tore one of my book in the clinic). He was unable to
understand anything that was told to him. Whenever thirsty, he would drink
straight from the tap (he did not know what was right or wrong). He disliked
wearing clothes, would roam around naked everywhere. For 15 days, he just
roamed out of the house on the road and when asked to wear clothes, he
would throw temper tantrums. It was scary to handle the child. Without
telling anyone, he would go out of the house for hours together and roam
aimlessly. He would not play like other children (he was in his own world
only). The school also said that they would not keep this child. He loved
writing, would be busy writing, would write on walls, in books, etc. This boy
who had no interest in playing, did not understand what is going around, but
would only write.

He also had a sharp memory. He could remember big words without being
taught anything. While in train, he saw Bombay Central and he wrote the
word down. He also loved music and would constantly hum songs. He did
not speak anything, but would write big words perfectly without mistake even if he
saw those words once only without any single spelling mistake. Now let us see him
how he develops anger and he throws temper tantrums in the clinic.

Video clipping:
Mother says, he does not talk, does not understand anything. Always wants a book
and a pen in hand. If he does not get that, will write anywhere, on the walls,
mother's purse, etc. He has not been taught any words, yet he writes! He just sees
and writes. He hardly speaks any words. If he is hungry, he will go on crying for

Soon after his delivery, he did not cry after his birth. The doctors could not make out
what happened. His birth weight was 4.5 kg. They could make out only after one
year's time; he would not respond when we called his name. He was tested at the
age of 1½ years, his hearing was normal; there was no illness. He did not utter any
word till 1½ years of age. The first time that he fell ill was when he suffered from an
URTI, for which he was given Allopathy. Cold and fever would be there, but no
serious illness. His milestones were fast, except for his speech. He started walking
within the age of 1 year. Here the tantrum started, he wanted paper to write and
father refused to give him paper. If we do not give him pen or paper in hand, this is
what he does.

Crying+ + , screaming+ + . He will constantly cry like this for 2-3 hours. He says
something, but no one can understand. He speaks something, utters some words,
but it is not understood. The mother gave him the pen and paper in hand, but once
he is provoked he will not stop. His demands have to be fulfilled. The patient has
taken homoeopathy for 1½ year without relief. There is no change even after 1½
year. Patient is crying and screaming constantly. There was a special aaya (maid
servant) for him in school, he would even hit that aaya, also beat other children. He
was just screaming; no one except the poor mother had to bear him. The patient was
even taken to some psychiatrist. The school also refused to keep him. They kept him
for not more than 30 minutes.

He writes the whole day. The walls are full of his writing. He even writes "Kabhi Kushi
Kabhi Gum" without any mistake! This is difficult for us also, but he can write it down

Dr. Anita asked, what happened Dear Son? No answer given.

Video, observation: The child threw papers in the clinic. He had asked for paper but
father said there is no paper (see his temper tantrums now). Later when he was
given paper, he started screaming. He refused to take that paper and pen
offered later to him. He uttered something, which no one could understand.
He screamed in paroxysms. This poor child was tortured by the whole
family. The father asked him to go out. He again uttered some word, which
was still not clear.

This is the case. What do we see? There is no causative factor here. So, next
we see the miasm. Miasm is frank syphilitic; he is abnormal, out of control,
so destructive, something perverted.
Physical make-up:

Appearance : Thick haired and plump child (could be because he has

taken a lot of drugs, allopathic, psychiatric, etc.)

Generals : Hyperactive, restless, and hot (he does not wear any

Mental make-up:

♦ Demanding cry, shrieking.

♦ Inconsolable.
♦ Impulsive.
♦ Rage.
♦ Contradiction intolerable (this rubric is applicable to a person who has
reason to understand that contradiction is something going against his
wish. We cannot take aggravated contradiction or contradiction
intolerable for him, as this rubric is for someone who understands,
contradiction is when something goes against your wish, here the patient
does not understand whatever is told to him.)
♦ Compulsive writing.
♦ Offended easily.
♦ Talk indisposed to.

So, we have to see in this syphilitic state where has his defense mechanism
gone down? What has gone out of control? What is the peculiar thing, which
is out of control in him ? Anger violent, no control over anger and what else
is out of control here? What is he doing constantly? Writing. So, what are the

♦ Anger violent/violence, vehemence.

♦ Busy fruitlessly.
♦ Shrieking.
♦ Physical restlessness.
♦ Restless hands (even when he does not have a pen in hand, he would
make gestures as if he was writing something with a pen).
♦ Quiet with music/music ameliorates (not talk indisposed to, because a
boy who is violent, becomes quiet when the music is on).
♦ Shameless (he would roam out of the house without any clothes on).
♦ Hot.

Journey of disease: 7th layer—mental retardation.

Now we take his main rubrics which are restless hands + shameless + hot -

He was given TARENT-HISP 200—1 dose.

Rubrics taken for the case:

♦ Answers question does not.

♦ Answer aversion to.
♦ Understands question addressed to her does not.
♦ Activity busy fruitlessly.
♦ Destructive.
♦ Gesture makes, hands restless, busy.
♦ Obstinate, headstrong.
♦ Music ameliorates.
♦ Weeping refused when anything.


On 05.12.2001:

Started talking in two months: The patient was singing songs in the clinic.
The first thing that he started talking was the song. He insisted that he
wanted to wear new clothes. Wanted his snap to be taken, he is looking at
the camera (he was not ready to do so on the first day. See how sycosis is
coming in). He is directly having an eye-to-eye contact with me, which he
never had earlier before. He has still not stopped writing now, but he is
writing sensible now. He does not hit, scream, or bite anyone now. (The first
thing to go should be these destructive qualities). He understands sentences
now, though not full. Now behaves well with his sister, shares his things.
Cries only when provoked, not causeless.

Now asks for water (initially would drink directly from the tap—this was
syphilitic.) His mother said, first, he would cry the whole day, now he laughs
the whole day, only cries for 5-10 minutes in the whole day. He used to go
out without any clothes, not bothered what others will say. Now, he wants to
wear good clothes and go out. (See the miasm changing at the mental level).
Now, if clothes get dirty, he will ask his mother to change his clothes. Has a
desire to take bath on his own. Now plays with other children. Initially, no
one would let him play with them. He used to go out of the house anytime,
now he goes plays and comes back like a normal child. Now the fear of being
reprimanded has come in. Now morals have come, he is not naked or violent
any more. His appetite is better; now asks for food. He started talking a few
words. First, he would just cry when hungry, we had to understand that he
is hungry or thirsty. Says, "Hi doctor."

Next Follow-up:

Humming songs (now he is understanding and humming, he looks at you

and hums.). Sensitivity is coming up. Today he just has his book, but no pen.
He will dress himself for school and go and take walk, still wants to go out and
roam and come back. He likes to go out and loves music. His sister did not
come to the clinic. He asked his younger sister to come with him (he has now
started becoming affectionate—psoric trait coming up). If anyone falls ill, he
will go and pat and take care of that person. Once, his grandmother fell
down, and he took great care of her (previously, was never bothered about her
or anyone at all; sensitivity has come in). No more writing on the wall or
showcase now. He does not drink tap water any more. While leaving said,
"Bye, see you".
Chapter 17:
Dr. Vijay Shah:

One of the most difficult cases to handle is that of infants. In an infant, you
have to study the body language. History what you get from the parents,
especially the mother may be different from that what you are trying to
understand and you cannot get anything directly from the baby. We (the
faculty members) have seen Dr. Vijayakar prescribing even for a one-day old
infant. If you do not understand genetics and if you do not master yourself
in observation, it is very difficult to treat such cases. I have patients coming
and asking me "can you treat my three-month old baby?" They are already
coming in for the treatment of their elder child and they want you to treat
their younger one. Predictive Homoeopathy teaches us how to proceed in
such acute cases. Day in and day out we see acute cases and if we can treat
a child, we get more reward in our professional practice.

Case 1:
Video clipping:
An 8-month-old child came in crying with a chief complaint of fever of six
days duration. It first started with diarrhoea and then cold and cough. The
child had fever of 102°F when he had come. The child had already taken
allopathic treatment for four days, antibiotics and antipyretics. He was
passing watery stools. Just lying down the whole day or constantly putting
his head on the shoulder of the mother. He was very cranky, irritable, and
difficult to handle. The mother was also getting irritated now because of the
child. When the child was made to lie down, he became completely quiet
(that is the child actually wanted to sleep). He was a very restless child
otherwise. There has to be pin drop silence or his sleep gets disturbed. Now
the whole day he was either sleeping or crying (in the acute state). The child,
otherwise, had an aversion to cover, but now in his acute state, he wanted a
covering. His thirst was decreased. He was not at all interested in taking
water. He refused even sips of water that his mother would offer him.

Dr. Vijayakar has already spoken about the "panchtatva," (5 elements), we
will see them. They are:

Activity : Space or energy

Thermals : Fire
Thirst : Water
Mind : Air
Physicals : Earth
In this case,
Activity : Decreased. Dull, Sleep overpowering ++. Goes off to
sleep whenever you make him lie down.
Appetite : Decreased.
Thirst : Thirstless or thirst decreased.
Thermals : Chilly (In his acute state, he wanted a covering).

The remedies that come up from the chart of acute are GELSEMIUM, SEPIA,

Let us see how to rule out remedies from each other:

Gelsemium: GELSEMIUM is thirstless and chilly, but has a slow onset and
progress. Here the patient had a fever of 101 from the first day itself. Also,
what the patient has is not only dullness, but it is sleep overpowering.

Sepia: Here there is no indifference in the child at all. The picture in acute is
the same, exact Materia Medica picture. This Materia Medica picture is
exactly applicable in acute cases.

Nux-mosch: This is a lesser known and an often-neglected remedy.

Let us see the follow-up now:

The patient came on 20.05.02 at 5.30 p.m. with the above complaints.

Follow-up on 21.05.02 at 4.30 p.m. (that is after 24 hours):

There was a smile on the patient's and the mother's face (this smile has
already I told the follow-up). The patient was afebrile, the diarrhea, and the
URTI were much better. The child was now quite happy, calm, and quiet, not
cranky or irritable.

The remedy selected was NUX-MOSCH. The patient was given NUX-MOSCH
200-l dose.

Allopathy was already given up in this case as the child was becoming more
and 1 more irritable with the fever not coming under control. Acute cases
have to be solved within five minutes in a busy practice. One cannot
experiment in acutes - give a remedy and wait and watch for 7 to 10 days.
You have to be sure of the remedy you select in an acute. All the five
corollaries of the patient have to match with those of the drug. The flow
chart by Dr.Vijayakar is the perfect pathway to reach the acute remedy. This
is how every case becomes a learning experience. When Dr. Hahnemann
started practicing Homoeopathy, he was not allowed to make experiments
and to practice Homoeopathy. He had to pay penalty to the kingdom for
practicing Homoeopathy. One day some member of the kingdom was sick
and Hahnemann treated him. From that day, his penalty was waived off.
Hahnemann was the master of acutes. This is how Homoeopathy became
popular in Europe and other places. Success in acute cases is necessary to
establish, sustain, and flourish as a Homoeopath especially in India where
there are a lot of infectious diseases, which are air-borne, water-borne, etc.

A different approach is required for the next case. One must think and act
differently and explore his knowledge and experience and then the results
are satisfying. It is important to know what to see in follow-up, when to
repeat and when not to. For that one must know the definition of health.
One must also understand pathology, miasm, etc. Observation is very
crucial in acute cases. 70% of the history comes from observation itself as
symptoms come up very clearly (sharply) in acute cases.

Case - 2:
Video clipping:
Female, aged 19 years came in with severe acute pain in abdomen, vomiting,
tenesmus and bloody stools with ineffectual urge since past 12 to 13 days.
She was already on allopathic treatment for the past 15 days with no relief.
She was just lying down with her eyes closed. There was profound weakness.
Since September, that is since the time she got admission in college, her
appetite and weight had started decreasing. She was very fussy about food,
would eat only limited things. She does not like canteen food. Would eat too
much only if the food was of her liking, e.g. chinese food. Since past one
week, her appetite has been very poor.

At home, she avoids friends, refuses their phone calls or talking to them
(aversion talking to in the diseased state). Her thirst was good. She would
take only chilled drinks, chilled water (The patient came in with iced-Tang
filled in the glass and was constantly sipping it; desires cold, juicy,
refreshing things). She had severe excruciating tenesmus; she would go to
the toilet, scream, and just pass blood. She was ambithermal in the acute
state, very hot otherwise.

On examination: She was in a semi-conscious state. Her general condition

was very poor. She had to be aroused from sleep (sleep overpowering). The
abdomen was very tender. Pain was worse even with soft touch. She had
pallor (severely anaemic) + + + . She was constantly holding her mother's
hand. Analysis: The patient is:

♦ Ambithermal.
♦ Sensitive to touch.
♦ Thirsty, with thirst for cold juicy things.
♦ Aversion to talk.
♦ Pallor.

Rubrics selected for the case were:

♦ Refreshing things, desire for.
♦ Sleepiness, sleep overpowering.
♦ Thirst small quantity for often.
The remedies that came up are: CHINA, PHOS-ACID, ANT-TART, PULSATILLA,
Let us see how to rule out the remedies:

China: The patient had vomiting, loss of vital fluids, etc, but what is more
important in CHINA is the distension of abdomen, the flatulence, and no
relief from stools or eructation.

Pulsatilla: PULSATILLA is hot and thirstless; patient was thirsty.

Phos-acid: The patient was very weak, loss of blood, desire for juicy things,
but she was very thirsty and PHOS-ACID is thirstless.

The other remedy one can think of is ALUMINA. This is not included in the
chart, but in ALUMINA constipation and straining to pass stools has to be
there to prescribe this remedy.

The remedy selected was ANT-TART

Follow-up (Video clipping):

The next week after the remedy, she had passed 4-5 stools, without any
blood in them. There was no pain in the abdomen. Her weakness was much
better and she could sit up today. She started eating. Her sleep was better.
Her stool routine examination showed absence of pus cells and RBCs (red
blood cells).

But somewhere, at the back of my mind I knew that this remedy was not the
right similimum. But because of paucity of symptoms and the state in which
the patient had come, I had given this remedy (presenting state similimum).

Later on, going into the details of the case:

She had been admitted at Bombay Hospital and had lot of investigations
done there - sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, blood tests, etc. Her
histopathology report showed global ulcerative colitis; from the ileo-cecal
junction to the rectum, not even a single part of the intestine was spared
from it. She was given two bottles of blood transfusion. So, this was an
apparently acute disease.

It was an acute exacerbation of the chronic disease.

Therefore, it has to be treated with a genetic constitutional similimum (GCS).

If an acute remedy is given, it might give a temporary amelioration, followed
by an aggravation of the disease or it might lead to suppression. Since the
acute is treated, the chronic has to be in relation to the acute.
When a thief runs away, he will definitely go to his relatives only!
The acute remedy cannot be the genetic constitutional similimum, since it is
only an exacerbation of the chronic disease.
In chronic diseases, when genome is not changed, one requires a genetic
constitutional similimum.
In chronic diseases, when genome is changed, one requires a phenotypic
This patient as a constitution was careless, even for her disease. She
stopped coming for treatment once her bloody stools stopped. She had
amenorrhea. They still could not believe that Homoeopathy could do
something for them. She continued on steroids, iron, multivitamins, etc.

After she became fine (?), she went to Jaipur, her father's hometown. They
belong to Rajasthan. When in Jaipur, she would go to the best of the hotels
and not to any roadside hotel. Because of the disease, when parents would
ask her not to eat certain things, she would not agree with them and would
say that only certain things appeal to my tongue and I will eat those things
only, like Chinese, spicy, Punjabi, cheese, butter, etc. After coming back
from Jaipur, she went for another vacation to America. Her college was still
going on. She did not go to college. She has two elder sisters. She is the
youngest and most pampered.

Sister's view:
She is very shy, reserved, and hardly talks with relatives, but very talkative
and jovial with friends. She is a good listener, listening and adjusting, but
she is very lazy even to the extent of personal hygiene. Very short-tempered
if pinpointed her mistakes, angry for 7 to 10 minutes, would not talk to
anyone, she needs to be pampered and then forgets it. She admits her
mistakes very fast, says sorry. Weeps easily and is ameliorated by
consolation. After sickness, she has a desire for sympathy and attention.
She is above average-to-hard worker in studies, but never participates in any
extra-curricular activities.

Wanted to do computer engineering, but could not get admission, so is now

doing her electronic engineering, but she is happy doing that. She got
admission in September. She became a Cultural Secretary of her class and
due to her academic performance and her parent's influence; she became PR
of the class. After becoming the PR, she had a very big group. When she
went to college after school, she was more interested in drama, dancing,
singing, and so soon became the Cultural Secretary. She was selected in a
singing competition by the senior group, but at the final moment, she was
dropped out. This did not affect her much. Last October, thereafter, she
scored less percentage of marks in her exams for which her parents scolded

She had an average speed of work. Her hobbies were video games,
computers, and music. She was good in Maths. She was innovative and
creative. She was excellent in gift packing, cooking, and games. She is very
timid, scared of strangers. She shares her problems and emotions with her
elder sisters. She was an insecure child since the beginning.

Now, after ANT-TART, she was better, but her irritability came back. The
acute episode was in April 2001. Till June, she did not get her menses for
two months. The patient again came back to me in the 3rd month of her
amenorrhea; rest all was fine. I again went back to the history. The patient
again had an acute exacerbation, very severe this time and she had to be
given five bottles of blood this time.

Rebound phenomenon, disease that came back with double force with a
partial similimum.

The troublesome part for me was that though apparently healthy, the patient
was not attending her college, but was going on vacation one after the other.

The history now was:

She stays with her parents and sisters. She is the youngest and very
pampered in the house. Good in studies, but was not interested in studies.
Angered easily when someone nags her constantly, she immediately speaks
out loudly in anger mainly with her parents. She would wear all boy's
dresses only—caps, clothes, would even talk like boys. She comes from an
orthodox family. Because of her this attitude, she would always have
problems with her father. Her father would tell her in a milder way, but she
would not like it. She is very obstinate and would not like other's views. Once
decides to do something, will do it. Very dominating, worse from
contradiction, wants everything to be done according to her own way only.
Weeps easily especially when alone. Her sister said that she was ameliorated
by consolation. Reserved, takes time to mix up, cannot make friends easily.
Does not share her emotions easily.

Comfortable only in company of family and friends, does not like relatives
coming to her house. This is because when relatives come, she does not get
attention. She likes to watch TV, but when she is not in good mood, she does
not let others in the house also to watch TV, will say "talk to me, and
listen to me." Can postpone work. Takes decisions very easily and fast, once
decides, she is very firm in her decision. Sympathetic to some extent. She is
not very religious. Fastidious to the extent that she wants the environment
clean, not much of personal hygiene. She is timid, cannot speak in front of
others. Sensitive to scolding of her mother. She wants to be famous in the
world by any means. Feels that family members should not be troubled
because of me. When she was going through college admissions, she felt very
guilty that "because of me, my family is under pressure. They always have to
look after me."
She wants all exclusive things; best hotels, vacation in America, deduced from
her lifestyle. Carefree attitude towards life; college is going on yet she went
on two vacations. She is conscious of her image in society. Fearful, fear of
being alone, fear of heights, and of insects. Now feels her disease is severe
and has a fear of death. Likes to be with friends, likes to be in party, is a party
worm, likes to be center of attraction, wants approbation and attention.
Thirst moderate to large, hot patient.

♦ Wants attention (When she is not in good mood, she does not let others
in the house also to watch TV, will say "talk to me, listen to me)." This is
normal for small children, not for a girl aged 19 years. This is more than
ameliorated consolation or desires sympathy.
There are rubrics sympathy desires and consolation desires, desires
attention—these all are different rubrics. Here she does not like outsiders
coming home, as parents would be busy talking to them. Since two years,
she has been very pampered requiring lot of attention, consolation. She
was psoric/sycotic, but now she is syphilitic. She was interrupting even
TV watching. If a child of 2 or 3years does this or plays antics in the
house, it is very usual. But for a girl aged 19 years, this is not usual. I
had taken sympathy desires earlier and had given her PALLADIUM and
she went into suppression. The patient had syphilitic complaint and at
the level of the mind also, there has to be some syphilitic expression.
Ulcerative colitis is at level 3 of suppression chart, psoriasis is at level 3
and is a sycotic expression and ulcerative colitis is a syphilitic expression.
♦ Squandering : throwing money without thinking, foolish spending. This is
syphilitic; there is no control while spending. Extravagant: This means
wanting the best of everything, will buy things, but knows why he is
spending. Has control over spending. This includes show, ego,
haughtiness, wants best car, best bungalow, etc. This is sycotic—involves
show, ego.)
♦ Miasm of the case—syphilitic.

(A case of asthma, of a boy belonging to a middle class family, but desiring a
lot of things, e.g. one day wanted a cycle, the other day wanted to go to a
gym, etc. was treated with MERCURY on the basis of his main rubric that is

Now the question is why did she go into ulcerative colitis? The disease either
I ascends form physical or an emotional level. In his first line in introduction
to J Organon of Medicine, Dr. Hahnemann says that mankind suffers
because of two 1 reasons, suppression at the level of the body or from the
mind - will, intellect, or I emotions. The past history of the patient revealed
that she was suffering form psoriasis since childhood till one year before this
disease could develop, that is I till age 18 she was suffering from psoriasis.
She now has gone from sycotic to syphilis because of suppression.

I had told the patient that her psoriasis will and has to come back. This is
what happened after ANT-TART, though it was a partial similimum, the
patient got her ! psoriasis back over the eyes, behind the ears, neck, joints,

The disease is in the same layer (3rd layer, and now also of 5th layer,
ammenorrhoea) but now in the syphilitic miasm. My partial similimum was
PALLADIUM—they are the party worms, like to be the center of attraction
and after the party is over they are worse. They need approbation.
PALLADIUM went wrong. Then I had to look out for the 3 rd remedy. She
started losing hair; she did not get her menses so far. Everyone was happy
with the PALLADIUM.

The gastroenterologist, M.D. said 'it is unbelievable that something like this
can happen.' All medicines including ferrium, wysolone, multivitamins, etc.
were stopped. She was on no medicine except Homoeopathy from April till
September. I was wondering why is it not acting? I repeated it thrice, but the
results were not according to my expectations though psoriasis (her childhood
disease) was coming back, but her menses and anemia were not improving.
The gastroenterologist had said that if her disease is not controlled, then as
the whole of intestine is involved, the only option left is colostomy, if we
cannot control with conservative line of treatment. Imagine a young
unmarried girl going to college with a colostomy bag! After listening about
the colostomy, she started coming regularly since September.

After the first follow-up, she was doing okay generally, her chief complaint
was better everyone was happy. Is it a cure? No. The hair (the best ornament
for any female) was falling; her hormones (amenorrhoea) were not in balance.
Even a 'classical Homoeopath' would have said it is a good thing, but I was
not happy.

2nd Follow-up: Her menses were still absent.

3rd Follow-up: Anemia still not improving, though ulcerative colitis was
better. Hahnemann says in aphorism 9, "In the healthy condition of man,
the spiritual vital force (autocracy), the dynamis that animates the
material body (organism), rules with unbounded sway, and retains all
the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as
regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-
gifted mind can freely employ this living healthy instrument for the
higher purposes of our existence."

Guyton says: Different parts of the body operate in harmony. Thus each cell
benefits from homeostasis and in turn each cell contributes its share
towards maintenance of homeostasis. This reciprocal interplay provides
continuous automaticity of the body. If one or more functional system loses
its ability to contribute their share of function, and when this happens, all
the cells of the body suffer. Extreme dysfunction leads to death. Moderate
dysfunction leads to disease.

Hahnemann went further than Guyton; he said that to perform higher


This patient was not going to college regularly. Instead, she went to America
for enjoyment—is this health? No. When your patient is on the right
similimum, they have to perform their higher purpose of existence.

Harrison says - after elective colostomy, the patients often feel more
energetic, gain weight to their pre-illness level.

We are not satisfied with this. Surgery is not the answer. What they can do
with a knife and scalpel, we can do with pills, so, who is great? Surgery, as
said, or Homoeopathy?

Her rubrics were:

♦ Begging, entreating. It is not attention—attention is sycotic. Here, every
now and then, she was telling her parents and sister; "do not call
relatives at home, you do not listen to me when you call them. You look
at me; talk to me." They are fed up of her demands, of this begging of
hers. This was her syphilitic nature.
♦ Squandering.

The remedies that came up are—ARS-ALB, BELLADONA, AUR-MET, KALI-


Let us rule out these remedies one by one:

Ars-alb: ARSENIC is better by consolation; the patient craves consolation.

They are selfish. They beg because of their insecurity and selfishness. It is
not only for money, but also at the emotional level. Children shriek for
attention of their parents. In the syphilitic state, they bang their head on the
wall, knowing that nothing is going to happen to them, they will only suffer
from pain. They have craving for ice-cold things—thirst for sips of water,
which gives them temporary relief, but they are definitely ameliorated by
warm fluids (LYCOPODIUM) [MERCURY desires cold things with a large
thirst and is aggravated by warm.] Anxiety with restlessness, miser, and
aggravated when alone.

Belladona: Very acute onset, sudden with violent throbbing. (The patient's
disease was gradually growing). Pain aggravated by jar, touch, and is better
by sitting up. Very psoric or very syphilitic. The patient is violent mentally
and physically when sick.

Aur-met: Weeping and praying, hopelessness, melancholy in the syphilitic

state, worse from contradiction. There is loss of love for life; the patient
desires death. AURUM is very diligent (patient was not). In the syphilitic
state, they beg God and ask for death.

Kali-carb: Irritable, weeping, and quarrelsome with the family. Anxiety

about health and anxiety while staying alone. (The patient was not at all
anxious of her health). Chilly. (The patient is hot). Flatulence, diarrhoea
alternating with constipation. Aggravated warmth and at 3 a.m. Also, KALI-
CARB is not there in squandering.

Camphor- Dry collapse. (The patient had 13 to 14 stools.) They go into crisis
and cry for help. Better by free discharges. In anguish and crisis they shriek
for help. Nothing satisfies her, feels she is going to die. Icy coldness of the
body and yet aversion to covering. Awkwardness.

Ignatia: Ruled out because the miasm and pathology does not fit in.
IGNATIA is oversensitive, desires to be alone, angry with self, ailments from
emotions (here it was from suppressed psoriasis). Once in the syphilitic
state, they shriek for help (here patient demands). There is a lot of grace in
IGNATIA. Chilly.

Pulsatilla: Desires to be caressed and consoled, sympathy desires, desires

full of. Timid, mild, moved to tears when sick, (this patient never cried when
sick). Changeability, thirstless, though with dry mouth.

Platina: Screams and cries loudly for help. Squandering, obstinate, desires
attention. Chronic intestinal bleeding Clarke says—severe acute abdomen,
worse from touch. Lot of grace. Does not like anybody pinpointing at her.
Haughty, casting off people.

She was given PLATINA 200 - 1 dose.


Dr. Vijay Shah: Within 10 days, she got her menses, which she had not got
for the past 13 months. Her hair was thick+ + . With the partial similimum,
she went from the 3rd to the 5th layer in the syphilitic miasm.

Patient: I can go anywhere now.

Dr. Vijay Shah: Because of her disease, she was not allowed to go outside
alone. She fainted twice on the road because of her anemia. Falling of hair
was much better. The patient is smiling! Lesion in her axilla was

2nd Follow-up:
Her eyelids and her axillae were clear. Her dressing has improved. She is
now listening to her parents. She likes to wear normal traditional dresses.
Her basic nature has not changed. We cannot change the basic nature; we
can only tamper it down. She took a drop for one year from college because
she was on vacation, but now regularly attends her college. She is very

PLATINA was repeated only once when she had a second episode of
intestinal bleeding again.

Chapter 18:

Dr. Vijayakar:

I am now very happy that I can now sit and relax. My teammates are now
getting excellent results and also have good teaching abilities. This gives me
great breathing space.

We will continue our journey into the interior of man, to understand man in
disease and in cure. As I told you, we are the only institution perhaps in the
whole world, which is elaborating more on follow-up rather than the
prescribing part. Once you know which direction you have to move in, what
you are supposed to encounter during cure, you are dead sure whether you
are right or wrong. If you go wrong again and again, this gives you
inquisitiveness, why am I going wrong ?, and ultimately you start prescribing
right. So, failure is a stepping-stone to success. If you know your failure,
then only you can correct it.

Ignorance is not bliss when you are treating a human body and dealing with
the most precious of the man's possession, that is life. This type of practice
makes a Homoeopath conscientious. It is very important for us to see the
return of disease, which gives us immense pleasure.

I insist that Hering's Law of Cure should be seen in every disease,

except in cases of compensatory cure.

If you do not get to see Hering's Law, then what are the problems? Your
Materia Medica is not perfect, your history taking is not perfect, or

The Materia Medica comes from three types of pictures in psora, sycosis, or
syphilis. Unfortunately, the Materia Medica, which we follow, is not there in
any books.
I go from repertory to make a picture.
I take a rubric and see which are the groups of remedies coming up. For
example, the rubric anxiety—maximum are KALls, then CALCs, next are the
ACIDS, then polycrests like ARS-ALB, SULPHUR, etc. depending on the anxiety
that the patient comes with. For example, if you get anguish, hurriedness, if
you do not get this, does that mean that you are never going to give ARG-
NIT? If it is a sycotic ARG-NIT, then no anxiety, nervousness, etc. will be
seen because it will be concealed, the patient covers himself beautifully, he is
hiding, he is sycotic. This will prevent him from telling you what he actually
is. There are so many times,- when patient wants to hide something about
him, e.g. extra-marital affairs. He does not want to disclose this because of
his position, his status. Therefore, take plain innate characters—will,
intellect, morals and come to the core.

We will see an example with the 2nd case:

Male, aged 38 years came in with a chief complaint of severe occipital
headaches, which start from the left occiput and then spread in front and
then the entire head starts paining. He had vomiting and sweating with
severe headache. His headache was aggravated; on reading, in the sun, with
tension, loud noise and light. He also had acidity.

Ailments from: About eight years back, he went to the Middle East through
an agent who promised him a prestigious job in the Saudi Royal Army. His
relatives gave him a big farewell before going there on the prestigious
appointment. To his surprise and disappointment, he found that he was
deceived. He had been given a job of a motor mechanic in the Saudi
paramilitary forces. He returned back and did not show his face or meet any
of his relatives. "I was literally hiding and running away from my relatives for
6 to 8 months. This was a very stressful period for me during which time I
started getting these headaches".

MRI dated 07.10.1999:
A cystic cum solid mass measuring 2 cm x 1.7 cm is seen in the sella. The
left side of this mass is solid. It enhances after contrast and is- hypointense
on the T2-weighted images. Mild suprasellar extension is noted minimally
indenting the optic chiasma likely a pituitary adenoma (that is benign, pure
sycosis and not oncogenesis or syphilitic). No other abnormality is noted.

Prolactin level = 686 ng/ml (normal=15 ng/ml.)

Field of vision-normal.
He was advised tablet bromocryptine 2.5 mg and tablet sibelium 5 mg daily.
Dr. Vijayakar: Is a pituitary adenoma malignant or non-malignant? Benign
means it is pure sycosis at work and no oncogene has been found. Oncogene
means actual onset of cancer. When cancer starts, the genetic code is
changed because there is substitution. It is like few pages of part I book are
removed and instead few pages of part II book are introduced. So, it does not
make any sense.

Then the whole image of the constitution since birth does not become
important for us and hence we have to change our approach of treating
cancer cases.

Personal history:

Appetite : Normal.
Craving : Nothing particular.
Thirst : Decreased.
Stools : Normal.
Sleep : Normal.
Sweat : Profuse.
Thermals : Hot.

Family history:
Mother: Diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

♦ Stays with wife and 3 children. 1st child -10 yrs., 2nd child -6 yrs. 3rd
child - 4 yrs old and younger brother.
♦ Irritable, but always suppresses it.
♦ Reserved. Makes friends with simple people. Will not make friends with
quarrelsome and extra smart people. Gets impressed by people's good
nature and not by their money.
♦ Very attached to children. Worries about them a lot. If they are ill, he will
remain awake for them.
♦ Family oriented. Doesn't like fights, quarrels in family. Will think about
everybody, brother, sister, parents not only for his wife and children.
♦ Now does job in Saudi consulate at Mumbai
♦ Punctual in his work not otherwise.
♦ Speed is fast.
♦ Loves brain teasers. Likes playing games on internet for hours. Likes
reading novels. Not fond of watching TV, traveling.
♦ Fastidious, systematic.
♦ Contended. No demands. Likes simple living. I do not want lot of money,
but such a state should not come in my life where I have to ask from
♦ Very cautious. Never prefers taking undue risks. Thinks before taking
decision. Plans out things. Thinks before talking.
♦ Religious. Never criticizes others religion. Says a person should be good.
♦ Anxiety of his disease.
♦ Sympathetic with women and children not with men as men are for
struggling and bearing problems.
♦ Never had a fight with wife.
♦ Never back answers to elders even when they shout, though it is not his
♦ Fond of good clothes. Buys good quality items.

This is the case. So, what rubrics do we take? Take the whole picture, as per
aphorism 5 and the disposition. We are proceeding in the way Hahnemann
has said, the ailment from, miasm, physical constitution, the will, intellect,
and the morals, the environmental factors and the reaction and defense.

Here, the patient felt deceived? So, what do we take. Ailments from
deception/ ambition deceived, embarrassment? What is to be taken? It is the
reaction. He is hiding, not allowing himself to be seen, did not show his face
to anyone for six months. So, we take ailments from embarrassment. The
whole family had given him a huge treat on farewell. So many gifts had been
given to him and here he finds himself as a mechanic. This was the
constitution that was such who did not get angry! If it had been anger,
come up.

I remember of a friend of mine whose son had gone abroad. He did not like it
there and he just came back. He too had got lot of gifts. When asked, now
where are the gifts? He said, "Oh! They are all used up." Totally shameless!

Very positive remedies like FERRUM would have managed it there and there
itself. Now we got one strong factor. This constitution is affected by
embarrassment to cause tumors. In frank syphilitic cases, where he would
have suppressed anger, he would have suffered from paralysis, motor
neurone disease, Parkinson's, or myocardial infarct (all syphilitic diseases).
So, anger, rage, sudden fright are all syphilitic. If someone's mother dies, the
reaction can be—"My God! I am all alone, now who is there". When my
mother died, my reaction was anger.

"Why I could not save her". I was literally hitting the wall. So, reaction differs
with the same situation, whereas my father was very contented and said "do
not worry, she has lived her life. If she would have lived long, she would have
suffered more". So, there is grief, anger, and contentment.

In every situation different remedies react differently.

Do not take ailments from deception, bereavement, or financial loss. I have
found that there are 3 to 4 final emotions that come out.

1) Ailments from anger, suppressed anger,

2) grief, embarrassment,
3) indignation, and
4) joy.
There was a lady who came to me with severe headaches. I probed all her
emotional problems in the family, any death, did your servant leave you, or
did anyone leave you, your child was sick, or were you vaccinated,
antibiotics or dental treatment? I wanted to see what protein had disturbed
her protein balance. "Doctor, nothing happened. On the contrary, last full
week was very good for me. My dreams came true. I wanted my own house.
We got one and gave a grand opening. I invited all my relatives to see. I was
the proud owner. Everyone was appreciating that within a few months of
employment, I have been able to take a house of my own. I was on cloud
nine. That is it!" So with the ailments from joy, the generals, thirst, thermals,
and disposition, I prescribed her COFFEA and she recovered like magic.
Neurotransmitters cause imbalance and disease.

Therefore, the ailment from is important.

There is relationship between anger and destructive disease, between grief
and sycotic disease, and ordinary anxiety and emotional psoric disease. On
the whole what do you find about this patient?

♦ Mild.
♦ Reserved.
♦ Does not make friends with quarrelsome people, does not like fights—
♦ Very attached to children and family, affectionate.
♦ Punctual only for work, not otherwise, he is therefore not conscientious.
♦ Systematic; keeps things where he can always find them.
♦ Intellectual; likes brainteasers.
♦ Contended; No wants. Likes simple living. "I do not want lot of money, but
such a state should not come in my life where I have to ask form others."
♦ Very cautious. Never prefers taking undue risks. Thinks before taking
decision. Plans out things. Thinks before talking.
♦ Sympathetic with women and children, with weaker section of the society.
He is a giver, he likes to give and not to take; benevolence.
♦ Never had a fight with wife. This indicates he is mild and contented,
satisfied with his wife.
♦ Fond of good clothes. Buys good quality items. This only tells me that he
needs a sycotic remedy. This is a cover up. Take such symptoms only if
the intensity is too high or pathological. Those who do not know the
defensive mechanism of the miasm at the physical level do not know that
pituitary adenoma is sycotic.
♦ Anxiety for family, anxiety for children.

So, we take ailments from embarrassment + contented + benevolence +

cautious + hot + thirstless.
Remedies that came up were CAUSTICUM, CARCINOSIN, SULPHUR, ARS-

SULPHUR is coming up the highest. We have added unnecessary rubrics. I

am just trying to show you this is what happens when you put garbage in.
Anxiety for family and children is a psoric rubric. Today, his gears of defense
have changed. He is sycotic now.

If we take only three rubrics ailments from embarrassment + contented +

benevolence, then only OPIUM comes up.

Sycotic people are only benevolent; Tata, Birla, Ambani (big business and
industrial houses). They give after they have accumulated much. Also, the
patient says I should earn so much that I can give. I should not ask from
others. A psoric person will never give. He will only work and work, to earn
money, name, fame, and then charity.

Even if you take up only two rubrics ailments' from embarrassment +

contented then only STAPHYSAGRIA and OPIUM comes up, but

Contentment is sycotic. It is again a cover up, stasis. He has what appears to

be ‗apparent contentment‘. If he was contented, then why did he have to go to
Saudi to earn more? Contentment can be psoric or sycotic, but never
syphilitic. I Warts grow and stay there on the body. They are contented
there. Similarly, I there is mental contentment because there is fear of
going still further or fear of going down, fear of losing the present reputed
position; that gives contentment because of cautiousness.

So, we gave him OPIUM 200 - 1 dose on 18.10.1999. After few days, he came
and said he gets headaches between 11 and 4 p.m. and he is better after 4
p.m. After a few days, his headaches were much better. He had slight pain in
the last week twice and skin eczema came up. He was generally

CT scan of October 1999 shows the pituitary adenoma.

Follow-up on 27.05.2000:
The pain and pressure in his eye was much better. (The tumor was pressing
on the optic chiasma). Giddiness was better. Previously, it was difficult for
him to work; now he can work easily. Patient is not very expressive. Answers
short, abrupt.

Now we will see the latest reports:

MRI of the brain dated 07.10.1999 was available for comparison.

Comparison with previous MRI shows substantial shrinkage of the pituitary
adenoma with alteration in its shape and morphology. On the T1-weighted
images, the solid component appears more hyperintense when compared to
the previous scan while the cystic component has regressed completely. On
the contrast-enhanced scan, the tumor is relatively hypovascular compared
to the enhancing pituitary gland.

Dr. Vijayakar: Growth was at the cost of the normal body parts, now tumor
is getting hypovascular, automatically the multiplication will also decrease.

The residual tumor now measures 13 mm x 9 mm x 8.3 mm. (It was 20 mm.)
It is situated in the left lobe and displaces the normal pituitary towards the
right. The infundibulum is also displaced towards the right. There is no
compression of the optic apparatus. The brain parenchyma appears normal.
There is a polyp/ retention cyst in the left maxillary sinus.

Dr. Vijayakar: What does this mean from Hering's Law of Cure? The
displacement is still there, but from more important eye, optic chiasma to
lesser important organ now. Supposing on MRI, there is no change in the
size of the tumor, then only from this also you know that the medicine is
working. It is receding from more important organ.

Conclusion of the MRI Report: Comparison with the MRI dated

07.10.1999; this now shows substantial shrinkage of the pituitary adenoma
and change in its morphology. The residual tumor now measures 13 mm x 9
mm x 8.3 mm. There is no compression of the optic apparatus.

MRI dated 27.01.2001:

Pre- and post-contrast MRI of the brain was performed using T1 - and T2-
weighted images at multiple planes. The patient is a known case of pituitary
macroadenoma. Previous MRI dated 06.05.2000 was available for
comparison. As compared to the previous MRI, the residual solid component
is enhancing less than the normal pituitary gland. The left half of the gland
has further shrunken and appears less conspicuous. It now measures
approximately 8.7 mm x 4 mm. The stalk is still deviated to the right. There
is no compression of the optic apparatus.

The brain parenchyma appears normal. Incidentally noted is a polyp/retention

cyst in the left maxillary sinus.

Dr. Vijayakar: What is the significance of this incidental polyp or cyst? The
growth in more important organ is shrinking; it has come down.

Conclusion: In comparison with the previous MRI dated 06.05.2000, there

is further regression of the solid component in the left half of the pituitary
MRI dated 12.04.2002:
Pre- and post-contrast MRI of the brain was performed. The patient is a
follow-up case of pituitary macroadenoma on bromocryptine. There is
normal homogenous enhancement of the pituitary gland, which measures 4-
5 mm in its maximum height. Residual T2-weighted signal abnormality is
seen in the left half. The stalk is deviated to the right. The supra and
parasellar structures appear normal. Brain parenchyma appears normal.
Incidentally noted is a polyp/ retention cyst in the left maxillary sinus. Virtual
complete regression of the pituitary macroadenoma. Residual gliosis is

Dr. Vijayakar: Glia are still in excess, this is sycotic only. The process starts
with gliosis and then it becomes a tumor, then solid mass and then cystic
mass. There is no polyp, no mention of it also. Here sycosis has now
regressed. Pituitary adenoma is due to tumor virus, the one that causes
chicken pox in children and tumor in adults. It ended on the skin. It came
on to ectoderm straightway. It has to come out or this particular destructive
force does not go. This was in 2001. Last month, he bought his daughter
with the same complaint—pituitary adenoma.

Now we shall start with the 2nd case. I will again demonstrate the Hering's
Law of Cure. This is only to impress upon mind from where it can come
how? Bromocryptine cannot reverse the whole thing from sycotic to psoric.
If at all it does, it will take you to a higher disease. Only one dose was given.

Case 2:
This was a child who was brought to me with hemangioma tumor above the
right I lip, palate, and cheeks.

History: When she was 10 days old, she developed indigestion from milk
and vomiting and diarrhoea from milk. She was hospitalized in the 1st month.
Her vomiting stopped with allopathic medicines. Then in the 1 st month, the
child started having lachrymation and her parents used eye drops as advised
by the physician. After hospitalization, the child became very angry, cranky,
and stubborn. After the 1st month, she developed small spots on the face,
size of a mole. At the age 2 to 3 months, these spots increased rapidly. At 2
months of age, she had projectile vomiting with convulsions (the brain is
now affected).

Dr. Vijayakar: Why did she start having vomiting from milk in the first
place? How can a child develop lactose intolerance on the 10 th day only, why
not on the 3rd or the 4th day? Nothing can happen in this world without a
cause. The cause was vaccination! Normal IgG levels are 77%, IgA are 17%,
IgM, IgD, and IgE form the rest 6%. With vaccination, IgG goes up, that is the
whole balance of 100% is disturbed. But totally, it always has to be 100%.
By vaccination, It goes up by 10%, so it becomes 87%. So, somewhere
something has to go wrong. So, IgA goes down, it will be sacrificed. Body
mechanism is very intelligent. IgA is secreted by the epithelium of the skin,
mucous membrane of the endoderm, that is respiratory tract, GIT, urinary
tract, and conjunctiva. So, what happens? These are more prone to
infections. This protein imbalance causes the child to have some problems
whenever the child has immune impairment, so, his GIT has become very
sensitive to milk and intolerance began. Was the child born with it? No. It is
due to vaccination. There was also suppression by allopathic medicine. So,
the immune impairment was not allowed to exhibit itself. So, the psora
(inflammation) started exhibiting from a more important organ—the

Now, the impaired immunity went to the eyes and this child started getting
lachrymation. Now this subsided and the child became cranky. The psora
has been suppressed more. Now the spots, which were of the size of a mole,
developed into hemangioma's after the age of 2 to 3 months. She then
developed projectile vomiting. So, the doctors suspected something—there
were angiomatous growths. So, the growth tendency went into the
circulatory system and angiomatous malformation was seen on the upper
lip, in the middle line, extending upwards along the nasal bridge into the
pre-septal region and the right orbit with associated intra-cranial vascular
malformations in suprasellar, prepontine, right cerebro-pontine cistern and
she was diagnosed with Sturge-Weber syndrome.

Gradually one swelling developed on the upper lip, second one on the right
side of the nose, third one just above that, and the fourth was inside the
right eyelid because of which the right eye closed completely! Now you will
have a clear understanding of how the disease progressed, the journey of
disease— how it went from ectoderm to endoderm in terms of defense.

Video clipping dated 05.07.1994:

Child with hemangiomas, looking like Lord Ganesh.

Follow-up on 11.07.1994:
After one week of treatment, the right eye had opened up a little. Let us see
the history first:

Physical generals:
Appetite : Normal.
Craving : Lemon juice.
Sweat : ++, profuse all over the body, cold, clammy hands.
Salivation : ++ .
Thermals : Hot patient, worse from heat, cold air, even warm air or draft
of air, better in open air, but worse from draft.

Mother's history before and during pregnancy:

Mother had history of dead baby boy (still born), before this child. After this,
mother went into hysterical fits. She would lie as if unconscious with
clenched fist. If no one would be around, she would lie like this for 1 to 2
hours. She was diagnosed with hysterical fits. Fits would come on if she
would remember her dead child or anyone would speak about her child.

Nature of the child:

♦ Since 1½ months of age, she started moving forward. Whenever she is
kept down, will not remain at one place, she moves ahead even during
sleep. Whenever she moves ahead, it is with much pressure and force.
♦ If someone shouts at her, she startles. Used to get sudden startling in
childhood by noise. Used to get shuddering with any noise.
♦ Restless, would not lie in one place or position.
♦ Does not like crowded places.
♦ Accumulates money, plays with money, wants rupees. Even in a child
you can know what is the tendency to.

I have seen even in children, one-month old babies, taking hold of pencils
only or books only or as a child grows up even if it he does not read, the
child has only interest for books, showing the diligent character in that
child. Similarly, there are children, in the 3 to 5 months of age having a
tendency to snatch money.

Here, she would hold money so tightly that no one could take money
from her. So much tendency for money was there. This is again an
indication of sycosis. I have also seen children, 6 to 8 months old, who
have peculiar attraction towards only knives, something sharp. A 1 ½
year-old child of my cousin took a pencil and put it straight into his elder
brother's eye! See the syphilitic tendency of this child! Today he is so
abusive, syphilitic, and destructive, people shudder to go near him.
Anything happens he will kick. There is nothing sweet in the child.

♦ Obstinate, angry. Rage causes shuddering. Epileptic seizures with

shuddering like malaria. Whenever she urinates, she starts crying and
♦ If she were given something, she would hold it very tightly and when
someone tried to take it away from her, she would cry a lot and go into
spasm and shuddering.
♦ Could not tolerate sight and smell of water, used to get stiff.
♦ Bouts of unconsciousness when angry.
♦ If milk was delayed, she threw tantrums, shrieking and shouting was
common (now she has started tolerating milk, which she could not when
she was in the psoric, hypersensitive state, that is psora is now gone,
now it is sycosis at work, defense has now gone from inflammation to
♦ Because of her disease, parents were careful not to allow her to cry.
Therefore, she started bargaining and emotionally blackmailing.
So the remedy was very clear—MOSCHUS. The peculiarity that led me to
prescribe her this was shuddering like malaria. Phatak has given clearly
any epilepsy with shuddering like malaria is MOSCHUS. Excessive strength
is also an indication of MOSCHUS. There is extra, hysteria means little
stimulus and exessive reaction. Nervous shuddering everywhere with
laughter, hiccough, etc. In the follow-ups now, we will see the eye opening

In 1994:
Within one week, the child stopped vomiting, giving me an indication that
the irritation inside the brain is now going down. The tumor is regressing
from within.

Follow-up on 23.06.1995 (almost after a year):

Eye completely open! The internal tumor has gone.

Follow-up on 02.11.1996:
The tumor is regressing from above downwards in two years time. Hering's
Law of Cure is seen. The child's mother is now telling us what the surgeon
had told her two years back—to get the child operated; it is just a matter of
two minutes, but 99% there is no guarantee of the child! The mother
thought anyway the child is going to die, then why should I get her operated
and waste money?

Follow-up on 08.01.1997:
Much better. Cure seen from inside out and from above downward, but it is
still not complete, did you see Hering's Law? I waited 6 to 7 years for Hering's
Law to come in this case.

Follow-up on 10.03.1999:
Now the child gets an urge for stools after eating outside food, URTI+.
This is now psoric. Bring the sycotic defense to the psoric defense. Immunity
is now at the endoderm level.
Now she is doing everything, playing, dancing, and is also good at studies.
She has started getting cold now. (This is our job to bring the growth defense
to psoric inflammatory defense. Her constitution has not changed, she has
just tampered down). Now the mother is pestering me, 'doctor do something,
she is getting this cold and cough.' In between she developed otitis and took
allopathic treatment for that. Again MOSCHUS 1M was given and she came
down to cold and cough. So, you see how she has come down from sycosis to
psora, from above downwards, inside out, more important brain to lesser
important and then to the least important, the skin.

Chapter 19:

Dr. Pravin Jain:

My topic today is on pediatrics. When I started my practice, there were two

major problems that I faced—one was acute cases (where Dr. Vijayakar has helped
me a lot) and the second was pediatric cases. If a 6-month-old baby would come
to me for the first time, I would get scared. Someone told me to take the mother's
history during pregnancy, so I used to keep the child out, as the child also used
to disturb me. I would take a long history of the mother and then prescribe. Then
I said "no;" I have to understand this aspect. Very few Homoeopaths have written
about this topic. Major chunk of my practice, 40-50 %, is pediatrics. I owe this
complete lecture to my daughter. She is three years old. I was observing my
daughter's development and this is how I started getting a grip and understanding
some finer aspects of pediatric case taking.

I would like to start with a case.

Case - 1:

Male child, aged 1 year and 6 months came with a chief complaint of wheezing
since four months. He gets recurrent URTI every 1 to 2 weeks. He was a FTND
(full-term normal delivery) and all vaccinations were given. All his milestones
were normal until 9 months of age, after which walking was delayed at 12 months
of age.

This is very important. One must understand what is normal in a baby. In

pediatrics, the disease usually belongs to the 1st or the 2nd layer.

Past history:
Insect bite and allergy with secondary infection on 01.05.2000, was admitted
two to three times for this. Recurrent diarrhoea and UTI at age of one year.
He had knee pain two months back, first right sided and now left, and
history of elbow dislocation few days back.

Mother's history in pregnancy:

No complaints during pregnancy, primi. She had slight mental tension
during the pregnancy, does not feel appreciated at her in-laws place. In-laws
are very orthodox and she could not adjust there. No other significant

♦ He runs around in the house, never sits at one place; very restless.
♦ He is cheerful and loves music a lot.
♦ Puts everything in the mouth.
♦ When he does not get what he wants, he gets angry and shrieks in anger.
♦ Desire to be carried++ and desires constant attention+ + . Loves to be
♦ Wakes up often for breast-feeding at night.

Thirst : Thirstless.
Perspiration : Profuse over the scalp.
Thermals : Hot.

I had given him CHAMOMILLA 200-1 dose considering shrieking in anger,

and the desire to be carried always. Now let us see the follow-up.


20.12.2000 No asthma since 10 days, cough better, SAC-LAC
cold ++, appetite okay.

27.12.2000 Perspiration over scalp, slight loose SAC-LAC

motions, greenish in color, cough better,
and cold +.

21.02.2001 Severe attack of asthma, wheezing + +, CHAMOMILLA

slight fever. 200—1 dose

28.02.2001 Pain in the legs with excessive crying at night.

I referred the child to a pediatrician who
prescribed him calcium and vitamins.
07.03.2001 Rain better, but frequency + . He now passes
stools after food. Occasional cough and

04.04.2001 Severe right knee pain of sudden onset, three

episodes in one week, no history of trauma.
Referred to a pediatric orthopedic.

On 04.04.2001, I referred the child to a pediatric orthopedic and

investigations were done. His knee x-rays showed bowing of the lower end of
the femur and upper end of the tibia, prominence of the epiphysis, and
increased height of the growth plate. Serum alkaline phosphatase was 1460
(Normal is 150 to 470). Calcium and inorganic phosphorus was normal.
Impression: Gross rickets. The child should be investigated for cause of
metabolic abnormality (as the patient was already on calcium since two

Journey of disease:
09.05.1999 : Delivery (2.84 kg).
12.05.1999 : OPV + HIB.
12.06.1999 : Admitted with the complaint of poor weight gain,
given Blood transfusion.
17.06.1999 : UTI.
25.09.1999 : Loose motion with bloodstains.
19.11.1999 : Loose motion off and on since 2 months.
01.05.2000 : Insect bite allergy with secondary infection.
03.06.2000 : Wheezing, bronchitis, knee pain, diagnosed as gross
rickets. He had elbow dislocation prior to this.

Now the child had come to us with ectodermal/endodermal disease, we

pushed the child up to layer 3 or 5—metabolic abnormality.

I was asked a question in Hyderabad, does disease travel step-by-step, layer-

by-layer, or can jump also? My observation is that if you go to an allopath,
disease has to travel step by step. Their side effects are very systematic. With
Homoeopathy, it can jump anywhere. He was traveling slowly from 1st to the
2nd layer. Partially similar Homoeopathic medicines are most dangerous and
fastest suppressants.

So, I reviewed the case again:

♦ The child is very mischievous; he does not sit at one place in the house.
He is very restless and stubborn—must get whatever he wants.
♦ He is not affected by anyone's scolding, whoever scolds him; he is only
slightly scared of his father. If scolded intensely, he will keep quiet and
change the topic and divert your attention somewhere.
♦ Very attention seeking + +; knows how to get his work done by any person.
♦ If you hit him, he will hit back to some people, especially his granny or
just keep quiet. He pinches if not allowed to take some things.
♦ He rhymes words, which he can repeat.
♦ Imitates advertisements, imitates father.
♦ Very fancy about cars, wants and has different types of cars.
♦ Loves to show off. Shows everyone everything new that he has. Wants to
wear father's clothes.
♦ If he does not want to wear a particular dress, he will try to reason out
and say that father will scold me if I wear this dress.
♦ He starts laughing loudly if he sees mother/father changing their clothes.
♦ Possessive; he does not give his toys immediately to others.
♦ He knows directions well. When they go out, he wants father to carry him
so that he can see everything clearly.
♦ Loves traveling; gets restless in 10 to 15 minutes and then it is difficult to
control him.
♦ When father sits on a computer, he does not allow him to sit.
♦ Thirstless.

Observation (Video clipping):

Restless, lean and thin child. Could easily be examined. When he realized
there is a camera, he started hiding behind the table—shy, bashful. He was
screaming and protruding the tongue out. Mother has to constantly hold
him as he is losing control. Mischievous. The child said, "I am a Popeye
baby." I then shouted at the child, he closed his fist in anger and went to the
mother to bite her. He showed his fist to me with angry eyes (threatening,
had to be controlled). He imitated the physician.

Now carried desire to be could be because of his bow legs or pain or for a
better view. Also, bashful is not a symptoms here, it is the adaptability
period. Children need time to get adapted to any new stimuli. If throughout
the interview, the child goes behind the mother, then it is shyness. This was
only during the adaptation period. Everyday there are new stimuli and the
child gets adapted. Observe the child after this adaptation period. He is
intelligent and observant, as he was the only child who immediately
recognized the camera! Not all children notice it. Do not restrict the child
during the interview; they will give you the remedy.


Mental generals : Popeye baby

(a cartoon character with increased strength
though thin.) Approaching.
Imitates—father, physician, advertisements.
Observant, intelligent.
Mischievous, cannot be restrained
Mocking, screaming, shrieking.
Insanity with increased strength.
Makes gestures.
Physical generals : Lean and thin.

Hyperactive + disobedient + threatening + destructive—TARENTULA,



Tuberculinum: Thirsty and not very mischievous. It is not given in the
rubric mischievous, not destructive like TARENTULA. Remedy given was

Within one month:
Serum alkaline phosphatase was 542, the bowing had reduced. There is
mild irregularity and sclerosis at the lower end of femur and upper end of
tibia. There is irregularity of the inferior aspect of the femoral epiphysis. As
compared to the previous x-ray, there is marked improvement.
Impression: X-ray findings are in favor of healing rickets.

Follow-up on 06.10.2001:
Serum alkaline phosphatase is normal.

Case taking in pediatrics Dr. Pravin B. Jain:

A challenging task:
Pediatric history taking is one of the most difficult tasks for a Homoeopathic
physician. The main aspect of pediatric case taking is dependent on
observations. Here a lot of direct questioning is required. There cannot be
any standard pattern of history taking, as the questioning will change
depending on the age group we are dealing with.

The birth weight of a child will double in the first year. The rate of growth is
so fast that the questioning and interpretations will change at every passing

However if one understands the "NORMAL CHILD" and is fully aware of the
development of new born to infant to toddler, case taking becomes very

To understand what is normal child, we have to understand the development
of a child. It is divided into four stages.
♦ Infant.
♦ Toddler.
♦ Preschool.
♦ School age.

The observation and interpretations are different in these age groups. The
case taking should also differ in these age groups.

Temperament is defined as the individual's normal, natural style of behavior
and responding to the world. It refers to "how" and not "what" of behavior.
This means temperament does not dictate what children will do, but help
understand how they do it.

Temperament consists of the traits you are born with. It differs from
personality, which is a combination of temperament (nature) and the life
experiences of people and environment (nurture)

As a Homoeopath we are supposed to understand the temperament of a

child. Temperament is determined by your unique neurological characteristics
and unlike personality it cannot be changed. It remains moderately stable
across time and situations.

Homoeopathic approach to a pediatric case:

To arrive at a remedy we have to consider three main factors
1) Sociability.
2) Activity.
3) Destructibility.
These three factors will form the Sociability-Activity-Destructibility AXIS.
To this when we add the thermals, thirst, and the characteristic mentals, we
arrive easily at the similimum.

The axis will lead us to a group of remedies, from which we have to eliminate
remedies and arrive at the similimum.

Sociability - Approach or withdrawal

Approach - withdrawal refers to the initial response to a new situation
or stimulus. Some children move easily into new settings, taking very
little time to join a new group of playmates, while others may observe
the scene for a long time before going into a new situation. This can
also be applied to other situations such as trying a new food or
changing a daily routine, for example some children eagerly seek new
experiences while others withdraw from new activities and experiences.

Approaching child (extroverted):

Infant and Toddlers
♦ Likes to play with new toys-they are curious to explore it.
♦ Will give smile to new faces.
♦ Will go to new people.
♦ Will allow you to examine.
♦ Greet you when they come in the clinic or leave the clinic.

Withdrawal (introverted) child:

Infant and Toddlers
♦ Slower to warm up to a change.
♦ Will avoid eye contact to new faces.
♦ Will not mix with other child.
♦ Will cry and will not allow you to examine.
♦ Refuse to greet you while they are coming or leaving.

Approach (extroverted) remedies:

Phos, Rhus tox, Spongia, Verat, Lach, Arg-n, Croc, Cham, Bufo,
Hyos, Coff, Care, Bell Tarent, Medo, Op, Sulph, Care, Tub

Withdrawal (introverted) remedies:

Bar-c, Calc, Calc-sil, Ant-t, Ant-c, Ambra, Bry, Cina, Cham, Gels, Lyc,
Ars, Aur, China, Ign, Kali-p, Merc, Nat-m, Puls, Thuja
Nat-c, Nit-ac, Sep, Sil, Staph,

Is defined as degree of energy expenditure through movement. It is viewed
as one of the important dimensions in determining temperament.

Activity level is apparently inherited (and also influenced by the child's

environment). Activity level is also related to child's gender. Boys tend to
have a higher motor activity than girls

It can be a reaction to anger. Smashing, ripping, or tearing apart of
objects are the expressions of destructiveness.

These destructive behaviors are often directed to a nearby convenient target,,

often the sources of anger.

Anger can also be manifested without motivating destructive behavior such
as in temper tantrum marked by throwing self to the ground, screaming, and

Activity can be assessed by following six points:

1) Level of activity.
2) Threshold of responsiveness.
3) Intensity of reaction.
4) Rhythmicity.
5) Distractibility.
6) Attention span and persistence.

1. Level of Activity:
Ratio of Child's active period in contrast to his inactive or passive period.
2. Threshold of responsiveness (sensitivity):
Baby wakes up and remains calm when you change diaper. If they tumble,
they just get up and start walking again.

Baby cries and screams if wet or hungry.

If they tumble while learning to walk, they scream and cry with indignation.

3. Intensity of reaction:
Is the child vocal of positive and negative reaction to stimulus or calm and
quiet? If you just touch a child and he screams, then he is a hypersensitive

4. Biological Rhythms:
If regular, then mother can predict:
♦ When the child will get hungry,
♦ When the child will go to school.
♦ When the child will go to sleep.

If irregular, unpredictable:
♦ Eat at any time.
♦ They wake erratically.
♦ Do not pass stool regularly

5. Distractibility:
Is the child easily distracted from what he is doing, or can shut out external
distractions and stay with their current activity? If the child is sleeping and
you just switch on the light and he wakes up—he is hypersensitive.

6. Attention span and persistence:

Does the child give up as soon as they have a problem with a task or keep on

What is Activity level?

We have to access whether the child's activity is more or low

Points to access hyperactivity:

♦ Throws off coverings.
♦ Kicks legs in covering.
♦ Does not remain in hand.

♦ Runs here and there all day.

Points to access normal Activity or low activity:

♦ Keeps cool in the wrappings.
♦ Sleeps peacefully.

♦ Will sit peacefully and listen to a story.
♦ Will sit quietly and watch TV.

Hyperactive remedies:

Rhus-t, Ars, Cham, Merc, Hyos, Arg-n, Iod, Cham, Merc, Rheum,
Rheum, Stram, Thuja, Bor, Cina, Calc- Thuja, Bor, Tub, Tarent, Med, Sulph,
p, Ant-t, Coff, Ip, Kali-c, Mag-c, Ign, Ambr.
Anac, Verat, Nux-V, Elaps, Zinc

Sociability-Activity-Destructivity axis:

1. Approaching + Hyperactive + Destructive

2. Approaching + Hyperactive + Non-destructive
3. Withdrawal + Hyperactive + Destructive
4. Withdrawal + Hyperactive + Non-Destructive

"Tarantella" is a dance named from the city of Tarentum. "Tarantism" is a
dancing mania, set up in persons bitten by the Tarentula or in those who
imagine themselves bitten. The cure is music and dancing.

Mental make-up:
Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Approaching-Hyperactive-
♦ Abrupt (Irregular movements) (Rhythmic—LACHESIS.)
♦ Lack of control.
♦ Mischievous.
♦ Sensitive to music and better by music.
♦ Feign sickness.
Phatak says "Malingering; when there are no observers there is no hysteria;
when attentions is directed to her."

General make-up:
♦ Sudden and violent onset
♦ Can run better than walk
Physical make-up:
♦ Emaciation

Mental make-up:
Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Approaching-Hyperactive-
♦ Whining, demanding cry.
♦ Child wants to be carried.
♦ Capriciousness.
♦ Uncivil and quarrelsome.
♦ Extremely sensitive to pain.
♦ Ailments from anger, vexation.

General make-up:
♦ Thirst increased

Physical make-up:
♦ One cheek red and hot, other pale and cold.

Mental make-up:
Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Withdrawing-Hyperactive-
♦ Irritable and cranky.
♦ Piteous crying.
♦ Desire to be carried over abdomen.
♦ Aversion to be caressed, wants to be rocked.

General make-up:
♦ Hungry (eats more, drinks less)
♦ Thirstless
♦ Chilly

Physical make-up:
♦ Boring of nose.
♦ Obese.

STRAMONIUM: Mental make-up:

Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Withdrawal-Hyperactive-Destructive.
♦ Terror.
♦ Dread of darkness (night terror).
♦ Clinging to those near him.
♦ Violence - Rage, kicking, and biting.
♦ Destructive, wild and threatening.
General make-up:
♦ Sudden onset.
♦ Thirst ++ .

Physical make-up:
♦ Pupils dilated when child is reprimanded.

Mental make-up:
Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Approaching-Hyperactive
♦ Dissatisfied and restless, desire for change.
♦ Desire to travel.
♦ Does not remain long in one place.
♦ Violent and wants to fight.
♦ Sensitive and worse from music.

General make-up:
♦ Weakness, emaciation with increased appetite.
♦ Start suddenly and decreases suddenly.

Physical make-up :
♦ Long bones, nose, and sharp features.
♦ Desires cold drinks and milk.

Mental make-up:
Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Approaching-Hyperactive-Non
♦ Impulsive.
♦ Always in hurry, impulse to walk fast.

General make-up:
♦ Hot
♦ Complaints increase and decrease gradually.
♦ Craves sugar, which aggravates.

Physical make-up:
♦ Emaciation especially of lower limbs.

Mercury is the only metal which is liquid.

Mental make-up:
Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Approaching-Hyperactive-
♦ Violent horrid impulses.
♦ Desire to escape, desire to travel far away.
♦ Mistrustful and suspiciousness.
♦ Defiant and disobedient—will not listen to parents.
♦ Precocious, dominating, and dictatorial.

General make-up:
♦ Excessive perspiration and salivation.
♦ Thirsty

Physical make-up:
♦ Emaciation or obese.

Mental make-up:
Sociability-Activity-Destructivity: Withdrawing-Hyperactive-Non-
♦ Hard on inferior, soft on superior.
♦ Will direct anger on mother.
♦ Stage fear.
♦ Dominating, love of power

General make-up:
♦ Hot.
♦ Desires warm food and drinks.
♦ Thirstless.

Physical make-up:
♦ Upper part wasted, lower part semi-dropsical.

Case - 2:
This child came for chest infection and some GI disturbance with a toxic
look. He was just discharged from the hospital after a 10-day course of
 Changeable, capricious (wanted to go to mother, then father, then play
on the ground and then back to mother again).
 Restless. Very playful; goes to everybody.
 Hot.
 Thirsty.

The child was given CHAMOMILLA

Follow-up after 12 hours:

Crying stopped. Vomiting stopped. Crankiness was much better; the child
was now playing on his own.
Case - 3:
♦ Very restless child, mother has to hold the child and restrain it. Child is
very active. Playful and hyperactive.
♦ Sensitive to music—dances+ + .
♦ Shrieking suddenly and then cools down only after he was slapped. This
child has typical shrieking throughout the day.
♦ He came in humming, smiling.
♦ He broke a glass in my clinic.
♦ At the end of the interview, I just shouted at the child. The difference
between. TARENTULA and TUBERCULINUM, you can make out here.
TARENTULA is very destructive and threatening, TUBERCULINUM is not
very destructive.

The remedy given was TUBERCULINUM.

Now, we see the last clipping.

Case - 4:
Child aged 4 months. Activity is normal to hyperactive.
♦ See the mother's hands—he is not trying to jump out of the mother's
hand. The child is comfortable in one hand of the mother.
♦ Hyperactive, mischievous child, putting fingers in his mouth and sitting
♦ Chilly.
♦ Child was born after LSCS and was not given to the mother for six hours.
There was no contact between mother and child for six hours. Also, after
IV2 month of age, his mother joined her job and the child was with the
maidservant the whole day (so, bondage problems, bond of faith develops
within the first few hours between the mother and the child).

Hyperactive + approaching + chilly + ailments from disappointed love.
The remedy given was HYOSCYAMUS.
So, this is my approach. I first see whether the child is approaching or
withdrawing. Then I see whether the child is hyperactive or hypoactive. If the
child is hyperactive, then I find out whether he is destructive or non-
destructive and combine it with thermals, thirst, and characteristic mental
Chapter 20:
Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

I would like to show you glimpses of what helps us in history taking. This is
very important for a Homoeopath. Eyes do not see what mind does not
perceive. A physician has to be a keen observer. Develop the tendency to
pick up something hidden or underlying.

Now, we start understanding the observed traits.

Yesterday, we saw deduced traits; because that child shared food with
animals, we called him sympathetic. What if a deaf and dumb patient comes
in front of you, what if a comatose patient is there? Then after observation,
we will go to differentiation of Materia Medica. What has helped me is to go
from the patient to the Materia Medica via the repertory.

Video clipping - 1:

What is your observation in general? She is mild, timid, slow, and shy. How
was she sitting? Leaning forward on the table; anxious, eager to
communicate about her problem, someone who is not very confident. Start
reading the patient as soon as he enters the clinic; the way he opens the
door, the way he enters inside, the way he presents himself.

There are people, who just walk in and it sit like the whole clinic belongs to
them, and then we have to greet them, then they will greet us. There are
others who will open the door and ask, "May I come in sir?" What is the
difference between the two?

The first one could be haughty/extrovert/confident personality/ rude

and egoistic or a positive person. There are people who are so positive
that they do not need any permission come what may. For them, "how can
there be no admission here, I am going to go. They have to give me
admission. Who are you, you have to let me in.‖
" The mild, meek and timid people are negative people.

Let us see a list of rubrics, which will show us whether the man is positive or
negative. How is it represented in our repertory?

Courageous Timid

Bold Bashful

Audacity (people with big mouth, not Coward


Positive Irresolute

Defiant Weak willed; confidence want of

Obstinacy (I will do whatever I want, Submissive

will not listen to you)

Perseverance Fearful

Pertinacity Anxiety

Making plans Cautious (more fearful, want

everything on the safe side, because
of fear of failure; can be positive also)

Dominating, dictatorial Embarrassment; suspicious

Confidence Discouraged, pessimistic

Assertive Fear of high places

Strong will Touch aversion to

We know whether he belongs to the right or left side. You start becoming
acquainted with the repertorial language. There can be something, which is
neutral will, neither positive nor negative; like the sycotic SILICEA—which is
obstinate and yielding also. OPIUM—contended, MAGNESIUM—timid and
contended. Let us see which are the groups in which you can place them

Alumina: Negative, slow, timid, and confused people. So much timid, so

much in their own world that they do not have the ability to throw off soft
stool also.

Ammoniums: Negative. Why? Timid, coward, there is one prominent

feature, which goes from mind to body, and I recognize AMMONIUMS from
that. There is a very common symptom that he has shortened hamstring
(AMMON-CARB and AMMON-MUR). This shortened tendency is a general.
The courage, tendons, the happiness is also shortened. I had a man coming to
me with small lipomas on the hand. He was working as a watchman
somewhere. His pay was not sufficient enough for him to set a home and
enjoy. So, he wanted to change over. So, he learnt driving. After he got the
license, he did not leave that job. Why? Shortage of courage. At the same
time, he is not happy with this. (In CALCAREA, he is happy with this, as he
is in his shell though he is paid less). He was discontented, shortage of
happiness. He had a desire for music. We repertorized the case and gave him
AMMON-MUR 30—1 dose two years back and within eight months all his
lipomas disappeared, then the hypermelanosis also vanished. He was short
of everything; happiness, friends, courage, and contentment.

Baryta: Positive and negative. It is bashful and timid, with no confidence.

Sometimes, it may have a foolish courage to do anything, the brain does not
think. They have misplaced anxiety, courage, fear, intelligence, etc. Many of
the best surgeons are BARYTA; they work very mechanically. One very
intelligent surgeon from North Bombay, he said surgeons are legal rapist. We
are doing harm to the body against the will of the body and doing something
against will is rape. The permission to cut is not given to us by the body.
This man does not have the intelligence (BARYTA comes in intellectual and
conscientious also). We have Homoeopaths also who are like that.

One of my friends had referred me a case, I will tell you how I prescribed for
her. This lady is a very eminent doctor‘s wife. She was a very dashing lady,
always on the move, looking up on success. She already was very successful.
She wants to become an owner of a big hospital, always thinks that I should
be having the largest hospital in this part of Asia. They had just installed a
new MRI machine. She said let me see what is inside my ear, as I am getting
some humming and itching. The MRI showed that she had a tumor. She was
not very much disturbed. The other history was whenever she would get
angry or disturbed, she would take her car and go on driving fast, go in a no
entry zone, not bothered about the policeman. If the policeman caught her
and took her license, she would go to the policeman, snatch her license from
him and challenge him, do whatever you want. This is foolish courage- she
does not understand consequences. In front of Taxi Driver, she will remove a
bundle of Rs. 100 to show them, she is not thinking of the consequences.
Once in fancy dress, she became a Japanese doll, after dressing up she
walks on the road to her house. She is not bothered about what people say!

This is not courage, it is indiscretion—means she does not understand the

This is sycotic shallow.
Such people can go for operation without any anxiety. Indiscretion is
equated by Kent as circumspection, lack of. Our brain is working like a
computer trying to analyze the situation, this is lacking. This is seen in words
and action. Such people can be insensitive to moral codes also. They reveal
secrets, confide knowingly. BARYTA is also naive. So, they can also be
bashful with low intellect.

One lady told me one day, I am so much afraid that now war has started in
Iraq and Iran. Now everything will go there, there will be no milk here! All
buffaloes and cows will go there! What will my child drink? So, this is
misplaced anxiety. I am just giving you examples.
I know one man whom my brother had referred to me for ptosis of eyes. After
giving history for one hour, he said, doctor, first give me treatment for my
piles! He could not open his eyes and wanted treatment of piles!

One lady was referred to me with pemphigus. She did not want to get
married, because "my sister has married just now and now I am sure that
this man will be troubling her."

Dr. Vijayakar: Is he troubling her??

Patient: No, no, but I am sure he is going to.

Dr. Vijayakar: But how do you know that he will?

Patient: Every man troubles his wife.

This is a complete confidence in something abstract. This is misplaced anxiety


BARYTA has the delusion that his legs are cut off. This means he is so sure
that he cannot do anything. He learnt driving and got a license, but will not
drive the car—I will not be able to drive, I know it, I will not be able to
control. He feels he does not have legs only, my legs are cut off, how will I
walk. This is wrong conclusion, misplaced. He feels people are laughing at
me This is also misplaced understanding, giving rise to misplaced emotions.
Find out the reason for that delusions; people are laughing at me could be
out of suspiciousness.

Calcarea: Negative. Only one CALCAREA is positive, i.e. CALC-SULPH. This

is the only remedy, which is courageous. So, we get different shades of a

This Materia Medica we are deriving from the repertory:

I remember CALCAREA as anxiety anticipation, wanting a shell, chilly, and
thirsty. A psoric CALC-CARB is timid, anxious, etc. Then comes the
sensitivities. This is psoric. In college we are taught the sycotic CALC-CARB;
fat, flabby, stasis, weak bones, exostoses.

CALC-CARB is a chalk, when it falls down it has to break; so brittle, they are
weak, there is no strength, so they are afraid that if something happens to
me tomorrow, what will happen to my family—so they accumulate money.

Charitable. They are not benevolent; they appear like that because they
want friendship of others, good opinion of others, wants their protection or

Charitable with the expectation of recompense. There is a motive behind it.

There is also syphilitic CALC-CARB, where osteoporosis starts, bending of
bones, spine, kyphosis, not sycotic exostoses, and no inflammatory tendency
of psora. There is aversion to mental work, fagged out, loss of will, suicidal
disposition, strange actions; she is doing this with the purpose of being
different. There is either slowness or running about.

Desires magnetism because of protection. PHOSPHORUS magnetism is

because of lack of electrical energy, they are energy deprived and they want
this energy form others. This is energy transfer. CALC-CARB is something
like a puddle; he wants bodily support, protection. They are chilly and thirsty
with desire for sweets and cold things. Dr. Kent mentions in CALC-CARB
that any man who like cold drinks, sweets, and is thirsty for ice cold water,
the first remedy you think of is CALCAREA. See whether the disposition is
timid or not, see whether he is fragile or not, see whether he is sensitive and
anticipatory or not. Believe it or not, this type of picture will work wonders
and give you Hering's law.

Homoeopathy is not difficult:

This short Materia Medica can lead you to the remedy. When I find a sycotic
CALC-CARB, I ask them as a confirmatory, when you are walking on the
road, do you pass by your friends without recognizing them? This is a
fantastic entry into CALCAREA, which we very often miss. Because the man
is dull and does not give anything of CALC-CARB, he says that I had a
dream somewhere in the past that I was thrown out of my job. After that
dream, this man is so dazed that he goes on thinking and thinking, I told you
that the mind of CALC-CARB is like a hung up computer, he just goes crazy
and keeps thinking about that particular thought. I am looking at them, but
I do not recognize them because my mind is somewhere else.

Females with profuse menses, who are chilly, thirsty, with desire for sweets
and cold drinks, start thinking about CALC-CARB. Then try the

Physical make-up is square face with tapering chin (sensitive people have
tapering chin) or tail growing children with stoop. Sycotic CALC-CARB is fat,
fair, flabby, rounded face with excessive perspiration. If with the above
features, if the patient is thirsty, we go to CALC-CARB and if he is thirstless,
we go to CALC-PHOS, but here activity will be difference because
PHOSPHORUS adds to the activity.

In CALC-MUR, very ironically, when the CALCAREA element is more it is more

chilly and when the MURIATICUM element is more, it is more thirsty. When
mother is only as an attachment, then it is a hot drug, and when he wants
mother as a shell, he is chilly and the MURIATIC sun aggravation is marked.
Attachment to mother is MURIATICUM and when protection comes it is
CALC-SULPH is given as chilly by Phatak and Clarke whereas some other
books mention it as hot because of the SULPHUR element. So, I suspect if
the SULPHUR element is more, then it will be hot and if the CALCAREA is
more, it will be towards chilly.

There are some controversial remedies, which are hot as well as chilly. I
would like you all to go into details of this and tell me. Remedies like
MERCURY, NAT-CARB, and CINNABARIS are ambithermal. Gibson Miller
gives only four remedies as ambithermal— MERCURY, NAT-CARB, NAT-
CRUD, and CINNABARIS. Most of the hysterical remedies can be
aggravated by both. The reaction is more, too much.

I will just show you another video:

Video Clipping 1:
This is a female patient who comes in with a chief complaint of fever since
one day and she is crying! (So, a hysterical, weeping remedy will come up.)
Husband says, 'yesterday, she was so fine, laughing, talking, and fighting
and today she has come down with fever.'

On further inquiry, I asked her "why do you have to cry so much?"

She said, 'I fall sick every year at this particular time and I am admitted to
the hospital. What if I fall ill this year also?'

So, here we get hysteria, weeping, periodicity, and anticipation. Just put
them and repertorise. She was a hot patient. If it is an acute, the remedy,
which comes up has to be in relation to the constitutional. This is not
ailment from anticipation; it is only anticipation. Generally, I do not treat
such conditions acutely, but as she is in hysteria, I cannot just leave her like
that, she might go and commit suicide.

The hot remedies, which come up are—TUBERCULINUM, THUJA, NAT-MUR,

and LYCOPODIUM. Her constitutional was SEPIA. I had cured her ulcerative
colitis two years back with a single dose of SEPIA; it never recurred again.
So, what remedy has to be given now ? NAT-MUR. You saw how she came—
cannot weep in front of others, hides her tears.

Video clipping 2:
Observe this couple and tell me your observation of both of them. Husband
says, 'I am getting eructation,' and the wife says, 'this is nothing, he gets
very loud ones' and she is laughing. He got these eructations from
Ahmedabad (500 km away from Bombay) and she is laughing loudly—'Ha,
Ha!' I am asking questions to the husband and the wife is answering.

Dr. Vijayakar (to husband): Why did you go to Ahmedabad?

Wife: For "darshan" (holy pilgrimage).

Dr. Vijayakar (to husband): Do you like to go for religious tours?

Wife: Yes, I like to go, Ha! Ha!

Dr. Vijayakar: What is your observation now? Wife is an extrovert,

expressive, and vivacious. Husband is an introvert. Will is completely
negative in him; he is very silent and reserved. What is peculiar now? See
her laughing continuously— she is jesting. Now should we take jesting or
jovial? What is the meaning? Jesting is making fun of others, she is making
fun of her husband. If she were constantly laughing, then I would have
taken laughing. Mocking is not jesting, it is more malicious, you are trying to
put someone down, it is more of sarcasm, jesting with a malicious intention—it
is more syphilitic. Johnny Lever (Film Artist) tries to imitate everybody, it is
not mocking, he is just imitating and Shekhar Suman is mocking. Frivolous
is taking everything lightly. She is not taking the other part of life lightly.
Children who are not interested in exams, their family life, etc. can be taken
as frivolous. Here she is listening and wherever she can, she is trying to
make jokes out of it.

Video Clipping 3:
I am skipping this because as soon as he realized he is being videoed, he
became more conscious. Otherwise, this man would come and sit on the
chair as if he is the king; he would sometimes sit with his foot up. But he
was different when he came in front of the camera; so, the rubric is timidity
appearing in public.

He will talk of so many things before telling me his complaints. He goes

completely round and round, will ask you some nonsensical questions, will
describe some other situation before telling about his health, which he again
is anxious about. He does not come straight to the point. What is this?

Wants to be familiar—yes, this is one of his very strong rubrics. He is telling

me he had gone for a holiday and what had happened to his friend, etc. This
is not relevant to the subject, but it is not irrelevant talk ! The rubric is
loquacity about unimportant matters. Unfortunately as soon as we started
the video, we could not get a clear picture as another state came up. Once he
comes to his point, he will go on and on in detail and not let you talk, he will
say let me finish first.

There are so many characters, which he did not show us. When a LACHESIS
comes to a new environment, in front of new people, he is very timid, afraid
that you might harm him, but if he is there for a long time, then he becomes
the king, as if he is the boss. How does he come and sit now? With the feet
up! And says, "Yes, tell me sahib‖(sir). Take care of your health. How long
will this go on like that?" but as soon as the camera comes, he again
changes. This is hard on inferiors and soft on superiors. Somewhere, which
is unknown, he is very much timid, but once he knows that the person is
not going to harm him, he is the boss and will give you advices.

If you see rubrics like talks garrulous, loquacious, talks foolish, irrelevant—
you will come across a beautiful remedy PARIS-QUAD. The above patient
was not talking foolishly or was not talking anything irrelevant. He was
talking relevant, about my health, about my wife's position, etc. When you
start getting a hint of foolishness, start thinking of PARIS-QUAD.

I had a nice case, which I have shown before also. This is a case of a doctor
who came to me with complaint of a tumor. "I am Dr., MRCS, FRCS, Ph.D,
M.D. and I am practicing since the last 40 years. I am the best physician in
that area. I have treated so many patients. Your father is my chum. Your
grandfather was my patient. There is no one else who has so much
experience. I have cured plenty of people. I just put my hand like that and
make a diagnosis even without an USG and the USG confirmed it, my
diagnosis was correct. When my wife expired, I told my son, she is not going
to come back again".

So what do you infer here. There is an element of foolishness.

♦ Egotism, self esteem, reciting their exploits.
♦ Business, talks of his exploits.
♦ Jerky speech.

The remedy given to him was AGARICUS.

Now let us see MEPHITES.

We know of MEPHITES only as a cough remedy, but I have cured arthritis
with this. There is marked sensitivity to moonlight, either mental or physical.
It is not aggravated by moon phases, it is ailments from moonlight, that is
being exposed and going out in the moonlight whether full moon or half
moon. I had a case of rheumatoid arthritis where when the patient would go
out in the night, his pains would get aggravated. So, I asked him if it is the
warmth of house that ameliorates or is the season outside that aggravates,
the summer or the winter, is it while going out during the daytime or only at
night? All these were ruled out.

ANT-CRUD becomes sentimental in the moonlight, he makes verses in

moonlight; this is sycotic, as half of it is a lie!

Video clipping 4:
This is a young boy of age 13 years, very tall, huge, fat, with a slight stoop.
He is very slow to walk, well mannered, cautious, and well behaved; all
because he is timid. He is awkward and slow. He came with a complaint of a
huge fistula, which was operated, but not healed since two years and also
with gynaecomastia. What is the remedy? He is chilly, thirsty, with desire for
sweets. Gynaecomastia is effeminate; also see the way he walks and talks.
Also, this 13-year-old guy would always come accompanied by his mother.
The remedy given to him was CALC-CARB.

PLATINA is effeminate when it goes to the syphilitic state; it is a male who

looks effeminate. In females, there can be either too much sexual desire or
no desire at all. Once you pick up effeminate, you rule out so many other
remedies. This is syphilitic. Even well mannered people can be effeminate, a
sudden slight motion of the head will indicate this as neck movement of
males and females are different.

Video clipping 5:
This is a female patient who came in complaining of fainting in a crowd, in a
church while praying. "My husband has hypertension, diabetes, and kidney
failure, Ha! Ha! I get giddiness and vertigo, Ha! Ha! If you move, even I will
move with you, Ha! Ha!

Everything is taken so lightly. This is not laughing while talking. See her
natural traits further.

"When I was small, I was a tomboy. I would never enter the house through
the door, but would enter through the window! We were a gang of girls who
would roam with boys in short pants. My name was also on the black list.
That man also expired Ha! Ha!" She is then describing what her sister told
about her husband, "your hair is false, your nose is false, your face is false,
your everything is false, Ha! Ha!"

Why is she laughing after telling you everything is false? Her thoughts are

"I was riding a cycle and went into someone's lungi (loose peticoat)! I told
this to my husband and my child also. I told my husband when you were
operated; they must have put a false kidney inside, Ha! Ha!"

"I love to dance and to swim. I have won a lot of prizes in dancing. Any type
of dance, I just want to freak out (syphilitic). I love to talk only to boys. I have
a lot of boyfriends". Even her child knows that she has boyfriends.

Says, "my husband is jealous. I care a hang about him as long as he gives
me freedom."

She goes on and on like this cracking lascivious jokes. Any slightest thing,
she will call up the clinic and come and is better with SAC-LAC only. She is
a hot patient and appetite is very good.

Now what are we assessing her as? She is in the syco-syphilitic miasm.
So, she is hysterical (talks little and laughs).

Shameless (syphilitic, not bothered of what she is saying).

Can dance nonstop with frenzy, frivolous (this is sycotic excess).

Hot and hungry (not gourmand as this is a very small rubric), and what is
her speech like??

Let us see different types of speeches and then see what fits her the most.

Speech bombast: Worthless, inflated, turgid, high-sounding language, it is

exaggerated. This is either sycotic or syco-syphilitic. e.g. I had a male
patient, he wanted to wish me Happy Birthday, he sent me a card, which
read something like: 'May the destiny which rules produce a man, seed in
the ovum may produce an embryo with will of time and destiny for you to be
born on this day.' So, you have to scratch your brains to know and
understand what he intends to tell you. This is speech bombast.

Talk ecstatic: Ecstatic is full of emotions. It is a positive emotion, the

highest degree of joy, a state in which mind is arrested and fixed or lost; a
state in which functioning of the senses are suspended by the contemplation
of some extraordinary or supernatural object. So, it is arrested and fixed,
senses are suspended. This is out of control; it is frank syphilitic. The above
patient still has her control; she goes up and down, going to syphilis and
coming down to sycosis again.

Talks exuberant: Superabundance especially of something abstract, an

overflow, profuse over growth or protuberance, copiousness. This is purely

Talk excited: A state of being roused into action or having increased action,
roused, awakened, stimulated, or animated. Excitement is from stimulus
and it need not necessarily be gay.

Talk prattling: The patient only knows what she is talking. This is frank
syphilitic. So many times from the talk itself we are led to a mental general.
From there, we combine it with thirst and thermals and are led to a remedy.

Talk vivacious: Lively, active, animated or gay in temper or conduct. This has
to do more with demeanor and less to do with actual deeds than high-
spirited, cheerful and gaiety. It is a reaction coming automatically from
In our patient, there is joy and she is animated and gay. So, we take talk
vivacious. Let us combine talk vivacious + hysterical + frivolous + shameless.
The remedies that come up are: LACHESIS, HYOSCYAMUS,

AGARICUS is ruled out, as there is no jerkiness here. AGARICUS patients

make a mountain of a molehill; small teaspoons look like an ocean. Delusion
small crevice is a big valley. AGARICUS is not very lively, always has problems
with control.

BELLADONA is chilly, congested, and cardiovascular system would have

been the topmost. The "bindaas" (free and frank) relationship of the child
and her mother shows that she is not in frenzy.

BELLADONA is devil when sick or when angry; BELLADONA ladies can beat
up their children in anger.

BELLADONA likes jumpy, bouncy dance; it is coquettish, but does not like to
freak out. Also, there is a desire for lemonades, which is not there in this

LACHESIS is not covering the most important rubric of shamelessness. Also,

LACHESIS is very loquacious, jumping from one subject to another, about
himself or his disease, about others or any religious topic or on senseless,
nonsense matters.

It is very quick witted and intelligent (PHOSPHORUS, STRAMONIUM, OPIUM,

IND), someone who is ready to argue at the drop of a hat. Intellect going
towards excess is witty.

Moschus: She is not that very hysterical. She is more on the joyous,
frivolous side rather than on the angry side.

Paris-quad: She is not talking irrelevant or garrulous. She is trying to

explain herself.

STRAMONIUM is more violent, vivacious, active, thin, timid, but the panic
and anguish is much more in STRAMONIUM. She was given STRAMONIUM
before, she would become okay and then relapse again; 1M, 10M, 50M all
were tried. Despite giving the right remedy if you have to repeat it or go
higher and yet the medicine does not work, then that medicine is wrong

Another remedy that is very close, but does not come on repertorisation is
LACHESIS. The peculiarity is eloquence—command on speech and language
and thoughts so much so that they cannot lose any debate (OPIUM, CANN-
SATV They like to argue. Talk like a master on any subject, but are basically
very indolent, like to sleep, profound sleep. Great loquacity and afterwards
stupid and irritable. Their debating goes on to such an extent that they go
on arguing stupidly and irritate you. This is again a syphilitic trend.
Generally these patients are hilarious, become excited at trifles, loquacious
and very sleepy. If eloquence goes to more hilarity with syphilitic aspect,
then think of CANN-SAT). Vivaciousness has to be on the mental and the
physical plane.

The remedy given was LACHNANTHES.

Video clipping 6:
This is a case of a girl about 8 or 9 years old.

Observation: The child is restless, rocking, hiding, mischievous, makes

faces, grimaces, and has awkward behavior—foolish and more than that the
child is idiotic. She has a cleft palate, which was stitched. She is playing
antics—making gestures to attract attention, more or less idiotic gestures.
Playing pranks, something abnormal, not a performance.

She knows very well that she is being videoed, she is just trying to tease, and
she is not shy of the camera.

There was a case in the OPD where the patient while giving his history asked
the doctors around "have you seen a case like this" so many times. This was
playing antics—he is actually trying to impress upon people and draw their
attention towards himself. It means playing with the intention of attracting.

So idiotic + antics plays—the common remedies are; APIS, BELLADONA,





Her remedy was CICUTA.

Cicuta: Basic thing of CICUTA is playing with soft things, soft toys. So they
love fur, etc. CICUTA children have a habit of catching hold of ear lobule of
self or mother or of others also, or mother's stomach. I have treated a girl
aged almost 16 to 17 years who had the desire to hold something soft even
in the bus. Also, ask for history of fall over the head in childhood and how
many times.

I have seen CICUTA children fall very often on the head, as their head is so
heavy that they always fall on the head. This particular constitution is prone
to head injury or prone to become ill after effects of this that is they will
injure their head and develop either psoric, sycotic, or syphilitic symptoms
after head injury.

Do not give CICUTA, ARNICA, for head injury; find out whether the
constitution is NAT-SULPH !

Hyoscyamus: HYOSCYAMUS children are hyperactive. They tease, incite,

try to make you angry, are shameless, mischievous, and at the same time
are very naive; they tell the plain truth.

They do not speak much lies when they are in the psoric state. But I have
seen patients of HYOSCYAMUS telling the plain truth because they are
shameless. My brother had a wonderful case of schizophrenia where this
man aged 25-26 years was about to get married and a girl had come to see
him. Every girl who came to see him, he would go inside and bring his box of
medicines and show the girls the medicines that he has been taking; this is
for my insanity! All girls would run away. So he was becoming naked, that is
shameless, revealing all secrets. These people do not know how to keep

On that basis, we gave him HYOSCYAMUS; he got cured and even got
married, and went to Dubai also. So, the right remedy does miracles.
Nakedness does not mean removing pant, shirt, etc, it also means opening
up, throwing out.

The peculiarity of HYOSCYAMUS I have seen in young boys is that they like
to play cricket and they are good spin bowlers or batsman or even good
chess players. The higher the degree of HYOSCYAMUS, the better the
bowler. They spin ball as if spinning a web, they are trying to deceive, incite,
as if "come and hit now". They also make good batsman like Ajay Jadeja—
full of vigor and strength. Another example is of chess players; they are
secretive, fast, know how to play and deceive, all quick-witted remedies are
good players (OPIUM).

Ignatia: This remedy also comes in antics plays and idiocy. It is hysterical

The psoric IGNATIA that I prescribe for is very diligent, young, lean, and
thin. They sit on the chair without support.

They have a mental face with long tapering chin, very sensitive eyes, and are
very obedient good girls.

They do not smile, laugh, or communicate much, they answer nice, sober to
the point, offended easily.

They are chilly and thirstless.

They always come after exams are over and results are out, with ailments
from loss of rank or a friend getting more marks; very sensitive to loss of
position in society.

Psoric and sycotic IGNATIA are totally different.

Sycotic IGNATIA is one with a round face, stout, with hardly any neck, fat,
very courageous, sensitivity still remains but now they are more
sentimental—write poems, and then they come up with diseases like

Syphilitic IGNATIA is as mentioned in the books; hysterical, crying, weeping,

offended easily, ailments from grief, etc.

Merc-sol: This is more syphilitic on the mental sphere. MERCURY is a

strong revolting person, can fight or do things on own without anyone's help.
Always ask such people if a rickshaw driver deceives you, what will you do?
"I will not leave him. How dare he deceive me? I will fight." MERCURY is
always ready to fight, terrorist. Whether something is right or wrong, I do not
like it. It has to be according to me. He wants what he wants. He will do
whatever he wants. There is an impulse to kill when contradicted, defiant.

MERCURY is very thirsty, has profuse perspiration, and is aggravated at

night. Psoric and syphilitic MERCURY is thin, but a sycotic MERCURY is fat.
But in no miasm do they lose their mobility or activity.

Though mercury is the heaviest metal, you cannot hold it. But if a chalk
falls, it will remain there and there only.

Causticum: Psoro-sycotic. It has paralysis, but with laxity and looseness of

muscles. There is no cutting, ulceration, destruction, or bleeding.
CAUSTICUM is an angry young man ready to fight for injustice; injustice
support cannot. He will fight when something wrong is being done, ardent,
revolutionary, thirstless and is better cold drinks. CAUSTICUM is always
aggravated by stress and strain (this is not there in MERCURY).

Merc-cor: With all revolutionary ideas, MERC-COR is more often thin and
syphilitic miasm is more prominent. It is more corrosive. Both (MERC-SOL
and MERC-COR) are revolting, defiant, aggravated at night, but MERC-COR
is thirstless. When it talks, voice is like coming from a metal tube (as if with
nasal twang). In Phatak's introduction of MERC-COR, a very golden indication
is given, which has helped me cure even incurable diseases like
arrhythmias, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, etc. Anything as if through a
metal tube is MERC-COR. Talks as if through metal tube, cough as if through
metal tube, and passes stools as if through metal tube.
Video clipping 7:
This is a young patient with malignancy. We could make her survive for 8 to
9 years; she went walking to "Vaishnav Devi" (pilgrimage). She has a strong,
motive, positive face, confident, and metallic character. She was the boss of
the house. She is also very business minded. In her history, she says, "I am
not scared, if anyone comes to me, I am going to kill them." She is a very
strong syphilitic lady. The remedy given to her was ABROTANUM. Allen's
says it is a remedy for a small child who takes a knife and threatens to cut
you into pieces.

Video clipping 8:
This is a case of scleroderma. What do you see in her? How is she talking?
Graceful, respectable, but reserved. There is no facial expression and in the
whole case nothing is talking, neither her face nor her tongue. She is
answering only what is asked, giving very limited answers. So, the rubric is;
talk indisposed to. The patient does not talk, her face does not talk. This is a
big rubric with 268 remedies. The important remedies in this rubric are;
and KALIs.

Carbons: What does carbon do in blood? It displaces oxygen from blood. So

in hemoglobin, the oxygen is less and you feel suffocated. So, with increase
of carbon dioxide, psora is affected, that is respiration is affected, there is no
exchange of materials, so there is stasis leading to slowness. Because of so
much of stasis and accumulation of carbon dioxide, the person is indisposed to
talk and there is air hunger. Because of accumulation, the waste products
are not thrown out and there is offensiveness—all discharges are offensive;
sweat, urine, stool, especially in coma.

If a patient in coma is stinking, think about CARBO-VEG, BAPTISIA,

PSORINUM, etc. in that order.

There is tiredness, fatigue, and laxity. CARBONS act well on skin, glands,
and blood. Never well since the last illness; measles, jaundice, typhoid,
abortion, etc. If there are metabolic problems leading to stasis, think of
CARBO-VEG. The balance is disturbed due to lack of oxygen, toxic proteins
are getting accumulated, the cell itself is being digested as body starts taking
help of body proteins. Even severe anemia can occur.

Now what is the difference between unfortunate feeling and forsaken and
abandoned? Unfortunate is more sycotic. It means everything is not yet lost;
there can be compensation here. This I have seen in many ladies who have
been victims of a strong dictatorial husband. So many times, we think of
STAPHYSAGR1A, but forget CARBON or CARBO-VEG. She has been so much
under the pressure of an angry husband, she cannot fight back out of
timidity; all CARBONS are timid. They do not fight, but keep brooding and
they survive and like that only they go into laxity, which causes either
hemorrhoids, bleeding or non-bleeding, varicose veins or weakness or
prolapse (sycosis at work). Prolonged grief is directly proportionate to sycosis.
There is stasis, indifference, apathy, despair, and yet can make verses. There
is anxiety aggravated 4-6 p.m.; like LYCOPODIUM, which is a close associate
of CARBO-VEG. CARBO-VEG desires fan though chilly, desires air in motion.
Thirst is not specific. / always search for unfortunate feeling in sycotic
disease and forsaken feeling in syphilitic diseases. Forsaken or abandoned
means everything is lost.

Graphites: This is the brother of CARBO-VEG. GRAPHITES is timid, fearful,

weak-willed, sad, gloomy, despondent, with dull mind, and magnetism
ameliorates. Trifles seem important and that is why they appear fastidious.
This is a situation of a sensitive wife who does not get affection and attention
from her husband who is very busy. CARBO-VEG it is dictatorialness and
strong dominance, which causes problems and in GRAPHITES it is because
of lack of affection. Many Homoeopaths or wives of successful doctors could

I had a beautiful case of a Homoeopath whose wife was suffering from

recurrent abortions. Her husband was so busy from morning to night, a
Homoeopath practicing pure Allopathy. He had no time for his wife. Wife
would remain alone with her mother-in-law, which she did not like. Her
CMV, toxoplasma virus titers were very high. With a single dose of
GRAPHITES all her reports came back to normal. This is more of chronic

In the syphilitic GRAPHITES, there is mocking, sarcasm, cracked nails and


Petroleum: Confused mind, irresolute, forgetful, very subdued feeling as if

full of carbon dioxide at the same time there is also a delusion of being
double with exaggerated ideas, hysteria and fear. The patient is aggravated
motion and thunderstorm. The skin is oversensitive, dry and cracked.
Problems come and go suddenly. There are alternating complaints,
exuberance alternating with sadness, exuberance alternating with
discouragement, excitement alternating with sadness. I understand
petroleum is deep down under the sea or rocks and it does not do anything
there, so there is stasis. It has two phases. One is sycotic shallow and
second when you apply fire (syphilitic) to it, you can send it to the moon also.
This explains the alternating states of petroleum, poles apart, especially with
skin problems along with it.

I had a case referred to me by one of the most eminent Homoeopath in

Bombay. He was treating the case since past 15 years and the patient was
getting better and then aggravated again and again. He was a businessman.
Whenever he was in one state, he would become so active that he could open
up new and new factories and again after one year he would go into
depression and not go to the office also to look after his business. This
alternating state of mind, which occurred, the doctor thought was due to the
effect of his medicine. When he would give some medicine, the patient
comes out of it and then again goes down. But this cycle could go on even
when the medicine was removed. Just to confirm I asked for history of any
skin eczema? The patient answered, yes it is there on the thigh region since
childhood. These alternating states of petroleum are very important. When
he applied anything on the skin, the lesion would go away, and he would go
into depression. When the skin lesion would come up, even he would come
up. Therefore, this was alteration between the neuroectoderm and the
ectoderm, so it is a hysterical remedy. Endoderm and mesoderm is not
involved. I have 3 cases of carcinoma, which got completely cured with this
remedy with this state present.

Granite: The patient is very haughty, introvert; silent, dull, talk indisposed
to, and sits totally emotionless. I had a case of a father who was not even
interested in his daughter's marriage. She told him I am getting married and
he said, 'here take this 20,000 rupees and go and get married. I will give you
money; you buy a flat in Pune and get settled there.' When I asked him why?
He said, "I do not like this dancing, laughing, exhibiting, this procession. I
hate enjoyment. If I become the Prime Minister of India, the first thing I will do
is ban all the bandwalas. Basically, I am against all celebrations."

Now, what do you call this person? This is exactly the story of a rock. In a
real rock-like person, this remedy works wonders. This man also liked granite
in his house. They can be both hot and chilly; they are not affected by sun or
moon. They are thirstless and constipated. Unfortunately, GRANITE is not
available in India, you ask for GRANITE, they give you GRANATUM, which is
totally different. It is an anti-helmenthic. It is made from pomegranate. It is
also a hysterical remedy like CINA, with worms, hyperactivity, constant
irritation, nagging, ladies who go into hysterical fits on slightest fight with
their husband.
The remedy given was GRANITE.

Video clipping 9:
This is case of a female coming with suppressed eczema and arthritis. She
could not walk. I had tried almost everything. She complains of burning,
itching and pain aggravated by soap water. She closes eyes while talking
about some tormented subject; like pain, suffering, eyes open otherwise. She
has tremendous anxiety and is a hot patient. The rubric that I took was eyes
closed melancholia with. Melancholia is sadness. When she is talking about
some tormenting subject that is pain, she closes her eyes. The pain is
making her close her eyes. There are only two remedies in that rubric—ARG-
NIT and SEPIA. She was given ARG-NIT Sycotic ARG-NIT is obese, strong
and want to show that good part of self, that is how efficient she is.

Video clipping 10:

A lady around 75 years old, when telling about her complaints, she was
talking, crying loud and when suddenly when I took her from her complain
to some other subject, I spoke about her granddaughter, her talk changed
(slow volume). This lady would talk loudly and again go in slow volume; she
would be hardly audible. This is not secrecy; there is no one in the room.
This is talks pst, pst, pst, that is talking as whisper. The only remedy is
MOSCHUS. She was hysterical; the change in her moods was so evident.

I give a lot of importance to the way a patient talks.

There are other types of talks, which I would like to bring to your notice.

Wavering talk—this is typical Om Prakash talk—talks up and down. This

could be like talk of mygale—talk jerky, typical tremulous voice.

Talk hasty is very easy to make out.

Let us take an example of an actor of the yester years—Dilip Kumar. He

takes very long to narrate one sentence. This is verses makes, slow speech,
and talk lengthy. If I am called to treat Mr. Vajpayee, our Prime Minister,
these are the first rubrics that I will take.

Talk is something, which comes from inside, the genetic code, so it cannot
deceive you. But it is dangerous to prescribe only on that as most of the
remedies are not proved well to the extent that they can produce a talk
disorder, so that is why only limited remedies will be available. But if a
remedy with the generals and thermals is matching, you can use it.

Video clipping 11:

What do you observe? This boy has come with a huge swelling on the testis.
Father says he likes to sit in a very relaxed manner and everywhere he sits
relaxed. There is something abnormal in his behavior—he is effeminate.
When asked about his dreams, he said, "you mean dream in English?" "The
dream is, I am lying on a golden bed with hands and legs apart. I have
people around me taking care of me. In fact, they are my friends and I am
laughing at them." I gave him PLATINA on the basis of effeminate + he is a
king and laughing at his friends. Incidentally, his father was cured with
PLATINA. Father was suppressed by me 15 to 17 years back. I suppressed
his cold with ARG-NIT and he finally ended up with psoriasis (syco-

Video clipping 12:

This is a female patient complaining of pain and swelling.
Patient: The swelling is troubling me very much. It has been there since a
long time, why is it not going?

Dr. Vijayakar: This lady also has been coming to me since a very long time
and after so many years I got her remedy.
Patient: When I walk, it increases and when I sit it disappears.

Dr. Vijayakar: Every time she comes, she goes on crying and goes on saying
that she is not better. I said it is because of tension, grief.
Patient: It is not because of tension! (with raised voice). Swelling is also
because of grief!

Dr. Vijayakar: Patient sounded a little annoyed. She is expressive.

Patient: If it is because of tension, I should have got blood pressure.

Dr. Vijayakar: Then I reminded her of an episode when her blood pressure
did shoot up.
Patient: Ya, I had an episode of blood pressure, but now everything is
normal. I could not even talk, so I had to call the doctor home. After that
medicine was given and you have also treated me, now I am normal, I do not
have any pressure now. Now there is no worry. I have given all the worry to

Dr. Vijayakar: Six months back, you had giddiness also?

Patient: Ya, for one month I was at home. Now everything is normal, why
are you talking about tension?

Dr. Vijayakar: The story behind is that she has three daughters. One is
married; the other two are past 30 years and are unmarried. The first
daughter who is married does not have a child. Okay, my daughter does not
have a child, I do have tension, but then it should cause disease, why this
swelling. With daughter's problems, my heart burns. I am a mother (weepy
now). What happens to those children whose parents die when they are
small, don't they grow. My husband's mother and father died when he was a
small child, now he is 70 years old. Didn't he grow? It is not in my hands;
whatever has to happen will happen. Why should I bother? Tension is there,
but I have to live my life. Everything has to go on, as it should. I have no
grief or tension, nothing. If my daughter does not have a child, what can I
do? I have given everything to God. I get shifting pains. In spite of swelling
and pain, I am going out, not sitting at home.

Is there anxiety of health? No. This is positiveness. She is philosophical,
reasonable, and positive (walking despite pain). There is no resignation also.
She does become emotional while talking. She is talking plain facts. She is
not rationalizing or giving reason. She is arguing. She is dependent on the
doctor and arguing with the doctor. (So, she was given KALI-CARB, but
without relief.) Here she is rebelling. I said something for her good and she
is arguing with me.

So, the rubrics are rebelling against poultice + chilly + thirstless + positive +

Remedy given to her was SEPIA (quarrels when pitied). (NAT-MUR—weeps

when pitied.) We know SEPIA to be indifferent, but it is there in
hypochondriac also. Other remedies that come up are—NIT-ACID and
STAPHYSAGRIA. She was given STAPHYSAGRIA without relief.
Chapter 21:
Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

We want to raise the level of Homoeopathy, where no other science can even
think of overpowering or putting it down. The scientific process, which has
started will take us to the heights of success. Every man, every shoulder,
every person has to take the burden of carrying this beautiful dynamic
science to success. Of course, it is not a process, which requires energy; it is
a passive process and not an active one. We are not carrying load or burden
upwards. Just give a right stimulus and everything will follow. It will remove
the toxic products from now ongoing practices among Homoeopaths and
purify it. Homoeopathy has to come up one day and we need a right
comprehensive stimulus. It is very vast; it is an ocean, it cannot end. We are
just giving you a part, the right trend.

The cases that we have shown you in the last seven days are:
♦ Down's syndrome.
♦ Adenocarcinoma.
♦ Sturge-Weber syndrome.
♦ Hydronephrosis with cortical thinning.
♦ Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
♦ Macular degeneration of retina.
♦ Erythrodermic psoriasis.
♦ Ischemic heart disease.
♦ Imbecility.
♦ Schizophrenia.
♦ Global ulcerative colitis.
♦ Autism.
♦ Rickets.

What rubrics will you give importance to in psoric diseases like arthritis,
eczema, etc., any condition with 'itis'- anxiety and irritability. So, today we
will discuss the most important rubric—anxiety. What are the different types
of anxieties that you observe in day-today practice? Anxiety about health,
conscience, family, children, business, money, and anticipation.

Video clipping 13:

Female with anxious look, complaining of severe constipation; has to sit for
an hour to pass stools.

Patient: I feel like my anus is small and stools are very hard. Nothing comes
out from there. It pains me very badly. I used to get hard motion previously
also, but it was not so bad. My second problem is sinus. You are never
available on phone. Please pick up your phone, please; it is never picked up.
Dr. Vijayakar: She is complaining that she cannot approach me. What is
her expression? Is it constant anxiety or fear? It is anxiety about small
problems. There is anxiety that I do not pick up the phone and then
suddenly she smiles and laughs. She is pregnant.

Patient: I am getting backache also. Please Prafullbhai, do something, you

are telling me not to apply moove (pain killing ointment) and not to take
cremaffin, etc. why? What will happen to my child inside if I apply moove
outside? My first child always remains sick and I have to run frequently to
Hinduja Hospital. Children are useless.

Dr. Vijayakar: Thirst

Patient: Not at all.

Dr. Vijayakar: What environment you like?

Patient: Cold

Dr. Vijayakar: Now, what are the salient features here? She is very
expressive, quarreling with the doctor (to answer the phone, about her
disease), but it is a friendly one, not with vengeance. She is also laughing,
jesting (the way she talks about her children, not the way an ordinary
mother will talk about). She is asking for sympathy, for help, for attention.
She is demanding without real intention of quarrelling with anxiety. She is
jesting. She is hot, thirstless, and has aggression. This is anxiety of KALI. In
the anxious state, KALI quarrels with bread and butter. Here she is
dependent on me and yet quarrels. The remedy is KALI-IOD.

Other remedies one can think of are:

Pulsatilla: In the psoric state, PULSATILLA is not quarrelsome, they will ask
why this is not going, why is this like this? PULSATILLA will quarrel in a
sycotic state. They can be authoritative. Self-centered. They demand. I will
not go anywhere; I will take treatment from here only. Dominating, wants
sympathy, better by consolation. A psoric PULSATILLA desires consolation, is
meek, mild, weepy, is better by consolation, and asks for sympathy, "you are
sure this will be fine?"

KALI is an extrovert in psoric state. They become introverted in sycotic state.
They are always anxious, tensed, timid, startled. Also, they can be
loquacious, with face tapering down, and thirsty or thirstless. KALIs are
taught as very conscientious and family oriented. I completely disagree with
this picture of KALI. I have tried this before, but never got result. Try the
other picture of KALI. All KALIs are non-conscientious, and are not at all
attached to their family. Not a single KALI is there in the rubric conscientious,
yet our Materia Medica books say conscientious. They do their duty and
follow rules strictly (will not break signal), because of timidity and anxiety
they anticipate there must be a Police Officer there and I might get caught.
Therefore, it is better that I go slow. Timidity prevents them from breaking
rules. Many rubrics related to family are anti-KALI. Quarrelsome with family,
charitable with others and not with the family, estranged from family, not a
single rubric shows that KALI is family oriented They take care of family out
of the fear that their family might suffer.

Let us see some rubrics:

Abusive and insulting with family members: KALI-IOD.
Aversion to family members: KALI-CARB.
Delusion danger from his family: KALI-BROM.
Irritability with her family: KALI-IOD.
Quarrelsome and scolding his family: KALI-CARB and KALI-IOD.
Unfeeling, hardhearted for his family: KALI-IOD.
Cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity: KALI-PHOS.

There is no rubric, which says KALI loves family and takes care of his family
or is attached to his family. I do not know from where this concept has
come that KALI is for the family.

Anxiety can be of two types; aggressive and regressive.

Regressive remedies do not express like CALCAREA, BARYTA, NATRUM,

CALCAREA anxiety is not aggressive. There is a lot of anticipation. They are

timid and want a shell.

Every remedy walks in and out of your clinic, showing you signs and
symptoms and we are idiots that we do not recognize it. This was said by Dr.
Kent. You should know different natural trait for this. We have to pick them.
Chapter 22:
Dr. Prafull Vijayakar:

Now we come to the cell. In a cell, potassium is inside and sodium is

outside. Whenever there is any external attack or any stimulus, potassium
starts going out of the cell. There is no affinity for the cell. It goes out. It is
forced into action by the sodium-potassium pump using energy. Similarly, in
case of attack, KALI instead of protecting the family it will first start running
away. The proportion of sodium and potassium in the cell is 1:2 or 2:3 that
is potassium is double of sodium. Potassium and sodium are opposite to each
other in action. NATRUM is an introvert, very close and attached to family. In
KALI, there is no family attachment. He will look after the family only out of
a sense of duty and not out of attachment. Potassium will look after the
health of the cell only because of duty, but if any external stimulus comes, it
is the first to leave the cell.

Let us see some video clippings now:

Video clipping 1:
The remedy is ARSENIC. The patient is sober and graceful. Grace has to be
there to prescribe ARSENIC. They have a nice, civilized manner of putting
things across the table without undue aggression. (KALI has aggressive

Video clipping 2:
The patient is doing fine, everything is okay, but the doctor is going out of
town for a few days and the anxiety comes up.

Patient: Doctor, you are going to go away, what if something happens to

me? Am I going to go mad or what? I am getting all these silly thoughts.

Dr. Vijayakar: Tremendous anticipatory anxiety. She has anxiety for her
sister, mother, her family, and herself, anxiety for everything.

Patient: Something will happen to my family. Something is happening in my

stomach. Is it cancer or something? Should I get an x-ray done? If one
thought comes in my mind, it goes on and on. I know it is because of my
thoughts, but I cannot help it.

Dr. Vijayakar: Her manner of complaining is mild, not aggressive. She is

timid, wants affection, magnetism from the doctor. She wants the doctor to
be there. She is chilly and thirsty with a slow speed. She has a long face with
sharp features.
All anxieties + anxiety for health, so is this CALCAREA? But CALCAREA is not
given in anxiety happen something will to the family. Also, CALCAREA has
rounded features, not sharp like hers. She is of a tubercular built.

Her remedy is PHOSPHORUS. She has anxiety arising out of discontentment

of health. PHOSPHORUS has a slow as well as fast speed. It is given in both
the rubrics. In the sycotic phase, PHOSPHORUS is slow. She has a mole on
her face, that is she is a born sycotic, but presently in the psoric phase. She
does not have any sycotic expression of the disease like a tumor or a fibroid
since it is compensated in the form of a mole in the least important organ,
which is the skin. In the psoric phase, PHOSPHORUS has fear of
thunderstorm; fear something will creep from the corner, startling, and
highly dynamic anxiety.

This is not mixed miasm. Miasm is only a defense. Constitution only has
proneness or tendency to develop that disease. Every disease has to develop
from psora to sycosis to syphilis. The first defense is always psora, that is an
inflammation. Psora is the mother of all miasms. This inflammatory
tendency will never go. No disease exists without primary inflammation. Then
the secondary defense depends on the miasm.

Now, let us see the rubric anxiety health of and the major drugs that it
contains: Let us divide them into hot and chilly drugs.

♦ Aggressive remedies: KAU-ARS, NIT-ACID, and PHELLANDRIUM.
can be a hot or chilly drug. If the CALCAREA element predominates, then
it is chilly and vice versa. Phatak and Clarke mention it as a chilly
remedy; Kent mentions it as hot.)
♦ Introverted remedies: PHOSPHORUS, PHOS-ACID, and SEPIA.


1. Kali-ars: The KALI element makes it timid, angry, quarrelsome, and

anxious with startling. The ARSENIC element of this is, anxiety,
conscience of, restless at night, insecurity, fastidious, and fearful. This is
not a synthetic prescription. This is just to remember the drug.

2. Nitric-acid: While anxious, the NIT-ACID patient starts traveling, that is

takes a car or travels in train and goes away, this ameliorates their
anxiety. It is not the open air that ameliorates; it is the riding in carriage
that ameliorates. Mental anxiety is better by physical motion. Also, he is
chilly, thirstless, and craves refreshing things (like all acids). The patient
is also malicious, unmoved by apologies, and will never forgive or forget

3. Phellandrium: This is an angry, irritable remedy very similar to NUX-

VOM with severe neuralgic headaches, sensation as if something is
striking against a metal. It has clanging headaches, like bells ringing after
overuse of eyes and an aversion to water and light (NUX-VOM has
aversion to light, but has increased thirst). The eyes are half-open due to
the neuralgic headaches; the patient cannot open eyes.

(GELSEMIUM keeps his eyes half-open due to heaviness of eyes, sleepy

but cannot sleep, timid, mild with bodyache and dull headaches.
GLONOINE has bursting headaches; BELLADONA has throbbing
headaches. BELLADONA, GLONOINE, LIL-TIG have severe headaches
due to hyper-working of the cardiovascular system causing an increased
blood supply to the head.)

The patient can sleep while standing, e.g. I had a case where I was
examining a patient and another patient was standing in the cabin with a
wall support waiting for me. By the time I could come and examine him,
he had already gone to sleep. The patient is vivacious and cheerful
without the headaches-. This is one of the lesser-used remedies for
anxiety for health.

4. Carbons: Most of the CARBONS like' CARBO-VEG, PETROLEUM,

GRAPHITES, etc. have a mild, dull aching headache, not throbbing. This is
due to stasis and congestion, the supply is okay, but the excreta and waste
cannot be thrown out of the body.

5.Lycopodium: Only the complete repertory gives LYCOPODIUM 3+ in

anxiety health for. No other repertory (Kent, Synthetic, etc) even mentions
LYCOPODIUM in anxiety for health. The basic feeling in LYCOPODIUM is not
of anxiety for health, but it is the fear of suffering, he is a coward, so he fears
that if I suffer, will I be able to bear it? He will want to be thoroughly
investigated; he is forced to go to the doctor because of this fear of suffering.
It is a right-sided remedy.

6.Sulphur: This is more of a left-sided remedy. Anxiety of health prevents

the patient from getting investigations done, as he is not ready to face the
future. He has a fear that if anything comes positive, will I get all right or no?
If something comes positive, then what will happen? Therefore, he will
rationalize the whole situation; will give excuses for not getting the
investigations done because of this fear. He will flatter you a lot. He will say,
'doctor if you give me medicines, I will be all right.'

7.China-ars: CHINA element—weak, indolent, gastric problems aggravated

motion and aggravated empty stomach. The patient will complain, but is not
aggressive nor is he silent either. He is constantly complaining, tormented
feeling, reverse frown, aversion to being disturbed "leave me as I am".

ARS element—problems arise after a loss in business, critical,

censorious, restless is better by motion, anxiety of disease, especially

This remedy has ailment from excessive joy (COFFEA) prior to the
sadness and the tormented feeling there was a history of excessive joy.

8.Caladium: Very strict about their dietary regimen, can go to the extent of
being finicky. There is no looseness, tremendous anxiety for health
(CALCAREA). With UTI or sexual affections or fever, etc., there is marked
sleepiness and whenever they go to sleep, they are aggravated. Despite
having this marked anxiety for health, the patient will not take his medicines
as he has a fear of being harmed by medicines. Foolish courages, will take
risk where not required. (CALCAREA wants medicines as it wants
protection.) Eats with a lot of restrictions, eats without hunger and drinks
without thirst. His habits are according to the timetable made, as there is an
anxiety that if I do not follow this, I will get indigestion, UTI, etc. that is
patient is timed with foolish boldness and fear of falling ill.

9.Palladium: The patient will refuse medicines as he fears it will affect him,
therefore, he will go for more natural methods of recovery like yoga, dieting,
and some alternative system of medicine.

Video clipping 3:
This is the video of a female patient.

Patient: I am a principled and an extremely religious person. I want

everything to happen as per the rules and regulations laid down in religion.
My husband says I should not be so hard and fast with respect to religion. I
am very particular about these things, but my husband is very open and
clear to all differences. He always tells me not to be overly religious. Our
attitude towards our children is also different. My husband is very free with
children; I am very strict. Children have to be obedient.

Once my daughter had been out for a date and she honestly came home and
told me about this. I punished her for this. My husband said you don't have
to punish a truly honest child. What is the use of you being so overly
religious if you cannot be open? If you do this, your children will have hatred
towards religion.

Dr. Vijayakar: She stresses on rules and regulations, especially in the

religious affection.
Patient: I feel I am a very bad person and God has given me everything
good, a good, understanding, loving, sympathetic husband, a good father.

Dr. Vijayakar: The patient had punished her daughter, this affected the
daughter very badly and she developed cancer of the thyroid gland. At this
time, the patient was under a lot of stress.

Patient: I feel if God punishes me, will I be able to take this punishment? I
want to be good, but I am a human so I automatically surrender to my
emotions. This fear gives me palpitations. Tomorrow if God asks me for
something will I be able to give him?

Dr. Vijayakar: This patient is sober, gently, nicely presenting her

complaints, no aggressive anxiety. She is also austere, that is strict,
disciplined, stuck to rules. Despite being religious, she is acting wrongly. Her
daughter has been operated and now is fine. She feels that "God has
punished me, but fortunately now I am out of it, what if God punishes me

This is anxiety of conscience—this is a syphilitic tendency. Such people

will go into syphilitic diseases if not controlled in time. People with anxiety
as if guilty of crime go into self-destruction.

Anxiety is either directed outwards or inwards. Psoric anxiety is directed

outward, what will happen? Doctor, please do something for me. This anxiety
is not directed towards self.

In how many different ways will this anxiety present?

♦ The patient says, it is me who is responsible, I am bad, it is my fault

and I should get punished for this, not others. There is self-reproach,
self-judgment, or killing self from within. This anxiety is directed towards
own life and own self. This is an internal anxiety that leads to destruction
within. The patient will not ask you to save him. Such people go into
autoimmune diseases.
♦ The patient comes and says I am little better, but not very much.
Most of my complaints are status quo. I will speak to you later when you
have time, as there are many patients sitting outside (not bothered about
♦ The patient is very sick and suffering from high-grade fever, but when
he realizes that the doctor is not well or has to leave urgently, he will
calmly say, 'it is okay doctor, you attend to your work first, I will come
♦ Despite not being well, patient says that he is doing fine, everything is
okay, but when you come to the physical particulars you realize that all
his complaints are status quo. They say they are fine so as not to hurt
you. They are afraid of hurting you. They feel, I do not mind getting the
repercussion, but the doctor should not.
♦ Some very serious patient, e.g. an old lady in the house or a new
daughter-in-law who is suffering from arthritis, and there are people
around her who are serving her, when these patients come and say,
doctor please make me fine soon, I do not want to trouble others because
of me. This again is anxiety of conscience, self is less important here

Some other examples are:

♦ The doctor is sick or has to go for some urgent home visit or has to
attend some family function and yet some patient comes and says doctor
attend me at least, leave other patients aside, just see me for two minutes
and then you leave—these patients are selfish, not bothered about
others, they desire attention.

♦ Many patients write their symptoms in a chit. This also could give us so
many clues. This could again be anxiety conscience of as the patient
writes everything down to save his own time, the doctor's time, and the
time of the patients sitting outside in the waiting room.

But some do it; as they are very fastidious, meticulous, do not want to
miss on any point, like an ARS patient.

Others do it out of lack of confidence. They say doctor when I am in front

of you, I tend to forget everything. They also write it down so that they do
not miss out anything out of insecurity (CALCAREA, SILICEA, LAC-CAN).

Some bring in the chit, but read it themselves only. They will not let the
doctor read it out of the fear that whether the doctor will be able to
understand everything or not. They have a fear of being misunderstood—

Some people have a habit of saying sorry for nonsense things, minute things
of least importance—these are syphilitic. Here there is no anxiety of
conscience involved. It is an exaggeration, distortion, or hysteria. They do
not say sorry from within; it is only to show how much they are concerned or

People who do apologize, but not from within, are sycotic in nature.
But those people who apologize right from the heart have anxiety of
conscience within them. e.g. A person thinks 'if I do not tell them, I will be
harmed and if I do tell them, they will be harmed. What do I do?' This man
has anxiety conscience of; he is jammed in this situation where he does not
know what to do.

Slander disposition to: Means a desire to culminate, a tendency to

maliciously recount false rumors and tales about others (he will sit outside
in the hall and talk ill and bad about others inside). This is more of a
syphilitic disposition.
Now let us see remedies in the rubric anxiety conscience of:


(< heat and cold draft also, very near to LYCOPODIUM).
Both hot and chilly : DIGITALIS.

Conscientious remedies with anxiety conscience of are ARS-ALB and AURUM.

Arsenic-alb: Anticipatory anxiety, grace, fastidiousness, austere (strict).

The physical generals include thirst for sips, desire for warm drinks, chilly,
and blackness in general—of skin, discharges, etc.

Do not mix up conscientious and anxiety, conscience of.

Conscientious is having a sense of right and wrong.
Anxiety conscience of is when the persons themselves feel they are right,
whereas they may be wrong. It is according to them.
e.g. Vibishan helped Lord Ram as he was a conscientious person. He did
not like his brother Ravana taking away Sita. This conscientiousness caused
him to switch over sides to Lord Ram.

Aurum: Duty conscious, responsible, industrious, dominating, dictatorial,

that is he is a metal and is authoritative. A chilly metal with self-reproach,
but thirst is not like that of ARS-ALB. He cannot tolerate contradiction. There
is self-judgment, self-reproach, and self-destruction.

There are two types of syphilitic defences.

♦ Apolysis: Lysis of self, destruction of self.

♦ Necrosis: Destruction of a part of the organism, by the organism to save
himself. Destroying something else with a selfish motive.

So now which one do you think is better??

Necrosis is better, as here the body still has love for life present to some extent
so it is trying to cut off some part. This is more syco-syphilitic. So in necrosis
the patient is contended with destruction.

There is a rubric in AURUM, which says, laughing when thinking of death,

thoughts of death with smiling and laughing. This happens in many cases of
renal failures. The patient keeps saying he is fine, but the disease is
progressing and internally he is dying.
Hence, any disease, which is cutting off something to live, is necrotic.
Any disease, which is destroying one's self without sense of reproach or love
for life is apolysis as is seen in AURUM.

Now what is rheumatoid arthritis? It is again destruction only, destruction of

bones and joints. Also cancer has both types of defenses. Some have
destructive tendency with a lot of anxiety as in rodent ulcer. Some cancerous
growths are hidden. They grow at the cost of the patient, e.g. as in the case
of kidney tumors, which are detected only when the kidney function is
hampered to a large extent; and yet the patient is not bothered.

Now let us talk about non-conscientious + chilly remedies with anxiety of

conscience: ALUMINA and PSORINUM.

Alumina: Potatoes disagree (psoric), soft stools with straining (sycotic), or if

the neuroectoderm is affected, the patient has numbness and he feels as if
he is walking on cotton. Also, there is craving for coarse food.

In our Indian culture, it may mean that the patient craves raw rice, sauf,
supauri, etc.

Psorinum: PSORIUM has delusion that he has sinned his days of grace. This
means whatever I had, all that is lost. I could not do anything about it. God
had given me so many things and I lost it. This is the anxiety of conscience
in this drug. There is also a fear; fear of poverty though prospering well
Though the patient is doing really well in his profession / business, having
lot of money, there is constantly this fear. This is because of anticipation.
There is a lot of anticipation in this drug and he anticipates everything bad.
He is chilly with aversion to bathing (SULPHUR). Psoric miasm is associated
with nutrition and respiration for energy production and excretion of waste
products. Now, this excretion has stopped, there is constipation, these waste
products are thrown out in the form of offensiveness, e.g. offensive sweat with
aversion to bath. Even the mind is offensive with anger, irritability and fear of

Digitalis: This drug can be either chilly or hot depending in which stage the
patient comes to us. If the vitality is low with cold clammy sweat, then it is
chilly; if there is congestion, then it is hot (similar to VERAT-ALB). This is an
end-stage remedy like CAMPHOR, CARBO-VEG.

In the initial stages, when the disease is still in the psoric stage, the patient
says that "I feel bad because people are serving me and I cannot do
anything." He is timid.

In the sycotic stage, when there is accumulation of fluid as in anasacra,

ascites, fluid in the legs, etc., the patient becomes dull, sluggish, answers
vaguely, forgets everything immediately, coldness and cyanosis with nausea
and increased thirst. This is a typical picture in congestive heart failures,
encephalopathy. There is anxiety of conscience.

If the disease still progresses further and reaches the syphilitic state, the
person who was concerned about people serving him, now becomes violent
and clutches hair of nurses. He is angry on nurses, weeps (due to despair),
and clutches the hair of nurses.

Now, let us see few clippings:

Case: Video clipping:
A man came in with a complaint of palpitations with cold hands when he is
caught up in traffic. There is a sensation of choking.

Patient: I start getting palpitations and the whole body becomes cold. I
cannot bear the fan at that time, as I feel cold. I feel some sensation in the
chest. If my car is stuck up in traffic even for two minutes, I cannot bear it; I
get off and start walking. As long as the car is moving, going on, I am
absolutely fine.

Dr. Vijayakar: Once there was a huge traffic block on the highway, he
could not bear it, he just turned and took his car back and went against the
traffic. The authority stopped him and then he said he is a heart patient and
cannot tolerate all this.
Patient: So I must go even if this is a rule.

Dr. Vijayakar: Now what is this? What type of anxiety is this?

Delegates: Fear/anxiety of closed place.

Dr. Vijayakar: It is not so, as he is comfortable inside the car, worse only
when the car stops.
Delegates: Anxiety narrow place, anxiety still while keeping, anxiety motion
ameliorates, anxiety trapped, etc.

Dr. Vijayakar: What is his reaction?? This is not anxiety at all!! It is panic,
anguish (syphilitic). Emotions are taking hold of him, they are controlling
him, he is not controlling his emotions. "I have to be out of here anyhow,
even if it means going against the rules." (Violence)

He otherwise is quite timid, dominated by his wife and his family members.
He is into his family business and is given only a few thousand of rupees in
which he has to take care of his and his wife's needs. There is a suppression
of desires. His wife dominates over him asking him to retaliate back to his
elder brother, yet he is a 'good boy'.
He is a remedy, which goes into anguish. Right now, while he is expressing
he is not in anguish. He is sober, well disciplined, and well mannered, will
not express his anger, will show it calmly. His remedy was STAPHYSAGRIA.

VERAT-ALB, BELLADONNA, ANACARDIUM: These remedies express violence

even when they are well.

Case: Video clipping :

The patient came in 1999 :

This is a case of a lady who came in with this same complaint of panic
attacks. She does not know how it started.

Patient : It just started suddenly, one set of problems culminated and the
other started. I had a problem of insecurity since childhood. I had problems
with crackers, bright light, white light, light in general is a problem for me. I
was a loner as a child, would remain in a corner. I would read and paint a
lot. I am a painter.

On my way back from college to home, which is just ten minutes, I would just
feel scared. I do not know about what. I would feel a black beast chasing me.
I had a bad time as I stayed in a joint family where men were very
dominating and my mother would just let go everything and I suffered
because I had to adjust. I would not fight back. Also, some other children
were staying at home (my father's sister's kids). So, there also I had to adjust.
This became my second nature. For sake of peace, I will do anything, but now
since past 6 to 8 months, I have decided to stand up for myself. I cannot fight
back with my clients, so I am losing money. I am an interior designer. I
adjust on unnatural demands to please the client and will not charge them
extra just to be on good terms. Later on, I feel that I am doing wrong. I am
aware of my traits and now I want to get rid of them and learn to say no. I
make excuses and see if I can manage it or not, only to avoid confrontation.
Confrontation is scary for me.

Dr. Vijayakar: So, till now we a get a picture of a lady who is timid, who has
a fear of confrontation, cannot say no to people, and her reaction is
escapism. Her intellectual level is quite high, she reads a lot of books, is very
expressive, uses sophisticated language, and is artistic.

Patient: I have told a counselor about all this. I have a friend he is my

partner and guide. He is married and is ten years elder to me. He
understands me and explains me to control my emotions. He shouts at me
and asks me to fight back. Sometimes, he only fights for me and then again I
start feeling worthless. My basic nature is crusader type. I like to wander on
an unbeaten path. I cannot work where I have to ask or take permission. I
am eminent. I used to trust people very easily within five seconds. Then I feel
cheated and hurt. This partner has taught me a lot.

Dr. Vijayakar: This partner is coming too many times in picture!

Patient: I used to get this panic attack of a black beast chasing me so I was
taken to a psychiatrist who gave me injections. I felt like a nuclear bomb
bursting within my brain and then a black out. My previous memory is very
hazy. This is all I remember. If I think back, it gives me a headache. This is
disturbing me a lot; I do not know what to do about this. The only thing that
has helped me is books and medication, not meditation. I tried yoga; I
cannot concentrate on the root of the nose in yoga, feel giddy, disoriented
and get a headache.

Dr. Vijayakar: Why is meditation not always healthy? This is because you
are suppressing your thoughts. It should not be a force. Most Jain sadhus,
even Ramakrishna suffered from cancers because of these suppressions. The
other type is good that is Vipasana, wherein you just let your thoughts come
and watch them go, you are not stopping your thoughts. Let exteriorization
take place; you do not get influenced by it. This is what the patient did and
she would say I am not feeling panicky or scared.

Patient: Soni is panicky and scared. I have a fear of getting into a plane.
I cannot even think of getting into it. I feel a sense of helplessness and out of
control. I cannot open the plane door and get out. To travel in a train also
takes a lot of fighting. I avoid them, especially fast trains, because in a fast
train, I am trapped for more than 14 to 15 minutes. The train will not halt
at least 3 to 4 stations. A slow train will at least halt at every station; it will
halt every 3 minutes. I also have this fear of heights, which started after this
car accident. Till one week after the accident, I did not have any problems.
Then after a week later I started developing this. I started getting hot and
cold flushes and I would run in the house. I needed to walk fast, to move
fast, and then this vertigo started. Now I have even stopped driving.

Dr. Vijayakar: What did you do after the accident?

Patient: I very calmly, in a balanced way, got up called my mother, lodged a
police complaint. My sister was in the car. She had some head injury and
she has a tendency to exaggerate. I started feeling guilty that she is hurt
because of me.

Dr. Vijayakar: This is anxiety, conscience of.

Patient: This went on for a week and then she became fine. There was
nothing wrong with her and then I fell ill. The doctor insisted that I take
psychotherapy, I was forced to take anti-psychotic medicines and then I
refused to go to work. I even refused to go back home. I went and stayed at
my partner's place with his wife, I went to his family doctor and took those
medicines so that I will not have to take any of the psychiatrist's medicines. I
told the doctor that I was a type A personality. Now, I have changed my
name legally to Soni. I am Soni and not Trupti. I have not told this to anyone.
All these things are happening to Trupti and not to Soni who is a strong
person. If anyone calls me by my old name, my reaction is different.

Dr. Vijayakar: What did you not like about Trupti?

Patient: Trupti is an inferior person, always adjusting, not being able to do
what she wants. Soni is not like that. She has gone out into the world, she
does what she wants, and she is doing what she wants.

Dr. Vijayakar: The patient is coming out of herself and looking at herself.
Patient: Soni is what she wants to be. She cannot even imagine being
married. It is strangulation for her, staying at home and being a daughter-
in-law. Soni will not do it. I am not against marriage, but I cannot take in
the demands of marriage. Trupti was negative, could take things, she was
sentimental. Soni is sensitive; she knows where she is going, what she
should be doing. She is acting and reacting. Trupti was only reacting; she
did not know anything. I also have claustrophobia, stage fear. I cannot bear
people around me or crowding my space. I am the queen, it is my stage, but
with lights I go mad. I am used to it now. Yellow light makes me feel warm,
cozy, comfortable, and secure. White light makes me cold. I get
disorientation within me with neon lights.

Dr. Vijayakar: What about green, violet, indigo, and red?

Patient: Initially I used to get scared, but now that is not a problem. Blue
light causes some problem.

Dr. Vijayakar: What about music? I am trying to find out sensitivity to

different frequencies.
Patient: I like low soft music, base music like the type of Hemant Kumar,
not high-pitched, I get disoriented again and fell uneasy, like that of a violin.
It drives me crazy. I can work along better with elderly people. I have always
been a one-to-one person. Most of my friends are 8 to 10 years elder to me. I
connect to them very fast, can relate to them.

Dr. Vijayakar: Any dreams?

Patient: Dream of a black beast chasing me, now it has stopped chasing
me. Also I get a recurrent, strange dream wherein I am sleeping with my
mother and brother and one man comes into the room crossing my mother
and brother. I shoot him and he bleeds, there is blood on the floor and he
disappears. My mother gets up and she cleans the floor and then I suddenly
wake up.

Dr. Vijayakar: This means she is psoric-sycotic, now threatening to go into

syphilitic. Her reaction is very hysterical, too much for a slight stimulus, she
might go into a bad syphilitic disease.
Patient: The third dream is that there is a massive hall and the walls have
holes and I seem to be zooming in and zooming out—feeling giddy, I cannot
close my eyes also. Bold stripes keep dancing in front of me. I classify them
into graphical design and put them away; I pile it and keep it away. Also I
cannot bear vastness, cannot look at an open sky or sea.


♦ Intellect : High, again sycotic intellect, she piles and makes a graphic
design of her dreams.
Also she is hysterical. This is a sycotic defense + reaction is
that she must move constantly, walking up and down.
♦ Miasm : Syco-syphilitic, trying to cover up is sycotic.

Therefore, let us combine hysterical + intellectual + must move constantly.

The remedies that come up are: BELLADONNA, IGNATIA, PULSATILLA, RHUS-

Now let us see the remedy differentiation:

Belladona : Here there is no congestion, heat, redness, or suddenness.

Ignatia : She is not conscientious, as she is going after her married

Pulsatilla : She is aggravated in open space.

Rubrics taken:
♦ Impressionable, susceptible (light, music).
♦ Sensitive to violin. VIOLA- ODORATA is the only remedy. So, let us see
♦ Emotions need to be controlled by intellect. She was Trupti when
emotional, sentimental, needing to give up and she did not like that, so
she changed to Soni. She initially was right brain dominant-emotional,
artistic, creative, imaginative, philosophical, hysterical, and poetic. But
all the set of symptoms culminated after a particular period and another
set of symptoms started. She then became left-brain dominant—
analytical, logical, calculative, positive, strong, started saying no, She
knows what she wants, that is intellect predominates emotions or
emotions need to be controlled. She was cowed down, she had to adapt
and adapt, and then came Soni, she was changed by that man. She was
psoric at first and then that man changed her to sycotic and still further,
she is now going into syphilitic.

The remedy given to her was VIOLA-ODORATA.

1st Follow-up:
I used to have panic attacks. After medication, I have literally calmed down
to the point of; I think it is almost gone. I could not sit in a theatre, enjoy
music, it would be a three-hour of constant fight for me. If the music went
too loud, I would end up shutting my eyes, but today I can enjoy music. I
could not sit in a merry-go-round and now I actually went to Esselworld on the
rides and enjoyed them. Depression is much better partly due to meditation.
The feeling to do something has just begun. It is like a beginning and I want to
start it. Fear of planes is still there.

2nd Follow-up:
8 months later:
Patient: I am now able to use my right hand. I am amazed to find myself
using this, but it is comfortable. I could not even hold a spoon or pen with
my right hand since childhood, it was so weak and now I can use it! I can
write. Now if I am tired, I know my right hand is there. Previously when left
hand was tired, I would take a break. Now I am not uncomfortable on the
right side.

Dr. Vijayakar: Two weeks back, she developed pain in her left arm and she
was forced to use her right arm and she was surprised that she could use it.
That is, she is getting balanced. We are shifting her. Her right hand was
weak and now she can use it.
Patient: Another amazing part was the flights. I went on eight flights in this
month! The only problem I had was during the take off. The take off was still
a nightmare. I had some problem only 10 minutes before takeoff. I enjoyed
seeing the world from above.

Dr. Vijayakar: Previously, she did not like vastness. Now everything is
getting balanced. First the reaction was that of panic, now it is that of
anxiety. This is yet not a total cure. It still has to come down.

Follow up in 2001:

Patient: I developed skin eruptions from right to left.

Dr. Vijayakar: It has to be on both sides, as we need to balance both the
Question and Answer Session:

Delegate: A patient who is under Homoeopathic treatment and has been

given medicine just recently, say one or two weeks back and if he meets with
a head injury or bum or suffers a dog bite, then what should be done?

Dr. Vijayakar: Very frankly speaking, if patient is on the right constitutional

similimum, there are forces at work on this human body which will prevent
such an accident from producing grave or severe injuries or wounds in that
patient. Surprisingly, I have seen that if a man is destined to meet with an
accident just before giving the medicine, this man will not get so much
damage as he would have done without the genetic constitutional
similimum. If the injury is much less in proportion to the accident, then
nothing need be given because he will come out of this all by himself. Healing
is the first defense, which every living organism possesses. Like a cat or an
animal who when is injured, just lick their wounds to heal. His healing
power is stimulated.

Delegate: Skin is the largest organ for excretion. If so, how can any external
application or ointment applied locally to a small part on the skin in a small
quantity disturb the action of the medicine which is taken internally because
skin has a large area for excretion of toxins?

Dr. Vijayakar: The answer for this you will find in Guyton in the 3rd chapter
in action membrane potential, resting membrane potential, and the voltage

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