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________________________________________________________________ 1
Ewa Gałczyńska, Mgr inż. Wojciech Zabierowski, Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Napieralski
Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Technik Informatycznych, Politechnika Łódzka
Al. Politechniki 11 90-924 Łódź; E-mail: Wojtek@dmcs.p.lodz.
II. IMS- REALISATION OF CONVERGANCE also on different access networks (WLAN, PSTN, UMTS and
ON VARIOUS LEVELS wide variety of others)
IMS introduces brand new, intelligent, presence and location
IP multimedia subsystem has achieved convergence on based services and among many: presence mode, push to talk
numerous stages, among them: or interactive gaming. Technology has become personalized
and innovative.
What is also worth mentioning, Quality of Service
• Service Convergence- multiple types of services (Internet
parameters are being negotiated before IMS session is
and mobile services) are available from several access
established. QoS is essential in terms of getting pleasure from
networks and devices. Single voicemail, single customer
using the multimedia sessions, not despising new technology
care, etc are assigned to one user, no matter which
due to lack of it.
network is actually being accessed. In every case, exactly
In order to entirely understand the IMS, firstly basic
the same functionalities are available.
architecture, underlying protocols and rules of operation has
to be understood. This article would be focused on protocols
• Network Convergence- universal control functions,
and shortly on architecture overview, as they are an excellent
common service platforms, IP core network and
key to convergence and interconnection between cellular and
maintenance are being used by an operator. Merging of
internet world.
internet, cellular and fixed mobile world takes place.
• Terminal Convergence- single phone with various access IIIa. IMS ARCHITECTURE
possibilities may be introduced. One handset simplifies
usage, billing, etc. What is more the terminal doesn’t Innovative architecture plays an important role in IMS
depend on data transmitted no matter if it is voice, video, understanding since it takes direct part in session negotiation
music or plain text. and communication itself. As far as latest technology is
concerned new network nodes, interfaces and reference points
appear and all these new elements cooperating with internet
• Sales Convergence- unified tariffs, combining services,
protocols unify and bond the solution.
common branding, convergence offers are possible to be
Among many new nodes, couples of them are worth
easily implemented
describing and considering. They all belong to Control Layer,
the layer which is of the most significance.
• Subscription Convergence- user is obtaining only one bill
Main nodes of IMS
for mobile and fixed services.
• CSCF (Call Session Control Function) - the most
important part of innovative architecture. It takes direct part in
• Markets Convergence- solutions for residential, personal
routing SIP signaling packets, registration, session
and enterprise environments are being unified. Integrated
establishment and user authentication. CSCF may be divided
billing for every market is another feature that should be
into three categories:
- P-CSCF (Proxy CSCF) - is a proxy between other
elements. First contact point for the end-users. UE is
III. WHAT EXACTLY IS THE IP searching for P-CSCF address, afterward PDP context is
MULTIMEDIA SUBSYSTEM? activated. It takes direct and main role in authentication
process as well as generating data charging
IMS is a standardized architectural framework specified by - I-CSCF (Interrogating CSSF) - interrogates HSS
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), characterized by IP about next hop in communication, which can be S-CSCF or
and SIP based architecture for mobile operators who aims to application server and then it acts as a proxy for routing the
employ internet, real time services into cellular telephony. incoming packets to C-CSCF or AS. All these tasks enable the
This new technology embodies new approach to user to be registered.
telecommunication with its tendency to full IP and SIP - S-CSCF (Serving CSCF)- performs session control
migration in the times when simple phone calls and messaging services for an end-user since it is a central point of control
are not sufficient. The IMS would enable the convergence of layer. Acts as SIP registrar. It has the ability to download
voice, messaging, video, data and internet-based services in profiles from HSS and choose application server according to
single end-user’s handset. All these features of IMS will user’s service requirements.
result in extended user experience, usage simplicity and take
effect into user, operator and vendor satisfaction. • HSS (Home Subscriber
IMS is designed to interwork with any existing network. Server) - keeps all user’s profiles and their service portfolio as
This framework architecture is characterized by independency well as subscriber’s physical location (analogous to GSM
on Circuit Switched CS domain, nevertheless it supports it as HLR)
well as Packet Switched PS domain. The technology focuses
________________________________________________________________ 2
Ewa Gałczyńska, Mgr inż. Wojciech Zabierowski, Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Napieralski
Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Technik Informatycznych, Politechnika Łódzka
Al. Politechniki 11 90-924 Łódź; E-mail: Wojtek@dmcs.p.lodz.
Fig.3 IP Multimedia Subsystem Architecture [6]
• AS- Application Server- SIP server, attain IP connectivity, even if he is roaming to foreign
responsible for hosting and executing services. It may reside network with no IMS access.
at home network or third party location (there is a possibility The question may appear, why IMS users are obliged to
for AS to be a stand-alone server). acquire for IPv6 not IPv4. The answer seems rather obvious.
• BGCF- Breakout Gateway Control First of all, due to large increase in IP based devices,
Function- selects network for PSTN or other CS breakout. nowadays world deals with shortage of IPv4 addresses. IPv6
Basing on telephone numbers it performs routing uses 128 bits, which seems rather long term solution.
functionalities. The second reason for using IPv6 is Quality of Service
• MRF - is a source of media with ability to support of data that is being transferred. To establish and
perform different kinds of media operation and analysis like maintain a session a certain level of quality has to be
transcode between various codecs. preserved. IPv6 ancestor hasn’t fulfilled the quality condition.
Final reason is certainly the simplicity of mobility.
Besides nodes distinguished above there are many others. Subscribers may easily roam into different visited networks,
The ones I have described are of the most importance as they what was much more complicated with IPv4.
are directly adjusted for new internet protocols usage (like SIP
protocol with its session establishment, maintenance and • SIP- Session Initiation Protocol
session release) and innovative function realization. Next step
in understanding IMS and its tendency to convergence is The endpoint has accomplished obtaining IP connectivity
comprehension of underlying protocols. and now it’s time to agree on session characteristics with an
assistance of SIP protocol. This protocol is so universal since
IIIb. IMS PROTOCOLS it supports mobile, fixed telephony, VoIP, etc. what confirms
its flexibility and usefulness in convergence aspiration.
• IPv6 The SIP is well described by its function of establishing,
modifying and terminating multimedia sessions. In order to
As the name of the technology entail, the IP connectivity for establish or modify the session, one of its tasks is to check the
a terminal that wants to register into IP Multimedia Subsystem end-user’s availability. What is more SIP determines
is mandatory. The first prerequisite before the end user may subscriber’s location and agrees on session parameters or
start establishing IMS session is its need to acquire of IP media that are about to be used taking user’s capabilities into
address. What is important, the IP address may me obtained consideration (for example, called party doesn’t support some
either from home network or visited network. This video protocol, another one is suggested then).
independence is a big advantage since the end user is able to Important feature of SIP protocol is the fact that multimedia
session may be joined or abandoned dynamically and more
than two participants are permitted.
________________________________________________________________ 3
Ewa Gałczyńska, Mgr inż. Wojciech Zabierowski, Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Napieralski
Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Technik Informatycznych, Politechnika Łódzka
Al. Politechniki 11 90-924 Łódź; E-mail: Wojtek@dmcs.p.lodz.
Every SIP method is answered with only one final response
• SDP- Session Description Protocol
SIP responses examples: 1xx-provisional response, 2xx-
success, 3xx-redirection, 4xx- request failure This application layer, text based protocol is encapsulated in
SIP. Describing multimedia session parameters is its basic
function. During establishing the session both end-users
exchange their capabilities and media formats. This dialog is
performed with an assistance of SDP
• Diameter
________________________________________________________________ 4
Ewa Gałczyńska, Mgr inż. Wojciech Zabierowski, Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Napieralski
Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Technik Informatycznych, Politechnika Łódzka
Al. Politechniki 11 90-924 Łódź; E-mail: Wojtek@dmcs.p.lodz.
SIP URI is essential in IMS communication, TEL URI is
crucial in making phone calls between IMS terminal and
PSTN device.
Every user has at least one SIP URI and one TEL URI. V. SUMMARY
Nevertheless more URIs may be allocated to subscriber, for
example personal URI and business one. The initiative of convergence seems a great solution for an
operator, vendor, but especially end-user who is lost in plenty
• Private User Identity (IMPI) of devices, networks, data and finally numerous bills for every
Exactly one private identity is allocated by network operator service separately. IMS with its architecture and protocols is
to exactly one subscriber for a period of subscription. The at least one step to simplifying communication for an average
function of IMPI is to authenticate and identify subscription. subscriber.
The identity is not visible to end-user. REFERENCES
Private identity may be compared to IMSI number in UMTS.
[1] Gonzalo Camarillo, Maguel A.Garcia-Martin- “The 3G IP
Both identities – public and private are stored on the special Multimedia Subsystem.
SIM card, ISIM card, dedicated to IMS. Merging the Internet and the cellular worlds”; 2004
Also new smart card has been introduced- UICC- Universal
Integrated Circuit Card, that can enclose several logic [2] M.Poikselka, G.Mayer, H.Khartabil, A.Niemi
applications as SIM, USIM and ISIM. “The IMS- IP Multimedia Cocepts and Services”; 2006
[5] www.wikipedia.pl
[6] en.wikipedia.org
________________________________________________________________ 5
Ewa Gałczyńska, Mgr inż. Wojciech Zabierowski, Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Napieralski
Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Technik Informatycznych, Politechnika Łódzka
Al. Politechniki 11 90-924 Łódź; E-mail: Wojtek@dmcs.p.lodz.