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I• I lmmig_ration, Refugees

and C1tizensh1p Canada

lmm_1gration, R€fugiE!s
et C1toyennete Canada
Information disclosed under the Access to Information Act
L'information d1vu1Qu9e en vertu de la loi sur 1·acces a 1•information


Home .. CIL .. Africa

Country Information Library: Algeria


I G NOTE: Please use the information below with discretion as it may be out of date.

KEY INFORMATION: False call-up notices are often used to make illegitimate refugee claims.
Human rights are a significant concern and corruption is pervasive. Organized and heavily
armed lslamist groups intent on destabilizing the country pose a significant security threat and
should be considered a significant push factor.

A visa is required to visit or transit Canada.

Content last updated January 7, 2016

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Learn about:
..- Country overview
Key facts: See the World Factbook provided by the CIA (English only).
I• I lmmig_ration, Refugees
and C1tizensh1p Canada
lmm_1gration, R€fugiE!s
et C1toyennete Canada
Information disclosed under the Access to Information Act
L'information d1vu1Qu9e en vertu de la loi sur 1·acces a 1•information

• Biometric passports began being issued on January 5th

2012. They are valid for 10 years
(5 years for minors under 19).
• Minors under age 15 may be included in a parent's older passport.

Identity card
• Issuance of a new National Biometric and Electronic ID card (CNIBE) will begin in
January 2016. This card is equipped with an electronic chip containing all information and
data on the cardholder.

ID number
• An 18-digit Unique National ID Number (Numero d'identifiant National unique - NIN) was
established in 2010.
o The number is indicated on official identity documents, as well as on traffic and
travel documents .

..- Civil documents

• All civil documents not issued in Arabic (i.e., issued in a foreign language such as
French) will bear a red stamp, "Valable uniquement pour l'etranger". These documents
are considered valid.

Family booklets
• A (Livret de famille) is issued to the head of the family after marriage. The booklet
contains the extract of the marriage certificate, birth certificates of children, and death
certificates of spouses and children.

Birth Certificate Special 125 (Acte de Naissance Special 12S)

• Secure and official document with a unique serial number that is linked to civil status
information. This information is used to generate and assign a Unique National ID
Number (Numero d'identifiant National unique) to each citizen.
o Issued by the city of birth on the basis of the Registre d'Etat Civil des naissances. It
can be obtained online.
o Issued only once, but is required for the preparation of official documents such as
identity cards or passports.

Family form (Fiche familiale de l'etat civil)

• Issued from the city hall (Baladia in Islamic municipality or Commune) of the applicant's
place of birth.
• Contains the same information as the Family booklet (birth certificates of the spouses
and their children, marriage/divorce/death certificates).
• Often hand written.

I• I lmmig_ration, Refugees
and C1tizensh1p Canada
lmm_1gration, R€fugiE!s
et C1toyennete Canada
Information disclosed under the Access to Information Act
L'information d1vu1Qu9e en vertu de la loi sur 1·acces a 1•information

Birth certificates
• Issued from the city hall (Baladia or Commune) of the applicant's place of birth.
• Referred to as either "Extrait des Registres des Actes de Naissance" or "Extrait des
Registres de l'Etat Civil (Acte de Naissance)".
• In the case of a person whose birth was not recorded, one of the following documents
may be issued by the appropriate local authority in lieu of a regular birth certificate:
o "Extrait du Registre d'lnscription des Omis a l'Etat Civil".
o "Extrait du Registre Matrice (Valant Acte de Naissance)".
o "Fiche lndividuel/e de Naissance".
o "Acte de Notoriete" executed by an official of the court house (Pala is de Justice) at
the place of residence of the applicant.

Marriage certificates (Extrait d'Acte de Mariage)

• The minimum age for marriage is 18 for women and 21 for men.
• Polygamous marriages are permitted, but are difficult to contract and very rare.
• Issued from the city hall (Baladia or Commune) where the marriage took place.

Divorce certificates (Extrait de Divorce)

• Issued from the city hall (Baladia or Commune) where the marriage took place.
• A copy of the divorce (Jugement de Divorce) may be obtained from the "Greffe du
Tribunal Civil" where the decree was pronounced .

. . - Notarized documents
• All civil documents issued by the state will have a stamp with the emblem of the issuing
authority, including the name/position of the signatory, who most often will be the
President of the Assemblee Populaire Communale (local government) or their delegate.
• Translated documents will bear the stamp of the translator, and often a stamp from
Algerian authorities. They will often also have a stamp, "Valable a l'etranger", indicating
that the documents are valid abroad .

. . - Police certificate
• Only a Bulletin No. 3 record is available to the applicant; this record contains the most
serious convictions for felony or misdemeanor.
• For more Police Certificate information and examples, please visit the Police Certificate
Image Library.

. . - Military certificates
I• I lmmig_ration, Refugees
and C1tizensh1p Canada
lmm_1gration, R€fugiE!s
et C1toyennete Canada
Information disclosed under the Access to Information Act
9/26/23, 6:52 AM Country Information Library: Cameroon
L'information d1vu1Qu9e en vertu de la loi sur 1·acces a 1•information


Home .. CIL .. Africa

Country Information Library: Cameroon


I O NOTE: Please use the information below with discretion as it may be out of date.


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