TheEITLabelledMasterProgrammes SINReM Digital-compressed

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International Master of

Science in Sustainable
and Innovative Natural
Resource Management
With the support of the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union

Our modern lifestyle relies on raw materials. From the iron

and steel of our railway infrastructure to the gold and silver in
the circuitry of smartphones: raw materials are everywhere.
Even the transition to a climate neutral future requires cobalt
for electric vehicles, lithium for rechargeable batteries, silicon
for photovoltaics and solar panels, and rare earth elements
for wind turbines that generate renewable energy.

As the world grows smaller and more hyper-connected, the

impact of society on the Earth has never been more visible.
It is now clear that we need to shift to a circular economy in
order to responsibly use the Earth’s finite resources. But what
can just one individual do to help? More than you think! Real
change requires courage, innovative thinking, and collective
action – the same skill set that EIT RawMaterials Academy
looks for in prospective students. Are you ready to mine your
raw talent, help shape a more circular, green economy, and
create sustainable solutions for tomorrow?

What do we
offer students?
EIT RawMaterials Academy offers students a unique opportunity to learn in a dynamic
environment, focusing on real-life challenges. Awarded by the EIT (European Institute of
Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, the EIT Label is a certificate
of quality that is granted only to excellent educational programmes at the master’s and
doctoral level.

As a student of an EIT-Labelled programme from EIT ration, mining and extraction, to mineral processing, recy-
RawMaterials Academy, you’ll be part of the largest Eu- cling and the movement towards a circular economy. EIT
ropean raw materials network with more than 120 core RawMaterials aims to equip a new generation of innovators
and associate partners and 180 project partners, including in Europe with the necessary entrepreneurial mind-set for
higher education professionals, researchers, and industry designing and delivering materials solutions. You’ll also get
experts from over 20 European countries. As an EIT Label the chance to collaborate internationally and develop sus-
student, you will be welcomed into this network and will tainable solutions to pressing economic, environmental and
champion and contribute to the EIT RawMaterials goals of societal challenges. And long after you graduate, you can
finding new, innovative solutions to secure the sustainable stay connected via EIT RawMaterials Alumni.
supply of raw materials across the value chain: from explo-



What to expect?

Thesis internship
placements at leading
European companies

Membership of the EIT ‘Learning by doing’ with

RawMaterials Alumni challenge-based courses that
community focus on real-life problems

Study tours and visits Exciting new ways of Courses designed to

to innovative companies learning: online courses, nurture start-up ideas with
and industrial sites virtual and augmented reality accelerators and incubators
and MOOCs

Course modules dedicated EIT RawMaterials Innovation Expertise in a raw materials

to entrepreneurship and support: business plan discipline – a comprehensive
innovation skills competitions, innovation understanding of the entire
bootcamps, seed funding raw materials value chain

EIT RawMaterials European mobility –

summer schools and study in at least two
interdisciplinary courses European countries

International Master of
Science in Sustainable
and Innovative Natural
Resource Management
Awarded the EIT Label in 2017

THE CHALLENGE ties cooperated to develop a new Erasmus and master’s

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword. Raw materials programme — the International Master of Science in Sus-
are one of the fastest depleting resources on Earth. tainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management
A steady and sustainable supply of many of these materials (SINReM). SINReM was created to educate a new genera-
is vital for a decarbonising society, renewable energy infra- tion of professionals who can engineer technology to rein-
structure, electric mobility and also consumer products and vent materials science and gain competence, expertise and
electronics. The outdated make-take-use-dispose model confidence in developing solutions in the sustainable use of
is no longer valid in a world of finite resources. In order to materials.
deal with this challenge, three leading European universi-


Double Diploma Joint diploma of International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource
Management from Ghent University, TU Freiberg and Uppsala University. – EIT Label Certificate

Credits 120 ECTS, 24 months

Language of Instruction English

Starts in September

Requirements A bachelor’s degree (minimum 180 ECTS) in engineering or science including 15 ECTS in mathematics
and/or physics and 10 ECTS in chemistry, or an equivalent qualification from a recognised university or
engineering college.

Tuition fees European (EEA) 2021: €6,000/year

All others 2021: €12,000/year
Visit for up-to-date fee information.

Application Period European (EEA): until 31 May 2021

Non-European: until 28 February 2021

Scholarships For students enrolling in September 2021, EIT Label scholarships from EIT RawMaterials of €13,500
per eligible student are available. European EIT RawMaterials scholarship holders receive a partial tuiti-
on fee waiver down to €2,000 per year. Additionally, a number of Erasmus Mundus full scholarships of
up to €49,000 for the two years are available, covering full tuition fees and living expenses. For infor-
mation on how EIT Label and Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be awarded and who is eligible, please
contact the coordinating university directly:

SINReM provides strong connections with the industry from day

one. Companies, educational and research institutions with crucial
roles in the RM industry support us with lectures, seminars, intern-
ships and thesis work to let us know what is going on in the sector.



Ghent University T: +32 9 264 59 24

TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Uppsala University


International Master of Science

in Sustainable and Innovative
Natural Resource Management
Awarded the EIT Label in 2017


SINReM graduates are trained to excel in creativity, have an
entrepreneurial mind-set, a multidisciplinary view and in- ARE YOU A STUDENT WHO IS:
novative problem-based technology development skills. • Interested in exploring how to use engineer
technologies to improve the use of finite raw
Several integrated courses throughout the programme sti- materials?
mulate the exchange of knowledge and experience between • Keen to learn how innovation and entrepreneur-
the students, lecturers and non-academic stakeholders ship competence and skills can position you to
who are active in the value chain, and challenge students contribute both to current industries and create
to develop and apply multi-disciplinary and creative prob- your own start-up?
lem-solving techniques. • Motivated to work closely with industry and
research on developing science-based solutions
The SINReM programme also provides complementary to pressing challenges?
skills training to teach students to assess the environmen-
tal and societal impact of interventions in the value chain
(e.g. resource assessment) and to be creative and innovati-
ve not only in an academic research environment, but also PROFESSIONAL PROFILES AFTER GRADUATION
in business environments.
Entrepreneur: SINReM prepares you to start your own bu-
These courses include modules on innovation management, siness. You will interact with company founders from the
entrepreneurship and business plan development that pre- raw materials sector, gain the necessary knowledge and
pare the students for their master thesis research and for skills for innovation management and IPR, learn to develop
the start of a future start-up or spin-off. and analyse business models and plan how to implement
research results into application. Industrial partners and the
research transfer/ business development departments of
the three partner universities are also there to support you.

Work in the Industry: Create a spin-off from an existing

company or become a resource engineer in research de-
partments or technological departments of small, medium
and large companies worldwide.


SINReM gives its students a broad view on the entire value recovery/recycling of resources from end-of-life products.
chain and its varying aspects, but also its opportunities As part of SINReM, students will work together with peers
and limitations. SINReM students acquire knowledge on from diverse backgrounds to carefully assess how to
the different (technological) options for optimising flows of manage the Earth’s resources in an economically sustain-
natural resources in the different parts of the value chain, able way, with no negative environmental and societal im-
ranging from resource exploration to sustainable materials pact. Students will instigate a paradigm shift in the industry
use and use of resources in production processes to by developing a holistic view on raw materials processing.

Ghent University Uppsala University

Introduction to the circular economy, economics and Georesource exploration and characterisation (5 ECTS)
management of natural resources (4 ECTS) EIT RawMaterials network seminar (5 ECTS)
Clean technology (5 ECTS) Innovation management and entrepreneurship (10 ECTS)
Environmental inventory techniques (3 ECTS) Elective course (5 ECTS)
Rational use of materials (5 ECTS) Summer course on Resource chemistry at TU Freiberg
Resource recovery and recycling technologies (5 ECTS) (9 ECTS)
Workshop on problems and innovations in the process
chain of mineral resources at TU Freiberg (4 ECTS)



Ghent University Uppsala University TU Freiberg

Circular societies (15 ECTS) Entrepreneurship (15 ECTS) Sustainable processes (15 ETCS)
Resource recovery and Georesource Exploration (15 ETCS) Industrial internship (10 ETCS)
sustainable materials (15 ECTS) Industrial internship (10 ETCS) Master thesis (30 ECTS)
Industrial internship (10 ETCS) Master thesis (30 ECTS)
Master thesis (30 ECTS)


Exclusive activities and
support for EIT-Labelled
Students on EIT-Labelled master’s programmes within the EIT RawMaterials
Academy receive a range of additional opportunities to boost their innovation
and entrepreneurship skills, grow their network in the raw materials sector
and gain the experience they need to thrive.

These exclusive events bring together EIT-Labelled students from across

the Master School, and form the basis of your shared learning experiences,
making you a full member of the EIT RawMaterials community.

Label Induction Days. Label Start-Up! Days.
Meet the EIT RawMaterials Academy and Get together with 100 Label students
learn how to get involved in our commu- to meet and learn from five EIT Raw-
nity and the many opportunities on offer. Materials supported start-ups. Hear
Sign up for EIT RawMaterials Alumni and about the experience of setting up a
start growing your network. company in the raw materials sector,
and network with entrepreneurs.
Vote for your representative on the Label
Student Board, or stand for election! All costs covered by EIT RawMaterials.

The RACE. Label-Launch!
The Raw and Circular Economy Expe- Celebrate completing your EIT-La-
dition is a challenge-based summer belled Master’s programme during EIT
school for 70 students from around the RawMaterials’ major event – the RM
world, taking place over two weeks in Summit. Take part in matchmaking
four different European countries. Find events with EIT RawMaterials industry
out more at partners and start-ups, and make new
connections with raw materials profes-
All costs covered by EIT RawMateri- sionals.
als for Labelled students selected for

Do you have a raw materials
business idea?
EIT RawMaterials offers a range of support for individuals
and companies with innovative business ideas, including:

Pre-Jumpstarter EIT Jumpstarter

One of Europe’s top pre-accelerator
programmes, to help you develop your
This exclusive event for students
business idea and understand what’s
on the EIT RawMaterials Academy
needed to create a successful start-
Labelled master’s programmes of-
fers support to develop your thinking
around a start-up idea and, in particu-
lar, to prepare you to apply to the EIT

Booster call EIT RawMaterials

Financial and network access support
for start-ups and SMEs in the raw
A three-stage accelerator programme
materials sector.
to help start-ups with a developed
product to bring their solution to the

EIT RawMaterials
From the moment you join an EIT-Labelled master’s pro- It is run by and for its members, who can benefit from
gramme in the EIT RawMaterials Academy, you are eligible events, career development and educational activities and
to join EIT RawMaterials Alumni. This organisation provides much more, forming a hub for a diverse range of raw mate-
a great opportunity to network with past and present parti- rials students, academics and professionals. Furthermore,
cipants in the many and varied EIT RawMaterials activities, the EIT RawMaterials Alumni provides you with a connec-
such as business idea competitions, start-ups, professional tion to the wider EIT Alumni community and alumni events
development courses and Master’s and PhD programmes. around Europe.

Labelled by: Supported by:

EIT RawMaterials GmbH

Europa Center
Tauentzienstr. 11 With the support of the
Erasmus+ Programme
10789 Berlin, Germany
of the European Union

@eitrmacademy EITRawMaterialsAcademy @EITRMAcademy EIT RawMaterials Academy EITRawMaterials

Disclaimer: The data used for this brochure was collected and analysed in good faith and with
due diligence. However, EIT RawMaterials GmbH accepts no liability for the correctness of the
data contained in the EIT label brochure.

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