Machine Design
The basic components of all electromagnetic apparatus are the
field and armature windings supported by dielectric or
insulation, cooling system and mechanical parts. Therefore, the
factors for consideration in the design are,
Machine parts:
Should be robust.
b) Customer’s needs
Kw = 10/(30+kV)
Rating of machine
Q = 3.33 f Bm δ Kw Aw Ai * 10-3
Where f = frequency, Hz
The size of the DC machine depends on the main or leading
dimensions of the machine viz., diameter of the armature D and
armature core length L. As the output increases, the main
dimensions of the machine D and L also increases.
Output Equations and Main Dimensions of DC
Output equation relates the output and main dimensions of the
machine. Actually it relates the power developed in the
armature and main dimensions.
P : Number of poles
= (φ Z N P/60
A)× Ia× 10-3
= (Pφ ) ×
(I a Z/A) × N x 10-3/60 ....... (1)
Lesser values are used in low capacity, low speed and high
voltage machines. In general Bav lies between 0.45 and 0.75 T.
= 1.0 × π D / 4 = 0.785D.
1. Yoke,
2. Pole,
3. Air gap,
4. Armature teeth,
5. Armature core,
6. Leakage flux ab: Mean length of the flux path corresponding
to one pole
t = Width (pole arc) over which the flux is passing in the air gap
y t L = Air gap area / pole over which the flux is passing in the
air gap.
Carter’s Coefficient
As the number of poles increases, frequency of the induced
EMF f = PN/120 increases core loss in the armature increases
and therefore efficiency of the machine decreases.
Weight of iron used for the armature core (from the core loss
point of view)
Since the flux carried by the armature core is φ /2, eddy current
loss in the armature core
Thus the weight of iron used for the armature core reduces as
the number of poles increases.
Armature reaction
When the number of poles is less, ATa / pole and hence the flux,
produced by the armature is more. This reduces the useful flux
in the air gap. In order to maintain a constant value of air gap
flux, flux produced by the field or the field ampere-turns must
be increased. This calls for more field coil turns and size of the
coil defined by the depth of the coil df and height of the coil hf
increases. In order that the temperature rise of the coil is not
more, depth of the field coil is generally restricted. Therefore
height of the field coil increases as the size of the field coil or
the number of turns of the coil increases. As the pole height, is
proportional to the field coil height, height of the pole and
hence the overall diameter of the machine increases with the
increase in height of the field coil.
Since each brush arm collects the current from every two
parallel paths, current / brush arm
= 2 Ia / A and the cross sectional area of the brush / arm
Ab = 2Ia / Aδb = 2Ia / Pδb
reduces as the number of poles increases.
As Ab = tbwbnb and tb is generally held constant from the
commutation point of view, wbnb
reduces as Ab reduces. Hence the length of the commutator
Lc = (wbnb + clearances) reduces as Ab reduces or the number
of poles increases.
wb – width of the brush,
tb – thickness of the brush,
nb – number of brushes per spindle
Flash over
As the number of poles increases, voltage between the
Labour charges
As the number of poles increases cost of labour increases as
more number of poles are to be assembled, more field coils are
to be wound, placed on to the pole, insulate, interconnect etc.
Design of Armature
In a single layer winding, there will be only one coil side in the
slot having any number of conductors, odd or even integer
depending on the number of turns of the coil. In a double layer
winding, there will be 2 or multiple of 2 coil sides in the slot
arranged in two layers. Obviously conductors / slot in a double
layer winding must be an even integer.
If the slots are less in number, then the cost of punching &
number of coils decreases, slot pitch increases, tooth becomes
mechanically strong and efficiency increases, quantity of
insulation in the slot increases, heat dissipation reduces,
temperature increases and hence the efficiency decreases.
This causes a variation in reluctance of the air gap and the flux
in the air gap will pulsate. Pulsations of the flux in the air gap
produce iron losses in the pole shoe and give rise to magnetic
noises. On the other hand, when the slots per pole is equal to a
whole number plus half the reluctance of the flux path per pole
pair remains constant for all positions of the armature, and
there will be no pulsations or oscillations of the flux in the air
Number of teeth/pole shoe = 5 and flux passes through 5
The reluctance of the air gap is inversely proportional to the
area corresponding to 5 teeth.
The flux pulsation under inter pole causes the sparking. A small
tooth pitch helps to reduce the effect of armature slots upon
the inter poles.
4) for the margin between the brush and riser and width of
= 9.81μPbAball vC
Brush Details
Since the brushes of each brush arm collets the current from
two parallel paths, current collected by each brush arm is 2 I/2
Ia and the cross-sectional area of the brush or brush arm or
holder or spindle Ab . The current density δp depends on the
brush material and can be assumed between 5.5 and 6.5 A /
cm2 for carbon.
then Ab = tb wb nb
2. No load current,
weight of copper part decreases
length of commutator reduces
overall length of machine reduces
Distortion of field form becomes less at full load
To improve commutation.
To conduct electric current.
To avoid wear and tear due to rubbing.
The ratio of total flux per pole to the useful flux per pole is
called leakage coefficient or leakage factor.
C1 = Ф p/Ф=1.08 to 1.25
Ki = 0.9 to 0.96
7. What is meant by peripheral speed of armature?
The distance travel by the armature per unit time is called as
peripheral speed.
n = speed in r.p.s.
D = diameter of armature in m
Increase in iron loss
Sparking and ring fire
Delayed commutation
Motor mode: The machine drives a mechanical load
with the electrical power supplied converted into mechanical
Brake mode: The machine works as a generator and
the electrical power developed is either pumped back to the
supply as in regenerative braking.
The yoke serves as a path for flux in D.C. machine and it also
serve as an enclosure for the machine.
Since they are of larger cross section, the
reluctance of the magnetic path is reduced.
They support the field coils.
14. Mention the factors that affect the size of
rotating machines.
The factors that affect the size of rotating machines are:
Speed and
Output co-efficient
Magnetizing current and core losses
17. Calculate the output co-efficient of a dc shunt
generator from the given data. Bg = 0.89 Wb/m2 ; ac =
3200 amp.cond/m ; Ψ = 0.66.
Weight of iron parts
Weight of copper
Ø Length of commutator
Lab our charges
Flash over and distortion of field mmf
Labour charges
Possibility of flash over between brush arms
The value of current per parallel path is limited to
200A, thus the current per brush arm should not be more than
The armature mmf should not be too large. The mmf
per pole should be in the range 5000 to 12,500 AT.
Choose the largest value of poles which satisfies the
above three conditions.
If sparking occurs, they damage the commutator less
than with the copper brushes.
They provide good commutation.
Loss dissipated from the surface of field coil
Resistance of the field coil
Current density in the field conductors
Length of commutator, Lc = nb ( Wb + Cb )+ C1 + C2
Where nb = number of brushes per spindle
Wb = width of each brush
Cb = clearance between the brushes
C1 = clearance allowed for staggering the brushes
C2 = clearance for allowing the end play
34. What is the purpose of slot insulation?
The number of slots per pole should be greater than
or equal to 9 to avoid sparking.
The slot pitch should lie between 25 to 35 mm.
The peripheral voltage gradient should be limited to
Number of coils in the armature
Hard carbon
Electro graphite
Metal graphite
Flux pulsations
Eddy current loss in conductors
Reactance voltage
Mechanical difficulties
Suitability for winding
Flux pulsations
The current through a conductor is I a / 2 , where Ia is
the armature current.
The winding will have less number of conductors with
larger area of cross-section
The emf induced in both the parallel paths will be
always equal
The number of circuits between the positive and
negative brushes, i.e., number of parallel paths.
The manner in which the coil ends are connected
to the commutator Segments.
Accelerated commutation
Ø Sinusoidal commutation
Design features of power and
distribution type transformers:
Power transformer
1. Output-kVA
2. Voltage-V1/V2 with or without tap changers and tapings
3. Frequency-f Hz
4. Number of phases – One or three
5. Rating – Continuous or short time
6. Cooling – Natural or forced
7. Type – Core or shell, power or distribution
8. Type of winding connection in case of 3 phase transformers –
star-star, star-delta, delta-delta, delta-star with or without
grounded neutral
9. Efficiency, per unit impedance, location (i.e., indoor, pole or
platform mounting etc.), temperature rise etc.,
Output Equations
Kw = 10/(30+kV)
Overall dimensions
As the iron area of the leg Ai and the window area Aw = (height
of the window Hw x Width of the window Ww) increases the size
of the transformer also increases. The size of the transformer
increases as the output of the transformer increases.
1. Output-kVA
3. Frequency-f Hz
Emperical values of K :
( 1.0 to 1.2) for single phase shell type
1.3 for three-phase shell type (power)
(0.75 to 0.85) for single phase core type
(0.6 to 0.7) for three phase core type (power)
0.45 for three-phase core type (distribution )
Core design
Net iron area of the leg or limb or core Ai
For a given area Ai, different types of core section that are used
in practice are circular, rectangular and square.
It is clear that the rectangular core calls for more length of
copper for the same number of turns as compared to circular
core. Therefore circular core is preferable to rectangular or
square core.
1. Whenever the yoke area is different from the leg area, yoke
can considered to be of rectangular type for convenience.
Ic = core loss / V1
[Note: 1. Useful flux: It is the flux that links with both primary
and secondary windings and is responsible in transferring the
energy Electro-magnetically from primary to secondary side.
The path of the useful flux is in the magnetic core.
2. Leakage flux: It is the flux that links only with the primary or
secondary winding and is responsible in imparting inductance
to the windings. The path of the leakage flux depends on the
geometrical configuration of the coils and the neighboring iron
3. Reactance:
a) Leakage reactance = 2πf x inductance = 2πf x Flux linkage /
b) Flux linkage = flux x number of turns
c) Flux =( mmf or AT) / Reluctance = AT x permeanence ∧
d) Permeanace ∧ = 1 / Reluctance = aµ0µr / l where
bp and bs = Radial depth of primary and secondary windings
Tp and Ts = Number of primary and secondary turns per phase
for 3 phase
Ip and Is = Primary and secondary currents per phase for 3
Lmt P Lmt S = Mean length of turn of primary or secondary
windings respectively
Lmt = Mean length of primary and secondary windings
considered together
L0 = Circumference of the insulation portion or duct or both
between LV and HV coils
Lc = Axial height or length of the both LV and HV coils
To determine the flux linkage due to the flux inside the coil,
consider an elemental strip dx at a distance ‘x’ from the edge
of the LV winding (say primary winding). Then the flux linkage
of the primary winding, due to the flux φX in the strip.
When the tank is placed on the ground, there will not be any
heat dissipation from the bottom surface of the tank. Since the
oil is not filled up to the brim of the tank, heat transfer from the
oil to the top of the tank is less and heat dissipation from the
top surface of the tank is almost negligible. Hence the effective
surface area of the tank St from which heat is getting
dissipated can assumed to be 2Ht (Lt + Wt) m2.
Because the oil when get heated up moves up and cold oil
down, circulation of oil in the tubes will be more. Obviously, this
circulation of oil increases the heat dissipation. Because of this
siphoning action, it has been found that the convection from
the tubes increase by about 35 to 40%.
Thus if the improvement is by 35%, then the dissipation in
watts from all the tubes of area At = 1.35 x 6.5At θ = 8.78 At
1. Air natural
2. Air blast
3. Oil natural
1. Define transformation ratio.
Power transformers
Special transformers
Instrument transformers
Electronics transformers
Three phase transformer
Audio frequency transformer
UHF transformers
Wide band transformers
Narrow band transformer
Pulse transformer
Based on the number of windings, the types are
Auto transformer
Two winding transformer
It transforms energy from one winding to other
winding at constant frequency.
It is used in electronic circuits with rectifying units to
convert ac to dc.
It provides isolation between to electrical circuits.
Ø It acts as insulation.
It protects the paper from dirt and moisture.
Loosening of stampings in the core
Expansion and contraction of oil level
High resistivity and density
Low viscosity
Low impurity
Reasonable cost and flash point
Resistance to emulsion
Flash point
Sludge formation
12. Why is transformer oil used as cooling medium?
Oil natural – air forced
Oil natural water forced
Forced circulation of oil
Oil forced – air natural
Oil forced – air forced
Oil forced – water forced
19. Why plain walled tanks are not used for large output
The plain walled tanks are not used for large output
transformers as they are not sufficient to dissipate losses. This
is because volume and hence losses increase as cube of linear
dimensions while the dissipating surface increases as the
square of linear dimensions. Thus an increase in rating results
in an increase in loss to be dissipated per unit area giving a
higher temperature rise.
Bm = 1.5 Wb / m2 for up to 132 KV transformer
= 1.6 Wb / m2 for 132 KV to 275 KV transformer
= 1.7 Wb / m2 for 275KV to 400 KV transformer
Short circuit current
Surge voltage
Temperature rise
Transport facilities
Square core Kc = 0.45
Cruciform core Kc = 0.56
Three stepped core Kc = 0.6
Four stepped core Kc = 0.62
The flux paths are parallel to the windings along the
axial height
Primary winding mmf is equal to secondary winding
Half of the leakage flux in the duct links with each
The length of the mean turn of the windings are equal
The reluctance of flux path through yoke is negligible
Cruciform and
Multi stepped cores
32. Give the expression for window width that gives the
maximum output.
The width of the window for maximum output is
Ww = D - d = 0.7 d.
Cylindrical windings
Helical winding
The winding & core are both made of metals and so insulation
has to be placed in between them. The thickness of insulation
depends on the voltage rating of the winding. In order to
reduce the insulation requirement the low voltage winding is
placed near the core.
The stampings are used to reduce the eddy current losses. The
stampings are insulated by a thin coating of varnish, hence
when the stampings are stacked to form a core, the resistance
for the eddy current is very high.
The hot rolled and cold rolled silicon steel with 3 to 5%silicon
are used for the laminations of the core of transformers. The
hot rolled silicon steel allows a maximum flux density of 1.45
Wb/m2 and the cold rolled silicon steel permits a maximum flux
density of 1.8 Wb/m2.
40. What is tertiary winding?
To give supply to phase compensating devices such as
capacitors which work at different voltage
To indicate voltage in high voltage testing transformer
The capacity of transformers will be up to 500 KVA
The transformers will have plain walled tanks are
provided with cooling tubes or radiators
The leakage reactance and regulation will be low.
42. What types of forces acts on the coils of a
transformer in the event of a short circuit on a
δ = 2.2 to 3.2 A/mm2 - For large power
transformers with self oil cooling
δ = 5.4 to 6.2 A/mm2 - For large power transformers with
forced circulation of oil
The B –H curve can be used to find the mmf per metre for the
flux densities in yoke and core. The loss curve can be used to
estimate the iron loss per Kg for the flux densities in yoke and
The silica gel is used to absorb the moisture when the air is
drawn from atmosphere into the transformer.
Constructional Details:
1. Laminated stator
2. Absence of commutator
The stator
The rotor
Rotor is the rotating part of the induction motor. The rotor also
consists of a set of slotted silicon steel laminations pressed
together to form of a cylindrical magnetic circuit and the
electrical circuit. The electrical circuit of the rotor is of the
following nature
4. Performance characteristics.
In order to get the above design details the designer needs the
customer specifications Rated output power, rated voltage,
number of phases, speed, frequency, connection of stator
winding, type of rotor winding, working conditions, shaft
extension details etc.
f = PNS/120 = Pns/2,
Co = (11 Bav q Kw η cos Φ x 10-3)
Vph = phase voltage ;
Iph = phase current
Zph = no of conductors/phase
Tph = no of turns/phase
Co = Output coefficient
• Reduced size
• Reduced cost
Peripheral Speed
Stator slot pitch at the air gap surface = τss= πD/Sss where
Sss is the number of stator slots
Hence turns per phase can be obtained from emf equation Tph
= Eph/ 4.44fΦkw
Slot space factor = Copper area in the slot /Area of each slot
This slot space factor so obtained will be between 0.25 and 0.4.
The detailed dimension of the slot can be estimated as follows.
Ex. 1. Obtain the following design information for the stator of a
30 kW, 440 V, 3Φ, 6 pole, 50 Hz delta connected, squirrel cage
induction motor, (i) Main dimension of the stator, (ii) No. of
turns/phase (iii) No. of stator slots, (iv) No. of conductors per
slot. Assume suitable values for the missing design data.
= 99.2
D = 0.135P√L
= 0.135 x 6√L
= 148
(iii) No. of stator slots
= 166.42 Bav
D2L = Q/ (Co ns ) m3
Stator turns per phase Tph= Eph/ (4.44 f Kw) = 460 /(4.44 x 50
x 7.07 x 10-3 x 0.955) =307
= 0.04261 m2
Between stator and rotor is the air gap which is a very critical
part. The performance parameters of the motor like
magnetizing current, power factor, over load capacity, cooling
and noise are affected by length of the air gap. Hence length of
the air gap is selected considering the advantages and
disadvantages of larger air gap length.
Copper loss in rotor bars: Knowing the length of the rotor bars
and resistance of the rotor bars cu losses in the rotor bars can
be calculated.
= ½ x Sr/P x Ib/1.11
Area of end ring: Knowing the end ring current and assuming
suitable value for the current density in the end rings cross
section for the end ring can be calculated as
Copper loss in End Rings: Mean diameter of the end ring (Dme) is
assumed as 4 to 6 cms less than that of the rotor. Mean length
of the current path in end ring can be calculated
as lme = πDme. The resistance of the end ring can be calculated
re = 0.021 x lme / Ae
Rotor Current
Ar = Ir / δr mm2
Maximum flux density in the rotor teeth < 1.5 times B'tr
Depth of stator core below the slots: Below rotor slots there is
certain solid portion which is called depth of the core below
slots. This depth is calculated based on the flux
density and flux in the rotor core. Flux density in the rotor
core can be assumed to be between 1.2 to 1.4 Tesla. Then
depth of the core can be found as follows.
= 0.328 m
= (0.955 x 45 x 12) x 28 /( 1 x 42 x 1)
(iv) Size of rotor bar and slot
A r = I r / δr mm2
Ar = 343.8/ 6.0
= 57. 3 mm2
= 398 watts
= 1/π x 343.8 x 7
= 765.8 amps
= 765.7 / 6.5
= 117.8 mm2
Assuming Dme 4.8 cms less than that of the rotor Dme = 28 cms
Mean length of the current path in end ring lme = πDme = 0.88 m
= 184 watts
= 582 / ( 3 x 282)
= 0.247 ohms
Ex.3. A 3 phase 3000 volts 260 kW, 50 Hz, 10 pole squirrel cage
induction motor gave the following results during preliminary
Soln. (i) Total losses in rotor bars Number of stator slots = 120,
= 521 amps
A b = I b / δb mm2
Ab = 521/ 6.5
= 80.2 mm2
Length of rotor bar lb = L + allowance for skewing + allowance
between end rings and rotor core
= 293.2 mm2
= 1.22 mm
Rotor diameter Dr = D -2 lg
= 75 – 0.122
= 74.878 cm
Assuming Dme 6.878 cms less than that of the rotor Dme = 68
= 1111.55 watts
(iii) Equivalent rotor resistance
= 3278 +1111.55
= 4389.55 watts
= 4389.55/(3 x 52.2752)
= 0.535 ohm
Ex.4. Following design data have been obtained during the
preliminary design of a 3 phase, 850 kW, 6.6 kV, 50 Hz, 12 pole
slip ring induction motor. Gross length of stator core = 45 cm,
internal diameter of the stator core = 122 cm, number of stator
slots = 144, Number of conductors per slot = 10. For the above
stator data design a wound rotor for the motor.
(iii) Number of rotor turns: For this motor the voltage between
slip rings must be less than
1000 volts. Assume the voltage between slip rings as 600 volts.
Assuming star connection for stator winding E s = 6600/√3 =
3810 volts, Assuming Kws = Kwr =1
= 88.8 amps
= 863 amps
Size of the rotor conductors is too large and this conductor can
not be used as it is and hence has to be stranded. Stranding
the conductors into 4 rectangular strips of each area 43.1 mm 2,
in parallel,
= 3 x 8632 x 0.0044
= 9831 watts
Performance Evaluation:
Based on the design data of the stator and rotor of an induction
motor, performance of the machine has to be evaluated. The
parameters for performance evaluation are iron losses, no load
current, no load power factor, leakage reactance etc. Based on
the values of these parameters design values of stator and
rotor can be justified.
Iron losses: Iron losses are occurring in all the iron parts due to
the varying magnetic field of the machine. Iron loss has two
components, hysteresis and eddy current losses occurring in
the iron parts depend upon the frequency of the applied
voltage. The frequency of the induced voltage in rotor is equal
to the slip frequency which is very low and hence the iron
losses occurring in the rotor is negligibly small. Hence the iron
losses occurring in the induction motor is mainly due to the
losses in the stator alone. Iron losses occurring in the stator can
be computed as given below.
(v) Total iron losses in teeth= Iron loss /kg x weight of all
teeth Wts ie result of (iii) x (iv)
(vi) Total iron losses in core = Iron loss /kg x weight of core
Wcs ie result of (iv) x (v)
Area of the stator tooth per pole A't = b't x li x number of teeth
per pole
= 0.00746 m2
Mean flux density in stator teeth B't = Φ / A't = 0.00827/
0.00746 = 1.10 9 Tesla
= 0.001044 m3
= 1.36 x 1.10 9
=1.508 Tesla Ampere turns per meter at a flux density of
1.508 Tesla (from graph PP-22 of DDH) is 1000 AT
Area of the stator tooth per pole A'tr = b'tr x li x number of teeth
per pole
= 4.2 amps
= √( 0.562 + 4.22)
= 4.24 amps
(vi) No load power factor cos 0 = Iw/I0 = 0.56 /4.24 =
All the flux produced by the pole will not pass through the
desired path i.e., air gap. Some of the flux produced by the pole
will be leaking away from the air gap. The flux that passes
through the air gap and cut by the armature conductors is the
useful flux and that flux that leaks away from the desired path
is the leakage flux
Circle diagram
Operating characteristics
Insulation required will be less
Less possibility for fault occurrence
Easy to provide tapings
5. Why is it possible to design alternators to
generate much higher voltage than dc generator?
In alternator the winding is provided in stator and hence
maximum voltage can be
Low reluctances
Less magnetizing current
Quitter operation
Large leakage reactance and so starting current is
Reduced over load capacity
Ans : i) 90%
Integral slot winding
Skewing and
Increasing the length of air gap
When the coil span is equal to pole pitch (180 deg electrical),
the winding is called full pitched winding. When the coil span is
less than pole pitch (180 deg electrical), the winding is called
short pitched or chorded.
Lap winding and
Wave winding
For best power factor, the pole pitch τ is chosen such that τ =
SQRT [(0.18 L)].
The winding coils can be formed and fully insulated
before installing and also it is easier to replace the individual
It avoids excessive slot leakage thereby reducing the
leakage reactance.
The motor may crawl at some sub-synchronous speed
Severe vibrations are developed and so the noise will be
Stator core length
It is suitable for any type of starting method except
using rotor resistance starter
It is cheaper and rugged
Rotor over hang leakage reactance is lesser which
results in better power factor, greater pull out torque and over
load capacity.
Damping torque is provided by the rotor itself and
so there is no necessity for additional damper winding
They are suitable for high speed operations and
so number of poles is usually 2 or 4.
Number of poles and voltage across each field coil
Amp-turn per pole
Copper loss in field coil
Dissipating surface of field coil
pecific loss dissipation and allowable temperature rise
48. Mention the different tests that conducted in an
induction motor.
No load test or open circuit test
Short circuit test or load test
50. What are the factors that are affected due to SCR.
Voltage regulation
Short circuit current
Parallel operation
Stator core:
Introduction to Design
Synchronous machines are designed to obtain the following
Main Dimensions:
Internal diameter and gross length of the stator forms the main
dimensions of the machine. In order to obtain the main
dimensions it is required to develop the relation between the
output and the main dimensions of the machine. This relation is
known as the output equation.
Output equations
= 2.22 f ZphKw
Air gap flux per pole = Bav DL/p, and Specific electric loading q
= 3Iph Zph/ D Output of the machine Q = 3 x (2.22 x Pn s/2 x
Bav DL/p x Zphx Kw) Iph x 10 -3 kVA Output Q = (1.11 x Bav DL
x ns x Kw ) (3 x IphZph ) x 10-3 kVA
Substituting the expressions for Specific electric loadings
Output Q = (1.11 x Bav DL x ns x Kw ) ( D q ) x 10 -3 kVA Q =
(1.11 2 D2L Bav q Kw ns x 10-3) kVA
Tph = no of turns/phase
1. Iron loss: A high value of flux density in the air gap leads
to higher value of flux in the iron parts of the machine
which results in increased iron losses and reduced
The Fig shows open Circuit and short Circuit characteristics of
an alternator.
According to definition,
Effect of SCR on Machine performance
1. Voltage regulation
2. Stability
3. Parallel operation
1.Voltage Regulation
3. Parallel operation:
SCR = 1/ Xs, as SCR↑ Xs ↓ IXs ↑ V ↓ Psync ↓
For salient pole machines SCR value varies from 0.9 to 1.3
For turbo alternators SCR value varies from 0.7 to 1.1
Length of the air gap:
Length of the air gap is a very important parameter as it greatly
affects the performance of the machine. Air gap in synchronous
machine affects the value of SCR and hence it influences many
other parameters. Hence, choice of air gap length is very
critical in case of synchronous machines.
(i) Better waveform: by using short pitched coil
(ii) Saving in copper: Length of the overhang is reduced by
using short pitched coils
(iii) Lower cost of coils: saving in copper leads to reduction in
(iv) Fractional slot windings: Only in double layer winding,
leads to improvement in waveform
(i) Difficulty in repair: difficult to repair lower layer coils
(i) Reduced leakage reactance
(ii) Better cooling
(iii) Decreased tooth ripples
(i) Higher cost
(ii) Teeth becomes mechanically weak
(iii) Higher flux density in teeth
Tph = no of turns/phase
Stator coils:
Multi turn coils are former wound. These coils are made up of
insulated high conductivity copper conductors. Mica paper tape
insulations are provided for the portion of coils in the slot and
varnished mica tape or cotton tape insulation is provide on the
over hang portion. The thickness of insulation is decided based
on the voltage rating of the machine. Multi turn coils are usually
arranged in double layer windings in slots as shown in Fig XXX.
Dimensions of stator slot:
The flux density in the stator tooth should not exceed 1.8 to 2.0
Tesla. In salient pole alternators internal diameter is quite large
and hence the flux density along the depth of the tooth does
not vary appreciably. Hence width of the tooth may be
estimated corresponding to the permissible flux density at the
middle section of the tooth. The flux density should not exceed
1.8 Tesla. However in case of turbo alternators variation of flux
density along the depth of the slot is appreciable and hence the
width of the tooth may be estimated corresponding to the flux
density at the top section of the tooth or the width of the tooth
at the air gap. The flux density at this section should not
exceed 1.8 Tesla.
Flux / pole /( width of the tooth at the top section x iron length x
number of teeth per pole pitch) As the 2/3 rd pole pitch is slotted
the number of teeth per pole pitch = 2/3 x pole pitch/( slot
pitch at top section) Slot width = slot pitch at the top section –
tooth width at the top section.
Once the width of the slot is estimated the insulation required
width wise and the space available for conductor width wise
can be estimated.
(ii) Pole pitch: The over hang portion of the coils depend
upon the coil span which in turn depends upon the pole
Ex. 1 Design the stator frame of a 500 kVA, 6.6 kV, 50 Hz, 3
phase, 12 pole, star connected salient pole alternator, giving
the following informations.
= 153
Speed in rps ns = 2f/p = 2 x 50/12 = 8.33 rps
Output Q = C0 D2Lns =
L = πD/p = πD/12
L = 0.17D
= 0.0436 wb
Slot loading:
= 43.7 x 24
= 1048.8 ( satisfactory)
Ex. 2. A 3 phase 1800 kVA, 3.3 kV, 50 Hz, 250 rpm, salient pole
alternator has the following design data.
(i) Flux per pole
D = 230 cm,
L = 38 cm,
Ns = 250 rpm
P = 24
Bav = Φ / πDL/p
= 0.0624 x 24 / (π x 2.3 x 0.38)
= 0.55 Tesla
Thus the width of the slot should not exceed = 3.35 – 1.95 =
1.4 cm
Slot insulation width wise:
(i) Conductor insulation 2 x 0.5 = 1.0 mm
(ii) Micanite slot liner 2 x 1.5 = 3.0 mm
(iii) Binding tape 2 x 0.4 = 0.8 mm
(iv) tolerence = 1.2 mm
Total = 6.0 mm
Maximum space available for the conductor width wise = width
of the slot – insulation
width wise = 1.4 – 0.6
= 0.8 cm
Total 59 mm
Size of the slot = 1.38 cm x 5.9 cm
= 232
C0 = 232
Q = 6250 kVA
Ns = 750 rpm
Ns = 750/60 = 12.5 rps
D2L = Q / C0 ns
= 6250 / 232 x 12.5
= 2.16 m3
For the first machine pole pitch τp = πD/p
= π x 112/6
= 58.6 cm
Core length / pole pitch = gross length/ pole pitch
= 98/58.6
= 1.67
Assuming the same ratio of gross length to pole pitch for the
second machine as that of first machine
L / πD/p = 1.67
L = 1.67 x πD/8
= 0.655 D
Assuming Kw =0.955, f = 50 Hz
Hence number of teeth per pole arc = pole arc/ slot pitch
Assuming pole arc/ pole pitch = 0.65
Pole arc = 0.65 x 58.6 = 38.1 cm
Thus the number of teeth per pole arc = 38.1/4.35 = 9
Total = 5.5 mm
Insulation depth wise:
(i) Conductor insulation 6 x 2 x 0.5 = 6.0 mm
(ii) Micanite slot liner 2 x 1.5 = 3.0 mm
(iii)Bituminous insulation between the
insulated conductors (6-1) x 0.3 = 1.5 mm
(iv) coil separator between layers = 0.4 mm
(iv)Binding tape on the conductors 6 x 2 x 0.25 = 3.0
(v) Lip = 1.0 mm
(vi) Wedge = 3.0 mm
(vii) Tolerance = 1.6 mm
Total 19.5 mm
= 1.0 cm
Second Design:
Slots per pole per phase = 3
When there are more than one circuit per phase ( number
of parallel paths = a) Voltage per phase E ph = 4.44f Φ Tph Kw /
a; a = 2
D2L = Q/ Cons
= 5000/(130 x 50)
= 0.766 m3
Dr = 100/(50 x π) = 63.5 cm
D = Dr + 2lg
= 63.5 + 2 x 2.5
= 68.5 cm
L = 163 cm
D2L = Q/ Cons
= 5000/(130 x 50)
= 0.766 m3
Dr = 100/(50 x π) = 63.5 cm
D = Dr + 2lg
= 63.5 + 2 x 2.5
= 68.5 cm
L = 163 cm
=1 m
With a phase spread of 600 distribution factor
Kd = sin σ/2 / σ/2 = sin π/6 / π/6 = 0.955
In order to eliminate 5th harmonic chording angle α = 180/5=
Pitch factor Kp = cos α /2 = 0.951
Winding factor = Kp x Kd = 0.955 x 0.951 = 0.908
Output coefficient C0 = 11 Bav q Kw x 10-3
= 11 x 0.55 x 36000x 0.908 x10-3
= 198
D2L = Q / C0 ns
(i) Axial Length of the pole: Axial length of the pole may
be assumed 1 to 1.5 cm less than that of the stator
(ii) Width of the pole: Leakage factor for the pole is
assumed varying between 1.1 to 1.15.
Thus the flux in the pole body = 1.1 to 1.15
Hence width of the pole = Area of the pole / net axial length
of the pole.
(iii) Height of the pole:
Height of the pole is decided based on the mmf to be provided
on the pole by the field winding at full load. Hence it is required
to find out the mmf to be provided on the pole at full load
before finding the height of the pole. Full load field ampere
turns required for the pole can be calculated based on the
armature ampere turns per pole.
Hence full load field ampere turns per pole can be assumed 1.7
to 2.0 times the armature ampere turns per pole.
Armature ampere turns per pole ATa = 1.35 Iph Tph Kw /p And
ATfl = (1.7 to 2.0) ATa
Hence af = sf df hf / Tf
Hence the height of the pole = hf + height of the pole shoe + height taken by
Design of field winding for salient pole Alternator:
Vc/ If = ζ x lmt x Tf / af
Hence af = ζ x lmt x If Tf / Vc
(i) Length of the air gap : Air gap flux per pole = Bav x
= (12 x 0.0404)/( π x1.3 x
= 0.56 Tesla
Assuming Carter’s coefficient for the air gap k g as 1.15 and field
form factor Kf as 0.7 Bg = Bav/Kf = 0.56/0.7 = 0.8 Tesla
We have air gap ampere turns ATg = 796000 Bg kg lg
Hence air gap length lg = 3210 / ( 796000 x 0.8 x 1.15) =
0.0044 m = 4.4 mm
(ii) Diameter of the rotor Dr = D - 2 lg = 1.2 – 2 x 0.0044 =
(iv) Peripheral speed = πDrNs / 60 = π x 1.191 x 500/60
=31.2 m/s
Ex.2. The field coils of a salient pole alternator are wound with a
single layer winding of bare copper strip 30 mm deep, with a
separating insulation of 0.15 mm thick. Determine a suitable
winding length, number of turns and thickness of the conductor
to develop an mmf of 12000 AT with a potential difference of 5
volts per coil and with a loss of 1200 w/m 2 of total coil surface.
The mean length of the turn is 1.2 m. The resistivity of copper
is 0.021 /m and mm2.
Hence 36.8 hf = Vc x If Tf / Tf
= 5 x 6000/ Tf Hence hf Tf = 5 x 6000/ 36.8 =
(f) Find area of all the rotor conductors per pole = 2 x (I f x Tf) /δf
(g) Find the number of rotor conductors per pole = 2 x (I f x Tf) /
(δf x af)
(h) Number of field conductors per slot = 2 x (I f x Tf) / (δf x af x
sr), where sr is the number of rotor slots.
(ii) Various turns in the slots are separated from each other
by 0.3 mm mica separators.
(iii) 0.5 mm hard mica cell is provided on all the field coil.
(iv) Over the above insulation, 1.5 mm flexible mica
insulation is provided.
(v) Lastly a steel cell of o.6 mm is provided on the whole
field coil.
Ex. 1. Design the rotor of a 3 phase 20 MVA, 11 kV, 3000 rpm,
50 Hz, turbo alternator with the following design data. Diameter
at the air gap = 0.8 m, Gross length = 2.4 m, stator turns per
phase = 18, Number of stator slots = 36, Exciter voltage = 220
volts, Estimate (i) Number of rotor slots, (ii) area of the field
conductor (iii) Turns in the filed coil and (iv) Field current
(i) Open slots: In this type of slots the slot opening will be
equal to that of the width of the slots as shown in Fig. In such
type of slots assembly and repair of winding are easy. However
such slots will lead to higher air gap contraction factor and
hence poor power factor. Hence these types of slots are rarely
used in 3Φ synchronous motors.
Armature design
Armature parameters
1. Number of Slots
4. Dimensions
5. Depth
6. Mean length
Design of rotor
The ends of the damper bars are short circuited at the ends
by short circuiting rings similar to end rings as in the case of
squirrel cage rotors.
Full load field mmf can be taken as twice the armature mmf.
It is connected in series with armature winding.
It is used to reduce armature reaction.
Due to this winding full range of speed variation can be
Thermal conductivity of hydrogen is 7 times that of
Density of hydrogen is 0.07 times that of air.
Distributed winding
Fractional slot winding
Large air gap length
Since the voids carry air and air has poor thermal conductivity
heat transfer will be poor. Hence voids should be eliminated.
Cylindrical rotor machine
It permits the use of a stationary armature on
which the windings can be easily braced and insulated for high
The operation of slip rings on account of their
sliding contact is under liable with large currents at high
potential difference. The use of slip ring carrying large currents
at high voltage is therefore avoided in the stationary armature
Host spot temperature in winding
Leakage reaction
Tooth losses
Tooth flux density
Multi turn
16. How are iron and friction losses of an alternator
Results in considerable time saving thereby
giving quick returns of the investments made.
The programs based upon analysis methods
are simple but they become the foundations for later day larger
and sophisticated programs.
The results of analysis method are highly
acceptable by designers.
The synthesis method involves too much of logic
since the logical decisions are taken by the computer. Now, the
logical decisions have to be incorporated in the program and
before they are incorporated in the program, the teams of
engineers have to agree upon them. Firstly the logical decisions
to arrive at a optimum design are too many and then there are
too many people with too many ways to suggest to produce an
optimum design and it becomes really hard to formulate a logic
that really produces an optimum design.
The formulation of a synthesis program taking into
account the factor listed above would make it too complex. The
complex program formulated at high cost would require the use
of a large computer and also large running time involving huge
Synthesis method
It has capabilities to store amount of data,
count integers, round off results down to integers and refers to
tables, graphs and other data in advance.
It makes it possible to select an optimized
design with a reduction in cost and improvement in
31. Give the purpose of providing damper windings in
synchronous machines.
The purpose of damper winding is
In synchronous generators, it is provided to
suppress the negative sequence field and to damp the
oscillations when the machine starts hunting.
In synchronous motor, its function is to provide
starting torque and to develop damping power when the
machine starts hunting.
32. What is the range of rotor current density?
Amp-turn per pole
Copper loss in field coil
Dissipating surface of field coil
Damping torque is provided by the rotor itself and so
there is no necessity for additional damper winding.
They are suitable for high speed operations and so
number of poles is usually 2 or 4.
The prime movers used for salient pole alternators are water
wheels like Kaplan turbine, Francis turbine, pelton wheel, etc.,
and diesel or petrol engines.
Number of poles
Short circuit ratio (SCR)
In low speed machines with large number of
poles, the fractional slot winding will reduce tooth harmonics.
A range of machines with different speeds can be
designed with a single lamination.
The fractional slot winding reduces the harmonics
in mf and the leakage reactance of the windings.
The fractional slot winding allows only short
chorded winding. Therefore the length of mean turn of a coil
reduces which results in shorter end connections and so saving
in copper.
44. What is short circuit ratio (SCR)?
For salient pole alternator SCR varies from 1.0
to 1.5
Temperature rise
Synchronous reactance
Stray load losses
Voltage rating
For high stability and low regulation, the value of SCR should be
high, which requires large air gap. When the length of air gap is
large, the mmf requirement will be high and so the field system
will be large. Hence the machine will be costlier.
Small value of regulation
Higher value of stability
Better cooling
Lower tooth pulsation losses
Smaller unbalanced magnetic pull