• Computing power of chip depends on the CPU core
that is present.
• MCU with 8051 core or ARM core
– General purpose cores
– Good in general purpose arithmetic and data processing
• Dedicated hardware required
– Specialized arithmetic operations(fast arithmetic operation
arithmetic like fast multiply and add, floating point
arithmetic, exponentiation etc.
– Application demands fast results for complex math
DSP Processor
• Dedicated hardware with programmable
features is called DSP processor because
applications which need such complex math
are typically DSP computations.
Application Scenario
• Many applications used in embedded need to
use DSP computations.
• E.g. think of mobile phone, it deal with
compressed form of audio video and still
images and thus computation in real time are
• But a processor may not able to perform DSP
computations in real time, and therefore a
DSP core is needed.
Application Scenario
• Such systems use a powerful MCU for general
purpose computations and an additional DSP
• Two cores may present as two separate chips
or a single dual core processor may be used.
• Such dual cores are becoming popular
combination, ARM core and DSP core is a
popular combination.
List of Applications
– Communications
– Audio and video processing
– Graphics, image enhancement
– Navigation, radar, GPS
– Robotics
Embedded System & DSP Processor
• For simple embedded systems like printer,
motor control, systems like washing machine
and dish washing machine need only MCU
– No need of DSP processor
• For complex applications like ABS (Automatic
Breaking System)
– DSP processor is mandatory
DSP processor
• As a single unit, DSP processor has a
computational core which is similar in many ways
to GPP but has differences or enhancements to
make it cater to special requirements of DSP
• Most DSP cores have peripherals just like an
MCU they have an I/O capability with serial ports,
SPI, I2C and parallel ports, timers, DMA, ADC,
DAC and special peripherals for special
applications like dedicated peripherals for audio
and video.
Manufactures of DSP
• Two leading designers of DSP processors are
Texas Instruments(TI) and Analog devices.
• Besides these two, Lucent and Motorola also
have market share in this item.
General features of DSP
• Features are need driven
• Come directly from signal processing
• These processors should be able to perform
involved computations in such algorithms
much faster and efficiently than a GPP can do
General features of DSP
• E.g. A very common and basic DSP algorithm
which is FIR filter design.
• The computation involved is as: