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D. Answer the following questions
1. Define the terms
(a) Consolidate function - Consolidate is a function used to combine information
from multiple sheets of the spreadsheet into one place to summarize the
information. It is used to view and compare variety of data in a single spreadsheet
for identifying trends and relationships

(b) What-if analysis - What-if scenario is a set of values that can be used within the
calculations in the spreadsheet. A name is given to the scenario and several
scenarios can be created on the same sheet.

(c) Goal seek - To predict the output, we keep on changing all the input values to
obtain the desired output. Goal seek helps in finding out the input for the specific

2. Give one point of difference between

(a) Subtotal and What-if- The Subtotal tool in Calc creates the group
automatically and applies common functions like sum, average on the grouped
What-if tool uses Data > Multiple Operations and is a planning tool for what-if
questions. In this, the output is not shown in the same cells, whereas it uses a drop-
down list to display the output depending upon the input.

(b) What-if scenario and What-if tool- What-if scenario is a set of values that can
be used within the calculations in the spreadsheet. A name is given to the scenario
and several scenarios can be created on the same sheet.
What-if tool uses Data > Multiple Operations and is a planning tool for what-if
questions. In this, the output is not shown in the same cells, whereas it uses a drop-
down list to display the output depending upon the input

3. Give any two advantages of data analysis tools.

Ans: Data analysis tool can help you save time and effort with handling large data
sets or preserving your work for future review.
Consolidate tool is useful if you need to quickly summarize a large, scattered set
of data for review
In Subtotal One can use any type of summary function for each column as per the
requirement of data analysis

4. Name any two tools for data analysis.

Ans: Goal seek, What if scenario

5. What are the criteria for consolidating sheets?

Ans: The criteria for consolidating sheets are—
• Open each sheet in the spreadsheet and check that the data types must match
which you want to consolidate.
• Match the labels from all the sheets which are used for consolidating.
• Enter the first column as the primary column on the basis of which the data is to
be consolidated

6. Which tool is used to create an outline for the selected data?

Ans: Group and Outline in Calc is used to create an outline of the selected data and
can group rows and columns together so that one can collapse (-) to hide and
expand (+) it using single click on it. Select the data – click on DataGroup and

CH- 5 Using Macros in Spreadsheet

1. What is a Macro? List any two real life situations where they can be used.
Ans: A macro is a single instruction that executes a set of instructions. These set of
instructions can be a sequence of commands or keystrokes that can be used for any
number of tims later.
The two situations where they can be reduced are
1. When formatting settings to be applied repeatedly in spreadsheet
2. When the data has to be sorted repeatedly

2. List the actions that are not recorded by a macro.

Ans: Manual user input, external events not triggered by the macro are not
recorded by a macro.
3. How is LibreOffice Macros Library different from my Macros?

Ans: In LibreOffice, macros are grouped in modules, modules are grouped

in libraries, and libraries are grouped in library containers. A library is usually
used as a major grouping for either an entire category of macros, or for an entire
application. Modules usually split functionality, such as user interaction and
calculations. Individual macros are subroutines and function.
4. Differentiate between predefined function in Calc and Macros as a function
Nesting Macros can be nested. Functions cannot be
Use Macros are helpful for small reusable codes. Functions are useful for
large reusable codes.
Code length after Increases. Remains same.
Time of Macros are processed during the Functions are compiled
processing preprocessing stage. during the compilation
Debugging It is harder to debug code with macros as it is It is easier to debug code
difficult to understand the result of with functions.
substituting many macros.

5. List the rules that should be kept in mind while naming a macro.
Ans: While naming a Macro, Module or a Library the name should :
• Begin with a letter
• Not contain spaces
• Not contain special characters except for _
6. Give any one advantage of macros.

 Macros hold the details of an operation in a module that can be used "as if"
it were a single instruction.
 A frequently used sequence of instructions can be defined as a macro.
o Now the macro can be used rather than retyping the sequence.
o The sequence can be debugged just once, rather than each time it is
typed in.
o By using acual arguments, variations of the same idea are
 Macros are used to build up complex operations out of simpler operations.
 Libraries of useful macros can be created. Programmers can use these
libraries without knowing much about the detailed code the macros expand

Answer the following questions

1. Name the two ways to link the sheets in a LibreOffice Calc.
Ans: The two ways to link the sheets in a LibreOffice Calc are
1. creating reference to other sheets by using keyboard and mouse
2. by linking external data

2. Differentiate between Relative and Absolute Hyperlink.

Ans: The word relative means with respect to current location. Thus this hyperlink
tells how to get to the document from current position. Single dot is used to
represent the current folder and double dot is used to represent the parent folder.
Relative hyperlink will stop working only if the start and target locations change
relative to each other. Eg. ./ss3.ods
An absolute hyperlink tells how to get to a file from the top most folder.
Calc will always display absolute hyperlink. It will stop working only if target is
Eg. /main/second/ss3.ods

3. Write steps to extract a table from a web page in a spreadsheet.

Ans: Step 1. Open the spreadsheet where external data is to be inserted.
Step 2. Select the cell to store the first cell of the table in the external data.
Step 3. Select Sheet > Link to External Data.
Step 4. The External Data dialog box is displayed as shown in Fig. 6.18. Type
the URL of the source document or select it from the drop-down list if it is listed
and press enter.
Step 5. A dialog box is displayed to select the language for import as . Selecting
Automatic shows data in the same language as in the webpage.

4. Write steps to register a data source that is in *.odb format.

Ans: To register a data source that is in *.odb format, follow the steps given
Step 1. Select Tools > Options > LibreOffice Base > Databases. The Options -
Base-Databases dialog box appears.
Step 2. Click the New button to open the Create Database Link dialog box
Step 3. Enter the location of the database file, or click Browse to open a file
browser and select the database file.
Step 4. Type a name to use as the registered name for the database and click OK.
The database is added to the list of registered databases

5. State advantages of extracting data from a web page into spreadsheet.

Ans: 1. It allows to edit the data in table .
2. If there are more number of tables in the web page then rather than copy
pasting it we can directly extract the data.

CH-7 Share and Review a spreadsheet

1. Define the terms
(a) Sharing Spreadsheet : Sharing a spreadsheet is just like a teamwork to work in
collaboration with other users.
(b) Record changes : This feature of LibreOffice Calc provides different ways to
record the changes made by one or other users in the spreadsheet. While recording
the changes, the spreadsheet will turn off its shared feature

2. Write the commands to perform

(a) Sharing Spreadsheet : Tools > Share Spreadsheet
(b) Record changes : Edit > Track Changes > Record

3. Which menu is used to perform the functions

(a) Track Changes : Edit
(b) Saving Spreadsheet File

4. What do you understand by reviewing the changes in the spreadsheet?

Ans: Once the spreadsheet is edited by all the members of the team. It is the final
stage before submitting the spreadsheet. In this stage, we will go through the
changes to accept or reject to prepare the final spreadsheet after looking at all the
changes made by the team members

5. Differentiate between Merging and Comparing Spreadsheet

If the same spreadsheet is reviewed by different team members and you have two
different versions of the same spreadsheet file.
Merging two files will have the old as well as new changes made to the
Instead of merging two spreadsheets, one can compare the two spreadsheets by
comparing the documents

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