Oral questioning tool BPP (1)

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Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge Satisfactory


Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No

1. What is the essence of portioning and presenting
desserts according to product items, occasion and
enterprise standards and procedures?

2. Can you identify Factors to be considered in

Portioning and Presenting Dessert?
3. Principles and practices of hygiene particularly in
relation to preparing cake batter and decorating
finished cake products
4. Demonstrating knowledge on the characteristics of
desserts and decorations/garnishes and the
conditions required for optimum quality and
5. Demonstrated ability to prepare and present a
variety of desserts in accordance with established
standards and procedures

Safety Questions
1. Can you explain what Rule 1080 of OSHS means?
2. Explain the importance of Hygiene and safe handling
and storage requirements related to specialized cake
ingredients, commodities and products
3. Can you elaborate the importance of safe work
practices, particularly in relation to using cutting
implements, appliances, heated surfaces, ovens and
mixing equipment

Contingency Questions

1. What are you going to do to prevent shortage of

desserts. For example, you have 100 guests? How
many desserts will you prepare?

2. What are you going to do if the sauce of the dessert’s

3. What are you going to do if you found out that the
dessert you prepare and serve is spoiled.
Job Role/Environment Questions
1. How will you ensure that outputs and deliverables are
met based on work schedule?
2. How will you ensure that you are serving
uncontaminated food or desserts?

3. What technique or way will you use to identify how

many desserts to be portion and present?

Rules and Regulations

1. What does PD 1152 tell us and what is the importance
of adopting the said law?

Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge

Extension/Reflection Questions
• Portioning and presenting the desserts, are essential to enhance
the appearance of desserts. you can ensure that your desserts will
be more appealing to the guest and costumers having right amount
of serving to satisfy their cravings.
Proper portioning can help maximize profitability of the dessert.
• The factors to be consider in portioning and presenting dessert are
the numbers of guest or customers, the cost of dessert, the
availability of Ingredients, the right serving temperature of specific

• The principles and practices of hygiene particularly in relation to

preparing cake batter and decorating finished cake products
Before handling or preparing cake batter the baker must first
Do the proper hand washing, use hand gloves if necessary, wear
apron, hair net.

• Demonstrating knowledge on the characteristics of desserts and

decorations/garnishes and the conditions required for optimum
quality and presentation, In order to achieve achieved optimum
Quality and presentation the baker must have the knowledge
regarding the plate size to be used, the color combination, the
amount of garnish, the sauces and main dish to present.
• Demonstrated ability to prepare and present a variety of desserts in
accordance with established standards and procedures, We have
different kinds of desserts to be served starting from cold dessert,
hot dessert, fruit based dessert, the pies etc. all of this desserts
must be serve in accordance with the industry standards starting
from proper portion size, right size of main item, the right quantity
per guest yield.
Safety Questions
• RULE 1080 is all about PERSONAL PROTECTIVE
EQUIPMENT AND DEVICE the workers is required to wear
and must be provided by employer.
• Shall at his own expense furnish his workers with protective
equipment for the eyes, face, hands and feet, protective
shields and barriers whenever necessary by reason of the
hazardous nature of the process or environment, chemical or
radiological or other mechanical irritants or hazards capable
of causing injury or impairment in the function of any part of
the body through absorption, inhalation or physical contact.

• The importance of Hygiene and safe handling and storage

requirements related to specialized cake ingredients,
commodities and products is minimized or eliminate the food
contamination as well as prolonging the life span of the
dessert or food to handle and store.
• The importance of safe work practices, particularly in relation
to using cutting implements, appliances, heated surfaces,
ovens and mixing equipment is to avoid accident cause by
unsafe act and insufficient skill in knowledge in the specific

Contingency Questions

• To prevent shortage of desserts. For example, you have 100

guests, you have to prepare 120 desserts to have allowance
for the unexpected guest or customers. Some guest bring
friends with them even they are not in the list. To be able to
serve them we must have an allowance when preparing.

Job Role/Environment Questions

• I am ensuring that outputs and deliverables are met based
on work schedule, Base on industry standards delivery time
of work. If I met the required standard of the industry then I
can say that I meet the work schedule. For example in the
bakery the standard time to produce 250 pcs. Of pan desal is
2 HRS. working time. The basis of my working time will be
2hrs. or below 2 hrs. to ensure that I met the scheduled
• I can ensure that I am not serving uncontaminated food or
desserts by Using the two-to-four-hour rule of safety food
handling. Using timer;
✓ Food held between 5°C and 60°C for less than 2 hours
can be used, sold or put back in the refrigerator to use
✓ Food held between 5°C and 60°C for 2-4 hours can still
be used or sold, but can’t be put back in the fridge.
✓ Food held between 5°C and 60°C for 4 hours or more
must be thrown away.

Rules and Regulations

• PD 1152 tell us the importance of adopting the law.
ENVIRONMENT CODE WHEREAS, the broad spectrum of
environment has become a matter of vital concern to the

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