Oral questioning tool BPP (1)
Oral questioning tool BPP (1)
Oral questioning tool BPP (1)
Safety Questions
1. Can you explain what Rule 1080 of OSHS means?
2. Explain the importance of Hygiene and safe handling
and storage requirements related to specialized cake
ingredients, commodities and products
3. Can you elaborate the importance of safe work
practices, particularly in relation to using cutting
implements, appliances, heated surfaces, ovens and
mixing equipment
Contingency Questions
Extension/Reflection Questions
• Portioning and presenting the desserts, are essential to enhance
the appearance of desserts. you can ensure that your desserts will
be more appealing to the guest and costumers having right amount
of serving to satisfy their cravings.
Proper portioning can help maximize profitability of the dessert.
• The factors to be consider in portioning and presenting dessert are
the numbers of guest or customers, the cost of dessert, the
availability of Ingredients, the right serving temperature of specific
Contingency Questions