Biodiversity Conservation Ppt 2

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By Rida, Sarah Koshy, Sarah Riyaz and
What is conservation? Why is conservation

~Conservation is the protection of things that are found in

nature. It requires the sensible use of Earths natural
~People who care about conservation try to preserve natural
resources so they will be around for future generations
~Is it important so we can maintain balance in the ecosystem
Reasons for biodiversity

01 02
Narrowly Utilitarian Broadly utilitarian


Narrowly Utilitarian
● Humans derive countless direct
economic benefits from nature
● For example, firewood, food,
medicines, industrial materials, etc
are all derived from nature and have
economic value
● Bioprospecting- exploring molecular,
genetic and species level diversity for
products of economic importance so
we can make use of natural resources

Broadly Utilitarian
● Biodiversity plays a major role in
services that nature provides
● Explains the large uses of biodiversity
that we cannot put any economic
value on
● Example- photosynthesis, pollination,
or aesthetic pleasures of walking
through a dense forest and seeing
flowers bloom

Ethical Reasons
● This argument relates to what we owe
to plants and animals.
● All species are interdependent, loss of
one species may affect other member
of community
● Every species has an intrinsic if not
economic value
● It is our moral duty to care for their
well being
How do we conserve biodiversity ?

1. In situ (on site) conservation – When the whole ecosystem

is conserved, biodiversity at all levels is protected. We save
the entire forest to save a tiger.
2. Ex situ (off site) conservation – When an animal or plant is
threatened and on the verge of extinction, this is the
desirable approach

-Many nations find it unrealistic to be able to conserve all

biodiversity. The number of species to be saved exceeds the
number or resources that are available.
-Conservationists identified biodiversity hotspots. They are
regions with high levels of species richness. They had our
and protect a large number of species.

-There are a total of 34 biodiversity hotspots in the world.

-Even though they cover less than 2% of the earths land area,
strict protection of them could reduce the ongoing mass
extinctions by 30%
-India has 14 biosphere reserves, 90 national parks and 448
wildlife sanctuaries.

-Threatened animals and plants are removed from their

natural habitat and placed in special setting where they can
be protected.
-Gametes of threatened species can be preserved in viable and
fertile conditions using cryopreservation techniques.
-Seeds of commercially important plants can be kept in seed
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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