Weldetensae M K studied that The mean age was 39±17.9 years and the average duration of
catheter stay was 58 ±95 days. A hundred thirty-five (38.2%) CRBSIs were documented
with an incidence rate of 7.74 episodes per 1000 catheter days. The causative
microorganism was predominantly gram-negatives (57.6%). Duration of a catheter (AOR:
0.3; P < 0.001), previous CVC infection (AOR: 11.9; P < 0.001), high white blood cell count
(AOR: 0.31; P<0.001), urban residence (AOR: 1.92; P<0.05), and low hemoglobin levels
(AOR: 2.78; P < 0.05) were independently associated with catheter-related bloodstream
infections7. According to studies conducted in Algeria, the complication of bloodstream
infection or bacteremia following DLC insertion went up to 23.9% and 22%, respectively8.
More than 300.000 people in the Canada rely on hemodialysis, with the majority of them
caused by advanced renal disease9.10.11, 12
To the best of our knowledge, the bacteriological profile of DLC related sepsis in diabetic
patients, as well as the antibiograms of the isolates, have received little attention in
Pakistan. The majority of the provided data are from Intensive Care Unit (ICU) studies that
do not focus on diabetic patients. No study examined catheter-related infection and sepsis
in SLCs with double-lumen catheters (DLCs) of the same gauge and length. Therefore the
present study focused on the variance in microbiology in double lumen catheters related
sepsis in diabetic patients. The interplay between microbiology, catheter use, and diabetes
presents a pressing challenge. This study underscores the importance of tailoring infection
prevention and control strategies to address the unique needs of diabetic patients with
To assess clinical outcomes associated with different microbial species and treatment
Diabetic Patients (Study Population): Patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (type 1 or
type 2) as per the American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria.
Positive catheter segment culture: More than 15 colonies of an organism recovered on semi-
quantitative culture of a portion of the catheter will indicate a positive culture.
Catheter-related infection: The recovery of more than 15 colonies of an organism from a
catheter segment associated with local infection at the puncture site will be considered as
catheter related infection. Local infection refers to presence of tenderness, erythema and
pus discharge.
Catheter seeding: Secondary seeding of the catheter due to bacteremia from a distant focus
will be defined as catheter seeding.
Catheter-related sepsis: Isolation of the same organism in more than 15 colonies from a skin
swab, catheter segments or peripheral blood culture, presence of erythema and pus at the
puncture site and signs and symptoms of septicemia such as fever, chills, tachypnoea,
tachycardia, hypotension and altered sensorium which subsided on removal of the catheter.
Settings: This study will be conducted in the Department of Internal Medicine, TCH
Duration of Study: The minimum duration of the study will be six months from the date of
synopsis approval.
Margin of error 5%
Inclusion criteria:
Age ≥18–years
Either gender
dult patients (e.g., ≥18 years) with diabetes mellitus (Type 1 or Type 2).
Clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of sepsis (e.g., fever >38°C, chills, or hypotension).
Exclusion Criteria;
Data analysis will be done using SPSS version 27. Continuous data will be presented as
mean and SD or median and the interquartile range, and categorical data will be described
as frequencies and percentages. Quantitative variables Weight gain, blood pressure, HbA1c
levels (if diabetic)., birth weight, Apgar score, gestational age at birth, number of antenatal
visits, missed appointments. will be measurwed as Quantitative variables.Patient
satisfaction: Collected through surveys or Likert scales and themes of discussions:
Observational analysis of group dynamics. Content Analysis: to evaluate survey trends.
Mixed-Methods Analysis: Combining survey results will be measured as qualitative
variables. T-test, X2 test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used as appropriate. The
microbiological variance of DLC-related sepsis will be stratified for infection, age, gender,
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, body mass index, previous history of DLC for hemodialysis,
previous history of bloodstream infection or bacteremia, site of insertion, DLC used, and
duration of catheter use. Post-stratification chi-square test will be used by taking 95%
confidence interval and 5% level of significance.
Patient ID/Code:
Age (years):
Signs of Infection:
☐ Fever ☐ Chills ☐ Erythema at Site ☐ Purulent Discharge
☐ Hypotension ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Other: _____________
Type of Organism:
☐ Gram-Positive ☐ Gram-Negative ☐ Fungal
Complications Observed:
☐ Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) ☐ Multiorgan Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
☐ Other: ______________
Barlow G M, Mathur R. Type 2 Diabetes and the Microbiome.J Endocrine Society, Volume 7,
Issue 2, February 2023, bvac184, Published:30 November 2022
Shoaib M, Das B, Suhail MA, et al. Frequency of double lumen catheter related infections in
hemodialysis patients. J Peoples Univ Med Heal Sci. 2021; 11(02):33-36.