Api 510
Api 510
Api 510
Ans. PIT B
required thickness-corrosion allowance
Half of Treq=0.604/2=0.302.
Q1 Except under insulation, which of the following is the lowest temperature Which atmospheric
corrosion would not be expect to occur:
A: 120 F ( 49 C )
B: 125 F ( 52 C )
C: 250 F ( 121 C )
D: 300 F ( 149 C
Q-2- Corrosion is suspected under beneath refectory lining the refectory can be removed to allow
further inspection or ?
Q-3- With carbon and low alloy steel material CUI is usually in the Form of:
A: localized corrosion
D: Galvanized corrosion
A: Material toughness
C: Tensile strength
Q.47 The API-authorized pressure vessel inspector may give prior general authorization for
vessel.repairs that do not require
1. final acceptance inspection
2. radiography
3. pressure tests
4. ultrasonic testing
Q.50 A pressure vessel has been in service for 12 years. The original thickness was 1.938 in. ......
the current thickness is 1.405 in. (35.7 mm). The retirement thickness is 225 in. ....... the corrosion
rate for this vessel?
1. 0.015 in./yr. (0.382 mm/yr.)
2. 0.030 in./yr. (0.762 mm/yr.)
3. 0.044 in./yr. (0.125 mm/yr.)
4. 0.088 in./yr. (2.235 mm/yr.)
Q.100 A 14-ft. (4,267 mm) seam-to-vertical vessel was constructed using plate that was 0.875 in.
(22.2 mm) thick with an allowable stress of 17,500 psi (1206 MPa), Incorporating a double butt-
weided longitudinal seam. The vessel was full radiographed and designed for pressure of 600 psig
(4.13 MPa) including static head. It has been in service for 5 years. It now has a measured
thickness of 0.820 in. (20.8 mm) over the entire length. The measured inside diameter is 38.13 in.
(968.5 mm). What is the current required thickness of the vessel?
1. 0.055 in. (1.4 mm)
2. 0.667 in. (16.93 mm)
3. 0.820 in. (20.8 mm)
4. 0.335 in. (33.86 mm)
Q.101 An inspector is assigned to the Amine Unit and is required to perform an internal inspection
on the carbon steel sour gas stripper column. Which of the following types of damage should the
inspector be concerned about?
1. Uniform thinning, localized corrosion, and under-deposit attack
2. Hydrogen blistering in the shell material
3. Alkaline stress corrosion cracking in weldments
4. Pitting attack and crevice corrosion
Q.102 A pressure vessel has 120 in. (3,048 mm) internal diameter, 1 in. (25.4mm) nominal …and
the required thickness is 0.875 in. (22.2 mm). There are areas of localized mental loss ….remaining
thickness 0.750 in. (19.0 mm).It is intended to install two fillet-welded patches .What is the
minimum distance (toe-to-toe) allowed between in two patches
1. 27 in. (681 mm)
2. 29 in. (736 mm)
3. 31 in. (787 mm)
4. 38 in. (963 mm)
Q.105 when long-term and short-term corrosion rates are different, the remaining life should be
1. at the discretion of the inspector
2 using the current process conditions
3. Using the rate that gives the shortest remaining life
4. Using the rate that gives the longest inspection interval
Q.107 Indentify activites typically included the inspection of the pressure relief valves
1. Shop as-received pop test
2 valve body thickness measurements
3. Shop inspection
4. Internal inspection of valve inlet and outlet piping
5. Spring compression test
6. Visual on-stream inspection
Q.108 During pressure vessel rerating, a thickness reading of 1.336 in.(33.9 mm) is obtained on a
clad 21 ellipsoidal head with an I.D. of 60-1/16 in. (1526 mm). The joint efficiency is 1.0. The ASME
data report states that the head is seamless and that the attaching weld to the vessel is category
B, Type 1, and has an allowable material stress of 17,500 psi (120.6 MPa). Estimated corrosion rate
for the clad head is 0.0 in. /yr. (no corrosion expected). Based on this data, what is the maximum
allowable pressure of this head.
1. 543 psig (3.73 Mpa)
2 620 psig (4.27 Mpa)
3. 659 psig (4.53 Mpa)
4. 771 psig (5.33 Mpa)
Q.109 which of the following can be used determine the weld preparation angle prior to welding
1. Vernier Caliper
2 SKEW-T gauge
3. Bridge cam gauge
4. The procedure Qualification Record
2) Full encirclement sleeve used for leaking repairs, which of the following welds are NOT allowed for
making longitudinal weld joint of the sleeve?
a. Overlapping side strip welds.
b. Butt joint with backing strip.
c. Butt joint without backing strip.
d. All of above are not allowed.
Article 201
Butt-Welded Insert Plates in Pressure Components
1) In insert plate repair method, rectangular and square insert plates of 20 mm thickness shall have
corners rounded to a minimum radius equal to:
a. 3 times insert plate thickness Le 60mm.
b. 6 times insert plate thickness i.e120mm.
c. 75 mm.
d. 150 mm.
2.) A corroded area on non-post weld heat-treated cylindrical shell was completely removed by making a
150mm diameter opening, which is to be repaired by using circular Butt-welded Insert Plates. What will
Be Minimum diameter of Insert Plate?
a. Lesser of 12t or 380 mm (where t is the thickness of the parent material).
b. Greater of 12t or 380 mm (where t is the thickness of the parent material).
c. 150mm diameter.
d. 300 mm diameter.
1) Which of the following testing methods are not used to check the integrity of the system?
a. Hydrostatic testing.
b. Pneumatic testing.
c. Tightness testing.
d. All are used to check the integrity
2) A cylindrical shell 30mm thick was repaired by depositing 20mm " External Weld build up to Repair
Internal Thinning". The corners of the weld overlay shall be rounded to radius:
a. Maximum 20mm.
b. Minimum 20mm.
c. Minimum 30mm.
d. Maximum 30mm