Part 9 heap

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Data Structures and Algorithms

Part 9: Heaps

1 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

• Heaps
• Introduction to Heaps
• Heap implementation as an array
• Inserting a node in a heap
• Removing the maximum node
• Expanding the Heap Array
• Efficiency of heap operations
• Building the heap with O(n)
• Heap sort
• Priority queue implementation using a heap

2 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

Introduction to Heaps
 A heap is a binary tree with these characteristics:
 It’s complete. This means it’s completely filled in, reading from left to
right across each row, although the last row need not be full.
 It’s (usually) implemented as an array.
 the heap can be either a max heap in which the root has the
max value or min heap in which the root has the min value
 Each node in a heap satisfies the heap condition.
 Any sorted array is a heap:
 Ascending order: min heap
 Descending order: max heap

3 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

4 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9
Heap implementation as an array
The fact that a heap is
a complete binary tree
implies that there are
no “holes” in the array
used to represent it.
Every cell is filled, from
0 to N-1.
 If a node’s index
number is index, this
node’s left child is
2*index + 1
 its right child is
2*index + 2
 and its parent is
(index-1) / 2

5 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

Inserting a node

We didn’t build the heap using a tree its an array

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6 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

Removing the maximum node

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7 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9
Efficiency of Heap Operations
 For a heap with a substantial number of items, the trickle-up and trickle-down
algorithms are the most time-consuming part of the operations we’ve seen.
These algorithms spend time in a loop, repeatedly moving nodes up or down
along a path.
 The trickleUp() method has only one major operation in its loop: comparing
the key of the new node with the node at the current location.
 The trickleDown() method needs two comparisons: one to find the largest
child and a second to compare this child with the “last” node.
 They must both copy a node from top to bottom or bottom to top to
complete the operation.

8 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

Efficiency of Heap Operations(conts.)
 The trickleUp() and trickleDown() routines cycle through their loops L-1
times, so the first takes time proportional to log N, and the second
somewhat more because of the extra comparison.
 Thus, the heap operations we’ve talked about here all operate in O(log
N) time.
 Heapify a single node takes O(Log N) time complexity where N is the
total number of Nodes. Therefore, building the entire Heap will take N
heapify operations and the total time complexity will be O(N*logN).
 In reality, building a heap takes O(n) time depending on the

9 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

 The efficiency of the heap data structure lends itself to a surprisingly simple and very
efficient sorting algorithm called heapsort.
 The basic idea is to insert all the unordered items into a heap using the normal
insert() routine. Repeated application of the remove() routine will then remove the
items in sorted order. Here’s how that might look
 for(j=0; j<size; j++)
theHeap.insert( anArray[j] ); // from unsorted array
for(j=0; j<size; j++)
anArray[j] = theHeap.remove(); // to sorted array
 Because insert() and remove() operate in O(logN) time, and each must be applied N
times, the entire sort requires O(N*logN) time, which is the same as quicksort.
 However, it’s not quite as fast as quicksort, partly because there are more operations
in the inner while loop in trickleDown() than in the inner loop in quicksort.
10 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9
Priority queue implementation using a heap
 A priority queue is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) offering methods that allow removal
of the item with the maximum (or minimum) key value, and insertion.
 As with other ADTs, priority queues can be implemented using a variety of
underlying structures. In Chapter 4 we saw a priority queue implemented as an
ordered array.
 The trouble with that approach is that, even though removal of the largest item is
accomplished in fast O(1) time, insertion requires slow O(N) time.
 Another structure that can be used to implement a priority queue: the heap. A heap
is a kind of tree. It offers both insertion and deletion in O(logN) time.
 Thus, it’s not quite as fast for deletion, but much faster for insertion. It’s the method
of choice for implementing priority queues where speed is important and there will
be many insertions.

11 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

Building a heap with O(n)
1- the leaf nodes need not to be heapified as they already follow the heap
2- The array representation of the complete binary tree contains the level order
traversal of the tree.
 Modified algorithm:
 find the position of the last non-leaf node and perform the heapify operation of each
non-leaf node in reverse level order.

12 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

Example : taking an array
A= [6,8,10,9,11,18,15,14,13,20,22] build a max heap
 The array contain 11 elements
 Search for the first non-leaf element (10/2 -1).
i.e element with index 4----- A[4]=11
Heapify A[4]=11
1. Find left child index 4*2+1=9
2. Find right child index 4*2+2=10
3. Compare A[4] with A[9] and A[10] and swap it with the biggest child (swap 11 with 22)
4. The array becomes A=[6,8,10,9,22,18,15,14,13,20,11]
Heapify A[3]=9
Compare 9 with 14 and 13 and swap it with 14

13 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

Heapify A[2]=10
Compare 10 with 18,15 ---swap 10 with 18
Heapify A[1]=8
Compare 8 with 14 and 22 --- swap 8 and 22
Compare 8 with 20 and 11 ---- swap 8 with 20
Heapify A[0]=6
Compare 6 with 22 and 18 ----- swap 6 and 22
Compare 6 with 14 and 20 ----- swap 6 with 20
Compare 6 with 8 and 11 ---- swap 6 with 11
14 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9


20 18

14 11 10 15

9 13 8 6

15 Data Structures and Algorithms Part 9

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