noun phrases
noun phrases
noun phrases
A. Noun Phrase
1. Definition of Noun Phrase
Many scientists have defined what actually noun phrase is. The
following are several definitions of noun phrase:
a. Noun phrase is a noun head that has adjective modifiers that appear
before and after it.1
b. Noun phrase is a group of words in a sentence that behaves in the
same ways as a noun that is as subject, an object, a complement or as
the object of preposition.2
c. A noun phrase (abbreviated NP) is a phrase whose head is a noun or
a pronoun, optionally accompanied by a modifier set.3
From the meaning above, the writer can conclude that noun phrase
is a group of words which has a noun/pronoun as a main part (head)
which is modified by some modifiers (pre-modification or post-
modification). The following is some examples of noun phrase:
- Beautiful girls (an adjective ‘beautiful’, a plural noun ‘girls’)
- A beautiful girl (an article ‘a’, an adjective ‘beautiful’ and a singular
noun ‘girl’)
- This beautiful girl (a determiner ‘this’, an adjective ‘beautiful’ and a
singular noun ‘girl’)
- A very beautiful girl (an article ‘a’, an adverb ‘very’ defining an
adjective ‘beautiful’ and a singular noun)
- A very beautiful girl who loves him (an article ‘a’, an adverb ‘very’
defining an adjective ‘beautiful’ and a singular noun; followed by a
Marcella Frank, Op.Cit p.112
A.S. Hornby. Op.Cit ,p.867
Wikipedia, Noun Phrase, retrieved from on 2nd
January 2011
b. Object
[S NP (John) P VP(have killed) O NP(the beautiful girl)]
c. Complement
[S NP(This) P VP(is) C NP(the big house)]
d. Adverbial
[S NP(Mary) P VP(visited) O NP(her mother) A NP(last night)]
e. Modifier in other noun phrase
[H N(Girl) M NPS(the seller)]
Sidney Greenbaum and Randolp Quink, A Student’s Grammar of The English Language,
(England: Pearson Education Limited, 2003), 17th Ed, p. 363
The noun phrase above has two post-modifiers; they are prepositional
phrase and relative clause.
Ibid, p.364
Geoffrey Leech, et. al., English Grammar for Today, (Hampshire: Macmilan, 1986), 1st
Ed. p.51
Ibid, p.52
b. For the structure of noun phrase construction, the writer classifies the
noun phrase based on the form of modifier itself. The forms of the
structure of construction of noun phrase can be: 1).Det.+Adj.+N,
2).N+N, 3).Adj.+N, 4).N+PP, 5).Adj.+N+PP, 6).Det.+N, 7).Det. +
Adj+ N+ RCL, 8).Det+E+Adj+N+RCL+PP
Conan Doyle fathered five children. He had two with his first wife—
Mary Louise (28 January 1889 – 12 June 1976) and Arthur Alleyne
Kingsley, known as Kingsley (15 November 1892 – 28 October 1918)—and
three with his second wife—Denis Percy Stewart (17 March 1909 – 9
March 1955), second husband in 1936 of Georgian Princess Nina Mdivani
(circa 1910 – 19 February 1987; former sister-in-law of Barbara Hutton);
Adrian Malcolm (19 November 1910–3 June 1970) and Jean Lena Annette
(21 December 1912–18 November 1997).
In 1882 he joined former classmate George Budd as his partner at a
medical practice in Plymouth, but their relationship proved difficult, and
Conan Doyle soon left to set up an independent practice. Arriving in
Portsmouth in June of that year with less than £10 to his name, he set up a
medical practice at 1 Bush Villas in Elm Grove, Southsea. The practice was
initially not very successful; while waiting for patients, Conan Doyle again
began writing stories and composed his first novel—The Narrative of John
Smith—which would go unpublished until 2011. His first significant work,
A Study in Scarlet, appeared in Beeton's Christmas Annual for 1887. It
featured the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes, who was partially
modeled after his former university teacher Joseph Bell. Conan Doyle wrote
to him, "It is most certainly to you that I owe Sherlock Holmes. ... Round
the centre of deduction and inference and observation which I have heard
you inculcate I have tried to build up a man." Future short stories featuring
Sherlock Holmes were published in the English Strand Magazine. Robert
Louis Stevenson was able, even in faraway Samoa, to recognize the strong
similarity between Joseph Bell and Sherlock Holmes: "My compliments on
your very ingenious and very interesting adventures of Sherlock Holmes. ...
Can this be my old friend Joe Bell?" Other authors sometimes suggest
additional influences—for instance, the famous Edgar Allan Poe character
C. Auguste Dupin. Most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock
Holmes, which are generally considered a major innovation in the field of
crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. He was a
prolific writer whose other works include science fiction stories, historical
novels, plays and romances, poetry, and non-fiction.
Conan Doyle was found clutching his chest in the hall of Windlesham,
his house in Crowborough, East Sussex, on 7 July 1930. He died of a heart
attack at the age of 71. His last words were directed toward his wife: "You
are wonderful." The epitaph on his gravestone in the churchyard at Minstead
in the New Forest, Hampshire, reads: “Steel True Blade Straight Arthur
Conan Doyle Knight Patriot, Physician & Man Of Letters”.
Undershaw, the home near Hindhead, south of London that Arthur
Conan Doyle had built and lived in for at least a decade, was a hotel and
restaurant from 1924 until 2004. It was then bought by a developer, and has
since been empty while conservationists and Conan Doyle fans fight to
preserve it. A statue honors Conan Doyle at Crowborough Cross in
Crowborough, where Conan Doyle lived for 23 years. There is also a statue
of Sherlock Holmes in Picardy Place, Edinburgh, close to the house where
Conan Doyle was born.9
Sidney Paget, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, retrieved from on 15th June 2011
Cliff, What is a Definition of Short Story?, retrieved from
Wikipedia, Short Story, retrieved from on 29th
December 2010
Ken Hyland, Genre and Second Language Writing,(The United State of America: The
University of Michigan Press, 2004), p.4.
L. Gerrot and P. Wignell, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (Sidney: Antepodean
Educational Enterprises, 1995), pp. 192-217
f. Narrative
Narrative is a kind of genre that has social function to amuse, entertain
and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways.
Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to crisis or turning
point of some kinds, which in turn finds a resolution.
g. Description
It is a kind of genre that has social function to describe a particular
person, place, or thing.
h. Hortatory Exposition
It is a kind of genre that has social function to persuade the reader or
listener that something should not be the case.
i. Explanation
Explanation is a kind of genre that has social function to explain the
process involved in the formation or working of natural or socio cultural
j. Reviews
It is a kind of genre that has social function to critique an art work or
event for a public audience.
k. Discussion
It is a kind of genre that has social function to present (at least) two
points of view about an issue
l. Procedure
Procedure is a kind of genre that has social function to describe how
something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps
m. News Item
It is a kind of genre that has social function to inform reader, listener,
viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or
Ellie Chambers and Marshall Gregory, Teaching and Learning English Literature,
(London: Sage Publications, 2006), 1st Ed. p.40
Ibid, p.46
Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Op.Cit .p.15
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1991), p.77
2. Cognitive Approach
Actually there is no the best approach to teach grammar (noun
phrase). Each approach has surplus, lack and characteristic itself. The
writer chooses cognitive approach to teach grammar (noun phrase)
because she thinks that this approach is appropriate.
First, let the writer explains what we mean when we use the term
language and cognition. Cognition can be thought of as the act or
process of obtaining knowledge including perceiving, recognizing,
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language,
(USA:Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2001), 3rd Ed, p.5
Insup Taylor, Psycholinguistics: Learning and Using Language, (USA: Prentice-Hall,
1990), p.19
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Op.Cit., p. 267
Wikipedia “Cognitive Approach to Grammar”, retrieved from on 7th of February 2011
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Op.Cit., p. 268
Ibid, p. 269
and precedes language. Thus, before infants can learn language forms
such as noun, they must possess certain cognitive prerequisites such as
an understanding that objects have a permanent existence.
A third theory derives from the rationalist concept of innate mental
structures and views language and cognition as separate. This approach
is represented by the work of Chomsky and more recently by Pinker who
argue that language is an innate, human specific ability which is not
dependent on other cognitive processes.
Although the existence of innate principles has received some
empirical support, it has also been suggested that social interaction is a
major importance in developing language capacity. This fourth view
comes from interactionists such as Vygotsky who hold that thought and
language are initially separate but become interdependent during acts of
communication since meaning is created through interaction.26
There are some principles in cognitive approach such as:
a. Language learning is viewed as rule acquisition, not habit formation.
b. Instruction is often individualized; learners are responsible for their
own learning.
c. Grammar must be taught but it can be taught deductively (rules first,
practice later) and or inductively (rules can either be stated after
practice or left as implicit information for the learners to process on
their own).
d. Pronunciation is de-emphasized; perfection is viewed as unrealistic
and unattainable.
e. Reading and writing are once again as important, especially at
intermediate and advanced levels.
f. Errors are viewed as inevitable, to be used constructively in the
learning process.
Ibid, p.271
David W. Carrol, Psychology of Language, (USA: Cole Publishing Company, 1999),p.49
Marriene Celce-Muria, Op.Cit, p.272
Ibid, p.273
David W. Carrol, Op.Cit,p. 52
2.3 Output
The final part of an information processing model is output. In
second/foreign language learning theory it has been suggested that
giving learners the opportunity for output is just as important as
giving them input because output serves critical functions in the
learning process.37 When language learner experience difficulties as
they attempt to use the target language to communicate, they often
become aware of what they need to know to express them-selves
effectively. They may ask their fellow students or their teacher for
help, or use their textbook or dictionary to locate the required phrases
or forms.
E. Previous Research
There are some researches which attempt to study the topic related to the
noun phrase, noun phrase in short story, and sentence analysis which is line
with the researcher’s.
The thesis entitled A Descriptive Study of Noun Phrase Construction In
English Vocational Advertisement In Kompas Newspaper written by Agus
Pramono, the student of Muhammadiyah University Surakarta 2008. This
study is about noun phrases in English; especially the noun phrases
constructions in English vocational advertisement. This research is aimed at
identifying the Noun phrase construction in English vocational
advertisement and to describe the typical construction of English vocational
advertisement. This research is descriptive qualitative research that describes
the phrase construction in English vocational advertisement. The result of
this research is some patterns of Noun Phrase construction in English
vocational advertisement in Kompas News Paper. The pattern of Noun
Marriane Celce-Muria, Op.Cit, p.273
Agus Pramono, “A Descriptive Study of Noun Phrase Construction In English
Vocational Advertisement In Kompas Newspaper”, Thesis of Muhammadiyah University,
(Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University, 2003), p. 42-43
Asem Tarigan, “An Analysis of Noun Phrase Translation From English in Ernest
Hemingway’s The Old Man And The sea Into Bahasa Indonesia in Sapardi Djoko Damono’s
Lelaki Tua Dan Laut”, Thesis of Sebelas Maret University, (Sebelas Maret University: Surakarta,
2003), p.48-50.
Khairun Nisa, “An Analysis Noun and Verb Phrase in D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Son and
Lovers”, Thesis of Semarang State University, (Semarang State University, 2009), p.63-65.