Ali 67 39 59 84 80
Nimra 75 79 92 68 38
Haider 44 41 60 38 71
Saad 56 77 77 87 75
Alina 67 72 65 69 83
Exercise 3: Prepare the following worksheet. 10 Marks
(i). Enter the sample data in columns 2, 3, 4 and 5 for at least 10
(ii). Apply formulas to calculate Total Score
(iii). Apply formula for Status according to criteria;
Get Admission if total score > 50, otherwise ineligible.
Exercise 4: Objectives:
Introduction to MS Excel files, Workbooks, Worksheets, Columns
and Rows.
Formatting Worksheets.
AutoFill, Numeric formats, previewing
1. Open a new workbook and save the file with the name “Call
2. Delete Sheet 2 & 3, and rename Sheet 1 to (Call Statistics).
3. Enter the labels and values in the exact cells locations as desired.
4. Set the row height of rows 1 & 3 to size 30; and rows 4 until 10 to
size 20.
5. Set labels alignment appropriately.
6. Use Warp Text, Orientation and merge cells as desired.
7. Apply border, gridlines and shading to the table as desired.
8. Format column E to include euro (€) sign with two decimal places.
9. Format cell B12 to include % sign with 0 Decimal places.
10. Calculate the Calls per Hour, enter a formula in cell D4 to divide
numbers of calls by Hours worked. Using AutoFill, copy the formula to
the remaining cells.
11. Calculate the Bonus.
12. Calculate the ‘TOTAL.
13. Set the worksheet vertically and horizontally on the page.
14. Create a header that includes your name in the left section, and
your ID number in the right section. Create the footer that includes the
current Date in the center.
Exercise 6
Number, Commas and Decimal numeric formats.
Working with Formulas (Maximum, Minimum, Average, Count and
Percentage Numeric Formats.
i. Enter the formula to find COMMISSION for the first employee.
ii. The commission rate is 2% of sales,
iii. Enter the formula to find TOTAL SALARY for the first employee where:
iv. Enter formula to find TOTALS, AVERAGE, HIGHEST, LOWEST, and
COUNT values. Copy the formula to each column.
Exercise 7
Working with the IF
Exercise 8
Working with Sum IF and Count IF statements.
Inserting Charts.
Exercise 9
Working with Sum IF and Count IF statements.
Inserting Charts.9\k
Classification Marks
Excellent 90-100
Good 80-90
Average 60-80
Poor Below 40
Supposing you have a list of students in column A and their exam scores in column B,
and you want to classify the scores with the following conditions:
Commission Sales
3% $1 - $50
5% $51 - $100
7% $101 - $150
As an example, let's find out commissions for a number of sellers based on the amount of sales
they've made
In math, changing the order of addends does not change the sum. In Excel, changing the order of IF
functions changes the result. Why? Because a nested IF formula returns a value corresponding to
the first TRUE condition. Therefore, in your nested IF statements, it's very important to arrange the
conditions in the right direction - high to low or low to high, depending on your formula's logic. In our
case, we check the "highest" condition first, then the "second highest", and so on:
f we placed the conditions in the reverse order, from the bottom up, the results would be all wrong
because our formula would stop after the first logical test (B2>=1) for any value greater than 1. Let's
say, we have $100 in sales - it is greater than 1, so the formula would not check other conditions and
return 3% as the result.
Exercise 13
the unit price varies depending on the specified quantity, and your goal is to write a formula that
calculates the total price for any amount of items input in a specific cell.
1 to 10 $20
11 to 19 $18
20 to 49 $16
50 to 100 $13
This task can also be accomplished by using multiple IF functions. The logic is the same
as in the above example, the only difference is that you multiply the specified quantity
by the value returned by nested IFs (i.e. the corresponding price per unit).
Assuming the user enters the quantity in cell B8, the formula is as follows: