Crosstalk Optimisation on Clock Nets

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Optimization of Crosstalk Delta Delay on Clock Nets

By Shailesh Kumar, Jaya Patel, Meetu Sharma, and Rajendra Pratap Singh
(eInfochips (An Arrow Company))

As chip size decreases the standard cell density and routing density of the design
increases, due to that metal routes may interact with each other and it may result in
a coupling effect which is known as crosstalk. It affects both signal nets as well as
clock nets. In this paper, we would analyse the causes of high crosstalk delta delay
on clock nets and find an automated way to take care of the crosstalk delta by
applying single-width double-track NDR on clock nets at an early stage of the
design cycle.
Standard cell, coupling effect, delta delay, NDR, crosstalk.
The design process of a chip plays a very important role in any device. There are
three things that we have to optimize on a chip, they are Power, Performance, and
The power consumption on a chip should be as low as possible, performance
should be high and mostly a smaller area is preferred. As we go for the lower
technology node, the lateral capacitance between two nets in a chip dominates than
interlayer capacitance. Hence, capacitive coupling formed between two nets is the
main reason for the functionality failure of a chip. Crosstalk is one of them.
If any logic is transmitted through a net that affects another neighbouring net due
to capacitive coupling is known as crosstalk. It depends on coupling capacitance
between two neighbouring nets, greater the coupling capacitance greater will be
the crosstalk. It is an undesirable effect.
Crosstalk effects are mainly of two types: glitch and crosstalk delta delay. If the
input of any combinational circuit changes due to that we get the unwanted
transition at the output which is known as a glitch.[1] It is of two types: -
a) Rise glitch
b) Fall glitch

Aggressor driver switching from logic ‘1’ to logic ‘0’ and victim driver input being
at steady state of logic ‘1’, due to that rise glitch can be observed at victim net as
shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Rise glitch

If the input of the aggressor driver switches from logic ‘0’ to logic ‘1’ and victim
driver input is at steady-state logic ‘0’, due to that fall glitch can be observed at the
victim net as shown in figure 2. Spacing between aggressor and victim net and
drive strength of the driving cell are the two parameters that affect the glitch.
Figure 2. Fall glitch

If both aggressor and victim nets are close to each other, the value of coupling
capacitance will increase that can lead to crosstalk. In the case of drive strength,
more the value of drive strength more will be the glitch height, so we have to take
care of these two aspects while routing. In case of crosstalk delta delay both
aggressor and victim nets are switching and that impacts the delay of the cell. Here
two types of switching can take place.
a) Aggressor and victim nets switching in the opposite direction.
b) Aggressor and victim nets switching in the same direction.

If both are switching in the opposite direction, the aggressor switches from logic
‘0’ to logic ‘1’and victim net switches from logic ‘1’ to logic ‘0’ refer figure 3. In
this case, we can see the bump at the victim net and that bump depends on the
coupling capacitor. Larger the value of the coupling capacitor larger will be the
bump. This bump also affects static timing analysis of the circuit. The delay of the
chip changes due to that latency also changes, which leads to setup timing
Figure 3. Aggressor and victim switching in the opposite direction.

If both nets are switching in the same direction refer to figure 4, then the delay of
the victim net will reduce and the transition becomes sharper, which leads to hold
timing violation.[4] In this paper, we will analyze the causes of high crosstalk delta
delay on clock nets and find an automated way to take care of the crosstalk delta
delay at the early stage of the design cycle. The experiment was done in ICC2 tool
and crosstalk delta delay was calculated in PrimeTime.
Figure 4. Aggressor and victim switching in the same direction.

After analysing the report of crosstalk delta delay generated by PrimeTime tool
and nets which were having high crosstalk delta delay, it was found that in this
design, most of the crosstalk delta violations were on sink clock nets that were
connected to the clock pin of memory and length of those nets are more than
100um. In default PnR flow, single width, and double track Non-default routing
rule (NDR) has been applied on root and internal clock nets.
However, on sink clock nets default routing rule has been applied i.e. single width
and single track to save the routing resources. Based on this analysis, we have
come up with one solution i.e. to apply single width and double track Non-default
routing rule on sink clock nets connected to memory’s clock pin and having length
of more than 100um.

The basic flow diagram of the experiment is shown in figure 5 and figure 6. The
workflow can be divided into the below steps. Figure 5 shows the general flow of
the physical design in which NDR applied to extracted nets before running clock
tree synthesis. Figure 6 shows the detailed explanation of the NDR and their
application on the clock nets.

Placement Optimization
Define NDR
Extract the nets connected to Report and Compare
memory’s clock pin and having crosstalk delta delay in
length more than 100um PT
Apply NDR on
extracted nets

Clock Tree Synthesis Run STA on PrimeTime

Post CTS Optimization Run RC extraction on


Signal Routing Post-route optimization

Figure 5. The basic flow diagram of the workflow

Pre CTS stage: Apply default NDR on root and trunk

clock nets

Apply Single_width_double_track NDR on

extracted nets ( nets connected to Clock pin of
memory & length>100um)

Run clock_opt –from build_clock –to route_clock

with other default settings like clock buffer/inverter
list, max transition limit etc.

Single_width_double_track NDR would be applied

on extracted nets

Figure 6. Applying NDR on clock nets

The difference in the clock net’s routing in the design with and without applying
NDR on extracted nets is shown in figure 7 and 8. The routing in both cases is
Figure 7. Routing of clock nets with a default flow

Figure 8. Routing of clock nets after applying NDR on extracted net


The experiment has been implemented in design using ICC2. The technology node
was 40nm. Then crosstalk delta delay has been checked in PrimeTime. Detailed
implementation of the experiment is mentioned below:
• Perform Floorplanning, placement, and placement optimization.
• Extract the nets connected to memory’s clock pin and having length more
than 100 um by a TCL script.
• Apply single width and double track non-default routing rule on those nets
and default routing rule i.e. single width and single track will be applied on
other sink clock nets.
• Perform Clock tree synthesis, post-CTS optimization, routing and post-route
• Run StarRC for the parasitic extraction
• Run PrimeTime and check the crosstalk delta delay.

With default flow:

 Routing of victim net (Sink_net_1) having the worst crosstalk delta delay is
shown in figure 9.

Metal 3

Figure 9. Worst crosstalk delta delay in clock net

After the implementation of the NDR before the clock tree synthesis, the result of
the same clock net is different.
 Routing of the same net (Sink_net_1) is shown in figure 10.
Metal 5

Figure 10. Improvement in clock net routing after NDR

The total number of victim nets in the default flow is 321. The crosstalk delta delay
of the top ten violating nets with their length is shown in table 1.
Table 1
Net_name Net_length(um) Crosstalk_delta_max(ns) Crosstalk_delta_min
Sink_net_1 303.2110 0.0000 -0.104150
Sink_net_2 264.2910 0.073034 -0.073712
Sink_net_3 202.8640 0.047006 -0.046385
Sink_net_4 231.2360 0.033836 -0.036404
Sink_net_5 312.3380 0.023931 -0.036985
Sink_net_6 216.5460 0.010246 -0.034793
Sink_net_7 196.4480 0.019085 -0.031466
Sink_net_8 209.6950 0.027458 -0.029576
Sink_net_9 206.3540 0.000000 -0.029089
Sink_net_10 174.7880 0.017201 -0.028187
Table 2 represents the number of crosstalk delta delay after implementing the
experiment. Here we observe that the total number of victim nets has been reduced
to 189.
Table 2
Net_name Net_length(um) Crosstalk_delta_max(ns) Crosstalk_delta_min
Sink_net_1 314.7090 0.0000 0.0000
Sink_net_2 270.8220 0.000073 -0.007326
Sink_net_3 200.4540 0.000 0.000
Sink_net_4 235.7650 0.032421 -0.036356
Sink_net_5 275.2600 0.0000 -0.012946
Sink_net_6 280.2030 0.000 0.0000
Sink_net_7 169.8410 0.000968 -0.012191
Sink_net_8 202.7020 0.0000 -0.008138
Sink_net_9 227.4800 0.008268 -0.021662
Sink_net_10 179.7020 0.006678 -0.009295

Figure 11 shows the design and the routing of the clock net having crosstalk at the
route optimization stage with default PnR flow. In the same design, we see the
different routing of clock net after implementation of the experiment as shown in
figure 12.

Figure 11. Routing of clock net before NDR

Figure 12. Routing of clock net after applying NDR

In lower technology nodes, we see a huge impact of crosstalk delay and crosstalk
noise. This will lead to critical timing violations in the tape-out phase. If this
crosstalk is on a clock signal, it will be even more critical to fix timing violations
immediately since the changing of routing for the clock can lead to more timing
violations later. To overcome this effect, we propose an automatic way to take care
of crosstalk delta delay at the early stage of chip designing.
As the crosstalk was on clock nets, it would be critical to fix/reduce it manually at
a later stage because any change in routing for the clock may lead to timing
violations. We implemented this experiment on two designs. After the
implementation of this experiment, the worst crosstalk delta delay and no. of
violations have been reduced. Hence, we achieved crosstalk improvements
regarding the number of victim nets and worst crosstalk delta delay.

[1] A. Vittal, L. H. Chen, M. Marek-Sadowska, K. P. Wang, and S. Yang,
“Crosstalk in VLSI interconnections,” IEEE Trans. Comput. Des. Integr.
Circuits Syst., 1999, doi: 10.1109/43.811330.
[2] P. Heydari and M. Pedram, “Capacitive coupling noise in high-speed VLSI
circuits,” IEEE Trans. Comput. Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 2005, doi:
[3] J. Bhasker and R. Chadha, Static timing analysis for nanometer designs: A
practical approach. 2009.
[4] T. Stoehr, M. Alt, A. Hetzel, and J. Koehl, “Analysis, reduction and
avoidance of crosstalk on VLSI chips,” in Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Physical Design, 1998, doi: 10.1145/274535.274566.
Shailesh Kumar
He is a Physical Design Engineer in eInfochips working in the backend design
domain. He holds master’s degree in Electronic System & Communication
from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.

Jaya Patel
She is a Physical design Engineer in eInfochips working in the backend
design domain. She holds bachelor in technology degree in Electronics and
communication from Nirma University, Ahmedabad.

Meetu Sharma
She is a devoted Technical manager in eInfochips with an experience of
more than 16 years in ASIC.
Rajendra Pratap
He has completed his studies from Indian Institute of Technologies, India.
He started his career with Motorola. Presently he is working as a branch
manager in eInfochips (an Arrow Company). He has experience of over 22
years in ASIC.

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