2019-20 S.Y. B.sc. Microbiology (CBCS) (1)

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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari

North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon

Structure of Syllabus for

Program: B. Sc. (Microbiology)

S. Y. B. Sc.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

S. Y. B. Sc. Microbiology (CBCS Structure) Semester III and IV


Bachelor of Science (Choice Based Credit System) with Microbiology as one of the core subjects is
designed to cultivate a scientific challenge and help the students to become critical, curious in their
outlook. The courses are designed to introduce the essential basics in Biochemistry, Chemistry, and
Microbiology at the initial level of graduation. The basic courses are integrated with current application
in modern life sciences to develop proficiency in the theory as well as practical experiments, common
equipment, laboratory, along with the collection and interpretation and presentation of scientific data in
proper manner. Beside this, the students will be equipped with knowledge in the newer areas of
Microbiology and its application in medical science, agriculture, industry, proteomics, genomics,
metabolomics, bioinformatics, etc. This will create zeal and zest about Microbiology which will pave a
newer path for the development of society. At the end of the course, the students are expected to have
good working knowledge in the field of Microbiology. Students will surely have an urge to continue
higher studies in Microbiology and contribute significantly in the development.

The syllabus in microbiology is restructured anticipating the future needs of Microbiology in research,
industry sector with more emphasis on imparting hands-on skills. The core thrust is laid on making
syllabus compatible with developments in Education, Research and Industrial sectors. The Theory and
Practical course in new restructured course will lead to impart skill-set essentials to further

Hence, Board of Studies in Life Sciences in its meeting held on 23/06/2018 resolved to accept the
revised syllabus for S. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology) based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of UGC

Scheme for B.Sc. Program (Faculty of Science and Technology)

First Year Second Year Third Year
Total Credit
Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Semester V Semester VI value
Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits
1 Core courses(16) each

(i)Theory 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4X14=56
(ii)Practical 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 3 2X14=28
Ability enhancement
2 compulsory course 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2x2x2x2=
(AECC)(2) 08
3 Skill Enhancement
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2X4=16
Course (SEC) (4)
4 Discipline Specific
Elective DSE(6)
(i)Theory 4 3 4 3 4X6=24
(ii)Practical 2 3 2 3 2X6=12
Total Credit value
(Credit x No .of 26 26 22 22 20 20 136

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Course Structure:
Duration: The duration of B.Sc. (Microbiology) degree program shall consists of three years.
Medium of instruction: The medium of instruction for the course shall be English.
The present syllabus has been prepared to (i) accommodate the advanced topic on the Microbiology
discipline, (ii) build the basic science knowledge at the level of first year of Microbiology and (iii)
reflect the changing needs of the students. The detailed syllabus for each paper is appended with a list
of suggested readings.
At second year under-graduation, students will be introduced to different areas necessary to form the
basis of microbiology like genetics, immunology, enzymology, and bioprocess biotechnology. The
relevant practicals are included to enrich their knowledge.
Structure for S. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology)
Ability Enhancement Compulsory
Semester Core Course Skill Enhancement Courses
III DSC Paper Credits Lectures AECC Credits Lectures SEC Credits Lectures
(Total DSC-1C:Core Paper I 2 30 AECC I: 2 30 SEC I: 2 30
Credits = Course I: English/Hindi/MIL Microbiological
22) Microbiology Communication III Analysis of Air,
(Advance) Water and Soil
Paper II 2 30 AECC II: Non-
Practical 2 60 General knowledge credit
Paper paper
DSC-2C: Paper I 2 30
Core Course II Paper II 2 30
Practical 2 60
DSC-3C: Paper I 2 30
Core Course III Paper II 2 30
Practical 2 60
IV DSC-1D:Core Paper I 2 30 AECC I: 2 30 SEC II: 2 30
(Total Course I: English/Hindi/MIL Biofertilizers
Credits = Microbiology Communication III and
22) (Advance) Biopesticides
Paper II 2 30 AECC II: Non-
Practical 2 60 General knowledge credit
Paper paper
DSC-2D: Paper I 2 30
Core Course II Paper II 2 30
Practical 2 60
DSC-3D: Paper I 2 30
Core Course III Paper II 2 30
Practical 2 60

Student has choice to study two subsidiary subjects from DSC 2, DSC 3 among Chemistry/ Botany/
Zoology /Geography during III and IV semester; subject to availability of course at respective college.

• Duration of Lecture: 30 Lectures of 60 minutes or 36 Lectures of 50 min. Each theory and practical
course has to be completed in 30 and 60 lectures, respectively of 60 min duration
• Each theory and practical course will be of 100 marks comprising of 40 marks internal and 60 marks
external examination.
• Theory examination (60 marks) will be of three hours duration for each theory course. There shall
be 5 questions each carrying equal marks (12 marks each). The pattern of question papers shall be:
• Question 1 (12 marks): 9 sub-questions, each of 2 marks; answerable in 2 -3 line and based on
entire syllabus, attempt any 6 out of 9 questions.
• Question 2, 3 and 4 (12 marks each): based from Unit I, II, and III, respectively, each question has
3 sub-questions of 6 marks each and answer only 2 sub-questions from each Q2, Q3, and Q4 in brief.

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• Question 5 (12 marks): answer only 3 out of 5 in brief, based from all 3 units, Each 4 marks.
• Internal examination (40 marks each semester): Internal assessment of the student by respective
teacher will be comprehensive and continuous, based on written test. The written test shall comprise
of both objective and subjective type questions.
• Practical Examination: Practical examination shall be conducted by the respective college at the
end of the semester. Practical examination will be of minimum 5 – 6 hours duration and shall be
conducted as per schedule (10 am to 5 pm on schedule date or can be scheduled 10 am -1pm/ 2 – 5
pm for 2 consecutive days) in case of microbiology practicals where incubation condition, allied
aspect are essential. There shall be 5 marks for laboratory log book and well written journal, 10
marks for viva-voce and minimum three experiments (major and minor). Certified journal is
compulsory to appear for practical examination. There shall be one expert and two examiners
(external and internal) per batch for the practical examination.
Equivalence for S.Y. B.Sc. (Microbiology) is furnished in the following table:
Old Syllabus (June 2016) (Semester pattern New Syllabus (June 2019) CBCS pattern (Semester
60:40) pattern 60:40)
MB 231: Fundamental Biochemistry MB 301: Basic Microbial Enzyme and Metabolism
MB 232: Microscopy and Microbial Ecology MB 302: Microscopy and Microbial Ecology
MB 233: Practical Course in Microbiology- I MB 303: Practical Paper III
MB 241: Genetics and Immunology MB 401: Genetics and Immunology
MB 242: Basic Microbial Biotechnology MB 402: Basic Industrial Microbiology
MB 243: Practical Course in Microbiology II MB 403: Practical Paper IV

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S. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology) Semester – III and IV
Practical Skill Ability Enhancement
CC-A Paper Paper Practical
Semester Paper-I Paper-II Paper Enhancement Compulsory Courses
and B code Code Paper
Code Courses (SEC) (AECC)
Microbiological English/Hindi/MIL
Microscopy Practical Analysis of Air, Communication III
CC A MB Microbial MB
III and Microbial MB 303 Paper Water and Soil (Advance): Credit 2;
III 301 Enzyme and 302
Ecology III AECC II: General
knowledge paper
Biofertilizers and English/Hindi/MIL
Basic Practical Biopesticides Communication III
CC A MB Genetics and MB
IV Industrial MB 403 Paper (Advance): Credit 2;
IV 401 Immunology 402
Microbiology IV AECC II: General
knowledge paper

MB - 301: Basic Microbial Enzyme and Metabolism

Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Unit Topics Lectures
Course To acquaint students with basic concepts of enzymology and microbial metabolism.
Learning After successful completion of this course, students are expected to:
outcomes • understand the basic of microbial enzymology, nature of enzyme, their
nomenclature, working mechanism, classification based on their action etc.
• know how about different parameters affecting the activity of enzyme.
• learn about nutrient uptake by microbes, various mechanism used to transport ions
and molecules in microbial cells.
• aware about concept of metabolism and its basic types.
• cognizant about various pathways used by microbes to break down molecule and
generate ATP as a source of energy.
• aware about the regulations and energetics of various pathways.
• understand aerobic, anaerobic respiration and fermentation.
UNIT-1: Microbial Enzymes 10
• Introduction to enzymes and its nature (Protein and non-protein)
• General properties of enzymes, Units of enzyme activity, Isoenzyme,
oligomeric enzymes, Multiple enzyme complex
• Cofactors, prosthetic groups, apoenzyme, holoenzyme, active site
• Enzyme nomenclature and classification (IUBMB), Significance of
numbering system
• Features of enzymes catalysis:
➢ Collision theory, activation energy, transition state theory,
➢ Lowering of activation energy
➢ Fischer’s Lock and key hypothesis
➢ Koshland’s Induced fit hypothesis
➢ Thermodynamics of enzymatic reaction
• Enzyme kinetics
➢ Effect of Substrate concentration, temperature, pH, activators
and inhibitor on the enzyme activity
➢ Relationship between initial velocity and substrate concentration
➢ Steady state and equilibrium theory

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➢ Michaelis-Menten equation, Km, Vmax, and Kcat concept
• Applications of various microbial enzymes in different fields
UNIT-2: Nutrient uptake and Transport 10
• Nutritional categories of microbes
• Bacterial cellular membrane structure and functions
• Bacterial cell transport
➢ Passive diffusion: water, gases, Glucose transporter, porins
➢ Facilitated diffusion: Glycerol transport
• Primary active transport: P-, V- and F- type ATPase
➢ Sodium potassium pump, Calcium pump and Proton pump
• Secondary active transporters: Lactose permease, Na+ glucose
• Concept of uniport, symport and antiport
• Group translocation: PEP, ABC family transporters (MDR, CFTR)
• Ionophores, Bacteriorhodopsin, ion channels, iron uptake
UNIT-3: Microbial metabolism 10
• Cellular metabolism: Anabolic and Catabolic reactions
• Aerobic respiration, Anaerobic respiration, and Fermentation
• Bacterial metabolic pathways: reaction sequence, energetics and
➢ Carbohydrate catabolism: Glycolytic pathways (EMP, ED, PP),
PDH complex, TCA cycle and reverse TCA cycle, Glyoxylate
➢ Carbon dioxide fixation: Carl-Bensen’s and Hatch-Slack pathway
➢ Lactate and alcohol fermentation
➢ Methane formation (Methanogenesis)
Suggested 1. Lehninger, A I. (2013) Principles of Biochemistry, 6th edn., Nelson, D
Readings L and Cox, M. M. (eds.) WH Freeman and Co., New York.
2. Moat, A. and Foster, J. (2002) Microbial Physiology, 4th edn., Wiley
Interscience Publications, New York.
3. Gottschalk, G. (1986) Bacterial Metabolism, 2nd edn., Springer- Verlag
4. Stryer, L. (2001) Biochemistry, 5th edn., WH Freeman and Co., New
5. Stanier RY, Ingraham JL, Wheelis ML, Painter PR (1995) General
Microbiology, 5th Edition, MacMillan Press Ltd., London.
6. Prescott, L. M., Hartley, J. P. and Klein, D. A. (1993) Microbiology,
2nd Ed., W. M. C. Brown Publ., England
7. Tortora, G. J., Funke, B. R. and Case, C. L. (2004) Microbiology, 8th
Edn., Person Education, New Delhi
8. Nicholas, C.P. and Lewis, S. (1999) Fundamentals of Enzymology, 3rd
edn., oxford University Press Inc. New York
9. Caldwell, D.R. (1995) Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Brown
Publishers, London
10. Wiley, J.M., Sherwood, L.M. and Woolverton, C.J. (2013) Prescott’s
Microbiology, 9th edn., MacGraw Hill Higher Education

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MB - 302: Microscopy and Microbial Ecology
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Unit Topics Lectures
Course To complement the students with the basic knowledge about microscopy and microbial
objective ecology.
Learning After successful completion of this course, the students are expected to:
outcomes • demonstrate theory in microscopy and acquaint with advanced microscopy.
• know the basic concepts of microbial ecology such as biotic and abiotic factors,
microbial interactions etc.
• learn the establishment of symbiosis, some positive and negative interactions.
• comprehend the various symbiotic interactions of microbes with plants, animals
and other microbes.
• understand the microbial interactions in extreme habitats.
• know the detail concept of biotopes.
UNIT-1: Microscopy 10
• Principle, image formation, working, ray diagram and applications:
➢ Fluorescence Microscope, FISH, FRET
➢ TEM, SEM and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
• Specimen preparation, Freeze Etching, Shadow casting technique
UNIT-2: Microbial Ecology 10
• Concept of microbial ecology and biotic and abiotic factors
• Types of microbial interactions
➢ Positive: Mutualism, Commensalism, Syntropy, Neutral
association, Symbiosis
➢ Negative: Prey, Amensalism, Antibiosis, Competition,
Parasitism, Predation
• Establishment of symbiosis: Direct and Reinfection with examples
• Microbial Interactions (Rhizosphere, phyllo-sphere)
• Interactions with plants
➢ Legume-Rhizobium Root and Stem, Leaf nodulation
➢ Mycorrhiza: Ecto, Endo, VAM, Orchid
➢ Lichen
• Interactions in Animals
➢ Ruminant symbiosis
• Interactions of Bacteria
➢ Bacterial Bioluminescence.
➢ Microbial Kappa particles
UNIT-3: Microbial interactions in extreme habitats 10
• Extremophiles: Archaebacteria and their characteristic features and
types Acidophiles, Psychrophiles, Thermophiles, Barophiles,
Alkalophiles, Halophiles, Methanogens (Acetotrophic,
Hydrogenotrophic, Methylotrophic) with examples
• Biotopes
• Adaptation strategies and their physiology
• Evolutionary significance and applications of extremophiles

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Suggested 1. Kathy Talaro and Barry Chess (2012) Foundations in Microbiology,
Readings The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York.
2. Tortora, Funke and Case (2010) Microbiology, Brenjamin
Cummings Inc., California
3. Stanier, R.Y., Ingraham, J.L., Wheelis M.L., Painter R.K. (1995)
General Microbiology, MacMillan Press Ltd. London.
4. Frobisher M. (1974) Fundamentals of Microbiology, Hinsdill,
Crabtree and Goodheart Ed., WB Saunder's Co. USA.
5. Pelczar MJ, Chan ECS, Krieg NR (1998) Microbiology Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
6. Ulhas Patil, JS Kulkarni, AB Chaudhari and SB Chincholkar (2011)
Foundations in Microbiology Nirali Prakashan, Pune.
7. Modi H. A. (1995) Elementary Microbiology 1 and 2, Ekta
Prakashan, Ahmedabad
8. Stolp, H. (1988) Microbial Ecology; Organism’s habitat activities,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
9. Barton, L.L. and Northrup, D.E. (2011) Microbial Ecology, 1st edn.,
Wilet Blackwell, USA
10. Atlas, R.M. and Bartha, R. (2000) Microbial Ecology:
Fundamental’s and Application, 4th edn., Benjamin/Cummings
Science Publ., USA
11. Campbell R.E. (1983) Microbial Ecology, Blackwell Scientific
Publ., Oxford
12. Adam Schikora (2018) Plant-Microbe Interactions in the
Rhizosphere, Caister Academic Press, Germany, ISBN: 978-1-
13. Anitori, R.P. (2012) Extremophiles: Microbiology and
Biotechnology, Caister Academic Press, Germany, ISBN: 978-1-

MB - 303: Practical Paper-III

Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Sr. No. Title of practical Hours
Course To introduce the students to various structural, biochemical, environmental and
objective microscopic aspects of microorganisms along with study of extremophiles
Learning After successful completion of this course, students are expected to:
outcomes • learn proper handling of micropipette, pH meter, graduated pipette and volumetric
flask along with their calibrations.
• perform specific staining techniques and acquired skill of handling microscope
while observing stained preparations.
• able to demonstrate basic biochemical characteristics of bacteria.
• able to check potability of water.
• know characteristics and significance of extremophiles.
• different environmental aspects of microorganisms.
1. Handling and calibration of pipette, volumetric flask, micropipette, and 04
pH meter
2. Cell wall staining by any suitable method. 04
3. Flagella staining by any suitable method. 04
4. Biochemical Test: IMViC test and TSI test. 04
5. Sugar Fermentation: Glucose, Lactose, Sucrose and Fructose. 04
6. Presumptive Coliform test for checking potability of water (MPN). 04
7. Confirmed and Completed Coliform test for assessing potability of water. 04
8. Determination of microflora of soil/food 04
9. Screening of Actinomycetes and fungi from soil 04

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10. Detection of microbial enzymes from microbes: Amylase, Lipase, 04
Coagulase, Nitrate reductase, Catalase, Gelatinase, Protease, Urease
11. Enzyme activity assay (amylase/ protease) 04
12. Preparation of Buffers (0.1 M Phosphate Buffer – 6.8 to 7.4) and check 04
the buffering capacity of same prepared buffer
13. Microscopic observation of Rhizobia from root nodules/ Mycorrhizal 04
spores from soil.
14. Isolation of Halophiles / Alkalophiles / Acidophiles/ Thermophiles 04
NOTE: Mandatory to perform at least 12-13 practicals
Suggested 1. Alcamo, I.E. (2001) Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology,
Readings Jones and Bartlett,
2. Aneja, K.R (1996) Experiments in Microbiology, 3rd edition,
Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi.
3. Benson, H. (2001) Microbiological Applications Lab Manual, 8th
edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York.
4. Dubey, R.C. and Maheshwari D.K (2004) Practical Microbiology, S.
Chand and Co., New Delhi.
5. Harley, J.P. and Prescott, L.M (1996) Laboratory Exercise in
Microbiology, 3rd edition, WCB/McGraw Hill.
6. Jayaraman, I. (1981) Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Norris, J.R. (1969) Methods in Microbiology Vol. I, 1st Edn.
Academic Press Inc., London.
8. Parija, S.C. (2007) Textbook of Practical Microbiology, Ahuja
Publishing House, New Delhi.
9. Plummer, D.T. (1992) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry,
Tata McGraw Hill Publisher, New Delhi.
10. Sharma, K. (2007) Manual of Microbiology Tools and Techniques,
Anne’s Book India, New Delhi.

S. Y. B. Sc. Semester III: Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)

MB SEC- I: Microbiological Analysis of Air, Water and Soil
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Unit Topics Lectures
Course • To highlight the number and range of pathogens that may be found in air, water
objective and soil.
• To describe some of the key preventative and monitoring actions which maintain
and improve microbiological quality of water, air and soil.
• To introduce the concept and use of indicator bacteria specially in water quality
• To describe the principal indicator bacteria used and their key characteristics
which make them suitable for use as indicators.
• To emphasize the value of E. coli and thermotolerant fecal coliforms as routine
Learning After successful completion of this course, the students are expected to:
outcomes • competently explain various aspects of environmental microbiology
• aware about the pollution, Water and air-borne diseases and their transmission,
methods of determination of sanitary quality of water and sewage treatment
methods employed in waste water treatment.
• appreciate the diversity of microorganisms and learn the abundance, distribution
and significance of microorganism in the environment such as bioremediation and
plant microbe interactions

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• understand various biogeochemical cycles - microbes involved and biochemical
mechanisms of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus cycles etc.
UNIT-1: Microbiological analysis of air and soil 20
• Concept of air and soil microbiology
• Aero-microbiology: 10
➢ Bio-aerosols, droplet nuclei, Air borne microbes, impact on
human health and environmental, Significance in food, pharma
industries, allergens, surgical operation theatres
➢ Techniques for microbial sampling of air from various sources,
Aerosol sampling, fate of aerosols, inactivation by UV light and
HEPA filter
➢ Assessment of air quality by solid, liquid impingement,
Enumeration of microflora by different techniques,
➢ Air borne transmission of microbes, their diseases and preventive
control measures
• Soil microbiology: 10
➢ Biogeochemical cycles: C, P, N, S
➢ Soil horizons, classification of soils
➢ Microflora of various soil types and salt affected soils
➢ Rhizosphere microflora
➢ Preparation of Winogradsky’s column to study soil microflora
Enumeration of soil microflora by different techniques,
UNIT-2: Water microbiology 10
• Water ecosystem: Fresh water (Ponds, Lakes, Stream); Marine water
(Estuaries, mangroves, deep sea, hydrothermal vents, saltpans, Coral
• Microflora of water
• Bacterial assessment of water and potability of water
• Indicator bacteria: E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium
perfringens, MPN (Black, White), MPN index, IMViC test
• Physiochemical characteristics of water:
• Brief account of water borne diseases and their control measures
Suggested 1. Clesceri L S., Greenberg, A. E, and Eaton A. D. (1998) Standard
Readings Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Edition,
American Public Health Association, Washington.
2. Maier R.M., pepper, I.L. and Gerba, C.P. (2009) Environmental
Microbiology, 2nd edn., Academic Press, NY
3. Salle, S.J. (1974) Fundamental Principals of Bacteriology, 2nd
edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. SubbaRao, N.S. (1999) Soil Microbiology, 4th edn., Oxford and IBH
Publ. Co., New Delhi
5. Coyne, M.S. (2001) Soil Microbiology: An Exploratory Approach,
Delmar Thomson Learning
6. Alexander, M. (1977) Introduction to Soil Microbiology, John Wiley
and sons Inc. New York
7. Burns, R.G. and Slater, J.H. (1982) Experimental Microbial Ecology,
Blackwell Scientific Publ., Oxford
8. Atlas, R.M. and Bartha, R. (2000) Microbial Ecology, 4th edn.,
Benjamin/Cumming Science Publ., USA
9. Benson, H. (2001) Microbiological Applications Lab Manual, 8th
edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York.
10. Dubey, R.C. and Maheshwari D.K (2004) Practical Microbiology, S.

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Chand and Co. New Delhi.
11. Harley, J.P. and Prescott, L.M (1996) Laboratory Exercise in
Microbiology, 3rd edition, WCB/McGraw Hill, London

S. Y. B. Sc. Semester IV: Microbiology

MB - 401: Genetics and Immunology
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Unit Topics Lectures
To acquaint students with basic concepts of microbial Genetics and Immunology
Learning After successful completion of this course, the students are expected to:
outcomes • understand the basic of microbial enzymology, nature of enzyme, their
nomenclature, working mechanism, classification based on their action etc.
• understand the concepts like gene, chromosome, Structural organization of
chromosome, extra chromosome: plasmid and its types
• know general terms used in genetics
• aware about genetic code
• learn mutation, type, agent causing mutation and their mechanism, test to detect
mutation etc.
• learn about infection: mode and source.
• understand antigen, antibody and their role in immunity and immune response.
• know about antibody diversity.
• understand blood grouping system.
• cognizant about vaccine, anti-sera and toxoid
UNIT-1: Genes and chromosomes 10
• Concept of gene, genome, allele, genotype, phenotype, recon, muton,
cistron, intron, exon, haploid, diploid, lethal gene, partially diploid,
homologous, heterologous etc.
• Typical structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome
• Structural organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome
• Concept of Chromosome variation (Euploidy, Aneuploidy and
Polyploidy and Mitotic Non-disjunction), giant chromosome.
• Plasmid: Concept, types, structure and properties, incompatibility
• Genetic code and its properties
UNIT-2: Mutations 10
• Concept and significance of mutations
• Types of mutation: Base pair substitutions, frame shift, deletion,
inversion, insertions, Tandem duplications, missense, nonsense,
neutral, silent, pleiotropic and suppressor mutations
Useful phenotypes: Auxotrophic, Conditional, Lethal, Resistant
• Spontaneous and induced types of mutation
• Mechanism of Spontaneous mutations
• Mechanism of induced mutations: Physical (UV, Gamma, and X-
rays), Chemical (Base analogues, deaminating agents, alkylating
agent, intercalating agent)
• Methods to study mutations:
➢ Fluctuation test
➢ Replica plate technique
➢ Ame’s test
• DNA repair and types of repair systems
UNIT-3: Infection and Immunity 10
• Infection: Types, Mode and sources of transmissions

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• Immunity: concept, types (Innate, Acquired) and components of
immune system and properties of immune system
• Immune Cells (stem cell, T cell, B cell, NK cell, Macrophages,
Dendric cell) and organs (Bone marrow, thymus, lymph node,
spleen, GALT, CALT) involved in immune response
• Non-specific immune response
• Specific immune response: Primary and secondary
• Type of immune response: Humoral and cell mediated, T and B
cells characteristics
• Antigen: Concept of hapten, adjuvants, immunogen, epitope and
paratope, T- dependent and T-independent antigens
• Types and properties of antigen
• Blood group: ABO antigen, Bombay blood group antigen, D-
antigen and its variants, blood transfusion and rh incompatibilities
• Antibody: Types, structure and properties of each antibody,
antigenic determinants on antibodies (isotypic, allotypic, ideotypic)
• Concept of Antibody diversity
• Vaccine, immune sera and toxoid
Suggested 1. Wiley, JM, Sherwood, LM and Woolverton, CJ. (2013) Prescott’s
Readings Microbiology. 9th Edition. McGraw Hill International, New York.
2. Frobisher M. Hinsdill, Crabtree and Goodheart (1974) Fundamentals
of Microbiology, 9th edition, WB Saunder’s Co., USA.
3. Madigan MT, Martinko JM, Dunlap PV and Clark DP. (2014) Brock
Biology of Microorganisms, 14th edition, Pearson International
Edition, New Delhi
4. Pelczar MJ, Chan ECS and Krieg NR. (1993) Microbiology. 5th
edition. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York
5. Tortora, Funke and Case (2010) Microbiology, 10th edition,
Brenjamin Cummings Inc, California.
6. Modi, H. A. (2014) Elementary Microbiology, Vol. 1 and 2, Akshar
Prakashan, Ahmedabad.
7. Stanier, RY, Ingraham, JL, Wheelis, ML and Painter, PR. (2005)
General Microbiology, 5th edition, McMillan, London
8. Salle, S.J. (1974) Fundamental Principals of Bacteriology, 2nd
edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
9. Pawar, CB, and Daginawala, HF. (1998) General Microbiology, Vol.
I and II, 1st edition, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
10. Ananthanarayan, P., Paniker, C. K. J. (1990) Textbook of
Microbiology, Orient Longman, Madras.
11. Kimball, J. W. (1990) Introduction to Immunology, MacMillan
Publishing Company, New York.
12. Kuby, J. W. H. (1994) Immunology, W.H. Freeman and Company,
New York.
13. Riott, I.M. (1998) Essential Immunology, ELBS Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford
14. Maloy, S.R., Freifelder, D. and Cronan, J.E. (1994) Microbial
Genetics, 2nd edn., Jones and Bartlett Publishers
15. Keya Chaudhari (2014) Microbial Genetics, TERI Press, New Delhi
ISBN: 9788179933237
16. Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S. (2007) Cellular and Molecular
Immunology, 6th edition, Saunders Publication, Philadelphia

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MB - 402: Basic Industrial Microbiology
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Unit Topics Lectures
To acquaint students with basic concepts of industrial microbiology.
Learning After successful completion of this course, the students are expected to:
outcomes • understand the basics of fermentation technology, screening techniques, microbial
culture preservation techniques etc.
• know the concepts of inoculum development and media sterilization for
fermentation process.
• learn about the typical structure of fermenter and its parts, types of fermentation
processes and synchronous growth.
• aware about the detail downstream process of fermentation of important microbial
UNIT-1: Basics of fermentation technology 10
• Characteristics of industrial strains
➢ Screening of industrially important microorganisms
➢ Primary and Secondary Screening with examples
➢ Screening for Amino acid / vitamin producers
➢ Screening for Antibiotic Producers
➢ Strain improvements
➢ Culture collection centers: National (NCIM, MCC) International
(ATCC) and their role
➢ Preservation of microbial culture: Soil culture, Oil overlay,
Liquid nitrogen Freezing, drying, Lyophilization
➢ Working and stock culture
• Inoculum
➢ Inoculum source and Characteristics
➢ Acclimatization
➢ Inoculum development and Characteristics features
• Fermentation media
➢ Raw materials used in media production, Screening and
Selection of raw materials, typical composition and criteria for
➢ Synthetic media, Complex media and Natural media
➢ Sterilization: Batch Sterilization, Continuous Sterilization
UNIT-2: Fermentation 10
• Criteria for fermenter design and construction
• Fermenter types and parts (Impeller, baffles, sparger, stuffing box)
• Measurement and control of fermentation parameters: pH,
temperature, dissolved oxygen, foaming and aeration
• Fermentation process:
Submerged (Batch, Fed batch, Dual/ Multiple)
Solid state fermentation, concept, characteristics and applications
• Continuous Cell growth: Chemostat and Turbidostatic
• Synchronous cell growth: Physical and Chemical methods
➢ Applications of synchronous culture
UNIT-3: Downstream processing 10
• Product isolation methods
➢ Cell removal
➢ Cell disruption: Chemical methods, Ultra sonication and
Enzymatic methods
• Recovery of fermentation products

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• Filtration: Theory, Filter bids,
(Examples: Pressure leaf filters, Rotatory vacuum filters)
• Centrifugation: Theory, Types: Basket centrifuge, Tubular bowl,
Multi-chamber centrifuge
• Solvent recovery: Two phase aqueous extraction, superficial fluid
extraction, countercurrent extraction
• Chromatography: Ion exchange, Adsorption, Affinity
chromatography, GC and HPLC
• Membrane process: Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis, Drying,
Suggested 1. Casida, L.E (1998) Industrial Microbiology New Age International
Readings Publishers, New Delhi
2. Crueger, W. and Crueger, A. (2000) Biotechnology: A Textbook of
Industrial Microbiology, Panima Publ Co., New Delhi
3. Stanbury, P.F., Whitaker, A. and Halt G. (1995) Principles of
Fermentation Technology, Pergamon Press, New York.
4. Whitaker, A. and Stanbury, P.F. (1995) Principles of Fermentation
Technology, Butterworth-Heinemann
5. Patel A. H. (1996); Industrial Microbiology McMillan Publication,
New Delhi.
6. Prescott S.C and Dunn C.G. (1983) Industrial Microbiology,
McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York.
7. Tortora, Funke and Case (2010) Microbiology, Brenjamin
Cummings Inc., California
8. Stanier, R.Y., Ingraham, J.L., Wheelis M.L., Painter R.K. (1995)
General Microbiology, MacMillan Press Ltd., London.
9. Frobisher M. (1974); Fundamentals of Microbiology, Hinsdill,
Crabtree and Goodheart Edition, WB Saunder's Co., USA.
10. Pelczar MJ, Chan ECS, Krieg NR (1998) Microbiology Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

MB - 403: Practical Paper - IV

Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Sr. No. Title of practical Hours
Course To enhance practical skills of students in concern with Genetics, Industrial
objective microbiology and enzymology.
Learning After successful completion of this course students are expected to:
outcomes 1. Structure and functions of nucleus and volutin granules.
2. Able to carry out titrations skillfully.
3. Understand structure, working principle and significance of each and every part of
4. Know chromatography techniques.
5. Students can be able to detect blood groups and perform cross-matching.
6. Understand concept of stock solutions and can prepare required stock concentration
by proper dilutions.
7. Get knowledge about enzymes; successfully detect various enzymes produced by
1 Nucleus staining by any suitable method 04
2 Volutine granules staining by any suitable method. 04
3 Isolation of antibiotic resistant mutants. 04
4 Isolation of UV induced auxotrophic mutants. 04
5 Estimation of acetic acid from vinegar by titrimetric method. 04
6 Screening of antibiotic producing microbes by Crowded plate technique 04
and Organic acid producing microbes by Indicator dye method.

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7 Recovery of organic acid from fermentation broth and detection using 04
Paper chromatography and Thin Layer chromatography
8 Determination of ABO and Rh blood group and cross matching of blood 04
9 Separation of lymphocytes from whole blood and count using 04
10 Preparation of different dilutions from given stock solutions of antibiotic. 04
11 Growth curve of bacteria by cell number measurement using absorbance 04
12 Preservation of fungal spore culture using soil culture method and 04
validating its viability
13 Fermentative production of alcohol and recovery of alcohol using 04
14 Demonstration of a typical fermenter 04
NOTE: Mandatory to perform at least 12-13 practical
Suggested 1. Aneja, K.R. (1996) Experiments in Microbiology, 3rd edition,
Readings Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi.
2. Benson, H. (2001) Microbiological Applications Lab Manual, 8th
edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York.
3. Dubey, R.C. and Maheshwari D.K. (2004) Practical Microbiology,
S. Chand and Co., New Delhi.
4. Harley, J.P. and Prescott, L.M. (1996) Laboratory Exercise in
Microbiology, 3rd edn., WCB/McGraw Hill Publ. Co., London
5. Jayaraman, I (1981) Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Norris, J.R. (1969) Methods in Microbiology Vol. I, 1st edition,
Academic Press Inc., London.
7. Parija, S.C. (2007) Textbook of Practical Microbiology, Ahuja
Publishing House, New Delhi.
8. Plummer, D.T. (1992) an Introduction to Practical Biochemistry,
Tata McGraw Hill Publisher, New Delhi.
9. Sharma, K. (2007) Manual of Microbiology Tools and Techniques,
Ane’s Book India, New Delhi.

S. Y. B. Sc. Semester IV: Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

SEC-II: Biofertilizers and Biopesticides
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Unit Topics Lectures
Course • To aware the students to the adverse effects of plant production and protection of
objectives chemicals on the biotic and abiotic components of environment.
• To familiarize students with the microbes used as biofertilizers for various crop
plants and their advantages over chemical fertilizers.
Learning After successful completion of this course students are expected to:
outcomes 1. Completion of the course will give an overview of relevant use of microbial
biofertilizers and biopesticides.
2. The students will become familiar with the vast reserves of available microbial
biodiversity that provide abundant opportunities to harness the ability of micro -
organisms and their chemical constituents
3. To sustainably minimize damage from pests or increase agricultural productivity
and production.
UNIT-1: Biofertilizers 18
General account of the microbes used as biofertilizers for various crop
plants and their advantages over chemical fertilizers
Screening and isolation of symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing
bacteria for production of biofertilizer

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Rhizobium: Isolation, characteristics, types, inoculum production and
field application, legume/pulses plants
Frankia: Isolation, characteristics, Alder, Casurina plants, non-
leguminous crop symbiosis
Cyanobacteria, Azolla: Isolation, characterization and role in crop
Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria: Azospirillum, Azotobacter:
isolation, characteristics, mass inoculum production and field application
PGPR, phosphate solubilizing bacteria and Mycorrhizal biofertilizers:
isolation, characteristics, mass inoculum production and field application
Application of biofertilizers: Liquid, and preparation of carrier-based
formulation, Seed bacterization, soil broadcasting
Bio-efficacy and quality parameters
UNIT-2: Biopesticides 12
General account of microbes used as biopesticides / bioinsecticides and
their advantages over synthetic pesticides
Screening and isolation of bioagents
Bacillus thuringiensis, Pseudomonas fluorescence, Trichoderma viridae:
Mode of action, mass production, formulation, Field applications
NPV and Beauveria bassiana: Action, Cultivation and field applications
Advantages and disadvantages of biopesticides
Bio-efficacy and quality parameters assessment
Suggested 1. Kannaiyan, S. (2003) Biotechnology of Biofertilizers, CHIPS, Texas.
Readings 2. Rai M. K. (2005) Hand Book of Microbial Biofertilizers, The Haworth
Press, Inc. New York.
3. Reddy, S.M. et. al. (2002) Bioinoculants for sustainable Agriculture
and Forestry, Scientific Publishers, New Delhi
4. Subba Rao N.S (1995) Soil microorganisms and plant growth Oxford
and IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Saleem F and Shakoori AR (2012) Development of Bioinsecticide,
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH KG
6. Aggarwal SK (2005) Advanced Environmental Biotechnology, APH
Publication, New Delhi

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