2019-20 S.Y. B.sc. Microbiology (CBCS) (1)
2019-20 S.Y. B.sc. Microbiology (CBCS) (1)
2019-20 S.Y. B.sc. Microbiology (CBCS) (1)
S. Y. B. Sc.
S. Y. B. Sc. Microbiology (CBCS Structure) Semester III and IV
Bachelor of Science (Choice Based Credit System) with Microbiology as one of the core subjects is
designed to cultivate a scientific challenge and help the students to become critical, curious in their
outlook. The courses are designed to introduce the essential basics in Biochemistry, Chemistry, and
Microbiology at the initial level of graduation. The basic courses are integrated with current application
in modern life sciences to develop proficiency in the theory as well as practical experiments, common
equipment, laboratory, along with the collection and interpretation and presentation of scientific data in
proper manner. Beside this, the students will be equipped with knowledge in the newer areas of
Microbiology and its application in medical science, agriculture, industry, proteomics, genomics,
metabolomics, bioinformatics, etc. This will create zeal and zest about Microbiology which will pave a
newer path for the development of society. At the end of the course, the students are expected to have
good working knowledge in the field of Microbiology. Students will surely have an urge to continue
higher studies in Microbiology and contribute significantly in the development.
The syllabus in microbiology is restructured anticipating the future needs of Microbiology in research,
industry sector with more emphasis on imparting hands-on skills. The core thrust is laid on making
syllabus compatible with developments in Education, Research and Industrial sectors. The Theory and
Practical course in new restructured course will lead to impart skill-set essentials to further
Hence, Board of Studies in Life Sciences in its meeting held on 23/06/2018 resolved to accept the
revised syllabus for S. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology) based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of UGC
(i)Theory 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4X14=56
(ii)Practical 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 3 2X14=28
Ability enhancement
2 compulsory course 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2x2x2x2=
(AECC)(2) 08
3 Skill Enhancement
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2X4=16
Course (SEC) (4)
4 Discipline Specific
Elective DSE(6)
(i)Theory 4 3 4 3 4X6=24
(ii)Practical 2 3 2 3 2X6=12
Total Credit value
(Credit x No .of 26 26 22 22 20 20 136
Student has choice to study two subsidiary subjects from DSC 2, DSC 3 among Chemistry/ Botany/
Zoology /Geography during III and IV semester; subject to availability of course at respective college.
• Duration of Lecture: 30 Lectures of 60 minutes or 36 Lectures of 50 min. Each theory and practical
course has to be completed in 30 and 60 lectures, respectively of 60 min duration
• Each theory and practical course will be of 100 marks comprising of 40 marks internal and 60 marks
external examination.
• Theory examination (60 marks) will be of three hours duration for each theory course. There shall
be 5 questions each carrying equal marks (12 marks each). The pattern of question papers shall be:
• Question 1 (12 marks): 9 sub-questions, each of 2 marks; answerable in 2 -3 line and based on
entire syllabus, attempt any 6 out of 9 questions.
• Question 2, 3 and 4 (12 marks each): based from Unit I, II, and III, respectively, each question has
3 sub-questions of 6 marks each and answer only 2 sub-questions from each Q2, Q3, and Q4 in brief.