Rules Regulations 6 A Side

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Viennese Cricket World Cup

Playing Conditions

The 2000 Code of the Laws of Cricket, 2nd Edition shall apply to the Viennese Cricket World Cups Playing Conditions except varied below. Also, the Preamble The Spirit of Cricket ( Laws of Cricket 2000 Code 2nd Edition) and the ICC Official Playing Regulations 2003/2004 (various Codes of Conduct,..) are applicable to all players, officials of Cricket Clubs, umpires and scorers. 1. Match / Innings Matches will consist of one innings per side and each innings will be limited to 8 overs. All sides are expected to complete the bowling of their 8 overs within 30 minutes playing time (1 over = 3.75 min). Bowled will be only from one end. After each over the batsmen have to change ends. In case of bad weather or bad light, the Tournament Director and the umpires can decide that the bowling end will be changed. White Cricket Balls will be used. Toss has to be done one hour befor match start at the latest. The Start and Cessation Times can be taken from the Official Match Schedule. There will normally be two sessions of play of 30 minutes each, separated by an interval of 5 minutes. Each team shall bat for 8 overs unless they are all out, or a result is reached, earlier. If the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled time for cessation of the first session, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled. If the Fielding Side fails in bowling the 8 overs in 30 minutes, the remaining overs will be deducted from their Batting Innings. For example: Fielding Side bowls 6 overs within 30 minutes. Then they have only 6 overs left for their batting. If the team fielding second fails to bowl the amended number of overs by the scheduled cessation time, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled or a result achieved. Penalties shall apply for slow over rate for team fielding second. The captains of the teams are responsible that their players are not time-wasting. In case of Force Majeur or extraordinary circumstances (eg injury,) the Tournament Director, the umpires and the captains will give their decisions within the Spirit of Cricket. 2. Interrupted matches The object shall always be to arrange the number of overs so that both teams have the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs. A minimum of 4 overs have to be bowled to the side batting second to constitute a match.

Viennese World Cup Playing Conditions 2005


3. Players A players list has to be given to the Umpires before the match starts. A nominated wicket-keeper is not allowed to bowl. Each bowler is permitted to bowl not more than two overs. A new Batsman must be on the field within one minute. He has to cross with the outgoing batsman on the field. If the new batsman fails in doing it then the bowler is allowed to start his bowling. In the case of an injury or illness the substitute is allowed to bowl. 4. Extras Wide Ball

Umpires are instructed to apply a consistent interpretation in regard to this Law, in order to prevent negative bowling wide of the wicket. Any delivery that, in the opinion of the umpire, does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score shal be called a wide. Umpires should try and be consistent: No Ball in their own interpretation with the interpretation of their colleagues with the interpretation adopted throughout the whole Championships.

Law 42.6 (a) (ii) will apply with the exception that the word shoulder replaces head (competition regulation). 1. Points Result : Win Tie 10 points 5 points 60 1 1 1 70 2 2 2 80 3 3 3 90 4 4 4 100 5 5 5

Batting Side Score : plus Batting Points : Bowling Side : Wickets plus Batting Points :

Penalties for slow over rate:

Viennese World Cup Playing Conditions 2005


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