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Dobrin Algebra 1 CP Syllabus 2024-25

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Algebra 1 CP

Course Syllabus 2024-2025

Instructor: Ms. Dobrin

Email: sdobrin@depaulprep.org Instructor: Ms. Toomey
Office Hours: 7:15 - 7:40 am(297) Email: stoomey@depaulprep.org
Period 2(email to ask where) Office Hours: 7:15 - 7:40am(LC)
Period 4(Corboy) Period 2, 3, 4 and 8(LC)
Period 8(297)

Course Description
The student will be able to show a logical, systematic approach to solve problems using algebraic concepts and
methods. This course covers the laws of algebra, sets, linear equations, inequalities, factoring, functions,
exponentials, graphing, and statistics.

This course will provide the skills and content knowledge for analyzing, developing, interpreting, and
understanding basic algebraic concepts. Students will be able to reason mathematically and work
collaboratively to apply algebra in solving real world problems.

Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to come to class ready to learn and prepared to listen. Students are expected to be in
their seats and ready to begin class at the time of the bell. Students are expected to have all necessary materials
for class with them at the time class begins. Students are not allowed to leave class to retrieve materials.
Materials include:
● A TI-84 Graphing Calculator is REQUIRED - please purchase and begin bringing to class within the
first week of school
● A Pencil
● A Folder/Binder
● An iPad with the following Apps installed
o Notability
o Desmos
o Houghton Mifflin Into Algebra 1 book downloaded

AI Use Policy
The goal of all teaching at DePaul College Prep is to support our students in their continued academic,
emotional and social development. In order to help students authentically grow, it is critical that the work they
complete for their coursework is their own, unassisted by AI or other resources, so that teachers and students
can identify areas of strength and areas in need of additional instruction and support. When a student chooses
to use AI to complete their assignments, or any part of their assignments, this process is interrupted and makes
it more difficult for a teacher to support a student appropriately.

For the 2024-2025 school year, as AI sources and resources continue to evolve, DePaul Prep will adopt the
following coding system to address when and how AI can be used for school assignments. As a default, all
course activities will be considered ‘RED’ until a course has developed assignments or
assessments that integrate the use of AI and until students have received fully developed
instruction on this process, including the various ways of citing the use of AI.
Assigning Coding System:
RED LIGHT No AI use is permitted in the course at any time.

YELLOW LIGHT AI use is permitted only with explicit written permission on that assignment in the
manner consistent with instructor directions. All AI work used must be cited and
students must provide an AI Use Disclosure statement. The Student is responsible for
any errors made by AI software.

GREEN LIGHT AI can be used throughout the assignment/course. All AI work used must be cited
and students must provide an AI Use Disclosure statement. The Student is
responsible for any errors made by AI software.

iPad Preparation Statement: iPads must be brought to class every day and must be charged to last the
entire period. Students will not be allowed to share iPads during class or for class work. Students will be
required to complete any assignments with paper and pencil if they do not have access to an iPad. No
extensions will be given for lack of iPad.

Technology Statement: Using iPads in the classroom offers many great opportunities. Our goal is to allow
students to study and explore course material in creative and practical ways. While these new tools will be
useful; they could potentially also be a distraction. For this reason, you will be expected to use the technology as
the teacher instructs and only when the teacher instructs you to do so. All policies and responsibilities noted in
the iPad policy for DCP will be upheld in this class.

Class Notes
All materials for this class will be distributed and available via the class’s Schoology page. Students are
expected to utilize the Notability App to organize notes.

Grading Policy
This class will be graded on a weighted scale consisting of the following:
● 50%- Summative Assessments
● 40%- Formative Assessments
● 10%- Homework

The goal of a formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be
used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. Examples include but
are not limited to: notes, homework, classwork (individual work, collaborative tasks, etc), and quizzes.
Late homework assignments will not be given any credit in accordance with the school policy.
Homework will always be graded based on completion.

The goal of a summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by
demonstrating mastery of the learning targets. Examples of summative assessments include unit test,
performance task, or project.
Summative assessments should be expected every 2-3 weeks. The DePaul College Prep Grading Scale
determines final grades:

A (+/-): 100 – 90%

B (+/-): 89 – 80%
C (+/-): 79 – 70%
D (+/-): 69 – 60%
F: 59 – below

Students are able to retake each test if they earn a grade below a C. In order to retake a test, the
student must initiate a retake conversation with their teacher and complete the appropriate remediation steps.
Students must complete their retake within two weeks of receiving their grade on the original assessment in
accordance with the school’s retake policy. Retake deadlines will always be posted on the Schoology calendar.
Refer to the Parent and Student Handbook and the DePaul Prep Culture of Academic Achievement, Support
and Accountability for the Retake Policy.

SAT Preparation with Khan Academy

To prepare for the SAT, students will complete assignments on Khan Academy that align with the SAT Math
Domains. Using the "Digital SAT Math" curriculum, students will focus on the following domains:

1. Algebra - Due October 10th

2. Problem Solving & Data Analysis - Due December 13th
3. Geometry / Trigonometry - Due March 14th
4. Advanced Math - due May 23rd

Grading Strategy: Each assignment will be graded out of 8 points, with 80% mastery considered "mastered."
Students achieving 100% mastery will receive 2 extra credit points, allowing for a potential score of 10/8 per
assignment. Students will have 10-15 minutes of class time for these tasks, but additional work outside of class
is strongly encouraged.

This initiative supports SAT readiness and reinforces math skills critical for classroom success.

Final Exam
● A final exam will be given at the end of each semester of the course. It will be a cumulative exam for
both semesters that accounts for 10% of the total grade for the course.

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
DePaul College Prep does not tolerate plagiarism of any kind. This includes using any technology that
assists in solving problems. Any plagiarism will be subject to consequences as outlined in the Parent and
Student Handbook.

Classroom Behavior/Conduct/Participation
At DePaul College Prep, students are expected to follow the core values of Faith, Respect, Excellence, Service,
and Health. Behavior, conduct, and participation of students inside and outside of the classroom should align
with these core values. Students are expected to respect one another through clear and concise collaboration
and support. Any actions of intolerance, or disrespect will not be tolerated and will be handled on a
case-by-case basis. Please note, that electronic devices of all types should only be utilized when a student is
instructed to be using them. All students should follow the guidelines set in the parent and student handbook
for success at DePaul College Prep.

Class Outline & Summary of Units/Topics ● Topic 5: Systems of Linear Equations and
● Topic 1: Expressions and Equations Inequalities
● Topic 2: Inequalities ● Topic 6: Polynomials & Factoring
● Topic 3: Functions ● Topic 7: Quadratic Functions
● Topic 4: Linear Equations
● Topic 8: Exponents & Exponential

Algebra 1
Classroom Expectations

Please sign and return the bottom portion of this page by


My child and I have read the Algebra 1 Guidelines and will work together to promote a
successful year.

Print Student’s Name

___________________________ ___________________________
Students Signature Parent Signature

Please feel free to write any comments or concerns you have below.

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