Further Word Formation Exercises_key
Further Word Formation Exercises_key
Further Word Formation Exercises_key
In fact
WORD FORMATIONS there is no really comparison. (COMPARE)
1. As a gesture of _____, the Commission tested INCOMPARABLY
our products too. (PARTIAL) IMPARTIALITY 26. It would be hard to find words to tell you about
2. The planet Mars is, at present, _____ for even a my impressions. The Scottish landscapes are simply
3. I asked him _____ whether he wanted the 27. He decided to resign rather than cozy up to _____
4. Since his bad habits were never broken when he 28. On the final day, we visited the _____ Victoria
was a child, they are now _____. (CORRECT) Falls and then flew home. (MAJESTY) MAJESTIC
INCORRIGIBLE 29. He _____ survived a somewhat unconventional
5. You can ask a _____ for advice on what kind of upbringing during which his eccentric father would
food you should eat to keep you healthy. (DIET) often force him to take music lessons in the middle of
6. Last week a housewife was _____ by her 30. Scientists are convinced that, because crocodiles
washing machine. (ELECTRICITY) have such long _____; they must have a natural ability
ELECTROCUTED to combat infection. (LIFE) LIFESPAN
7. When he spoke, his voice was 31. They usually order _____ amounts of the valves
_____. (ACCUSE) ACCUSATORY that get installed in their vehicles. (COPY) COPIOUS
8. The groom may _____ the bride only when their 32. Few active steps were taken to measure,
vows have been exchanged. (VEIL) UNVEIL understand or manage the occurrence of
9. He was accused of _____ the financial _____. (ABSENCE) ABSENTEEISM
accounts. (FALSE) FALSIFYING 33. If you eat too much rich food, you can get
10. It's true that _____ originates from the _____. (DIGEST) INDIGESTION
Orient. (REFLEX) REFLEXOLOGY 34. Mr. Madill stated that the _____ against him were
11. He was turned down for the job because he was unfounded. (ALLEGE) ALLEGATIONS
_____. (QUALIFY) UNQUALIFIED 35. The victims of the mistaken bombings are just the
12. As a result of her _____, Ethel has strong sense latest _____ of an increasingly bloody war. (CASUAL)
of the difference between right wrong. (BRING) CASUALTIES
UPBRINGING 36. She is extremely _____ about
13. Our car _____ by $1500 in the first year we art. (KNOWLEDGE) KNOWLEdgEABLE
owned it. (APPRECIATE) DEPRECIATED 37. The college was given full _____ in
14. Currently the art has evolved into the _____ of a 1995. (CREDIT) ACCREDITATION
character or the narration of a story solely by means of 38. Workers have voted for a 2 hour _____ in protest
body movement. (PORTRAY) PORTRAYAL over wage cuts. (STOP) STOPPAGE
15. Whatever his awe-inspiring musical _____, his 39. It's almost _____ for a new band to be offered
personal life was something of a disaster. (ACHIEVE) such a deal. (HEAR) UNHEARD-OF
ACHIEVEMENTS 40. His plan is _____ good but it won't work in
16. The outcome of the vote is an _____ practice. (THEORY) THEORETICALLY
discussion. (GO) FOREGONE 41. The situation is so _____ in some cities now that
17. The police said his car had been weaving all over it is difficult to see any solution. (CHAOS) CHAOTIC
the road, so they pulled him over and gave him a _____ 42. Although several companies made _____ losses,
test. (SOBER) SOBRIETY the market as a whole was buoyant. (SUBSTANCE)
18. Traveling in big cities is becoming more _____ SUBSTANTIAL
every day. (TROUBLE) TROUBLESOME 43. The _____ development of computers and the
19. His day-to-day _____ with people invariably availability of the Internet will dramatically change the
turned out to be rather turbulent. (RELATE) face of the most popular home entertainment -
20. Is it possible to _____ between a hobby and an 44. The unresponsive audience made the lecturer
21. Somehow he always manages to _____ his 45. I am surprised at what you've done. I hope my
opponents. (WIT) OUTWIT confidence in you has been _____. (PLACE)
22. Although the drug is very effective, it does have MISPLACED
some unpleasant _____. (EFFECT) 46. We are determined to get rid of poverty and not
23. Experts consider the _____ of the manuscript to 47. He _____ fell in love with a number of society
be under serious doubt. (AUTHENTIC) women. (APPEAR) APPARENTLY
AUTHENTICITY 48. Children who grow up in time of wars are more
24. Children who grow up in time of wars are more likely to be _____ than others. (ADJUST)
likely to be _____ than others. (ADJUST) MALADJUSTED
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49. It's a quiet fishing village with a _____ 75. Profits grew last year by a _____ 5.7%. (HEAD)
50. For one who has spent his life in a town, a trip 76. Theo and his brother are always together. They're
into the mountains could prove an _____ completely _____. (SEPARATE) INSEPARABLE
experience. (FORGET) UNFORGETTABLE 77. It is almost _____ for a new band to be offered
51. These exercises aim to _____ the effects of stress such a deal. (HEAR) UNHEARD-OF
and tension. (ACT) COUNTERACT 78. They could not bear his _____ which surfaced in
52. You might……it hard to answer all the questions every meeting and voted him out of the
in the _____ time. (LOT) ALOTTED committee. (SARCASTIC) SARCASM
53. In the theater of China and Japan, mime acquired 79. This is not an original, but I's a good
a role unknown in the West, becoming an _____ part of _____. (PRODUCE) REPRODUCTION
the major dramatic genres. (DISPENSE) 80. He was a/an _____ who refused to be bound by
54. Are all those _____ they put in food really 81. Still, if the success of novels is to be measured by
necessary? (ADD) ADDITIVES the galloping pace and sheer _____, you can't put this
55. I _____ beg you to reconsider your snap one down. (READ) READABILITY
decision. (EARN) EARNESTLY 82. Safety must be given _____ in all
56. It's _____ even trying. We'll never get to the cases. (PRECEDE) PRECEDENCE
hospital in time. (FRUIT) FRUITLESS 83. They struggled for society based on democracy,
57. How do you like my latest _____ for my stamp peace and social _____. (JUSTIFY) JUSTICE
collection. (ACQUIRE) ACQUISITION 84. Similar changes are happening
58. The meeting dragged on _____. (TERMINATE) _____. (INDUSTRY) INDUSTRY-WIDE
INTERMINABLY 85. According to recent studies, the methods that
59. Being _____ can be very catching. (SOCIETY) couples use to settle their differences are crucial to the
UNSOCIABLE success of the _____. (OUT) OUTCOME
60. I'm afraid that the hospital is desperately _____ at 86. The Ministry of Education and training decided
the moment. (STAFF) SHORT-STAFFED to organize an _____ football championship to create a
61. Thousands of African children are common playground for all students. (COLLEGE)
undernourished. They suffer from INTERCOLLEGIATE
_____. (NUTRITION) MALNUTRITION 87. The _____ of zoology is vacant and has been
62. The small country is faced with _____ advertised. (PROFESSOR) PROFESSORSHIP
debt. (MOUNT) INSURMOUNTABLE 88. The train became _____ at 60 miles per hour but
63. The workers who were _____ during the no one was seriously hurt. (RAILWAY) DERAILED
recession badly need help from the government. (SIZE) 89. Even if you are good at a game, you shouldn't be
64. Eating a rich meal late at night can give you 90. His book was appreciated for the detailed
_____. (DIGEST) INDIGESTION description of _____ characteristics of
65. Man really wants to live forever so he believes in herbs. (THERAPY) THERAPEUTIC
_____. (MORTAL) IMMORTALITY 91. When I started out, I used to enjoy teaching
66. I want to make sure all my dependants will be history my chosen discipline to _____ pupils; now I do
financially secure if I am _____ in any so every Tuesday evening, teaching local history to
67. So _____ with her passion for coin collecting that 92. Flexibility is one of the qualities required of a
it wouldn't run in her blood. (LIVE) social worker. (FLEXIBLE) FLEXIBILITY
SHORT-LIVED 93. In Chinese drama the conventions of
68. Her performance at work was considered _____ gesticulation, as well as the _____ of the stage
and her contract was not renewed. (SATISFY) properties, are immense in scope and incomprehensible
UNSATISFACTORY to those unfamiliar with the traditional
69. You won't persuade him to change his mind. His forms. (SYMBOL) SYMBOLISM
decision is _____. (REVOKE) IRREVOCABLE 94. Various _____ by politics officers were brought
70. The government has _____ plans for new energy to light by the enquiry. (PRACTICE)
71. He examined the parcel _____, as he had no idea 95. I was _____ by Jane's loud and aggressive voice
what it could be. (SUSPECT) SUSPICIOUSLY and so, chose to remain silent throughout the
72. Most of the stuns in this movie are performed by discussion. (TIMID) INTIMIDATED
_____. (STAND) STAND-INS 96. If you're interested in being considered to serve
73. She is _____ cheerful no matter what the on a board or council, please fill out a/an _____
circumstances. (FAIL) UNFAILINGLY application. (APPOINT) APPOINTEE
74. _____ traces its origins to the first punches and 97. The candidate made a/an _____ speech that
dyes used to mix seals and currency in Asian incensed all those who heard it. (FLAME)
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98. Look ! I know you've lost your wallet but there is 123. Even a pilot with _____ judgment can be
no use in keeping on _____ the fact. Someone has stolen surprised by sudden changes in the weather. (ERROR)
it and that's all there is to it. (MOAN) BEMOANING UNERRING
99. A fan is an ardent devotee, a/an 124. Please keep emails short. _____ makes
_____. (ENTHUSIASTIC) ENTHUSIAST everyone's lives easier. (BRIEF)
100. Wilkinson went on to become a great athlete, his BREVITY
disability _____. (STAND) NOTWITHSTANDING 125. They won the case because of the _____ in court
101. I don't understand how he got the job. He is far of the defendant. (DISAPPEAR)
too _____ to be put in charge of the NON-APPEARANCE
school. (COMPETE) INCOMPETENT 126. The jury was _____ of her handling of the
102. _____ pain or pain in the belly is the reason for affair. (CRITICIZE)
around 5% of all emergency department CRITICAL
visits. (ABDOMEN) ABDOMINAL 127. It was sheer _____ riding in the roller coaster and
103. That athlete was _____ as soon as people found I would like to try it again. (ECSTATIC)
that he had used drugs. (QUALIFICATION) ECSTASY
DISQUALIFIED 128. I think my last statement _____ the situation
104. Liskeard and Callington are basically _____ from pretty well - At least I can't think of any better
here, so it'll take about the same time to get to either of summary. (CAPSULE)
105. Girls tend to do better academically in single sex 129. Now don't tell anyone else what I've just told you.
schools than in _____ ones. (EDUCATE) CO- Remember it's _____. (CONFIDE)
106. Women after childbirth are naturally _____ of 130. It is very difficult to find Mrs. Burton's shop, for
their appearance. (CRITICIZE) HYPERCRITICAL it was _____ from all others in the
107. The recent hurricane caused _____ street. (DISTINGUISH)
108. Fruit _____ as it ripens. (SWEET) SWEETENS 131. I will never agree to that. It's absolutely _____ to
109. He is _____ for his charitable activities than for me that the rubbish dump should be placed behind my
his business in the steel industry. (KNOW) BETTER- house. (THINK)
110. Her case was _____ argued. (CONVINCE) 132. People can decide how to care for their children,
CONVINCINGLY _____ by interference from the state. (CUMBER)
111. Throughout the 1790s, he worked hard to secure UNENCUMBERED
the interests of wealthy patrons. Such _____ enabled 133. After 23 years of teaching, I had simply had
him to concentrate on becoming a successful enough of a job which is becoming increasingly
112. My mother wants me to have this photograph 134. We have _____ obligations to control
113. It's _____ for them to pretend that they were 135. Part of the building has been _____ into
shocked at the news. (HYPOCRITE) HYPOCRISY offices. (DIVIDE) SUBDIVIDED
114. The project was cancelled while it was still in its 136. I want to make sure all my dependants will be
_____. (INFANT) INFANCY financially secure if I am _____ in any
115. Sung by the world's greatest tenor, this aria is way. (CAPABLE) INCAPACITATED
_____ beautiful. (ACHE) ACHINGLY 137. The floor of the attic needs _____ if we are going
116. Every Christmas they donate some food and to make it into the bedroom. (STRONG)
clothes to the _____. (NEED) NEEDY STRENGTHENING
117. _____ fans crowd near the stage the moment the 138. He has a lot of experience with the criminal
pop star appears. (AWE) AWESTRUCK _____. (MENTAL) MENTALITY
118. The tourists were impressed by _____ of the 139. They were brought up to behave in a _____ way
jewelry in the museum. (SPLENDID) SPLENDOR in public. (CIVILIZATION) CIVILIZED
119. Now I can still feel the _____ of our 140. She reacted angrily to my _____
120. He cast his eyes _____ as if imploring God for 141. The ship was _____ off the coast of
121. These exercises aim to _____ the effects of stress 142. Small children are very _____ in their behavior.
and tension. (ACT) They just copy what they see. (IMITATE) IMITATIVE
COUNTERACT 143. I know it's a bit annoying but there's no need to
122. We were amazed by her wonderful skill in the _____ to such an extent. (ACT) OVERREACT
_____ of crying infants. (PEACE) 144. Press _____ continues over whether the Prime
PACIFICATION Minister is on the point of calling a general
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145. Which of these paintings is the original ? they're 169. The doctor will be _____ unless you call and
completely _____ to me. (DISTINGUISH) make an appointment in advance. (AVAILABILITY)
146. There is a craze for _____ foods in our country 170. As I told Rose how I felt she was completely
these days. (CANCER) ANTI-CARCINOGENIC _____, so I had no idea at all what she was
147. He is very _____ in everything he thinking. (RESPOND) UNRESPONSIVE
does. (SYSTEM) 171. Like many _____ of his generation, he was
SYSTEMATIC fascinated by the internet. (TECHNOLOGY)
148. Impedance _____ is a plethysmography TECHNOPHILES
technique of using sensors to detect the properties of the 172. I can't put up with your _____
blood flow in the thorax. (GRAPH) CARDIOGRAPH complaining. (CEASE) CEASELESS
149. It is really quite _____ that we should have been 173. Having made that morally terrible mistake, they
at the same college without having met are now _____. (CONSCIENCE)
150. This margarine is full of food _____ - Just look at 174. Some people dismiss any link between computer
the label !. (ADD) ADDITIVES games and a _____ in attention span, but few of them
151. Susan found the responsibility of taking care of are teachers. (REDUCE) REDUCTION
her younger brother so _____ that she tried to avoid 175. I was late because I _____ how much time I
152. My brother lives in a/an _____ area. (RESIDE) 176. Film directors usually ask actors to _____ the
153. My friend started going out late night club so I 177. For many people, Ludwig van Beethoven, is the
decided to _____ myself from the group. (SOCIAL) most _____ figure in the history of western classical
154. The inquiry decided that the police were not 178. The cargo was _____ for safe and efficient
155. The school has won five _____ 179. He is a bad manager in that factory and everyone
games. (SUCCESSION) SUCCESSIVE is in an attempt to _____ him. (FAME) DEFAME
156. The article gives us a few interesting _____ on 180. She was a medical _____ before she entered
life in Japan in general. (SIDE) OUTSIDER politics. (PRACTICE) PRACTITIONER
157. We offered the hand of friendship after the _____ 181. Please ask them to speak softer. I can't put up
apology, but had no reply. (LATE) BELATED with these _____ teenagers. (MOUTH) LOUD-
158. He always tells lies. His words are MOUTHED
_____. (VALUE) 182. In one shop, I _____a wonderful collection of
159. He felt ashamed of his _____ in not coming 183. From the hotel there is a _____ view across the
forward to support his friend. (COWARD) Canyon. (BREATH) BREATHTAKING
COWARDICE 184. Tim Berners Lee has received many awards as
160. Attempts to communicate in a foreign language the _____ of the World Wide Web. (INVENT)
can easily _____. (FIRE) MISFIRE INVENTOR
161. The _____ need our help. (ADVANTAGE) 185. Due to torrential weather conditions, the
DISADVANTAGED mountain pass is _____ via this route. (ACCESS)
162. They say that the secret of _____ lies in leading a INACCESSIBLE
simple life. (CONTENT) CONTENTMENT 186. This used to be a rural area but it has become
163. Liskeard and Callington are basically _____ from _____. (INDUSTRY) INDUSTRIALIZED
here, so will take about the same time to get to either of 187. Wilkinson went on to become a great athlete, his
164. The expert system can do all the mundane 188. Hundreds of unemployed _____ could be pushed
operations and still _____ with the users in the back towards crime by the closure of job training
friendliest manner. (FACE) INTERFACE programs. (PRISON) EX-PRISIONERS
165. Millions of people like _____ and property 189. This statue _____ the soldiers who died in the
owners depend on the tourist industry for their war. (MEMORY) COMMEMORATES
livelihood. (HOTEL) HOTELIERS 190. You can see the display of _____ in the
166. IQ stands for _____ quotient. (INTELLIGENT) exhibition. (WELLINGTON) WELLINGTONIANA
INTELLIGENCE 191. The project went over budget because of _____ at
167. But that side of things is by no means all. There the planning stage. (CALCULATE)
is also the growing _____ of the pupils including the MISCALCULATION
girls. (AGGRESSIVE) AGGRESSION 192. He gave me a good _____ for forgetting the
168. Last year I had a/an _____. (APPENDICAL) meeting. (TELL) TELLING-OFF
APPENDECTOMY 193. A lot of water is wasted through _____. (LEAK)
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194. In this essay you said the same thing several 216. The two pairs of twins make a pleasant _____
times. It's very _____. (REPEAT) REPETITIVE during the game of golf. (FOUR) FOURSOME
195. We could _____ the soil if we overuse 217. A good dictionary is _____ for learning a foreign
IMPOVERISH 218. We bought a legal protection as an _____ to our
196. My house is _____ from the two pubs in the home insurance policy. (ADD) ADD-ON
village. (DISTANCE) EQUIDISTANT 219. Early man made use of the medical properties of
197. They never dare to leave their only child _____ insects and reptiles to treat common _____. (AIL)
198. The specialists have been very busy working out 220. The bookcase was placed _____ near the door to
the new technologies of water _____ which will be more hide a huge crack in the wall. (STRATEGY)
efficient and less time consuming. (PURE) STRATEGICALLY
PURIFICATION 221. The couple should discuss the specific problem in
199. The high art of modern mime was _____ details, taking care not to rake up old _____. (GRIVE)
philosophically by such artists as Marcel Mareau, who GRIEVANCES
defined mine as "the art of expressing feelings by 222. His performance in the match today _____ his
attitudes and not a means of expressing words through reputation as a great player. (LIE) BELIES
gestures". (NOBLE) ENNOBLED 223. It was found that some aromas made people feel
200. He's just received _____ payments for the drowsy while others made them feel _____. (LIFT)
201. He was fined for _____ library books. (FACE) 224. She _____ questions about whether she plans to
DEFACING run, saying she's focused on her voter registration and
202. He threw his bags _____ on the campaign finance initiatives. (STEP) SIDESTEPPED
floor. (CEREMONY) UNCEREMONIOUSLY 225. Those street children performed _____ well at the
203. "I am going to ask that very question of you," fund-raising dinner party. (SURPRISE)
204. _____ beautiful, Hue, the former capital of 226. I was surprised by his _____ to break the
Vietnam, is steeped in history. (BREATHE) law. (PREPARE) PREPAREDNESS
BREATHTAKINGLY 227. Every time I think I've beaten, you _____
205. She stood there completely _____, so I had no me. (DO)
idea at all what she was thinking. (EXPRESSION) OUTDO
EXPRESSIONLESS 228. In design and quality of manufacture they were
206. They all cheered _____ as their team came _____ by Italians. (CLASS) OUTCLASSED
out. (ENTHUSIASM) ENTHUSIASTICALLY 229. Although he read them again and again, you
207. Martha has a _____ attitude towards issues and could not understand these _____ of this economic
things that thinks can be either black or policy. (INTRICATE) INTRICACIES
white. (SIMPLE) 230. Do you think these children are _____ ? They
SIMPLISTIC look very pale and thin. (NOURISH) MAL-
208. As twilight began to _____ over the dusk, she NOURISHED
found it impossible to stay in her chamber alone, as she 231. A strike is unlikely, but some forms of _____ are
usually did. (DEEP) DEEPEN being considered. (OPERATE) NON-COOPERATION
209. It's quite normal to complain if you think 232. That the child behaved _____ made the couple
something is wrong, but I do feel that you're sometimes happy. (DEAR) ENDEARINGLY
_____. (CRITICISM) HYPERCRITICAL 233. The tsunami has caused _____ damage to the
210. This book _____ as a series of lectures and Japanese. (CALCULATE) INCALCULABLE
shipwrecks, which were given two decades 234. Children who grow up in times of wars are more
ago. (ORIGIN) ORIGINATED likely to be _____ than others. (ADJUST)
211. The young Beethoven's ability won him the MALADJUSTED
admiration of the _____ contemporary musical 235. Patients with diseases that are highly _____ are
figures. (LEAD) LEADING isolated in a special area. (CONTAGION)
212. Liskeard and Callington are basically _____ from CONTAGIOUS
here so it will take about the same time to get to either of 236. The _____ was seen waiting outside the
213. She thinks that with a little _____. She can 237. This jewel is notsimply valuable. It is
persuade her husband to change his mind. (FLATTER) _____. (VALUE) INVALUABLE
FLATTERY 238. I think that this plan is _____
214. The lake near to where I live is one of the deepest ridiculous. (RIGHT)
and most _____ in the world. (VOLUME) DOWNRIGHT
VOLUMINOUS 239. Mime and pantomime was a Greek and Roman
215. She reacted angrily to my _____ dramatic entertainment representing scenes from life,
remarks. (INTEND) WELL-INTENTIONED often in a _____ manner. (RIDICULE) RIDICULOUS
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240. Some experiences in early life have _____ 263. Public support is a _____ to the success of this
241. Those children look miserable because they're 264. Jim is one of the most _____ members of the
242. _____ fish always live in lakes and 265. University professors both teach and _____
243. Going to the unemployment office and having to 266. The referee who will be _____ at this year's F.A.
wait there for hours is a _____ experience. (DESTROY) Club Final is one of my relatives, you
244. She is very efficient, and _____ polite to 267. _____ is one of the most serious problems to the
customers. (FAIL) UNFAILINGLY development of children. (NUTRITIOUS)
245. Several banks are providing _____ for the MALNUTRITION
housing program. (FINANCIAL) FINANCES 268. I want to make sure all my dependants will be
246. The _____ company sent millions of dollars financially secure if I am _____ in any
marketing their new wonder drug. (PHARMACY) way. (CAPABLE) INCAPACITATED
PHARMACEUTICAL 269. Last year I resigned my post as a head of
247. It may be _____ to force them into making a department at a large comprehensive school. After 23
decision and if you upset them they're quite likely to years of teaching, I had simply had enough of a job
overreact. (PRODUCE) COUNTERPRODUCTIVE which is becoming increasingly _____. (PROBLEM)
248. Just when Beethoven was beginning to reap the READABILITY
rewards of his early endeavors, he had to come to terms 270. Thus hand movements were particularly
with the crushing realization that his increasing deafness expressive and important. Pantomimus, dressed like a
was _____. (CURE) INCURABLE tragic actor in a cloak and long tunic, usually performed
249. The new leisure centre doesn't quite live up to my solo _____ by an orchestra. (COMPANY)
250. A _____ agreement between the UK, France and 271. There are people whose _____ begins from the
Ireland allows horses to travel between the three moment of their death. (MORTAL) IMMORTALITY
countries without health certificates. (PART) 272. As a department head, I saw at close hand the
TRIPARTITE effects of the government's increased _____ in
251. Being director of the National Gallery is an educational matters. (INVOLVE) INVOLVEMENT
_____ responsibility but thankfully I have a number of 273. In Chinese drama the conventions of
highly experienced experts to help me. (AWE) gesticulation, as well as the _____ of the stage
AWESOME properties, are immense in scope and _____ to those
252. These materials are highly _____. (FLAME) unfamiliar with the traditional
253. Last year I had an _____. (APPEDICAL) 274. Many fabrics are specially treated so as to be
254. Do you think these children are _____ ? They 275. The years in isolation and adversity have
look very thin. (NOURISH) UNDERNOURISHED deepened his _____. (KNOW) SELF-KNOWLEDGE
255. Scholarships and awards are usually given on the 276. Low income and little administrative support
_____. (DAY) SPEECH-DAY make teachers _____ with their profession. (HEART)
256. We can't make decision based on _____ and DISHEARTENED
guesswork. (HEAR) HEARSAY 277. James is a _____. He eats chocolate as a
257. Some spring flowering bulbs prefer to start the hobby. (CHOCOLATE) CHOCOHOLIC
_____ stage of the leaf development before their cold 278. Traveling in big cities is becoming more _____
258. Now the government has _____ the papers we 279. Supporters were _____ removed from the
can find out what really happened. (CLASS) court. (FORCE) FORCIBLY
DECLASSIFIED 280. She is _____ about music. (PASSION)
259. The journalist refused to reveal the identity of his PASSIONATE
_____. (INFORM) INFORMANT 281. He won the discus event at the Olympic Games
260. Gathered all together in this church, we _____ but was later _____ when a medical check proved that
those who lost their lives in the Great he had been taking drugs. (QUALIFY)
COMMEMORATE 282. Visitors complained about the _____ in the old
261. Don’t be so _____. (DRAMATIC) museum. (ORGANISE) DISORGANIZATION
MELODRAMATIC 283. Tests are often carried out to detect genetic _____
262. It thrives in a vacuum of consumer information before birth. (NORMAL) ABNORMALITIES
that might give everybody a/an _____ reason to go 284. The stain on her dress was _____, but Margaret
somewhere else. (REFUTE) IRREFUTABLE felt uncomfortable about it. (CONSPICUOUS)
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285. The _____ of trains and buses causes frustration 309. Gradually, almost _____, her condition had
286. _____ might have proved that the suspect was at 310. The pipes in the house started rusting, _____ the
the scene of the crime. (FINGER) FINGERPRINT water. (COLOR) DISCOLORING
287. Children from a/an _____ background are 311. There are power stations across Europe that use
statistically more likely to become involved in the _____ rise and fall of the ocean tides. (DAY)
288. He has completely _____ his opponent and 312. He is a bad manager in that factory and everyone
knocked him out in the seventh round. (BOX) is in an attempt to _____ him. (FAME) DEFAME
OUTBOXED 313. That the referee _____ such a spectacular goal
289. _____ development is the first step in rebuilding met with public opposition. (ALLOW) DISALLOWED
the area. (STRUCTURE) INFRASTRUCTURAL 314. Patrician and charming, he controls his empire
290. On the moon, there is no air because the moon's with quite _____ from his office in St Remy, his native
_____ field is too weak to retain an town. (PATERNAL) PATERNALISM
atmosphere. (GRAVITY) GRAVITATIONAL 315. Lisa is very _____. She always manages to look
291. Paul is a good employee and is very good in photographs. (PHOTO) PHOTOGENIC
_____. (CONSCIENCE) CONSCIENTIOUS 316. Her work has been _____ for its sensitivity of
292. He must be drunk. He is making _____ style and imaginative use of her imagery. (CLAIM)
293. In Roman pantomine, unlike the mime actor, the 317. His boss told him off because he had behaved
players wore _____ masks, which identified their _____. (RESPONSIBLE) IRRESONSIBLY
characters but deprived them of speech and of the use of 318. Lisa is very _____. She always manages to look
facial gestures. (NUMBER) NUMEROUS good in photographs. (PHOTO) PHOTOGENIC
294. The stock market crash of 1929 left my great- 319. At the entrance of a greasy, _____ kitchen. we
grandfather _____. (PENNY) PENNILESS met an old woman who was carefully carrying some
295. Zimbabwe is a _____ country; so much of its putrid tripe in a rag. (ODOR) MALODOROUS
trade depends on having access to ports in 320. She was the finest dancer in the country. She
Mozambique. (LAND) LANDLOCKED _____ all the others. (SHINE) OUTSHONE
296. The storm caused terrible _____ along the 321. His childhood spent in the harsh conditions of the
coast. (DESTROY) DESTRUCTION civil war has completely _____ the boy to the sight of
297. She was wearing a black dress, _____ simply blood and cruelty. (SENSE) DESENSITIZED
with a silver necklace. (ACCESSORY) 322. His _____ talent was already clearly
298. Politicians and academics pointed to the 323. The Greco-Roman mime was a farce that stressed
building's _____ contours as a cautionary tale of _____ action but which included song and spoken
architectural overreach. (BECOME) UNBECOMING dialogue. (MIME) MIMETIC
299. How can you explain the _____ of your 324. He lost his temper and used disgusting _____
statements? There is not a grain of truth in any of language. (REPEAT) UNREPEATABLE
them. (VALID) 325. Industrial robots work with far greater _____ than
300. The little girl's _____ face moves many 326. Noise from the factory has reached an _____
301. She finally left her husband because of his 327. There are still _____ about how they erected
_____. (ADULT) ADULTERY those huge stones on top of that hill. (CERTAIN)
302. Thr world is becoming increasingly UNCERTAINTIES
_____. (DEPEND) INTERDEPENDENT 328. Several dead birds had been washed
303. There is this restlessness and sheer _____ of _____. (SHORE) ASHORE
children brought up on a diet of computer games and 329. Local people assembled to welcome back their
violent videos. (BORING) BOREDOM _____ army. (TRIUMPH) TRIUMPHANT
304. How dare they _____ blame without knowing all 330. The workers who were _____ during the
the facts first?. (PORTION) APPORTION recession badly need help from the government. (SIZE)
305. English is a comparatively easy language for DOWNSIZED
Swedes to learn. (COMPARE) COMPARATIVELY 331. In _____, descent and relationship are determined
306. The Smiths are living in the city. Their garden in through the female line. (MATRI) MATRIARCHY
the country is a _____ of grass and weeds. (WILD) 332. You will never talk him into going swimming
WILDERNESS because he suffers from _____. (PHOBIC)
307. He has known Tom for a long time and valued AQUAPHOBIA/HYDROPHOBIA
his _____. (FRIEND) FRIENDSHIP 333. He says he had no intention of hurting me, but
308. However, the identity of the girl who lay closest I'm sure he hit me _____. (PURPOSE)
to his heart remains _____ to this day. (ELUDE) PURPOSEFULLY
Page 7 of 10
334. The government is accused of _____ 356. The _____ of land in an industrial society is not
power. (CENTRAL) CENTRALIZING as important as it was when people lived in
335. He used to be an _____ engineer before he came villages. (OWN)
to work for this company. (ELECTRICITY) OWNERSHIP
ELECTRICAL 357. It's no use asking him about political system or
336. And then she mistily realized what she should the parties. He doesn't know or care. He's completely
have known at once: that she had reached the cliff's edge _____. (POLITICS) APOLITICAL
_____. (HINDRANCE) UNHINDERED 358. Since it was first _____ produced on a large
337. In Roman pantomine, unlike the mime actor, the scale, this traditional handicraft has attracted attention
players wore numerous masks, which identified their worldwide. (COMMERCE) COMMERCIALLY
characters but deprived them of speech and of the use of 359. She is extremely _____ of heights and will
_____ gestures. (FACE) FACIAL faint. (FEAR) FEARFUL
338. The results had been _____ by five independent 360. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in
scientists in the same field. (REVIEW) PEER- danger of becoming _____. (TYPE) TYPECAST
REVIEWED 361. I will resign if you continue to _____ everything I
339. Please keep emails short. _____ makes say. (REGARD) DISREGARD
everyone's lives easier. (BRIEF) BREVITY 362. Maybe I am an _____; but what's wrong with
340. Doctors say a glass of warm milk before bedtime wanting every human being to have access to clean
can result in a more _____ night's sleep. (REST) drinking water?. (IDEAL) IDEALIST
RESTFUL 363. There was a _____ confrontation between
341. It is very _____ to wear charity bracelets these management and unions. (HEAD) HEAD-ON
days. (TREND) TRENDY 364. A list of _____ events for the autumn is being
342. If looks could kill, I'd be dead because she just prepared. (COME) FORTHCOMING
gave me a _____ glare. (MURDER) MURDEROUS 365. The meeting dragged on _____. (TERMINATE)
343. After listening to his sad story, the old woman INTERMINABLY
shook her head _____. (SYMPATHY) 366. The rocks appear to be stationary in the high
SYMPATHETICALLY winds that whip across this desert landscape, they are in
344. There are the frequent little acts of rudeness reality moving _____. (SCRIPT) IMPERCEPTIBLY
which teachers have become almost _____ to stop, now 367. The thing I hate about John is his
that the right to discipline pupils has been all but taken _____. (RELIABLE) UNRELIABILITY
from them. (POWER) POWERLESS 368. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in
345. Do you really think that you have enough _____ danger of becoming _____. (TYPE) TYPECAST
to be in the school's soccer team. (ATHELETE) 369. That guy is absolutely _____ as you never know
ATHLETICISM what he is going to do or say. (PREDICT)
346. The idea that the sun 'rises' is a popular UNPREDICTABLE
_____. (CONCEIVE) MISCONCEPTION 370. Our rival company confirmed that they were not
347. The private school feared losing its _____ with involved in any _____ activities. (ACT) ACTIONABLE
the state's university system. (CREDIT) 371. The latest released by the Bangles has a great
ACCREDITATION _____ of songs on it. You should listen to it
348. He is a _____ man because he is not interested in sometimes. (COMPILE) COMPILATION
politics. (POLITICS) APOLITICAL 372. He _____ dropped himself on the grass after
349. John has been very _____ these past few days. I shouting loudly again for help. (HOPE) HOPELESSLY
wonder what he's trying to hide from us. (SERCRET) 373. A/an _____ number of workers have already been
SECRETIVE exposed to the danger. (DETERMINE)
350. There are the frequent little acts of _____ which INDERTERMINATE
teachers have become almost powerless to stop, now 374. Throughout the 1790s he worked hard to secure
that the right to discipline pupils has been all but taken the interests of wealthy patrons. Such _____ enabled
from them. (RUDE) RUDENESS him to concentrate on becoming a successful
351. The project was subject to the usual _____ of composer. (PATRON) PATRONAGE
exploratory research. (VICIOUS) VICISSITUDES 375. You can say that she is a _____ because she
352. The last recession _____ the economy. (VITAL) works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working
DEVITALIZED and do other things. (WORK) WORKAHOLIC
353. Private schools feared losing their _____ with the 376. The policy is _____ and so will cost the
state's university system. (CREDIT) government a lot of money. (ECONOMY)
354. Gerold was very naughty in your absence in fact 377. The planning authorities gave the school the
he behaved most _____ ! I refuse to look after your child _____ for an extension. (GO) GO-AHEAD
again. (CREDIT)DISCREDITABLY 378. Not content with loading teachers down with
355. I hate being around Mary Lou. She is so paperwork the government has also imposed standard
_____. (FRIEND) BEFRIEND national tests on pupils as young as six, a fact which has
Page 8 of 10
left many teachers _____ with their 404. I have a notion that I shall never pass back a life
profession. (ENCHANT) DISENCHANTED through these _____ swamps. (PEST) PESTILENT
379. Each committee member must be sworn to _____ 405. My grandfather's great _____ is a feature to be
prior to the ceremony. (SECRET) SECRECY jealous of. This week he has completed a new model of
380. The _____ of his knowledge surprised a peeling device. (INVENT) INVENTIVENESS
everyone. (EXTEND) EXTENSIVENESS 406. Now the government's _____ the papers, we can
381. Please _____ our letter of the 25th. We haven't find out what really happened. (CLASS)
382. The party turned out to be a bit of a/an _____ - 407. _____ of your new energy efficient domestic gas
hardly anybody turned up. (EVENT) NON-EVENT boiler is free of charge and will be performed within five
383. Marvin used to be quite wild, but he's _____ calm days of payment. (INSTALL) INSTALLATION
these days. (RELATE) RELATIVELY 408. I think my last statement _____ the situation
384. One of the most important qualities of effective pretty well - at least I can't think of any better
writing is _____. (CLEAR) CLARITY summary. (CAPSULE)
385. Psychologists say that adults should not accept ENCAPSULATES
_____ behavior from their children. (PERMIT) 409. Many years had gone by until the Africans
IMPERMISSIBLE captured by the English colonizers managed to break
386. The pain became _____ during the night so I free from _____ to their masters. (SERVE)
387. _____ fruit juice contained no extra 410. Owing to the intrusion into the footwear market
sugar. (SWEET) UNSWEETENED of modern style trainers, many of us have fallen arches
388. Many years have gone by until the Africans or _____ toes. (SHAPE)
captured by the English colonizers managed to break MISSHAPEN
free from _____ to their masters. (SERVE) 411. Don't you find it _____ how Jeremy always
SERVITUDE comes to work looking so untidy. (INTRIGUE)
389. Before enrolling on a course, you should first INTRIGUING
ensure that it's been _____ by an officially recognized 412. Crimes of violence were _____ rare until a few
body. (VALID) VALIDATED years ago. (COMPARE)
390. She speaks her lines very _____. (WOOD) COMPARATIVELY
WOODENLY 413. He will the wine as soon as we are ready for
391. He's just trying to _____ you into paying him dinner. (CORK)
392. That little charming girl you met yesterday comes 414. Prime Minister in warrant people of this country
from a very _____ family. (ART) ARTISTIC that they must be ready for any _____ - even the
393. If you weren't so _____ of Ben, he'd be happier to possibility of war. (EVENT)
394. My grandmother cannot recognize me 415. The achievements of Roman builders were
sometimes. She's probably affected by largely _____ until the resurgence of road-building in
_____. (SENILE) SENILITY the 18th century. (PASSION)
395. Mark, a _____ commentator, was often featured UNSURPASSED
on state television explaining government 416. Although the splitting of the atom was one of the
policy. (TELEVISION) TELEGENIC greatest scientific _____ of this century, there are many
396. The job is now 10 times more _____ than it was people who wish it had never happened. (BREAK)
397. Those are the company's strictly _____ 417. This machinery has been coated with a certain
documents, so you must not let them leak chemical to make it _____. (RUST)
CONFIDENTIAL 418. The doctors are _____ about when I can play
398. Don't be so critical of the boy. I myself didn't find football again after the operation. (COMMIT)
399. That kind of linkage diplomacy is always 419. When the lab findings and the results were
dangerous and _____. (AGREE) DISAGREEABLE _____, an amazing discovery came to light. (RELATE)
400. It was her _____ charm that won her the CORRELATED
crown. (RESIST) IRRESISTIBLE 420. This minor mistake is _____. Be more careful
401. She bought some _____ coffee as she cannot next time. (PARDON)
402. Many people often make a _____ between 421. Be careful, the virus _____ your
London and New York. (COMPARE) COMPARISON computer. (ABLE)
403. The Federal Reserve Bank denied any DISABLE
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422. He had been _____ delayed at the office and was MISCONCEPTION
now in a hurry to keep his appointment with the 440. The Control Center is deep underground and
dentist. (EXPECT) completely _____ except by direct hit from a nuclear
423. After all he's done for us, it would be very _____ INDESTRUCTIBLE
of us if we didn't do this for him now. (HELP)
424. Don't throw away consumer packaging. Most of
it's _____ if you use a little creativity. (USE)
425. Until the situation has settled down, it is _____ to
travel to the area hit hard by ebola epidemic. (ADVISE)
426. Everyone admired her _____ beauty. She's old
but she's still beautiful. (TIME)
427. Cigarettes, coffee, alcohol and other _____ are
known to have an adverse influence upon human
health. (ADD)
428. The museum was built in the middle of the last
century in the _____ style popular at that
time. (CLASS)
429. It's not harmful to take that drug because it is
_____. (ADDICT)
430. The _____ images were still vivid in her mind,
playing out like some cleverly orchestrated cellular
illusion. (HORROR)
431. I can't stand him any longer. What _____
idiot. (BREATH)
432. Thomas _____ broke the expensive
ways. (ACCIDENT)
433. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another.
You must learn to _____ between the
434. Our branch offices are _____ their weekend
services. (CONTINUE)
435. There was a _____ confrontation between
management and unions. (HEAD)
436. The audience was _____ small because of the
heavy rain. (DISAPPOINT)
437. Let us get this clear: it is not Paul himself that I
find _____ but it's his idea that I cannot
accept. (OBJECT)
438. As the climate cools gradually, almost _____,
with every few meters of altitude gained, so the full
diversity of fauna and flora is revealed in all its
splendor. (PERCEPTION)
439. The idea that the sun 'rises' is a popular
_____. (CONCEIVE)
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