Aa per Oxford dictionary homosexuality is a pattern of sexuality in which sexual behavior and thinking
are directed towards people of the same sex. It is a sexual attraction, romantic attraction, or sexual
behavior between members of the same sex or gender. The term gay is frequently used as a synonym for
homosexual; female homosexuality is often referred to as lesbianism. This review paper deals with the
problems, causes and views of society on homosexuality.
1. Introduction
The effect of homosexuality on society has been a subject of dialogue and debates for decades.
Some scholars argue that the reputation of homosexuality has had a wonderful effect on society,
selling range, and tolerance. Others agree that it has a bad effect, main to the erosion of conven-
tional values and the breakdown of the own circle of relatives unit.
One of the primary arguments in homosexuality is that it promotes the range and reputation of
differences. Many agree that society needs to be inclusive and accepting of everyone regardless of sex-
ual orientation. This can result in a greater tolerant and open-minded society, in which human be-
ings are unfastened to specify themselves and be proper to themselves.
On the opposite hand, opponents of homosexuality argue that it undermines conventional values.
They agree that the reputation of homosexuality threatens the holy organization of marriage and
the conventional own circle of relatives structure. They additionally argue that homosexuality is
morally corrupt practice.
Despite these opposing views, there is evidence that homosexual reputations have a wonderful
impact on society. For example, studies show that children grew up like these parents who live
as the same sex get along just as well as parents who were raised as the opposite sex. Addition-
ally, the legalization of same-intercourse marriage has brought about some prison and economic
advantages for same-intercourse couples.
2. What is Homosexuality?
It refers to the sexual attraction to the persons of the same sex.it comes from two words homs-means
same and sex-refers to the sex orientation. It’s a behaviour which develops due to the environmental fac-
tors or its either through genetic inheritance.
In addition, this trait may be due to sexual mutilation in children, or poorly developed relationships be-
tween same-sex parents and children. As a result, some of the child's emotions remain unsatisfied, and
the emotions do not disappear, but rather they act violently and bizarre towards people of the same sex,
creating an element of homosexuality in society [1].
Due to this some feelings of the child go unmet; the feelings don’t disappear but they rather develop in-
tense and strange behaviour towards the persons of the same sex. Thus, an element of homosexuality
arises in society.
values of the society. Society declares and emphasizes homosexuality as morally wrong because many
in American society believe that homosexuality is illegal.
Because moral injustice is relative to society, not absolute. Homosexuality is not a universal form of
sexual immorality. There are most cultures that allow and support these forms of homosexuality. How-
ever, Western society has resisted this, and this has led to unacceptable views that primarily lead to dis-
crimination against homosexuals. Despite all this, we need to understand that homosexuality is a way of
survival for some people, even if they are a minority. They should not be isolated in society and should
be accepted and welcomed for who they are.
5. Problems of homosexual
The moral, religious and legal attitudes in trials to curb sexual behaviour have interfered with a clear
view of the medical and psychological aspects of homosexuality. Because this phenomenon is actually
more widespread than is generally accepted, it is likely that the damage to the social aspects of our so-
ciety and culture is much less than commonly believed.
Homosexuality usually has hormonal, social, and psychological factors, and only the latter can be suc-
cessfully addressed in the current situation. The general practitioner's job is to help people seeking or
needing help with this problem get psychiatric treatment, just as they are referred for other affective dis-
orders. As with any affective disorder, this should be done with an open mind.
Homosexuals pose a threat to the survival of society because they are inherently less productive. In the
case of homosexual marriage, this act is socially considered immoral because the act does not lead to
production and therefore leads to the fact that there will be no tomorrow's generation in society and
causes social problems. and harmful. Recent surveys and studies have shown that homosexuals have a
higher risk of developing mental illness than heterosexuals. Such problems are sometimes associated
with high suicide rates, depression, antisocial personality disorder, drugs and substance abuse.
Homosexuals are a threat to children. There are very few homosexuals who do not exhibit normality.
These people have sinned against their Creator, and there is no doubt that they will utterly ruin both fam-
ilies and nations. I am and always will be anti-homosexual. He said he could do whatever he could to
limit the freedom of these people to infect our young people with epidemics. [3].
Homosexuality is a sad and disillusioning lifestyle. This lifestyle is full of stressful moments hence
things are always stressful. Homosexuality leads to increased suicide rates among homosexual teens and
also leads to increased suicide rates. Problems of isolation, discrimination and violence are increasing in
Homosexuality causes AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases which are and deadly-hence it does
not argue whether homosexuality immensely affects the society or not because homosexuals since AIDS
more than heterosexuals; this is due to the fact that the same sex are more prone to such diseases. In fact,
it is successful to examine the kind of character s that are favourable to HIV infection, and such traits are
shown and noticeable by and on the gays.
Homosexuals needs unique political rights and systems.-Different homosexuals want various things in
the real life of politics but there should be equality under the law implying that no special or unique or
specific treatments or a favours should be performed to a certain unique group of persons alone but just
in case such happens then the same should be granted to the other persons in the same society. The most
important areas specifically concerning homosexuality is, marriage laws and government discrimination.
Homosexual behaviour is also linked with higher rates of promiscuity, physical disease, mental illness,
substance abuse, child sexual abuse and domestic violence. All things that impact society negatively.
Don’t try to say homosexual behaviour doesn’t hurt society–it is a major force that tears down society
and harms children.
6. Causes of homosexuality
The causes of homosexuality in the modern society maybe due to, genetic inheritance where, the baby is
born with the gene of homosexuality in him/her especially from the X-gene from the mother mostly,
hormonal imbalance.
During birth, the boy is born with features that are some common with the homosexuals than in the pop-
ulation. Such traits can be inherited (genetic), while others can be caused by hormonal changes.
Environmental factors.
This comes on various developmental growth needs children, kids have, needs for friendship with the
parent of the same sex and age-mates of the same sex. This allows us to understand that children are not
just born with a sense of their own gender, but are formed through the connections and friendships they
form with other, mostly same-sex peers. Children always look first to their same-sex parents and then to
their peers to form their own sexual groups and how they fit into themselves, whether male or female.
We understand what we do and what we value.
If this connection lacks, then children don’t form a healthy same sex bond and such needs for same sex
go unsatisfied then they intensify and take another form. [5]
Developmental factors combined with genetic disposition influence perceptions, all of which contribute
to the development of homosexuality.
6. It’s also assumed that obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise
straight children.
7. Religion do not support marriage of gays . since in many countries the cultures and religions do not
accept such even in the country.
8. It’s also criticized that children cannot succeed without the role models of the both sexes. Children
can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society ex-
pressly forbid single parents to raise children.
9. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society.
LGBT movements are opposed by a variety of individuals and organizations. Some social conserva-
tives believe that all sexual relationships with people other than an opposite-sex spouse undermine the
traditional family and that children should be reared in homes with both a father and a mother. There is
concern that gay rights may conflict with individuals' freedom of speech, [6] religious freedoms in the
workplace, the ability to run churches, [7] charitable organizations and other religious organizations in
accordance with one's religious views, and that the acceptance of homosexual relationships by religious
organizations might be forced through threatening to remove the tax-exempt status of churches whose
views don't align with those of the government. [8,9,10].
In conclusion, the effect of homosexuality on society is a complicated and nuanced issue. While
a few agree that it has had a bad effect, others argue that it has brought about extra range and
reputation. Ultimately, the consequences of homosexuality on society will remain a topic of de-
bate for decades to come.
1. Whitehead N E and Whitehead BK (2014) My Genes Me Do It, Publisher Whitehead Associates 6th
2. UK Essays. (November 2018). Homosexuality from a sociological point of view. Retrieved from
3. Robertson P (1994) Letters
4. Ricoeur P (1977) Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation, Publisher: Yale University
Press: 1-592.
5. Satinover J (1996) Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, Publisher : Baker Books:1-280.
6. Gove M (2002) I'd like to say this, but it might land me in prison, The Times. London.
7. Beckford M (J2008) Catholic adoption service stops over gay rights, Telegraph. London.
8. Gallagher, Maggie (2006) Banned in Boston: The coming conflict between same-sex marriage and
religious liberty. Vol. 011, no. 33.
9. Capuzzo J (2007) Church Group Complains of Civil Union Pressure. New York Times.
10. Moore C (2008) LDS Church expresses disappointment in California gay marriage deci-
sion". Deseret News. Archived from the original on June 1, 2009. Retrieved 2009-08-21.