Information Sheet
Information Sheet
Information Sheet
I am K. A. Sunil Master's degree in science, a student of KIU. I would like to invite you to take
part in the research study titled “Knowledge, attitudes, practices, its associated factors and
Barriers on Medication Administration Process among Caregivers qualified from three selected
training centers governed by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission, Sri Lanka”.
This research is conducted under the supervision of Dr H.E.Yapa.
1. Purpose of the study
The purpose of this research is to describe Knowledge, attitudes, practices, its associated
factors, and barriers on medication administration process among caregivers qualified from
three selected training centers governed by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission,
Lanka” “
2. Voluntary participation
Your participation in this study is voluntary. You are free to not to participate at all or to
withdraw from the study at any time despite consenting to take part earlier. There will be no
loss of medical care or any other available treatment for your illness or condition to which you
are otherwise entitled. If you decide not to participate or withdraw from the study you may do
so at any time.
3. Duration, procedures of the study and participant’s responsibilities
The procedure to be carried out is to answer a questionnaire form containing 55 questions
within 30- 40 minutes at the caregiver training center or online. If you wish to participate in
qualitative study you have to face an interview for around one hour.
4. Potential benefits
Participation in this study may benefit you/others by getting an education about caregiver
knowledge, attitude, practices its associated factors, and barriers on medication through this
study, will consequently help education for you and other caregivers and Further necessary
adjustments will be implemented by the policy makers benefit and prevent medication errors.
Also information gained from this study will benefit you and your clients.
5. Risks, hazards and discomforts
No potential Risks, hazards, and discomfort to you by participating in this study.
6. Reimbursements
Kindly note that you will not be paid any amount of money for this participation.
Appendix G
7. Confidentiality
Confidentiality of all records is guaranteed and no information by which you can be identified
will be released or published. These data will never be used in such a way that you could be
identified in any way in any public presentation or publication without your express permission.
8. Termination of study participation
You may withdraw your consent to participate in this study at any time, with no penalty or effect
on medical care or loss of benefits. Please notify the investigator as soon as you decide to
withdraw your consent.
9. Clarification
If you have questions about any of the tests / procedures or information please feel free to
Mr. KA Sunil, No 06, Shanthi Mawatha, Koswatta, Battaramulla. Mobile: 0716465088
Dr Harith Eranga Yapa, Brisbane, Australia. Mobile: 0493849647
Knowledge, attitudes, practices, its associated factors and barriers on medication administration
process among caregivers qualified from three selected training centers governed by the Tertiary
and Vocational Education Commission, Sri Lanka
3. I know the right timing for administrating all medication is after food
12. I know all medications must be kept in a cool and dry place
13. I know all medication must be keep away from direct sunlight
14. I know the difference between side effect and adverse drug effect
1. Gender:
2. Age: (years)
3. Area of living:
5. Are you:
Single/never married
6. What is your
religion: Buddhism
reached: Up to grade 8
Up to ordinary level (grade 9 – 11) Up
to advanced level (grade 12 – 13) Up
to certificate/diploma level
Appendix A
12. if yes in for question No. 12 How do you receive the Cooperation of family members of care
cooperation moderate
Good condition
Normal condition
Bad condition
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