Surgery Sgd (Bharat Sir)
Surgery Sgd (Bharat Sir)
Surgery Sgd (Bharat Sir)
SGD Surgery
Nehil Malviya 57
Omkar Harad 37
Retention of Urine
• Chronic retention is gradual collection of urine in the bladder due to ineffective emptying of the
bladder completely. Bladder is distended and is painless. It is common in elderly. Frequency,
difficulty in urination, overflow incontinence is common. Infection in such chronic retention makes it
• These patients are at risk of upper tract dilatation because of high intravesical tension – they
require urgent urological referral. Men with impaired renal func- tion may develop post obstructive
diuresis following catheterisa- tion. Such men need careful monitoring, with replacement of
inappropriate urinary losses by intravenous saline; they are also at risk of haematuria as the
distended urinary tract empties. Often it is several days before full renal recovery occurs.
ACUTE ON CHRONIC RETENTION: Patient is having chronic obstruc- tive condition like BPH; due to infection and acute inflammation
and oedema of mucosa of urethra sudden total blockage sets in causing acute on chronic retention of urine.
In a patient with a known stricture, an experienced urologist may elect to dilate the stricture or to take the
patient to theatre to carry out an optical urethrotomy
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