Shear core Ram Concept
Shear core Ram Concept
Shear core Ram Concept
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Viewing the Latitude Cross Sections Perspective Plan and the Longitude Cross Sections Perspective Plan on the Design Strip Layer is a useful way of checking the
validity of the trimmed cross section. Portions of the cross-section are displayed as follows: Concept defines the shear,strip and the shear core. 1/37
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There are 7 different options for single cross-section trimming: max rectangle, slab rectangle, beam rectangle, T or L, Inverted T or L, Max Shear, and None. The example
below illustrates each of the different options. Note that the slab in the example contains both up-turned and down-turned beams and a slab step (see Figure 1).
Max Rectangle
Max rectangle trims the top and bottom of the cross section and removes other pieces to produce a trimmed cross section with a uniform top and bottom elevation and a
maximum area. The “rectangle” formed can be multiple separated rectangles with the same top and bottom elevations. See Figure 2.
Slab Rectangle
Slab rectangle trims the top and bottom to produce a trimmed cross section with a uniform top and bottom elevation and a maximum width. If multiple maximum-width
rectangles are possible, the rectangle with the greatest area is used. See Figure 3. Concept defines the shear,strip and the shear core. 2/37
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Beam Rectangle
Beam rectangle removes vertical slices of the cross-section so that the trimmed section is the maximum height rectangle possible. The “rectangle” formed can be multiple
separated rectangles with the same top and bottom elevations. See Figure 4.
T or L
T or L trims the top and bottom of the cross-section to produce a trimmed cross-section with a uniform top elevation and only two bottom elevations (flange bottom and
web bottom). The trimmed section can include separated or joined rectangles. See Figure 5. Note that the webs of the down-turned beams are included in the shear core,
and the upper slab is included in the flexural cross-section but is not included in the shear core. Concept defines the shear,strip and the shear core. 3/37
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Figure 5. T or L Trimming
Inverted T or L
Inverted T or L trims the top and bottom of the cross-section to produce a trimmed cross-section with a uniform bottom elevation and only two top elevations (flange top
and web top). The trimmed section can include separated or joined rectangles. See Figure 6. Note that the webs of the down-turned beams are included in the shear core,
and the bottom slab is included in the flexural cross-section but is not included in the shear core.
Max shear core trims the top and/or bottom of the cross-section to produce a trimmed cross-section with the maximum shear core area. See Figure 7. Note that the webs of
the down-turned beams are included in the shear core, and both top and bottom slabs are included in the flexural cross-section but are not included in the shear core.
No single cross-section trimming is performed. In the example, the entire slab is included in the cross-section used for flexure design, but no portion of the slab is included
in the shear core. See Figure 8. Concept defines the shear,strip and the shear core. 4/37
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Refer to Figure 9. It would be unrealistic to use a design depth of t2 at cross-section A-A. If an inter cross trimming slope limit of 0.25 is defined, a portion of the
thickened slab is trimmed using a 1:4 slope.
Engineering judgment should be used when deciding the slope limit to use in any model. A slope limit of 0.0 will not allow any change between adjacent cross sections’
top elevations and bottom elevations and appropriate for a drop cap whereas by code its projection below the slab cannot be used for strength calculations other than for
punching shear. This effectively trims all the cross sections in a span segment strip to have the same top and bottom elevation. When a very large number, say 1000, is
entered for the slope limit, the inter cross section slope limit is basically ignored. The RAM Concept Manual recommends a maximum slope limit of 0.25. Many engineers
use a maximum slope limit of 0.5.
Drop caps are thickened slab areas over columns that do not comply with the dimensional requirements of drop panels. Drop caps may be used for punching shear
calculations but must be ignored in flexural and one-way shear calculations.
RAM Concept does not directly distinguish between drop panels and drop caps. If a thickened slab does not meet the requirements of a drop panel, either single cross-
section trimming or the inter cross-section slope limit should be used to trim the thickened reason from the cross section.
When span segments are modeled from column centerline to column centerline, a portion of the thickened region will be trimmed based on the inter cross section slope
limit regardless of the classification (drop panel or drop cap).
Design strips including drop panels must include a cross section at the face of the drop panel because design forces at this location could be critical. Additional cross-
sections will be placed at this location by the program automatically. Concept defines the shear,strip and the shear core. 5/37
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The errors in Figure 10 are associated with user reinforcement and post-tension tendons that intersect the cross section in an area that was trimmed by single cross-section
trimming or the inter cross section slope limit. To fix the problem, first verify the cross section perspective plans and review the cross section trimming. It may be helpful
to display reinforcement or tendons on this plan using the Visible Objects dialog to visualize the error. Reinforcement can be displayed from the Reinf. tab in the Visible
Objects dialog; tendons can be displayed from the tendons tab in the Visible Objects dialog. After finding the problem reinforcement or tendons, revise the cross section
trimming settings. In some cases, you may need to revise design strips in plan or move reinforcement and/or tendons.
If the trimming methods described above cause the entire cross section to be trimmed away so that there is nothing left for the program to design, the following error will
This tends to happen when the strip crosses a step and the Slope limit prevents and concrete depth from being counted near the transition.
Simplifying the strip layout to avoid steps, or modifying the trimming settings is the solution to the problem.
More Information
Please see RAM Concept Design Strips for additional help links.
Search Concept defines the shear,strip and the shear core. 6/37