Summary EDFO 211-1
Summary EDFO 211-1
Summary EDFO 211-1
The term philosophy is derived from two Greet terms ‘philein’ which means love’ and
‘sophia’ which means wisdom. Philosophy thus from an etymological point of view means
‘love of wisdom’.
Other definitions
Intellectual attempt understanding, interpretation and unification of reality.
Philosophy as a process and product
As a process philosophy is understood to be an activity that involves serious and critical
thinking about the basic issues of life. It is a thinking that does not take things for granted. It
thrives on constant questioning with a view of broadening and deepening understanding and
insight into issues.
As a product, philosophy is an academic formal discipline which deals with certain issues in
the area of knowledge. These issues are broadly divided in four specialized areas of
metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic and Axiology.
1. Philosophy as a Process:
Philosophy as a process is characterized by serious and critical thinking, involving
constant questioning and examination of fundamental aspects of life to broaden
understanding and insight. It is an intellectual activity that does not accept things at
face value, leading to a continuous exploration of ideas and concepts.
Philosophy as a Product:
Philosophy, as a product, encompasses the formal academic discipline that addresses
various aspects of knowledge. It comprises four specialized areas: metaphysics
(exploring the nature of reality), epistemology (studying knowledge), logic
(examining valid reasoning), and axiology (evaluating values and ethics).
Philosophical products manifest as works, writings, and theories, contributing to the
accumulation of philosophical knowledge. These products offer structured insights
into intricate philosophical inquiries.
General and Technical Philosophy
General philosophy in a society encompasses the collective world view and way of
life expressed through various mediums like oral and written traditions, folklore,
customs, and lifestyle.
Characteristics of General Philosophy
1. Ageless and Inclusive: General philosophy is timeless and has been practiced by people
from all eras, regions, and cultures throughout human history.
2. Universal Presence: It is a universal phenomenon, existing in every human community,
regardless of location or time.
3. Cultural Specificity: While universal, it also exhibits cultural specificity, with each
community having its unique worldview and philosophical perspectives.
4. Accessible to All: Philosophy is open to all individuals; it does not require specialists or
5. Authenticity: It is characterized by authenticity, as the philosophical content is original
and specific to each community's beliefs and values.
6. Engages in Questioning: Philosophy is an active process that involves questioning and
exploring the meaning of human nature, the human condition, and the experiences of
Technical philosophy
Technical philosophy encompasses philosophy as both an academic discipline and a
professional study. It constitutes a relatively small community, consisting of scholars,
professionals, and students of philosophy
Characteristics of Technical Philosophy
Technical philosophy is characterized by three factors, namely;
1. Formalization: It is highly formalized, meaning it is organized, structured, and
systematized in its content, concepts, and methods. It adheres to specific rules and
principles in its inquiry and analysis. Technical philosophy is typically taught and studied
in formal academic settings, primarily universities.
2. Specialization: Technical philosophy is a specialized field with a limited community of
practitioners. It is mainly comprised of trained philosophers, scholars, and philosophy
students. Those outside this specialized community are often referred to as "laymen" and
are not actively engaged in the field's discourse.
3. Westernization: Its origins are rooted in the Western world, particularly in ancient Greek
and European philosophical traditions. The historical and philosophical foundations of
technical philosophy can be traced back to Western philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and
later European thinkers. This Western influence is a defining characteristic of the field.
Branches/Areas of Technical Philosophy
Metaphysics: The terms metaphysics is derived from the Greek terms ‘meta and physica’
meaning ‘beyond the physical’.
Metaphysics is a philosophical branch that investigates the fundamental nature of reality,
including the existence of God, the nature of the self, time, causality, and the structure of the
universe. It delves into questions about the essence of being and the interplay between
physical and non-physical aspects of the world. Key aspects of metaphysics include:
a) Ontology
Ontology is a subfield of metaphysics in philosophy that focuses on the study of being
and existence. It explores questions about what exists, the nature of existence, and the
categories or types of being.
Ontology investigates the fundamental aspects of reality, addressing issues related to the
existence of abstract objects, properties, substances, and the classification of entities
based on their fundamental nature.
It is a foundational area of inquiry within metaphysics, seeking to understand the nature
of being itself and the various modes of existence in the universe.
b) Cosmology
Derived from two Greek words “Cosmos” which refers to the physical world and “logos”
meaning study. Etymologically, cosmology is defined as the philosophical study of the
physical reality
Cosmology is a branch of metaphysics and astrophysics that deals with the study of the
origin, structure, evolution, and ultimate fate of the universe. It seeks to understand the
fundamental nature of the universe as a whole, including its large-scale structure, the
nature of space and time, the existence of dark matter and dark energy, and the cosmic
history of the universe from its inception through various epochs of its development.
It is different from Geography and Physics (though they all study the same subject
matter) because cosmology studies the physical realities from the point of view of their
ultimate nature and first principles.
The term "theodicy" is derived from two Greek words: "theos," meaning "God," and
"dike," meaning "justice" or "righteousness." Therefore, theodicy is essentially concerned
with the justification or defense of God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence
of evil and suffering.
It explores questions such as why a compassionate God would allow suffering, whether
suffering has a greater purpose or meaning, and how human free will and moral
responsibility factor into the existence of evil.
While theodicy is a specialized subset of theology, theology encompasses a much broader
range of religious and spiritual inquiries beyond the problem of evil.
Philosophical psychology (philosophical anthropology.
Philosophical psychology, or philosophical anthropology, is a branch of philosophy examining
human nature, consciousness, and the mind. It explores fundamental questions about human
beings, cognition, emotions, and the philosophical implications of psychology
Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of knowledge. It seeks to
understand the nature, scope, sources, and limits of human knowledge. Epistemology explores
questions related to how we acquire knowledge, what counts as reliable knowledge, and the
criteria for distinguishing between justified beliefs and mere opinions
Axiology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of values and value judgments. It
explores the nature, types, and ethics of values, as well as their role in human life and decision-
Axiology is divided into two primary subfields/types:
1. Ethics (Moral Philosophy): Ethics focuses on questions of morality and examines
concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, and the principles that guide human behavior.
It seeks to provide normative frameworks for ethical decision-making and explores
various ethical theories, including:
Utilitarianism: This theory asserts that actions are morally right if they produce
the greatest overall happiness or utility.
Deontology: Deontological ethics emphasizes the moral duty and inherent
rightness or wrongness of actions, regardless of their consequences.
Virtue Ethics: Virtue ethics places emphasis on cultivating virtuous character
traits and moral virtues as the foundation for ethical behavior.
Ethical Relativism: This perspective suggests that ethical principles are context-
dependent and may vary across cultures or individuals.
2. Aesthetics: Aesthetics deals with the study of beauty, art, and the appreciation of
aesthetics. It explores questions about the nature of beauty, the criteria for evaluating art,
and the emotional and intellectual responses elicited by aesthetic experiences. Aesthetics
also examines topics such as the philosophy of art, the role of creativity in human
expression, and the connection between aesthetics and ethics.
Logic is the study of reasoning, argumentation, and the principles governing valid inference and
sound reasoning. Logic involves the examination of arguments and the assessment of their
soundness and validity.
Types of reasoning
There are two, namely deductive and inductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning: It proceeds by deriving particular principles (actions or rules) from
general ones. Example
All human beings are mortal.
John is a human being.
Therefore John is mortal.
Inductive reasoning: Proceeds from examining particular cases or instances and thereby
a general principle (or law or rule). Example;
(Particular) x1 is mortal
(Observations) x2 is mortal
x3 is mortal
(General Law) xn are all mortal.
If, for instance, x are all human beings, then we can correctly conclude that all human
beings are mortal. (give an example-Practical)
c) The Speculative method (also called Metaphysical).
This method involves thinking beyond the concrete terms of existence in search for
answers to the many ‘why?’ questions that men have.
It is concerned with the framing of new and better alternatives views based on existing
philosophical problems and experiences.
This method is characterized by rational guessing and serious imagination in order to fill
in gaps of issues that are otherwise difficult to comprehend.
The normative definition of education emphasizes its role in promoting moral and ethical
values. It aims to shape individuals' character and guide them towards virtuous behavior.
Education goes beyond knowledge and skills, focusing on instilling societal values and
fostering responsible citizenship. It's about creating ethical individuals who contribute
positively to society.
ii) Cognitive aspect
The cognitive definition of education centers on the intellectual aspects of the educational
process. It emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge, the development of thinking skills, and
the enhancement of cognitive abilities. In this definition, education is primarily concerned
with the intellectual growth and cognitive development of learners.
iii) Procedural criterion.
The procedural criterion of the definition of education emphasizes the processes and methods
involved in the educational experience. Instead of focusing on the content or outcomes of
education, this criterion highlights how education is delivered and the methods used to
facilitate learning. R.S Peters indicated that education should avoid authoritarian, coercive,
and punitive methods, instead emphasizing humane, fair, and socially acceptable teaching
and learning approaches.
Progressive model of education
1. Learner-Centered Emphasis: Peters criticized the progressive model for prioritizing
individual learner desires over societal goals.
2. Excessive Learner Freedom: He argued that the progressive model's emphasis on
learner freedom could lead to chaos and lack of structure.
3. Reduced Teacher Role: Peters noted the progressive model reduced teachers to
facilitators, limiting their guidance and structure in learning.
4. Inadequate Preparation for Real World: Progressive model's focus on child-centered
learning may not adequately prepare students for the realities and demands of the adult
world and workforce
c) The creative dimension of education
Refers to the role of education in empowering the learner to get the opportunity to
overcome his/her in innovative actions that bring positive to his environment.
To create means to bring something into being, to modify, change or transform a thing
from a given mode to a new mode of existence.
Through creativity man (and woman) gets solutions to challenges that face him, changes
his environment and makes life better and more comfortable.
1. Acquaintance with Basic Issues and Problems: Education helps educators gain an
understanding of fundamental issues and challenges in both life and the field of
education. This knowledge is essential for addressing these issues effectively.
2. Evaluation of Suggestions: Educators can use their education to critically evaluate the
wide range of solutions and strategies proposed for educational problems, enabling them
to make informed decisions.
3. Clarity in Thinking: Education contributes to clearer thinking about life and educational
questions. It encourages individuals to think more critically and analytically about
complex issues.
4. Wider Understanding of the Teaching Profession: Education aims to provide
educators with a comprehensive understanding of their profession, including its history,
methodologies, and best practices.
5. Fostering Creativity in Students: A good education system should promote creativity in
students. Creative individuals are more likely to initiate and innovate in educational
practices and other aspects of life.
6. Understanding of Society and Conflict Resolution: Education improves one's
understanding of the structure of educational institutions and society. It also helps
develop the skills needed to deal with confrontations and conflicts in a constructive
7. Defining Abstract Concepts in Education: Education provides working definitions for
abstract concepts and terms in the field of education. This helps establish a common
language and understanding among educators and stakeholders.
8. Understanding Human Nature, Society, Curriculum, and Goals: Education plays a
crucial role in developing a better understanding of human nature, society, curriculum
development, and the goals of education. This knowledge is vital for shaping effective
educational practices.
Aim’ refers to some actions or activities that are carried out by a person in view of achieving
a given end.
They are the ends or desired targets that a society has set for its education system to operate
on and to achieve.
Aims of education in Kenya
1. Develop National Unity and Remove Social Inequalities: Education plays a critical
role in fostering national unity by imparting a common set of values, knowledge, and
history. It also aims to reduce social inequalities by providing equal educational
opportunities for all, regardless of their background.
2. Develop Useful Citizens: Education is intended to prepare individuals to be responsible
and contributing members of society. This includes teaching civic responsibilities, ethical
values, and other attributes that make them valuable citizens.
3. Promote Individual Talent Development: Education should support the full
development of each individual's talents and potential. This means recognizing and
nurturing the unique strengths and abilities of each student.
4. Instill Positive Attitudes and Cooperative Effort: Education seeks to instill in learners
a positive attitude towards working together for the common good and taking mutual
social responsibility. It encourages collaboration and cooperation.
5. Promote National Economic Development: Education is often seen as a driver of
economic development. A well-educated workforce can contribute to economic growth
by being skilled and adaptable in the job market.
6. Promote International Consciousness: Education can help individuals become more
aware of global issues, cultures, and interdependence. It fosters an international
perspective and encourages participation in global affairs.
7. Preserve Cultural Heritage: Education is also responsible for preserving the rich
heritage and cultural traditions of a society. It ensures that the history, language, art, and
traditions of a culture are passed down to future generations.
From the aims of education we can conclude that aims of education deals with all aspects of
human life, including.
1. Intellectual Development: Education aims to foster cognitive growth, critical thinking,
problem-solving skills, and the acquisition of knowledge and intellectual abilities.
2. Social and Moral Development: Education plays a crucial role in shaping an
individual's social and moral values. It helps develop a sense of ethics, empathy, and the
ability to function within a social framework.
3. Aesthetic Development: Education may include the appreciation and understanding of
the arts, culture, and aesthetics, which contribute to a well-rounded individual.
4. Physical Development: While intellectual development is important, physical health and
development are also essential. Physical education and activities can promote fitness and
5. Language and Communication Development: Language is a fundamental aspect of
education. It encompasses not only linguistic skills but also effective communication,
which is vital in personal and professional life.
6. Spiritual and Religious Development: In some educational systems, there is a focus on
spiritual and religious development, helping individuals explore and understand their
beliefs and values.
7. Emotional and Personal Development: Education seeks to support emotional
intelligence and personal growth, enabling individuals to manage their emotions and
relationships effectively.
Goals of education are ends that are specified in the curriculum in measurable terms.
They are outlined in the syllabus per subject and are meant to be achieved within a given
relatively short period of time such as after the period of course (eight years for primary and
four for secondary education) within a year of learning a given subject a school term or after
a topic.
i) Instrumental Goals:
These are basically utilitarian in character since they deal with economic values. They
are extrinsic in nature since they address values outside education.
Examples are goals of the society and national development, development of
individual’s potentials
ii) Expressive goals
These goals are generally geared towards the ideals of the society such as national
unity social cohesion equality common identity.
iii) Normative goals
These goals are concerned with the development of acceptable moral and social
standards, social beliefs and patterns of behaviour. As such they are individual
These are statements of intent that state the targets expected to be achieved within a very
short period of time – in most cases within the classroom/subject lesson.
These are enumerated by the teacher in the lesson plan and state that “By the end of the
lesson, the learner should be able to ………………..”
They are expressed in measurable and observable terms such as
“Count 1 to 10”……..
“List 10 factors that……….”
“Draw the map of…………”
“Carry out an experiment…..”
The terms “count”, “list”, “draw” “carry out” and “distinguish” are measurable since they
can be objectively verified or observed.
The procedures or methods used in education are often those that take into consideration
certain moral or ethical consideration.
Nature of values
Values are generally understood in the following broad ways
a) Descriptive understanding of values:
The descriptive understanding of a value refers to a statement of a fact about the
objective experience of the desirability of an object.
It describes or states that a given thing is an object of desire is worthwhile or desirable.
Examples include freedom, truth, and happiness.
ii) Subjective (or relative) values
They are those values which depend on relative circumstances. They are not permanent but
depend on the context. As such an object could be valuable in one location but undesirable in
iii) Intrinsic values
They are those values that possess the nature of goodness in themselves. They are inherently
good. Their desirability or worthwhileness is not dependent on something outside
iv) Extrinsic (or instrumental) values
They are vehicles for the realization of the good. Their worth or desirability is based on their
capability to help you reach a given good, rather they do not possess the goodness in
a) Descriptive Ethics
Involves a descriptive or empirical study of ethics.
It provides a descriptive account of human conduct based on empirical research on the
norms, customs and principles guiding the life of a given group.
This is done by social scientists such as sociologists, social anthropologists and social
Examples of theories of moral development
i) The psycho-social theory of moral development by Eric-Erickson
ii) The cognitive theory of moral development by Jean Piaget
iii) The three level cognitive theory of moral development by Lawrence Kohlberg’s, and
iv) Theory of id ego- super ego patterns of morality by Sigmud Freud’s.
b) Meta-ethics
This is the philosophical study of the language of morality.
It is concerned with the meaning of ethical concepts, statements, principles and theories
as well as their justification.
It surpasses the codes, theories and principles that guide human conduct by studying the
language of morality.
c) Normative Ethics
Normative ethics studies evaluates and examines the process of moral conduct and
recommends prescribes them as either good to be done (or followed) or evil (to be
avoided (or shun).
Normative Ethics involves reflection and intellectual enquiring into the reasons or
grounds of moral conduct.
Normative ethics provides fundamental principles that underline moral obligations, moral
values and even non-moral values.
i) Teleological theories
The term teleological is derived from a Greek term ‘teleos’ which means the end
(connoting aim goal or purpose)
Thus teleological theories of moral obligation judge moral decision, judgment and actions
as right or wrong depending on the consequences.
If they lead to good or desirable consequences that they are regarded as good but if the
consequences are evil the actions and decision are similarly taken to be evil.
Teleological theories are further classified into
To know therefore means to make something a content of one’s consciousness i.e. to be
aware of the existence of something.
Schiffler Israel (1965) defines knowledge a justified true belief. This definition gives three
conditions of knowledge; there are Belief, justification and truth.
Conditions of knowledge
Belief: is a mental conviction that something is true, that a statement represents a fact or
that a claim is indeed truth.
Justification, also called ground verification or proof condition offers ground upon
which a truth claim is based. It provides proof to a truth claim.
Truth on the other hand is explained/defined by the help of three theories
i) Correspondence theory of truth
This theory is held by realists who hold that one can know things directly in and of
According to this theory, truth is conformity between a claim and the real state of affairs.
Truth therefore is the conformity (or agreement) between an idea (and concept) and the
real thing.
In the school situation, education needs to have a constant touch with reality such as in
the use of teaching aids, models, fieldtrips etc.
ii) Coherence (constituency) theory of truth
This theory is mainly held by the idealists who hold that an idea an idea is a copy of the
real thing.
Idea is true only if it agrees or is consistent with what is already known. New ideas thus
are accepted insofar as they agree with what is already known.
Weakness of coherence theory
It advocate for permanence of knowledge. This may hinder
a) Development and of knowledge and of new discoveries.
b) It may discourage creativity and personal innovations
iii) The pragmatic theory of truth
This theory is held by pragmatists who hold that idea is true if it works or offers practical
solutions to a problem.
Etymologically the word pragmatism is derived from the Greek word ‘pragma’ which
means activity or the work done. So the use of words likes ‘action’ or ‘practice’ or
‘activity’. Action gets priority over thought.
Tenets of pragmatism
Truth is dynamic and not static.
The test of truth of ideas is in their practical consequences.
Truth does not exist but it happens
An idea is true if it works or offers solutions to a problem
Aims of Education
Following are the some of the aim of pragmatism.
To reform and reconstruct the society
To enable the individual to adjust with the changing social environment
To develop the child fully according to his interest, abilities and needs
To create social efficacy in the child
To develop democratic values and ideals in the child
To provide educational opportunities to all citizens on equal footing
To instil habit of experimentation in the children
To remove social evils and make the society a good place for living
To enable the child to discover the truth himself
To make child self-reliant
v) Experimental: It should encourage self-experimentation and problem-solving through
vi) Life-Related: Subjects directly relevant to children's lives should be included, making
them self-reliant and productive members of society. Vocational subjects are preferred.
vii) Integration: Curriculum integrates subjects and activities, linking units to form a
comprehensive understanding in children.
Methods of Teaching
i) Learning by doing
Child learns the best when he performs some action along with the theoretical knowledge of
a subject. Teacher guides the students for these activities by which child develops his own
natural abilities.
ii) Collective approach
Children participate in these activities collectively. It develops in them social efficiency.
They are assigned various types of jobs by the teacher and they complete them collectively.
iii) Integrated approach
A subject is taught only after integrating it with other subjects as well as life. In this way
knowledge becomes compact, useful and systematic.
iv) Individual approach
Each child is unique and different from his fellow flock. Teacher should regard individual
differences and teach a child according to his level of understanding and specific interest.
v) Purposive process of learning
A child should try to achieve some aim or goal according to his natural interests, abilities and
experiences. Self-learning through self-effort is acknowledged.
Role of Teacher
The teacher works as friend, philosopher and guide to the students
i) He should have the capacity to know the interests of the students.
ii) He should understand the conditions and situation of changing society.
iii) He puts forth problems for the students to be solved according to their interests.
iv) He also creates situations to develop social interests, attitudes and habits for welfare of the
The educational implications
1. Democratic Values: Modern education instills democratic values and social
responsibilities in students, promoting active citizenship.
2. Activity-Based Learning: Contemporary education values activity-based and self-
experience methods, fostering experiential learning.
3. Vocational Emphasis: Modern education prioritizes vocational and professional courses,
preparing students for practical careers.
4. Co-Curricular Activities: Schools encourage holistic development through co-curricular
activities like sports, arts, and clubs.
5. Curriculum Updates: Education systems regularly update curricula to stay relevant to
evolving societal needs.
6. Self-Discipline: Modern education fosters self-discipline, teaching students
7. Respect for Democracy: Schools promote respect for democratic values like freedom of
speech and equality.
8. Free and Compulsory Education: Many countries offer free and compulsory education,
ensuring access for all children.
9. Universal Elementary Education: Modern education strives for universal elementary
education, providing basic education to every child, regardless of location or
socioeconomic status.
Fundamental Philosophical Principles of rationalism
1. Reason Governs Nature: Rationalism emphasizes reason over sensory experiences due
to their potential for deception. It underscores the role of reason in understanding nature.
2. Innate Ideas: Rationalism asserts that individuals possess innate ideas, not dependent on
sensory experiences, forming the basis of understanding.
3. Apriori Knowledge: Rationalists uphold apriori knowledge, acquired through reason,
independent of empirical evidence.
4. Spiritual Self Development: Education in rationalism aims to develop the spiritual self
through intellectual growth and rational thinking.
5. Nature's Mind Dependence: Rationalism challenges nature's self-sufficiency, stating
that nature relies on the mind, highlighting reason's role in shaping our perception of the
Idealism & Aim of Education
1. Self-Realization and Human Potential: Education aims to help individuals reach their
highest potential and nurture qualities like truth, beauty, and goodness.
2. Spiritual Growth: Education contributes to individuals' spiritual growth, encompassing
values, ethics, and a higher purpose.
3. Preserving Cultural Heritage: Education involves passing down and promoting a
society's cultural traditions and beliefs.
4. Moral Values: It instills moral values like honesty and empathy in individuals.
5. Creativity Development: Education unlocks creative talents and abilities.
6. Truth, Goodness, and Beauty: It leads individuals to a deeper understanding and
appreciation of truth, goodness, and beauty.
7. Character Shaping: Education shapes character by fostering qualities such as integrity
and responsibility.
It is to be structured to emphasize those subjects that will provide the learner’s intelligence
and understanding and enable him realize his spiritual potentialities.
It is a school of thought which states that the ultimate truth or reality is the one which comes to
us through experience more so our senses.
Basic Principles
1) Phenomenal world is real: There is nothing beyond this world. Realism accepts only the
reality of external world.
2) Senses are the gateways of learning: According to realism whatever sensation we get while
coming in contact with objects through our senses, is the only reality.
3) Man is only a part of material world: Man is only a part of material world. He becomes
conscious of this material world with the help of his senses
4) Realism emphasizes the importance of observation and experimentation. A philosophy of
education should be based on the realities of life and it can prove its worth by being practical.
5) Human mind contains nothing (“tabula rasa”) except for what experience has put there.
Aims of education
i) Preparing the child for a happy and successful life
Education should be such that the child is able to solve his problems of life successfully
and lead a happy life promoting the welfare of society as well.
ii) Preparing the child for a real life
Realists believe in the reality of knowledge of external material world gained through
senses. Thus, they wish to prepare the child for the real life of material world.
iii) Developing the physical and mental powers of child
Education is aimed at developing the physical and mental powers of the child so that with
the help of his developed intelligence, discrimination and judgement, he is able to solve
all the problems of life successfully.
iv) Developing and Training of senses
Realists believe that education should fully develop the senses of the child to enable him
have full knowledge about the external world. Development and training of senses of the
child is through varied experiences.
v) Acquitting the child with nature and social environment
Education should provide the child full knowledge of both the society and the external
nature so that he is able to strike a balance between external nature and the social
vi) Imparting vocational education
According to Realism, education should be a practical utility to child. This is useful in
providing vocational education to the child.
Realism & Curriculum
Only those subjects be included in the curriculum which are useful to the students and
prepare them to meet the challenges of time in their actual life.
Nature study, physical sciences and vocational training are given primary importance in
the scheme of curriculum of realism.
Mother-tongue is the foundation stone of the development of man and vocational training
helps one to earn one’s livelihood.
Realism & Methods of Teaching
Realism gives more emphasis to sense training.
Field trips.
Observation and experimentation.
Inductive – Deductive method
1. Rational Being: Humans possess the ability to think, judge, discern, understand, and
form concepts, demonstrating their capacity for intellectual and spiritual activities.
2. Physical Being: Humans are biological organisms subject to the five senses and
physiological needs. They exist in a specific time and space, with the limitation of being
in one place at a time.
3. Social Being: Humans are inherently social; they live in communities and depend on one
another. The adages "no man is an island" and "I am because we are" illustrate this
4. Cultural Being: Humans are creators who modify their physical environment to enhance
comfort. They leave their mark on the world, shaping it into a human environment
through culture.
5. Theoretical and Practical: The human capacity for rationality allows for reflection and
meditation on the environment. Humans can identify limitations and challenges, taking
appropriate and responsible action to address them.
6. Cosmological/Historical Being: Humans are bound by temporal conditions, existing
within the framework of time and history. They are shaped by the contexts and events of
their era.
ability to connect diverse pieces of information. This level transcends immediate sensory
experiences, encompassing complex concepts and ideas.
2. Rational Level: The rational level signifies an advanced cognitive stage where individuals
employ logical and deductive reasoning. They excel in evaluating arguments, spotting
fallacies, and making decisions grounded in reason and evidence. Rational thinking entails a
profound grasp of cause-and-effect relationships and the capacity for critical information
3. Responsible Level: The responsible level transcends cognition and includes ethical
judgment, responsibility, and empathy. Individuals at this stage make decisions with
consideration for the broader impact on society, guided by a strong ethical framework and a
sense of duty to others.
Meaning of creativity
Creativity is the ability to generate original and novel ideas, solutions, or expressions that are
valuable, meaningful, and often unexpected.
Development of concept of creativity
In the past, education focused on shaping kids into ideal adults through strict methods. But
thinkers like Froebel, Rousseau, and Dewey disagreed. They believed children were naturally
good and society influenced them negatively. To boost creativity, teachers should involve kids in
their own learning, encourage problem-solving, and hands-on activities. Education should create
a curious atmosphere, helping students develop qualities like insight, imagination, and invention
for creativity.
Characteristics of Creativity
a) Connectedness: Creativity combines previously unrelated thoughts, ideas, actions, and
elements to form new relationships and perspectives. It brings diverse elements like timber,
nails, and metal rods together to create something new, like a table.
b) Originality: Creativity results in something new and unique, distinct from anything else. It
often emerges spontaneously, without prior prediction or conditions. This surprises the
inventor and brings excitement, as seen in Archimedes' "Eureka" moment when he
discovered the principle of displacement.
c) Non-rationality: Some creative outcomes don't follow systematic reasoning and can't be
traced through logical steps. They may be attributed to non-rational factors like inspiration,
vision, or divergent thinking.
d) Openness: Creativity originates from a mind open to alternatives, unbound by traditional or
popular approaches. It seeks fresh perspectives and alternative problem-solving methods.
e) Self-actualization: Creativity not only transforms objects but also the person behind it. It
helps individuals realize their full potential, assert themselves, and engage in self-expression,
self-determination, and self-transformation.
Strategies that educators can employ to enhance creativity in young learners
1. Encourage Open-Ended Questions: Incorporate open-ended questions into lessons that do
not have a single correct answer. Encourage students to think critically and express their
unique perspectives. For instance, in a history class, ask students to speculate about
alternative historical outcomes.
2. Project-Based Learning: Implement project-based learning activities where students have
the freedom to choose topics, explore ideas, and create something tangible. For example, in
science class, students could design their own experiments to investigate a phenomenon.
3. Arts and Creative Expression: Integrate art, music, drama, and creative writing into the
curriculum. Allow students to express themselves through various artistic mediums, fostering
imagination and self-expression.
4. Collaborative Learning: Create opportunities for collaborative learning and group projects.
Encourage students to work together to solve problems, brainstorm ideas, and learn from
each other's diverse perspectives.
5. Real-World Problem Solving: Present students with real-world problems or challenges that
require creative solutions. This can relate to environmental issues, community service
projects, or entrepreneurial endeavors.
6. Flexible Classroom Spaces: Design classroom environments that promote creativity, with
flexible seating arrangements, spaces for group work, and areas for quiet reflection. This
allows students to choose the best setting for their creative tasks.
7. Diverse Reading Materials: Offer a wide range of reading materials, including fiction, non-
fiction, and literature from various cultures. Reading diverse texts encourages creativity by
exposing students to different viewpoints and ideas.
8. STEM and STEAM Education: Integrate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics) or STEAM (adding Arts) concepts into the curriculum, emphasizing hands-on
experimentation and innovation. Students can engage in coding, robotics, or engineering
9. Critical Thinking Exercises: Incorporate critical thinking exercises that challenge students
to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. For example, in a social studies class, have
students critically examine historical documents and draw their own conclusions.
10. Encourage Curiosity: Foster a classroom culture that values curiosity. Encourage students
to ask questions, explore topics of personal interest, and share their findings with the class.
11. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Teach students that making mistakes and
experiencing failures are part of the creative process. Encourage them to learn from setbacks
and try alternative approaches.
12. Reflection and Self-Assessment: Provide time for students to reflect on their own creative
processes. Ask them to assess their work, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for
their creative endeavors
3. Delegation of Power: Delegating authority and decision-making responsibilities to teachers
and students empowers them and encourages them to take an active role in shaping the
school environment. It also promotes dialogue in the decision-making process.
4. Promotion of Sharing and Mutual Respect: Encouraging a culture of sharing,
togetherness, and mutual respect creates a positive and inclusive atmosphere. When
individuals feel respected and valued, they are more likely to engage in meaningful dialogue.
5. Avoidance of Threats, Punishments, and Manipulation: Avoiding coercive tactics such as
threats, punishments, or manipulation is crucial in creating a safe and open environment for
dialogue. Fear and pressure can hinder honest communication.
6. Use of Proper Communication Strategies: Effective communication strategies, such as
active listening and constructive feedback, are essential for promoting dialogue. They
facilitate understanding and collaboration among all stakeholders.
7. Promotion of Interpersonal and Personal Communication: Encouraging face-to-face
communication and personal interactions rather than relying solely on written forms of
communication like notes, memos, or SMS, enhances the quality and depth of dialogue.
7. Rigid Hierarchies: Hierarchical structures within schools may discourage open
communication and dialogues between students and teachers, limiting the exchange of ideas
and feedback.
c) Justice and Fairness: This principle seeks to correct shortcomings in regulations, rules, and
laws that could be exploited by the majority or powerful members of society. It promotes
fairness and prevents abuse of power.
d) Respect for Human Rights and Dignity: Education should uphold and respect the
fundamental human rights and dignity of every individual, ensuring their well-being and
worth are protected.
e) Respect for the Rule of Law: Education should adhere to established laws and regulations,
promoting a society where rules are followed, and justice is upheld.
f) Meritocracy: Recruitment, appointments, and promotions should be based on merit rather
than favoritism, nepotism, or other non-meritocratic considerations.
g) Liberty or Popular Freedoms: Education should foster and protect freedoms such as
freedom of expression, assembly, and worship, allowing individuals to exercise their rights
and participate in civic life.
h) Consultations: In decision-making processes, extensive consultations should be conducted
to ensure the common good is considered and diverse perspectives are taken into account.
i) Power Sharing: Power should not be concentrated in the hands of one person or a select
group but should be shared among various segments of society to prevent abuses of authority
and promote inclusivity.
John Dewey, influenced by democratic ideals, applied democracy to education to challenge
authoritarian, teacher-centered traditions. He prioritized learner freedom, self-expression, and
self-actualization, balancing the needs of students, society, and teachers. Democracy in education
extends political principles of equality and justice to educational practice.
Ways of exercising democracy in the practice of education
In the practice of education democracy can be exercised in several ways. In Kenya, for instance,
education could be democratically distributed and organized in the following ways:
a) Equitable Distribution of Resources: Ensure fair allocation of educational resources,
facilities, equipment, and staff to avoid disparities.
b) Humane School Organization: Foster a school environment that promotes dialogue,
reduces bureaucracy, and treats individuals with dignity.
c) Guaranteeing Rights: Ensure the rights of all individuals within the educational system,
including students and teachers, are protected.
d) Fair Staff Management: Base staff transfers, postings, and promotions on meritocracy,
ensuring fairness in career progression.
e) Democratic Curriculum: Design the educational content to reflect democratic values
and principles.
f) Democratic Teaching and Discipline: Implement teaching methods and disciplinary
measures that align with democratic principles.
g) Student Consultation: Involve students in decision-making processes, such as choosing
dates, menu options, and selecting prefects.
h) Distribution of Power: Establish a system where power is shared among various
stakeholders, including Heads of Department (HOD), class teachers, and prefects.
i) Centralization vs. Decentralization: Consider whether institutions like the Teachers'
Service Commission (TSC) and university management should be centralized or
j) Fostering Human Qualities: Encourage the development of fundamental human
qualities like friendliness, compassion, fraternity, tolerance, and consideration of interests
within the educational community.
Fundamental Philosophical Concept of Democracy
a) Ontological Concept of Democracy: Democracy, in its ontological sense, involves
recognizing others as human beings and respecting their interests and needs. It fosters a
caring environment where people share in each other's joys and frustrations. It promotes a
sense of belonging, active participation, and commitment.
b) Epistemological Concept of Democracy: In the epistemological sense, democracy is related
to open-mindedness, tolerance of diverse views, and independent thinking. It pertains to
cognitive attitudes and beliefs that encourage objective thinking and independence of
c) Ethical Concept of Democracy: Democracy serves as a framework for ethical standards in
education. It upholds principles of justice, equality, freedom, and fairness in educational
settings. It aims to promote democratic attitudes and behaviors through education's content
and practices, particularly in diverse social groups.
d) Organizational Concept of Democracy: Democracy as an organizational concept involves
structuring institutions and societies to practice democratic ideals. It taps into a variety of
talents and ideas to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. It contrasts with
autocracy and totalitarianism, emphasizing power distribution, decentralization, and
involvement in decision-making to achieve appropriate commitments.
3. Individuality and Differentiation: Work distinguishes each person as an individual self,
setting them apart from other entities. It highlights the uniqueness of individuals in their
4. Exploiting Potential and Transformation: Through work, both men and women
harness their potential and, in doing so, contribute to the improvement of their world.
Work is a transformative force that enables individuals to make their surroundings better
and more meaningful.
1. Work: Work involves the use of both physical and mental energy to create something
valuable or worthwhile. It is typically associated with human activities and reflects the
application of human intelligence and effort.
2. Labour: Labour, in contrast, primarily involves the use of physical energy to achieve a
specific goal or purpose. It is often associated with more basic, physical tasks and is
likened to the activities of animals that rely on their physical strength for tasks.
Leisure refers to the time we have at our disposal when no official activities are assigned.
Activities during leisure
1. Relaxation and Stress Relief: Leisure activities provide a chance to relax, release stress,
and unwind from work-related pressures.
2. Recharge Energy: Leisure helps rejuvenate physical and mental energy that may be
depleted from work.
3. Economically Beneficial: Some leisure activities can be economically productive or
financially rewarding.
4. Promote Creativity: Leisure allows individuals to explore and utilize their talents,
fostering creativity.
5. Social Interaction: It provides opportunities for socializing with friends and family,
strengthening relationships.
6. Charitable Acts: Engaging in charity work during leisure time is a meaningful way to
contribute to the community and society.
6. Creative Expression: Encourage creative expression through hobbies, crafts, and writing
for relaxation and self-expression.
7. Community Engagement: Promote community involvement and volunteering as
meaningful leisure activities.
8. Social Skills: Foster social skills and relationships, emphasizing leisure with loved ones.
The following three freedoms are identified within the context of human rights and democracy;
1. Political Freedom: This is the freedom to express one's views and beliefs without fear. It
also involves the freedom to associate with others and promotes tolerance and respect for
differing opinions. In a school setting, teachers and students should have the freedom to
express themselves.
2. Economic Freedom: This includes the right to own and use property and generate wealth,
provided it does not infringe on others' rights or involve exploitative practices. Children
should learn to respect economic freedom by not stealing and by understanding the value of
3. Social Freedom: This entails fair and dignified treatment of all individuals, excluding
inhumane or humiliating treatment. Children should be taught to practice social freedom to
boost their self-esteem and confidence. However, it's important to note that these freedoms
have limits to ensure the rights of others and the common good.
2. Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1959): This declaration, adopted in November
1959, emphasizes education as a fundamental right of the child. It underscores the
importance of providing children with opportunities for education and development.
3. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
(1981): This convention, adopted in 1981, is primarily focused on gender equality. It
recognizes the importance of ensuring equal access to education for women and girls,
free from discrimination.
4. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990): This convention, adopted in September
1990, is a comprehensive treaty that addresses the rights of children. It emphasizes the
right to education and the importance of ensuring that education is accessible, relevant,
and of high quality for all children.
Various international conferences and regulatory agreements have assigned education a key role
in instituting and securing equal human rights. Examples include:
1. Political and Civil Rights: Education is expected to instill respect for civic rights,
personal freedoms, and protection. This includes the right to life, personal freedoms, and
protection from issues like slavery, forced labor, and inhumane treatment. It also
encompasses political rights such as freedom of conscience, expression, and association.
2. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: Education should emphasize the importance of
economic rights, such as the right to work and receive fair pay, as well as the right to
access healthcare and education. Additionally, it should encourage participation in
cultural activities.
3. Third Generation Rights: These rights focus on the rights of minority groups.
Education plays a role in helping individuals understand the principles of human equality
and how to apply them in both school and daily life.
4. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC): The CRC provides a framework for
safeguarding children's rights, including the right to life, liberty, education, and
healthcare. It also protects children from armed conflict, discrimination, torture, and cruel
or inhumane treatment and punishment.
Ethic of Care
The ethics of care is a moral and ethical framework that emphasizes the significance of
interpersonal relationships, empathy, compassion, and responsiveness to the needs and
vulnerabilities of others.
Ethic of Justice
The ethics of justice, on the other hand, emphasizes fairness, equality, and the application
of universal principles or rules in ethical decision-making. It seeks to ensure that
individuals are treated equitably and their rights are respected.
Ethic of Care in Education
Ethics of care in education emphasizes the importance of caring relationships, empathy, and
compassion in the teaching and learning process. It recognizes that fostering a caring educational
environment is essential for the overall well-being and development of students
Here are some key aspects of the ethics of care in education:
1. Emphasis on Relationships: Care ethics in education stresses building positive, trusting
relationships within the learning community, fostering a caring environment for better
2. Responsiveness to Student Needs: It involves actively listening to students, addressing
their unique needs, and adapting teaching methods to their preferences.
3. Compassionate Teaching: Educators are encouraged to show compassion and provide
emotional support when students face personal challenges.
4. Ethical Decision-Making: It guides educators in prioritizing students' well-being in
ethical decisions.
5. Safe and Inclusive Environment: Care ethics promotes a safe, inclusive, and respectful
learning environment, discouraging bullying and discrimination.
6. Empathy and Moral Development: It fosters empathy and moral growth in students
through support from educators and peers.
7. Conflict Resolution: Care ethics encourages constructive, relationship-focused conflict
8. Community Building: It extends care to the whole educational community, fostering
interconnectedness and mutual support.
9. Balancing Care and Justice: Care ethics considers both relationships and fairness,
addressing situations where balance is needed.
10. Educational Outcomes: A caring educational environment can enhance student
engagement, motivation, and holistic development, not just academic growth.
The Millennium Declaration on a global scale aligns with the ethic of care. The Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) aim to promote human dignity and equity, including in education.
The eight (8) MDGs articulated in 2000 aimed at:
a) Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger: The goal is to eliminate extreme poverty and
hunger, ensuring that everyone has access to adequate food and economic opportunities.
b) Achieving universal primary education: This goal aims to provide every child with access
to quality primary education, regardless of their background or location.
c) Promoting gender equity and empowering women: This goal seeks to reduce gender
disparities and empower women in all aspects of life, from education and employment to
d) Reducing child mortality: The goal is to decrease child mortality rates by improving
healthcare, nutrition, and access to essential services for children.
e) Improving maternal health: This goal focuses on enhancing maternal health by reducing
maternal mortality rates and ensuring access to quality healthcare for expectant mothers.
f) Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases: The aim is to control the spread of
diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria and improve healthcare infrastructure to combat various
diseases effectively.
g) Ensuring environmental sustainability: This goal addresses environmental concerns,
advocating for sustainable development, the preservation of ecosystems, and the responsible use
of natural resources.
h) Developing global partnerships for development: This goal emphasizes the importance of
international cooperation and partnerships to achieve the other seven goals, recognizing that
global issues require global solutions.