Soft Skills Basics
Soft Skills Basics
Soft Skills Basics
Soft skills
Soft skills are a set of personal attributes, behaviors, and social attitudes that help
people interact with others effectively.
Soft skills are non-technical skills that describe how you work and interact with
The term soft skills is often used as a synonym for people skills or emotional
o Non-verbal Communication:
Definition: Non-verbal communication involves using body language, facial
expressions, gestures, and other visual cues to convey meaning. It often
complements or contradicts verbal communication, and can significantly
impact how a message is received.
o Written Communication:
Definition: Written communication is the process of conveying messages,
thoughts, and ideas through the written word. It involves using written
language to express oneself clearly and effectively to a specific audience.
Writing Skills: The ability to write clearly, concisely, and effectively
for different audiences and purposes.
Email Etiquette: Using proper email etiquette to communicate
professionally and respectfully.
Report Writing: The ability to gather, analyze, and present information
in a clear and organized manner.
Subject - Soft skills Subject Incharge – Rohit S. Barwade
Non-Formal Communication
Definition: Non-formal communication is a type of communication that does not follow a
specific protocol and is often informal. It is used for personal or social purposes and is less
Examples of Non-Formal Communication:
o Text messages
o Social media posts
o Instant messages
o Personal emails
o Casual conversations
o Phone calls (personal)
o Video calls (with friends and family)
o Informal meetings