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Learning outcomes

At the end of this lesson, students shall be able to:

• Define and know the scope of history;

• Identify the sources and dimensions of history in general; and
• Discuss the concept of historical documentation and historical
Meaning and Scope of History:

❖ The word history comes from the Latin word, “historia” which means an “inquiry” or
Historians tend to study history based on the past where they are looking for the
evidence of an event or even civilization.

❖ The study of history became one of the oldest disciplines in liberal arts. History is
defined as “the branch of social science which deals with the study of the past in
relation to the present and the future”.

❖ Based on this definition, there are 3 important elements of history: a.) as branch of
social science, b.) study of the past, c.) relation to the present and future.
It is very important to examine the 3, as stated on the previous slide

1. Branch of Social Science – Science is defined as “the study of facts based on

observation and experimentation”. Sciences are divided into 3: physical, natural and
social sciences. Our main concern is on social sciences where history belongs.

2. Study of the past – peoples, event, places and even civilizations are one of the main
concerns in the studying history. Therefore, we will study the past, regarding Rizal’s Life,
works and writings that all happened in the 19th century Philippines.

3. Relation to the present and the future – History is the study of the past in relation
to the present and the future. For instance, even if Rizal belonged to the 19th century,
his life, works and even his thoughts are relevant until today. His first novel, Noli Me
Tangere talks about the “social cancer” like corruption, vices, and wrong beliefs that are
still existing up to this time
Sources of History:

1. Primary Sources – these are the physical evidence in history such as

artifacts, relics, remains, fossils and even oral tradition.

2. Secondary Sources:
a.) Published Materials – such as newspapers, magazines, journals,
encyclopedia, pamphlets, handouts, books, circulars and other materials
which are published either in hard and soft copies;

b.) Unpublished materials – such as letters, biographies, autobiography,

theses and dissertations and other papers written by a scholar.
Historical Documentation

According to Teodoro Agoncillo (the late nationalist historian), “no

documents, no history…” which had given the “documentary
evidences” more weight rather than “sabi-sabi” or hearsays. Historical
documentation is very important for biography in the sense that the
person was existing during his time.

Records like letters, birth and death certificates, voice recordings,

paintings and even court records show the “primary evidence” in
writing history
What is “historical imagination”?

The concept of historical imagination is when the reader puts

himself in the picture or writing history using one’s imagination.

For example, reading biographies puts you in the same person in order
for that person to come alive.

Using historical imagination is also a part of learning history in which

“internal and external criticism” should be applied.

Furthermore, by employing historical imagination, we make the story

come alive.
Relevance in Studying History

The study of history has a great significance and relevance to the

modern era since this is the foundation of the nation’s national identity.

The study of Philippine History gives more emphasis in how Filipinos

fought during those times of struggles such as the Propaganda
Movement (1892 – 1896) which influenced by several “paisanos” in
Europe (Rizal, Del Pilar and Lopez – Jaena).
Instruction: Select at least 2 items from the list that can be found
inside your house (the oldest issue) and take a selfie with it.
Kindly print the photos of the chosen item in a bond paper (A4) and write
something about its significance/s.
1. Old Clock
2. Old Coin or paper money
3. Old jewelry
4. Letter since 5-10 years ago
5. Old calendar

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