LG-11 First & Third Angle Projection
LG-11 First & Third Angle Projection
LG-11 First & Third Angle Projection
Learning Guide # 11
Unit of Competence: Technical Drawing
Module Title: General Engineering Skills
LG Code: BTCT1011
TTLM Code: CON TD3 TTLM 0510v1
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding
the following content coverage and topics;
• First angle projection
• Third angle projection
• L-Shape views and normal surfaces
• Isometric sketches view
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able:
• to understand the basic principles of first and third angle projection
• to construct L- shape views of simple objects
• to sketch isometric views
• to make drawing exercises applying the first and third angle projection method.
Learning Activities
4. Submit your accomplished Self-check 1. This will form part of your training portfolio.
6. Read the “Operation Sheet” and try to understand the procedures discussed.
7. Request access to the instruments and materials described. Practice the steps or
procedures as illustrated in operation sheet. Go to your teacher if you need
clarification or you want answers to your questions or you need assistance in
understanding a particular step or procedure.
8. Do the “LAP test” (if you are ready) and show your output to your teacher. Your
teacher will evaluate your output either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If
unsatisfactory, your teacher shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory
you can proceed to Learning Guide #12.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The experienced draughtsman will commit the above rules to memory. It is customary to
state the projection used on orthographic drawings to remove all doubt, or use the
distinguishing symbol which is shown on the arrangement in Fig. 4.3.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The difference between first and third angle projection is in the arrangement of views
and, with reference to the illustration in Fig. 4.4, views are now positioned as follows:
View B from the left is placed on the left,
View C from the right is placed on the right,
View D from above is placed above,
View E from below is placed underneath.
Study the rearrangement shown below in Fig. 4.4 and remember the above rules
because it is vital that the principles of first and third angle projection are understood.
The distinguishing symbol for this method is also shown. If a model is made of the block
in Fig. 4.1, and this can easily be cut from polystyrene foam used in packing, then a
simple demonstration of first and third angle projection can be arranged by placing the
block on the drawing board and moving it in the direction of the four chain dotted lines
terminating in arrows in Fig. 4.5. Figure 4.5(a) shows the positioning for first angle and
Fig. 4.5(b) for third angle projection.
The view in each case in the direction of the large arrow will give the five views already
explained. The terms first and third angle correspond with the notation used in
mathematics for the quadrants of a circle in Fig. 4.6 the block is shown pictorially in the
first quadrant with three of the surfaces on which views are projected. The surfaces are
known as planes and the principal view in direction of arrow A is projected on to the
principal vertical plane. The view from D is projected on to a horizontal plane. View B is
also projected on to a vertical plane at 90° to the principal vertical plane and the
horizontal plane and this is known as an auxiliary vertical plane.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Another horizontal plane can be positioned above for the projection from arrow E, also
a second auxiliary vertical plane on the left for the projection of view C. Notice that the
projections to each of the planes are all parallel, meeting the planes at right
ri angles and
this a feature of orthographic projection.
The intersection of the vertical and horizontal planes give a line which is the ground line
GL. This line is often referred to as the XY line; this is useful in projection problems
since it represents
ents the position of the horizontal plane with reference to a front view and
also the position of the vertical plane with reference to a plan view. Many examples
follow in the text. If the planes containing the three views are folded back into the plane
of the drawing board, then the result is shown in Fig. 4.7 where dimensions have also
been added.
The draughtsman adjusts the distances between views to provide adequate spaces for
the dimensions and notes. To describe a simple object, a draughtsman does not n need
to draw all five views and it is customary to draw only the minimum number which
completely illustrate the component. You will note in this particular case that we have
omitted views which contain dotted lines in preference to those where corners and a
edges face the observer. Many parts do not have a definite ‘front’, ‘top’ or ‘side’ and the
orientation is decided by the draughtsman, who selects views to give the maximum
visual information.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
L-Shape Views
Align views with each other (features project from one view to the next).
next) In
aligning views the L-Shape
Shape view is being observed and this the international
standard views in creating building floor plans.
Normal Surfaces
Shown true size and shape in the view that they are parallel to each other.
A is 1 and 4
B is 2 and 3
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Hidden Lines
• Construct the top, front and right side views of the objects shown in isometric.
• Make sure your views are aligned and hidden lines are included as necessary
• Compare your answer
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Missing Views
Constructing the third view helps visualization skills.
−D object has edges and surfaces and they appear differently in various views.
Directions: : Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid
some explanations/answers. (2points each)
5. ____________________________
D) On the figure below, supply the missing word on each box shown and write your
answers on the provided space.
Purpose :
The purpose of this learning guide is to develop your skills in drawing a
First and Third Angle projection views. Also to provide you the necessary
information regarding the following content coverage and topics of L-Shape
views and normal surfaces in Isometric sketches view.
1. Set up your drawing paper on top of the drawing board.
2. Use the drawing template format given to you by your teacher.
3. Be sure to check the sharpness of your pencil lead. Use standard
sharpening for good aesthetic result of your work.
4. Using the basic drawing instruments and materials, perform the drawing
task in the given drawing problems.
5. Use appropriate pencil lead in your drafting works.
6. On your LAP test, there are series of problem exercises. Part 1 -Complete
the drawing by finding the missing isometric view. The Orthographic views
are given in L-shape method. Part 2 – Find the orthographic views on the
given isometric view of an object.
7. You may submit your finish work once you are true but should be within
the time specified for submission.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1. Some of the instruments are pointed objects, observe standard
safety of works.
2. Place the drawing instruments in a safe location when in idle.
3. Observe proper posture of body in drafting works to avoid if not
minimize body stress.
Quality Criteria:
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
You are correct !..... if you check and replace the question mark
with this isometric view.
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1 2 3
4 5
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia