A PR I Q1M1 Teacher Copy Final Layout
A PR I Q1M1 Teacher Copy Final Layout
A PR I Q1M1 Teacher Copy Final Layout
Practical Research I
Quarter 1 – Module 1
Nature of Inquiry and Research
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Senior High School
Practical Research I
Quarter 1 – Module 1
Nature of Inquiry and Research
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims
to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration
their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body
of the module:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled
to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
Lesson: Nature of Inquiry
and Research
The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of research in daily
The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.
The learner shares research experiences and knowledge; and explains the
importance of research in daily life.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Trace the origin of research and its importance in daily life;
2. infer about societal issues through speculative thinking; and
3. compose an essay to share a research experience in daily life.
Around you are different people, things and places. All these vary from one
another as regards character or qualities. Curious about a person or a thing, you are
inclined to conduct a research to discover such individual’s thoughts, feelings, and
attitudes about a certain topic, or to find out something beneath the surface of an
inanimate thing or the effects of such object or place to some people. Here lies the
importance of research. It promotes people’s interdependence or interpersonal
relationships that the world needs for solving its societal problems.
8. What is the second element of inquiry-based learning? ______
A. formulation of appropriate questions
B. identification of key issues
C. search for valid and relevant evidence
D. selection of appropriate questions
11. What is the fourth to the last element of inquiry-based learning? _______
A. application of evidence to identified issues
B. interpretation and assessment of evidence
C. presentation of coherent, conclusion, final or tentative
D. reflection on, and assessment of the learning process
12. What is the third to the last element of inquiry-based learning? ________
A. application of evidence to identified issues
B. interpretation and assessment of evidence
C. presentation of coherent, conclusion, final or tentative
D. reflection on, and assessment of the learning process.
13. What is the second to the last element of inquiry-based learning? ________
A. application of evidence to identified issues
B. interpretation and assessment of evidence
C. presentation of coherent, conclusion, final or tentative
D. reflection on, and assessment of the learning process.
15. Who is the author that defined research as a scientific process of critical
selection of data, investigation and analysis of such to gain new knowledge?
A. Kerlinger
B. Martinez
C. Parel
D. Treece
This unit will take you to an interesting journey into the importance of research.
It will let you do the dissection and examination of the social world through various
forms of research.
Activity: Speculations!
How knowledgeable are you about your surroundings? How can you know
more about people, places, and things in your home? Share with your siblings some
ways and techniques you know about becoming knowledgeable about a lot of things
in this world such as those within your own world, among your friends, schoolmates,
loved ones, and so on.
Directions: Recall the hottest issue in town. Prove how inquisitive you are by raising
top-level probing questions about it. Write your questions in the space provided.
Here are the seven reasons why research is essential to our daily life:
E (Empirical) - gathering of factual data derived from physical
observation, or thoughts and experiences
founded on social reality or survey that describes
a population and relationships of variables.
N (New Knowledge) - implication of the study and validation of scholarly
knowledge which is a contribution to the field
being studied.
C (Conclusion) - to find answers to the questions, more specifically
addressing the main and sub-problems of the
E (Effective Method) - the technique in conducting research as the
means to an end of arriving at data through
specifying the design, identifying
samples/participants of the study, preparing the
tools/instruments for data-gathering procedures
and analysis.
Directions: In the space provided, compose a creative essay about your experience
and importance of research in your daily life. You work will be graded following the
rubric below:
Ideas - The paper is clear and focused. It holds the
reader’s attention. Relevant details and quotes enrich the 5 pts
central theme.
Organization - The organization enhances and
showcases the central idea or theme. The order, structure
3 pts
of information is compelling and moves the reader through
the text.
Conventions - The writer demonstrates a good grasp of
standard writing conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation,
2 pts
capitalization, grammar, usage, paragraphing) and uses
conventions effectively to enhance readability.
Directions: Present your understanding of inquiry through a topical outline that uses
either the traditional system (using Roman numerals, letters, and numbers) or the
modern numbering system (using Arabic numbers).
Directions: Choose the correct answer that describes the statement. Use only letter
for your answer.
1. What qualitative study on the school drop-out aims for a deeper understanding
on the issue among the youth?
A. determine the number of dropouts
B. dwell into the “why” and “how” of decisions
C. survey on school heads
3. What are the things that the qualitative research deals with?
A. diversity of meanings
B. behavior
C. numbers and trends
5. What social reality can be dissected through social interaction?
A. looking into prejudices
B. getting mental representations of actions
C. both
8. What are you going to consider in making questions for a qualitative interview?
A. open-ended questions
B. leading questions
C. close-ended questions
13. What is the greatest tool that the qualitative researcher must possess?
A. good understanding
B. knowledge of statistics
C. high IQ
14. What does it take to be effective qualitative researcher?
A. listen well
B. solve problems
C. share opinions
1) B 6) C 11) C
2) B 7) B 12) B
3) B 8) A 13) D
4) C 9) D 14) A
5) A 10) C 15) B
1) B 6) C 11) C 15) C
2) B 7) B 12) B
3) B 8) A 13) A
4) C 9) B 14) A
5) B 10).A
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