Adaptive Turbo Matching
Adaptive Turbo Matching
Adaptive Turbo Matching
modeling was performed at NASA [2,3], establishing the basic set of
loss models to predict radial turbine performance. Baines [4]
developed a meanline loss modeling system capable of predicting
both the on- and off-design performance of radial turbines, as a
refinement of the NASA approach. Qiu and Baines [1] extended the
meanline calculation method into the high pressure ratio region of the
turbine map and provided a method to obtain consistent predictions
under subsonic, transonic or supersonic flow conditions. Abidat [5]
used a meanline model to predict radial turbine performance in steady
and pulsating flow conditions. Romagnoli and Martinez-Botas [6]
developed a meanline model to predict performance of nozzled and
nozzleless mixed flow turbines and validated their predictions against
experimental data. Sakellaridis and Hountalas [7] developed a
meanline model for simulation of turbochargers to support diagnostic
investigations in diesel engines.
Following description of the methodology, the paper applies the Figure 1. Stations for turbine meanline model calculation.
proposed coupled engine-turbine optimization framework to a
Renault 1.2L turbocharged gasoline passenger car engine. Having
Swirl loss coefficient (𝑺)
been developed over a number of generations, the current series
production turbine supplied for this engine is already a very good
match. Nonetheless, the turbine aerodynamic design is optimized In an ideal volute, angular momentum of is conserved. In reality,
over a number of steady-state engine operating points under both full- some is lost due to wall friction between the flow and volute [9]. To
and part-load conditions while meeting certain constraints, starting account for this, the swirl loss coefficient 𝑆 is introduced to the
with the current production geometry as the baseline. The conservation of angular momentum in Equation 1, where 𝐶 is the
corresponding engine model has been previously validated against absolute velocity, 𝐶θ the tangential velocity, and 𝑟 the radius. Typical
measured engine dynamometer data, whilst the turbine meanline values range between 0.85–0.95 [10].
model is also shown to correctly predict performance of the baseline
production turbine when compared against flow bench data. 𝐶1 𝑟1 𝑆 = 𝐶θ2 𝑟2 (1)
The meanline model in this work is based on the quasi-one The pressure loss coefficient, 𝐾P (Equation 2), models the pressure
dimensional procedure initially used by the authors in Ref. [8], which (𝑃) losses due to volute wall friction [11]; typical values lie in the
determines the flow state at (in this case) three different stations range 0.1–0.3 [10].
through the nozzleless radial turbine stage: 1) volute, 2) rotor inlet,
and 3) rotor outlet, as shown in Figure 1. (N.B. a stage employing
𝑃01 −𝑃02
nozzles will require more stations [6].) 𝐾P = (2)
𝑃02 −𝑃2
The meanline model accounts for energy dissipation along the flow
path through the turbine stage by deploying a set of empirical Rotor loss modeling
correlations (or loss models) that describe loss generation. A common
feature of most loss modeling systems is a conceptual division of the Energy losses in the rotor are modeled according to the NASA
overall loss into separate components, corresponding to different approach [2,3], which attributes losses due to incidence effects,
physical loss mechanisms [4]. The first classification distinguishes friction in the flow passage, clearance between rotor and shroud, and
volute and rotor losses – which are described next. disk friction on the wheel.
As per Ref. [6], two major volute loss mechanisms are considered, Ideal flow conditions at rotor inlet do not actually correspond to
embodied in the swirl and pressure loss coefficients. These account perfect alignment between the flow and the blade. This phenomenon
for irreversibilities due to mixing, secondary flow and recirculation. has been demonstrated experimentally by Yeo and Baines [12] and is
due to the pressure difference between the blades’ pressure and
suction surfaces. In a radial turbine, this results in an optimum
relative inlet flow angle, 𝛽2,opt , of somewhere between -20 to -30
[10]. The incidence angle, 𝑖2 , is defined in the meanline model as the
difference between the actual and optimum relative inlet flow angles
(Equation 3), i.e., the ideal situation is when 𝑖2 = 0. (N.B. other
works refer the incidence angle to the blade angle; both definitions
are in general use and so care must be taken to be consistent.)
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𝑖2 = 𝛽2 − 𝛽2,opt (3) 0.02125 𝑈23 𝜌22
𝐿df = 𝜌2 𝑈2 𝑟2 0.2
𝑚̇( )
As the relative inlet flow angle departs from the optimum (i.e., 𝑖2
becomes non-zero), flow separation becomes more likely and mixing The meanline model has been programmed in FORTRAN, and
losses in the rotor increase [11]. The enthalpy loss due to incidence, requires the turbine rotational speed, total inlet conditions, static
𝐿i (Equation 4), is modeled assuming that the change in relative outlet pressure, the thermodynamic properties of the working
tangential kinetic energy manifests as an increase in internal energy medium, and the basic turbine geometric parameters as inputs. The
of the gas (and a consequent increase in entropy). Here 𝐾i is the model returns the mass flow rate and total-to-static efficiency as
incidence loss coefficient and 𝑊2 is the relative inlet velocity. outputs.
where the axial and radial absolute velocities, resp. 𝐶aand 𝐶r , are
1−( )
𝐶a = (6)
𝐶r,2 𝑏2
𝑟3,tip 𝑧−𝑏2
𝐶r = ( ) (7)
𝑟2 𝐶a,3 𝑟3 𝑏3
Passage loss accounts for pipe friction and blade loading losses in the Figure 2. Comparison of measured and predicted turbine swallowing capacity.
blade passage. The meanline model uses the treatment from Ref.
[10], described here in Equation 8, where 𝐾p is the passage loss
coefficient and 𝑊3 is the relative outlet velocity.
The disk friction or windage loss, 𝐿df , accounts for friction on the
backface of the turbine wheel. The meanline model employs the
expression in Ref. [3], shown here in Equation 9, where 𝜌2 is the
rotor inlet gas density, 𝑚̇ its mass flow rate, and 𝜇 its dynamic
It can be seen that the calibrated model predicts the turbine behavior
very well both in terms of mass flow and efficiency within the
measured data range. However, since the model predicts turbine
performance over a considerably wider range of pressure ratio
compared to that available from gas stand measurements, it does
mean the meanline model cannot be validated against experimental
data in these regions – this issue will be addressed in the next section.
The 3D geometry of the turbine volute and rotor was provided by Figure 6 compares the predictive capability of the meanline model
MTEE for the CFD analysis. A preliminary step was to obtain a clean against the CFD simulations, for three speed lines.
geometry prior to meshing, i.e., removal of feature details that are
irrelevant for CFD analysis and which would potentially impose
unnecessarily high local mesh resolution. Altair HyperMesh was then
used to mesh the entire fluid domain: turbine volute, rotor, plus inlet
and outlet extrusions, as shown in Figure 4.
The meanline model swallowing capacity and efficiency predictions
agree well with CFD (within ± 3%-age points), with trends captured
for all three speed lines (not only at the 100% speed used for
calibration), even at very low and high pressure ratios (where test
data isn’t available). Combined with the earlier experimental
validation, this gives confidence that the meanline model will provide
accurate turbine performance prediction across the full operating
range experienced in 1D engine simulations.
All results in the paper have been normalized by the maximum value
of the corresponding parameter. Figure 7 presents the comparison of
simulated engine performance against the engine test data. It can be
seen in Figure 7 (a) that the engine model predicts brake power well Figure 8. Comparison of measured and simulated turbocharger performance.
across the speed range; however, when translated into brake torque
any small differences, particularly at low engine speeds, are Figure 8 compares the predicted cycle-averaged turbocharger
amplified. Indeed, Figure 7 (b) shows that the model over predicts the performance against test data. In Figure 8 (a), the engine model
torque at the third and fourth engine speeds. Similarly, Figure 7 (c) predicts turbocharger speed reasonably well over the entire measured
shows the trend of brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), which is range, again except for engine speeds between 1500–2000 rpm.
the preferred indicator of overall system efficiency in this paper, is However, in Figure 8 (b), the compressor pressure ratio (thus boost)
well-captured except at the lowest engine speeds.
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is well-predicted only for the mid-speed range (2000–4500 rpm). At
high engine speeds (5000–6000 rpm), the model predicts too high a
boost, in order to meet the required engine torque. Despite the
deviations between simulated and measured engine performance
(mainly at low and high engine speeds), cycle-averaged predictions
can be used to evaluate relative engine performance.
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Figure 10. Map vs meanline turbine models: turbine operation at full load. Figure 11. Map vs meanline turbine models: part-load engine performance.
Figure 10 continues the comparison of map- and meanline-based Next, predictions at the part-load engine operating points in Table 3
turbine modeling options, at the turbine level. Both estimate very are compared. Figure 11 shows both methods again predict similar
similar turbine mass flow rate and blade speed ratio (BSR), in Figure engine performance, in terms of brake power, torque and BSFC. It
10 (a) and Figure 10 (d) resp., at all engine speeds. Pressure ratio and can be seen from Figure 12 (a) and Figure 12 (c) that the meanline
efficiency are also similarly predicted except at the highest engine model-based simulation predicts slightly higher mass flow through
speeds where there is a ~2.5% difference. This is likely due to the the turbine and lower efficiency at the same engine speed, compared
extrapolation required in this operating region. to the map-based approach. Since these parameters have an opposite
effect on pumping work, they balance each other out, and so the
predicted BSFC remains similar (Figure 11 (c)). The deviation in
mass flow and efficiency predictions may again be attributed to
extrapolation effects in the map-based approach.
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In this work, the GA optimizer available in the 1D engine cycle
simulation software GT-POWER was used. Figure 13 shows the
basic turbine geometric parameters. Table 4 lists the parameters to be
varied by the optimizer – a maximum perturbation of ±8% to the
nominal values was allowed (to limit the change in turbine wheel
inertia). A population size of 30 was specified, which is more than
twice the number of design variables, as recommended by Ref. [18].
A crossover rate of 1, a crossover rate distribution index of 15, and a
mutation rate of 0.14 were specified to create diversity in the
population. The scope of optimization was purposely limited to the
turbine, i.e., no compressor or engine model parameters were
changed. The objective was to minimize overall system BSFC over a
set of (1) full- and (2) part-load steady-state engine operating points.
𝑧 Blade length
Figure 15, where the shaded bars represent different engine speeds.
Sensitivity is computed by a linear least squares approach using all
iteration data. The slopes determined by least squares fitting are
normalized by the sum of all slopes [20].
Figure 16 compares predicted engine performance for the baseline
and optimized turbine designs. Figure 16 (a) and Figure 16 (b) simply
confirm that the optimized design meets the torque and power targets.
Figure 16 (c) shows the magnitude of BSFC reduction is larger at
higher engine speeds, but there is an improvement at all speeds. This
stems from improved (less negative) pumping work, as seen in Figure
16 (d), which can itself be explained by comparing the turbine
operation in Figure 17.
So, despite the current series production turbine already being a good
match, and with optimization restricted to a handful of parameters,
simulation results suggest there remains a worthwhile margin of 3.5
g/kWh for system efficiency gains at full load.
Table 7 lists the 5 part-load engine operating points for which the
second optimization case was performed. Again, each point was
assigned equal importance in the absence of detailed drive cycle data.
Table 7. Part-load engine operating points for turbine optimization (Case 2).
2500 0.80
The same GA configuration and parameter list as described for full- some room to improve part-load engine efficiency through turbine
load optimization was again used, with convergence achieved after optimization, albeit to a lesser extent that at full load.
~350 iterations (Figure 18). Table 8 shows the relative change in the
design parameters as a result of optimization at part load, resulting in
an increase in the volute area 𝐴1 , the rotor inlet radius 𝑟2 , and the
rotor outlet tip radius 𝑟3,tip . A decrease is seen in the volute inlet
radius 𝑟1 , the rotor inducer height 𝐵2 , the rotor outlet blade angle 𝛽3b ,
and the blade length 𝑧. The direction of these changes is the same as
for the full-load case (except for rotor inducer height 𝐵2 , which
increased by ~4% under optimization at full load). Nonetheless the
small changes in magnitude go to show that the optimal turbine
design does differ slightly between full- and part-load operation.
Table 8. Relative change in design parameters optimized at part load (Case 2)
compared to those at full load (Case 1).
Change relative to baseline (%)
Full load (Case 1) for comparison Part load (Case 2)
𝐴1 7.12 7.66
𝑟1 -6.18 -5.30
𝐵2 4.04 -0.17
𝑟2 7.38 7.08
𝑧 -2.44 -3.77
Page 11 of 14
of the meanline model against both experimental data and CFD The meanline model was coupled to an engine model for a Renault
provides confidence that the meanline model accurately predicts 1.2L turbocharged GDI passenger car engine, which was generally a
turbine performance across the full on-engine operation range. good match to the engine dynamometer test data. Validation of the
coupled engine-turbine model results in the same engine performance
given the same baseline turbine design. A comparison of engine
performance predictions using both map-based and meanline turbine
models highlighted some differences, particularly in regions expected
to suffer from turbine map extrapolation.
The least influential was the blade length 𝑧 in either case; and
There is a noticeable but less critical variation in the influence of
each parameter across different engine speeds.
expected that some form of adaptive turbocharger matching will 6. Romagnoli, A. and Martinez-Botas, R., “Performance
eventually become the standard approach. prediction of a nozzled and nozzleless mixed-flow turbine in
steady conditions,” Int. J. Mech. Sci. 53(8):557–574, 2011,
Future work doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2011.05.003.
4. Baines, N.C., “A meanline prediction method for radial 18. Javed, A., “Developing Generic Design Expertise for Gas
turbine efficiency,” In Proc. IMechE 6th Int. Conf. on Turbine Engines: Robust Design of a Micro Centrifugal
Turbocharging & Air Management Systems, Paper No. Compressor,” PhD Thesis, TU Delft, 2014.
C554/006, 1998.
19. Khairuddin, U. and Costall, A.W., “Aerodynamic
5. Abidat, M., “Design and testing of a highly loaded mixed Optimization of the High Pressure Turbine and Interstage
flow turbine,” PhD Thesis, University of London, 1991. Duct in a Two-Stage Air System for a Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engine,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power
140(5):052801–052801-10, 2017, doi:10.1115/1.4038024.
Page 13 of 14
20. Gamma Technologies Inc., “GT-SUITE Optimization 3 rotor outlet
Manual,” 2016.
a axial
c clearance
Dr Aaron Costall
Lecturer in Thermofluids df disk friction
Imperial College London
Department of Mechanical Engineering i incidence
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ max maximum
United Kingdom
min minimum
opt optimal
p passage
The authors would like to express their thanks to Mitsubishi r radial
Turbocharger and Engine Europe BV for funding this project and
providing turbine geometrical and performance data, and Groupe tip blade tip
Renault for providing the engine model and test data.
𝜃 tangential
Definitions/Abbreviations Abbreviations
r radius
U blade speed
W relative velocity
z blade length
Greek symbols
𝜇 dynamic viscosity
𝜌 density
0 total condition
1 volute inlet
2 rotor inlet
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