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SUBJECT :- CHEMISTRY DATE.............................................................

CLASS :- 12 NAME.............................................................
CHAPTER :- ALCOHOL, PHENOL & ETHER SECTION.......................................................
1. The hydroboration of 2-Methyl propene The compound [X] is
yields- (A) CH3OH
(A) 1º alcohol (B) 2º alcohol (B) CH3COCH3
(C) 3º alcohol (D) None
(C) CH3 – CHO
2. LiAlH4 converts acetic acid into- (D) CH3 – CHOH – CH3
(A) Acetaldehyde (B) Methane
(C) Ethyl alcohol (D) Methyl alcohol 10. Reactivity of alcohols with HCl is in the
order of :
3. To prepare 3-ethylpentan-3-ol, the (A) tert. butyl alcohol > sec. butyl alcohol >
reactants needed are- primary butyl alcohol
(B) Primary butyl alcohol > sec. butyl
(C) CH3CH2MgBr + CH3CH2COCH2CH3 alcohol > tert. butyl alcohol
(D) CH3CH2CH2MgBr + CH3COCH2CH3 (C) sec. butyl alcohol > tert. butyl alcohol >
primary butyl alcohol
4. Identify Z in the series, CH2 = CH2  
 (D) sec. butyl alcohol > primary butyl
X  Y 
aqKOH Na 2 CO3
I2 excess
 Z- alcohol > tert. butyl alcohol
(A) C2H5I (B) C2H5OH
(C) CHI3 (D) CH3CHO 11. Isopropylamine is allowed to react with
NaNO2 and dilute H2SO4 at a temperature
5. Action of nitrous acid on ethyl amine gives - ranging from 0ºC to 5ºC. The expected
(A) C2H6 (B) C2H5OH product is -
(C) NH3 (D) Nitromethane (A) 2-Propanol
(B) 2-Propanone
6. Lederer Manasse reaction does not give
the following product – (C) 1-Propanol
(A) o-Hydroxy benzyl alcohol (D) 2-Nitropropane
(B) p-Hydroxy benzyl alcohol
(C) m-Hydroxy benzyl alcohol 12. Which of the following compounds can
(D) (A) and (B) are correct change the colour of chromic acid from
orange to green?
7. The oxidation of a secondary alkanol with (A) CH3COCH3
Cr (VI) leads to the formation of : (B) CH3CH2CH2OH
(A) An alkanone and Cr (II) (C) (CH3)3COH
(B) An aldehyde and Cr (III)
(D) C2H5OC2H5
(C) An alkanone and Cr (III)
(D) An aldehyde and Cr (II)
13. The increasing order of boiling points of
8. A compound with the formula C4H10O 1º, 2º, 3º alcohol is -
yields another compound, C4H8O, on (A) 1º > 2º > 3º (B) 3º > 2º > 1º
heating with K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4. (C) 2º > 1º > 3º (D) None
The compound C4H10O is expected to be -
(A) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH 14. Match List-I with List-II and then select the
(B) CH3CH2CHOHCH3 correct answer from the codes given
(C) (CH3)2CHCH2OH below the lists-
(D) (CH3)3COH List-I
(A) CH3MgI + CH3CHO  Product

9. An unknown organic compound [X] on 
H3 O

treatment with K2Cr2O7/H gives another (B) (CH3)2C = CH2 
Dil. H2SO4

unknown compound Y which has only C’s, 

H’s and oxygen. Compound Y reacts with (C) CH3COOC2H5 Na


I2/Na2CO3 to form CHI3. (D) CH3CHOHC2H5

PG #1
List-II 21. In the following hydration
(a) Shows optical isomerism CH3
H3 O
(b) A secondary alcohol giving iodoform
|  
CH3  CH  CH  CH 2
the major alcohol product formed is -
(c) Product is a tertiary alcohol
(d) Product is a primary alcohol (B) (CH3)2CHCHOHCH3
(A) Ab, Bd, Cc, Da (C) (CH3 )2 CCH 2 CH3
(B) Ab, Bc, Cd, Da |
(C) Ab, Bc, Ca, Dd OH
(D) Ab, Ba, Cd, Dc (D) HOCH2 CHCH2 CH3
15. When ethyl alcohol reacts with acetic acid,
the products formed are- 22. The order of reactivity of methyl alcohol (I),
isopropyl alcohol (II) tertiary butyl alcohol
(A) Sodium ethoxide + hydrogen (III) and ethyl alcohol (IV) for esterification
(B) Ethyl acetate + water in decreasing order will be -
(C) Ethyl acetate + soap (A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I
(D) Ethyl alcohol + water (C) I > IV > II > III (D) I > IV > III > II

C6H5OH  A  Benzanilide

NH3 / ZnCl2 B
16. R-OH + SOCl2  Pyridine
R-Cl + SO2 + 23. 300º

HCl Pyridine in the above reaction - Compound (B) in the above reaction is –
(A) Catalysis the reaction (A) Acetyl chloride
(B) Used to dissolve alkyl chloride (B) Benzoyl chloride
(C) Benzamide
(C) To remove excess of SOCl2
(D) Acetanilide
(D) None of the above
24. What is the end product ‘B’ of following
17. Which of the following reactions does not sequence of reaction ?
involve reduction ? C6H5NH2  HNO2
H 2 SO 4 / 0ºC
‘A’ 
H2 O

 ‘B’
(A) R–COOH  RCH2OH (A) C6H5N2Cl (B) C6H6
(B) RCHO  RCH2OH (C) C6H5NH2.H2SO4 (D) C6H5OH
(C) R–CO–R’  R–CH2–R’
(D) R  CH  R '  25. The product of the reaction of benzene
 R CR'
| || with oxygen in the presence of V2O5 as
OH O catalyst at 450ºC is -
(A) Maleic anhydride (B) Benzoic acid
(C) Phenol (D) None of these
18. Tertiary alcohols are resistant to oxidation
because :
26. Match list I with II and then select the
(A) They do not have  hydrogen atom correct answer from the codes given
(B) Of large +I effect of alkyl groups below the lists–
(C) Of greater steric hindrance List I

(D) All the above (A) Phenol + NaOH + C2H5I  

(B) Phenol + NaOH +CHCI3  
19. Which of the following alcohols does not (C) Phenol + Phthalic anhydride + conc.
give a red colour in Victor Meyer test? H2SO4  Heat

(A) Isobutyl alcohol (D) Phenol + conc. HNO3
(B) Isoamyl alcohol List II
(C) Diethyl carbinol (a) Phenolphthalein
(D) Phenylcarbinol (b) Picric acid
(c) Phenetole
20. Methanol and ethanol are distinguished (d) Salicylaldehyde
by- Codes :–
(A) Treating with Schiff’s reagent (A) Ac, Bd, Ca, Db
(B) Treating with Lucas reagent (B) Ab, Bc, Ca, Dd
(C) Heating with iodine and alkali (C) Ac, Bd, Cb, Da
(D) Treating with CrO3 in dil. H2SO4 (D) Ac, Ba, Cd, Db

PG #2
27. Which of the following reaction is called 34. When phenol is treated with PCl5, the yield
‘Schotten-Baumann’ reaction ? of chlorobenzene is generally poor
(A) C6H6 
AlCl3 /CH3 COCl
C6H5COCH3 because of the formation of -
(A) Benzoyl chloride
(B) C6H5NH2  CH3 COCl
(B) p- Chlorophenol
(C) C6H5OH  C6 H5 COCl
 C6H5OCOC6H5 (C) o-Chlorophenol
(D) C6H6 AlCl3
C6 H5 COCl
 C6H5COC6H5 (D) Triphenyl phosphate

35. Consider the following reaction :

28. Phenol reacts with bromine in CS2 at a low
temperature, the product is - ||
(A) m-Bromophenol CH 3  CH 2  O  H  CH 3  C  OH
(B) p-Bromophenol
(X) (Y)
(C) o-and p-Bromophenol
(D) 2, 4, 6-Tribromophenol O
 CH3  CH 2  O  C  CH 2  CH 3  HOH
29. Phenol reacts with conc. HNO3 in the
In the above reaction ester formation takes
presence of conc. H2SO4 to give – place by -
(A) Meta nitrophenol (A) Breaking of O–H bond of (X) and O–H
(B) Ortho nitrophenol bond of (Y)
(C) Ortho and para nitrophenol (B) Breaking of C–O bond of (X) and C–O
(D) Picric acid bond of (Y)
(C) Breaking of O–H bond of (X) and C–O
bond of (Y)
30. Ortho and para hydroxy acetophenone (D) Breaking of C–O bond of (X) and O–H
and anhydrous AlCl3 are related with the bond of (Y)
following reaction –
(A) Phthalein reaction (SECTION-B)
(B) Fries rearrangement 36. Idenfity the end product (B) of the
(C) Schmidt reaction following sequence of reaction.
(D) Wurtz-Fittig reaction 
A 
Br2 / H 2 O
 B

31. Reimer Tiemann reaction involves -

(A) Carbanion intermediate (A) (B)
(B) A carbene intermediate
(C) Carbonium ion intermediate
(D) Free redical intermediate
(C) (D)
32. Reaction -I :
Phenol 
 X 
 Y  
 P 37. For making (CH3)3C–O–C2H5 the ideal
Reaction - II : combination is -
(A) (CH3)3CONa and C2H5Br
Phenol 
 X  
 Y 
soda lime

 Q (B) (CH3)3CBr and C2H5ONa
Wrong statement about P and Q is – (C) Both the above
(A) Both the compounds give violet colour (D) None
with FeCl3
38. Mixed ether will not be formed in the
(B) Both the compounds on deoxygenation
give benzene (A) CH3OCH2Cl + C2H5MgBr
(C) Both the compounds contain phenolic - (B) CH2N2 + C2H5OH
OH group (C) C2H5ONa + CH3I
(D) Compound P is phenol and Q is cresol (D) C2H5OH + H2SO4 (140ºC)

33. Kolbe’s reaction involves in obtaining – 39. Diethyl ether and air gives ether-
(A) Anisol from phenol hydroperoxide.
The mechanism of the reaction is -
(B) Salicylaldehyde from phenol and CHI3
(A) Nucleophilic substitution
(C) Salicylic acid from sodium phenate (B) Free radical addition
and CO2 (C) Free radical substitution
(D) Salicylic acid from phenol and CO2 (D) None of the above

PG #3
40. Ether in contact with air for a long time 46. In the reaction
form peroxides. The presence of peroxide
CH3CH = CH2  NBS
 A 
C2 H5 ONa
 B
in ether can be tested by adding Fe ion
in it and then adding - the product (B) is -
(A) KCNS (B) SnCl2 (C) HgCl2 (D) KI CH3
(A) CH3  CH  OC2 H5
41. Ether is not formed in this reaction -
(A) 2C2H5OH  Conc.H2SO4
140º (C) CH3CH2CH2OC2H5
(B) (CH3)3 C–Cl + C2H5ONa  (D) C2H5CH2OCH=CH2
(C) C2H5Cl + (CH3)3 C–ONa 
(D) C2H5Cl + C2H5ONa  47. Assertion : Phenol undergo Kolbe
reaction, ethanol does not.
42. In the Williamson’s synthesis for diethyl Reason : Phenoxide ion is more basic
ether, which species works as a than ethoxide ion.
nucleophile ? (A) If both assertion and reason are true
(A) Halide ion (B) Ethoxide ion and the reason is the correct explanation
(C) Ethyde ion (D) Hydride ion of the assertion.
(B) If both assertion and reason are true
43. Consider the following transformation. but reason is not the correct explanation of
CH3CH = CH – O – CH2CH3 
 the assertion.
(C) If assertion is true but reason is false.
The major product(s) formed is (are) - (D) If assertion is false but reason is true.
(A) CH3CH = CHI and CH3CH2I
(B) CH3CH = CHI and CH3CH2OH 48. Assertion : Alcohols are dehydrated to
(C) CH3CH2CHO and CH3CH2I hydrocarbons in the presence of acidic
(D) CH3 CH 2 CH  O  CH 2 CH3 zeolites.
| Reason : Zeolites are porous catalysts.
(A) If both assertion and reason are true
and the reason is the correct explanation
44. The compound obtained by the acidolysis of the assertion.
of diethyl ether [dil. H2SO4] gives the (B) If both assertion and reason are true
following test but reason is not the correct explanation of
(A) Yellow precipitate with NaOH and I2 the assertion.
(B) Smell of formaline with hot copper wire (C) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(C) Smell of oil of winter-green with (D) If assertion is false but reason is true.
salicylic acid and H2SO4
49. Assertion : Etherates are coordination
(D) Acid obtained by oxidation complexes of ethers with Lewis acids.
decolourises KMnO4 Reason : Ethers are easily cleaved by mineral
acids such as HCl and H 2 SO 4 at 373 K.
45. In the given reaction (A) If both assertion and reason are true
(X) + (Y) and the reason is the correct explanation
[X] and [Y] respectively will be - of the assertion.
CH3 (B) If both assertion and reason are true
| but reason is not the correct explanation of
(A) CH3–CH2–OH and CH3  C  OH the assertion.
| (C) If assertion is true but reason is false.
CH3 (D) If assertion is false but reason is true.
(B) CH3–CH2OH and CH3  C  CH 2
| 50. Assertion : Tertiary alcohols give turbidity
CH.3 immediately with Lucas reagent.
Reason : A mixture of conc.HI +
CH3 anhydrous ZnCl 2 is called Lucas reagent.
(C) CH2 = CH2 and CH3  C  OH (A) If both assertion and reason are true
| and the reason is the correct explanation
CH3 of the assertion.
CH3 (B) If both assertion and reason are true
| but reason is not the correct explanation of
(D) CH3 – CH2 – O – C  OH the assertion.
| (C) If assertion is true but reason is false.
CH3 (D) If assertion is false but reason is true.

PG #4

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