Integrated Marketing Communication – Spl. Paper VII

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UG/PG Curriculum

PROGRAM BA BA(Hon) B.Com B.Com(Hon) M.Com MA - Eng MA- Eco MA- Psy


SEMESTER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


BA Eco Eng Psy Gen


BCOM Costing Banking Entrep MKT Fin & Mgt Acc HRM Bus Gen
Acc Analytics

Name of Board of Studies Department of Commerce

Name of the Department Department of Marketing
Name of Head of Department Dr. Hrishikesh Soman
Title of the Course Integrated Marketing Communications Special
Paper 7
Course Code 67204C19
Type of Course (New / Revised) New
Number of Credits 4
Date of Approval by BoS 25th March 2021

Date of Implementation June 2021

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze real-time communication and adaptation issues and new paradigm of
understanding consumer in rapidly changing digital environment.
2. Assess the connection between marketing communications tools and implement
them effectively in an integrated communication mix.
3. Apply basic advertising theories and principles to practice.
4. Create and manage marketing communication on digital platform.

1 Title of the topic :Fundamentals of Integrated Marketing 12


Meaning and role of Integrated Marketing Communications in
marketing process.
Understanding Communication process:
Source, message and channel factors.
Communication response hierarchy: AIDA Model, Hierarchy of
effective effect model, Innovation adoption model, information
processing model, The standard learning Hierarchy, Attribution
Hierarchy and Low involvement hierarchy consumer
involvement-The Elaboration Likelihood model (ELM), The
Foote, Cone and Belding Model (FCB).
2 Title of the topic : Advertising Management 16

Evolution of Advertising, Role of Advertising in 21st Century,
Foundational concepts in Advertising.
Main Decision Areas in Advertising, How Advertising works:

accomplish Persuasion and Attitude conversion.

Deciding the Advertising Objectives:
Various Advertising Objectives
Deciding the Advertising Budget
Deciding the Copy.
Steps in Copy development
Media Planning:
Role of Media during digital era
Fast changing scene: Jostling by Traditional and New
Evolution and History of Advertising Agencies , Factors involved in
Agency selection, Ad Agency Organizational Structure, Changing
Roles of Ad Agencies: Corporate expectations from Ad Agencies.
3 Title of the topic: Sales Promotion ,Publicity and Public Relations 12

Contents :
Role of Sales Promotion in communicating and offering Value
to its customers
The surge in Sales Promotion in Recent years.
The two major components of Sales Promotion: Trade and
Consumer Promotion.
The downside of Sales Promotion.
Events, Experiences and Sponsorships
Publicity a Potent tool in communication.
Role and functions of Public Relations in Digital Economy,
Process in Public Relations: Research, Planning,
4 Title of the topic: Managing Digital Communications 14

Emergence of Digital Communication: The need of the hour

Forms of Online Marketing Communication-How to start a
buzz fire and Tracking Online Buzz
Managing marketing communications on social media
Creating and managing Digital Word of Mouth
Mobile Marketing:
The scope of mobile marketing
Developing effective mobile marketing program
Mobile marketing across markets
5 Assignments

Reference List
1. Marketing Management,15th Edition, Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane, Keller, Published by-
2. Marketing Management: Indian Context-Global Perspective, 6th Edition, Ramaswamy and
Namakumari, Sage Publication
3. Fundamentals of Marketing, William Stanton, Michael Etzel,Bruce Walker, ,Mc Graw-Hill
International Editions 1994
4. Introduction to Marketing, Theory & Practice, Second Edition, Adrian Palmer, Oxford
University Press
5. Marketing Management-A South Asian Perspective, ISBN -978-0-13-600998, 13th
Edition, Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy ,Mithileshwar Jha, Published by
Dorling Kindersley(India)Pvt. Ltd, Licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia
6. Marketing Management-Global Perspective -Indian Context, 4th Edition-2010V.S.
Ramaswamy& S. Namakumari, Macmillan Publishers India LMT, New Delhi.
7. Marketing Management,11thth Edition, Philip Kotler, Published by-Prentice Hall of India
Private Lmt, New Delhi.
8. Advertising Management ,Oxford University Press ,By Jaishri Jethwaney and Shruti Jain
9. Advertising Management ,By Rajeev Batra, John Myers and Davis Aaket ,Published by
Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi

Name and Sign of Head

Dr.Hrishikesh Soman

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