Olsen 1997 Design of bolted endplate connections
Olsen 1997 Design of bolted endplate connections
Olsen 1997 Design of bolted endplate connections
119-140, 1997
© 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0143-974X(97)00016-3 0143-974X/97 $17.00 + 0.00
P. C. Olsen
Design formulae for bolted flush and extended endplates are presented based
on the theory of plasticity. The flush endplate is designed such that prying
forces are not present. The bolts of the extended endplate are designed such
that yielding at the boltline and at the flange can occur, thus reducing the
endplate thickness but increasing the required bolt force capacity. An explicit
expression for the prying ratio is presented. The effect of using several bolts
alongside the web is accounted for. The design formulae for flush and
extended endplates are channelled into one general set of design formulae.
To measure the adequacy of this simplified design method, comprehensive
numerical analyses of the bolt/endplate connection have been performed. The
numerical method is presented briefly. The agreement between the two
methods is excellent, with only minor differences in the ultimate load bearing
capacities. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Great attention has been drawn to the design of bolted endplate connections.
Primarily, the forces in the bolts were objects of great concern, whereas only
little attention was given to the design of the endplate. Although very compli-
cated moment distributions are present in the endplate, the endplate is mostly
designed based on simple T-stub models with yielding at the root of the T
[1] and possibly at the bolt line [2,3]. In the annex to EC3 [4], the design of
bolted endplates is based entirely on the model of equivalent T-stubs. How-
ever, the methods presented in Eurocode No. 3 [4] are applicable only for
connections with one line of bolts on each side of the web or, alternatively,
one line of bolts on each side of the tension flange. In addition the regulations
120 P. C. Olsen
are directly applicable only for small axial forces. For such simple cases, the
T-stub model seems to be adequate, although the moment distribution at the
junction between web and flange is very complex.
It is very important to consider the connection bolts/endplate in its entirety.
The dimension of the endplate influences the bolt forces, i.e. a very thick
endplate results in smaller bolt forces, whereas prying forces are introduced
for a thinner endplate, resulting in larger bolt forces. The existence of prying
forces is a matter of to what extent the endplate makes contact with the
resisting media, i.e. an opposite endplate for a beam splice or a flange for a
beam-column connection.
From this introductory discussion, it is obvious that more general methods
of analysis and design of bolted endplates, in particular methods physically
more comprehensive and suitable for computer implementation, are desirable.
In Gebbeken et al. [5] results of numerical computations using the finite
element method and the theory of elasticity are presented. However, the prob-
lem of contact between surfaces is very complex in the theory of elasticity
and requires great computational effort.
In this paper a general approach of analysis and design of bolted endplate
connections, based on the structural laws of plasticity, is presented. Both end-
plate and bolts must thus possess sufficient capacity of plasticity. The upper
bound theory is applied, i.e. the yield line theory is applied for the endplate.
Contrary to classical yield line theory, where a single parameter determines
the entire mechanism, the endplate is subdivided into triangular elements, the
displacements of each vertex of the mesh representing a partial mechanism.
The proper mechanism is determined by means of solving a linearly con-
strained optimization problem. The contact problem is simply solved by
adding additional constraints regarding the displacements at the vertices; this
does not increase the complexity. The optimization problem is solved by
means of a very efficient method developed by the author. This newly
developed method has a response time so minimal as to enable interactive
One may utilize this methodology in one of two ways, either in terms of
a small variety of possible yieldline patterns, selected by engineering judge-
ment, with few parameters determining the mechanism, or in terms of applying
a very large number of elements, in which case the necessity of engineering
judgement becomes superfluous and whereby a very accurate estimation of
the bearing capacity is ensured. In the first case, the response time of the
methodology is comparable with that of applying a simple analytical solution
expressed in terms of a formula, whereas the response time in the second case,
especially in a PC-environment, unfortunately is unacceptable. The duration of
the analyses of the examples presented in this paper was typically 3-10 min,
which must be compared to an acceptable response time of maximum 30 s.
' Design of bolted endplate connections 121
It is well known [6] that the ultimate load factor of the upper bound theory
may be determined by means of solving linear optimization problems. Formu-
lation of the yield line theory as a problem of linear optimization is
accomplished by subdividing the plate under consideration into a number of
triangular elements as shown in Fig. 1, and applying the principle of virtual
work and the upper bound theorem. Subdivision of the domain into triangles
is advantageous in the sense that all partial mechanisms automatically are
geometrically admissible.
Displacements and relative rotations are assigned to all vertices and all
triangular edges, respectively, in the subdivided domain. All displacements
are collected in a vector u and all rotations in a vector 0. Compatibility
requires the following equation to be satisfied:
0 = Bu (1)
Fig. 1. Subdivision of part of an endplate around the boltholes into triangular elements.
122 P. C. Olsen
The intemal work is determined as the product of the yield moments and
the rotations. Letting m + and in - represent the yield moments, the internal
work is determined from eqn (3):
Wextern • C u (4)
where the components of C represent the external work for unit displacements.
By means of the upper bound theorem, the ultimate load factor is determined
as the quotient:
- - (5)
Wextern "
For each mechanism an upper value of the ultimate load factor is determined
and the problem is hereafter to determine the particular mechanism yielding
the smallest load factor. By requiring the external work to be constant, for
Cu = 1 (6)
it is easily seen that this: mechanism and thereby the ultimate load factor are
determined by solving the following optimization problem:
The incorporation of the bolts requires only a small extension to eqn (7).
In addition to the internal work from the endplate, the internal work done by
the bolts, which is simply the product of bolt force and displacement, must
also be considered. Thus eqn (3) is amended as follows:
where Pboxt is a vector expressing the yield condition of the individual bolts.
Finally, the problem of contact between the endplate and the resisting media
is solved by requiring the displacements to be non-negative. As can be seen,
Design of bolted endplate connections 123
this does not increase the complexity of the problem. Thus, the bearing
capacity of the assemblage of endplate/bolts with automatic consideration of
potential prying forces is determined by solution of the following optimiz-
ation problem:
In the case of an infinitely strong endplate, the ultimate load factor is easy to
determine, as it corresponds to a mechanism, where the assemblage of beams
and endplate rotates rigidly about the compression flange as shown in Fig. 3.
In this case the internal work is solely due to the yielding of the bolts:
124 P. C. Olsen
(a) (b)
t =20ram
t = lOmm
k : 1.13
k = 0.72
Fig. 3. Yieldline patterns for (A) a thin endplate and (B) a thick endplate
Design of bolted endplate connections 125
where PB.i is the yield strength of the bolts, 0 is the angle of rotation and h i
is the distance between the bolts and the compression flange. The external
work is determined from eqn (11):
where O'T is the stress at the flange in tension, Oc is the stress at the flange
in compression, t~ and bn are the thickness and the width, respectively, of the
flange in tension, tw is the thickness of the web, and finally h is the height of
the section [eqn (11) implies a linear stress distribution through the section].
The bolts can now be designed by means of eqns (5), (10) and (11) in that
the load factor must be larger than one, or, equivalently:
For example, for given bolt dimensions, bolt strength and bolt spacing, the
number of required bolts may be determined.
tp --> (13)
126 P. C. Olsen
where dB is the diameter of the net stress area of the bolt, fB,y is the yield
strength of the bolts and fp,y is the yield strength of the endplate. Using the
specifications for the M-bolts, dm/dB "~ 1.9 and dN/dB ~ 1.15, where dN is
the nominal diameter of the bolt. This leads to the following requirements:
assuming fp,y = 235 MPa and utilizing the yield strength of the bolt only.
A simple analysis including one bolt only and assuming the simple yield
mechanism, which is shown in Fig. 4, is now performed. The internal work
is solely due to the yielding of the endplate and it is a simple matter to deter-
mine this to be:
Wintern =
m 2
- 1 + 2
(c .-}-x ) ~ ~pfp,yO (15)
where the symbols used are seen in Fig. 4. The internal work is minimal for:
x = ,,/m-7. (16)
Fig. 4. Simple yield mechanism for an endplate with one bolt only.
Design of bolted endplate connections 127
The external work is determined by means of eqn (11) and thus the minimal
thickness of the endplate is determined from:
Wintem =
m 2
1 +2
(c + d +
x) ~ tp2fp,yO
where the symbols used are seen in Fig. 6. Similarly to the yield mechanism
of Fig. 4, the internal work is minimal for the x-value determined in eqn (16)
and the external work is determined by means of eqn (11). The minimal end-
plate thickness is thus determined from:
.35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i i
i t
30 . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F - - - i-/ ~ - ....
._u 20-
. . . . . . . . . . . .
i ~- . . . . I- . . . . I-
. . . .
I e = O,Sm
5 . . . . . . ;- . . . . i-
i i
i i
i i
o I I I I I
0 100 200 300 4-00 500 600
Fig. 5. Endplate thickness for the IPE section applying eqn (17).
128 P. C. Olsen
(c + 2
In Fig. 7 the effect of placing several bolts alongside the web is plotted for
the IPE-series of sections, d = 0 corresponds to the yield mechanism of Fig.
4. d = 50 and d = 100 correspond approximately to two and three bolts,
Design of bolted endplate connections 129
I I ~ I I I
.o 20- .... .~ .... ~'~-- .... ~ ..........
c- l i I
.+~ I I I
, off = ~yol
~15- .... ,t_. . . . ,~ -~ ~C =-£yd
I I I --
c~ ~ ~ £P,y- -Fyd
o_ . .
_ _ ] _ _ _
. .
P .... ~- m = 0,Sbft
c-- ~ ~ C = 0,5rn
I i I
, , e = 0.5m
. . . . . p . . . . ~ p
5- . . . .
i I
o I I I I I
o 100 200 300 400 500 600
respectively. It is seen that the result of placing several bolts alongside the
web may be partly a strengthening, partly a weakening of the endplate,
depending on the distance between the bolts and the compression flange. The
endplate is strengthened if this distance is large.
In what follows, it is demonstrated that prying forces are not present at the
ultimate limit state when designing the endplate thickness according to eqns
(17), (19) and (20). The yield mechanism of Fig. 8 is considered, in which
the contact surface of potential prying forces is lifted as shown, corresponding
to a rotation about the compression flange. The internal work is now:
(c + a + x) tgf.,,
and it is seen that x is once again determined by eqn (16). The endplate
thickness is deduced from the requirement that the derivative of the internal
work with respect to the lifting u must be non-negative, and it is seen that,
when applying the bolt forces of eqn (12), the thickness is once again determ-
ined by eqns (17) and (19), thus concluding that prying forces are not present.
130 P. C. Olsen
UI)= u
UA = u(1-~-dc)
P1 P2 P3 P4
Fig. 9. Design values, ultimate load factors and yielding patterns for varying flush endplate.
. . . . L . . . . . . . . L . . . . L . . . . I
1.30 I I I I I
q,.-, I I I I
0 I I I I I I
. . . . . . L . . . . L . . . . L . . . . L . . . . I
~r- 1 . 2 0 I I I I I
"0 I I I I I I
_.j 1.10 I I I I I I
1.00 - -L . . . . L . . . . L . . . . L . . . . L . . . . I
1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
Bolt force factor
Fig. 10. The bearing capacity as a function of increase in bolt force capacity.
able that the increase in the ultimate load factor is non-proportional with the
increase in bolt force capacity, indicating that the connection bolts/endplate
in its entirety becomes decisive for the bearing capacity. This is also clearly
seen in Fig. 11, where the yieldline patterns for an increase in bolt force
capacity of 1.25 and 4.0, respectively, are shown.
Extended endplates are considered next. This type of connection could also
be designed such that no prying forces occur. In this case, however, only
yielding at the flange would be possible, resulting in rather thick endplates.
132 P. C. Olsen
PI P2 P3 P4
4,00P B
Fig. 11. Yieldline pattems for varying endplates and bolt force capacities.
Wintern = (22)
m 2 +2 +2 - 1 +2 (c+d+x) 0
x c a e
-v~/hi-m 2 - +2 - 1
Intern X C
UExt "
2 t2fpy m l -- a + t~,fp,y.
tp (23)
£ PB,ihi >-- ~ t~fpy m 2 +2--1
h) (24)
Intern ~e
+2 (c+d+ )
1 m l
PB,e >-- ~ t~fey a (25)
134 P. C. Olsen
m 2
c-. +2
- 1 +2 (c+d+ )
k= (27)
yields identical required bolt force capacities for both internal and external
Finally, the prying ratio is determined as the ratio between the total bolt
force capacity of eqns (24) and (25) and the bolt force capacity of eqn (12)
for an infinitely strong endplate where no prying forces are present. The prying
ratio is thus determined from eqn (28):
m 2 - (a/l)l
~,hi k + a l - (~l) J
All "
3 =
m 2 +2-+2 - 1 +2 (c+d+ )
~/me c a e
and it is seen that the prying ratio depends only on the geometry of the connec-
In Fig. 13 the required endplate thickness is plotted for the IPE-series of
sections, assuming the sections to carry only a bending moment causing yield-
ing in both flanges. Also the design yield strengths of section and endplate
Design of bolted endplate connections 135
.......... F.... F.... F . . . . - ? .- . -. .-,,~l,
I I I .,~--I -- _ _ iI
30- oh- = {'vd ' ' '
- r .... r . . . . r--- i .....
"c =-%a,
, .Z',
25- -
= £,,c1'
] r . . . .
r - -
/ - r . . .
JJ'~' . .
E I t I I
:o,5~ , / .,x.J~y" :
.0_ 2 0 - , ~ - - -I- . . . . . . . I
c- a =o , -~-r-/',~_h~,'- .... :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . L . . . . I
q) 1 5 - I I I I
.... I I I I
-0~10 -
iI I ~ Flushendplate
. . . . ~;. . . . . ; .... ; ~ o=O.2_5~
i i s "..'..~,~.~ a=O.50m
i i t .LLA-- a=l.00m
I i I
0 I I I i I
0 1 O0 200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 13. Endplate thickness for the IPE sections using extended endplates.
I~ I I I I I
0 i i i i
r~ 100 . . . . . . r . . . . . . . .
External, a~1=0.67 ;
ij=J~(dl~ i ~,-,~3~.~F..xtemal, a'11=O,SO i
0 -i I i I I I
0 ,00 200 300 ,00 s~o 600
Fig. 14. Bolt force capacities for the IPE sections using extended endplates.
136 P. C. Olsen
PLate P1 P2 P3 P4
PB,In± 296 KN 296 KN 372 KN 372 KN
PB,Ex± 149 KN 198 KN 147 KN 196 KN
tp 16.42 ~ 16,42 m~ 16.33 Mm 16.33
Fig. 15. Design values, ultimate load factors and yieldline patterns for varying extended end-
The design procedure for extended endplates is now tested by means of the
numerical method. An IPE 300 is selected and the ultimate load factor is
determined for the parameters used in Fig. 14. Also, for the same parameters
but using three internal bolts instead with d = 100 mm, the ultimate load factor
is determined. The results are shown in Fig. 15, in which the required total
bolt force capacity PB,],t and PB,Ext for the internal and external bolts, respect-
ively, the endplate thickness tp and the ultimate load factor )t calculated are
tabulated. It is seen that the design procedure is satisfactory and leads to the
expected behaviour of the connection at the ultimate limit state.
In Fig. 16 the ultimate load factor for connection P3 is plotted as a function
1.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~- . . . . / . . . . 7. . . . i
i Internal i i i i
Entomal i i i n Yietdllne p~cterns ~or v~rylng Internal bot±
1.40 . . . . . . L . . . . L . . . . L . . . . k . . . . k . . . . I +'trEe capacl±les,
i i J i i
I ~ g i i i
i i a i i i
L i i i :
1,25 PB,Int 1.50 PB,In± 2.0 PB,Int 4.0 PB,In±
~1.30 ~..... IlIL....
O " I'IL.... IlL.... Ill" I11.... II
I i i i i
01.20 ...... L- --L .... L .... t. . . . . L .... i
ri r
I i i i I i
Fig. 16. The bearing capacity as a function of increase in external and internal bolt force
capacities and corresponding yieldline patterns.
Design of bolted endplate connections 137
1.20 . . . . . . . L . . . . L . . . . L, . . . . k. . . . . I
t ~ i t
L : ~ t i
,,OIO 1 . 1 0 . . . . L . . . . U . . . . . . . . L . . . . I
i t i t
i J ~ t t
1.00. " - - ' - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - . - - - -
i i = =
i i = ~ i
I i i = J
J i i i i
Fig. 17. Endplate with four bolts per row. The bearing capacity as a function of increase in
internal bolt force capacity and correspondingyieldline patterns.
138 P. C. Olsen
endplates with only one row of bolts each side of the web. However, for
connections with several bolts per row, a more rigorous approach could be
to reduce the strength of the endplate due to the bolt holes. However, being
satisfied with the simplified procedure of increasing the endplate thickness by
5%, this has not been pursued.
The design formulae of the previous sections for flush and extended endplates
can be channelled into one general set of design formulae as follows:
Endplate thickness:
1 m 2 - (a/l)
Pae >- ~ t2fpy (31)
" a 1 - (a/l)
12 flush endplate
kl = extended endplate
{~ flush endplate
k2 = extended endplate
Design of bolted endplate connections 139
A prerequisite for applying these design formulae is that the opposing end-
plate has the same thickness as the one considered and that the compression
flange is rigidly supported in its entire length.
Unstiffened beam/column connections have not been considered in depth
in this paper. If the conditions above are satisfied for a beam/column connec-
tion, i.e. the column flange thickness is not less than the endplate thickness
and a column flange stiffener is provided in front of the compression flange
of the beam, the design formulae are applicable. Supplementary investigations
must naturally be done for the column web. However, applying the numerical
approach described in section 2, supplemented with a similar approach for
the in-plane forces, unstiffened beam/column connections could be thoroughly
investigated based on the ideal-plasticity theory. The author has unsuccessfully
applied for funds to carry out this work.
Endplate thickness and boltforce capacity are only two of several important
factors involved in a proper endplate design. Two other factors will be dis-
cussed here, requirements for the welding and requirements regarding through-
thickness effects.
The design of endplate thickness and boltforce capacity is based on a stress
distribution in the section corresponding to the Navier-Bernouilli distribution.
The endplate is considered to be simply supported at the flanges. Thus, the
welds must resist only the direct stresses arising from the external forces.
Using the linear-elastic stress distribution in the design of the welds, full com-
patibility with the endplate design is achieved.
In order to transfer the tensile stresses of the section to the bolts, large
perpendicular tensile stresses arise in portions of the endplate next to the
welds. Therefore the endplate must be checked for sufficient strength in direc-
tions perpendicular to the endplate.
The rotational stiffness of the connection at the ultimate limit state is easily
determined. Adhering to the design formulae of eqns (30), (31), (32) and (33),
yielding of the bolts and yielding of the endplate are equally likely to occur
for flush endplates. The strain energy evaluated from a deformed endplate and
stiff bolts is equal to that of a straight endplate and flexible bolts. For extended
endplates the strain energy can be evaluated partly from the deformations of
the internal bolts and partly from the deformation of the extended part of the
endplate. Thus, determining the strain energy of the extended part of the end-
plate from simple beam bending properties, the rotational stiffness S at the
ultimate limit state can be evaluated as follows:
140 P. C. Olsen
s=e + -#+
in which the strains of the bolts are based on a length corresponding to the
endplate thickness (A i a r e a of bolts). In order to evaluate eqn (34) in terms
of the classification rules in EC3 [4], in which the stiffness of the connection
is related to the stiffness EI/l of the connected beam, eqn (34) is rewritten as:
l ((~ ~ ) m )~
S=~p + --PP+a Eaih2 (35)
where I and l are the moment of inertia and the length of the beam, respect-
ively. Examining this expression, for example for the IPE-series of sections,
indicates that the connections according to EC3 can be considered as rigid for
normally applied beam lengths as well as for braced as for unbraced frames.
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