2. CE Board November 1995 5. At what time between 8 and 9 o’clock will the minute hand coincide with the hour
In how many minutes 7o’clock will the hands be directly opposite each other for the hand?
first time? A. 8:42.5
A. 5.22 minutes B. 8:43.2
B. 5.33 minutes C. 8:43.6
C. 5.46 minutes D. 8:43.9
D. 5.54 minutes
11. How many minutes 10:00 o’clock will the hands of the clock be opposite each
8. In two hours, the minute hand of the clock rotates through an ange of: other for the first time?
A. 45° A. 21.41
B. 90° B. 22.31
C. 360° C. 21.81
D. 720° D. 22.61
9. In one day (24 hours), how many times will the hour-hand and minute-hand of a 12. What time between the hours of 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm would the hour-hand
continuously driven clock be together? and the minute-hand of a continuously driven clock be in straight line?
A. 21 A. 12:33 pm
B. 22 B. 12:30 pm
C. 23 C. 12:37 pm
D. 24 D. 12:287 pm
13. It is now between 3 and 4 o’clock and in twenty minutes the minute-hand will be
as much as the hour-hand as it is now behind it. What is the time now?
A. 3:06.36
B. 3:07.36
C. 3:09.36
D. 3:08.36