TZR 50 2008 user manual
TZR 50 2008 user manual
TZR 50 2008 user manual
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s WARNING Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the
motorcycle operator, a bystander, or a person inspecting or repairing the motorcy-
CAUTION A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to
the motorcycle.
● This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the
motorcycle is subsequently sold.
● Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the
most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your
motorcycle and this manual. If you have any questions concerning this manual, please consult your Yamaha dea-
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1st edition, January 2005
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
is expressly prohibited.
Printed in Spain.
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SAFETY INFORMATION .....................1-1 OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING Drive Chain slack............................6-16
POINTS ................................................5-1 Checking and lubricating the
DESCRIPTION.....................................2-1 Starting a cold engine ......................5-1 cables ..........................................6-17
Left view ...........................................2-1 Shifting..............................................5-2 Checking and lubricating the brake
Right view .........................................2-2 Tips for reducing fuel consumption..5-2 and shift pedals...........................6-17
Controls and instruments .................2-3 Engine break-in.................................5-3 Checking and lubricating the brake
Parking..............................................5-3 and cluctch levers .......................6-18
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL Checking and lubricating the
FUNCTIONS ........................................3-1 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND sidestand .....................................6-18
Main switch/steering lock.................3-1 MINOR RAPAIR...................................6-1 Checking the front fork...................6-18
Indicator lights ..................................3-1 Owner’s tool kit.................................6-1 Checking the steering.....................6-19
Speedometer unit .............................3-2 Periodic maintenance and lubrication Checking the wheel bearings .........6-19
Tachometer .......................................3-3 chart..................................................6-2 Battery ............................................6-19
Handlebar switches ..........................3-3 Removing and installing cowlings ....6-5 Replacing the fuse..........................6-20
Clucht lever.......................................3-4 Checking the spark plug ..................6-6 Replacing the headlight bulb..........6-21
Shift pedal.........................................3-4 Transmission oil ................................6-6 Replacing a turn signal light bulb
Brake lever........................................3-4 To check the coolant level ................6-8 or the tail/brake light bulb ...........6-21
Brake pedal.......................................3-5 Adjusting the carburetor ...................6-9 Replacing the license plate light
Fuel tank cap ....................................3-5 Adjusting the engine idling speed ....6-9 bulb .............................................6-22
Catalytic converter............................3-6 Adjusting the throttle cable free play..6-9 Supporting the mortorcycle............6-22
2-stroke engine oil ............................3-6 Tires ................................................6-10 Troubleshooting ..............................6-23
Fuel cock ..........................................3-6 Cast wheels ....................................6-12 Troubleshooting charts ...................6-24
Starter (choke) lever..........................3-7 Adjusting the clucth lever free play 6-12 Engine overheating .........................6-25
Seat...................................................3-7 Adjusting the brake pedal position
Storage compartment.......................3-7 and free play................................6-13 MOTORCYCLE CARE AND
Sidestand..........................................3-8 Adjusting the rear brake light STORAGE ............................................7-1
Ignition circuit cut-off system ...........3-8 switch ..........................................6-13 Care ..................................................7-1
Front brake pads ............................6-14 Storage ...........................................7-2
PRE-OPERATION CHECKS ...............4-1 Rear brake pads .............................6-14
Pre-operation check list....................4-2 Checking the brake fluid level ........6-14 SPECIFITACIONS ...............................8-1
Changing the brake fluid ................6-15
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Identification numbers ......................9-1
Frame serial number.........................9-1
Key identification number.................9-1
Model label .......................................9-2
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TECHNIQUES AS WELL AS THE TIONS. tions are the most likely places
EXPERTISE OF THE OPERATOR. for motorcycle accidents to
THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ● Always make pre-operation • Ride where other motorists can
BEFORE RIDING THIS MOTORCY- checks. Careful checks may help see you. Avoid riding in anot-
CLE. prevent an accident. her motorist’s blind spot.
HE OR SHE SHOULD: ● This motorcycle is designed to ● Many motorcycle accidents
● OBTAIN THOROUGH INSTRUC- carry the operator and a passen- involve inexperienced operators.
TIONS FROM A COMPETENT ger. In fact, many operators who have
SOURCE ON ALL ASPECTS OF ● The failure of motorists to detect been involved in accidents do not
MOTORCYCLE OPERATION. and recognize motorcycles in even have a current motorcycle
● OBSERVE THE WARNINGS AND traffic is the predominating cause license.
MAINTENANCE REQUIRE- of automobile/motorcycle acci- • Make sure that you are quali-
MENTS IN THE OWNER’S dents. Many accidents have fied and that you only lend your
MANUAL. been caused by an automobile motorcycle to other qualified
● OBTAIN QUALIFIED TRAINING driver who did not see the operators.
IN SAFE AND PROPER RIDING motorcycle. Making yourself • Know your skills and limits.
TECHNIQUES. conspicuous appears to be very Staying within your limits may
effective in reducing the chance help you to avoid an accident.
of this type of accident.
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• We recommend that you prac- • The operator should keep both ● Always wear an approved hel-
tice riding your motorcycle hands on the handlebar and met.
where there is no traffic until both feet on the operator foo- ● Wear a face shield or goggles.
1 you have become thoroughly trests during operation to Wind in your unprotected eyes
familiar with the motorcycle maintain control of the could contribute to an impair-
and all of its controls. motorcycle. ment of vision which could delay
● Many motorcycle accidents have • The passenger should always seeing a hazard.
been caused by error of the hold onto the operator, seat ● The use of a jacket, heavy boots,
motorcycle operator. A typical strap, or grab bar, if equipped, trousers, gloves, etc., is effective
error made by the operator is with both hands and keep both in preventing or reducing abra-
veering wide on a turn due to feet on the passenger foo- sions or lacerations.
EXCESSIVE SPEED or undercor- trests. ● Never wear loose-fitting clothes,
nering (insufficient lean angle for • Never carry a passenger otherwise they could catch on
the speed). unless he or she can firmly pla- the control levers, footrests, or
• Always obey the speed limit ce both feet on the passenger wheels and cause injury or an
and never travel faster than footrests. accident.
warranted by road and traffic ● Never ride under the influence of ● Never touch the engine or
conditions. alcohol or other drugs. exhaust system during or after
• Always signal before turning or ● This motorcycle is designed for operation. They become very hot
changing lanes. Make sure that on-road use only, therefore, it is and can cause burns. Always
other motorists can see you. not suitable for off-road use. wear protective clothing that
● The posture of the operator and Protective apparel covers your legs, ankles, and
passenger is important for proper The majority of fatalities from feet.
control. motorcycle accidents are the result of ● Passengers should also observe
head injuries. The use of a safety hel- the precautions mentioned abo-
met is the single most critical factor in ve.
the prevention or reduction of head
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Modifications When loading within this weight limit, Accessories
Modifications made to this motorcy- keep the following in mind: Genuine Yamaha accessories have
cle not approved by Yamaha, or the ● Cargo and accessory weight been specifically designed for use on
removal of original equipment, may should be kept as low and close this motorcycle. Since Yamaha can- 1
render the motorcycle unsafe for use to the motorcycle as possible. not test all other accessories that may
and may cause severe personal injury. Make sure to distribute the be available, you must personally be
Modifications may also make your weight as evenly as possible on responsible for the proper selection,
motorcycle illegal to use. both sides of the motorcycle to installation and use of non-Yamaha
Loading and accessories minimize imbalance or instability. accessories. Use extreme caution
Adding accessories or cargo to your ● Shifting weights can create a when selecting and installing any
motorcycle can adversely affect sta- sudden imbalance. Make sure accessories.
bility and handling if the weight distri- that accessories and cargo are Keep the following guidelines in mind,
bution of the motorcycle is changed. securely attached to the as well as those provided under “Loa-
To avoid the possibility of an acci- motorcycle before riding. Check ding” when mounting accessories.
dent, use extreme caution when accessory mounts and cargo res- ● Never install accessories or carry
adding cargo or accessories to your traints frequently. cargo that would impair the per-
motorcycle. Use extra care when ● Never attach any large or heavy formance of your motorcycle.
riding a motorcycle that has added items to the handlebar, front fork, Carefully inspect the accessory
cargo or accessories. Here are some or front fender. These items, before using it to make sure that
general guidelines to follow if loading including such cargo as sleeping it does not in any way reduce
cargo or adding accessories to your bags, duffel bags, or tents, can ground clearance or cornering
motorcycle: create unstable handling or slow clearance, limit suspension tra-
Loading steering response. vel, steering travel or control ope-
The total weight of the operator, pas- ration, or obscure lights or reflec-
senger, accessories and cargo must tors.
not exceed the maximum load limit.
Maximum load:
195 Kg (429,98 lb)
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• Accessories fitted to the hand- ● Use caution when adding electri- ● Always turn the engine off before
lebar or the front fork area can cal accessories. If electrical leaving the motorcycle unatten-
create instability due to impro- accessories exceed the capacity ded and remove the key from the
1 per weight distribution or of the motorcycle’s electrical sys- main switch. When parking the
aerodynamic changes. If tem, an electric failure could motorcycle, note the following:
accessories are added to the result, which could cause a dan- • The engine and exhaust sys-
handlebar or front fork area, gerous loss of lights or engine tem may be hot, therefore,
they must be as lightweight as power. park the motorcycle in a place
possible and should be kept to Gasoline and exhaust gas where pedestrians or children
a minimum. ● GASOLINE IS HIGHLY FLAMMA- are not likely to touch these hot
• Bulky or large accessories may BLE: areas.
seriously affect the stability of • Always turn the engine off • Do not park the motorcycle on
the motorcycle due to aerody- when refueling. a slope or soft ground, other-
namic effects. Wind may • Take care not to spill any gaso- wise it may fall over.
attempt to lift the motorcycle, line on the engine or exhaust • Do not park the motorcycle
or the motorcycle may become system when refueling. near a flammable source (e.g. a
unstable in cross winds. These • Never refuel while smoking or kerosene heater, or near an
accessories may also cause in the vicinity of an open flame. open flame), otherwise it could
instability when passing or ● Never start the engine or let it run catch fire.
being passed by large vehicles. for any length of time in a closed ● When transporting the motorcy-
• Certain accessories can dis- area. The exhaust fumes are poi- cle in another vehicle, make sure
place the operator from his or sonous and may cause loss of that it is kept upright and that the
her normal riding position. This consciousness and death within fuel cock is turned to “ON” or
improper position limits the fre- a short time. Always operate your “RES” (for vacuum type) / “OFF”
edom of movement of the ope- motorcycle in an area that has (for manual type). If it should lean
rator and may limit control abi- adequate ventilation. over, gasoline may leak out of the
lity, therefore, such carburetor or fuel tank.
accessories are not recom-
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● If you should swallow any gasoli-
ne, inhale a lot of gasoline vapor,
or allow gasoline to get into your
eyes, see your doctor immedia- 1
tely. If any gasoline spills on your
skin or clothing, immediately
wash the affected area with soap
and water and change your clot-
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Left view
5 3 4
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Right view
7 9 10 8
7 Passenger handle 10 Battery/Fuse box (page 6-19)
8 Rear shock absorber 11 Radiator
9 Seat (page 3-7) 12 Rear brake pedal (page 3-5)
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13 16
14 18 17
13 Clutch lever (page 3-4) 17 Front brake lever (page 3-4)
14 Left handlebar switch (page 3-3) 18 Right handlebar switch (page 3-3)
15 Controls and instruments (page 3-2) 19 Throttle grip (page 6-9)
16 Main switch/Steering lock (page 3-1)
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Never turn the key to “OFF” or
“LOCK” while the vehicle is
The 2-stroke engine oil level warning
moving, otherwise the electrical
light should come on. (See page 3-2.) 3
systems will be switched off, which
EAUM1020 may result in loss of control or an
“f” accident. Make sure that the vehi-
The coolant temperature warning light cle is stopped before turning the
The main switch/steering lock con- should come on when the key is tur- key to “OFF” or “LOCK”.
trols the ignition and lighting systems, ned to “f”. (See page 3-2.) EAU10980
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Turn signal indicator light “b” Coolant temperature warning light Speedometer unit
This indicator light flashes when the “y” 1
turn signal switch is pushed to the left This warning light comes on when the
or right. engine overheats. When this occurs,
stop the engine immediately and
allow the engine to cool.
Neutral indicator light “N”
The electrical circuit of the warning
3 This indicator light comes on when
light can be checked by turning the
the transmission is in the neutral posi-
key to “ON”.
If the warning light does not come on
EAU11120 for a few seconds, then go off, have a
Oil level warning light “z” Yamaha dealer check the electrical
This warning light comes on when the circuit. 1. Speedometer/Odometer
engine oil level is low.
CAUTION The speedometer unit is equipped
The electrical circuit of the warning
Do not operate the engine if it is with a speedometer and an odometer.
light can be checked by turning the
overheated. The speedometer shows riding spe-
key to “ON”. ed. The odometer shows the total dis-
If the warning light does not come on tance traveled.
for a few seconds, then go off, have a
Yamaha dealer check the electrical
Even if the oil level is sufficient, the
warning light may flicker when riding
on a slope or during sudden accelera-
tion or deceleration, but this is not a
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Horn switch “a”
4 a
Press this switch to sound the horn. 3
Start switch “START” clutch switch, which is part of the Brake lever
Push this switch to crank the engine ignition circuit cut-off system. (See 1
with the starter. page 3-8.)
Shift pedal
See page 5-1 for starting instruc-
tions prior to starting the engine.
3 EAU12820
Clutch lever
1. Brake lever
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Your Yamaha engine has been desig-
Make sure that the fuel tank cap is
ned to use regular unleaded gasoline
properly installed before riding.
with a research octane number of 91
1 or higher. If knocking (or pinging)
occurs, use a gasoline of a different
brand or premium unleaded fuel. Use
of unleaded fuel will extend spark plug
1. Key over life and reduce maintenance costs.
2. Open
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Make sure that there is sufficient oil in OFF
The following precautions must be the 2-stroke engine oil tank. Add the RES
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other documents in the storage com- The built-in sidestand switch is part of Ignition circuit cut-off
partment, be sure to wrap them in a the ignition circuit cut-off system, system
plastic bag so that they will not get which cuts the ignition in certain The ignition circuit cut-off system
wet. When washing the motorcycle, situations. (See further down for an (comprising the sidestand switch,
be careful not to let any water enter explanation of the ignition circuit cut- clutch switch and neutral switch) has
the storage compartment. off system.) the following functions.
EWA10240 ● It prevents starting when the
3 EAU15300
s WARNING transmission is in gear and the
Sidestand sidestand is up, but the clutch
The vehicle must not be ridden with
the sidestand down, or if the sides- lever is not pulled.
tand cannot be properly moved up ● It prevents starting when the
(or does not stay up), otherwise the transmission is in gear and the
sidestand could contact the ground clutch lever is pulled, but the
and distract the operator, resulting sidestand is still down.
in a possible loss of control. Yama- ● It cuts the running engine when
ha’s ignition circuit cut-off system the transmission is in gear and
1 has been designed to assist the the sidestand is moved down.
operator in fulfilling the responsibi- Periodically check the operation of
1. Side stand lity of raising the sidestand before the ignition circuit cut-off system
starting off. Therefore, check this according to the following procedure.
The sidestand is located on the left system regularly as described s WARNING
side of the frame. Raise the sidestand below and have a Yamaha dealer
or lower it with your foot while holding If a malfunction is noted, have a
repair it if it does not function pro-
the motorcycle upright. Yamaha dealer check the system
before riding.
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Pre-operation checks should be
made each time the vehicle is used.
Such an inspection can be accom-
plished in a very short time; and the
added safety it assures is more than
worth the time involved.
If any item in the Pre-operation
check list is not working properly,
have it inspected and repaired
before operating the vehicle.
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• Make sure that operation is smooth.
• Check cable free play.
Throttle grip 6-9
• If necessary, have Yamaha dealer adjust cable free play and
lubricate cable and grip housing.
• Make sure that operation is smooth. 6-17
Control cables • Lubricate if necessary.
• Check chain slack.
• Adjust if necessary.
Drive chain 6-16
• Check chain condition.
• Lubricate if necessary.
• Check for damage.
• Check tire condition and tread depth. 4
Wheels and tires 6-10
• Check air pressure.
• Correct if necessary.
• Make sure that operation is smooth. 6-18
Brake and clutch levers • Lubricate lever pivoting points if necessary.
• Make sure that operation is smooth.
Sidestand 6-18
• Lubricate pivot if necessary.
• Make sure that all nuts, bolts and screws are properly tightened.
Chassis fasteners —
• Tighten if necessary.
Instruments, lights, signals • Check operation. —
and switches • Correct if necessary.
Engine stop switch • Check operation. 3-3
• Check operation of ignition circuit cut-off system.
Sidestand switch 3-8
• If system is defective, have Yamaha dealer check vehicle.
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the clutch lever pulled and the completely close the throttle.
sidestand up. (See page 3-7.)
EWA10290 5. Start the engine by pushing the For maximum engine life, never
s WARNING start switch. accelerate hard when the engine is
● Before starting the engine,
check the function of the igni- 7. When the engine is warm, turn
tion circuit cut-off system If the engine fails to start, release the the starter (choke) off.
according to the procedure start switch, wait a few seconds, and
described on page 3-9. then try again. Each starting attempt NOTE:
● Never ride with the sidestand should be as short as possible to pre- The engine is warm when it responds
down. serve the battery. Do not crank the normally to the throttle with the starter
engine more than 10 seconds on any (choke) turned off.
1. Turn the fuel cock lever to “ON”. one attempt.
2. Turn the key to “ON” and make ECA11160
sure that the engine stop switch CAUTION
is set to “f”.
If the oil level warning light flickers
3. Shift the transmission into the
or remains on after starting, imme-
neutral position.
diately stop the engine, and then
check the engine oil level and the
vehicle for oil leakage. If necessary,
add engine oil, and then check the
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1 * Fuel line Check fuel and vacuum hoses for cracks or damage. √ √ √ √ √
2 Spark plug Replace. √ √ √ √ √
Clean. √ √
3 Air filter element
Replace. √ √
Check operation. √ √ √ √ √
4 Clutch Adjust.
Check operation, fluid level and vehicle for fluid leakage. √ √ √ √ √ √
5 * Front brake
Replace brake pads. Whenever worn to the limit
Check operation, fluid level and vehicle for fluid leakage. √ √ √ √ √ √
6 * Rear brake
Replace brake pads. Whenever worn to the limit
Check for cracks or damage. √ √ √ √ √
7 * Brake hose
Replace. Every 4 years
8 * Wheels Check runout and for damage. √ √ √ √
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● The air filter needs more frequent service if you are riding in unusually wet or dusty areas.
● Hydraulic brake service
• Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake fluid level.
6 • Every two years replace the internal components of the brake master cylinders and calipers, and change the bra-
ke fluid.
• Replace the brake hoses every four years and if cracked or damaged.
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Cowling B
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Tightening torque:
Transmission oil drain bolt:
17 Nm (1,7 m•kgf)
Oil check bolt:
3 Nm (0,3 m•kgf)
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Adjusting the carburetor The engine should be warm before Adjusting the throttle cable
The carburetor is an important part of making this adjustment. free play
the engine and requires very sophisti-
cated adjustment. Therefore, all car- NOTE:
buretor adjustments should be left to The engine is warm when it quickly
a Yamaha dealer, who has the neces- responds to the throttle.
sary professional knowledge and Check the engine idling speed and, if
experience. necessary, adjust it to specification by
turning the throttle stop screw. To a
increase the engine idling speed, turn 6
Adjusting the engine idling the screw in direction (a). To decrease
speed the engine idling speed, turn the
screw in direction (b). (a) Throttle cable free play
The throttle cable free play should
measure 2~5 mm (0,08~0,2 in) at the
Engine idling speed:
throttle grip. Periodically check the
1700 ~ 2000 tpm
throttle cable free play and, if neces-
1 sary, adjust it as follows.
The engine idling speed must be
correctly adjusted before checking
1. Idle aedjusting bolt and adjusting the throttle cable free
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Each rear brake pad is provided with
a wear indicator groove, which allows
you to check the brake pad wear wit-
hout having to disassemble the brake.
Check the brake pad wear as follows. Insufficient brake fluid may allow air
1. Remove the brake caliper bolt, to enter the brake system, possibly
Each front brake pad is provided with and then tilt the caliper forward to causing it to become ineffective.
a wear indicator groove, which allows inspect the wear indicator groo-
you to check the brake pad wear wit- ve. If a brake pad has worn to the
hout having to disassemble the brake. point that the wear indicator gro-
To check the brake pad wear, check ove has almost disappeared,
the wear indicator groove. If a brake have a Yamaha dealer replace
pad has worn to the point that the the brake pads as a set.
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Make sure that two notches in the For a thorough cleaning, have a s WARNING
axle nut are aligned with the hole Yamaha dealer remove the drive Damage to the outer sheath may
through the wheel axle, otherwise chain and soak it in solvent. interfere with proper cable opera-
further tighten the axle nut until they tion and will cause the inner cable
2. Spray Yamaha Chain and Cable to rust. Replace a damaged cable
Lube or a high-quality spray-type as soon as possible to prevent
drive chain lubricant on both unsafe conditions.
sides and on the middle of the
Always use a new cotter pin for the chain, making sure that all side EAU23131
axle nut. plates and rollers have been suf- Checking and lubricating the
ficiently oiled. brake and shift pedals
Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the Checking the front fork
brake and clutch levers sidestand
push down hard on the handle- raise the front wheel off the Battery
bars several times to check if the ground.
front fork compresses and
rebounds smoothly.
Securely support the motorcycle so
CAUTION that there is no danger of it falling
If any damage is found or the front over.
fork does not operate smoothly,
2. Hold the lower ends of the front
have a Yamaha dealer check or
fork legs and try to move them
repair it.
forward and backward. If any free
play can be felt, have a Yamaha 1. Battery
Checking the steering dealer check or repair the stee-
ring. This motorcycle is equipped with a
sealed-type (MF) battery, which does 6
not require any maintenance. There is
Checking the wheel bearings no need to check the electrolyte or to
The front and rear wheel bearings
add distilled water.
must be checked at the intervals spe-
To charge the battery
cified in the periodic maintenance and
Have a Yamaha dealer charge the
lubrication chart. If there is play in the
battery as soon as possible if it seems
wheel hub or if the wheel does not
to have discharged. Keep in mind that
turn smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer
the battery tends to discharge more
Worn or loose steering bearings may check the wheel bearings.
quickly if the motorcycle is equipped
cause danger. Therefore, the opera-
with optional electrical accessories.
tion of the steering must be checked
as follows at the intervals specified in
the periodic maintenance and lubrica-
tion chart.
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install a new fuse of the specified ve bulb. Replacing a turn signal light
bulb or the tail/brake light
Specified fuse: bulb
Headlight bulbs get very hot. The-
10 A
refore, keep flammable products
away from a lit headlight bulb, and
CAUTION do not touch the bulb until it has
Do not use a fuse of a higher ampe- cooled down.
rage rating than recommended to
3. Place a new headlight bulb into
avoid causing extensive damage to
position, and then secure it with
the electrical system and possibly a
the bulb holder.
fire. ECA10660
3. Turn the key to “ON” and turn on
the electrical circuits to check if the Do not touch the glass part of the 1. Remove the lens by removing the 6
devices operate. headlight bulb to keep it free from screws.
4. If the fuse immediately blows oil, otherwise the transparency of 2. Remove the defective bulb by
again, have a Yamaha dealer check the glass, the luminosity of the pushing it in and turning it coun-
the electrical system. bulb, and the bulb life will be adver- terclockwise.
sely affected. Thoroughly clean off 3. Insert a new bulb into the socket,
any dirt and fingerprints on the push it in, and then turn it clock-
Replacing the headlight bulb headlight bulb using a cloth mois- wise until it stops.
This model is equipped with a quartz tened with alcohol or thinner.
bulb headlight. If the headlight bulb
4. Connect the headlight lead con-
burns out, replace it as follows.
nectors, and then install the bulb
1. Remove the headlight bulb cover,
and then disconnect the head-
5. Have a Yamaha dealer adjust the
light lead connectors.
headlight beam if necessary.
2. Unhook the headlight bulb hol-
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Although Yamaha motorcycles recei-
ve a thorough inspection before ship-
ment from the factory, trouble may
occur during operation. Any problem
in the fuel, compression, or ignition 6
systems, for example, can cause poor
starting and loss of power.
The following troubleshooting charts
represent quick and easy procedures
for checking these vital systems your-
self. However, should your motorcy-
cle require any repair, take it to a
Yamaha dealer, whose skilled techni-
cians have the necessary tools, expe-
rience, and know-how to service the
motorcycle properly.
Use only genuine Yamaha replace-
ment parts. Imitation parts may look
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Troubleshooting charts
Starting problems or poor engine performance
Keep away open flames and do not smoke while checking or working on the fuel system.
1. Fuel
There is enough fuel. Check the compression.
Check the fuel level in
the fuel tank.
The engine does not start.
There is no fuel. Supply fuel.
Check the compression.
2. Compression
There is compression. Check the ignition.
Operate the electric starter.
Have a Yamaha dealer
6 There is no compression.
check the vehicle.
3. Ignition Wipe off with a dry cloth and correct the Open the throttle halfway and operate
spark plug gap, or replace the spark plug. the electric starter.
Remove the spark plug
and check the electrodes.
The engine does not start.
Dry Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.
Check the battery.
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● Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot fluid and steam may be
blown out under pressure, which could cause serious injury. Be sure to wait until the engine has cooled.
● After removing the radiator cap retaining bolt, place a thick rag, like a towel, over the radiator cap, and then
slowly rotate the cap counterclockwise to the detent to allow any residual pressure to escape. When the his-
sing sound has stopped, press down on the cap while turning it counterclockwise, and then remove the cap.
If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided that it is changed to the recommended
coolant as soon as possible.
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Make any necessary repairs before
storing the motorcycle. 7
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Transmission oil Secondary reduction ratio
Dimensions Oil change quantity 47 x 11 (4.270)
Overall length 0.75 L Transmission type
2007 mm Coolant reservoir capacity (up to the maxi- Constant mesh 6-speed
Overall width mum level mark) Gear ratio
675 mm 0.71 L 1st
Overall height Radiator capacity (including all routes) 36 x 12 (3.000)
1065 mm 0.70 L 2nd
Seat height Air filter element 33 x 16 (2.062)
815 mm Wet element 3rd
Wheelbase Fuel 29 x 19 (1.526)
1330 mm Fuel tank capacity 4th
Ground clearance 13.8 L 27 x 22 (1.227)
144 mm Fuel reserve amount 5th
Minimum turning radius 2.2 L 25 x 24 (1.041)
2900 mm Carburetor 6th
Weight Manufacturer 24 x 25 (0.960)
With oil and fuel Dell’Orto Chassis
124.2 kg Type x quantity Frame type
Engine PHBN 16 NS / 1 Double cradle
Engine type Spark plug (s) Caster angle
Liquid cooled 2-stroke Manufacturer/model 25.00 degree
Cylinder arrangement NGK/BR9ES Trail
Forward-inclined single cylinder Spark plug gap 92.0 mm
Displacement 0.6-0.7 mm Front tire
49.7 cm3 Clutch type Type
Bore x stroke Wet, multiple-disc Tubeless
40.3 x 39.0 mm Transmission Size
Compression ratio Primary reduction system 100/80-17 52H
6.85 :1 Helical gear Manufacturer/model
Starting system Primary reduction ratio PIRELLI
Electric starter 71 x 20 (3.550) Rear tire
Lubrication system Secondary reduction system Type
Separate lubrication (Yamaha autolube) Chain drive Tubeless
5WX-F8199-E1.qxd 14/12/2004 15:05 Página 63
Size Recommended fluid Bulb voltage, wattage x quantity
130/70-17 62H DOT 4 Headlight
Manufacturer/model Rear brake 12 V, 25 W/25.0 W x 2
PIRELLI Type Tail/brake light
Maximum load Single disc brake 12 V, 5.0 W/21.0 W x 1
195 kg Recommended fluid Front turn signal light
Tire air pressure (measured on cold DOT 4 12 V, 16.0 W
tires) Front suspension Rear turn signal light
Loading condition Type 12 V, 10.0 W x 2
0-90 kg Telescopic fork Neutral indicator light
Front Spring/shock absorber type LED
180 kPa Coil spring/oil damper Oil level warning light
Rear Wheel travel LED
200 kPa 130.0 mm Turn signal indicator light
Loading condition Rear suspension LED
90-180 kg Type Coolant temperature warning light
Front Swingarm LED
190 kPa Spring/shock absorber type Main fuse
Rear Coil-gas spring/oil damper 10.0 A
230 kPa Wheel travel
Front wheel 102.0 mm
Wheel type Electrical system
Cast wheel Ignition system
Rim size DC. CDI 8
MT 2.75x17” Charging system
Rear wheel CDI magneto
Wheel type Model
Cast wheel YT4L-BS
Rim size Voltage, capacity
MT 3.50x17” 12 V, 3.0 Ah
Front brake Bulb type
Type Incandescence
Single disc brake
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EAU26351 EAU26420
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Model label 1
1. Model label
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A E Replacing the fuse ...................................6-20
Adjusting the brake pedal position and Engine break-in ..........................................5-3 Replacing the headlight bulb ...................6-21
free play .................................................6-13 Engine overheating ..................................6-25 Replacing the license plate light bulb......6-22
Adjusting the carburetor ............................6-9 F Right view ..................................................2-2
Adjusting the clucth lever free play .........6-12 Frame serial number ..................................9-1 S
Adjusting the engine idling speed .............6-9 Front brake pads......................................6-14 Seat ............................................................3-7
Adjusting the rear brake light switch .......6-13 Fuel cock....................................................3-6 Shift pedal..................................................3-4
Adjusting the throttle cable free play.........6-9 Fuel tank cap .............................................3-5 Shifting .......................................................5-2
B H Sidestand ...................................................3-8
Battery......................................................6-19 Handlebar switches ...................................3-3 Speedometer unit ......................................3-2
Brake lever .................................................3-4 I Starter (choke) lever...................................3-7
Brake pedal................................................3-5 Identification numbers ...............................9-1 Starting a cold engine................................5-1
C Ignition circuit cut-off system ....................3-8 Storage.......................................................7-2
Care............................................................7-1 Indicator lights ...........................................3-1 Storage compartment ................................3-7
Cast wheels .............................................6-12 K Supporting the mortorcycle .....................6-22
Catalytic converter .....................................3-6 Key identification number ..........................9-1 T
Clucht lever ................................................3-4 L Tachometer ................................................3-3
Controls and instruments ..........................2-3 Left view.....................................................2-1 Tips for reducing fuel consumption ...........5-2
Changing the brake fluid..........................6-15 Tires .........................................................6-10
Checking and lubricating the brake and To check the coolant level .........................6-8
Main switch/steering lock ..........................3-1
cluctch levers.........................................6-18 Transmission oil .........................................6-6
Model label ................................................9-2
Checking and lubricating the brake Troubleshooting .......................................6-23
O Troubleshooting charts ............................6-24
and shift pedals .....................................6-17
Owner’s tool kit ..........................................6-1
Checking and lubricating the cables .......6-17
Checking and lubricating the sidestand ..6-18 P
Parking .......................................................5-3
Checking the brake fluid level .................6-14
Periodic maintenance and lubrication
Checking the front fork ............................6-18
Checking the spark plug............................6-6
Pre-operation check list.............................4-2
Checking the steering ..............................6-19
Checking the wheel bearings ..................6-19 R
Rear brake pads ......................................6-14
Removing and installing cowlings .............6-5
2-stroke engine oil........................................3-6
Replacing a turn signal light bulb or the
Drive Chain slack........................................6-16
tail/brake light bulb ................................6-21
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