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KLE Society’s

Shri Shivayogi Murughendra Swamiji BCA College Athani



Sub: computer Fundamental Max Marks: 60

Date: 23-02-2022 Time: 02.00 Hrs

Read Instructions carefully.

a. Answer any Six Questions from Question 1
b. Answer any Three each Questions from Question 2,3,4 and 5

1. Answer any six questions (Two Questions from each unit) 2X6=12
a. Define data processing?
b. Define computer and list input device.
c. define byte and bit.
d. Define linker and loader.
e. Expand EBCDIC and ASCII.
f. Define algorithm and flowcharts.
g. What is operating system and example.
h. what is web server and web browser.

2. Answer any three questions (Covers Unit-I). 4X3=12

a. Describe the features of computer.
b. Explain the generation of the computer.
c. Draw a neat block diagram of digital computer and explain the function of the
each unit.
d. Briefly discuss any five application of computer.
3. Answer any three questions (Covers Unit-II). 4X3=12
a. Explain different types of number system and state their base and symbols
(digit) in them.
b. Convert binary (110110)2 to its equivalent to decimal , octal and hexadecimal

c. Write advantages and disadvantages of low –level programming language.

d. Define flowcharts and write limitations of flowcharts.

4. Answer any three questions (Covers Unit-III). 4X3=12

a. What is software ? Explain briefly types of software .
b. What is operating system? Explain any four functions with a neat diagram.
c. What is application and system software? Explain any two applications and system
d. List the commands of operating system and explain with syntax.

5. Answer any three questions (Covers Unit-IV). 4X3=12

a. Explain the applications of database management system.
b. Write advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
c. Explain the following the terms :
i) www ii) Browser
iii) URL iv) Web Browser
d. Define internet ? Explain the basic internet terms.

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