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Foreword by David Furlonger and Christophe Uzureau
The promise of blockchain various participants of the real estate value chain. Buyers,
sellers, mortgage lenders, real estate brokers and agents,
Digital advances have enabled businesses to law firms, property developers and private buyers will have
streamline a plethora of interactions between their interactions with the agency streamlined. The goal is
to reduce the time delays and information security issues
customers and value chain partners. Yet many that breed fraud and high processing costs in the real estate
information-heavy processes still require multiple sectors. The Lantmäteriet estimates a potential annual savings
entities to exchange private documents, and the of $106 million.
methods for doing so remain unsecure, error-prone Immature solutions are temporary
and fraud-ridden.
Real estate is just one industry among dozens looking to
As a real-world example, consider the information required blockchain as a solution to the challenges and opportunities
to allow a piece of real estate to change hands from one of doing business in digital environments. The technology
owner to another. From the buyer’s mortgage and insurance promises to allow any individual or commercial entity in
documents to the property’s inspection report and title the world to safely transact with any other, without needing
review, these details contain personal information about a bank, insurance company, logistics provider or other
high-value assets — some of it redundant and some of intermediary between them.
it unneeded by certain parts of the value chain. And yet
these documents, which are reviewed manually, are
passed around via email or placed on a third-party portal
outside the control of the buyer and the seller. Blockchain allows any individual or
Sweden’s Lantmäteriet, the government agency responsible
commercial entity in the world to
for regulating real estate, believes there is a better way. safely transact with any other without
The agency is building a blockchain solution to connect the an intermediary.
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What Is Blockchain? The Gartner The Blockchain Society
Blockchain Spectrum
What Is
What Is Blockchain?
That same technique could make a range of activities machine-to-machine transactions made possible by digital
less susceptible to fraud, including insurance claims, platforms. This is true both of the volume of total transactions
credit access and voting. Financial institutions are and the size of the individual transactions that are now
already leveraging a version of this self-sovereign identity possible as a result of digital transformation.
capability to streamline trade finance documentation,
“know your customer” accreditation and other costly, Single units of data, cryptocurrency, reward points or pieces
redundant and fraud-riddled processes. of an asset (as opposed to the whole) are a few examples of
assets that are or soon will be tradeable over digital networks.
The units could be worth less than $0.01, but they can be
traded by the millions or trillions. Current payment systems
Blockchain identity solutions make can’t cost-effectively and securely process transactions
below a certain value, and they can’t handle the volume made
a range of activities less susceptible possible today by the proliferation of mobile devices and
to fraud, including insurance claims, networked things.
credit access and voting. Businesses need a different way to deal with new digital assets
and interactions without involving an intermediary that can
collect data on every party in the transaction and take a piece
of the value. Enter blockchain.
Why blockchain?
Identity authentication as an enabler of safe trade Blockchain not only makes new markets possible, it can also
is just one of the benefits of blockchain. Equally redirect existing value flows by reducing the control that large
important is blockchain’s ability to enable more diverse multinational corporations, digital platforms, intermediaries
transactions — in both type and size — than is possible and governments have over data.
with traditional centralized systems.
Source: Gartner
Blockchain inspired
The Swedish Lantmäteriet’s real estate blockchain is one
example of a blockchain-inspired solution using only
three of the five elements — distribution, encryption
and immutability. Tokens are occasionally included in
blockchain-inspired solution designs, but in a limited way
and under centralized control.
Blockchain complete
Blockchain-complete solutions employ all five elements,
including tokens operating in a decentralized environment.
They will begin to have market impact in the mid-2020s.
Enhanced blockchain
As blockchain evolves along the spectrum, a number of
parallel technology trends are likewise making commercial
inroads. Most important among them are the IoT and AI.
The Blockchain Society
Blockchain and the organization The London-based startup Colony offers an aspirational
example of a blockchain that reimagines the nature of the
As with societal communities, blockchain’s consensus- organization. Using the Colony blockchain, participants can
driven operations will also lead to a reimagining of the establish their own “colony” (i.e., organization) and define
traditional organization — and the way in which its members work categories (e.g., finance, marketing) and the tasks
participate. Top-down hierarchy will no longer be the dominant that need to be done for each. Participants opt in to become
organizational model. Instead, organizations will adopt a member of a colony and to complete certain tasks. The
structures that better reflect the collaborative and collective more tasks a participant completes at a requisite level of
ethos of blockchain. quality, the better their reputation and the more managerial
responsibility they can take on. Participants receive fair
compensation and promotion based on the quantity and
quality of their work.
Blockchain society offers a wide array
Returning to the subject of identity, a blockchain-enabled
of people, businesses and things fair ID can allow participants who gain reputation with one
access to resources and fair opportunities organization to capture a record of their work and share
to engage. it with others. Such a mechanism could revolutionize how
human resources professionals validate employee credentials
or recruit talent to participate in high-priority projects.
The impulse to wait and see how any new Where to start
technology evolves is strong. But the rapid adoption To begin to explore what blockchain means for your
of AI algorithms and IoT should make clear that organization, leaders should:
there is no time to wait. These technologies both
• D
evelop a vision of how blockchains designed with the
produce and depend upon massive volumes of five elements could benefit your organization today. What
our personal and business data to operate. As time intractable challenges involving access to, exchange of
passes, our data assets are increasingly under the or sovereignty over data could they address? What simple
administrative decisions would you leave to an algorithm to
centralized control of a few powerful actors, who make today? How could those initial experiments progress
then use it to generate value for themselves at the to more complex managerial and leadership decisions? How
expense of the larger economy and society. might you create incentives and reward structures using
tokens to encourage participation?
Business leaders who want a future programmable society
in which they can form partnerships and do business with • D
efine the organization’s blockchain development
fairness and privacy need to lay the groundwork for a new strategy. What are the priority use cases? How will you
economic and social model now. pursue them — independently, as part of a partnership
or as part of a consortium? If you’re already involved in
The platform leaders that currently control the lion’s share blockchain pilots, proofs of concept or full implementations,
of digital value flows aren’t waiting. The financial institutions are the solutions inspired? If so, where does the network
that manage the flow of money aren’t waiting. The largest data reside? Who has access to it? Who defines the rules?
insurance companies aren’t waiting. As a result, no business
or societal leader who hopes to influence the terms of
engagement for their company or society can afford to wait.
• Monitor launches of new blockchain solutions. Startups The stakes are high in defining a new economic and social
are emerging with new blockchain-complete solutions model for the blockchain future. Businesses need a system
to disrupt incumbent players in various industries. that can enable trade in the new forms of value made possible
Incumbents are doubling down on centralized solutions by digital advancement, and they need a way to break up the
while experimenting with decentralized models. And monopoly on data and value currently controlled by a handful
blockchain infrastructure vendors are driving maturity of central actors. That is the real business of blockchain
of the technology components. The market is moving available to leaders who are willing to grab it.
fast, and its points of convergence highlight veins of
opportunity to mine.
• B
ecome an advocate for blockchain-enabled IoT and
AI transparency. As IoT and AI continue to gain traction,
there is increased backlash by customers and employees
concerned about privacy, security and transparency.
Commit your business to protecting privacy and pursuing
transparency, and leverage the immutability and auditability
features of blockchain to show stakeholders that your
actions are appropriate.
Information Technology Leaders Research: Understand blockchain’s principles and potential, and how to
navigate the hype
Book: Cut through the hype and focus on the core value proposition that
blockchain may unlock
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