4.1 Double Bag Parts and Ship in Straight Lengths. Package to prevent damage and prevent
contamination during shipment, handling, and storage.
4.2 Label inner bag with Supplier Name, Supplier Lot Number, ArthroCare Part Number, Arthrocare
Revision, and Quantity.
4.3 Package and Label multiple material lots separately.
• Verify Materials are compliant to QCI P/N 108027. • Certificate of Conformance required per each lot.
Certificate of conformance to include the following
o Supplier Name, Supplier Lot Number,
Customer Part Number, Customer Revision,
and Quantity.
o Material per this specification.
o Colorant per this specification
o Dimensional requirements per this
• Verify material compliance to QCI P/N 108027.
• Sampling Plan: ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 or Equivalent.
Single Normal, Level 1 AQL = 1.0