3 wr: Nickel 4wr: dime D line adjustment: left stick Lb adjustment: right stick Secondary adjuatment: triangle Contain button: R1 twice Pass committing or run committing: r1 button Cover 2 Pre-Snap Read - 2 High Safeties with corners in the flats (close to line of scrimmage) Play development Read - Safeties back upend toward the sideline, corners kinda sit Routes - Posts in between the two deep blues, smash concept (usually a corner and a hitch), will let you pick if you throw to corner or hitch depending on how CB plays, outside release fade routes plus a good ball lead to outside Cover 3 Pre-snap read - one high safety, corners playing a bit off Play development read - corners bail and a safety (if there’s two high) will come down and play closer to the flats (usually) there’s a ton of different variations so just look for a safety rolling over to the deep middle Routes - slants open up a bit late, drags, HB flats, and I’ve seen a lot of people run streaks with a TE to beat it. Intermediate coverage principle - cover 3 match This one will take away the purple zones and have what’s called a match zone. A match zone is pretty much a zone that turns into man on man once someone enters that zone, attempts to stop corner routes and seam routes. Ways to beat match- I can’t think of any route that just smashes that coverage but a good receiver and a good corner route will still somehow beat it sometimes. Just take your drags and slants here. Cover 4 Pre-snap read - corners deep, two high safeties Play development read - corners bail straight back, safeties bail Routes - drags, drags, drags and more drags, slants, curls, hitches, flats, outs, anything short really. I’ve seen people throw a deep post over the top, but you need a lot of time for that to develop. Intermediate coverage principle- Cover 4 palms Same as cover 3 match see above Other tips: don’t rely on pre snap reads too often and make a blind read, the people I usually play do a good job of masking their coverage via man aligning or by running sky coverages (meaning two safeties line up high and one rolls down). Focus more on watching the corners and safeties first few steps. Don’t make blind reads, just because you see one side play what looks like cover 3, doesn’t mean the other side is. The opponent could’ve made adjustments or ran a combo coverage (cover 6, cover 9, cover 4 palms, etc). Go to practice mode and select random (insert coverage) from concepts for defense COU on All-pro, to get a feel of play-dev reads. And lastly, have fun! Good luck and feel free to post comments on things I missed or got wrong, we all make mistakes Cover 0/1 or cover 2 man- essentially the same thing. Cover 0 is usually man to man with everyone else rushing, so this works with man blitzes too Pre-snap read - almost everyone is lined up face to face with your receiver, they don’t have to be pressed, but if there’s a guy standing in parallel with your receiver, it might be man Play development read - they follow your guys Routes - slants burn the with fast guys, double moves (post-corner), In routes, any breaking route with fast receivers (any route where someone doesn’t run straight up is called a breaking route), any double move route, WHEEL ROUTES FROM LINE OF SCRIMMAGE ***what is a double move route? Any route where a receiver fakes one route and does another. Some examples include: Post-Corner (fakes a post route then runs a corner route), sluggo (fakes a slant the runs a go route), Wheel route (fakes flat runs go route), and others where the play art looks funky