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M.Classify Anticholinergic Drugs.

Describe in brief their uses, adverse effects and

contraindications. Add a note on management of Belladonna poisoning.
MClassify Antiepileptic Drugs. Briefly explain the mechanism of action, uses and
adverse effects of Sodium Valproate. Add a note on Pharmacotherapy of Status
Epilepticus. (4+3+3+2+3)
Short Aäswer Questiars: 7X6=42 2/12
3.Define Teratogenicity.Explain witexamples.
14.Describe advantages and disadvantages of Fixed Dose Combination.
5.Describe various types of Drugs Antagonism with examples.
16Pharmacotherapy of Acute Migraine.
17List Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Explain their advantages
and uses.
1List the selective COX-2 inhibitors. Mention their indications and limitations.
1.Describe how to motivate patients with long standing diabetes mellitus to adhere
tothe prescribed treatment of the physician.
J.Describe how to motivate patients with long standing diabetes mellitus to adhere
to the prescribed treatment of the physician.
Very Short Answer Questions: 6X3= 18
20. Define a Prodrug with examples and explain its advantages.
21. Explain the rationale of combining Levodopa with Carbidopa in Parkinsonism.t
DAr22. Mechanism of action and uses of Ondansetron.
. Name two antitussives. Mention their indications with limitations. v
24. Mention the drugs used in Chronic Gout with their mechanism of action. & 2/12

25. A 30 years old female, undergoing intubation, was administered

Succinylcholine for muscle relaxation. However, she developed prolonged
apnoea lasting 6 hours. Identity the cause and outline further management.
**** *
HClassify Beta-Lactam Antibiotics. Write the mechanism of action, therapeutic
uses and adverse effects of Amoxicillin. (6+3+3+3)
2.Classify the drugs used in the treatment of Congestive Cardiac Failure. Describe
the mechanism of action therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Digoxin.
Short Answer Questions: 7X6= 42
13+ligh ceiling Diuretics. 4/12

1A.Enumerate the uses of Immunostimulants.

3Describe the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Canagliflozin.
16.Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Oral Contraceptive Pills.
12Name four Plasma Expanders and their therapeutic uses.
J8.Describe Artemisinin based combination therapies. Pa'moerial.
Mention various adverse effects of Anticancer Drugs.
19.Mention various adverse effects of Anticancer Drugs.

Very Short Answer Questions: 6X3 = 18

20. Adverse effects of Aminoglycosides.
1. Long term side effects of Corticosteroids.
2. Therapeutic uses of Fibrinolytics and enlist three drugs.
23. Insulinanalogues. 4/12

4 What are Nutraceuticals? Write three

25. Oral Iron preparations.

1. List the viruses causing Hepatitis. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory
diagnosis of Hepatitis B. Add a note on preventive measures against Hepatitis B.
2. Define and classify Hypersensitivity reactions. Describe anaphylaxis in detail.
Short Answer QQuestions: 7X6= 42
13. Pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of enteric Coccidian Parasites.
t4. Classify and describe chemical disinfectants used in Hospitals.
15. Laboratory diagnosis of Viral Infections.
I6. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Kala azar.
7. Classify Immunoglobulins. Describe the structure and functions of lgM.
t8. Classify methods of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Explain
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing by Disk
1.Classify Immunoglobulins. Describe the structure andfunctions of lgM.
8. Classify methods of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Explain
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing by Disk diffusion method.
19, Pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Cholera.
Very Short Answer Questions: 6X3= 18
20. Bacillus cereus.

21. Uses of fluorescence microscope.

22. Modes of transmission of HIVInfection.
23. Applications of Genetic Engineering.
24. Weil Felix Test.
25. What are Superantigens? Name three diseases caused by
* *** *
Essay/ Long Answer Questions: 2X 15 = 30
11.Name the fungi causing opportunistic Infections. Discuss in detail
pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Aspergillus Infection. (3+4+8)
2.Enumerate Bacteria causing Meningitis. Discuss in detail its laboratory
diagnosis. (5+10)
Short Answer Questions: 7X6=42
13 Bacteria causing UTIand its laboratory diagnosis.
14. Eumycetoma.
5) Laboratory diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
J6. Biomedical waste management. 8/12

n. Prophylaxis of Rabies.
8. Herpes simplex Virus.
J9. Laboratory diagnosis of Syphilis.
8. Herpes simplex Virus.
J9. Laboratory diagnosis of Syphilis.
Very Short Answer Questions: 6X3= 18
28. Raterial vaginosis
X. Covid 19 vaccine.
23. Name three Zoonotic diseases and the organisms
causing it.
24. Laboratory diagnosis of Neonatal HIV.
25, Name six organisms causing infection of Burn Wounds. 8/12

***k *
2 X 05 =30
Essay/ Long Answer Questions:
H.Define Neoplasia. List the differences between Benign and Malignant Tumours.
Mention the modes of Spread of malignant Tumours with examples.

JZ.Classify Haemolytic Anaemia. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and lab diagnosis

in Hereditary Spherocytosis. (5+6+4)
Short Answer Questions:

T3! Healing of a Fracture.

J4. Apoptosis.
5.Types of Emboli.
6. Chemical Carcinogens.
19. Peripheral Blood Picture in Acute MMyelold Leukaemia.

6X3= 18
Very Short Answer Questions:

20. Fatty Liver.

1. Rickets.

(22. Stains for Amyloid.

3. Phagocytosis. .
4. Bone marrow findings in Multiple Myeloma.
25. Define Chemotaxis. Namè some Chemoattractants. a Cca - cmpleet
Essay/ Long Answer Questions: 2 X 15 = 30

n. Define Bronchiectasis. Describe etionathogenesis, morphology and clinical

features of the same. (2+7+4+2)
12.List the Ulcerative lesions of Intestine. Discuss the Etiopathogenesis and
morphology and complications of Ulcerative Colitis. ra, "/(4+5+3+3)
Short Answer Questions: 7X6= 42
3 . Seminoma.
4. Cystic Fibrosis.
5. Gynaecomastia.
6. MEN (Multiple endocrine Neoplasie) Syndrome.
17. Hyaline Membrane Disease.
18. Barrett's Oesophagus. 12/12

19. Meningioma.
17. Hyaline Membrane Disease.
L8. Barrett's Oesophagus.
19. Meningioma.
Very Short Answer Questions: 6X3= 18
20. Cryptorchidism, undicended tesles
21. Flea Bitten Kidney.
2a Acute Tuvuar TNCeTOSIS,
13. Paget's disease of the Breast.
24. Caterpillar Cells. Acht
25. Krukenberg Tumour.

***** 12/12

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