BS EN 10090 1998

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BS1 B S EN 10090-ENGL 1778 W L b 2 4 6 6 9 07I1705L 075 m


Valve steels and alloys

for internal combustion

The European Standard EN 100901998 has the status of a

British Standard

ICs 77.140.10

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

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BS EN 10090:1998

National foreword
This British Standardis the English language version of EN 10090:1998. It
supersedes BS 9704: 1970 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation inits preparation wasentrusted to Technical Committee
ISEXIO, Stainless steels,which has the responsibility to:

- aid enquiremto understand the t

- present to the responsible European committee any enquiries the on
interpretation,or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed;
- monitor related intemationaland European developments and promulgate
them inthe UK.

this committee can be obtained on request to

A list of organizations represented on
its secretary.
The BritishStandards which implementinternational or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled"Internaiional Standards Correspondence Index",or by using the
"Find" facility of the BSI Standards Electsonic Catalogue.
A British Standarddoes not purportto include all the necessary provisionsof a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself
confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprisesa front cover,an inside front cover,the EN title page,
pages 2 to 14, an inside back cover and
a back cover.

This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication

been prepared underthe
direction of the Engineering Amd. No. Date Text affected
Sector Board, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes into
effect on 15 August 1998

ISBN O 680 29386 8

I l
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
EN loo90

February 1998

ICs 27.020; 77.140.10

Descriptors: Iron and steel products, steels, alloy steels, engine valves, internal combustion engines, specifications

English version

V i e steels and alloys for h k d combustion engines

Aciers et alliages pour soupapes de moteurs à Vmtdstähle und -1egierungen ftir

combustion interne Verbrennungskrwhinen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2 January 1998.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
nationalstandardwithoutanyalteration. Up-t" lists andbibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to
the Central Secretariat orto any CEN member.
This European Standard existsin three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariathas the
Same status as the official versions.
CENmembers are the national standards bodies of A u s a Belgium,Czech
Republic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg,Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,Sweden,Switzerlandand
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization

Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

O 1998 CEN AU rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 100901998 E

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Page 2
EN 10090:1998

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by page
ECISSm 23/SC 1, Stainless steels,the secretariat of
which is held by the Normenausschuf3 Eise und Stahl Foreword 2
@%S) of DIN. 1 Scope 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of a 2 Normative references 3
national standard, either by publication of an identical 3 Definitions 3
text or by endorsement, at the latest by August 1998,
and conflicting nationalstandards shall be withdrawn 4 Classification and designation 3
at the latest by August 1998. 4.1 Classification 3
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, 4.2 Designahon 4
the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European 5 Information to be supplied by the
Standad Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, purchaser 4
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, 5.1 Mandatory information 4
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, 5.2 Supplementary information 4
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
6 Manufacturing process 4
6.1 Melting process 4
6.2 Manufacture of the product 4
6.3 Heat treatment condition and surface
finish at the time of delivery 4
7 Requirements 4
7.1 Chemical composition 4
7.2 Mechanical properties 5
7.3 Internal and external condition 5
7.4 Dimensions and tolerances 5
8 Testing 5
8.1 Agreement of tests and inspection
documents 5
8.2 Number of tests 5
8.3 Selection and preparation of samples
and test pieces 5
8.4 Test methods 6
8.5 Retests 6
8.6 Certification of the tests 6
9 Marking 6
10 Complaints 6
Annex A (informative) Technical
supplement 10

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Page 3
EN 1o090:1998

1 Scope prEN 10278,Dimensions and tolerames of bright steel

1.1 This European Standard applies to the grades of
wrought high-alloy materials listed in W l e 1. These EURONORM 17l), Rod in general purpose nowauOy
valve materials are used for intakeand exhaust valves steel f o r cold drawing; dimensions and tolemnces.
in reciprocating internal combustion engines. EURONORM 60'1, Hot roUed round bars for general
It is applicable to bars, wire,rod and forgings and for purposes.
the surface finishes listed in note3 of 6.3. EURONORM 1031),Microscopic detemzination of the
1.2 This European Standard does not apply to alloys femitic or austenitic grain sizeof steels.
resistant to wear and corrosion which are usedto CR 10261, ECISS/IC 11- Iron and steel - Rewiew of
protect valve seat surfaces. available methodsof chemicaE analysis.
1.3 In addition to the specifcations of this European IS0 14284,Steel and iron - Sampling and
Standard, the general technical delivery requirements preparation of samples for the determination of
of EN 10021 are applicable, unless otherwise specified chemical mposition.

2 Normative references 3 Definitions

This European Standard incorporates by datedor For the purpose of this European Standard the
undated reference, provisions fromother publications. following definition applies,in addition to the
These normative referencesare cited at the definitions in EN 10020, EN 10021, EN 10052, EN 10079,
appropriate places in the text and the publications are EN IS0 377 and IS0 14284.
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent
amendments to or revisions of any of these 3.1 valve materials
publications apply to this European Standard only steels and non-ferrous metaldoys which exhibit, to
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision.For varying degrees, resistanceto:
undated references the latest edition of the publication
referred to applies.
- heat;
EN 10002-1, Metalcic materiaCs - Tensile testing - - thermal cycling;
Part 1: Method of test (at ambient temperature) - corrosion;
(including Addendum AC1: 1990). - oxidation;
EN 10002-5,Metallic materials - Tensile testing - - fatigue loading;
Part 5: Method of test at elevated temperature.
EN 10003-1, Metallic materials -Hardness test - - impact;
Brinell - Part 1: Test method. - adhesive and abrasive wear
EN 10020,Definition and classQication of of
g v n b f ~ s valve materialsare therefore used forthe mmufaclxm
steel. of intake and exhaust valvesin reciprocating internal
EN 10021, Geneml technical delivery requirements for combustion engines
steel and iron products.
EN 10027-1, Designation systems for steel -Part 1: 4 Classification and designation
Steel names, principal symbols.
EN 10027-2,Designation sgslstems f o r steel - Part 2: 4.1 Classification
Numerical system. 4.1.1 All steel grades are, according to
EN 10052, Vocabuhy of heat treatment terms f a r EN 10020, classified as alloyed special steels.
fèrrous products.
EN 10079, Definition of steel products. 4.1.2 Valve materiah are divided into two categories
based upon structure, which is itself determined bythe
EN 10109-1,MetulLic muterials - Hardness test - general chemical composition:
Part 1: RoclcweU meuzOds (scales A, B, C, D,E, 4 G,
H, K) and methods N and T (scales 15N, 30N, M N , - martensitic steels which are primarily used for
151: 301: 45T). intake valves and the stem portion of exhaust valves;
EN 10204,Metallic products- mesof inspection - austenitic alloys, which are primarily usedfor
documents (includes amendmentAl: 1995). exhaust valves.
EN 10221, S u ~ m equality classesfor hot-rolled bars
and rods - Technical delivery conditions.
EN IS0 377, Steel and steel products- Location a,nd
preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical

l) It may be agreed at the time of ordering, until this EURONORM has been adopted as a European Standard, that either this
EURONORM or a corresponding national standard should be applied.

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EN 10090:1998

4.2 Designation 6.2 Supplementary information

4.2.1 Names The following supplementary information may be
supplied bythe purchaser and agreed withthe
For the steel grades coveredby this European manufacturer
Standard, the steel names as given in the relevant
tables are assigned in accordance withEN 10027-1. a) product analysis (see 7.1.3);
NOTE Explanation of the names used for alloys: b) verification of mechanid properties in the
The preceding chemical symbols indicate the main alloy elements reference heat treatment condition (see A.2.4);
and the figure immediately following indicates the average content
of these alloys subsequently followed by the other added alloy c) limitations on non-metallic inclusions (see 7.3.1);
elements in short designation. d) surface Quality class for hot-rolledround bars and
4.2.2Numbers rods (see 7.3.6);
For the steel grades covered bythis European e) other tests (see 8.2.2);
Standard, the steel numbers as given in the relevant f) special marking (see 9.1).
tables are allocated in accordancewith EN 10027-2.
NOTE Explanation of the numbers used for alloys: 6 Manufacturing process
The structure is set out according to EN 10027-2 with the
number 2 for thematerial group number. This material group 6.1 Melting process
comprises chemically resistant and high temperature or heat
resistant nickel and cobalt alloys. 6.1.1 Unless otherwise agreedin the order, the type of
melting process (see 6.1.2) is left to the discretion of
6 Mormation to be supplied by the the manufacturer.
purchaser 6.1.2 The non-ferrous metal alloys NiFe25Cr20NbTi
and NiCr201EAI are usually produced by remelting
6.1 Mandatory information processes.
The following information shall be suppliedby the
purchaser at the time of enquiry and order: 6.2 Manufacture of the product
a) the quantity to be delivered; The manufacturing process route of the product shall
be at the manufacturer’s discretion.
b) the designation of the product form (e.g. “bar”);
c) the number of the dimensional standard 6.3 Heat treatment condition and surface finish
(e.g. EURONORM 60); at the time of delivery
d) the dimensions and tolerances on dimensions The heat treatment condition and surfacefinish of the
and shape; products at the time of delivery shall be agreed when
e) reference to this European Standard (EN 10090); NOTE 1 Valve materials intended for subsequent processing by
f ) name or number of the steel oralloy grade metal forming are normally ordered in one of the heat treatment
(see ’lhble 1); conditions indicated in Table 3.
g) the heat treatment condition on delivery (see 6.3); NOTE 2 When they have become finished components, the
materials are used, dependmg on their chemical composition, in
h) all other necessary details includingthe intended the quenched and tempered or precipitation-hardened condition
method of processing (hot extrusion or upsetting (see a b l e s A.1 and A.5).
with electric resistance h-); NOTE 3 Valve materials are mainly supplied in bar form, with
one of the following surface finishes:
i) if required, the type of inspection documentin
accordance with EN 10204 (see 8.1). - turned and polished;
- turned and ground
- ground
10 t round bars of 30 mm diameter, dimensional - ground and polished;
tolerances as specifíed in EURONORM 60, of a steel - turned and ground, then polished
grade according to EN lo090 with the m e
- as rolled.
X45CrSi9-3 and the number 1.4718, in the soft annealed
condition (+A), intended for hot extrusion, inspection
document 3.1.B as specified inEN 10204: 7 Requirements
10 t rounds EURONORM 60-30 steel EN loo90 - 7.1 Chemical composition
X46CrSiW +A, for hot extrusion EN 102043.1.B
or 7.1.1 The chemical composition of the materials, as
given by the cast analysis, shall conform to the
10 t rounds EURONORM 60-30 steel specifications in Table 1.
EN 10090 - 1.4718 +A, for hot extrusion
EN 10204-3.1.B 7.1.2 Shght deviations fromthe specified limits may
be permitted by the purchaser, if the characteristics in
use are only affected to a negligible extent.

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STD-BSI BS EN 30090-ENGL3998 m l b 2 4 b b 90 7 3 7 0 5 75 9 3 m

Page 5
EN 10090:1998

7.1.3 At the tjme of ordering, it may be agreed that 8.1.3 If, in accordance with the agreements at the
the result of the product analysis, with the permissible time of enquiry and order, an inspection certificate
deviations given in Table 2, shall serve as proof that the an inspection report is to be provided, the
limiting values forthe cast analysis in Wle 1have specifications in8.2 to 8.6 are to be observed
been compliedwith.
8.2 Number of tests
7.2 Mechanicalproperties
8.2.1 Mechanical tests
'pable 3 specifies valuesof the mechanid properties at
room temperaturefor the soft annealed and quenched The test unit shall consist of products from
and tempered conditionsof martensitic steels and for the m e cast, the m e type of manufacturing process
the controlled cooled and/or quenchedconditions of and the same heat treatmentbatch all products of the
austenitic materials (see also Tables A l to k4). test unit shall have cross-sections of the same form
7.3 Internal and external condition and nominal dimensions.
7.3.1 Any limitations on non-metallic inclusions for For the purpose of verifying the mechanical
valve materials shall be agreed upon at the time of properties given in Table 3, unless otherwise agreed at
enquiry and order. the time of ordering, one sampleper 10 t shall be taken
from the test units as described in8.2.1.1. As far as
7.3.2 The valve malerials shall not have any internal possible, the hardness shall be determined, otherwise
defects detrimentalto valve fabricationand use of the the tensile test shall be carried out.
8.2.2 Other tests
7.3.3 The NiCr20TiAl and NiFe25Cr20NbTi alloys shall
have a grain size of 4 and/or finer whentested in Where, in addition to the tests in 8.2.1, other tests are
accordance with EURONORM 103, but occasional to be carried outand certified in an inspection
comer grains shall be tolerated certificate or inspection report,this shall be agreed
upon at the time of enquiry and order, together with
7.3.4 In the case of bars which were turned or ground the necessary detailson the test unit andthe number
during finishing (see6.3, note 3), the depth of surface of tests.
defects shall not exceed the tolerance class hl1 of
prEN 10278. 8.3 Selection and preparation of samples and
73.5 In all other cases, the requirements governing test pieces
* surface qual& shall be agreed upon at the time of 8.3.1 Product analusis
enquiry and order. For product analysis, the selection andpreparation of
For round bars androds to be delivered in the samples shall be carried outin accordance with the
hot-rolled surface condition, these requirements should requirements of IS0 14284.
where appropriate be based on EN 10221. If the spectrographic analysis methodis used, testmg
7.4 Dimensions andtolerances may be canied out on the surface of the product.
The dimensions and tolerancesof the product shall However, in cases of doubt, it will be necessasy to
comply with the requirements agreed uponat the time cany out several analysesevenly distributed over the
of enquiry and order. The agreements shall,as far as cross-section of the product and to average their
possible, be based on correspondingEuropean results.
Standards and EURONORMs, or otherwise on suitable 8.3.2 Tensile and hardness tests
national standards.
NOTE The following European Standards and EURONORMs The test pieces for the tensiletest shall be
cover dimensions andor tolerances for products included in this taken in the longitudinal directionof the products (in
European Standard accordance withEN IS0 377) and be prepared in
- for rod EURONORM 17; accordance withEN IS0 377 and EN 10002-1.
- for as-rolled round bars: EURONORM 60;
- for bright products: prEN 10278. The hardness test shall be made in the
crosssectional area from which the tensile test pieces
are to be taken. The test pieces forthe hardness test
8 Testing shall be preparedin accordance with EN 10003-1or
8.1 Agreement of tests and inspection EN 10109-1.
8.3.3 Grain size
8.1.1 For each delivery,the issue of one of the
documents listed in8.6 may be agreed upon at the The instructions given in EURONORM 103 shall apply
time of enquiry and order. to the sampling and preparation of test pieces for
determining the austeniticgrain size.
8.1.2 If, in accordance with the agreements at the
time of enquiry and order,a test report is to be 8.3.4 Sutface testing
provided, this shall cover the results of the cast In cases of dispute, transverse microsections shall be
analysis for all elements specified forthe valve prepared for the microscopic examination of the
material supplied. surface quality (see also 8.4.5).

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EN 10090:1998

8.4 Test methods 9 Marking

8.4.1 Chemical analusis 9.1 Each coil of wire or bundle of bars SM be
The chemical composition shall be determined in identified by meansof a securely affixed label,
accordance with the appropriate EuropeanStandards featuring:
listed in CR 10261or prepared since the publication - the manufacturer's mark or name;
of CR 10261. - the grade of rnatew,
8.4.2 lkmile test - the cast number;
The tensile test at room temperature shall be - the nominal size.
performed in accordancewith EN 10002-1. The tensile Marking which identifies the surface finish andor
test at elevated temperatureshall be performed in indicates the coil or bundle weightmay be agreed
accordance with EN 100026. upon.
8.4.3 Hardness test 9.2 The marking on the label shall remain clearly
The Rockwell C hardness test shall be performed in legible even after prolonged outdoor exposureof the
accordance with EN 10109-1; the Brinell hardness test coil or bundle.
shall be performed in accordance with EN 10003-1.
9.3 In the case of bars with diametem not smaller
8.4.4 Grain size than 30 mm or with a cross-section of equivalent area,
The austenitic grain size shall be determined in the mufacturer shall also ensure that one bar per
accordance with EURONORM 103. bundle is marked as a guide bar. This requires painting
Unless otherwise agreed, the choice between the its h n t end white and affixing the manufacturer's
various methods specified in EURONORM 103 is left to mark, the material grade and the cast number on the
the discretion of the manufacturer. front en4 either by engraving (diestamping), or by
printing (rubber stamping), or by meansof adhesive
8.4.6 Sutfixce defects we-
In cases of dispute, the depth of surface defects shall, In the case of diametem smaller than 30 mm, or
in accordance with EN 10221, be determined by cross-sections of equivalent area, a second label giving
metallography on a transverse microsection. If this is information about the manufacturer,the material grade
not possible, the defective spot shall be fileduntil the and the cast number shall be provided
defect disappears, in order to determine the depth of
the defect by suitable means.
10 Complaints
8.6 Retests The conditions for dealing with complaints specified
EN 10021shall apply for retests. EN 10021 shall apply
8.6 Certification of the tests
EN 10204 is valid, acceptable inspection documents
- a test report;
- an inspection certificate; or
- an inspection report.

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Page 7
EN 10090:1998

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Page 8
EN 10090:1998

Table 2 - Product analysis:- permissible deviations fromthe specified cast analysis(see W l e 1)


Element Cast analysis (specified limits) Permissible deviations')2)from the specified

96 by mass %by mass

C < 0,20 *,01

2 0,20 0,60 %,02
2 0,60 5 0,90 %,03
Si 2 l,oo *,05
> l,oo 5 3,30 Q,lO
Mn < 1,oo @,03
2 1,oo 5 2,oo q,04
> 2,oo 5 10,oo %,06
P 5 0,040 +0,005
> 0,040 5 0,045 +0,010
S 5 0,030 +0,005
N 5 0,60 %,02
Cr 2 8,OO 5 10,Oo %,
> 10,OO 5 15,OO 9,15
> 15,OO 5 20,oo *,20
> 20,oo I24,OO %,25
Mo < 1,75 *,05
2 1,75 I2,50 %,10
Ni < 5,oo *,07
3 5,OO 5 9,oo *,10
Nb (+ B> 2 1,80 5 3,oo Q,05
V 5 0,30 I0,60 %,03
W 5 1,50 *,05
The permissible leviations for the NiCr2O?W and NiFe25Cr20NbTl alloys shall be agreed upon at the time of ordering, if required
') "*"
means that in one cast, and in more than one product analysis, the deviation may occur over the upper value or under the lower
value of the mecfied range in Table 1, but not both at the same time.

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EN 10090:1998

Table 3 - Mechanical properties at room temperature in the heat

treatment condition on delivery
Designation Heat treatment condition on delivery Hardness') Tensile
Name Number HB N/mm' 1'
Martensitic steels
x45Crsi9-3 1.4718 Soft annealed (+A) max. 300 -1
Quenched and tempered (+QT) see TableA 1
X40CrSiMolO-2 1.4731 Soft annealed (+A) max. 300 -
1.4748 X85CrMoV18-2
Soft annealed (+A) Max. 300 -
Austenitic materials
1.4875 X55CrMnNiN20-8 approx. 1300
approx. 385 Controlled cooled3)
Quenched at 1O00 "C to 1 100 "C4) 385 max 1300 max.
X53CrMnNiN21-9 1.4871 Controlled cooled3) approx. 385 approx. 1300
Quenched at 1 O00 "C to 1 100 "C4) max. 385 Max. 1300
X5OCrMnNiNbNZl-9 1.4882 Controlled cooled3) approx. 385 approx. 1300
Quenched at 1O 0 0 "C to 1 100 "C4) 385 max. 1300 max.
X53CrMnNWN21-9 1.4870 Controlled cooled3) approx. 385 approx. 1300
Quenched at 1O00 "C to 1 100 "C4) Max. 385 mm. 1300
X33CrNiMnN23-8 1.4866 Controlled cooled3) approx. 360 approx. 1250
Quenched at 1O00 "C to 1 100 O C 4 ) Max. 360 max. 1 200
NiFe25Cr20NbTl Quenched at 930 "C to 1030 "C 2.4955 max. 295 max. 1O00
2.4952 NiCr20TiAl at 930 "C to 1030 "C mm. 325 Quenched
max 1 100
In the ease of austenitic materials the tensile strength values shall be decisive in cases of dispute.
') 1N/IIUII' = 1 MPa
3, This heat treatment condition is suitable for processing by hot exhusion.
4, This heat treatment condition is suitable for processing by upsetting with electric resistance heating.

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S T D - B S I B S E N 10090-ENGL L97B m 1624669 0717062 950 m

Page 10
EN 10090:1998

Annex A (informative) A.3 Physical properties

‘pable A6 contains reference valuesrelating to the
l’kchnical supplement physical propertiesof the materials complying with
A.l General this European Standard
Property values contained in themain text of this A.4 Subsequent processing and heat treatment
European Standard are requirementsof delivery.
Property values indicated in this annex are not A.4.1 Shaping and heat treatment
requirements of delivery (with the exception indicated All the materials listed in this European Standard are
in W l e Al, footnote 4) because they are the result of suitable for hotforming. As a general rule, hot forming
processing after delivery. The data in this annex are becomes more difficultas the alloy content increases,
provided only as a guide to the relative p e d o m c e of because of the reduced capacity for flow.
the different materials covered in this European Consequently, abrupt reductions in cross-section during
Satn- any single forging pass should beavoided
They are not intendedfor use in the purchase, design, When establishing parameters for heating prior to
development, manufactureor wage of any item. Users forging, the low thermal conductivity of austenitic
must assure themselves of the properties actually alloys should be borne in mind.Any temperature
obtained in practice. gradients in valve alloys can cause tremendous internal
stresses during forgingand working, which result in
A.2 Mechanical properties internal ruptures andsurface cracks.
A.2.1 For the reference heat m e n t condition Guideline t e m p e m e s for hot formingand heat
(see W l e AS), reference values for mechanical treatment are given in ‘pable A5.
properties at room temperature are given inW l e Al.
A.4.2 Machining
A.2.2 For the reference heat treatment condition Machining is possible but difficult in the case of
(see W l e k5), reference values for tensilestrength austenitic materials, due to their high strength,
and 0,2 % proof strength at elevated temperaturesare toughness and strain hardening characteristics. To
given in W l e s A2 and A3 respectively prevent cracks from occurring during grinding
A.2.3 Reference values for the creep strength operations, appropriate grindingconditions should be
after 1000 h are given in ThbleA.4. chosen.
NOTE A European Standard on creep rupture testing of metallic
materials is in preparation and should be applied as soon as it is
available, because theresults of creep tests are very dependent on
differences in the testing conditions.
A.2.4 If the mechanical properties covered in
W l e s A l to A3 are to be checked, then the relevant
reference heat treatment indicated in W l e A5 should
be carried out before the mechanical properties are
test& In addition, for tests at room temperature the
specifications of 8.3.2, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 shall be applied.
For tests at elevated temperatures, thoseof EN IS0 377
and EN 100025 should be applied.

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Page 11
EN 10090:1998

Table A . l - Reference values for the mechanical properties at room temperature (for diameters
up to 40 mm) (applicable to the reference heat treatment condition in accordance with
Table A.6)
Designation Reference Hardness 0.2% proof Tensile Elongation Reduction in
heat strength2) strength after area after
treatment fracture fracture2)
Name Number condition') HB HRC2) N / m 2 3, N/IWII~3, (L, = Mo)')
% %

Martensitic steels
x45crsi9-3 1.4718 + Q e ) 266 to325 - 700 to 1 100 40 14 900
X4OCrSiMolCLZ 1.4731 +QT 266to325 - 700 900 to 1 100 40 14
X85CrMoV182 1.4748 +QT 296 to355 - 800 1O00 to 1200 7 12
Austenitic materials

X55CrMnNiN20-8 1.4875 +AT +P - 2g5) 550 900 to 1 150 8 10
X53CrMnNiN21-9 1.4871 +AT +P - 305) 580 950 to 1 200 8 10
X50CrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4882 +AT +P - 305) 580 950 to 1 150 12 15
X53CrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4870 +AT +P - 305) 580 950 to 1 150 8 10
X33CrNiMnN23-8 1.4866 +AT +P - 2Ei5) 550 85oto 1 100 20 30
NiFe25Cr20NblJ 2.4955 +AT +P - 28 500 900 to 1 100 25 30
NiCr20'IiAl 2.4952 +AT +P - 32 725 ,100to 140( 15 25
+QT = quenched and tempered, +AT = solution annealed +P = precipitation hardened.
2, The values given here are situated near thelower limit of the scatter range.
3, 1N / m 2 = 1MPa
4,Also possible as delivery condition, in which case the values shall apply as true requirements.
5,Austenitic grades X55CrMnNiN20-8to X33CrNiMnN23-8 may show hardness values which cannot be converted into tensile strength
values acording to the standard tables commonly used in laboratories. Therefore, in cases of dispute only the tensile strength value
shall be considered as valid.

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EN lOO!30A998

'Igble A.2 - Reference values for thetensile strength at elevated temperatures

Desimation I Reference heat I Tensile strength') at
500'C I 550'C I 600'C I
650'C 700'C I I 760'C I 8OO'C
N / m ' 3,


X85CrMoV18-2 +&T1.4748
I +&T
Martensitic steels
I 500
15 0550
I 360
Austenitic materials
420 y 230

X55CrMnNiN20-8 1.4875 +AT +P 640 590 540 490 440

X53CrMnNiN2 1-9 1.4871 +AT +P 650 600 550 500 450
X50CrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4882 +AT +P 680 650 610 550 480
X53CrMnNïNbN21-9 1.4870 +AT +P 680 650 600 510 450

X33CrNiMnN23-8 1.4866 +AT +P 600 570 530 470 400 340
NiFe25Cr20NbTi 2.4955 +AT +P 800 800 790 740 640 500
NiCr2OTiAl 2.4952 +AT +P 1050 1 030 1o00 930 820 680 500

+QT = quenched and tempered; +AT = solution annealed; +P = precipitation ardened.

' The values given here are situated near the lower limit of the scatter range.
9 1 N / m 2 = 1 MPa
*) This grade should not be used at 700 "C and above.

Table A.3 - Reference values for the 0,2 % proof strength at elevated temperatures
Designation Reference 0,2 % proof strength') at
500°C I 550°C I 600°C I 650°C I 700 "C 1 750°C 1 800°C
condition') N/m' 3,
~~~~~ ~

Martensitic steels
x45cl"3 1.4718 +QT 300 400240 120
X4ocrSiio10-2 1.4731 +&T 450 260 350 180
X85CrMoV18-2 1.4748 +QT 500 280 370 170
Austenitic materials
1.4875 +AT +P 250 230 220 200 170
X53CrMnNiN2 1-9 1.4871 +AT +P 300 270 250 230 200
X5OCrMnNiNbNB1-9 1.4882 +AT +P 310 285 260 240 220
X53CrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4870 +AT +P 340 310 280 260 235 220
X33CrNiMnN23-8 1.4866 +AT +P 270 220 210 190 180 170
NiFe25CrZONb'II 2.4955 +AT +P 450 450 450 430 380 250
NiCr20TiAl 2.4952 +AT +P 700 650 650 600 600 500 450
+QT = quenched and tempered; +AT = solution annealed; +P = precipitation hardened.
The values given here are situated near the lower limit of the scatter range.
3, 1 N / m ' = 1 MPa
4, This made should not be used at 700 "C and above.

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Licensed by Information Handling Services
Page 13
EN lOo90:1998

Table A.4 - Reference values forthe creep strength after 1 O00 h (applicable to the reference
condition in accordance with Table A.5)
Designation Creep strength') after 1 O00 h at
600"C 650 "C 725 "C 800 "C
Name Number (N/mm2 1' )
Martensitic steels
X45CrSi9-3 1.4718 190 40
x40crsiM01@2 1.4731 210 40
1.4748 X85CrMoV182 52
Austenitic materials
X55CrMnNiN20-8 1.4875 - 160 85 45
X53CrMnNiN21-9 1.4871 - 200 110 50
X5OCrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4882 - 220 120 55
X53CrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4870 - 215 115 50
X33CrNiMnN23-8 1.4866 - 200 110 50
NiFe25Cr20NbTi 2.4955 - 400 180 60

NiCdOTiAl -2.4952 l -
'1 Mean values of scatter range determineduntil now.
500 290 150

2, 1 N/IWTI'= 1 MPa

Table A.6 - Reference data for hot forming and heat treatment
Designation Hot forming Soft Quenching or Quenching Tempering or
annealing solution heat agent artificial ageing
Name Number "C "C "C "C
Martensitic steels
X45CrSi9-3 1.4718 1 100to 900 780 to 8201 1 O00 to 1050 Oil 720 to 820 air or
air or water water
X40CrSiMol@2 1.4731 1 100to 900 780 to 8201 1O00 to 1050 Oil 720 to 8201air or
air or water water
X85CrMoV182 1.4748 1 100to 900 820 to 8601 1050 to 1080 Oil 720 to 8201air
Austenitic materials
X55CrMnNiN20-8 1.4875 1 100to 950 1 140 to 1 180 water 760 to 8151
X53CrMnNiN21-9 1.4871 1 150to 950 1 140 to 1 180 water 760 to 8151
1 150to 950
1.4882 X5OCrMnNiNbN21-9 1160 to 1200 water 760 to 815/
X53CrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4870 1 150 to 980 1 160 to 1200 water 760 to 850/6 h air
X33CrNiMnN23-8 1.4866 1 150 to 980 1 150 to 1 170 water 800 to 83018 h air
1 150 to 1050
2.4955 NiFe25Cr20NbTl 1O00 to 1080 air or wate1 690 to 710116 h air
NiCr20TiAl 2.4952 1 150 to 1050 1O00 to 1080 air or wate1 690 to 710116 h air

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O BSI 1998 Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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EN 1-1998

Table A.6 - Reference data relating to .physical properties (applicable to the reference
condition in accordance with Table A.6)
Designation Density Modulus Thermal expansion Thermal Magnetizabilio Specific
at 20 "C of coefficient between20 "Cand conduct- heat
elasticity capacity ivity
at 20 "C at 20 "C at 20 "C
Name I I
Number kg/dm3 kN/mm2 1' 100 "C 300 "C 600 "C 700 "C W/mK I Jlkg K
Martensitic steels
X45CrSi9-3 1.4718 7,7 210 10,9 11,2 11,5 11,8 21 500 existent
X4OCrSiMolO-2 1.4731 7,7 210 10,9 11,2 11,5 11,8 500 21 existent
X85CrMoV182 1.4748 7,7 210 10,9 11,2 11,5 11,8 500 21 existent
Austenitic materials
X55CrMnNiN20-8 1.4875 7,8 205 18,8 15,5
18,5 17,5 14,5 500 non-existentz)
X53CrMnNiN21-9 1.4871 7,8 205 18,5 18,8 14,5
17,5 15,5 nonexistent2) 500
X5OCrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4882 7,8 205 18,5 18,8 14,5
17,5 15,5 500 nonexistentz)
X53CrMnNiNbN21-9 1.4870 7,8 205 18,5 18,8 14,5
17,5 15,5 nonexistent2) 500
1.4866 X33CrNiM1iN23-8
7,8 205 16,5 17,l 14,5 17,4 500
17,3 nonexistent2)
NiFe2Wr20NbTi 2.4955 8,l 215 14,l 13
16,8 15,9 15,5 460 nonexistent
2.4952 215
8,3 11,9 13,l 13
14,5 13,7 460 nonexistent
'1 1 N / m 2 ) = 1 MPa.
2, Austenitic steels may be slightly magnetizable in the aged condition. Their magnetizability may increase with extended cold forming.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards O BSI 1998
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