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Post-Estimation Commands for MLogit

Richard Williams, University of Notre Dame,

Last revised February 21, 2015

These notes borrow heavily (sometimes verbatim) from Long & Freese, 2014 Regression Models
for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, 3rd Edition.

Many/most of the Stata & spost13 post-estimation commands work pretty much the same way
for mlogit as they do for logit and/or ologit. We’ll therefore concentrate primarily on the
commands that are somewhat unique.

Making comparisons across categories. By default, mlogit sets the base category to the
outcome with the most observations. You can change this with the basecategory option.
mlogit reports coefficients for the effect of each independent variable on each category relative
to the base category. Hence, you can easily see whether, say, yr89 significantly affects the
likelihood of your being in the SD versus the SA category; but you can’t easily tell whether yr89
significantly affects the likelihood of your being in, say, SD versus D, when neither is the base.
You could just keep rerunning models with different base categories; but listcoef makes
things easier by presenting estimates for all combinations of outcome categories.
. use
(77 & 89 General Social Survey)
. mlogit warm i.yr89 i.male i.white age ed prst, b(4) nolog

Multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 2293

LR chi2(18) = 349.54
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -2820.9982 Pseudo R2 = 0.0583

warm | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
SD |
yr89 |
1989 | -1.160197 .1810497 -6.41 0.000 -1.515048 -.8053457
male |
Men | 1.226454 .167691 7.31 0.000 .8977855 1.555122
white |
White | .834226 .2641771 3.16 0.002 .3164484 1.352004
age | .0316763 .0052183 6.07 0.000 .0214487 .041904
ed | -.1435798 .0337793 -4.25 0.000 -.209786 -.0773736
prst | -.0041656 .0070026 -0.59 0.552 -.0178904 .0095592
_cons | -.7221679 .4928708 -1.47 0.143 -1.688177 .2438411
D |
yr89 |
1989 | -.4255712 .1318065 -3.23 0.001 -.6839071 -.1672352
male |
Men | 1.326716 .137554 9.65 0.000 1.057115 1.596317
white |
White | .4126344 .1872718 2.20 0.028 .0455885 .7796804
age | .0292275 .0042574 6.87 0.000 .0208832 .0375718
ed | -.0513285 .0283399 -1.81 0.070 -.1068737 .0042167
prst | -.0130318 .0055446 -2.35 0.019 -.023899 -.0021645
_cons | -.3088357 .3938354 -0.78 0.433 -1.080739 .4630676

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 1

A |
yr89 |
1989 | -.0625534 .1228908 -0.51 0.611 -.3034149 .1783082
male |
Men | .8666833 .1310965 6.61 0.000 .6097389 1.123628
white |
White | .3002409 .1710551 1.76 0.079 -.0350211 .6355028
age | .0066719 .0041053 1.63 0.104 -.0013744 .0147181
ed | -.0330137 .0274376 -1.20 0.229 -.0867904 .020763
prst | -.0017323 .0052199 -0.33 0.740 -.0119631 .0084985
_cons | .3932277 .3740361 1.05 0.293 -.3398697 1.126325
SA | (base outcome)

. listcoef 1.yr89, help

mlogit (N=2293): Factor change in the odds of warm

Variable: 1.yr89 (sd=0.490)

| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
SD vs D | -0.7346 -4.434 0.000 0.480 0.698
SD vs A | -1.0976 -6.705 0.000 0.334 0.584
SD vs SA | -1.1602 -6.408 0.000 0.313 0.567
D vs SD | 0.7346 4.434 0.000 2.085 1.433
D vs A | -0.3630 -3.395 0.001 0.696 0.837
D vs SA | -0.4256 -3.229 0.001 0.653 0.812
A vs SD | 1.0976 6.705 0.000 2.997 1.712
A vs D | 0.3630 3.395 0.001 1.438 1.195
A vs SA | -0.0626 -0.509 0.611 0.939 0.970
SA vs SD | 1.1602 6.408 0.000 3.191 1.765
SA vs D | 0.4256 3.229 0.001 1.530 1.232
SA vs A | 0.0626 0.509 0.611 1.065 1.031
b = raw coefficient
z = z-score for test of b=0
P>|z| = p-value for z-test
e^b = exp(b) = factor change in odds for unit increase in X
e^bStdX = exp(b*SD of X) = change in odds for SD increase in X

Based on the above, we see that yr89 has little effect on strongly agreeing versus agreeing. In
every other contrast though, the difference is significant.

It is possible to get overwhelmed with output, at least if you do this for all variables. The
pvalue option can limit the output to differences which are significant. Also, the positive
option only shows the positive differences (if you flip the comparison the coefficient will go

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 2

. listcoef , help pvalue(.01) positive

mlogit (N=2293): Factor change in the odds of warm (P<0.01)

Variable: 1.yr89 (sd=0.490)

| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
D vs SD | 0.7346 4.434 0.000 2.085 1.433
A vs SD | 1.0976 6.705 0.000 2.997 1.712
A vs D | 0.3630 3.395 0.001 1.438 1.195
SA vs SD | 1.1602 6.408 0.000 3.191 1.765
SA vs D | 0.4256 3.229 0.001 1.530 1.232

Variable: 1.male (sd=0.499)

| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
SD vs SA | 1.2265 7.314 0.000 3.409 1.844
D vs A | 0.4600 4.403 0.000 1.584 1.258
D vs SA | 1.3267 9.645 0.000 3.769 1.938
A vs SA | 0.8667 6.611 0.000 2.379 1.541

Variable: 1.white (sd=0.329)

| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
SD vs SA | 0.8342 3.158 0.002 2.303 1.316

Variable: age (sd=16.779)

| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
SD vs A | 0.0250 5.578 0.000 1.025 1.521
SD vs SA | 0.0317 6.070 0.000 1.032 1.701
D vs A | 0.0226 6.789 0.000 1.023 1.460
D vs SA | 0.0292 6.865 0.000 1.030 1.633

Variable: ed (sd=3.161)
| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
D vs SD | 0.0923 3.374 0.001 1.097 1.339
A vs SD | 0.1106 3.945 0.000 1.117 1.418
SA vs SD | 0.1436 4.251 0.000 1.154 1.574

Variable: prst (sd=14.492)

b = raw coefficient
z = z-score for test of b=0
P>|z| = p-value for z-test
e^b = exp(b) = factor change in odds for unit increase in X
e^bStdX = exp(b*SD of X) = change in odds for SD increase in X

Using the .01 level of significance (which may be wise given the many comparisons that are
being done) we see that white only clearly distinguished between those who strongly agree and
those who strongly disagree. prst does not have any significant effects.

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 3

Using mlogtest for tests of the Multinomial Logistic Model.

The mlogtest command provides a convenient means for testing various hypotheses of
interest. Incidentally, keep in mind that mlogit can also estimate a logistic regression model;
ergo you might sometimes want to use mlogit instead of logit so you can take advantage of
the mlogtest command.

Tests of independent variables. mlogtest can provide likelihood-ratio tests for each
variable in the model. To do this yourself, you would have to estimate a series of models, store
the results, and then use the lrtest command. mlogtest can automate this process.

. mlogtest, lr

LR tests for independent variables (N=2293)

Ho: All coefficients associated with given variable(s) are 0

| chi2 df P>chi2
1.yr89 | 58.853 3 0.000
1.male | 106.199 3 0.000
1.white | 11.152 3 0.011
age | 83.119 3 0.000
ed | 21.087 3 0.000
prst | 8.412 3 0.038

From the above, we can see that each variable’s effects are significant at the .05 level.

If you happen to have a very large data set or a very complicated model, LR tests can take a long
time. It may be sufficient to simply use Wald tests in such cases. Remember, a Wald test only
requires the estimation of the constrained model. In Stata, we could just do this with a series of
test commands. Again, mlogtest, using the wald parameter, can automate the process and
also present results more succinctly:

. mlogtest, wald

Wald tests for independent variables (N=2293)

Ho: All coefficients associated with given variable(s) are 0

| chi2 df P>chi2
1.yr89 | 53.812 3 0.000
1.male | 97.773 3 0.000
1.white | 10.783 3 0.013
age | 79.925 3 0.000
ed | 20.903 3 0.000
prst | 8.369 3 0.039

We see that both tests lead to very similar conclusions in this case. That is fairly common; it
seems they are most likely to differ in borderline cases.

You can also use mlogtest to test sets of variables, e.g.

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 4

. mlogtest, lr set(1.white prst \ 1.white ed \ 1.yr89 1.male )

LR tests for independent variables (N=2293)

Ho: All coefficients associated with given variable(s) are 0

| chi2 df P>chi2
1.yr89 | 58.853 3 0.000
1.male | 106.199 3 0.000
1.white | 11.152 3 0.011
age | 83.119 3 0.000
ed | 21.087 3 0.000
prst | 8.412 3 0.038
set_1 | 19.282 6 0.004
set_2 | 30.334 6 0.000
set_3 | 167.621 6 0.000

set_1 contains: 1.white prst

set_2 contains: 1.white ed
set_3 contains: 1.yr89 1.male

Tests for combining dependent categories. If none of the IVs significantly affects the odds
of outcome m versus outcome n, we say that m and n are indistinguishable with respect to the
variables in the model. If two outcomes are indistinguishable with respect to the variables in the
model, you can obtain more efficient estimates by combining them. I often use this command to
see if I can combine categories, even if, say, I am using a command like ologit. Again, you can
use both Stata or spost13 commands, and you can do LR or Wald tests.

. mlogtest, lrcomb

LR tests for combining alternatives (N=2293)

Ho: All coefficients except intercepts associated with a given pair

of alternatives are 0 (i.e., alternatives can be collapsed)

| chi2 df P>chi2
SD & D | 43.864 6 0.000
SD & A | 153.130 6 0.000
SD & SA | 215.033 6 0.000
D & A | 98.857 6 0.000
D & SA | 191.730 6 0.000
A & SA | 54.469 6 0.000

Based on the above, we see that no categories should be combined. Doing the same thing with
Wald tests,

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 5

. mlogtest, combine

Wald tests for combining alternatives (N=2293)

Ho: All coefficients except intercepts associated with a given pair

of alternatives are 0 (i.e., alternatives can be combined)

| chi2 df P>chi2
SD & D | 41.018 6 0.000
SD & A | 135.960 6 0.000
SD & SA | 183.910 6 0.000
D & A | 93.183 6 0.000
D & SA | 167.439 6 0.000
A & SA | 51.441 6 0.000

Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) Tests. The Stata 12 Reference Manual (P. 710)
explains the IIA assumption this way:

A stringent assumption of multinomial and conditional logit models is that outcome categories for the
model have the property of independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA). Stated simply, this assumption
requires that the inclusion or exclusion of categories does not affect the relative risks associated with the
regressors in the remaining categories. One classic example of a situation in which this assumption would
be violated involves the choice of transportation mode; see McFadden (1974). For simplicity, postulate a
transportation model with the four possible outcomes: rides a train to work, takes a bus to work, drives
the Ford to work, and drives the Chevrolet to work. Clearly, “drives the Ford” is a closer substitute to
“drives the Chevrolet” than it is to “rides a train” (at least for most people). This means that excluding
“drives the Ford” from the model could be expected to affect the relative risks of the remaining options
and that the model would not obey the IIA assumption.

The 3rd edition of Long & Freese (section 8.4, pp. 407-411) explains the assumption further, and
also explains ways of testing it. Long & Freese include tests for IIA in their programs but do
NOT encourage their use. They note that these tests often provide conflicting results (e.g. some
tests reject the null while others do not) and that various simulation studies have shown that these
tests are not useful for assessing violations of the IIA assumption. They further argue that the
multinomial logit model works best when the alternatives are dissimilar and not just substitutes
for one another (e.g. if your choices were take your car to work, take a blue bus, or take a red
bus, the two bus alternatives would be very similar and the IIA assumption would likely be
violated, whether the tests showed it or not).

Paul Allison has also raised concerns about the IIA tests; see his blog entry at

But, if some reviewer says you need to test the IIA assumption, here is how you can do it with

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 6

. mlogtest, iia

Hausman tests of IIA assumption (N=2293)

Ho: Odds(Outcome-J vs Outcome-K) are independent of other alternatives

| chi2 df P>chi2
SD | -0.177 14 .
D | -10.884 14 .
A | -3.009 13 .
SA | -1.606 14 .

Note: A significant test is evidence against Ho.

Note: If chi2<0, the estimated model does not meet asymptotic assumptions.

suest-based Hausman tests of IIA assumption (N=2293)

Ho: Odds(Outcome-J vs Outcome-K) are independent of other alternatives

| chi2 df P>chi2
SD | 18.651 14 0.179
D | 20.289 14 0.121
A | 23.480 14 0.053
SA | 11.381 14 0.656

Note: A significant test is evidence against Ho.

Small-Hsiao tests of IIA assumption (N=2293)

Ho: Odds(Outcome-J vs Outcome-K) are independent of other alternatives

| lnL(full) lnL(omit) chi2 df P>chi2

SD | -1025.061 -1018.448 13.226 14 0.509
D | -718.007 -711.796 12.422 14 0.572
A | -678.789 -673.072 11.433 14 0.652
SA | -936.474 -928.840 15.268 14 0.360

Note: A significant test is evidence against Ho.

In this example the tests say IIA has not been violated. Long & Freese give examples of where
different tests reach different conclusions with the same set of data.

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Measures of Fit. The fitstat command can be used the same as before, e.g.

. quietly mlogit warm i.yr89 i.male i.white age ed prst, b(4) nolog
. quietly fitstat, save
. * Now drop prst, white & ed, the three least significant vars
. quietly mlogit warm i.yr89 i.male age , b(4) nolog
. fitstat, dif

| Current Saved Difference

Log-likelihood |
Model | -2848.592 -2820.998 -27.594
Intercept-only | -2995.770 -2995.770 0.000
Chi-square |
D (df=2281/2272/9) | 5697.184 5641.996 55.188
LR (df=9/18/-9) | 294.357 349.544 -55.188
p-value | 0.000 0.000 0.000
R2 |
McFadden | 0.049 0.058 -0.009
McFadden (adjusted) | 0.045 0.051 -0.006
Cox-Snell/ML | 0.120 0.141 -0.021
Cragg-Uhler/Nagelkerke | 0.130 0.153 -0.023
Count | 0.412 0.424 -0.013
Count (adjusted) | 0.061 0.081 -0.020
IC |
AIC | 5721.184 5683.996 37.188
AIC divided by N | 2.495 2.479 0.016
BIC (df=12/21/-9) | 5790.035 5804.486 -14.451

Note: Likelihood-ratio test assumes current model nested in saved model.

Difference of 14.451 in BIC provides very strong support for current model.

Incidentally, note that the chi-square and AIC tests favor the full model; however, the BIC test
prefers the model that drops the least significant variables, prst, white & ed. As we have seen
before, the BIC test tends to lead to more parsimonious models, especially when the sample size
is large.

Outliers. The leastlikely command can be used to identify the cases where the observed
value was farthest from the predicted value. You might want to check such cases for coding
errors or think if there are ways to modify the model so these cases are not so discrepant.

. quietly mlogit warm i.yr89 i.male i.white age ed prst, b(4) nolog
. leastlikely warm yr89 male white age ed prst

Outcome: 1 (SD)

| Prob warm yr89 male white age ed prst |
112. | .0389264 SD 1989 Women White 46 16 57 |
167. | .0355258 SD 1989 Women White 37 15 61 |
212. | .0423206 SD 1989 Women White 50 16 62 |
271. | .0352297 SD 1989 Women White 20 12 31 |
286. | .0407416 SD 1989 Women NotWhite 54 12 34 |

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 8

Outcome: 2 (D)

| Prob warm yr89 male white age ed prst |
414. | .1286143 D 1989 Women White 19 12 50 |
563. | .1175782 D 1989 Women NotWhite 41 18 69 |
675. | .1322747 D 1989 Women White 25 16 50 |
803. | .107113 D 1989 Women NotWhite 30 16 60 |
1001. | .1288399 D 1989 Women White 32 18 62 |

Outcome: 3 (A)

| Prob warm yr89 male white age ed prst |
1305. | .1621244 A 1977 Men White 79 8 41 |
1344. | .1575535 A 1977 Men White 72 7 22 |
1404. | .1625481 A 1977 Men White 74 8 26 |
1449. | .1398363 A 1977 Men White 71 4 23 |
1729. | .1303623 A 1977 Men White 81 5 36 |

Outcome: 4 (SA)

| Prob warm yr89 male white age ed prst |
1963. | .0313339 SA 1977 Men White 64 6 26 |
2093. | .0372785 SA 1977 Men White 48 4 17 |
2107. | .034017 SA 1977 Men White 69 8 33 |
2119. | .0345335 SA 1977 Men White 58 4 41 |
2138. | .0316978 SA 1977 Men White 57 3 37 |

Aids to Interpretation. These are much the same as we talked about before. Standardized
coefficients, however, are a noteworthy exception:

. listcoef, std
option std not allowed after mlogit

This is because the y* rationale does not hold in a multinomial logit model, i.e. there is no
underlying latent variable. (As we saw earlier, however, the listcoef command will still do

Other commands, however, behave identically or almost identically to what we have seen before.
For example, we can use the predict command to come up with predicted probabilities:
. quietly mlogit warm i.yr89 i.male i.white age ed prst, b(4) nolog
. predict SDlogit Dlogit Alogit SAlogit
(option pr assumed; predicted probabilities)

Post-Estimation Commands for mlogit Page 9

. list warm yr89 male white age ed prst SDlogit Dlogit Alogit SAlogit in 1/10, clean

warm yr89 male white age ed prst SDlogit Dlogit Alogit SAlogit
1. SD 1977 Women White 33 10 31 .14696 .2569168 .375222 .2209013
2. SD 1977 Men White 74 16 50 .1931719 .4962518 .2510405 .0595358
3. SD 1989 Men White 36 12 41 .074012 .3257731 .4686748 .1315401
4. SD 1977 Women White 73 9 36 .277139 .383207 .2358743 .1037797
5. SD 1977 Women White 59 11 62 .2066857 .2824558 .3317693 .1790893
6. SD 1989 Men White 33 4 17 .1461631 .383301 .3885765 .0819594
7. SD 1977 Women White 43 7 40 .2276894 .2719278 .3321202 .1682626
8. SD 1977 Women White 48 12 48 .1571982 .2740046 .358632 .2101651
9. SD 1977 Men White 27 17 69 .0970773 .259278 .477971 .1656736
10. SD 1977 Men White 46 12 50 .1997817 .3800453 .3360028 .0841702

The extremes (use findit extremes) command helps you to see who is most likely and
least likely to be predicted to strongly disagree:

. extremes SDlogit warm yr89 male white age ed prst

| obs: SDlogit warm yr89 male white age ed prst |
| 1214. .0078837 A 1989 Women NotWhite 27 20 68 |
| 2048. .011555 SA 1989 Women NotWhite 26 17 52 |
| 2241. .0127511 SA 1989 Women NotWhite 21 15 61 |
| 1855. .0131329 A 1989 Women NotWhite 25 16 36 |
| 803. .0142298 D 1989 Women NotWhite 30 16 60 |

| 612. .4276913 D 1977 Men White 80 5 45 |
| 171. .4289597 SD 1977 Men White 67 3 32 |
| 282. .4378463 SD 1977 Men White 68 3 37 |
| 87. .4426529 SD 1977 Men White 83 5 51 |
| 863. .479314 D 1977 Men White 54 0 40 |

Based on the results, we see that fairly young white women in 1989 with high levels of education
and occupational prestige were predicted to be the least likely to strongly disagree. Conversely,
nonwhite elderly males in 1977 with low levels of education and generally low levels of
occupational prestige had almost a 50% predicted probability of strongly disagreeing.

Other comments. See Long and Freese for detailed explanations of how different commands
are working, e.g. they often show you how the same things could be done in Stata without their
commands (albeit in a much more tedious process). They also offer detailed advice on graphing

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