The high failure rate of anticancer drug discovery and development has
consumed billions of dollars annually. While many explanations have been provided,
I believe that misinformation arising from inappropriate cell-based screens has been
completely over-looked. Most cell culture experiments are irrelevant to how drugs
are subsequently administered to patients. Usually, drug development focuses on
growth inhibition rather than cell killing. Drugs are selected based on continuous
incubation of cells, then frequently administered to the patient as a bolus. Target
identification and validation is often performed by gene suppression that inevitably
mimics continuous target inhibition. Drug concentrations in vitro frequently far
exceed in vivo concentrations. Studies of drug synergy are performed at sub-optimal
concentrations. And the focus on a limited number of cell lines can misrepresent the
potential efficacy in a patient population. The intent of this review is to encourage
more appropriate experimental design and data interpretation, and to improve drug
development in the area of cell-based assays. Application of these principles should
greatly enhance the successful translation of novel drugs to the patient.
Figure 1: The misuse of cytotoxicity assays. Because of its ease of application to multiple samples, and its low cost, tetrazolium
dye reduction assays such as “MTT” or MTS” (available from many companies) are frequently used. This assay measures primarily
mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity that is then extrapolated to reflect the number of cells in a culture dish. However, cells can rapidly
change the activity of these enzymes such that it may not be an accurate reflection of the cell number. The CellTiter-Glo assay (Promega)
relies on changes in ATP levels that can fluctuate rapidly with many environmental stresses so may not reflect the number of viable cells.
Alternate assays measure total cell protein yet arrested cells can markedly increase their protein content without dividing, while dead cells
still have protein. In our own experiments, we routinely quantify DNA content for high throughput assays as the possible variation per cell
is generally limited to only 2 fold (i.e., whether the cells are in G1 or G2 phase of the cell cycle) [14, 21]. However, the major problem
with all these assays it that they are almost ubiquitously referred to as viability assays when none of them measure cell viability. In an ideal
situation where mitochondrial enzymes, ATP or DNA levels do not change per cell, these assays still only measure the number of viable
cells. Consider a typical cytotoxicity experiment performed in a 96 well format. If you plate 1000 cells on day 1, the control may have 2000
cells on day 2 and 4000 cells on day 3 (blue line). If drug treatment results in 2000 cells on day 3 (green line), this is often reported as 50%
viability even though it is an increase over the starting number of cells. To express the increase, it is necessary to subtract the starting cell
number, so the increase from 1000 to 2000 actually reflects 67% growth inhibition (because the control increased by 3000). If the treated
cells have completely arrested, there are still 1000 cells on day 3 (yellow line). In this case, the results will often be reported as “25%
viability” even though there may be 100% growth inhibition and no loss of viability (albeit there is likely a mixture of dying and growing
cells at this concentration). If the drug is not killing any cells, it will not cure the tumor, so a conclusion that only 25% of the cells are viable
- implying 75% have died - would provide inappropriate optimism for a potential new therapeutic agent or strategy. If there were only 250
cells on day 3, this would indeed represent loss of viable cells (red line). However, this decrease in viable cell number can not be realized
unless the starting number of cells is subtracted from the results. Unfortunately, few people measure the signal on day 1. Examples of curves
from actual experiments of cell growth and death are presented in Figure 2.