Review on Low Power Vlsi Design
Review on Low Power Vlsi Design
Review on Low Power Vlsi Design
dissipation. However the static power or leakage power is
2) SOURCES OF POWER DISSIPATION same as or exceeds the dynamic power below 65nanometer
The power dissipation in circuit is classified into three technology node.
classes as described below. So themethods to reduce power dissipation is not
1. Dynamic power consumption: Because of logic limited to dynamic power. In this paper we approaches to
transitions causing logic gates to charge/discharge load minimize Dynamic, Leakage power dissipation and Short
capacitance. Circuit power dissipation. Power minimization in a processor
2. Short-circuit current: In a CMOS logic P-branch and N- can be achieved at various levels of designing. So we need to
branch are momentarily shorted as logic gate changes optimize or reduce the power requirement of desired
state for short circuit power dissipation. circuitry[3].
3. Leakage current: It occurs when the system is in standby Total Power dissipated in a CMOS circuit is equal to
mode or not powered. There are various sources of total of dynamic power, short circuit power and static power
leakage current in MOSFET[7]. Diode leakages around or leakage power. Designed structure for low-power
transistors &n-wells, Sub-threshold Leakage, Gate requirement implies the ability to reduce all three parameters
Leakage, Tunnel Currents etc. Increasing 20 times for of power consumption in CMOS circuits during the designing
each new fabrication technology. of a low power electronic product.
and hence Z switches towards 1 for small time before
switching back to 0 resulting in unnecessary power
their threshold increases due to effect of body-biasingt. Also only preferred for ultralow voltage (0.6V and below) circuits
the substrate of PMOS transistors is biased by positive body in bulk CMOS.
bias to increase their Vt in stand-by mode.[5] Variable-
threshold require control circuits that modulate substrate
voltage in stand-by mode. When the circuit is in standby mode
the bulk/body of both PMOS and NMOS are biased by third
supply voltage to increase the Vt of the MOSFET as shown in
the Figure. But in normal operation they are switched back to
reduce the Vt.
The need for lower power systems is being driven by
many market segments. Unfortunately designing for low
power adds another dimension to the already complex design
problem and the design has to be optimized for power as well
Figure 8. Sleep Transistors Circuit Design as Performance and Area.
5.9. Dynamic threshold MOS
[1] T. Burdet, “Low power VLSI design”, Journal of
In dynamic threshold CMOS (DTMOS), the VLSI Signal Processing Systems, vol.13, no. 2-3, pp.
threshold voltage is altered dynamically to suit the operating 203-221, August 1996.
state of the circuit. For low leakage current we use high
[2] Jingjing Fu, Zuying Luo, Xianlong Hong, Yici Cai,
threshold voltage in the standby mode & a low threshold
Sheldon X.-D. Tan, Zhu Pan, “VLSI On-Chip
voltage gives higher current drives in the active mode of
Power/Ground Network Optimization Considering
operation. CMOS with dynamic threshold characteristic can
Decap Leakage Currents” ASP-DAC 2005 page no
be obtained by joining the gate and body with each other. The
supply voltage of DTMOS is restricted by the diode built-in
[3] S. Y. Zhao, K. K. Roy, C. K. Koh. “Decoupling
potential in bulk silicon technology. The PN diode between
capacitance allocation for power supply noise
source and body must be reverse biased. So, this technique is
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[4] Kanika Kaur and Arti Noor “STRATEGIES &
DESIGNS: A REVIEW” International Journal of
Advances in Engineering & Technology, May
2011.IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963 Vol. 1,Issue 2,pp.159-
[5] Shekar Borkar, "Design Challenges of Technology
Scaling," IEEE Micro, July/August 1999, pg 23.
[6] Y. Yeo,, “Direct Tunneling Gate Leakage
Current in Transistors with Ultrathin Silicon Nitride
Gate Dielectric,” IEEE Electron Devices Letters,
vol.21, no.11, pp. 540-542, Nov.2000.
[7] Shinichiro Mutoh, Yasuyuki Matsuya , Takahko Aoki
and Junzo Yamada “1-V Power Supply High-speed
Digital Circuit Technology with Multi-threshold-
Voltage CMOS”, IEEE, vol. 30, August 1995,
[8] Se-Joong Lee, “Adaptive Control Methodology for
High-performance Low-power VLSI Design”,
Frontiers in Adaptive Control, Shuang Cong (Ed.),
ISBN: 978-953-7619-43-5.