Assignment questions BDA Lec 6

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Q1. What is big data?

Ans: Big data refers to extremely large and diverse

collections of structured, unstructured, and semi-
structured data that continues to grow exponentially
over time. These datasets are so huge and complex in
volume, velocity, and variety, that traditional data
management systems cannot store, process, and
analyze them.
Big data describes large and diverse datasets that
are huge in volume and also rapidly grow in size over
time. Big data is used in machine learning, predictive
modelling, and other advanced analytics to solve
business problems and make informed decisions

Q2. Explain the characteristics of big data

analytics. what are the five Vs of big data?

Volume: Volumes of data generated from many
sources daily, such as business processes, machines,
social media platforms, networks, human
interactions, etc.
Eg: Facebook can generate approximately
a billion messages, 4.5 billion times that the "Like"
button is recorded, and more than 350 million new
posts are uploaded each day.
Variety: Big Data can be structured, unstructured, and
semi-structured that are being collected from different
sources. Data will only be collected
from databases and sheets in the past, But these days
the data will comes in array forms, that are PDFs,
Emails, audios, SM posts, photos, videos etc.

The data is categorized as below:

Structured data: It is in a tabular form. Structured
Data is stored in the relational database management
Semi-structured: In Semi-structured, the schema is
not appropriately defined, e.g., JSON, XML, CSV,
TSV, and email. OLTP (Online Transaction
Processing) systems are built to work with semi-
structured data.
Unstructured Data: All the unstructured files, log
files, audio files, and image files are included in the
unstructured data.
Quasi-structured Data: The data format contains
textual data with inconsistent data formats that are
formatted with effort and time with some tools.
Example: Web server logs, i.e., the log file is created
and maintained by some server that contains a list
of activities.
Veracity means how much the data is reliable. It has
many ways to filter or translate the data. Veracity is the
process of being able to handle and manage data
For example: Facebook posts with hashtags.
It is not the data that we process or store. It
is valuable and reliable data that we store, process,
and also analyze.
Big data velocity deals with the speed at the data flows
from sources like application logs, business processes,
networks, and social media sites, sensors, mobile
devices, etc.
Q3. What is Hadoop Eco System? What are its
main components? (HDFS, YARN and Map
Ans: The core components of Hadoop are HDFS,
YARN, and Map Reduce.
Data Ingestion
Data ingestion is the first layer of Big Data
Architecture. The data is generated from various
sources such as social media. Sensors, IoT devices,
and SaaS platforms need to be collected and brought
to a single warehouse or a database. There are three
types of data ingestion techniques.
HDFS stands for Hadoop Distributed File System, and
it is designed to run on commodity servers. A typical
HDFS architecture consists of a Name node and
several data nodes. Nodes can be thought up as a
single computer, and a collection of nodes constitute a
cluster, and each cluster could boast 1000s of nodes.
When HDFS receives data, it converts the data file into
small chunks of data, mostly 64 or 128 MB. The chunk
size depends on the system configuration. While
partitioning and replicating the data, HDFS follows a
principle called rack awareness. A rack is a collection
of 40-50 data nodes. Each copy of chunked data gets
stored in different racks, thus making it highly fault-
HDFS follows a master-slave architecture for data
processing. The master node is also called the Name
node, while the data nodes are secondary. The master
server or the Name node manages the file system
namespace and regulates access to files by clients. The
data nodes contain the storage attached to the node and
execute read and write operations from file system
clients. Also, they are responsible for the deletion,
replication and block creation upon request from the
Name node.
The entire process can be summed up in the below
The master-slave architecture has one critical
weakness: the cluster operation will halt if the Name
node or Master node is compromised.
We discussed HDFS, and now we will move on to
HBase, a column-oriented non-relational database
management system that runs on top of HDFS. It
operates similarly to HDFS; it has a master node to
manage clusters, and slave nodes or region servers
store the portion of the table and perform read and
write operations. It has a unique concept of clubbing
columns into a column family. These column families
can be changed as and when needed making them
flexible to changing application requirements. It is
ideal for analysing real-time data and random read-
write access to voluminous data.
YARN stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. In
Hadoop 1.0, map-reduce was responsible for
processing and job tracking tasks. But the utilisation
of resources turned out to be highly inefficient. Then
came YARN which took over the task of resource
distribution and job scheduling from map-reduce. The
YARN now sits in the middle of HDFS and map-
reduce. There are four critical components in YARN.
• Resource Manager: The master node is chiefly
responsible for resource allocation and directing
Node managers to perform real processing. A
scheduler is responsible for scheduling jobs, and
resource distribution and an Application manager
takes care of the job submissions and is
accountable for running application masters in a
• Node Manager: A node manager runs a slave
daemon. It is responsible for running assigned
jobs on each node. It periodically sends heartbeats
to signal the active status of the respective nodes.
• Application Masters: It negotiates resources
from Resource Manager and coordinates with
node managers to execute tasks.
• Containers: Containers are the hardware
resources available in a cluster, such as CPUs,
RAMs, disk space etc. It grants access to
applications to use specific amounts of resources.

Apache OOzie is an open-source Java web application
for workflow scheduling in a distributed cluster. It
combines multiple jobs into a single unit, and Oozie
supports various jobs from Hive, Map Reduce, pig etc.
There are three types of Oozie jobs.
• Oozie Workflow jobs: These are Directed
Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) which specify a
sequence of actions to be executed.
• Oozie Coordinator jobs: These are recurrent
Oozie Workflow jobs triggered by time and data
• Oozie Bundle: It provides a way to package
multiple coordinators and workflow jobs and
manage the lifecycle of those jobs.
Data Processing and Analysis
This could be thought of as the nervous system of Big
Data architecture. Map Reduce, another core
component of Hadoop, is primarily responsible for
data processing. We will also discuss other software
libraries that take part in data processing and analysis
Map Reduce
Map Reduce is responsible for processing a huge
amount of data in a parallel distributed manner. It has
two different jobs: Map and the other is Reduce. Just
as the name Map always proceeds to Reduce. The data
is processed and converted into key-value pairs or
tuples in the Map stage. the output of the map job is
fed to the reducer as inputs. Before being sent to the
reducer, the intermediate data is sorted and organised,
and the reducer then aggregates the key-value pair to
output a smaller set of outputs. Final data is then stored
in HDFS.
Just like HDFS, Map Reduce follows a master-slave
design to accomplish tasks. Each Name node has a Job
tracker, which divides and tracks the job submitted by
the clients. Each job is then distributed among data
nodes. These data nodes house task trackers,
periodically sending a heartbeat indicating the node is
alive. This way job tracker tracks the entire process. In
case of a data node failure, the job tracker assigns the
job to another node, thus making the system fault-
Yahoo developed Apache Pig to analyse large amounts
of data. This is what map-reduce does, too, but one
fundamental problem with Map Reduce is it takes a lot
of code to perform the intended jobs. This is the
primary reason why Pig was developed. It has two
significant components Pig Latin and Pig engine.
Pig Latin is a high-level language that is used to
perform analysis tasks. 10 lines of Pig Latin code can
achieve the same task as 200 lines of map-reduce code.
The pig codes internally get converted to map-reduce
jobs with the help of the pig engine. Thus making the
entire process easier. The Pig Latin language is similar
to SQL.
One of the critical concerns with map-reduce was that
it takes a sequential multi-step process to run a job,
and it has to read cluster data to do the operation and
write it back to nodes to perform a job. Thus, map-
reduce jobs have high latency, making them inefficient
for real-time analytics.
To overcome the shortcoming, Spark was developed.
The key features that set Apache Spark apart from
map-reduce are its in-memory computation capability
and reusability of data across parallel operations. This
makes it almost 100 times faster than Hadoop map-
reduce for large scale data processing.
The Spark framework includes The spark core,
Spark SQL, MLlib, streaming and Graphx.
• Spark Core: This is responsible for memory
management, scheduling, distributing,
monitoring jobs, and fault recovery. And it was
interacting with storage systems. It can be
accessed by different programming languages
such as Java, Scala, Python and R via APIs.
• MLlib: Library consisting of machine algorithms
to do regression, classification, clustering etc.
• Streaming: It helps ingest real-time data from
sources such as Kafka, Twitter, and Flume in
mini-batches and perform real-time analytics on
the same using codes written for batch analytics.
• Spark SQL: Distributed querying engine that
provides highly optimised queries up to 100x
faster than map-reduce. It supports various data
sources out-of-the-box including Hive,
Cassandra, HDFS etc.
• Graphx: It is a distributed graph processing unit
that provides ETL, Graph computation and
exploratory analysis at scale.
Spark is an ecosystem in itself. It has its cluster
manager called standalone manager, Spark SQL for
accessing data, streaming for batch and real-time data
processing etc. Honestly, it deserves an article in itself.
Data Access
Once the data is ingested from different sources and
stored in cluster nodes, the next step is to retrieve the
right data for our needs. There are a bunch of software
that helps us access the data efficiently as and when
Hive is a data warehousing tool designed to work with
voluminous data, and it works on top of HDFS and
Map Reduce. The Hive query language is similar to
SQL, making it user-friendly. The hive queries
internally get converted into map-reduce or spark jobs
which run on Hadoop’s distributed node cluster.
Apache Impala is an open-source data warehouse tool
for querying high volume data. Syntactically it is
similar to HQL but provides highly optimised faster
queries than Hive. Unlike Hive, it is not dependent on
map-reduce; instead, it has its engine, which stores
intermediate results in memory, thus providing faster
query execution. It can easily be integrated with
HDFS, Hbase and amazon s3. AS Impala is similar to
SQL, and the learning curve is not very steep.
Apache Hue is an open-source web interface for
Hadoop components developed by Cloudera. It
provides an easy interface to interact with Hive data
stores, manage HDFS files and directories, and track
map-reduce jobs and Oozie workflows. If you are not
a fan of Command Line Interface, this is the right tool
to interact with various Hadoop components.]
Apache zookeeper is another essential member of the
Hadoop family, responsible for cross node
synchronisation and coordination. Hadoop
applications may need cross-cluster services;
deploying Zookeeper takes care of this issue.
Applications create a znode within Zookeeper;
applications can synchronise their tasks across the
distributed cluster by updating their status in the
znode. Zookeeper then can relegate information
regarding a specific node’s status change to other

Q5. What are the issues and challenges of big data?

Ans: Some of the Big Data challenges are:
1. Sharing and Accessing Data:
• The inaccessibility of data sets from external
• Sharing data can cause substantial
• It includes the need for inter and intra-
institutional legal documents.
• Accessing data from public repositories leads
to multiple difficulties.

2. Privacy and Security:

• It includes sensitive, conceptual, technical as
well as legal significance.
• Most of the organizations are unable to
maintain regular checks due to large amounts
of data generation. However, it should be
necessary to perform security checks and
observation in real time because it is most
• Some of the organization collects
information of the people in order to add
value to their business. This is done by
making insights into their lives that they’re
unaware of.
3. Analytical Challenges:
• There are some huge analytical challenges in
big data which arise some main challenges
questions like how to deal with a problem if
data volume gets too large?
• Or how to find out the important data points?
• Or how to use data to the best advantage?
• These large amount of data on which these
types of analysis are to be done can be
structured (organized data), semi-structured
(Semi-organized data) or unstructured
(unorganized data). There are two techniques
through which decision making can be done:
o Either incorporate massive data volumes
in the analysis.
o Or determine upfront which Big-data is
4. Technical challenges:
• Quality of data:
o When there is a collection of a large
amount of data and storage of this data,
it comes at a cost. Big companies,
business leaders and IT leaders always
want large data storage.
o For better results and conclusions, Big
data rather than having irrelevant data,
focuses on quality data storage.
o This further arise a question that how it
can be ensured that data is relevant, how
much data would be enough for decision
making and whether the stored data is
accurate or not.
• Fault tolerance:
o Fault tolerance computing is extremely
hard, involving intricate algorithms.
o The new technologies like cloud
computing and big data always intended
that whenever the failure occurs the
damage done should be within the
acceptable threshold that is the whole
task should not begin from the scratch.
• Scalability:
o Big data projects can grow and evolve
rapidly. The scalability issue of Big Data
has lead towards cloud computing.
o It leads to various challenges like how to
run and execute various jobs so that goal
of each workload can be achieved cost-
o It also requires dealing with the system
failures in an efficient manner. This
leads to a big question again that what
kinds of storage devices are to be used.

Assignment II
Q1. Explain the concept of HDFS. Architectural
design of HDFS.
HDFS Concepts? What is HDFS and what are its
main components? (Name node and Data node)
1. Ans: Blocks: A Block is the minimum amount of
data that it can read or write. HDFS blocks are 128
MB by default and this is configurable. Files n
HDFS are broken into block-sized chunks, which
are stored as independent units.
2. Name Node: The name node acts as master.
Name Node is controller and manager of HDFS
as it knows the status and the metadata of all the
files in HDFS; the metadata information being file
permission, names and location of each block.
The metadata are small, so it is stored in the
memory of name node, allowing faster access to
3. Data Node: They store and retrieve blocks by
client or name node. They report back to name
node periodically, with list of blocks that they are
storing. The data node being a commodity
hardware also does the work of block creation,
deletion and replication as stated by the name
Q2. Enlist the commands used in HDFS ?

Command Description

-rm Removes file or directory

-ls Lists files with permissions and

other details
-mkdir Creates a directory named path in

-cat Shows contents of the file

-rmdir Deletes a directory

-put Uploads a file or folder from a local

disk to HDFS

-rmr Deletes the file identified by path or

folder and subfolders

-get Moves file or folder from HDFS to

local file

-count Counts number of files, number of

directory, and file size

-df Shows free space

-getmerge Merges multiple files in HDFS

-chmod Changes file permissions

- Copies files to the local system


-Stat Prints statistics about the file or

-head Displays the first kilobyte of a file

-usage Returns the help for an individual


-chown Allocates a new owner and group of

a file

Q3. Explain data ingest with Flume and Sqoop?

• Ans: . Apache Flume: Flume is designed for

efficiently collecting, aggregating, and
transporting large amounts of log data or event
data from various sources to a central repository
like HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System).
Flume is great for streaming data into Hadoop.
• Sources: Flume sources gather data from
different input channels. For example, you might
have sources that read data from log files, syslogs,
or even custom sources.
• Channels: Channels act as buffers that
temporarily hold the data as it is being transferred
from the source to the Destination (sink).
• Destination: Sinks write the data to the final
destination, such as HDFS, HBase, or another
storage system.
Example: Imagine you have a web server generating
log files. You can use Flume to continuously monitor
these log files, collect the data, and load it into HDFS
for further processing.
• 2. Apache Sqoop: Sqoop is used for transferring
data between relational databases (like MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle) and Hadoop. It's particularly
useful for importing large volumes of data from
traditional databases into HDFS or exporting data
from HDFS back to a relational database. Sqoop
is ideal for batch importing/exporting data
between databases and Hadoop.
• Import: Sqoop connects to a relational database,
retrieves data, and imports it into HDFS. It
supports parallel imports, which can speed up the
process by splitting the work across multiple
• Export: It can also take data from HDFS and
export it back to a relational database, useful for
integrating Hadoop-based analysis results with
operational databases.
• Each tool addresses different aspects of data
ingestion and management within a Hadoop
ecosystem, making it easier to handle and process
large volumes of data.
Example: If we have customer data stored in a
MySQL database and we want to analyze it using
Hadoop’s ecosystem tools (like Hive or Spark), we
would use Sqoop to import this data into HDFS.
Q4. What is Hadoop archives?
Ans: Hadoop Archives (HAR) HAR is a way to
organize and compress data within HDFS to reduce
the number of files and improve performance when
accessing large datasets. HAR helps manage and
optimize the storage of a large number of small files in
• Archive: Hadoop Archives bundle a large number
of files into a single archive file. This reduces the
number of files in HDFS and can help improve
performance by reducing the metadata overhead.
• Access: Data in HAR files can be accessed just
like regular HDFS files, but the access patterns
are optimized for performance.
Example: If we have millions of small files (e.g., log
files or data chunks), managing these files can become
inefficient due to the overhead of storing metadata. By
archiving these files into HAR files, we can improve
performance and manageability.

In Hadoop, compression and serialization are

crucial techniques to optimize data storage and
transmission. They help in reducing the size of data
and enabling efficient data processing across the
distributed Hadoop ecosystem, particularly HDFS
(Hadoop Distributed File System) and MapReduce.
Q5. Explain Compression and serialization in
Where Compression is Used?
Why Serialization is Important in Hadoop?
Ans: Compression in Hadoop: Compression
reduces the size of data files, which is essential in a
distributed environment like Hadoop, where large
datasets are common. By using compression, less
space is needed for storage, and data transfer becomes
faster due to reduced input/output (I/O) overhead.
Use of Compression:
• HDFS Storage: Data stored on HDFS can be
compressed to save disk space and improve I/O
• MapReduce Jobs: Input/output data can be
compressed to reduce the time spent reading from
or writing to HDFS. Compression also helps
reduce network traffic between mappers and
Advantages of Compression:
• Less Disk Space Usage: Reduces storage costs.
• Faster Data Transmission: Decreases the
amount of data transferred across the network.
• Improved Performance: Speeds up processing
tasks by reducing I/O bottlenecks.

2. Serialization in Hadoop:
Serialization is the process of converting an object into
a byte stream to store it or transmit it to another
system, where it can later be deserialized into its
original form. Hadoop relies on serialization to
efficiently process and move data across its distributed
• Data Exchange: In a distributed system, data
must be exchanged between nodes (across
mappers, reducers, and data nodes). Serialization
allows this data to be efficiently encoded and
• Storage: Data that is stored in HDFS or processed
by MapReduce jobs needs to be serialized to
ensure that it can be efficiently written to and read
from disk.
Serialization Frameworks in Hadoop:
Writable: Hadoop's native serialization format,
optimized for speed and compatibility with the
Hadoop ecosystem.
Advantages: Lightweight, fast, and well-
suited for Hadoop’s distributed nature.
Disadvantage: Limited to Hadoop and Java
environments; less portable.
❖ Difference between Compression and

Feature Compression Serialization

Encode data into a
Reduce data size
Purpose format for storage
for storage and I/O
and transmission
Data files (HDFS, In-memory data and
MapReduce) data exchange
Common Gzip, Bzip2, Writable, Avro,
Formats Snappy, LZO Protobuf, Thrift
Feature Compression Serialization
Reducing disk
Transmitting data
Use Cases space, speeding up
between nodes, RPCs
Assignment III
Q1. Explain the Anatomy of a MapReduce Job.
Answer: Mapper
Record Reader:
The record reader translates an input split generated
by input format into records. The purpose of record
reader is to parse the data into record but doesn’t
parse the record itself. It passes the data to the
mapper in form of key/value pair. Usually, the key in
this context is positional information and the value is
a chunk of data that composes a record.
Map function is the heart of mapper task, which is
executed on each key/value pair from the record
reader to produce zero or more key/value pair, called
intermediate pairs. The decision of what is key/value
pair depends on what the MapReduce job is
accomplishing. The data is grouped on key and the
value is the information pertinent to the analysis in
the reducer.
It is an optional component but highly useful and
provides extreme performance gain of MapReduce
job without any downside. Combiner is not
applicable to all the MapReduce algorithms but
where ever it can be applied it is always
recommended to use. It takes the intermediate keys
from the mapper and applies a user-provided method
to aggregate values in a small scope of that one
The Hadoop partitioner takes the intermediate
key/value pairs from mapper and split them into
shards, one shard per reducer. This randomly
distributes the key space evenly over the reducer, but
still ensures that keys with the same value in different
mappers end up at the same reducer. The partitioned
data is written to the local filesystem for each map
task and waits to be pulled by its respective reducer.
Shuffle and Sort:
The reduce task start with the shuffle and sort step.
This step takes the output files written by all of the
Hadoop partitioners and downloads them to the local
machine in which the reducer is running. These
individual data pipes are then sorted by keys into one
larger data list. The purpose of this sort is to group
equivalent keys together so that their values can be
iterated over easily in the reduce task.
The reducer takes the grouped data as input and runs
a reduce function once per key grouping. The
function is passed the key and an iterator over all the
values associated with that key. A wide range of
processing can happen in this function, the data can
be aggregated, filtered, and combined in a number of
ways. Once it is done, it sends zero or more
key/value pair to the final step, the output format.
Output Format:
The output format translates the final key/value pair
from the reduce function and writes it out to a file by
a record writer. By default, it will separate the key
and value with a tab and separate record with a new
line character.
Q2. What is MapReduce type and its format?
Ans: MapReduce is a programming model in Big
Data that uses a combination of map and reduce
functions to process large volumes of data.
MapReduce functions: The map function reads data
from a database and transfers it to a more accessible
format, while the reduce function combines the final
classification results.
MapReduce input and output types: The map input
key and value types (K1 and V1) are usually different
from the map output types (K2 and V2).
MapReduce input formats: Some examples of
MapReduce input formats include FileInputFormat,
TextInputFormat, KeyValueTextInputFormat,
SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat, and
MapReduce data types:
Some basic data types used in MapReduce include
IntWritable and Text, which support serialization and
MapReduce file formats: Some common file
formats used in MapReduce include XML, JSON,
SequenceFiles, Avro, and Parquet.
MapReduce applications: MapReduce applications
run in parallel to process large volumes of data stored
on clusters.
Q3. What are the features of Map Reduce?
MapReduce can scale to process vast amounts of data
by distributing tasks across a large number of nodes
in a cluster. This allows it to handle massive datasets,
making it suitable for Big Data applications.
Fault Tolerance
MapReduce incorporates built-in fault tolerance to
ensure the reliable processing of data. It
automatically detects and handles node failures,
rerunning tasks on available nodes as needed.
Data Locality
MapReduce takes advantage of data locality by
processing data on the same node where it is stored,
minimizing data movement across the network and
improving overall performance.
The MapReduce programming model abstracts away
many complexities associated with distributed
computing, allowing developers to focus on their data
processing logic rather than low-level details.
Cost-Effective Solution
Hadoop's scalable architecture and MapReduce
programming framework make storing and
processing extensive data sets very economical.
Parallel Programming
Tasks are divided into programming models to allow
for the simultaneous execution of independent
operations. As a result, programs run faster due to
parallel processing, making it easier for a process to
handle each job. Parallel processing makes it easy; it
distributes the tasks and perform the multiple
processors. Therefore, all software runs faster.

Q4. What are the failures in MapReduce?

Ans: Failures in MapReduce
1. Task Failure:
The task failure is similar to an employee mak
ing a mistake while doing a task. Consider you
are working on a large project that has been broken
down into smaller jobs and assigned to different
employees in your team. If one of the team members
fails to do their task correctly, the entire project may
be compromised. Similarly, in Hadoop, if a job fails
due to a mistake or issue, it could affect overall data
processing, causing delays or faults in the final result.
Limited memory: A task can fail if it runs out of
memory while processing data.
Failures of disk: If the disk that stores data or
intermediate results fails, tasks that depend on that
data may fail.
Issues with software or hardware: Bugs, mistakes,
or faults in software or hardware components can
cause task failures.
How to Overcome Task Failure
Increase memory allocation: Assign extra memory
to jobs to ensure they have the resources to process
the data.
Implement fault tolerance mechanisms: Using data
replication and checkpointing techniques to defend
against disc failures and retrieve lost data.
Regularly update software and hardware: Keep
the Hadoop framework and supporting hardware up
to date to fix bugs, errors, and performance issues
that can lead to task failures.
2. TaskTracker Failure:
A TaskTracker in Hadoop is similar to an
employee responsible for executing certain tasks in a
large project. If a TaskTracker fails, it signifies a
problem occurred while an employee worked on their
assignment. This can interrupt the entire project,
much as when a team member makes a mistake or
encounters difficulties with their task, producing
delays or problems with the overall project's
completion. To avoid TaskTracker failures, ensure the
TaskTracker's hardware and software are in excellent
working order and have the resources they need to do
their jobs successfully.
Hardware issues: Just as your computer's parts can
break or stop working properly, the TaskTracker's
hardware (such as the processor, memory, or disc)
might fail or stop operating properly. This may
prohibit it from carrying out its duties.
Software problems or errors: The software
operating on the TaskTracker may contain bugs or
errors that cause it to cease working properly. It's
similar to when an app on your phone fails and stops
working properly.
Overload or resource exhaustion: It may struggle
to keep up if the TaskTracker becomes overburdened
with too many tasks or runs out of resources such as
memory or processing power. It's comparable to
being overburdened with too many duties or running
out of storage space on your gadget.
Update software and hardware on a regular
basis: Keep the Hadoop framework and associated
hardware up to date to correct bugs, errors, and
performance issues that might lead to task failures.

Upgrade or replace hardware: If TaskTracker's

hardware is outdated or insufficiently powerful, try
upgrading or replacing it with more powerful
components. It's equivalent to purchasing a new,
upgraded computer to handle jobs more efficiently.

Restart or reinstall the program: If the

TaskTracker software is causing problems, a simple
restart or reinstall may be all that is required. It's the
same as restarting or reinstalling an app to make it
work correctly again.
Alright!! Moving forward, let us learn about
JobTracker Failure.
3. JobTracker Failure:
A JobTracker in Hadoop is similar to a
supervisor or manager that oversees the entire project
and assigns tasks to TaskTrackers (employees). If a
JobTracker fails, it signifies the supervisor is
experiencing a problem or has stopped working
properly. This can interrupt the overall project's
coordination and development, much as when a
supervisor is unable to assign assignments or oversee
their completion. To avoid JobTracker failures, it is
critical to maintain the JobTracker's hardware and
software, ensure adequate resources, and fix any
issues or malfunctions as soon as possible to keep the
project going smoothly.
Database connectivity: The JobTracker stores job
metadata and state information in a backend database
(usually Apache Derby or MySQL). JobTracker
failures can occur if there are database connectivity
issues, such as network problems or database server
Security problems: JobTracker failures can be
caused by security issues such as authentication or
authorization failures, incorrectly configured security
settings or key distribution and management issues.
How to Overcome JobTracker Failure
Avoiding Database Connectivity: To avoid database
connectivity failures in the JobTracker, ensure
optimized database configuration, robust network
connections, and high availability techniques are
implemented. Retrying connections, monitoring, and
backups are all useful.
To overcome security-related problems: implement
strong authentication and authorization, enable
SSL/TLS for secure communication, keep software
updated with security patches, follow key
management best practices, conduct security audits,
and seek xexpert guidance for vulnerability
mitigation and compliance with security standards.
Q5. Explain different types of MapReduce formats.
Ans: Types of InputFormat in MapReduce
1. FileInputFormat:
It serves as the foundation for all file-based
InputFormats. FileInputFormat also provides the
input directory, which contains the location of
the data files. When we start a MapReduce task,
FileInputFormat returns a path with files to read.
This InpuFormat will read all files. Then it
divides these files into one or more InputSplits.
2. TextInputFormat:
It is the standard InputFormat. Each line of each
input file is treated as a separate record by this
InputFormat. It does not parse anything.
TextInputFormat is suitable for raw data or line-
based records, such as log files. Hence:
• Key: It is the byte offset of the first line within
the file (not the entire file split). As a result,
when paired with the file name, it will be unique.
• Value: It is the line's substance. It does not
include line terminators.

3. KeyValueTextInputFormat:
It is comparable to TextInputFormat. Each line
of input is also treated as a separate record by this
InputFormat. While TextInputFormat treats the
entire line as the value, KeyValueTextInputFormat
divides the line into key and value by a tab
character ('/t'). Hence:
• Key: Everything up to and including the tab

• Value: It is the remaining part of the line after

the tab character.

4. SequenceFileInputFormat:
It's an input format for reading sequence files.
Binary files are sequence files. These files also
store binary key-value pair sequences. These are
block-compressed and support direct serialization
and deserialization of a variety of data types.
Hence Key & Value are both user-defined.
5. SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat:
It is a subtype of SequenceFileInputFormat. The
sequence file key values are converted to Text
objects using this format. As a result, it converts
the keys and values by running 'toString()' on
them. As a result, SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat
converts sequence files into text-based input for
6. NlineInputFormat
It is a variant of TextInputFormat in which the
keys are the line's byte offset. And values are the
line's contents. As a result, each mapper receives a
configurable number of lines of TextInputFormat
and KeyValueTextInputFormat input. The number
is determined by the magnitude of the split. It is
also dependent on the length of the lines. So, if we
want our mapper to accept a specific number of
lines of input, we use NLineInputFormat.
N- It is the number of lines of input received by
each mapper.
Each mapper receives exactly one line of input by
default (N=1).
Assuming N=2, each split has two lines. As a
result, the first two Key-Value pairs are distributed
to one mapper. The second two key-value pairs are
given to another mapper.
7. DBInputFormat
Using JDBC, this InputFormat reads data from a
relational Database. It also loads small datasets,
which might be used to connect with huge datasets
from HDFS using multiple inputs. Hence:
• Key: LongWritables

• Value: DBWritables.
Output Format in MapReduce
The output format classes work in the opposite
direction as their corresponding input format classes.
The TextOutputFormat, for example, is the default
output format that outputs records as plain text files,
although key values can be of any type and are
converted to strings by using the toString () method.
The tab character separates the key-value character,
but this can be changed by modifying the separator
attribute of the text output format.
SequenceFileOutputFormat is used to write a
sequence of binary output to a file for binary output.
Binary outputs are especially valuable if they are
used as input to another MapReduce process.
DBOutputFormat handles the output formats for
relational databases and HBase. It saves the
compressed output to a SQL table.
Assignment IV
Q1. Explain the new feature of name node with
high availability in Hadoop 2.0.
Ans: Hadoop 2.0's Name Node High Availability
feature addresses the single point of failure problem in
Hadoop clusters by introducing a second Name Node:
1. Active Name Node: Handles all client operations
in the cluster
2. Passive Standby Name Node: A standby Name
Node that has similar data to the active Name
3. Automatic failover: If the active Name Node
fails, the Hadoop administrator can manually
intervene or automatically switch to the passive
Name Node
4. Hot standby: The passive Name Node maintains
enough state to provide a fast failover
5. Replication factor: Data is replicated across
multiple nodes, and the replication factor can be
configured by the administrator
Other features of Hadoop 2.0 include:
1. YARN, which can process terabytes and petabytes
of data
2. Splitting the Work Tracker's roles into the Task
Master and the Global Resource Manager
3. HDFS Federation, which increases the horizontal
scalability of the Name Node
4. HDFS Snapshot
5. Support for Windows
6. NFS access is also provided.

Q2. What is MRv2.

Ans: MRv2, also known as MapReduce NextGen or
YARN, is a new architecture in Hadoop that separates
the two main functions of the Job Tracker into separate
1. Resource management
The Resource Manager manages the global
assignment of compute resources to
2. Job life-cycl e management
The Application Master manages the
application's scheduling and coordination.
The YARN architecture also includes Node
Managers, which manage the user processes
on a machine.
3. Data storage
MapReduce uses the Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS) to store data.
4. Parallel containers
YARN uses multiple parameters to determine
the number of parallel containers.
5. Performance tuning
We can tune parameters at the Hadoop cluster
level to improve performance.
6. Containers
A container is the physical instance of a
process executed by YARN on a worker node
within the cluster.
Q3. Write the difference between MRv1 and MRv2
in YARN.
Ans: MapReduce version 1 and MapReduce version 2
are different versions of the MapReduce computation
framework that run on YARN, a component of the
Hadoop data-processing ecosystem:
• MRv1: The original version of MapReduce,
which runs as an application on top of YARN.
• MRv2: The rewritten version of MRv1 that runs
on YARN.
Differences between MRv1 and MRv2:
1. Resource management
YARN separates resource management and
job management, which were both handled
by the Job Tracker in Hadoop 1.x.
2. Resource allocation
YARN allows resources to be allocated and
reallocated for different applications sharing
a cluster.
3. Backwards compatibility
YARN is backwards-compatible with
MapReduce, so all jobs that run against
MapReduce also run in a YARN cluster.
4. Application submission
The syntax to submit applications is similar
to the MRv1 framework, but the yarn
command is still preferred.
5. Configuration parameters
MRv2 has different configuration parameters
than MRv1.
We can monitor MRv1 applications running
on a YARN cluster using the Resource
Manager web interface.
Assignment V
Q1. Explain the architecture of Hive.
Ans: Hive Architecture
The following architecture explains the flow
of submission of query into Hive.

Hive Client
Hive allows writing applications in various
languages, including Java, Python, and C++.
It supports different types of clients such as:-
o Thrift Server - It is a cross-language service
provider platform that serves the request from all
those programming languages that supports
o JDBC Driver - It is used to establish a connection
between hive and Java applications. The JDBC
Driver is present in the class
o ODBC Driver - It allows the applications that
support the ODBC protocol to connect to Hive.
Hive Services
The following are the services provided by
o Hive CLI - The Hive CLI (Command Line
Interface) is a shell where we can execute Hive
queries and commands.
o Hive Web User Interface - The Hive Web UI is
just an alternative of Hive CLI. It provides a web-
based GUI for executing Hive queries and
o Hive MetaStore - It is a central repository that
stores all the structure information of various
tables and partitions in the warehouse. It also
includes metadata of column and its type
information, the serializers and deserializers
which is used to read and write data and the
corresponding HDFS files where the data is
o Hive Server - It is referred to as Apache Thrift
Server. It accepts the request from different clients
and provides it to Hive Driver.
o Hive Driver - It receives queries from different
sources like web UI, CLI, Thrift, and
JDBC/ODBC driver. It transfers the queries to the
o Hive Compiler - The purpose of the compiler is to
parse the query and perform semantic analysis on
the different query blocks and expressions. It
converts HiveQL statements into MapReduce
o Hive Execution Engine - Optimizer generates the
logical plan in the form of DAG of map-reduce
tasks and HDFS tasks. In the end, the execution
engine executes the incoming tasks in the order of
their dependencies.
Q2. Write the necessary steps for the installation of
Ans: To install Hive, you can follow these steps:
Hardware requirements
➢ At least 8 GB of RAM
➢ A quad-core CPU with at least 1.80 GHz
➢ JRE 1.8
➢ Java Development Kit 1.8
➢ A software for unzipping, like 7Zip or Win
1. Install Java: Hive is a Java-based tool, so you
need to install Java on your server. You can check
the Hive documentation for the most compatible
Java version.
2. Download and untar Hive: You can download
Hive from GitHub at
3. Configure Hive environment variables: You
can configure Hive environment variables in
4. Edit core-site.xml file: You can edit the core-
site.xml file.
5. Create Hive directories in HDFS: You can
create the /tmp directory and the
/user/hive/warehouse directory.
6. Configure hive-site.xml file: You can configure
the hive-site.xml file, but this is optional.
7. Initiate Derby database: You can initiate the
Derby database.
8. Launch Hive Client Shell: You can launch the
Hive Client Shell.

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