Prediction of Traffic Congestion Based on LSTM Thr
Prediction of Traffic Congestion Based on LSTM Thr
Prediction of Traffic Congestion Based on LSTM Thr
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3016469, IEEE Access
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number
ABSTRACT With the rapid increase in vehicle use during the fourth Industrial Revolution, road resources
have reached their supply limit. Active studies have therefore been conducted on intelligent transportation
systems (ITSs) to realize traffic management systems utilizing fewer resources. As part of an ITS, real-time
traffic services are provided to improve user convenience. Such services are applied to prevent traffic
congestion and disperse existing traffic. Therefore, these services focus on immediacy at the expense of
accuracy. As these services typically rely on measured data, the accuracy of the models are contingent on the
data collection. Therefore, this study proposes a long short-term memory (LSTM)-based traffic congestion
prediction approach based on the correction of missing temporal and spatial values. Before making
predictions, the proposed prediction method applies pre-processing that consists of outlier removal using the
median absolute deviation of the traffic data and the correction of temporal and spatial values using temporal
and spatial trends and pattern data. In previous studies, data with time-series features have not been
appropriately learned. To address this problem, the proposed prediction method uses an LSTM model for
time-series data learning. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE) was calculated for comparison with other models. The MAPE of the proposed method was
found to be the best of the compared models, at approximately 5%.
INDEX TERMS Long Short-Term Memory, Traffic, Intelligent Transportation System, Deep Learning,
Missing Data Correction, Big Data-based AI
I. INTRODUCTION that have arisen with the increased demand for road resources
Based on the core technologies of the fourth industrial have focused on traffic welfare. Traffic welfare consists of
revolution, smart vehicles are being produced in diverse factors including operation service costs, passage of time,
forms [1]. The role of the automobile has been extended from accident costs, parking costs, punctuality, and accessibility,
a simple means of transportation to a living space and finally, with the most important being traffic congestion. As a part of
to a type of infotainment system that provides new forms of an ITS, traffic surfaces can be put in place to collect traffic
user convenience [2], 3]. With the increase in the demand for information on all roads in real time in order to provide users
smart automobiles, it is extremely important to collect and with information including which regions are congested,
process traffic information to enable smooth traffic traffic volumes, and the locations of traffic accidents. In this
management. Furthermore, it is necessary to take a way, an ITS can improve the functionality of a road traffic
qualitative rather than a quantitative approach [4]. To this network. An ITS can also provide a real-time traffic-
end, research has been conducted on intelligent transportation information service. By suggesting an optimal path to each
systems (ITSs) developed in concert with conventional driver, road congestion decreases and traffic is dispersed. An
traffic management systems and information technology [5]- ITS thus focuses on immediacy but achieves relatively low
[7]. To improve user convenience, studies on the problems accuracy. To solve this problem, active research has been
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conducted on real-time traffic pattern predictions based on it is possible to increase the accuracy of predictions and to
deep learning models and multiple prediction modes, with a provide a smooth flow of traffic information to users [20], [21].
particular focus on traffic predictions based on time-series This paper is organized into the following sections. Section
data. 2 describes the relevant studies on ITSs and ITS-based traffic
Weilin et al. [8] proposed a multi-resolution support vector predictions. Section 3 details the data collection process, data
regression (SVR) traffic flow prediction model based on pre-processing, and model design for traffic congestion
wavelet decomposition and topological space reconstruction. prediction. In Section 4, an experiment conducted to evaluate
For their experiment, the researchers utilized data collected the model performance and its results are described. In
from January to December 2011 by performance measurement addition, a comparison of different methods used to verify the
systems, which collect data in 5-min intervals. The mean performance and a description of the system implementation
absolute percentage error (MAPE) rate for their model was are also provided. Finally, Section 5 presents the concluding
12.8%. remarks regarding this study.
Filmon et al. [9] proposed a nonparametric, data-centric
methodology to achieve short-term traffic predictions based II. RELATED WORK
on the identification of similar traffic patterns through the
improved K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) algorithm. Recently, A. Research of traffic congestion prediction
the weighted Euclidean distance has also been used as a In traffic data, outliers and missing values negatively
similarity measurement for K-NN. For their experiment, the influence traffic control and traffic congestion prediction in
researchers used 12 datasets from highways in the UK and 24 intelligent traffic systems. To address this problem, many
datasets from highways in the US. A MAPE rate of 22% was missing value correction methods have been proposed.
achieved. Conventional methods of missing value correction focus on
the correction of individual missing values. Although these
Zhang [10] proposed a short-term traffic prediction model
methods provide a simple and fast estimate for the missing
based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) deep learning
value, they often produce biased results. To resolve this,
framework. In the proposed framework, the optimal input data
historical imputation methods (HIMs) that provide multiple
time delay and amount of spatial data are determined based on estimation values for one missing value have been proposed
the space-time feature selection algorithm. The selected space- [22], [23]. In these methods, a missing value is replaced by
time traffic feature is then transformed into a two-dimensional the mean value of multiple data points collected at the same
matrix after being extracted from the actual data. The function position and date. Correction methods based on nearest
is learned by the CNN, and a prediction model is constructed. neighbor imputation (NIM) use the mean value from the
According to a performance analysis, the MAPE rate was neighboring roads to estimate a missing value [24], [25].
approximately 8.3% on average. However, such methods cannot be applied when there is no
The methods described above tend to achieve higher data from neighboring roads. The missing value correction
prediction accuracies than those focusing on immediacy. The method proposed in this study makes it possible to correct a
prediction modes used in these studies are based on one of missing value and thereby to design complete data, using
three models: SVR [11], [12], CNNs [13], [14], and KNN [15], past data patterns even when there is no information from
[16]. Because these models fail to consider the features of neighboring roads. In addition, machine learning and deep
time-series data, they may be inappropriate. For prediction, learning are applied to model more complicated data for
this study therefore utilizes the long short-term memory traffic prediction. The deep learning model exhibits better
(LSTM) model, which provides accurate predictions and performance since it has more functions and more
makes it possible to account for the time-series features of complicated architecture than the conventional model.
traffic data. The LSTM model solves the problem of the long- Sun et al. [26] proposed a traffic prediction method using
term dependence inherent in recurrent neural network (RNN) GPS trajectory data based on an RNN. Their method used
models [17]-[19]. With the LSTM model, the result of a the missing values from existing road speed data to estimate
hidden layer is passed to the same hidden layer as an input. the average speeds on stretches of road with GPS trajectory
data. However, because an RNN fails to memorize past data
Owing to the recursive construction of hidden layers, it is
features and deletes them with a lapse in time, it has
possible to consider sequential or temporal aspects. For this
problems dealing with long-term dependency. Accordingly,
reason, this model is conducive for learning the time-series
traffic prediction based on the LSTM model, which resolves
features of traffic data. Traffic data include outliers or missing problems associated with RNNs, is actively being researched.
values due to unexpected traffic variables. Outliers and Mou et al. [27] proposed the temporary information
missing values lower model performance and therefore should improvement (T-LSTM) model to predict the traffic flow on
be corrected when designing an accurate prediction model. a single stretch of road. In consideration of the similar
The correction can be achieved by removing outliers, features exhibited each day by traffic flows at a given time
correcting missing temporal and spatial values, and applying and place, the model extracted the unique correlation
pattern data. Then a system can be established to provide the between the traffic flow and time information, thereby
predicted traffic information to users. With more accurate data, improving the prediction accuracy. Yu et al. [28] proposed
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are corrected using spatial trends, temporal trends, and pattern method corrects missing data values from a temporal or spatial
utilization. With the pre-processed data, an LSTM model is perspective.
used to predict traffic congestion. Fig. 2 shows the entire
process of LSTM-based traffic congestion prediction through Algorithm 1: Outlier Removal Algorithm
the correction of temporal and spatial data.
Input: [x1, x2, …, xn]
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Algorithm 2: Spatial Data Correction Algorithm temporal values are constant, and the data pattern disappears,
Input: Xa (Adjoining Northbound Link) Xb (Target Link) as shown in Fig. 7.
Xc (Adjoining Southbound Link)
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the Gangnam-gu region of Seoul are displayed. The traffic congested’ to less than 40 km/h. These criteria are suggested
congestion criteria differ depending on the road type. For by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport [41].
general roads, ‘smooth’ refers to speeds of 30 km/h or higher, Numerical information for the expected congestion region is
‘congested’ to 15 km/h ~ 30 km/h, and ‘very congested’ to less provided in the table below the simulation map. Fig. 10 shows
than 15 km/h. For highways, ‘smooth’ refers to speeds of 70 the LSTM-based traffic congestion prediction system [43],
km/h or higher, ‘congested’ to 40 km/h ~ 70 km/h, and ‘very [44].
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B. Comparative evaluation of performance according to by subtracting the actual value from the predicted value and
the missing value correction method dividing the result by the actual value; this quantity is summed
If a model learns on data that includes missing values, the for all of the observations, and the sum is dividing by 𝑛. The
predication ability can be diminished. For this reason, it is lower a MAPE value is, the higher the model accuracy is.
necessary to correct missing values, and the model accuracy
may change according to the correction method.
We therefore evaluated the performance of our correction 100 𝐴𝑖 −𝐹𝑖
𝑀𝐴𝑃𝐸 = ∑ | | (2)
𝑛 𝐴𝑖
methods through repeated experiments varying the missing 𝑖=1
rate. In the experiments, historical imputation methods (HIM)
and nearest neighbor imputation (NIM) are used as In addition, the data used in the experiment is the traffic data
conventional missing value correction methods for of a day. The data includes data on an urban area with high
comparison with the missing value correction method congestion and a suburban area with relatively low congestion.
proposed in this study. The performance comparison was The performance of the LSTM model for congestion
conducted through the data missing rate based MAPE. The prediction was evaluated using uninterrupted and interrupted
data missing rate ranged from 10% to 90% in increments of flow regions. An uninterrupted flow region has no external
10%. Fig. 11 shows the results of the performance evaluation influences that control the traffic flow. An interrupted flow
for each of the missing value correction methods. region refers to a region with interrupted traffic flow that has
crossroads and trunk lines that cause interruptions due to
traffic signals or traffic control facilities. An example of an
uninterrupted flow region is a suburban area with highways,
while an example of an interrupted flow region is an urban
area with traffic signals and traffic control facilities. Fig. 12
shows a graph of the MAPE results for suburban and urban
areas. For the suburban areas, three regions were extracted,
and the northbound and southbound speeds were predicted. As
shown in the graphs of the prediction results, the average
MAPE was approximately 4.297%. As for the suburban areas,
three regions were extracted from the urban areas, and the
northbound and southbound speeds were predicted. The
average MAPE for the urban areas was approximately 6.087%.
The urban areas showed a somewhat lower accuracy than the
FIGURE 11. Results of performance evaluation according to missing value
correction method suburban areas, and the reasons for this were analyzed. The
suburban areas included fewer surrounding buildings and no
As shown in Fig. 11, the proposed method performed better traffic signals, and the speed limit within these regions was
in terms of MAPE than the conventional missing value higher than in the urban areas. By contrast, the urban areas
correction methods. HIM corrects temporal missing values but included numerous buildings, the large influence of a floating
fails to correct spatial missing values. In addition, its population other than drivers, traffic signals at crossroads, and
numerous variables interrupting the traffic flow. For these
performance deteriorates when a large proportion of the data
reasons, it is more difficult to predict the traffic flow in urban
is missing. Unlike the HIM, the NIM cannot correct the
areas. In addition, Fig. 13 shows the results of a comparative
temporal missing value, but it is possible to correct the data
analysis of the actual and predicted values in terms of the
when the data in the neighboring space is not recorded. In MAPE for three sections of the city center, while Fig. 14
contrast, the data correction method proposed in this study is shows the same comparison for three sections on the outskirts
able to correct both spatial and temporal data and exhibits of the city. However, the MAPE reduces the denominator as
excellent performance in terms of MAPE. the actual measurement approaches 0. This results in a
significant increase in Absolute Percentage Error (APE) even
C. Performance evaluation of prediction model if the absolute error value is small, resulting in a biased value
For the performance evaluation and loss function of the model when the average is taken. Therefore, RMSE (Root Mean
used in this study, the MAPE was used [45], [46]. The MAPE Squared Error) and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) is used for
can be applied to overcome the effect of size-dependent error measuring performance in order to prevent the distortion of
and represents the mean of the absolute error between the overall prediction performance. MAE calculates results
actual and predicted values. It was used for the loss function through identical standards in different circumstances. Also,
because it is sensitive to small values in low-speed regions RMSE reduces distortion through route about errors
such as congested areas. It was also used for the performance dependent on size, which is the problem of MSE (Mean
evaluation of the proposed method. The MAPE can be Squared Error), and displays the average of errors themselves
calculated by Equation (2), where 𝐴𝑖 is an actual value and 𝐹𝑖 intuitively.
is the predicted value. The MAPE is expressed as a percentage
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In this study, the performances are compared between urban performed worse than the LSTM models. This is because the
area and suburban area to evaluate the performances of RNN has the problem of long-term dependency. According to
prediction. Figure 13 and 14 show the results of performance the comparison, there is performance improvement of 0.97 for
evaluation through RMSE and MAE of urban and suburban the proposed model over that of Mou et al. [27]. The LSTM
areas. In the results of performance evaluation through RMSE model used in this study is therefore good for traffic
in Figure 13, Southbound of Seocho-daero shows the best congestion prediction, since it accounts for temporal features.
performance, which is 1.543. The Northbound of National
TABLE 2. Evaluation of model goodness-of-fit in comparison with
Route 47 shows relatively low performance, which is 5.524. different models
The results of 12 routes of MAE show 3.27 in average. MAE Reference Model MAPE
in Figure 14 shows the best performance in the Southbound of 7.22
Sun et al. [26] RNN
Seocho-daero like RMSE, and the Northbound of Teheran-ro Mou et al. [27] LSTM 6.09
shows the lowest performance, which is 3.83. The results of Yu et al. [28] STGCN 6.43
12 routes of MAE show 2.24 in average. The results through Ranjan et al. [47] LSTM 6.81
MAPE show that the congestion in urban areas has poor Zheng et al. [48] LSTM 6.72
prediction performance. But, the results of RMSE and MAE Zhao et al. [49] LSTM 9.70
show that the performance of some suburban areas is poorer Current work LSTM 5.12
than the prediction of urban areas’ congestion. This is because
MAE and RMSE do not depend on the speed values or VII. CONCLUSION
situation changes in urban areas with high congestion level In this study, an LSTM-based traffic congestion prediction
and suburban areas where congestion level is not high, but are method using a correction for missing temporal and spatial
the results of calculation through identical standards. data was proposed. Based on experimental results, outliers and
Therefore, when the three performance evaluation indexes are missing values in the traffic data influenced the prediction
comprehensively analyzed, the prediction performance of results. To improve the model performance, the outliers were
urban areas except the Northbound of Teheran-ro is mostly removed, and the data were pre-processed using spatial and
better than that of suburban areas. temporal trends and pattern data. As a predictive model,
LSTM was applied. It is derived from the RNN model and
D. Evaluation of model goodness-of-fit in comparison solves the problem of long-term dependency. In the LSTM
with different models model, the result of a hidden layer is passed into the same
To demonstrate the reliability of the model proposed in this hidden layer as an input. Because the model considers
study, the goodness-of-fit of the model was evaluated. The sequential or temporal aspects, it can be applied to learn the
proposed model was compared with other models presented in time-series features of traffic data. In an experiment to
relevant studies. The data used for the comparison was evaluate the model performance, suburban areas were used as
preprocessed by the method proposed in this study. The an example of uninterrupted flow regions and urban areas as
performance index used for the comparison was the MAPE. an example of interrupted flow regions. The suburban areas
The models used for comparison are RNN, LSTM, and were less influenced by the traffic flows with external
STGCN models. Table 2 presents the prediction results for the interference than the urban areas, and therefore had fewer
different data and models in the comparison. As shown in variables at the time of prediction. The model thus
Table 2, in terms of the MAPE, the proposed method had demonstrated higher prediction accuracy for suburban areas.
better goodness-of-fit than the other methods. The RNN In comparison with relevant models, the proposed method was
found to achieve better performance with a difference in the
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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3016469, IEEE Access
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