test mcq answers
test mcq answers
test mcq answers
– 1 (MCQ)
22. ABC Ltd prepared Interim Financial Report for the Quarter
ending June 30. The Interim Financial Report was approved for
issue by the Board of Directors on July 15. In this case -
(A) AS 4 is not applicable
(B) AS 25 specifically states that AS 4 is not applicable
(C) AS 4 is partially applicable
(D) AS 4 is applicable
23. Northern Ltd. took a bank loan of ` 125 lakh to finance the
purchase of a plant of ` 160 lakh at an interest of 15% per
annum on 30.09.2012. The plant was ready for use on
31.01.2013; however it was put to use only on 01.04.2013.
What amount of finance cost will be added
to find out the original cost of the plant?
(A) ` 6.25 lakh
(B) ` 9.375 lakh
(C) ` 18.75 lakh
(D) ` 8.00 lakh