Jurnal English Desiana Bunga Rihi

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Light Intensity and Photosynthesis Efficiency in Shade Plants and

Plants Exposed to Direct Light

Desiana Bunga Rihi

Program Studi Biologi, Universitas Persatuan Guru 1945 NTT
Email: desianarihihuky@gmail.com

Plant growth and productivity influenced by light. Sunlight activate light dependent
reactions or LDR and Calvin cycle or LIR in plant. Different light intensity induce change
of LDR and LIR. Adaptation through efficiency of photon absorption, regulation of
photosystem II - photosystem I, and carbon fixation can make photosynthesis efficiently.
This paper aims to review research on photosynthesis mechanism in sun and shade plants.
Alteration of light absorption in plants produce morphological and physiological
adaptations. Plant adaptation mechanism use sieve effect, light channeling and
acclimatization. Distribution of chlorophyll in both types of plants changed the
photosynthesis photon flux density. Propogation and distribution of light needed through
vacuoles to minimize the distance on electron transport chain. Physiological acclimatization
accelerate by changing the composition of chlorophyll and PSII / PSI ratio. Shade plants
have a high ratio PS II / PSI and high ratio chlorophyll a / b to increase the light harvesting
complex and make photosynthesis efficiently.

Keywords: adaptation, chlorophyll, light, photosynthesis, plant

Plant growth and productivity are influenced by the surrounding environment. Sunlight is one
of the factors that influences plant productivity because not all plants require the same light
intensity in the photosynthesis process. Photosynthesis is an important reaction in plants
which functions to convert solar energy (light) into chemical energy which is stored in organic
compounds (Campbell & Reece, 2008). Plants need sunlight as an energy source to carry out
the 2 reaction stages in photosynthesis, namely the light reaction or light dependent reaction
(LDR) which occurs in the thylakoids and the Calvin cycle or light independent reaction
(LIR) which occurs in the stroma.
Changes in light intensity can change LDR and LIR so plants need to make adjustments so
that the photosynthesis process remains efficient. Plant adjustments in dealing with changes in
light intensity are carried out, among other things, through photon absorption efficiency,
regulation of photosystem II (PS II) and photosystem I (PS I) reactions and carbon fixation
(Neri et al, 2003). Among the three types of reactions that occur in chloroplasts, the efficiency
of photon absorption and the regulation of PS II and PS I are important stages because photon
absorption is the basis for the formation of ATP and glucose as the final products of
This article aims to review various studies that discuss the mechanisms of photosynthetic
adaptation in plants that live in the shade (shade plants) and plants that are exposed to direct
sunlight (heat-resistant plants).
Light, Leaves and Photosynthesis
Sunlight is the main energy source for photosynthesis reactions. The solar energy absorbed by
leaves is 1-5%, while the rest is released through transpiration and is emitted/reflected
(Taiz&Zeiger, 2010). The results of the reflection of light waves into the air produce natural
vegetation colors that are perceived by the eye.
The efficiency of light absorption by leaves can produce different morphological and
physiological changes. Research conducted on coffee plants shows that the rate of
photosynthesis in coffee is greatly influenced by the hydraulic shape of the leaves which
influences the stomata conductance (gs) (Martins et al, 2014). Coffee is a type of plant that
grows under shade so that the absorption of light intensity is not optimal. Martin et al (2014)
conducted research measuring the rate of photosynthesis (A) in coffee plants exposed to direct
light and coffee grown under shade. The results show that the photosynthesis rate in coffee
exposed to direct light remains low due to the low CO2 diffusion resistance mechanism and
high photorespiration rate. Low CO2 fixation ability will affect the performance of the
Rubisco enzyme, where plants will not waste energy to form large amounts of Rubisco if little
CO2 is fixed; so that the reaction process for forming Rubisco via electron transport will be
adjusted. The energy from electron transport originates from the absorption of photons
received by the leaves through PS II and PS I reactions.
Adjusting photon absorption will result in adjustments to the light absorption required by the
leaves. According to Taiz & Zeiger (2010) factors that can influence the rate of
photosynthesis are Rubisco activity, regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) and
glyceral dehide 3 phosphate (G3P) metabolism. Rubisco and RuBP activities are strongly
influenced by light intensity while G3P metabolism is determined by CO2 fixation.
Leaf Adaptation Mechanisms to Light
The anatomical structure and morphology of leaves is one of the adaptation mechanisms
carried out by plants to different light intensities (Peri et al, 2009). The goal is so that plants
are able to absorb optimal light and carry out the photosynthesis process efficiently. The types
of adaptation carried out by plants can be in the form of a sieve effect or filtering effect, light
channeling or distribution of light, and acclimatization (Taiz & Zeiger, 2010).
Sieve effect Uneven distribution of chlorophyll in all plant cells and concentrating only in
chloroplasts can produce an effective filtering effect. Plants that grow in shade and under a
canopy will encapsulate chlorophyll (chlorophyll packaging) by providing a wider distance in
the stroma than plants that are exposed to direct light (Taiz & Zeiger, 2010). The filtering
effect will result in less total light absorption compared to the total amount of chlorophyll.
In the canopy area, light absorption can occur efficiently because there is a limited balance of
CO2 absorption. Lewis et al (2000) stated that there was a gradient decrease in photon
absorption or photosynthesis photon flux density (PPFD) in the rainforest canopy. According
to Lewis, rainforests are an important type of forest to study because of the potential for
carbon that can be absorbed and the many vegetation patterns that form beneath them. The
differences that form in rainforests are due to the upper canopy layer receiving more light so it
will absorb more CO2 when compared to the layers below (figure 1).
Figure 1. Photosynthetic response to light in shade plants. In limited light conditions,
respiration causes the flow of CO2 from plants Source: Taiz&Zeiger (2010)
Light channeling and light scattering
When the intensity of light absorbed by the canopy is low, the potential of excited electrons
becomes low due to limited photon energy. Plants create strategies for transmitting and
distributing light efficiently, namely by glowing and channeling light. Light propagation is
carried out through vacuoles and hollow cell surfaces to maximize energy and minimize the
distance that electrons must travel in the electron transport circuit. The greater the distance the
electron must travel, the greater the energy required (Martins et al, 2014). Therefore, the two
types of plants have different photosynthesis rates (A). Figure 2 shows the different light
absorption and CO2 absorption between shade plants (Asarum caudatum) and heat-resistant
plants (Atriplex triangularis) which causes differences in A rates.
Figure 2. Graph of light response and CO2 fixation in shade plants and plants exposed
to direct light Source: Taiz&Zeiger (2010)
Plants that are able to adapt to the environment will produce structures, morphology and
physiology that suit the environment. Adaptation allows plants to develop special and
specialized organs to deal with different light intensities. The pulvinus – located between the
petiole and the stalk – is one of the regulatory organs and can move the leaves in the direction
of light. Based on the direction of light orientation, plants can have heliotropism, that is,
plants with leaves that point towards the light are a type of plant at the top of the canopy;
paraheliotropism is a plant with leaves that avoid light, a type of plant under the canopy; and
diaheliotropism, namely plants with leaves that are able to maximize minimal light absorption
for an efficient photosynthesis process.
The physiological acclimatization process is carried out by diaheliotropism and
paraheliotropism plants through changes in the composition of total chlorophyll and the
PSII/PS I ratio. In the shade or plants that are not directly exposed to sunlight have high total
chlorophyll and a ratio of PS II : PS I = 3 : 1. Meanwhile in plants those exposed to direct
sunlight have a ratio of PS II : PS I = 2 : 1 with a higher rubisco content. Shaded conditions or
indirect light will encourage a much higher absorption of the red light spectrum which will
encourage the production of chlorophyll a (Salisbury and Ross, 1992). Chlorophyll b content
is a parameter that shows the chlorophyll content which influences metabolic processes but its
synthesis is influenced by chlorophyll a. Atwell et al (1999) and Pearcy (1999) stated that the
high chlorophyll a/b ratio is a reflection of the increase in light harvesting complexes (LHCII)
relative to the reaction center. This increase will increase the efficiency of light harvesting
(Khumaida et al., 2003), so that with limited light sources plants can still carry out efficient
photosynthesis processes.
Light intensity greatly influences the photosynthetic efficiency of a plant. Adaptation of shade
plants and heat-tolerant plants to light intensity results in an efficient photosynthesis process
so that both types of plants can remain alive and have high productivity.
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