BCT Unit 5,6 Notes by Dk?

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t Donat edit this POF ou can sbaxe it

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t T I fnd aut that sameane has edited

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Cwhich II wOUuldn't want to do : )


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By Dk 14 December 2024at 9:26pm
Blockchain EthexÇum Platfoxm Using

Ethexeunm is a blockchain based platfom that

enables developexS to build and deplas decentraliged
applicatians (dâpps)
Unlike Bitcoin which
which isis pximails desined as diaital
Ckency Ethexeum. moxe vexsafile & seiues as.
toundaion fox cxeating smaxt contxacts

Ethexeums native Cxyptocuxxency Ethex CETH) iS

Lp Ised to pas fox txansachona & Computational
Seauiceson netwoxk

The platfoxm is widely used fox cxeatag

deceresaliged Anance CDeF) susttms Non- Fiung1ble
Tökens_ CNETS) etc

upes of hexeum toodegldett

Ethexeum (mannet) -
This is the psimay blockchain whexe most of
the achvities including sMaxt Cantiacts DeFi
pxjects 0cCuX.
"Tt txansitoned to Ethexeum 2.0 in 9022
mauing om Proof ot loxk CPow) to Pxoof oE
Stake CPos)making it moxe eneqs - eEficitnt &

a Fthexeum Classic CETC)

Ethexeum classic eme,qed aftex a siqniticant
hack Ethe1eum netuoxk in 2alG the DAO hack)

The community splitwih one qraup stickin to

Oxiqinal blackchain CEtheieum Classic) and othex
implementing changes to tix the issue (Ethexeum)

Ethexeum Classic opexates independetly

independertly a shll
USes Psoof of Woxk

a) Ttnets (eg Goexli Sepclia)

These axe the testing enuixonments uhexe
denloy test dApps ox smaxt
using xeal Ethex.

Testnetsxeplicate the Ethexeurn Mainnet's füncionality

and allou develape1s to expexment sakels
Testnet is Used by pxOgammes ax developesto
test o txoubleshoot all aspects.à te atunes f
kchain netuwoxk

Salidits -
Solidits isa pragxamning language Specifcalls
designed fox witing & denlouing
deplauing Snat conta acts

Tt is sìmlax in Signtax to Taxa SciptmaRing it

xelatuels ensy to leaxn tax deselape.s fomiliax
with ueb derelapment
Salidity allaus dexelapers ta cxeate decentialiged
applicatans CdApps) hy wxiting smaxt Cantaacts
These cantxacts an be used tox vaxious punposes
Such as managing- Cyptocuiiency wallets
executina AnanciaLu txansactions ax Cxeating NETS

Salidits is stahcalls - typed language meaning dexelapes

must Specify data tupes af vaxiables making it
BVLeosiex to Catch exxO XS duxing develapment.

TH Suppoxts concepts like ibaaaies inhexitance&
the cxe ahan
cCUstom data stuctuies enabling-
Complex applicatians.
Cantaact Could be unit!
Fox eg 4 Saliditssmaxt
to withdxaul deposit Money in bank

Devlapers wste Solidity code in TDE Iko Remix

and code is CompiledInto bytecode which is
deplaued 8 executed Etheeum Vhtual Maching CEvm)

As blockchain aplcatians axe immutable caxeful

testing af Salidits cade is essenhal to avaicd
n-Uulnerabilitie S Ox bugs.

SWARM ( Decentaaliged Gtaxaqt Platfaum

’ " Siam is o decentaalig ed stoxaqe plattom
antent disthibuton Sstem designed tato camplement
Ethexeum blockchain

"Tt allous UsexS to Stoxe &nshaxe data in

distabuted nay wthout xelying on centxaliaed

Snaam pxovides an intXastuctue ohexe data is

bxaken intoSmall chunks encxupted K distibuted
ss mul tiple nodes Ccomputexs) in peex- to -peex

Ihis ensuxes data xemains Qccessible

censokship- xesistant even if same nodes q0
Suuaxmn opexates on the psinciple that lisexs
Contiäbute theix unused stoxage K bandwidth to
netuuoxk and inxetUknecelve incentives

The plattoxm also lss Cyyptagiaphictechniques

to maintain Ldata inteqaity secuxts

Usexs intexact with Suwaxm though a hahtweight

chent which seamlessls integ1ates uith othex
companents of Ethenearm ecasustem Iike Smaxt contaacts.
Chunk 248TA9 Node 2
Node 4
File Chunk 344AoD
Node 4
Chunk FFOI9A

R is pashculaxls suited fox USe

use cases ike
decertbxaliged applications CdApps)Ale stoxage K
hoshng mebsites in decentaaliagd managr
Suasm Suppasts Ethexeums goals by ensukinq
that. data is stoxed secuxels shaxed efRcientls
and xemains tampex - pxao ohicha is vital fox

Snaxt Cantxacts
A Smat cantxact is a selt- executing diatal
Contxact with texms af aqrement dixectls.
uxitten into code

onblackchain netuoxks ensukng that

it is secuxe txanspaxent immutable
Smast Cantxacts aurtomaticalls execute speciflc
actions ushen pxedetex mined
conditions axe met
eliminating fox intemediazies ike lauyexs ox
nneed fox

Fox eg amaxto contxact tax xentinq. an

apaxtment Can xelease Secuxty deposit back to
tenant if landloxd canfms thatpxapeits
xetuxnedin qnod condition

Puxpasea of Smaxt antsacts

The. paimaxy puxpose of smaxt Cantxacts is to
autamate agxeements K txansachans to xeduce
need fox intexmediaxies lauwex cCosts A minnimize
exxoxs L fxaud

They bring- etfciency txanspaxency Asecuzity to

pxocesses such 4s payments Supply chain
management, yatng systems etc.

Bu need fox tust in thixd paxties

smaxt contxacts empauex dApps E dive innovation.
in industes like fnance heathcaxe etc.
THpes of SmatContacts -nt

1 Snaxt legal Contxacts -

These axe legally binding ageements -uhere the
teums axe encaded intocantract

Thee ensuxen
en Campliance ith legal stondands
shileautomatingpxocesSes IRe pauyments ox
Seuice deliuexs
2) Decentaalige d Autanomaus Oxqanigahans CDAOS)
Snaxtontxa cts Can manageu entire -oxganiqations
A DAO Opexates accozding to xules encoded
into Smaxt Cantxacts
Cantxacts automating tasks Such as
tind allocatian OX x voting
DAOS axe open-Sounce K also teature txanspaxe ncs
and in theoxaxe incaoxxupible

3) Application Logic Contaacts CALC&) -

These Connect a smaxt ontract uith athex
Oxsystems, enableing-
enat intexachans
wth extenal data and APTs.

FOx instancethey can txgqex specitic actions

based on xeal- INaxld eyents iRe changes in
Ue athex Oxstack pices.
Tmplementahan af Smast Cantsacts using Solidits,
’ I) Defne Ruxposeofsmaxt contxact
Befoxe wsting any cade developex must identhfy
xpose tunchanalits ofsmaxt
oF Smakt contxact.

This invales ansueing quesions dike : What poblem

s conthact sdving? klhat axe its inputaitputs
Canditions ?

T White Salidity Cade-A

Develape1site code in Salidits a hiah-leel
pxaqamming Iongugqe designed fax hlockchain
plotoims like Ethexeum.

pzagna Soidits IL Deine salidity vession

Cantract Example Cantxact 2
addxess public Ounex I| State \axiable

wconstxuCtox c)£
msg. sendex | Set contact deplase as

funchanoaisetOunex addaesSneuuner) Public

xequixe msq.sendex == Qungr "Only ouoner can set
Qwnexsa NeWOuneron9

L) Test Contxact localls - i

Befoxe deplouing- contxact on blackchain, developess
USe testng enuixonments like Remix TOE.

Compile the Cade

Smaxt in Soliditu_
contxacts wtten Solidits must be
Compile d intobutecode that Ethexeum Vitua Machie
(Evm) can understand

Deplos the Contxact

Aftex testing and campilingcontxact is deployed
rto blockchain

. Deployment xequixes aa wallet (eq metamask) and

suffcieat Cxgptocuzeney Ceg Etheul th pay fo gas

Y Totesactwth Contxact -
Once deploued the contract becomes live &

intenactuith it hy callnq Hs Functions

Users -Can
0sing contact's add1ess

* WHISPER ( Decentxalged Messaging Platfom)

designed to
decentzaliged messaging pxatocal
enable secure
Secuxe pxivate anonymous
Cammunication betuueen useYS blackchain
Tt is a paxt o Ethexeum ecosusttm A woxks alongside
athex technalagies like Swaxm and Ethereum s.

Whispex allaus Us to exchange encxypted messagqes

unithaut xelying- On Centxaliged Servers
Ahis ensures thati the conuesohions kemain Condential
and Xesistant to Censoxship ox Suxveillan ce

ahispex aneates
apeates aSapeex-
as to-peex piotacal
Tnstead of sending messages thxough Ce ntxal sexex,
ohispex distàbutes therm acx0sS netwoxk ot nodes.
Fach message is encauptedand bxoadcasted to all.
nodes in netuaxk but onls the intended xe cipient
decxspt xead it using specific key
" To fuxthex pxatect
techniques like message padiaq empla
andom delays
to pxerent tacking- OX
metadata analysis

Ont af Whispe's main

wth dApps adantaqes isitsinteg1atiaon
FOx instance dApps Can USe Whispex to send
xeal-time updates ox tacilitate
peti=to - peer communicahan.
Houevex Wlhispe is not widels adapted todas due
to its
xesOceintensive natue scalability

* Ethexeum Vixtual Machine CEvm) -

EthereumVixtuoalMachine (Evm) is: a COxe component
Bhexeum blockchainthat acts as unhme
enuixonment tox executing Smaxt Contracts

I is ike a alabaldecentxali2ed computex that

ensures Smaxt Contxacts & dApps execute exactly
as pxoqammed. without downtime fiaud ox
is xespansiblefox pacessing txansackons
Evm isxesponsible
managing state changes on blockchaini entaxciag
Xules of Etheieum pxotocal.

opeiates in a Sandbaxed envixanment .e it

0sola+es the execution ot smaxt cont1acts tomaintain

Eum is desiqned to he 'Tizing Completele t can.

execute ans camputatonal task as lonq as
xesaunces (ike qas) axe auailable.

Dexelape1s ite Smaxt contzacts in hìgh- lexel

languagea like Salidity uhich axe then Compiled
into Bytecade that EuM can understand à execute
When a pexsan sends a txansactian to a emaxt
Contxact deplayed on Ethexeum euexs nade xuns.t

the smaxt cantxact x txansacthon thxough theix

" Tn this simulated enuixonment each node Can see

nhat +he end xesultnill beK whe+hex outcame
pxaduces 0 valid txansacthon OX not

TA all nades Xeach the same valid outcame

the changesaxe made A updated Ethexeum
StateisXecaxdedon blockchain.
Eg- platfomsCEvm)like Binance Smaxt Coin & Polugon
Ethexeum a compatble nhich means heeum
SmaxtD Contxacts Can xun seamlessls on these


Blockchain Case Gtudies.

Applications of Blockchain in Retail--
Blackchain technalogs. is xevclutioniging xetai.
industxy by addxeSsing challenge s like lack of
txanspaxency, inefficient Suppls chains Customex
data secuzity etc

Suppls Chain Txanspavencs -
Blackchain ensues full txanspaency in suppls chain
by xecoxding eves stag at pxaduct's jauaey, fam
manufactuzing to delivesaa immutable ledgex.
Retailens and CoNSumeis Can vexfy the oxigin
quality authenticits af goads
goads inin Xeal- ime
Fax eq Wlalmaxt uses blockchoin to txack food
pxoducts. ensu~ing then axe feshand sa

IF thexe is anissue Such ns contamiaatian

the Sounce Can be idenhfed instantls minimiginq
isks sauing time

2 Pxoduct Authenthcati
Countexfeit pxoducts signilfcant piablem
in xetail industs

Blockchain helps in pxoduct authenticatan bu
CXeating unique diqital xe coxd koy each tem

Luxuxy bxands like Lauis Vatton use blockchain to

txack yetfy authenthcits af theix pxoducts
giùng- ConsLmers Canfdencp in theix pnchases

By scanninq a GR cade ox usinq an app custamgs

Can checkhistax of pxoduct

3) Dynamic Paicing &Smaxt Cantixacts

lsing blackchaia x smat contxoacts, xetailexs can
autamate picng models baseduan Suppls demand
maxket conditions.

Fox eqtuin e-ommerce discauntscan he autamahcalls

applied to cextain ite ms nhen sales taxgets

Applications of Blackchain in. Banking Sexvices

’ACxnss BaxdexPauments -
Tsaditianal intexnational payments axe slow x
expensive due tointexmediaxies

Blockchain. stxeamlinesCxosS- haxdexpayments

by enabling peex-to peex txanstes withaut

a Fxaud Pseventian à Secuzity

Bankinq Systems tace xisks of fSaud ond

Blockchain enhances Secuxity bi using Cayptog1aphic

techaiques to stoxe txansachon data in
ManneX tamper- poot

a) Tdentity Vexiticahon CKYcl Ami)

Blockchain helps stxeamline Koow Your Customer (Kyc)
ond1 Anti- Money Laundexing CAm)
pocesSes bybu
CKeating shaxed
shaxed tampex- piaaf dgital
Banks an
Secuxelus access verified Customex
ondata on
blockchain xeducing duplication.
4 Laan Cxedit Automation -
Blackchain - poUeXed Smaxt ContaactsCan automate
loan agreements pauments
bis xemaves intermediazies xeduces adminstaahve
Casts a ensuxes txanspaxent lending pxacices.
* Applications of Blockchain in Financial Sexvices -

’ ) Asset Tokenigation
Blackchain allows tokenigatiaon of assets like
xeal estate atocks ox bonds

These tokens epxesent fxactional Ounexship

impxauing liquidity x makinq it easiex for inrestors
to tade aSSets

t2) Cayptac} Xencies X Stable Cains -

Blockchaioenables cXeation of cxptacuxàencies
ike Ritcoin stablecains like USDT

" These daital cukxencies pxouide fastexcheapex

baxdexless paument aptions compaxedto
txaditianal Sustems

3)TaSuxance Claims Smaxt Contxacts -

Blackohain artamates insuxance claims pxocessing
usingSMxt Cantxacts which execute clainms
nee pxedefined condihons axe met

This xeduces fxaud and speeds up payauts

Fox eq_ a blockchain - based txavel insuxance Sustem.
autamaticalls xeimbuyse Customers ifo
Araht is delayed
4 sade Finance
Txade Anance
Snance inyalves extensive papesuoxR
and delaus

Blockchain diaitiges K automates pxoceSsSes

ike issuing letters a cxedit X txackinq.

t Applications a Blockchainin Govexnment Sectax- -

’ ) Land xecoxds
Blockchain Can
Pxopexts egistxafians
mnaintain immutable &txanspaxent
xecoxd ot land auunership
xeducing fxaud K caxxuption pxonexty txansacthions
2 TdentityManagument
Govexnments car
Can use blockchain to Cxe ate SeCUre
diqital identhties fox citigens simplityinq
like passpoxt issuance tax Aling- piacesses
This ensures that
citigenspersona data xemains
pxatectedwhileoffesing efficitnt seuice delivens.
Supply Chain Manaqement -
" Blockchain ensueS
accountabilits txansparencu
ingorexnment pxacurementx suppls chains
minimiginq coxxupian X inefticiincies
4 Voting Systms. -
One of the most promising applicahans a
blockchain in qovexnMent sectox is secure txanspaent
Yating Systms

Txaditianal vating methads ofttn tace issues like

yotex fraud tampexing. uith xesults low votex
contidence etc


can salve these pxohlems in
Enhanced Secuzity -
Each yotecanabeseCurelu pcoxdedEin blockchoin
making it tamper <prna
i) Tanspaxency
Blockchain pxovides o txanspaxent system where
all votesaxe publicls yenfiable C
Cuuithout Xevealing.
vate x identities)

i) -
Accessibilty =
|m93 Blockchain- based vahng can enable xemote voing
allausing citiqans to cast theix vate secuxely from

i) Efciency - 20

Automated rote counthng on blockchaioeliminates

need fax manual tallying xeducing exxa
speeding up pxocess oF annauncinq xesults

t Applicatons Role
Rale ofo Blockchain
Blackchain inr Healtb Caxe -
+ "
Blackchain has the pattntial to
healthcaxe industay by impxoving dataxevaluionige
enhancing patient. pivacy_ n stxeamlining opeations
Key xales that blockchain plaus in healthcaxe
Secuxe Medical
Blackchain pravides a secuxe uay to sfoxe
patient Xecoxds ensuking that they cannot be
altexed Ox accessed wthaut pxapex authoxigaian
Patients Can gxant access totheix dato to
healthcaxe pkoiders 0s- needed. spacife
a) Tmpioved Data Shaing -
Blockchainallous seamless shaing af medical data
hetueen hospitals, clinics à labs, xeducing exxors_ in
diagnasis txeatment.

This also Suppaits cantinuity o caxe ahen

paients visit mutiple hehealthcare poudeis.
3 Enhanced Dxuq Supply Chain -
Blackchain can txack phaxmaceuticals hom paduchan
to deliyex ensuing authenticits & peventhng countenfeik
dxugs fom entexing maxket.

enhances txanspaiency in daug supply chain

ensuxeS patient satets

4 Etficient Tnsuxance Claims - lb

By aitomaking claims pxocessing thxough smaxt
cantxacts, blockchain minimiges disputes a delaus
betueen patient heatth Caxe pioviders insuxers.

This xeduces txaud ensuxes fimels settlement

of claims
s) Patient EmpaeXMent
Empouexment -baon
Blockchoain allous patients to have Complete
contxolovex theix health data, deciding uho
Can access t tox
This pramotes tust K girespatients qxeatex
aunexshipo theix heathauney


t Application Rle o Blackchainin ToT

Blackchain eliminates need tox centxal authozits
allauinq TaT deuices to communicate
nicate dìxecty uith

. This xeduces battlenecks ensures coninuous apeation

minimiges. isk a single point ot tailure af netwaxk
a Distibution -
Blockchain'sndistabutednature ensues data is
stoxed acxass multiple nodesin netwoxk
3) Tmnutabilits
Blackchain ensnesthat once data is uwatten
it cannot bemodi£ied oxhdeleted
This featune is Caucial tox ToT Susttms as it
Cxeates peamanentK temper proat log oF device

4Secuxty -
By using Cayptoguaphic techniques. blackchan
pxotects TAT data fiom unauthaxiged acCeSs

ach data enthislsvexifed a encyptdensuàing
deuices opérates secuiely eren in hostileennxonments.


5 Automahon wth Smaxt Contxacts-ninik

Smaxt cantaacts enable ToT deuices to execute
pxedefined actons automathcallyshen specitic
Lcanditions axe metonimle

" Föx eq a Smat thexmostat Cauldartamaticalls

täggex payment
payment fox enequ bills based Usage
ecazded bå ToI devices.

* Ise Cose of Blackchain Tntegtation in ToT

Let'ssee LSupply Chain Manaqement Suith

Blockchainaon sate

Real- time txacRing

ToT Sensors n attached to qoodsmonitox ocahon
tempextue humidity ete duzing txanspatati on.
The data ie Xecorded blackchain ensuzing
immutable Secuxe loq

" Föx eq a phaxma Campany Can use ToT sensars

to montox tempeature of vaccines duzing shipmet,
aloensuring they AXe othin 5ate dimits.
2) Fxaud Pxevenion -
Blockchain yexities authenticits
pxeventing countexfeting by cxeatng tampex pioo
diaital xecoxd of entixe pxoduct laifecuce

" Fax eg-,iin diamond indust ToT X

Oain ot diamonds to blockchain tàack
ensue10 they axe canfict- Aee
3) Tmp1oved Effcing
Smat contacts automate
xeleasing payments to Suppliens piocesseS Such as
theix uhen goods xeach
destinaian& meet Dedefoedcandiions.
" Fox e4 an
agicultual company could autamaticalls
faxmeis uhen TaT dexices contim that
have been delivÇuede to ciaps
4 End<to- End
Blackchain pioudes all
to end customers stakehaldesham
(uth accesS toSame
data taustworthy
t Applicatan of Blockchain in Enexqy K CHilities -
’ ) peex- to- Peex Eneguy
Blockchain enablesindiuiduals. ox businesses to
txade Suaplus eneiqs directlswith each gthex
usithaut needot inteumediabies ike uilits
Eq a
homeounexwth solax panels can sell
excess electicits to thelx nelghbors thiaugh.
blockchain ensu£ng tianspa1ent autamated

2) Reneuwable Eherqu Cextiticates CRECS) -

Blackchain is used to vexity K txock oziaia oe
able enerqu ensuxina hat cextificates fox
clean enegy axe authentie K tamperpraot
an Confdertlu
Campanies puchasing geen eneLgy con.
tmce the Sounce at enerqu tonwind solax faums.

3Smaxt Gids
Blackchain suppats Cxeathon of smaxt aids
Lohere Tat devices K SGensorS
K Seensns communicate efficieotlu

"Tt RnsuYeS. Secuxe a Xealtime data shazing

betuyeen devices tox bettex enexqy management

4 Micxogid Management
Blockchain facilitates management of micxaqiid
allauing Smal localiged enengusystems to
opoaate indepandently effcientls.
Eg in Xemote akeas
blockchain can help mana
micxogid that distbutes salax pauex among
cammunity ensuing faix sage
S) EMcientBilling x Payments -
Blackchain automates energy billing thxaugh
Smaxt ontxactsensuing accunate and timels

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