ROLL NO.____________
Q1. (A)Explain the functioning of each unit of computer with the help of block 5
(B)What are variables in C language? Write rules for naming any identifier. 3
(B) Write a program that compares two given dates. To store a date use a
structure that contains three members namely date, month and year. If dates 5
are equal than display the message "EQUAL" otherwise "UNEQUAL".
Q3. 2
(A) Can relational operations be performed on a string? Explain.
(B) What is the null character and what it is used for, in the context of the 2
Q4. (A)What are various bitwise operators available in C? How are they 2
different from logical operators?
(B) Find and store transpose of a non-square matrix (i) into a new matrix,
(ii) into itself without using any extra array/matrix. Display the result as 6
row-wise matrix.
Q5. (A)Write a modular program to find sum of 2 matrices. Matrices could be 8
non-square and orders should be read in main. Make separate functions for
(i) reading a matrix (ii) adding two matrices (iii) displaying a matrix
Q6. (A) Write a program to generate fibonacci series upto n (i.e. given number) 4
using while loop as well as do- while loop.